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关于薄层与单界面模型弹性反射透射系数的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在均匀各向同性水平层状介质假设下,采用位移与位移位两种不同的平面波表示方式,推导了层状介质的传播矩阵;并对层状模型逐步简化,依次给出了薄层、单阻抗差界面纵波入射时的反射、透射系数公式,指出了位移与位移位函数这两种不同形式下各公式的异同和适用条件,对于薄层地震反演精度的提高具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

We performed a series of laboratory experiments in which elastic waves were transmitted across a simulated fault. Two types of experiments were carried out: (1) Normal Stress Holding Test (NSHT): normal stress was kept constant for about 3 h without shear stress and transmission waves were observed. (2) Shear Stress Increasing Test (SSIT): shear stress was gradually increased until a stick-slip event occurred. Transmission waves were continuously observed throughout the process of stress accumulation. We focused on the change in transmission waves during the application of shear stress and especially during precursory slips.It was found in NSHT that the amplitude of transmission waves linearly increased with the logarithm of stationary contact time. The increase amounted to a few percent after about 3 h. Creep at asperity contacts is responsible for this phenomenon. From a theoretical consideration, it was concluded that the real contact area increased with the logarithm of stationary contact time.We observed in SSIT a significant increase in wave amplitude with shear stress application. This phenomenon cannot be attributed to the time effect observed in NSHT. Instead, it can be explained by the mechanism of “junction growth” proposed by Tabor. Junction growth yields an increase in real contact area. It is required for junction growth to occur that the material in contact is already plastic under a purely normal loading condition. A computer simulation confirmed that this requirement was satisfied in our experiments. We also found that the rate at which the amplitude increased was slightly reduced prior to a stick-slip event. The onset time of the reduction well coincides with the onset of precursory slip. The cause of the reduction is attributed to the reset of stationary contact time due to displacement. This interpretation is supported by the result of NSHT. Taking the time of stationary contact in SSIT into account, we may expect the change in wave amplitude to be, at most, only a few percent. The observed slight reduction in increasing rate is, in this sense, reasonable. The static stiffness of the fault also decreases with precursory slip. It was also found that low frequency waves are a better indicator of precursory slip than high frequency waves. This might suggest that low frequency waves with longer wavelength are a better indicator of average behavior of faults. The problem, however, merits a further investigation. The shifts in phase were also found to be a good indicator of the change in contact state of the fault. The changes in both amplitude and phase of transmission waves are unifyingly understood through the theory of transmission coefficient presented by Pyrak-Nolte et al. Rough surfaces have a tendency to give larger stick-slips than smooth surfaces. The amount of precursory slip is larger for rough surfaces than for smooth surfaces. Although it was confirmed by a computer simulation that rough surfaces have larger contact diameters than smooth surfaces, the rigorous relationship between the surface roughness (contact diameter) and the amount of precursory slips was not established.  相似文献   

The influence of geomorphological factors to Hg contamination of the Idrijca River alluvial sediments because of the historical mining and ore roasting activities has been studied. Main source of Hg in alluvial sediments was dumping of ore roasting residues and mining waste into the river channel and its erosion downstream. The position of the material in relation to the geomorphological properties is highly related with its Hg content. Floodplains were found to be the most contaminated geomorphological units (mean Hg content 335 mg/kg), with Hg concentration rapidly dropping in the first terrace (155 mg/kg). The least contaminated material was found in the higher terraces (3.8 mg/kg). Sampling upstream Idrija (average Hg content is 22.1 mg/kg) shows that not only mine and ore roasting plant increased Hg levels in alluvial deposits but also contaminated sites upstream Idrija contribute to Hg contamination. Geochemical background for alluvial sediments for this area is estimated to be 0.75 mg/kg. Downstream Idrija, 9 hotspots were determined where highly contaminated material is actively eroded and carries a high risk of further contamination of the So?a River and northern Adriatic Sea ecosystems.  相似文献   

应用沉降和水位数据计算上海地区弱透水层的参数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶淑君  薛禹群 《岩土力学》2005,26(2):256-260
弱透水层参数的确定是准三维或三维地下水流数学模型应用时的难点,而应力-应变图解法是一种估计弱透水层参数的有效方法。在介绍该法的基本原理之后,结合上海沉降和水位观测资料,求出了上海地区弱透水层的弹性贮水率、非弹性贮水率和垂向渗透系数,为上海地面沉降的数值模拟提供了较好的初始参数值。对于弱透水层,抽水试验的方法是不可取的,如果又没有条件取土样作室内试验时,若有沉降资料和相应的水位资料,则应力-应变图解法是确定近似参数值的一种比较好的方法。  相似文献   

The diffuse reflection and transmission of light by a plane-parallel medium is considered, taking into account only the azimuth-independent part of the scattering indicatrix. The scattering indicatrix is expressed in terms of an expansion in an arbitrary number of Legendre polynomials. Two approaches to the problem are analyzed using Sobolev’s theory. Two systems of linear algebraic equations for the coefficients of the auxiliary polynomials q i(μ) and s i(μ) are derived and compared. It is shown that one of these approaches is less preferable, since it is not valid for conservative scattering.  相似文献   

为了克服现有数值计算方法在计算复杂断裂面接触滑移过程中效率低的问题,通过吸收边界元的建模思想,提出了新的数值计算方法。在该算法中,所有网格均位于岩块的边界,利用显示差分方法计算得到岩块之间的相互作用力以及岩块的位移量。利用"小球在抛物面上滑移"、"哑铃在不同倾角的斜面上"两个模拟试验对文中的算法进行验证,同时利用文中算法与有限元算法对直剪试验进行模拟。结果表明:算法能够准确描述物体之间的相互接触,准确计算得到接触块体之间的法向位移。算法能够准确判断出接触物体的"滑移状态"和"稳定状态",摩擦力的数值计算结果与解析解的误差小于10-10。在计算断裂面接触和剪应力变化规律时,算法与有限元算法的计算结果一致,但文中计算方法的效率显著提高。  相似文献   

Idealized experiments using linear (LM) and nonlinear (NM) multilevel global spectral models have been carried out to investigate and understand the impact of nonlinearities on the stationary wave response in the tropical atmosphere and its sensitivity to the vertical profile of heating. It is found that nonlinearities exert a dominant influence on the low-latitude stationary Kelvin and Rossby waves particularly in the vicinity of the forcing region. Our study shows that nonlinear effects on the upper tropospheric response produce prominent eastward displacement of the anticyclonic vorticity and horizontal shifts of the maximum equilibrium divergence relative to the prescribed heating. These changes due to nonlinear terms are found to be quite sensitive to the vertical structure of diabatic heating. The strongest nonlinear effects are found to occur when the vertical level under consideration is strongly forced from below. Detailed vorticity budget calculations indicate that stronger nonlinear contributions from stretching and horizontal advection of relative vorticity favour the generation of upper tropospheric anticyclonic circulation and its eastward displacement. Larger vertical advection and twisting terms appear to oppose the generation of upper tropospheric anticyclonic vorticity. It is found that the nonlinear terms which affect the vorticity generation in the upper levels are crucially controlled by the vertical profile of heating. The mid-tropospheric response due to deep convective heating in the NM is characterized by anomalous equatorial westerlies in the low-latitude Rossby regime and exhibits prominent ageostrophic motions. Such nonlinear effects appear probably because of a vertical shift of the low level circulation anomalies in the NM. In the case of shallow convective heating the occurrence of anomalous zonal flows and ageostrophic motions in the low latitude regions of the NM takes place near the level of the maximum heating. Our study shows that large heating amplitudes and small vertical gradient of heating at a given vertical level together favour generation of anomalous zonal flows and ageostrophic motions in the near equatorial regions. These anomalous basic flows in the low-latitudes have implications on the propagation of transients from the tropics to midlatitudes. Non-linear effects on the lower tropospheric stationary waves are prominently seen in the case of strong low level heating which produces a large strengthening of the lower tropospheric cyclonic anomalies that exhibit distinct eastward shifts in the NM relative to the LM.  相似文献   

The use of vertical drains with vacuum preloading for soft soil improvement has become a booming interest in recent years. In this paper, theoretical and practical developments of the utilization of vertical drain with vacuum preloading are currently reviewed. Geotechnical aspects of factors affecting the performance of vacuum consolidation and conversion procedure for multi-drain analysis are discussed based on the current state of the art. The salient aspects of selected case histories on soft clays and land reclamations are elucidated.  相似文献   

The present survey aimed to image the subsurface structure, including karstic voids, and to evaluate the extent of the heterogeneities that can result in potentially dangerous collapse of road segments overlying these features. A multidisciplinary geophysical approach (seismic refraction, frequency domain electromagnetic and ground penetrating radar) in combination with a detailed geological survey indicated the presence of tectonic faults as well as velocity and conductivity anomalies along an old road within the area of Akrotiri at Chania (Crete). Due to the presence of subsurface fuel pipes, perpendicular to the direction of the road, 2D resistivity imaging was excluded from the applied geophysical methods. Interpretation of the geophysical data revealed that the section of the road investigated overlies prominent voids attributed mostly to karst features. The conductivity and velocity anomalies are interpreted to indicate an area where the host limestone rock has been downthrown by faulting and associated karstification. The continuation of this fault zone was observed in the slope of the road during later excavations. Interpretation, using geographic information systems (GIS) to integrate data, allowed these controls and relationships to be understood and monitored. The above methodology was proved successful for areas where the application of resistivity method is not possible.  相似文献   

This paper integrates the results of different techniques—local and regional travel time tomography, reflection seismics, and surface geology. With this integration of different techniques, working on different scales, it is possible to derive a comprehensive picture of the present-day structures in the lithosphere of the Upper Rhine Graben. It is shown that the stucture of the lithosphere is dominated by structures related to the Variscan orogeny. Late stage strike-slip reactivation of the internal faults of the Rhine Graben is observed in the field. This reactivation is of dominant influence on the geomorphology in the southern end of the Upper Rhine Graben.  相似文献   

In the present study the removal of nitrates from wastewater using Pseudomonas stutzeri microorganism in a Gas–Liquid–Solid bioreactor at the concentration of 200 ppm was studied for a period of 12 h. The response surface methodology with the help of central composite design and genetic algorithm were employed to optimize the process parameters such as airflow rate, biofilm carrier, carbon source, temperature and pH which are responsible for the removal of nitrates. The optimized values of parameters found from RSM are airflow rate 2.41 lpm, biofilm carrier 15.15 g/L, carbon source 85.0 mg/L, temperature 29.74 °C, pH 7.47 and nitrate removal 193.16. The optimized parameters obtained from genetic algorithm are airflow rate 2.42 lpm, biofilm carrier 15.25 g/L, carbon source 84.98 mg/L, temperature 29.61 °C, pH 7.51 and nitrate removal is 194.14. The value of R2 > 0.9831 obtained for the present mathematical model indicates the high correlation between observed and predicted values. The optimal values for nitrate removal at 200 ppm are suggested according to genetic algorithm and at these optimized parameters more than 96 % of nitrate removal was estimated, which meets the standards for drinking water.  相似文献   

齐辉  丁晓浩  张洋 《岩土力学》2016,37(8):2151-2158
利用复变函数法和Green函数法给出了SH波对垂直界面附近椭圆形夹杂散射问题的解析解答。首先,将待求的半空间模型沿垂直边界分割为区域Ⅰ和区域Ⅱ两个直角域。通过保角映射的方法将区域Ⅰ内椭圆形夹杂的外域映射为单位圆外域,并利用镜像方法构造出两个区域内满足直角域边界条件的散射波场及适用的Green函数;其次,利用界面契合思想,通过在界面处添加附加力系的方法建立起满足界面处位移和应力连续条件的无穷代数方程组,并截断有限项求解;最后,给出了求解地表位移幅值的具体算例。结果表明,入射波数、入射角度、夹杂位置、垂直界面以及材料参数都对地表位移幅值的分布有影响。  相似文献   

传统土力学处理岩土工程问题时,经常采用弹性力学方法分析土中应力分布。土中应力通常依据较为简单的Boussinesq解计算,该解答假定荷载作用于土体表面;但是,建筑物基础一般都埋置在地表以下一定深度,此时,应依据Mindlin解计算应力分布。在半无限弹性体内作用竖向矩形和条形均布荷载时的应力分布对计算基础沉降以及分析基坑尺寸对稳定性和变形的影响均有重要意义,在其他岩土工程问题中也有诸多应用。尽管文献[1-2]给出了相关计算公式,但存在几处错误。基于Mindlin解,通过积分重新推导了在半无限体内部作用竖向矩形均布荷载时应力分布的解析表达式,进一步得到了条形均布荷载作用时应力分布的解析表达式,这2组公式均与文献[1-2]给出的结果存在不同。最后,采用数值积分方法验证了新给出的2组公式的正确性。  相似文献   

Using the finite element method, the static and kinematic methods of limit analysis provide tools to solve many stability problems in mechanics of continuous media. The classic problem of the height limit of a Tresca or Mises vertical slope subjected to the action of gravity stems naturally from this theory in plane strain. Although the exact solution to this problem remains unknown, the present work has produced precise bounds using the static and kinematic approaches conjointly: the height limit is now between 3·760 and 3·786 C/ γ, γ being the weight per unit volume and C the soil cohesion. These tests also show that both methods, used on current workstations with industrial optimization codes such as XPRESS or OSL, are capable of solving any plane problem of limit loads in geotechnics or in structural calculus. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

C. Pro  E. Buforn  A. Udías 《Tectonophysics》2007,433(1-4):65-79
The dimensions and rupture velocities of four earthquakes, two in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and two in Iceland with strike–slip mechanisms and magnitudes (Mw) between 6.2 and 6.8 were studied using the directivity effects of Rayleigh and body waves. For Rayleigh waves we used the directivity function for different pairs of stations and for body waves the waveforms of P and SH waves corresponding to a simple extended line source. We have found that three have very shallow depths about 3 km and one 8 km, fault lengths between 12 km and 21 km, and a low rupture velocity of about 1.5 km/s to 2.0 km/s which supports the idea of the presence of slow earthquakes in transform faults.  相似文献   

In this study, an integrated multi-channel analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) technique is applied to explore the geotechnical parameters of subsurface layers at the Zafarana wind farm. Moreover, a seismic hazard procedure based on the extended deterministic technique is used to estimate the seismic hazard load for the investigated area. The study area includes many active fault systems along the Gulf of Suez that cause many moderate and large earthquakes. Overall, the seismic activity of the area has recently become better understood following the use of new waveform inversion method and software to develop accurate focal mechanism solutions for recent recorded earthquakes around the studied area. These earthquakes resulted in major stress-drops in the Eastern desert and the Gulf of Suez area. These findings have helped to reshape the understanding of the seismotectonic environment of the Gulf of Suez area, which is a perplexing tectonic domain. Based on the collected new information and data, this study uses an extended deterministic approach to re-examine the seismic hazard for the Gulf of Suez region, particularly the wind turbine towers at Zafarana Wind Farm and its vicinity. Alternate seismic source and magnitude-frequency relationships were combined with various indigenous attenuation relationships, adapted within a logic tree formulation, to quantify and project the regional exposure on a set of hazard maps. We select two desired exceedance probabilities (10 and 20 %) that any of the applied scenarios may exceed the largest median ground acceleration. The ground motion was calculated at 50th, 84th percentile levels for both selected probabilities of exceeding the median.  相似文献   

地表水与地下水相互转化关系一直是水文地质研究的热点问题。以往研究更多关注河流的河岸带,但对于相对静止水体——湖泊的湖岸带研究相对偏少。选择白洋淀湖岸带作为研究对象,在周边湖岸带系统部署水位、水温监测系统,采用温度示踪法,开展白洋淀湖岸带区域的地表水与地下水垂向交换量化研究。同时,结合达西定律,间接反演获取垂向渗透系数,系统总结出一套联合利用温度示踪法和达西定律定量研究湿地垂向水交换的方法。结果表明,白洋淀湖岸带以地表水渗漏补给地下水为主,其垂向交换流速可达0.2~1.1 cm/d,沉积岩性主要为粉质黏土、粉土及粉细砂,垂向渗透系数为0.038~0.912 m/d。研究结果可为制定白洋淀湿地补水方案和生态环境保护措施提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

泡沫混凝土作为隧道减震材料在抵抗地震压剪荷载方面具有重要作用,为了研究减震层-衬砌接触面在地震压剪荷载作用下的破坏特征与剪应力演化规律,利用RMT-150C电液伺服试验机开展了二者接触面在不同法向应力下的直剪试验,获得了剪应力-剪切位移、峰值强度、残余强度、剪切刚度的变化规律及接触面的破坏特征和物态变化。根据有限元模拟结果,探究接触面上剪应力的分布及演化规律。研究表明:泡沫混凝土-衬砌接触面的破坏特征受法向应力与泡沫混凝土密度共同影响,其剪应力-剪切位移曲线形态可归结为3种类型,且随泡沫混凝土密度和法向应力的变化可以相互转化;泡沫混凝土密度及法向应力对接触面峰值强度、残余强度及剪切刚度的影响是相互的,且法向应力的影响权重较大。根据剪应力-剪切位移曲线的变化规律,提出了复合指数模型来反映泡沫混凝土-衬砌接触面在压剪作用下损伤演化及摩擦滑移过程,研究结果可以为更加有效的抗减震设计提供一定参考。  相似文献   


An axisymmetric lower bound limit analysis technique in combination with the finite elements has been used to investigate the effect of considering a non-associated flow rule on the stability number (γH/c) for a vertical circular unsupported excavation in a general cohesive–frictional soil medium, where (1) H is the excavation height, (2) γ defines the unit weight of the soil mass, and (3) c indicates the cohesion of the soil mass. The results are derived for different magnitudes of dilative coefficient (η), friction angle (?), and normalized excavation height (H/b), where b = the radius of the excavation. The results clearly indicate the increase in γH/c with an increase in η value. It is expected that the charts provided in this note will be quite helpful for the practicing engineers.


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