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Water Resources - The density of particles in the bottom deposits of water bodies is an important characteristic, which determines the rate of interaction between bottom water layers with the...  相似文献   

Water Resources - The effect of the horizontal dimensions of inland water bodies (lakes and reservoirs) on the vertical mixing processes is studied. We consider a three-dimensional hydrostatic...  相似文献   

A mathematical model of fresh groundwater flow from a semi-infinite confined aquifer into a sea (pool, trench, and the like) filled with salt water and having a freshwater layer above its horizon. To study this problem a mixed boundary-value problem of the theory of analytical functions is formulated and solved with the use of the Polubarinova-Kochina method. The obtained exact analytical relationships and numerical calculations are used to perform a detailed hydrodynamic analysis of the effect of the freshwater layer and other physical parameters of the model on the character and the extent of displacement.  相似文献   

天津地区咸水层水位映震能力的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2006年7月文安M5.1级与2008年3月卢龙ML4.4级2次地震震例,检验了天津地区咸水层水位较强的映震能力,提出在当前地下水开采干扰背景下进一步扩大咸水层水位动态观测的意见。  相似文献   

Although water resources managers speak of a water crisis in Africa, the management of ground water has to date not featured strongly in national and regional African water agendas. Examination of the physical environment of the continent and, in particular, the water resources in relation to the socioeconomic landscape and regional development challenges makes it clear that widely occurring, albeit largely low-yielding, ground water resources will be crucial in the achievement of water security and development. Ground water is important primarily in domestic water and sanitation services, but also for other local productive needs like community gardens, stock watering, and brick-making, all essential to secure a basic livelihood and thus to alleviate poverty. Despite the importance of small-scale farming in Africa, there is little information on the present and potential role of ground water in agriculture. In contrast to its socioeconomic and ecological importance, ground water has remained a poorly understood and managed resource. Widespread contamination of ground water resources is occurring, and the important environmental services of ground water are neglected. There appear to be critical shortcomings in the organizational framework and the building of institutional capacity for ground water. Addressing this challenge will require a much clearer understanding and articulation of ground water's role and contribution to national and regional development objectives and an integrated management framework, with top-down facilitation of local actions.  相似文献   

The filtration capacity of large-size cladoceras is examined. Cladoceras Simocephalus vetulus with a biomass of 1.6 g/l in flow-through ecosystems isolated from ichthyifauna can reduce phytoplankton biomass from 2.89 to 0.12 mg/l within 1 h. Particularly, the biomass of blue-green algae Anabaena spiroides decreases from 0.14 to 0.01 mg/l, and their filaments shorten. In the period when phytoplankton biomass in the water body was at maximum, the activity of cladoceras (biomass of 2.1 g/l) resulted in a decrease in this biomass in flow-through ecosystems by a factor of 13.6 (down to 0.34 mg/l). The decrease in phytoplankton biomass in flow-through ecosystems facilitated changes in its composition in the water body (an increase in the share of green algae) and was accompanied by an increase in water transparency.__________Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 371–379.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Pogozhev, Gerasimova.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the stable atmospheric boundary layer using techniques of nonlinear dynamical systems (MCNIDER et al., 1995) have shown that the equations support multiple solutions in certain parameter spaces. When geostrophic speed is used as a bifurcation parameter, two stable equilibria are found—a warm solution corresponding to the high-wind regime where the surface layer of the atmosphere stays coupled to the outer layer, and a cold solution corresponding to the low-wind, decoupled case. Between the stable equilibria is an unstable region where multiple solutions exist. The bifurcation diagram is a classic S shape with the foldback region showing the multiple solutions. These studies were carried out using a simple two-layer model of the atmosphere with a fairly complete surface energy budget. This allowed the dynamical analysis to be carried out on a coupled set of four ordinary differential equations. The present paper extends this work by examining additional bifurcation parameters and, more importantly, analyzing a set of partial differential equations with full vertical dependence. Simple mathematical representations of classical problems in dynamical analysis often exhibit interesting behavior, such as multiple solutions, that is not retained in the behavior of more complete representations. In the present case the S-shaped bifurcation diagram remains with only slight variations from the two-layer model. For the parameter space in the foldback region, the evolution of the boundary layer may be dramatically affected by the initial conditions at sunset. An eigenvalue analysis carried out to determine whether the system might support pure limit-cycle behavior showed that purely complex eigenvalues are not found. Thus, any cyclic behavior is likely to be transient.  相似文献   

Beznosov  V. N.  Suzdaleva  A. L. 《Water Resources》2001,28(4):396-398
Based on the results of experiments carried out in the Black Sea and Desnogorsk Reservoir, it is shown that the anthropogenic decrease in the temperature of water medium adversely affects the living organisms. This impact is proposed to be regarded as a case of thermal pollution.  相似文献   

为了研究含水率变化对成层状风化花岗岩边坡稳定性的影响,进行了一系列单调直剪试验.设置四种含水率(13%、17%、21%和25%)和三种干密度(ρd1、ρd2、ρd3),分析不同干密度下含水率对花岗岩残积土-全风化花岗岩界面剪切特性的影响.试验结果表明:在低含水率、高干密度和低竖向应力下,界面剪应力易发生剪切软化,反之,更易发生剪切硬化;含水率越高,最大剪胀量越小,且干密度越大,最大剪胀量受含水率变化的影响越小;含水率升高会大幅降低界面抗剪强度,且干密度越大、竖向应力越小,界面抗剪强度随含水率的变化率越大.  相似文献   

The filter-technical equipment of seven water works in a tropical region of India is described. The structure of the filter sand layer, the grain size distribution and the degree of uniformity are compared by means of tables. The uniformity coefficient of a good filter sand is smaller than 1.7. Besides physical properties, also the surface properties of the filter sand grains are of interest. Different analytical methods for determining the incrustation are described. The amount of the filter grain load also depends on age, i.e. on the service life of the filter sand. The efficiency of a filter plant is determined also by the regeneration process, i.e. by back-wash. This includes the methods of scouring with water only and the back-washing with water/air.  相似文献   

Dolgopolova  E. N. 《Water Resources》2000,27(6):611-616
The dimensionless Darcy–Weisbach coefficient of friction is used to evaluate the drag in channel flows. A developed turbulent flow with a quadratic drag law is considered. The dependence of the coefficient of friction on the cross-section shape of the channel flow is examined. A coefficient of the channel shape is introduced, which depends on the wetted perimeter and the flow width and allows the complicated geometry of the river cross-section to be taken into account in calculating the drag. The drag estimates calculated using the suggested technique are compared with other authors' estimates for flumes and rivers.  相似文献   

2003年6—7月梅雨期间,于太湖北部测定大气降雨、典型林冠穿透雨和地表径流水等样品的pH和N、P等营养元素化合物离子浓度,结果表明,林冠层穿透水pH平均值比大气自然降水高约1.2个pH单位,其中和酸性物质效率为82%-97%,中和能力显示出阔叶树大于阔、针叶混交树,阔、针叶混交树大于针叶树的规律,并计算比较了乔木冠层和草坪、村镇地表径流水相对于自然降水中的TN、TP比值.从而得出,树木冠层穿透水中的离子浓度的变化是对酸沉降的一种积极的响应.  相似文献   

The linear stability analysis of interstitial liquid within the mushy layer relative to a steady basic state is performed in order to incorporate the effect of uniform rotation on the onset of convective instability whose existence was found by Anderson and Worster (1996). The full set of non–dimensional governing equations for the temperature field, the local solid fraction and the fluid velocity are reduced asymptotically. In particular, the limit of small dimensionless mushy layer thickness, the limit of small differences between the initial and eutectic compositions of the liquid and the limit of large Stefan number are considered. The square root of Taylor number is assumed to be of the order unity. These simplifying assumptions involved in our analysis lead to a much simplified model which can essentially be solved analytically.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous nature of both groundwater discharge to a lake (inflow) and nitrate concentrations in groundwater can lead to significant errors in calculations of nutrient loading. Therefore, an integrated approach, combining groundwater flow and transport modelling with observed nitrate and ammonium groundwater concentrations, was used to estimate nitrate loading from a catchment via groundwater to an oligotrophic flow‐through lake (Lake Hampen, Denmark). The transport model was calibrated against three vertical nitrate profiles from multi‐level wells and 17 shallow wells bordering a crop field near the lake. Nitrate concentrations in groundwater discharging to the lake from the crop field were on average 70 times higher than in groundwater from forested areas. The crop field was responsible for 96% of the total nitrate loading (16.2 t NO3/year) to the lake even though the field only covered 4.5% of the catchment area. Consequently, a small change in land use in the catchment will have a large effect on the lake nutrient balance and possible lake restoration. The study is the first known attempt to estimate the decrease of nitrate loading via groundwater to a seepage lake when an identified catchment source (a crop field) is removed.  相似文献   

利用压电陶瓷的压电效应,研发出一种基于半主动控制的新型压电摩擦阻尼器,介绍其构造和工作原理。建立新型压电摩擦阻尼器的ABAQUS有限元模型,得出阻尼器在不同工况下的滞回曲线,并进行其滞回性能试验,用试验值验证阻尼器有限元模型的相似性,两者得到的阻尼器摩擦力变化趋势相近;采用ANSYS建立安装有新型压电摩擦阻尼器的输变电塔模型,利用MATLAB计算输变电塔模型各层的加速度响应,验证新型压电摩擦阻尼器在实际结构中的摩擦耗能性能,为其工程应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the smallest amount of organic carbon present in aquifer systems and is typically dwarfed by amounts of particulate organic carbon (POC) and adsorbed organic carbon (AOC). Research conducted over the last half century, however, has shown that these dissolved, particulate, and adsorbed compartments interact dynamically with each other. That suggests the hypothesis that the bioavailability of DOC in groundwater may indicate the bioavailability of the associated POC and AOC compartments as well. If that proves to be the case, it would greatly simplify the process of evaluating the bioavailability of total organic carbon present in groundwater systems. That hypothesis was examined by (1) comparing DOC bioavailability between two aquifers receiving modern atmospheric recharge, but with the recharge passing through POC/AOC sources of substantially different geologic ages, and (2) measuring POC/AOC bioavailability in sediments in from two aquifers before and after injection with bioavailable DOC consisting of dissolved sugars and emulsified vegetable oil. The results of both comparisons are consistent with the hypothesis that DOC bioavailability in groundwater reflects the bioavailability of the associated POC and AOC compartments and vice versa. Thus, DOC bioavailability may be a useful indicator of an aquifer's potential to drive reduction/oxidation processes that affect the chemical quality of groundwater.  相似文献   

不同的地震动输入面对地震反应分析结果的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用目前工程抗震设防上广泛应用的土层地震反应计算分析软件,对成都某典型卵石场地剖面进行了计算,得到了不同输入地震强度下的地震反应分析结果随不同地震动输入面的变化规律。结果表明,无论是地表加速度峰值,还是反应谱特征周期,在相同的地震动强度输入下,均是随着地震动输入面的变深而增大,其中加速度峰值最大增加20%以上,反应谱特征周期最大增加10%以上。此结论可为工程抗震设计人员获得科学合理的结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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