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In the Fuyu Reservoir of Songliao Basin, there occur a series of well-developed peculiar shallow lake delta facies, which can be divided to such three ones as the upper delta plain subfacies, the lower delta plain subfacies, and the delta front subfacies. Among them the upper delta plain subfacies mainly grows proximal distributary channels; the lower delta plain subfacies mainly grows distal ones. The entire Fuyu Reservoir has mainly developed 7 kinds of distributary channel patterns: proximal/ distal meandering type distributary channels, proximal/distal low-sinuosity type distributary channels, proximal/distal straight type distributary channels, and subaqueous distributary channels. Among these patterns, the proximal and distal meandering type distributary channels have bigger thickness of point bar and better sorting and low content of mud; moreover, they are the major reservoirs and occur in the bottom of Quan-4th member. The sandbars of the subaqueous distributary channels have higher mud content, and serve as the poorer reservoirs, and mainly occur in the top of Quan-4th member.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of fine-scale clay drapes on tracer transport. A tracer test was performed in a sandbar deposit consisting of cross-bedded sandy units intercalated with many fine-scale clay drapes. The heterogeneous spatial distribution of the clay drapes causes a spatially variable hydraulic conductivity and sorption coefficient. A fluorescent tracer (sodium naphthionate) was injected in two injection wells and ground water was sampled and analyzed from five pumping wells. To determine (1) whether the fine-scale clay drapes have a significant effect on the measured concentrations and (2) whether application of multiple-point geostatistics can improve interpretation of tracer tests in media with complex geological heterogeneity, this tracer test is analyzed with a local three-dimensional ground-water flow and transport model in which fine-scale sedimentary heterogeneity is modeled using multiple-point geostatistics. To reduce memory needs and calculation time for the multiple-point geostatistical simulation step, this study uses the technique of direct multiple-point geostatistical simulation of edge properties. Instead of simulating pixel values, model cell edge properties indicating the presence of irregularly shaped surfaces are simulated using multiple-point geostatistical simulations. Results of a sensitivity analysis show under which conditions clay drapes have a significant effect on the concentration distribution. Calibration of the model against measured concentrations from the tracer tests reduces the uncertainty on the clay-drape parameters. The calibrated model shows which features of the breakthrough curves can be attributed to the geological heterogeneity of the aquifer and which features are caused by other processes.  相似文献   

<正> 早奥陶世,塔中地区为统一的开阔的碳酸盐台地,沉积一套巨厚的以石灰岩、白云质灰岩和灰质白云岩夹白云岩地层。下奥陶统沉积后,发生构造变形和抬升暴露,塔中低凸起形成,在其主体部位,下奥陶统顶部遭部分剥蚀。中奥陶世,以塔中低凸起为中心,中央高,南北两侧低,形成了碳酸盐台地—开阔陆棚的沉积体系。晚奥陶世,随着地壳整体下沉,海平面上升,碳酸盐台地逐渐收缩,陆源泥质沉积不断进积,但陆棚水体变浅,形成了碳酸盐台地—混积陆棚—开阔陆棚为特征的沉积体系。概括起来,塔中地区这两种前后发育的沉积体系包括了两个大的沉积相类型,即碳酸盐台地相  相似文献   

In semiarid Sahelian region, the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) and water are key to sustainable land management. This work focuses on the behaviour of carbon. A total of 33 soil profiles in four polders, ranging from 10 to 65 years in age, were sampled, analysed (0–1 m), and matched with marsh soil profiles in recent sediments considered as reference (t0) for carbon stocks determination. SOC and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) stocks show a spatial variability between polders. SOC stocks were t0 200 ± 0.8; t60 183 ± 34; and t65 189 ± 1.1 MgC·ha?1, whereas the SIC stocks were negligible. These results show the highest stocks of soil carbon observed for this climatic region. The SOC stocks were also calculated for the equivalent soil mass at a defined depth (0–0.3 m); the corrected calculation of SOC stocks (Scorr) for 2450 Mg·ha?1 of equivalent soil mass is t0 64 ± 1.9, t60 59 ± 9.8, and t65 53 ± 2.2 MgC·ha?1; the stocks decrease by ?7.8% and ?17.2% from t0 to t60 and t65. Carbon was inherited from the pre-existing·marsh and the polders have conserved high stock values.  相似文献   

获取合适的气候变化代用指标,检验其在更长时间尺度内应用的有效性对于利用我国西部内陆湖盆沉积反映新生代以来大陆气候变化具有重要意义。易溶盐含量作为一种反映环境变化的代用指标,在沉积相稳定的内陆湖泊沉积物研究中已获得广泛应用。对于存在沉积相变迁的古湖盆沉积物,其适用性需要进行考虑。本文对西宁盆地谢家剖面的一套年代为始新世到中新世的内陆湖相泥岩/石膏沉积进行研究发现,石膏层和泥岩层分别对应于Ca2+、SO2-4和Sr2+的高值和低值变化。石膏层广泛分布的剖面下部 Ca2+、SO2-4和Sr2+含量较高,Na+和Cl-含量较低,而石膏层逐渐消失的剖面上部Ca2+、SO2-4和Sr2+整体含量降低,Na+和Cl-含量略有升高。沉积相分析表明红色泥岩层和石膏层分别对应于冲积扇远端和干盐湖化学沉积,剖面下部石膏层和红色泥岩层交替到上部以红色泥岩层为主的岩相变化反映了区域范围上的干旱化进程。谢家剖面易溶盐含量强烈受控于上述沉积相变迁所决定的岩性变化,并清晰揭示出发生在约33 Ma的巨大干旱化事件。因此对于存在沉积相变迁的古湖盆沉积物,易溶盐含量分析不但要考虑内陆湖泊浓缩演化过程中溶解度控制的碳酸盐-硫酸盐-卤化物相继发生的沉淀序列,还需考虑易溶盐在不同沉积相中的赋存迁移规律以及研究时段内的溶质补给类型是否存在差异。  相似文献   

The Schleenhain open pit coal mine, located 30 km south of Leipzig, Germany, exposes Upper Eocene and Oligocene non-marine strata representing fluvial deposition in the centre of the Weisselster Basin. Active mining and successive cuts provided the rare opportunity to obtain a three-dimensional perspective of laterally extensive surface outcrops. These were used to construct a detailed fence diagram, which provided the basis for recognition of key architectural elements in the weakly consolidated meandering stream deposits. In addition to the eight basic architectural elements of Miall (1985 ), the element SL (shallow lake deposits) was newly defined and the element CH (channel) was subdivided into CHg (palaeo-river system) and CHk (small channel). The profiles contain parts of two fining-upward cycles, which are separated by an unconformity spanning the Early Oligocene. Deposits of the first cycle begin with transverse sand bars (downstream accretion deposits-DA) and point bars (lateral accretion deposits-LA). The upper part of the cycle is represented by overbank fines (OF) and the element SL, which consists of laterally discontinuous lenses of dark, plant-bearing, kaolinite-rich clays, that were deposited in shallow lakes adjacent to the active channel. Coal seams interlayered with palaeosols are the main constituents of element OF. Sheetlike bodies of medium to fine gravels (gravel bars and bedforms-GB) on an erosive coal surface mark the beginning of the second cycle. Dissolution of underlying Permian salts and sulphates prior to, during, and after the deposition of the Palaeogene strata caused the development of two synclines within the outcrop. Coal seams and clay horizons which thicken and dip towards the centre of the synclines, provide evidence for their chronological development.  相似文献   

结合前人的研究成果,运用野外地质剖面、测井相标志的研究方法,对柴达木盆地西南第三系沉积相进行了较全面、系统的研究,描述了柴达木盆地砂6井第三系主要发育的三种沉积相及发育的主要类型,指出了研究区内有利于油气生成和储集的沉积相类型。  相似文献   

In recent years, deep water areas have become popular exploration fields because of their abundant hydrocarbon resource potential. There are only relatively poor planar seismic profiles and no wells for deepwater areas of the Lingshui Formation in the Qiongdongnan Basin. A lot of faults developed and strata are fragmented due to high temperatures and high pressure, and this has resulted in dim sequence boundaries. Based on seismic data of the deepwater area and well data of bordering shallow water areas, Lingshui Formation was divided into four third class sequences; namely SI, SII, SIII and SIV, and the three-dimensional isochronous stratigraphic framework of the Lingshui Formation in the studied area was shaped. Based mainly on seismic attributes such as amplitude, continuity, internal structure and external shape, six typical seismic facies were identified, including mat-shaped, filling, wedge-shaped, foreset, moundy-shaped and lenticular-shaped, and a seismic facies distribution map was subsequently drawn. With studies on wells of bordering shallow water areas, regional sedimentary characteristics, and isopach map as references, sedimentary planar distribution features were analyzed. The deepwater area of the Lingshui Formation has mainly developed littoral and shallow sea. Sandstone bodies of fan delta, braided river delta, slope fan, basin floor fan, and turbidite fan are at an interdigitate junction to marine hydrocarbon source rocks and thus are favorable prospecting targets.  相似文献   

本文以油苗抽提物的饱和烃色谱-质谱分析为基础,剖析了羌塘盆地昂达尔错地区油苗的生物标志化合物特征,探讨了其沉积环境和成熟度指示意义。昂达尔错油苗含有丰富的正构烷烃、类异戊二烯烃、萜类化合物和甾类化合物。正构烷烃轻烃组分含量较高,无明显的奇偶优势。Pr/Ph比小于1,显示一定的植烷优势。萜类化合物中五环三萜烷相对含量最高,四环萜烷含量最少,并有一定的伽马蜡烷和升藿烷分布。规则甾烷相对含量为C27C29C28,呈不对称"V"字形分布,异构化成熟度参数值较高,且4-甲基甾烷化合物普遍存在。昂达尔错油苗母源岩沉积于具有较高盐度的还原环境,以藻类、菌类等海相有机质输入为主,油苗有机质处于成熟阶段。  相似文献   

新疆准东煤田五彩湾矿区西山窑组煤层厚度稳定,分布广泛,煤质优良.笔者从成因角度运用煤田地质学、煤岩学、煤地球化学及沉积学等,进一步探讨西山窑组巨厚煤层煤岩组分特征、煤相类型.结果表明,煤层微观煤岩以镜质组为主,惰性组次之,含少量壳质组.相学分析表明,该区聚煤沼泽类型以湿地森林沼泽相为主,干燥森林沼泽相次之.少数样品指示成煤过程中短时期、周期性深覆水或开阔水域沼泽相存在.煤相分析显示威煤环境具网状河三角洲沼泽相沉积特征.煤岩和煤相分析为聚煤环境分析、煤质评价和预测、煤的可选性评价等提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous shales of the Fika Formation in the Chad (Bornu) Basin, northeastern Nigeria, were analysed to define paleoenvironment and source of the organic matter, and their relation to tectonic setting. The organic carbon and sulphur contents of Fika shale samples are in the range of 0.51–2.13 and 0.31–1.65 wt.%, respectively, pointing that these shales were deposited in suboxic-anoxic marine conditions. The biomarker and chemical compositions provide evidence for a major contribution of aquatic algae and microorganisms with minor terrigenous organic matter input. Moderate salinity stratification and relatively anoxic-suboxic bottom water conditions are also likely in the Fika shales. Therefore, stratified water column with moderate salinity and relatively anoxic-suboxic bottom water conditions have contributed to organic matter (OM) preservation in the Fika shale layer. Fika shale samples are rich in SiO2 (54.80 wt.%), followed by Al2O3 (23.75 wt.%) and Fe2O3 (10.19 wt.%). Compared with average shale, the analysed shale samples are obviously enriched in Al2O3 (23.75 wt.%), TiO2 (1.34 wt.%), and P2O5 (0.30 wt.%), indicating that these sediments are rich in clay minerals and represent a good possibility for enhanced organic matter production and enrichment.Plots of Fika shale on bivariate discriminant function diagram suggest an active continental margin setting for the provenance. The inferred tectonic setting for the late Cretaceous shales of the Fika Formation of the Chad (Bornu) Basin is in agreement with the tectonic evolutionary history of the west and central Africa during the Cretaceous period.  相似文献   

Many natural phenomena exhibit size distributions that are power laws or power law type distributions. Power laws are specific in the sense that they can exhibit extremely long or heavy tails. The largest event in a sample from such distribution usually dominates the underlying physical or generating process (floods, earthquakes, diamond sizes and values, incomes, insurance). Often, the practitioner is faced with the difficult problem of predicting values far beyond the highest sample value and designing his system either to profit from them, or to protect against extreme quantiles. In this paper, we present a novel approach to estimating such heavy tails. The estimation of tail characteristics such as the extreme value index, extreme quantiles, and percentiles (rare events) is shown to depend primarily on the number of extreme data that are used to model the tail. Because only the most extreme data are useful for studying tails, thresholds must be selected above which the data are modeled as power laws. The mean square error (MSE) is used to select such thresholds. A semiparametric bootstrap method is developed to study estimation bias and variance and to derive confidence limits. A simulation study is performed to assess the accuracy of these confidence limits. The overall methodology is applied to the Harvard Central Moment Tensor catalog of global earthquakes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present three diverse types of applications of extreme value statistics in geology, namely: earthquakes magnitudes, diamond values, and impact crater size distribution on terrestrial planets. Each of these applications has a different perspective toward tail modeling, yet many of these phenomena exhibit heavy or long tails which can be modeled by power laws. It is shown that the estimation of important tail characteristics, such as the extreme value index, is directly linked to the interpretation of the underlying geological process. Only the most extreme data are useful for studying such phenomena, so thresholds must be selected above which the data become power laws. In the case of earthquake magnitudes, we investigate the use of extreme value statistics in predicting large events on the global scale and for shallow intracontinental earthquakes in Asia. Large differences are found between estimates obtained from extreme value statistics and the usually applied standard statistical techniques. In the case of diamond deposits, we investigate the impact of the most precious stones in the global valuation of primary deposits. It is shown that in the case of Pareto-type behavior, the expected value of few extreme stones in the entire deposit has considerable influence on the global valuation. In the case of impact crater distributions, we study the difference between craters distributions on Earth and Mars and distributions occurring on other planets or satellites within the solar system. A striking result is that all planets display the same distributional tail except for Earth and Mars. In a concluding account, we demonstrate the apparent loghyperbolic variation in all of the above-mentioned examples.  相似文献   

Ordovician volcano-sedimentary successions of the Bavarian facies association in the Saxothuringian basin record the continental rift phase of the separation of the Saxothuringian Terrane from Gondwana. An 80 m succession from the Vogtendorf beds and Randschiefer Series (Arenig-Middle Ordovician), exposed along the northern margin of the Münchberg Gneiss Massif in northeast Bavaria, were subjected to a study of their sedimentology, physical volcanology and geochemistry. The Randschiefer series previously has been interpreted as lavas, tuffs, sandstones and turbidites, but the studied Ordovician units include four main lithological associations: mature sandstones and slates, pillowed alkali-basalts and derivative mass flow deposits, trachyandesitic lavas and submarine pyroclastic flow deposits interbedded with turbidites. Eight lithofacies have been distinguished based on relict sedimentary structures and textures, which indicate deposition on a continental shelf below wave base. The explosive phase that generated the pyroclastic succession was associated with the intrusion of dykes and sills, and was succeeded by the eruption of pillowed basalts. Debris flow deposits overlie the basalts. Ordovician volcanism in this region, therefore, alternated between effusive and explosive phases of submarine intermediate to mafic volcanism.

Based on geochemical data, the volcanic and pyroclastic rocks are classified as basalts and trachyandesites. According to their geochemical characteristics, especially to their variable concentrations of incompatible elements such as the High Field Strength Elements (HFSE), they can be divided into three groups. Group I, which is formed by massive lavas at the base of the succession, has extraordinarily high contents of HFSE. The magmas of this group were probably derived from a mantle source in the garnet stability field by low (ca. 1%) degrees of partial melting and subsequent fractionation. Group II, which comprises the pillow lavas at the top of the sequence, displays moderate enrichment of HFSE. This can be explained by a slightly higher degree of melting (ca. 1.6%) for the primary magma. Group I and II melts fractionated from their parental magmas in different magma chambers. The eruption centres of Groups I and II, therefore, cannot be the same, and the volcanic rocks must have originated from different vents. The sills and pyroclastic flow deposits of Group III stem at least partly from the same source as Group I. Rocks of Group I most likely mixed together with Group II components during the formation of the Group III flows, which became hybridised during eruption, transportation and emplacement.

The sedimentological and geochemical data best support a rift as the tectonic setting of this volcanism, analogous to modern continental rift zones. Hence, the rift-associated volcanic activity preserved in the Vogtendorf beds and Randschiefer Series represents an early Ordovician stage of rift volcanism when the separation of the Saxothuringian Terrane from Gondwana had just commenced.  相似文献   

A. G. PLINT 《Sedimentology》1983,30(5):625-653
The Bracklesham Formation is of Middle Eocene age and occurs throughout the Hampshire Basin of southern England. The basin is elongated east-west and filled with Lower Tertiary sediments. Its southern margin is marked by either large, northward-facing monoclines, or faults, both of which underwent differential movement, with uplift of the southern side throughout the Middle Eocene. The Bracklesham Formation, which is up to 240 m thick, shows pronounced lateral facies changes with dominantly marine sediments in the east passing to alluvial sediments in the west. Four principal sedimentary environments: marine, lagoonal, estuarine and alluvial are distinguished. Marine sediments comprise six facies including offshore silty clays and glauconitic silty sands, beach and aeolian dune sands, and flint conglomerates formed on pebble beaches. Offshore sediments predominate in the eastern part of the basin, as far west as Alum Bay, where they are replaced by nearshore sediments. Lagoonal sediments comprise four facies and formed in back-barrier lagoons, coastal marshes and, on occasions, were deposited over much of the basin during periods of low salinity and restricted tidal motion. Five estuarine facies represent tidal channels, channel mouth-bars and abandoned channels. These sediments suggest that much of the Bracklesham Formation was deposited under micro- to meso-tidal conditions. Alluvial sediments dominate the formation to the west of Alum Bay. They comprise coarse to fine sands deposited on the point-bars of meandering rivers, interbedded with thick sequences of laminated interchannel mudstones, deposited in marshes, swamps and lakes. Extensive layers of ball clay were periodically deposited in a lake occupying much of the alluvial basin. In alluvial areas, fault movement exposed Mesozoic rocks along the southern margin of the basin, the erosion of which generated fault-scarp alluvial fan gravels. Locally, pisolitic limestone formed in pools fed by springs emerging at the faulted Chalk-Tertiary contact. In marine areas, flint pebbles were eroded from coastal exposures of chalk and accumulated on pebble beaches and in estuaries. From other evidence it is suggested that older Tertiary sediments were also reworked. The Bracklesham Formation is strongly cyclic and was deposited during five marine transgressions, the effects of which can be recognized throughout the basin in both marine and alluvial areas. Each of the five transgressive cycles is a few tens of metres thick and contains little evidence of intervening major regression. The cycles are thought to represent small-scale eustatic sea-level rises (‘paracycles’) superimposed upon a major transgressive ‘cycle’ that began at the base of the Bracklesham Formation, following a major regression, and was terminated, at the top of the Barton Formation by another major regression. This major cycle can be recognized world-wide and may reflect a period of rapid northward extension of the mid-Atlantic ridge.  相似文献   

位于青藏高原腹地的羌塘盆地,是中生代海相沉积盆地,同属于特提斯构造域,其中生代巨厚的海相沉积地层和所处的大地构造背景,是油气生成和聚集的较好区域。近年来在羌塘盆地多处发现的油苗和沥青点就是最好的佐证。早白垩世海陆过渡相地层雪山组代表了羌塘盆地海相环境的结束,笔者在羌塘双湖托纳木地区实测了雪山组地层剖面,并在雪山组地层中发现大量硅化木和炭质泥岩层,对分析早白垩世时期的沉积环境提供了较好的依据。雪山组地层在羌塘盆地的展布范围及沉积环境,对指导油气勘探工作具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

辽西义县盆地内近东西走向的马神庙-刀把地-三百垄-金刚山一带为义县组标准地层剖面出露地,义县组建阶标准地层剖面枣茨山金刚山层为一套古湖盆相沉积组合。野外详细的沉积学和地层学研究将金刚山层自下而上划分为湖缘碎屑浊流相、浅水湖坪相和半深湖相3个沉积亚相。金刚山层下部湖缘碎屑浊流相包括3个粗-细粒序递变沉积韵律。粗粒岩石单元为灰绿色含长石岩屑凝灰质砂砾岩、杂色砾岩、灰白色含砾凝灰岩;细粒岩石单元由灰白色含砾凝灰岩、灰绿色致密凝灰岩、质纯膨润土组成。韵律沉积底部粗粒岩石单元为浊流头部沉积产物,其中常形成弥散式正粒序递变层理,细粒岩石单元为浊流体部、尾部逐渐稀释的沉积结果,其中常发育水平层理。中部浅水湖坪相沉积由5个膨润土化粉砂岩(质纯膨润土或页岩)-泥灰岩(含方解石细脉灰岩)沉积韵律构成。每一湖坪相的碳酸盐岩与下伏火山灰质沉积厚度之比值变化范围为:0.11~0.47,指示湖盆围缘经历了多期次湖坪沉积时间间隔相等的地质规律。金刚山层上部半深湖相沉积为灰白色纸片状页岩-粉砂质页岩组合。金刚山层下部湖缘火山碎屑浊流沉积指示火山喷发物质近源性、火山喷发多期作用的地质演化规律。中部湖坪相的5个膨润土化粉砂岩(质纯膨润土或页岩)-泥灰岩(含方解石细脉灰岩)沉积韵律指示古湖盆水体至少经历了5期变浅过程,在区域性干旱气候影响下,形成湖坪相泥灰岩沉积。湖盆中心相对深水沉积区接受大量细粒悬浮质沉积,形成静水半深湖相沉积。  相似文献   

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