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斜向扩张是超慢速扩张洋中脊独特的构造特征,其地形分段特征明显区别于经典的快速-慢速端元洋中脊模型,是理解超慢速扩张洋中脊地质过程的重要切入点.基于西南印度洋中脊Indomed-Gallieni和Shaka-DuToit段多波束地形数据,分析了不同斜向扩张角度(α)洋中脊的地形分段样式.其中,46.5°~47.5°E(α...  相似文献   

The Late Tertiary shallow subduction of the Cocos ridge under the Caribbean plate controlled the evolution of the Cordillera de Talamanca in southeast Costa Rica, which is a mountain range that consists mainly of granitoids formed in a volcanic arc setting. Fission track thermochronology using zircon and apatite, as well as 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr age data of amphibole and biotite in granitoid rocks constrain the thermal history of the Cordillera de Talamanca and the age of onset of subduction of the Cocos ridge. Shallow intrusion of granitoid melts resulted in fast and isobaric cooling. A weighted mean zircon fission track age (13 analyses) and Rb–Sr biotite ages of about 10 Ma suggest rapid cooling and give minimum ages for granitoid emplacement. In some cases 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr apparent ages of amphibole and biotite are younger than the zircon fission track ages, which can be attributed to partial resetting by hydrothermal alteration. Apatite fission track ages range from 4.8 to 1.7 Ma but show no correlation with the 3090-m elevation span over which they were sampled. The apatite ages seem to indicate rapid exhumation caused by tectonic and isostatic processes. The combination of the apatite fission track ages with subduction parameters of the Cocos plate such as subduction angle, plate convergence rate and distance of the Cordillera de Talamanca to the trench implies that the Cocos ridge entered the Middle America Trench between 5.5 and 3.5 Ma.  相似文献   

Modern massive sulfide deposits are known to occur in diverse tectonic settings and it is generally expected that hydrothermal deposits of similar geological settings shall have more or less similar mineralogical and geochemical signatures. However, the Mount Jourdanne sulfide deposits along the super-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge deviate from this common concept. These sulfide precipitates are Zn-rich (up to 35 wt.%) and are characterized by high concentrations of Pb (≤ 3.5 wt.%), As (≤ 1.1 wt.%), Ag (≤ 0.12 wt.%), Au (≤ 11 ppm), Sb (≤ 967 ppm), and Cd (≤ 0.2 wt.%) which are unusual for a modern sediment-free mid-oceanic ridge system. Therefore, we have reinvestigated the sulfide samples collected during the INDOYO cruise in 1998, in order to explain their unusual mineralogy and geochemical composition. The sulfide samples are polymetallic and are classified as: a) chimneys, b) mounds, and c) hydrothermal breccias. The chimneys are small tube-like symmetrical bodies (30–40 cm high; ~ 10 cm diameter) and consist mainly of sphalerite and less chalcopyrite, set in a matrix of late amorphous silica. The inner wall shows a late-stage colloform sphalerite containing co-precipitates of galena and/or Pb–As sulfosalts. In contrast, the mound samples are dominated either by Fe-sulfides (pyrite) or by a mixture of pyrite and chalcopyrite with less sphalerite, pyrrhotite, amorphous silica and barite. Both, the chimney and mound samples, are characterized by layering and mineral zonation. The hydrothermal breccias are highly altered and mineralogically heterogeneous. They consist of silicified basaltic material that are impregnated with sulfides and contain cm-sized chimney fragments within a matrix of low-temperature minerals such as sphalerite and pyrite. The latter fragments mainly consist of chalcopyrite with isocubanite lamellae. In addition, these breccias contain late-stage realgar, boulangerite, galena, Pb–As sulfosalts and barite that are mostly confined to vugs or fractures. At least five mineralogical associations are distinguished that indicate different thermal episodes ranging from black smoker mineralization conditions to cessation of the hydrothermal activity. Based on the mineralogical associations and established literature in this regard, it is inferred that the mineralization at Mt. Jourdanne occurred mainly in three temperature domains. Above 300 °C, the chalcopyrite (with isocubanite)–pyrrhotite association formed whereas the sphalerite dominated assemblage with much less chalcopyrite and pyrite formed around and below 300 °C. The late-stage mineralization (below 200 °C) contains colloform sphalerite, galena, Pb–As sulfosalts, realgar and barite. The unusual mineralogy and trace element chemistry for this modern VHMS deposit could be explained assuming hydrothermal leaching of some felsic differentiates underneath the basaltic cover and subsequent zone refining processes.  相似文献   

Investigations of three plausible tectonic settings of the Kerguelen hotspot relative to the Wharton spreading center evoke the on-spreading-axis hotspot volcanism of Paleocene (60-54 Ma) age along the Ninetyeast Ridge. The hypothesis is consistent with magnetic lineations and abandoned spreading centers of the eastern Indian Ocean and seismic structure and radiometric dates of the Ninetyeast Ridge. Furthermore, it is supported by the occurrence of oceanic andesites at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 214, isotopically heterogeneous basalts at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 757 of approximately the same age (59-58 Ma) at both sites. Intermix basalts generated by plume-mid-ocean ridge (MOR) interaction, exist between 11° and 17°S along the Ninetyeast Ridge. A comparison of age profile along the Ninetyeast Ridge between ODP Sites 758 (82 Ma) and 756 (43 Ma) with similarly aged oceanic crust in the Central Indian Basin and Wharton Basin reveals the existence of extra oceanic crust spanning 11° latitude beneath the Ninetyeast Ridge. The extra crust is attributed to the transfer of lithospheric blocks from the Antarctic plate to the Indian plate through a series of southward ridge jumps at about 65, 54 and 42 Ma. Emplacement of volcanic rocks on the extra crust resulted from rapid northward motion (absolute) of the Indian plate. The Ninetyeast Ridge was originated when the spreading centers of the Wharton Ridge were absolutely moving northward with respect to a relatively stationary Kerguelen hotspot with multiple southward ridge jumps. In the process, the spreading center coincided with the Kerguelen hotspot and took place on-spreading-axis volcanism along the Ninetyeast Ridge.  相似文献   

Eight C3 chondrites were examined by the I129Xe129 dating method, to see whether their IXe “ages” (better, initial I129I127ratios ≡ R0) correlate with any other properties. The R0's range from 1.60 × 10?4 to 1.09 × 10?4, corresponding to IXe ages from 2.0 Myr before to 6.7 Myr after Murchison magnetite. Three C3O's (Lancé, Felix, Ornans) have essentially indistinguishable R0's of (1.41 ± 0.13) to (1.17 ± 0.10) × 10?4; the fourth C3O, Warrenton, is undatable owing to homogenization of radiogenic and trapped Xe.Four C3V's show a distinct spread: Vigarano and Grosnaja are highest [R0 = (1.60 ± 0.07) and (1.57 ± 0.14) × 10?4], Mokoia is intermediate, and Kaba is lowest [R0 = (1.38 ± 0.06) and (1.09 ± 0.10) × 10?4]. Literature values for Allende place it near Kaba. These R0's correlate inversely with 4 other properties: I-, Br-, and Cd-content, and olivine composition, both percent mean deviation (PMD) and proportion of iron-poor olivine grains (≤2% fayalite).It is difficult to accept the ~9 Myr spread in R0 as a true age, reflecting either nebular or parent-body processes. This time span is more than an order of magnitude longer than the lifetime of the solar nebula inferred from astronomical evidence. Nor does the degree of thermal metamorphism, which is slight for C3's anyway, correlate with R0. A more plausible interpretation is that the variations in R0 reflect mainly isotopic heterogeneity of iodine. The simplest model that accounts for the correlations with R0 involves mixing of two iodine components in the solar nebula, associated with gas and grains, respectively. The second, of lower I129I127 ratio, predominated at later times and thus became enriched in late-formed meteorites, along with other volatiles such as Cd and Br. The low Fe content and large PMD of olivine may reflect either less metamorphism owing to shallow location in the parent body, or greater reduction of Fe2+ during chondrule formation.  相似文献   

A wide compositional continuum of basalts has been erupted from near-ridge seamounts constructed on the Cocos Plate between the Clipperton and Orozco Francture Zones. They range from highly evolved to moderately primitive (3.0–7.8% MgO), LREE-enriched alkali basalts, to moderately evolved to near-primary (5.2–9.5% MgO) tholeiites indistinguishable from N-type MORB. The data set of 159 quench glass analyses exhibits a remarkably consistent variation in both major and trace element composition that is keyed to variations in (La/Sm). Modeling of potential liquid lines of descent at pressures ranging from 1 bar to 8 kbar shows that this covariation is partially due to systematic differences in liquid lines of descent, where the alkaline lavas have undergone substantially more high pressure clinopyroxene fractionation and substantially less low pressure plagioclase fractionation than the tholeiites. In addition, systematic variation in the composition of the more primitive glasses indicates that they were derived from mixing of discrete enriched and depleted melts in the heterogenous seamount mantle source at pressures of 8–10 kbar and greater, and that clinopyroxene may be a residual phase during partial melting. These results show that porous media flow in the seamount mantle source is minor and that melt transport is accomplished primarily through cracking and diking. This study supports suggestions that the general homogeneity of basalt along the EPR is due to mixing in sub-axial magma chambers and mush zones, with additional mixing during partial mantle melting and melt segregation.  相似文献   

New 40Ar–39Ar ages of 5.6 to 1.3 Ma for lavas from the fossil Phoenix Ridge in the Drake Passage show that magmatism continued for at least 2 Ma after the cessation of spreading at 3.3 ± 0.2 Ma. The Phoenix Ridge lavas are incompatible element-enriched relative to average MORB and show an increasing enrichment with decreasing age, corresponding to progressively decreasing degrees of partial melting of spinel peridotite after spreading stopped. The low-degree partial melts increasingly tap a mantle source with radiogenic Sr and Pb but unradiogenic Nd isotope ratios implying an ancient enrichment. The post-spreading magmas apparently form by buoyant ascent of enriched and easily fusible portions of the upper mantle. Only segments of fossil spreading ridges underlain by such enriched and fertile mantle show post-spreading volcanism frequently forming bathymetric highs. The Phoenix Ridge lavas belong to the Pacific, rather than the Atlantic, mantle domain in regional Sr–Nd–Pb space. Our new data show that the southern Pacific Ocean mantle is heterogeneous containing significant enriched portions that are preferentially tapped at low melt fractions. Isotopic mapping reveals that Pacific-type upper mantle flows eastward through Drake Passage and surrounds the subducting Phoenix Plate beneath the Bransfield Basin.  相似文献   

The data on the paleotsunami manifestations on some islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge are presented. The sedimentation features during the different-intensity tsunamis are analyzed and the timing of the most significant events and their recurrence in the middle-late Holocene were determined.  相似文献   

We have found clear evidence of live 10Be in five normal Type A Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), one normal Type B CAI, and one FUN Type A CAI, all from CV3 chondrites. The (10Be/9Be)0 ratios range from ∼0.36 × 10-3 to ∼0.77 × 10-3 and are similar to those found by previous workers. The (10Be/9Be)0 ratios do not correlate in a temporal fashion with (26Al/27Al)0, suggesting that 10Be and 26Al were produced by different mechanisms. An examination of possible sources for the short-lived radionuclides indicates that production of 10Be was almost certainly by particle irradiation, possibly within the solar system, and was probably accompanied by significant production of 41Ca and 53Mn. In contrast, all of the 60Fe, most of the 26Al, and some of the 53Mn were probably produced in stars and were imported into the solar system within presolar dust grains.  相似文献   

Paleogeographic evidence shows that the series of broad E-W anticlines and synclines on the Arabian Shield (Southern Hadramawt Arch, Wadi Hadramawt Syncline, Northern Hadramawt Arch, Rub Al Khali Syncline, Tuwaiq Homocline, Nafud Basin) are not old, inherited structures, but were formed in late Eocene and Oligocene times, as indicated by the warping of Middle Eocene sediments. The fold axes of these structures trend parallel to the Gulf of Aden, and their separation increases from S to N, i. e., with increasing distance from the Gulf of Aden. The most pronounced orogenic phase of the Toros mountain belt and the folding of the foreland belt (Lebanon, Antilebanon, Palmyra Arch, Jebel Sinjar, etc.) took place simultaneously with the warping of the shield. Furthermore, the early Tertiary Trap Volcanism occurs only in the neighborhood of the Gulf of Aden (Yemen, W-Aden Protectorate, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somaliland). Geophysical-oceanographic research in the Gulf of Aden suggests that emplacement of basic magmatic material forms a quasi-oceanic crust (sea-floor spreading) in that rift trough. This apparently causes the displacement of the continental blocks. The close connections in time as well as in directional trends of epirogenic, orogenic and volcanic activities on the Arabian Shield to the sea-floor spreading in the Gulf of Aden indicates tectonic interrelations.This impression is still emphasized, if one considers the younger tectonic development on the shield. The young Tertiary Aden-Volcanics Belt (Miocene-Recent) extends from the East African Rift system over the West Arabian Shield all the way up to Turkey, that is to say its trend is more or less parallel to the Red Sea. Warping effects (Ras en Naqb Uplift, Jafr Depression, Bayir Uplift, Wadi Sirhan Depression, Rutba Dome and the Mesopotanian Basin) on the northern part of the Arabian Shield, where the earlier developed (Aden Gulf-related) structures die out, can be related in time and direction to the rifting in the Red Sea. Faulting along the Aqaba-Dead Sea System is of the same age and cuts the foreland belt. Finally the folding of the Zagros mountain belt is of Miocene age too.The Arabian Shield, bounded by still-active rifting structures of different direction and age, provides a classical example of the effect of sea-floor spreading on a shield area itself, and on its surrounding instable belt. The correct interpretation of these tectonic connections eventually may allow far reaching, basic conclusions.
Zusammenfassung Die känozoische tektonische und vulkanologische Entwicklung auf und um den Arabischen Schild ist relativ jung und im Vergleich zu anderen Gegenden in ihrer Gesamtheit noch verhältnismäßig gut überschaubar. Sie bietet daher ein Beispiel, dessen Verständnis möglicherweise von grundlegender Bedeutung für die Interpretation gebirgsbildender Vorgänge werden kann.Der Arabische Schild ist im Süden und Südwesten umrahmt von den Rift-Systemen des Golfes von Aden und Roten Meeres, deren zentrale Teile durch quasi-ozeanische Kruste gekennzeichnet sind. Die Einschübe basischen magmatischen Materials (sea-floor spreading) in die Rifttröge verursachten offenbar eine Verdrängung der kontinentalen Blöcke (Bewegungssinn senkrecht zum Streichen der Zonen des aktiven sea-floor spreading). Jedenfalls läßt sich ein solcher Beanspruchungsplan von den verschiedenen tektonischen Teilvorgängen auf dem Arabischen Schild ableiten.Die Entwicklung des Golfes von Aden ist älter als die des Roten Meeres, und das gilt dementsprechend für die Eo- bis Oligozänen vulkanischen, epirogenen und orogenen Vorgänge, die räumlich und zeitlich Beziehungen zum Geschehen im Golf von Aden aufweisen (Trap-Vulkanismus, Verbiegungen des Süd- und Zentral-Arabischen Schildes und Auffaltung des Taurusgebirges und Palmyra-bogens). Alle Ereignisse, die räumliche Beziehungen zur Rotcn-Meer-Streichrichtung zeigen (Aden-Vulkanismus, epirogene Verbiegung des Nord-Arabischen Schildes und Auffaltung des Zagrosgebirges) sind jünger, d. h. seit dem Miozän besonders aktiv.

Résumé L'évidence paléogéographique montre que, comme l'indique le gauchissement des sédiments de l'Eocéne Moyen, les séries des grands géanticlinaux et synclinaux, orientés est-ouest, sur le craton arabique (S. Hadramawt Arc, Wadi Hadramawt syncline, N. Hadramawt géanticline, Rub Al Khali syncline, Tuwaiq homocline, Nafud bassin) ne sont pas des vieilles structures antérieures, mais ont été formés durant l'Eocéne et l'Oligocène. Les axes de plissement de ces structures ont tendance à être parallèles au Golfe d'Aden. Leur séparation augmente du sud vers le nord, c'est à dire de la même manière que leur distance du Golfe d'Aden augmente. La phase orogénique la plus prononcée de la ceinture montagneuse de Toros et les prémontagnes de l'Arabie septentrionale (Lebanon, Antilebanon, Palmyra Arc, Jebel Sinjar) eurent lieu au même moment que le gauchissement du craton arabique. Bien plus, le «Trap»-volcanisme du Tertiaire Inférieur n'a lieu que dans le voisinage du Golfe d'Aden (Yemen, W-Aden Protectorat, Éritrea, Ethiopia, Somali). Des recherches géophysiques et océanographiques dans le Golfe d'Aden et la Mer Rouge suggèrent que des emplacements de matériaux d'origine magmatique forment une croûte quasi-océanique («Sea-floor Spreading») dans le fossé d'effondrement. Ceci est apparement la cause du déplacement des blocs continentaux. Les proches coïncidences aussi bien en époque qu'en direction des activités épirogéniques, orogéniques et volcaniques entre le craton arabique et le «Sea-floor Spreading» du Golfe d'Aden indiquent des correspendances tectoniques.Cette impression est encore plus renforcée, si l'on considère les développements plus récents du craton arabique. La jeune ceinture Tertiaire d'«Aden»-Volcanisme (Miocène-Recent) s'étend depuid le rift d'Afrique de l'est jusqu'en Turquie au travers du craton arabique de l'ouest. Elle se trouve de ce fait être plus ou moins parallèle à la Mer Rouge. Les gauchissements (Ras En Naqb, Jafr dépression, Bayir hautes plaines, Wadi Sirhan bassin, Rutba dome, Bassin Mésopotanien) de la partie septentrionale du craton arabique, où disparaissent des structures (identiques à celles du Golfe d'Aden) dévelopées au paravent, peuvent être associées en temps et direction au « rifting » de la Mer Rouge. Les failles le long du système Aquaba-Mer Morte sont du même âge et coupent les prémontagnes de l'Arabie septentrionale. Finalement le plissement de la ceinture montagneuse de Zagros appartient aussi au Miocène.Le craton arabique délimité par des structures d'âge et de directions différentes et toujours en cours de séparation, est un example classique de l'effet de la «Sea-floor Spreading» sur un craton et sur sa ceinture instable environnante. L'interprétation correcte de ces effets tectoniques resultera, le cas échéant, en des conclusions fondamentales très importantes.

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Formerly Southwest Center for Advanced Studied P. O. Box 30 365 Dallas Texas 75 230(Contribution No.81).  相似文献   

Creation of the Cocos and Nazca plates by fission of the Farallon plate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Peter Lonsdale   《Tectonophysics》2005,404(3-4):237-264
Throughout the Early Tertiary the area of the Farallon oceanic plate was episodically diminished by detachment of large and small northern regions, which became independently moving plates and microplates. The nature and history of Farallon plate fragmentation has been inferred mainly from structural patterns on the western, Pacific-plate flank of the East Pacific Rise, because the fragmented eastern flank has been subducted. The final episode of plate fragmentation occurred at the beginning of the Miocene, when the Cocos plate was split off, leaving the much reduced Farallon plate to be renamed the Nazca plate, and initiating Cocos–Nazca spreading. Some Oligocene Farallon plate with rifted margins that are a direct record of this plate-splitting event has survived in the eastern tropical Pacific, most extensively off northern Peru and Ecuador. Small remnants of the conjugate northern rifted margin are exposed off Costa Rica, and perhaps south of Panama. Marine geophysical profiles (bathymetric, magnetic and seismic reflection) and multibeam sonar swaths across these rifted oceanic margins, combined with surveys of 30–20 Ma crust on the western rise-flank, indicate that (i) Localized lithospheric rupture to create a new plate boundary was preceded by plate stretching and fracturing in a belt several hundred km wide. Fissural volcanism along some of these fractures built volcanic ridges (e.g., Alvarado and Sarmiento Ridges) that are 1–2 km high and parallel to “absolute” Farallon plate motion; they closely resemble fissural ridges described from the young western flank of the present Pacific–Nazca rise. (ii) For 1–2 m.y. prior to final rupture of the Farallon plate, perhaps coinciding with the period of lithospheric stretching, the entire plate changed direction to a more easterly (“Nazca-like”) course; after the split the northern (Cocos) part reverted to a northeasterly absolute motion. (iii) The plate-splitting fracture that became the site of initial Cocos–Nazca spreading was a linear feature that, at least through the 680 km of ruptured Oligocene lithosphere known to have avoided subduction, did not follow any pre-existing feature on the Farallon plate, e.g., a “fracture zone” trail of a transform fault. (iv) The margins of surviving parts of the plate-splitting fracture have narrow shoulders raised by uplift of unloaded footwalls, and partially buried by fissural volcanism. (v) Cocos–Nazca spreading began at 23 Ma; reports of older Cocos–Nazca crust in the eastern Panama Basin were based on misidentified magnetic anomalies.There is increased evidence that the driving force for the 23 Ma fission of the Farallon plate was the divergence of slab-pull stresses at the Middle America and South America subduction zones. The timing and location of the split may have been influenced by (i) the increasingly divergent northeast slab pull at the Middle America subduction zone, which lengthened and reoriented because of motion between the North America and Caribbean plates; (ii) the slightly earlier detachment of a northern part of the plate that had been entering the California subduction zone, contributing a less divergent plate-driving stress; and (iii) weakening of older parts of the plate by the Galapagos hotspot, which had come to underlie the equatorial region, midway between the risecrest and the two subduction zones, by the Late Oligocene.  相似文献   

The Mozambique Ridge is an aseismic oceanic plateau in the southwestern Indian Ocean. During the separation of Antarctica and South Africa in the Early Cretaceous, the Mozambique Ridge was segmented by fracture zones which were assumed to become inactive during the Cenomanian, when Africa and Antarctica were finally separated. However, the existence of active normal faulting in the central part of the Mozambique Ridge was demonstrated by single and multichannel seismic surveys. Numerical modelling of the stress distribution caused by the crustal structure of the Mozambique Ridge and the adjacent oceanic basins suggests the possible existence of a zone with average horizontal tension up to 70 MPa along the central part of this passive ridge, which may cause the modern fault activity. These stresses also cause an additional dynamic anomaly which can explain small variations of the geoid anomaly over the ridge.  相似文献   

A diverse volcanic and plutonic rock suite was recovered from the center of the 80 km long ridge segment of the Southwest Indian Ridge (54°S, 7°16 E) between the Islas Orcadas and Shaka Fracture Zones. The cumulus nature of the gabbroic rocks in the suite is indicated by phase, modal and cryptic layering, igneous lamination, and low incompatible element abundances. We present a mass-balance model for calculating the proportions and compositions of cumulus phases and crystallized intercumulus liquid from bulk-rock major element compositions. The model is based on the ability to define a compositional array of basaltic liquids and on the assumption that cumulus minerals are initially in equilibrium with trapped liquid. Calculated proportions of trapped liquid range from 3%–15%; values that are characteristic of adcumulates to mesocumulates. Models of postcumulus crystallization indicate significant enrichments of incompatible elements and buffering of compatible elements in residual trapped liquids, thus explaining the high TiO2 contents observed in magnesian clinopyroxenes. Cumulus phase assemblages and compositions suggest solidification in shallow level magma chambers, but disequilibrium plagioclase compositions suggest some crystallization at greater depth. Furthermore, basalt compositions projected onto the olivine-clinopyroxenequartz pseudoternary suggest magma generation over a range of pressures (from less than 10 to greater than 20 kb) as well as polybaric fractional crystallization. We suggest that the Southwest Indian Ridge is characterized by low magma supply with small batches of melt that either ascend directly to the surface having undergone limited polybaric crystallization or are trapped in shallow crustal magma chambers where they evolve and solidify to form cumulate gabbros. The adcumulus nature of the gabbros investigated here suggests slow cooling rates typical of large intrusions implying relatively large, but ephemeral magma chambers below segments of the Southwest Indian Ridge.  相似文献   

The Knipovich Ridge extends for 550–600 km between the Mohns Ridge and the demarcation Spitsbergen Fracture Zone. The structural features of this ridge are repeatedly mentioned in the literature; however, substantial discrepancies remain in the treatment of its tectonics. New data on the structure of this ridge presented in this paper are based on the results of continuous seismic profiling in the area studied by the expedition of the Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate on the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov in 2006; 56 seismic lines allow us to depict zones differing in seismic records that provide insights into their internal tectonic structure. Interpretation of the seismic data makes it possible to compile maps of the acoustic basement surface and sedimentary cover thickness in the studied area. These maps expand our knowledge of the geological history and geodynamics of the Knipovich Ridge at the neotectonic stage of its evolution.  相似文献   

程石  周怀阳 《岩石学报》2019,35(11):3565-3577
人们对超慢速扩张洋中脊深部岩浆过程的了解至今仍十分模糊。我们对西南印度洋洋中脊(Southwest Indian Ridge,SWIR) 63. 9°E处采集到的斜长石超斑状玄武岩(Plagioclase Ultra-Phyric Basalt,PUB)进行了岩石学和地球化学研究。样品具有以下几个特征:斜长石斑晶的体积分数高达~25%,而橄榄石斑晶的体积分数约1%;尽管该样品中玻璃的成分与同一洋脊段玄武岩的成分基本一致,但高Fo橄榄石斑晶与玻璃基质的成分不平衡;不同类型的斜长石晶体之间存在成分差异,单个斜长石大斑晶中的An值也呈现出与正常的结晶分异过程不符的环带;斜长石斑晶中发育溶蚀、筛状等不平衡结构。因此,我们认为,斜长石超斑状玄武岩经历了多期次熔体的作用,是由通过密度分选聚集在岩浆房顶部的斜长石斑晶被之后的火山喷发带出海底形成。尽管斜长石超斑状玄武岩与同一洋脊段的非斑状玄武岩之间并不存在母熔体成分上的差别,但超斑状玄武岩的出现进一步反映了超慢速扩张洋壳岩浆活动的多样性。  相似文献   

Gravity and bathymetry data have been extensively used to infer the thermo-mechanical evolution of different segments of the oceanic lithosphere. It is now understood that magmatic fluid processes involved in the accretion of oceanic crust are spatially complex and episodic. The nature of these processes which are in general nonlinear, can be described using fractal analysis of marine geophysical data. Fractal analysis has been carried out for gravity and bathymetry profiles over the aseismic Chagos-Laccadive Ridge and the spreading Carlsberg Ridge. The Iterated Function Systems (IFS) have been used to generate synthetic profiles of known dimension (D) and these are compared with the observed profiles. The D for the data sets are in the range of 1–1.5. The D for gravity profiles is less than those of bathymetry and the D for gravity and bathymetry over spreading ridge is higher than the aseismic ridge. The low fractal dimension indicates that the processes generating them are of low dimensional dynamical systems.  相似文献   


The existing data on Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic seafloor spreading isochrons (reviewed in the companion paper by Veevers & Li) and fracture zone trends provide the basis for 12 reconstructions of the seafloor around Australia that spread during the dispersal of Argo Land, India, Antarctica, Lord Howe Rise/New Zealand and the Papuan Peninsula. The major changes of plate geometry in the Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, mid‐Cretaceous, early Paleocene and early Eocene reflect global events. The pattern of spreading around Australia was determined by two long‐standing (earlier Phanerozoic) factors that operated in a counter‐clockwise direction: (1) penetration from the northwest by the Tethyan divergent ridge; and (2) rotation from the northeast of the Pacific convergent arc and back‐arc. The only new feature of the modern pattern is the deep penetration by the Indian Ocean ridge into eastern Gondwanaland to fragment it into continents in contrast with the pattern up to 160 Ma ago of breaking off micro‐continents.  相似文献   

Calculation of the downward continuation for the anomalous magnetic field at the Knipovich Ridge showed more complicate segmentation of the spreading oceanic basement than was earlier considered. The structural pattern of the field is evidence that the area consists of no less than four segments separated by transform fracture zones with the azimuth of oceanic crust accretion about 310° and the normal position relative to the rift segments with the azimuth of 40°. The modern location of the axis of the Knipovich Ridge straightens the complicate divergent boundary between the plates in the strike-slip conditions between the spreading centers of the Mohns and Gakkel ridges. The axis is a detachment zone intersecting the oceanic basement having formed from the Late Oligocene. A new magnetoactive layer composed of magmatic products has not yet been formed in this structure.  相似文献   

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