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The discovery of a previously unrecognized unconformity and of new faunas in the type Llandovery area underpins a revised correlation of Hirnantian strata in mid Wales. This has revealed the sedimentary and faunal events which affected the Lower Palaeozoic Welsh Basin during the global rise in sea level that followed the end‐Ordovician glacial maximum and has allowed their interpretation in the context of local and global influences. In peri‐basinal shelfal settings the onset of post‐glacial deepening is recorded by an unfossiliferous, transgressive shoreface sequence (Cwm Clyd Sandstone and Garth House formations) which rests unconformably on Rawtheyan rocks, deformed during an episode of pre‐Hirnantian tectonism. In the deep water facies of the basin centre, this same sequence boundary is now recognized as the contact between fine‐grained, re‐sedimented mudstones and an underlying regressive sequence of turbidite sandstones and conglomerates; it is at a level lower than previously cited and calls into question the established lithostratigraphy. In younger Hirnantian strata, graptolites associated with the newly recognized Ystradwalter Member (Chwefri Formation) demonstrate that this distal shelf unit correlates with the persculptus graptolite‐bearing Mottled Mudstone Member of the basinal succession. Together these members record an important macrofaunal recolonization of the Welsh Basin and mark a key event in the post‐glacial transgression. Further deepening saw the establishment of a stratified water column and the imposition of anoxic bottom water conditions across the basin floor. These post‐glacial Hirnantian events are consistent with the re‐establishment of connections between a silled Welsh Basin and the open Iapetus Ocean. However, a comparison with other areas suggests that each event records a separate deepening episode within a pulsed glacio‐eustatic transgression, while also reflecting changes in post‐glacial climate and patterns of oceanic circulation and associated biotic flux. British Geological Survey © NERC 2009. All rights reserved.  相似文献   




The Rhuddnant Grits turbidite system was deposited within an elongate, fault-bounded trough in the late Llandovery (Telychian) Welsh Basin. Two groups of sandstones are identified within the system: high-matrix sandstones and laminated sandstones. The high-matrix sandstones are medium to very thick bedded, fine to very coarse-grained muddy sandstones. The high-matrix sandstone beds are almost entirely structureless and have several features indicative of deposition from high density turbidity currents, probably undergoing late stage debris flow behaviour (e.g. grain size discontinuities, inverse grading, floating clasts). The laminated sandstones are thin to very thin bedded, fine-grained and have a distinctive mud/silt lamination. Tractional structures and convolution are common in these beds. They were probably deposited by slow moving, dilute turbidity currents. Dissimilar palaeocurrent vectors and estimates of flow properties from the two types of sandstone support the contrasting nature of the depositing flows. A coarsening and thickening upwards trend is identified in the laminated sandstones of the Rhuddnant Grits Formation. This trend is not reflected in the high-matrix sandstone beds. Although the high-matrix sandstones appear in packets or groups within the laminated sandstone background, they were otherwise deposited in an entirely random manner throughout the exposed system. This may suggest that the two types of sandstone are the result of different triggering mechanisms at source, or of contrasting flow properties developed early in the flow histories.  相似文献   

通过岩石薄片分析和石英阴极发光特征,对巴彦浩特盆地石炭系进行物源分析.结果表明,该盆地石炭系存在北部阿拉善古陆、东南部陇西古陆、西部龙首山隆起及东部骡子山隆起4个物源方向,母岩分别为太古界及元古界变质岩、前石炭系沉积岩及加里东期岩浆岩.古物源与沉积体系具良好空间配置关系,通过野外剖面观察,结合物源和相标志,认为研究区石炭系早期主要受阿拉善古陆影响,发育障壁海岸和混积陆棚相,中晚期受多物源共同影响,发育障壁海岸、无障壁海岸、扇三角洲、曲流河三角洲和混积陆棚相.  相似文献   

漠河盆地上侏罗统物源分析及其地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了探讨晚侏罗世漠河盆地的构造类型,笔者等对其物源特征进行了系统分析。通过古水流分析、母岩成分分析和源区构造背景分析认为:①晚侏罗世漠河盆地的物源来自南北两个方向;②北部物源区位于西伯利亚板块南缘,为蒙古—鄂霍茨克造山带,母岩成分主要为花岗岩、变质岩、中酸性火山岩、中基性火山岩和沉积岩;③南部物源区位于大兴安岭北部,为下伏板块基底,母岩成分主要为花岗岩、变质岩和沉积岩;④北部造山带物源区的构造背景为早中生代的活动大陆边缘。晚侏罗世漠河盆地具有典型前陆盆地的双向物源特征,一方面来自北部造山带,一方面来自盆地下伏板块基底。根据物源特征、区域大地构造背景和俄罗斯上阿穆尔盆地(黑龙江在俄罗斯称为阿穆尔河)有关资料认为晚侏罗世漠河盆地可能为漠河—上阿穆尔周缘前陆盆地的南半部分,其形成和演化受蒙古—鄂霍茨克造山带制约。  相似文献   

Ordovician stratigraphy between the Sugarloaf and the Wye valley is summarized with particular attention given to the area northeast of Abergwesyn. New data refine thickness estimates for the Cerriggwynion Formation, the Trembyd Formation (new), and the Cefn Cynllaith Formation (new). The major Bron Rhudd Fault is suggested to have been a synsedimentary down-to-basin fault which was later reactivated, folded, and suffered local reversal of throw. Roll-over into this fault controlled deposition of mass-flow conglomerates in a perched basin. During the late Ordovician-early Silurian the axis of the Tywi Anticline underlay a non-depositional slope which developed by northwest-directed progradation of a shelf margin, possibly accentuated by flexure over a basement fault zone with contemporaneous basin-down normal movement. The slope angle cannot be estimated from the geometry of the Ordovician because the contemporaneous throw on the Bron Rhudd Fault cannot be determined, but from the rate of Silurian onlap it was about 5 degrees.  相似文献   

We analyzed the clay mineral assemblages, content and mineralogical characteristics of Hole U1438A sediment recovered from Amami Sankaku Basin during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) expedition 351. The results show that the clay minerals are mainly composed of illite (average 57%), smectite (average 26%), chlorite (average 14%) and minor kaolinite(average 3%). The crystallinity of illite in all samples are good (<0.4 Δ° 2θ), and the chemical indexes of illite in all samples are low (<0.4). Both indicate that illite in Hole U1438A formed in cold and dry climate. By comparing clay mineral assemblages of hole U1438A and the potential sediment sources, we suggest that smectite be mainly derived from the volcanic materials around Amami Sankaku Basin. Illite, chlorite and kaolinite are mainly derived from the Asian dust. The ratios of (illite+chlorite)/smectite show a phased increase over the last 350 ka, which is consistent with the cold and drying trend of the Asian continent since late Pleistocene. The high ratios of (illite+chlorite)/smectite and (illite+chlorite)/kaolinite during glacial period indicate that much more Asian dust was input into the Amami Sankaku Basin, which are responded to the aridity of Asian continent and strengthened east Asian Monsoon during glacial period.  相似文献   

The Moel-y-Golfa Andesite is a discordant intrusive body of porphyritic pyroxene andesite, 1 km across and at least 200 m thick. Textural variation defines a central facies and a marginal facies, the latter displaying well-formed lobes, tubes, and pillows. The vertically stacked lobes, brecciated tubes, and elongate pillows of andesite intrude and locally enclose enclaves of altered host sediment and are cut by steeply dipping slide scars. The host sediments are locally strongly silicified and cut by numerous, anastomosed vertical and subvertical fissures. Fissures are filled by disrupted host sediment and fragments of brecciated andesite. The formation and filling of each fissure system was probably concomitant with the brecciation of an intrusive magma lobe. The complex relationship of igneous and sedimentary material indicates that the Moel-y-Golfa Andesite was emplaced into the host sediments whilst they were unconsolidated or only partly lithified.  相似文献   

苏北盆地东台坳陷砂岩统计结果表明,碎屑岩岩屑以火成岩和变质岩岩屑为主,早期(泰州组)以火成岩岩屑为主,晚期(古新统)以变质岩岩屑为主。Dickinson三角投图表明,物源区的大地构造背景属于再旋回造山带。东台坳陷重矿物纵向上变化特征指示古近纪三垛组沉积时期,物源区隆升强烈,剥蚀加速,导致不稳定重矿物显著增加。物源区对比结果揭示出张八岭隆起带是东台坳陷碎屑岩的主要物源区, 其抬升过程对苏北盆地古近系的沉降活动具有强烈的控制作用。  相似文献   

Sedimentary sequences through the uppermost Ordovician (Hirnantian), Kosov Formation, are described. The Kosov Formation is a shale-dominated formation with two thin horizons of sandy diamictites near the base and two ‘flysch’ units separated by shales forming the main part of the formation, which is overlain abruptly by Silurian graptolitic shales. The diamictites are interpreted as of glaciomarine origin, probably deposited from coastal winter ice. The flysch units have many beds with hummocky cross-stratification and wave-ripples indicating deposition from storm generated currents above storm wave-base. The shales between the two flysch units have thin interbedded sandstones and siltstones with mainly unidirectional current structures, but also some wave-ripples, suggesting deposition around storm wave-base. The sequence shows clear evidence of two regressive phases, the second of which is the more pronounced, followed by rapid transgression near the Ordovician/Silurian boundary. The regressions and subsequent transgression are interpreted as being caused by Hirnantian glacioeustatic changes rather than being tectonic in origin. The importance of the glaciomarine diamictites is that they record the onset of cold climatic conditions in the region as being early Hirnantian. The disappearance of most of the fauna at about the same time might reflect the influence of low temperatures on faunal diversity, and could have significance for the end Ordovician extinction.  相似文献   

In this provenance study of late Palaeozoic metasediments of the Eastern Andean Metamorphic Complex (EAMC) along the south Patagonian proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana, the palaeogeological setting of the continental margin in Devonian–Carboniferous and Permian times is reconstructed. The study is based on detrital heavy mineral contents, chemical compositions of tourmaline grains, and whole rock element and Nd-Sr isotopic compositions. Element and isotopic compositions reveal that Devonian–Carboniferous metaturbidites deposited before the development of a Late Carboniferous–Permian magmatic arc along the margin were mainly fed from felsic, recycled, old continental rocks. The last recycling phase involved erosion of metasediments that were exposed in Patagonia. Feeder systems to the basin cut either through epidote-rich or garnet-rich metasediments. In Permian time, EAMC metaturbidites were deposited next to the evolving magmatic arc and were derived from felsic, crustal rocks. Two provenance domains are recognised. The metasediments of the northern one are chemically similar to those of the Devonian–Carboniferous metasediments. This domain was fed from the metasedimentary host rocks of the magmatic arc. The southern domain probably was fed from the arc proper, as indicated mainly by the dominance of metaplutonic lithic fragments, abundant detrital biotite, and the major element composition of the metasediments.  相似文献   

A fining-upward, siliciclastic sequence of Wenlock strata, coarsely rudaceous at the base, infilled a canyon, about 4.5 km wide and 1700 m deep, in older strata. The rudaceous deposits, at the flat base of the canyon, are composed mainly of rounded cobbles and boulders of acid volcanic rocks. These are interpreted as cohesionless debris-flow deposits that were succeeded by northward-directed high concentration turbidity currents. The infill is deduced to have been derived from a terrain of acid volcanic rocks to the south, similar in Nd isotope composition to the Llewelyn Volcanic Group of Snowdonia. It implies mid-Silurian uplift and erosion of the Harlech Dome.  相似文献   

Provenance studies have been performed utilising major and trace elements, Nd systematics, whole rock Pb–Pb isotopes and zircon U/Pb SHRIMP data on metasedimentary rocks of the Sierra de San Luis (Nogolí Metamorphic Complex, Pringles Metamorphic Complex, Conlara Metamorphic Complex and San Luis Formation) and the Puncoviscana Formation of the Cordillera Oriental. The goal was the characterisation of the different domains in the study area and to give insights to the location of the source rocks. An active continental margin setting with typical composition of the upper continental crust is depicted for all the complexes using major and trace elements. The Pringles Metamorphic Complex shows indications for crustal recycling, pointing to a bimodal provenance. Major volcanic input has to be rejected due to Th/Sc, Y/Ni and Cr/V ratios for all units. The εNd(540 Ma) data is lower for the San Luis Formation and higher for the Conlara Metamorphic Complex, as compared to the other units, in which a good consistency is given. This is similar to the TDM ages, where the metapsammitic samples of the San Luis Formation are slightly older. The spread of data is largest for the Pringles Metamorphic Complex, again implying two different sources. The whole rock 207Pb/206Pb isotopic data lies in between the South American and African sources, excluding Laurentian provenances. The whole rock Pb–Pb data is almost indistinguishable in the different investigated domains. Only the PMC shows slightly elevated 208Pb/204Pb values. Possible source rocks for the different domains could be the Quebrada Choja in the Central Arequipa–Antofalla domain, the Southern domain of the Arequipa–Antofalla basement, the Brazilian shield or southern Africa. Zircon SHRIMP data point to a connection between the Puncoviscana Formation and the Conlara Metamorphic Complex. Two maxima around 600 Ma and around 1000 Ma have been determined. The Nogolí Metamorphic Complex and the Pringles Metamorphic Complex show one peak of detrital zircons around 550 Ma, and only a few grains are older than 700 Ma. The detrital zircon ages for the San Luis Formation show age ranges between 590 and 550 Ma. A common basin can be assumed for the Conlara Metamorphic Complex and the Puncoviscana Formation, but the available data support different sources for the rest of the Complexes of the Sierra de San Luis. These share the diminished importance or the lack of the Grenvillian detrital peak, a common feature for the late Cambrian–early Ordovician basins of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, in contrast to the Sierras de Córdoba, the PVF and the Conlara Metamorphic Complex.  相似文献   

Mineral chemistry, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on white micas and Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology (AFTT), are applied here to study the provenance of the synorogenic Molare Formation (lowermost unit of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin clastic sequence). The Molare Formation was deposited during transgression onto the Ligurian Alps nappe stack in the Early Oligocene. Depositional facies show that clastic distribution remained transversal, with local sources located just landward from the coastline. Phengite mineral chemistry together with 40Ar/39Ar data clearly shows two distinctive source areas, each one mirroring the composition of the basement directly beneath the clastic sequence. Amphibole mineral chemistry allows second order provenance distinctions within each sector, reflecting heterogeneous metamorphic evolution of the bedrock complexes. Integrated 40Ar/39Ar dating and AFTT suggest that, following a fast cooling/exhumation episode of the Ligurian Alps during the Oligocene, very little net uplift has since occurred. This is due to a period of general subsidence from the Oligocene–Late Miocene followed by comparable uplift from Late Miocene–Pliocene to the present. In general our data provide an image of the Ligurian Alps during the Oligocene, which is very similar to the present-day one.This revised version was published online in September 2003.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区延长组物源区构造属性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鄂尔多斯盆地延长组物源区的构造属性和物源方向一直是研究热点,但存在不确定性。为加深对这一问题的理解, 文中选择陇东地区三叠系延长组长8-长6沉积期的砂岩,通过对岩矿特征以及稀土元素地球化学特征及配分模式分析,研 究了物源区的母岩构造属性及不同地区的母岩差异性。结果表明陇东地区延长组长8-长6沉积期母岩主要来自火山弧物源 区及与褶皱逆冲相关的过渡大陆物源区,但是研究区西部环县、演武地区长7-长6沉积期的部分物源还有来自稳定克拉通 的陆块物源区,展示出差异性。砂岩稀土元素丰度分析发现,轻稀土元素相对富集,重稀土元素相对亏损,Eu元素负异 常,反映源区主要与花岗质地壳物质有关,以含较多的长英质岩性为特征。将陇东地区东北部、西北部、西南部、南部的 样品与盆地周缘古陆各类岩石的稀土元素配分模式进行了对比,发现稀土元素配分模式既普遍具有右倾的特征,又具有一 定的差异性,各地区样品稀土元素配分模式均能与盆地周缘古陆匹配良好,反映了母岩来源与构造属性的差异性。  相似文献   

This paper reports the integrated application of petrographic and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses for studying the provenance of the Neoproterozoic Maricá Formation, southern Brazil. This unit encompasses sedimentary rocks of fluvial and marine affiliations. In the lower fluvial succession, sandstones plot in the “craton interior” and “transitional continental” fields of the QFL diagram. Chemical weathering probably caused the decrease of the 147Sm/144Nd ratios to 0.0826 and 0.0960, consequently lowering originally > 2.0 Ga TDM ages to 1.76 and 1.81 Ga. 143Nd/144Nd ratios are also low (0.511521 to 0.511633), corresponding to negative εNd present-day values (− 21.8 and − 19.6). In the intermediate marine succession, sandstones plot in the “dissected arc” field, reflecting the input of andesitic clasts. Siltstones and shales reveal low 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.511429 to 0.511710), εNd values of − 18.1 and − 23.6, and TDM ages of 2.16 and 2.37 Ga. Sandstones of the upper fluvial succession have “dissected arc” and “recycled orogen” provenance. 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios are also relatively low, from 0.511487 to 0.511560, corresponding to εNd values of − 22.4 and − 21.0 and TDM of 2.07 Ga. A uniform granite–gneissic basement block of Paleoproterozoic age, with subordinate volcanic rocks, is suggested as the main sediment source of the Maricá Formation.  相似文献   

A series of individual turbidites, correlated over distances >100 km, are present in the recent fill of the Agadir Basin, offshore northwest Africa. The aim here is to unravel multiple turbidite source areas and flow pathways, and show how turbidite provenance studies contribute to interpretation of flow processes. Agadir Basin turbidites are sourced from four main areas, with the majority originating from the siliciclastic Morocco Shelf; their sand-mud distribution is strongly controlled by flow sediment volume, with relatively low-volume flows dying out within the Agadir Basin and large-volume flows bypassing significant sediment volumes to basins further downslope. Two large-volume volcaniclastic turbidites are attributed to a Canary Islands landslide source, while several small mud-dominated turbidites are interpreted to be locally sourced from hemipelagic-draped seamounts (e.g. Turbidite AB10). Finally, Turbidite AB1 (∼1 ka) is only present in the western Agadir Basin, and is linked to recent “re-activation” of the Sahara Slide headwall. The muddy suspension clouds of three large-volume flows, all linked to large-scale landslides, have covered huge areas of seafloor and flowed along or even slightly upslope for long distances. It is proposed that northeastwards-flowing bottom currents have aided transport of these dilute flow fractions into and across the Agadir Basin.  相似文献   

The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary interval in the northern hemisphere is characterized by the widespread occurrence of black shales. About 60% of all petroleum source rocks comprise sediments of late Jurassic and early Cretaceous age with the origin of such black shales still under discussion. In order to better understand the factors that controlled black shale sedimentation, 78 samples were analyzed for calcareous nannofossils from two sections (Gorodische, Kashpir) of the Volga Basin (NE Russia). Calcareous nannofossils are ideal proxies for deciphering nutrient, temperature and salinity fluctuations. Additionally 58 samples from both sections were also analyzed for clay mineralogy, 13Corg , TOC and CaCO3 composition. Both sections contain calcareous claystones and intercalated organic rich shales overlain by phosphorite beds. The presence of the calcareous nannofossil species Stephanolithion atmetros throughout both successions allows a biostratigraphic assignment to the S. atmetros Nannofossil Biozone (NJ 17), which corresponds to the Dorsoplanites panderi Ammonite Biozone of the Middle Volgian. The marlstones of the Kashpir section yield a well-preserved rich and diverse nannoflora, whereas all black shale beds are essentially barren of calcareous nannofossils. Only the uppermost black shale layers yield an impoverished assemblage of low diversity and abundance. Geochemical data suggest an early diagenetic nannofossil dissolution in the black shales of the Kashpir section. This is supported by the occurrence of coccoliths in black shale horizons of the Gorodische section. The assemblages in both sections are dominated by coccoliths of the Watznaueriaceae group (Watznaueria barnesae, Watznaueria fossacincta, Watznaueria britannica, Watznaueria communis), Biscutum constans and Zeugrhabdotus erectus. In Kashpir rare specimens of Crucibiscutum salebrosum occur in the higher part of the section. These taxa indicate boreal affinities. B. constans and Z. erectus are considered to be taxa indicative of a higher productive environment, while C. salebrosum is a cool-water species. From base to top of the Kashpir section, consecutive mass occurrences of different taxa/groups were observed: W. barnesae–W. fossacincta acme, W. britannica–W. communis acme, Z. erectus acme, B. constans acme (including sparse occurrences of C. salebrosum).The observed distribution patterns have been interpreted as characterizing a transition from a low productive, oligotrophic setting with high abundances of K-selected cosmopolitan species (Watznaueriaceae) and predominating marlstone sedimentation to a higher productive, mesotrophic setting. Cooler water temperatures marked by r-selection and acmes of opportunistic species (Z. erectus, B. constans) are coincident with the deposition of black shales and phosphorites in the higher part of the section. Interpretation of clay mineral distribution indicates that black shale deposition occurred under semi-arid hinterland climatic conditions concomitant with a sea level rise. This induced dysoxic conditions in the deeper parts of the Volga Basin, favoring the preservation of organic matter. The cause of the nutrient enrichment in the surface water is still unclear, but possible river water input from the continents does not seem to have been the controlling factor under a semi-arid climate. The occurrence of phosphorites in the upper part of both sections presumably indicates that enhanced productivity may be better explained by the upwelling of nutrient-rich bottom water and thereby causing the recycling of nutrients from oxidized phytoplankton back into the photic zone. This recycling effect finally may have led to an intensified phytoplankton growth which seemed to be a sufficient source for the enrichment of organic matter. This is well correlated with the increase in black shale horizons in the upper part of the Kashpir section.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the provenance of Late Cretaceous sandstones deposited along the south flank of the Golfo San Jorge Basin. For this purpose, detrital modes of three hundred thirty-seven sandstone samples collected in the Mina del Carmen, Bajo Barreal, and Cañadón Seco Formations were studied in ten oil fields. According to the modal composition of the sandstones, six petrofacies were defined allowing the identification of not only principal, but also secondary provenance areas. The QVM and VQM petrofacies are more than 20% metamorphic, sedimentary, and polycrystalline quartz clasts (Lm + Ls + Qpg > 20%), evidencing a secondary signal of basement supply masked by a predominant volcanic provenance. The petrofacies VP and VF are characterized by Lm + Ls + Qpg <20% and more than 20% total feldspar (Pm + Om >20%.), which indicate a supply of sediment from volcanic terrains and scarce derivation of materials from basement rocks. Based on the plagioclase/k-feldspar ratio, the VF petrofacies is interpreted to be dominated by the supply of sand grains from the Andean volcanic-arc, while VP is supposed have originated through the erosion of intermediate volcanic rock outcroppings in the Macizo del Deseado. Finally, both the VQ and QV petrofacies show Lm + Ls + Qpg <20% and Pm + Om<20%, indicating a provenance of volcanic areas coupled with minor contributions from basement rocks. During the Late Cretaceous, the Golfo San Jorge Basin underwent a sag phase that was characterized by very scarce volcanism and tectonic activity. Although these conditions did not favor defined patterns in the vertical stacking of petrofacies, the sandstones exhibit remarkable changes in their regional distribution, which were determined by the paleogeography of the basin and differences in basement composition within the source areas. Finally, a paleogeographic model for sediment circulation in the basin is proposed. This model recognizes the main fluvial dispersal trends that flowed northwest to southeast and transported large amounts of volcanic clasts (associated with petrofacies VF-VQ). To the extent that rivers flowed eastward, a secondary supply from the Precambrian basement, which were composed of low-to high-grade metamorphic rocks, was also important (petrofacies association VQM and QVM). The southwestern area of the basin is dominated by VP petrofacies that record the supply of plagioclase-rich volcanic clasts. This petrofacies likely corresponds to the erosion of Jurassic volcanic units that crop out in the Macizo del Deseado.  相似文献   

The Djado Basin (Niger) was located beneath the inner part of the Late Ordovician ice sheet. The Felar‐Felar Formation consists mainly of glaciomarine deposits, associated with the major ice sheet recession within the glaciation, and is bounded by two glacial unconformities. Structures corresponding to sandstone ridges are found within the Felar‐Felar Formation. Sandstone ridges are several metres high, about 10 m wide and hundreds of metres long. These structures are organized in extensive anastomosed to sub‐polygonal networks. The association of sandstone ridge networks with the later glacial unconformity and with other glacial evidence suggests sub‐glacial conditions for their origin. Sandstone ridge sedimentological characteristics indicate that sandstone ridges result from the scouring of the Felar‐Felar Formation by sub‐glacial, turbulent and pressurized meltwater; then sub‐glacial cavities were infilled with sand derived from glacial abrasion. Sandstone ridge networks are comparable with tunnel channels and document unusual drainage structures of the inner part of the palaeo‐ice sheet.  相似文献   

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