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A detailed numerical simulation of the ground motion and a site response analysis for two towns in the Marche Region (Treia and Cagli) is carried out on the basis of structural models deduced from available geological and geophysical data. In both cases, the reference event is an M = 5.7 earthquake associated with a normal fault located beneath each town. The ground motion is computed using the 2D spectral element method (SPEM 2D). The method solves the propagation of the seismic field through complex geological structures and enables an estimate of the effects of deep crustal structure, superficial geology, and topography on ground motion. Numerical simulations of the seismic field are performed along 2D vertical planes containing the seismic source. Strong ground motion has not been yet recorded in the two towns; therefore, the numerical simulation of ground motion represents a way to overcome the lack of instrumental data. The simulations carried out for Treia show that ground motion is influenced by both source mechanism and effects due to propagation through the geological structure, while ground motion in Cagli features strong local effects, caused by the presence of alluvial deposits under a large area of the town.  相似文献   

Various authors, analysing the set of accelerograms recorded at Gubbio Piana (GBP) (central Italy), have demonstrated that strong amplification occurs at this accelerometric station, which is installed within an alluvial basin. In particular, Ambraseys et al. [(2005a), Bull Earthq Eng 3:1–53; (2005b), Bull Earth Eng 3:55–73] observed that the strong motion peaks at GBP greatly exceed the median values predicted by the attenuation relationships they derived for Europe. In this work, we analyse and discuss some characteristics of the ground motion recorded at the GBP station. We show that the ground motion parameters, such as peak-ground acceleration and peak-ground velocity, are strongly influenced by the presence of locally induced surface waves that produce both a lengthening of the significant shaking duration and an increase in the peak values with respect to a nearby bedrock site. The basin-induced surface waves are observed in the three components of motion and their effects on the peak values are particularly evident in the vertical component. In the frequency domain, the energy of the surface waves is mostly restricted to the frequency band 0.4–0.8 Hz for both the horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal and vertical Fourier amplitudes are also very similar, and this indicates that the H/V spectral ratio technique is not applicable to describing the site response due to the propagation of seismic wave in a complex 2D/3D geological structure. Finally, a preliminary polarization analysis shows that the directions of polarization, as well as the degree of elliptical polarization, exhibit a strong variability with time, that may be related to a complex propagation of Love and Rayleigh waves within the basin.  相似文献   

The recent 1997 Umbria-Marche, Central Italy, earthquake sequence allowed us to model recorded ground motions using a method developed by Beresnev and Atkinson [Bull Seism Soc Am 87 (1997) 67–84; Seism Res Lett, 69 (1998) 27–32; Bull Seism Soc Am 88 (1998) 1392–1401]. The method generalizes the stochastic ground-motion simulation technique, developed for point sources, to the case of finite faults. It subdivides the fault plane into subfaults and assumes each subfault to be a point source with a ω2 spectrum. Geometric spreading and regional anelastic attenuation are included in the model. The data include horizontal acceleration recordings from the SSN and ENEL databases of the 1997 Umbria-Marche events on 26 September, at 00:33 GMT, with Mw=5.7, and at 09:40 GMT, with Mw=6.0; and on 14 October at 15:23 GMT, with Mw=5.6. The strong motion simulations are performed using model parameters based on the results of previous studies, and adjusting the subfault size to calibrate the simulation model against recorded ground motions. Local site response is considered to account for observed amplification effects at specific recording sites (e.g. Nocera Umbra). A good agreement is found between the simulated response spectra and the recorded data, concluding that this method reproduces the salient ground-motion characteristics at different distances and azimuths.  相似文献   

Alluvial valleys generate strong effects on earthquake ground motion (EGM). These effects are rarely accounted for even in site-specific studies because of (a) the cost of the required geophysical surveys to constrain the site model, (b) lack of data for empirical prediction, and (c) poor knowledge of the key controlling parameters. We performed 3D, 2D and 1D simulations for six typical sedimentary valleys of various width and depth, and for a variety of modifications of these 6 “nominal models” to investigate sensitivity of EGM characteristics to impedance contrast, attenuation, velocity gradient and geometry. We calculated amplification factors, and 2D/1D and 3D/2D aggravation factors for 10 EGM characteristics, using a representative set of recorded accelerograms to account for input motion variability. The largest values of the amplification and aggravation factors are found for the Arias intensity and cumulative absolute velocity, the lowest for the root-mean-square acceleration. The aggravation factors are largest for the vertical component. For each model, at least one EGM characteristic exhibits a significant 2D/1D aggravation factor, while all EGM characteristics exhibit significant 2D/1D aggravation factor on the vertical component. For all investigated sites, there is always an area in the valley for which 1D estimates are not sufficient. 2D estimates are insufficient at several sites. The key structural parameters are the shape ratio and overall geometry of the sediment-bedrock interface, impedance contrast at the sediment-bedrock interface, and attenuation in sediments. The amplification factors may largely exceed the values that are usually considered in GMPEs between soft soils and rock sites.  相似文献   

CalculationoflongperiodresponsespectratoearthquakegroundmotionfromseismogramsofType513seismographsYANXIANGYU(俞言祥)SUYUNWAN...  相似文献   

The Gubbio basin in Central Italy is a intermountain basin of extensional tectonic origin, typical of Central and Southern Apennines, characterized by moderate seismicity. The strongest recorded event within the area is a magnitude 5.7 earthquake which occurred on 29 April 1984 along the Gubbio fault, bordering the eastern side of the basin. The main objective of this study is to analyze the features of earthquake ground motion as related to basin-edge effects, by performing physics-based numerical simulations of the 1984 earthquake through a high-performance spectral element code. The simulated ground motions are found in reasonable agreement with the recorded motions when using the kinematic source model developed by Ameri et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 99:647–663, 2009), with a rise-time equal to 1 s and a nucleation point located in the middle of the fault. Pronounced differences were noted between records from the basin and adjacent sites at outcropping bedrock, owing to both the strong impedance contrast between soft alluvial sites and bedrock formations (lithostratigraphic amplification), as well as lateral discontinuities related to the 2D/3D geometry of the basin (generation of surface waves). Since the fault was located beneath the basin, 1D amplification effects were found to be more relevant than those associated with the generation of surface waves from the basin edge. Finally, an envelope delay spectrum was computed for the simulated ground motions, showing that surface waves are excited in the frequency band of 0.2–0.8 Hz with a significant increase of ground motion duration within the basin.  相似文献   

An approach for simulating near-fault ground motion was presented by combining the finite fault model with a numerical algorithm, named investigated lump method presented in this paper for wave propagation. The investigated lumps are constructed from the auxiliary quadrilateral grids. The dynamic equilibrium equations of a typical investigated lump have been derived and obtained by integrating the stresses along the contour of the investigated lump. The stresses are calculated using the constitutive relations and the interpolation techniques. The investigated lump method is then implemented using the equilibrium equations of investigated lumps and the calculations of stresses alternately in time domain. The stability criterion of the algorithm has been given. Comparisons with the discrete wave-number method solutions for predicting the ground motions at the Pacoima Dam during the San Fernando earthquake show the validity of the method presented in this paper for simulating near-field ground motions. A finite fault source model has been implemented in the algorithm here. The source parameters given by Wald et al. (1996) [18] are applied to synthesize the ground motions at three stations during the 1994 Northridge earthquake. The simulating results qualitatively match to the corresponding ground motion records. The studies demonstrated that the approach presented in this paper is an effective tool for the numerical simulation of near-fault ground motion.  相似文献   

采用美国南加州地震委员会(SCEC)Steven Day博士提供的三维有限差分断层瞬态破裂动力学模型(3D-FDM),以1976年唐山M_S7.8地震为例,从简化的断层双侧破裂模式出发,对该地震发震断层的动态破裂过程及近断层地表运动特征进行了仿真模拟和计算.研究区域为围绕发震断层200 km×140 km×40 km(深度)的长方形块体组成,模拟计算的空间分辨率和时间分辨率分别为200 m和0.012 s,形成的空间网格节点数为1051×701×201.在DELL小型上作站上,我们实现了对源程序的移植和并行计算.同时,通过引进计算机可视化技术,对模拟数据进行了3D/4D解释分析.另外,在对源程序修改过程中,实现了对京津唐地区三维地壳速度结构的嵌入,在一定程度上增强了对地震波传播以及地面运动模拟的真实性,并讨论了地震破裂的方向性对近断层地表运动的影响.最后根据初步研究结果结合京津唐地区活动断层构造特征,对唐山M_S7.8级主震后随之而来的1976滦县M_S7.1级余震及宁河M_S6.9级余震的动态触发机制提出了新的解释.由于受主震破裂方向性作用的影响,使得主震对后续两个较大余震产生的动态应力变化的峰值在断层的走滑方向上较大,为2~3 MPa,在逆冲方向上较小,为0.1~0.2 MPa.即唐山主震的发生使得其周边的应力场有一个瞬态的应力调整,唐山主震对后续余震的发生有促发作用.  相似文献   


利用2014年鲁甸MS6.5地震断层距小于300 km的32个自由场地观测台站的地震动加速度记录,分析了地震动峰值加速度(PGA)和峰值速度(PGV)的空间分布特征,并对已有地震动衰减模型中的NGA-West2四个模型和1个中国川藏区模型进行了比较分析.研究表明,地震动PGA和PGV衰减最快的方向与断层主破裂方向一致.在整个断层距(Rrup)范围内大多数台站的地震动PGA、PGV和加速度反应谱值(Sa(T=0.1、5.0 s))均位于NGA-West2四个模型预测曲线的±1倍标准差之外.PGA、PGV和Sa(T=5.0 s)的事件内残差均值在-1.43~-0.74之间.Sa(T=0.01~5.0 s)事件内残差均值在整个距离范围内均表现出系统性偏负.NGA-West2四个模型的PGA事件内残差的空间分布特征相似,其最大正值和最大负值分布区域的震源-场地方位角约为-90°和90°,与主破裂断层方向垂直,所处地势较为平坦且台站场地VS30相对较大.NGA-West2四个模型总体上会较大地高估鲁甸地震整个断层距范围内各个周期尤其是短周期(T < 1.0 s)的地震动加速度反应谱值.考虑本地区实际地震资料的中国川藏区地震动衰减模型也会在一定程度上高估鲁甸地震大多数台站的地震动加速度反应谱值,但是相对于NGA-West2四个模型,其预测值更接近鲁甸地震的实际观测值.


1999年台湾集集大地震强地面运动的模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用有限断层模型对1999年台湾集集大地震所产生的近场强地面运动进行了数值模拟,尝试了将具有明确物理意义的震源动力模型的研究结果应用于描述震源过程。计算结果显示,基岩台或接近工程基岩台的计算模拟记录同观测记录符合得很好。进一步研究表明,当综合考虑场地效应对地震动影响时,模拟计算结果得到了明显的改善,同实际观测记录更为相符。本文的研究结果说明,为了科学合理地预测大地震所产生的强地面运动,应综合考虑影响地震所产生的地面运动的"三要素",即:震源过程、传播路径及场地效应。  相似文献   

2013年6月2日台湾南投地震强地面运动模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2013年6月2日台湾省南投县发生一次里氏6.5级地震,这次地震是最近几年内发生的最大的一次地震,台湾大部分地区以及中国大陆东南沿海城市均有明显震感.为了更深入的理解此次地震的地震波能量传播过程以及强地面运动过程,本文采用三维有限差分方法对此次地震的强地面运动过程进行了模拟.结果显示,台湾中央山脉起伏的地形对此次地震的强地面运动分布特征具有较大的影响,出现了比较明显的地形放大效应;此外,台湾的平原和盆地中的沉积层也对地震波有较强的放大效应.  相似文献   

采用美国南加州地震委员会(SCEC)Steven Day博士提供的三维有限差分断层瞬态破裂动力学模型(3D-FDM),以1976年唐山MS7.8地震为例,从简化的断层双侧破裂模式出发,对该地震发震断层的动态破裂过程及近断层地表运动特征进行了仿真模拟和计算.研究区域为围绕发震断层200 km×140 km×40 km(深度)的长方形块体组成,模拟计算的空间分辨率和时间分辨率分别为200 m和0.012 s,形成的空间网格节点数为1051×701×201.在DELL小型工作站上,我们实现了对源程序的移植和并行计算.同时,通过引进计算机可视化技术,对模拟数据进行了3D/4D解释分析.另外,在对源程序修改过程中,实现了对京津唐地区三维地壳速度结构的嵌入,在一定程度上增强了对地震波传播以及地面运动模拟的真实性,并讨论了地震破裂的方向性对近断层地表运动的影响.最后根据初步研究结果结合京津唐地区活动断层构造特征,对唐山MS7.8级主震后随之而来的1976滦县MS7.1级余震及宁河MS6.9级余震的动态触发机制提出了新的解释.由于受主震破裂方向性作用的影响,使得主震对后续两个较大余震产生的动态应力变化的峰值在断层的走滑方向上较大,为2~3 MPa,在逆冲方向上较小,为0.1~0.2 MPa.即唐山主震的发生使得其周边的应力场有一个瞬态的应力调整,唐山主震对后续余震的发生有促发作用.  相似文献   

张北地震在北京市激发的二维强地面运动的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张北县距离北京市约200多km,1998年1月的张北地震是近期北京周边地区发生的一次较强规模的地震,研究它在北京地区引起的强地面运动,有助于分析首都圈内的地震危害性,为地震减灾提供理论帮助.本文利用新的计算工具-局域离散波数法,模拟了张北地震激发的包括来自上地壳、moho面反射波、首播等在内的全波场在北京西部引起的2D强地面运动,分析了该区内第三纪、第四纪沉积地层对于地震的放大效应,得出的主要结论有,薄的第四纪沉积盖层的地点放大效应比厚的第三纪盖层的大很多,说明介质物性是决定地点放大效应的根本原因;不同物性的沉积盖层,在R、Z分量上的放大作用不一样,体现了地点放大效应的复杂性,值得在今后的研究中继续探讨.  相似文献   

基于显式有限元方法和运动学震源模型并利用昆明盆地三维地下构造模型,本文研究了震源参数对断层附近长周期地震动的影响.结果表明,断层的破裂方式、埋藏深度、破裂速度以及断层面上位错的不均匀分布对断层附近长周期地震动有重要影响.不同破裂方式下,破裂的方向性强的区域分布不同,由于破裂的方向性效应和复杂场地条件的共同作用,导致不同破裂方式的断层附近地震动分布差别很大.随着破裂速度的增加,方向性效应更加明显,断层附近的长周期地震动也随之增大;对于浅源地震,随着断层埋深的增加,地震动明显下降.对于埋藏深度很浅的断层,当Asperity靠近断层上沿时,会显著增大其在地表投影附近的长周期地震动.能否合理地估计这些基本震源参数,是预测未来发震断层周围地震动场的关键.  相似文献   

Strong ground motions recorded on the sedimentary deposits of the Po River alluvial plain during the Emilia (Northern Italy) Mw 5.7 earthquake of May 29, 2012 are used to assess the vertical profile of shear-wave velocity above the limestone basement. Data were collected by a linear array installed for site effect studies after the Mw 5.9 mainshock of May 20, 2012. The array stations, equipped with both strong and weak motion sensors, are aligned in the South–North direction, at distances ranging from 1 to 26 km from the epicenter. The vertical components of ground motion show very distinctive, large-amplitude, low-frequency dispersive wave trains. Wavelet analysis yields group-velocity dispersion curve in the 0.2–0.7 Hz frequency band. The availability of a long ambient noise record allows estimates of the site resonance frequency along with its stability among stations. The joint inversion of dispersion of surface waves and ellipticity curves derived from ambient noise H/V allows extending investigations down to the sediment-limestone interface, at a depth of about 5,000 m. Our results add new information about the velocity structure at a scale that is intermediate between the local scale already investigated by other authors with small-aperture arrays using ambient noise and the regional scale inferred from modeling of seismogram waveforms recorded at hundreds of kilometers from the source.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the use of ARMA models in earthquake engineering. Tools and methods applied to strong ground motion are discussed emphasizing simulation of probabilistic earthquake response spectra. The ARMA models are applied to Icelandic earthquake data and a tentative model for Icelandic earthquakes is presented. This model, which is derived using 54 accelerograms, is based on a low-order, time-invariant ARMA process excited by Gaussian white noise and amplitude modulated using a simple envelope function to account for the non-stationary characteristics. This simple model gives a reasonable fit to the observed ground motion. Further, this model produces accurate earthquake response spectra, which, combined with accompanying attenuation and duration formulae, might be useful in earthquake hazard and risk assessment.  相似文献   

利用日本K-NET和KiK-net强震动台网获取的距离发震断层100 km以内136个强震动台站的三分量加速度记录,研究熊本M_W7.0地震地震动的长周期特性.基于残差分析研究不同周期地震动的空间分布差异,将观测分析结果与美国NGA经验模型、汶川和芦山地震观测结果进行对比,揭示此次熊本地震近场强震动的长周期特点及其形成机理.研究结果表明:(1)虽然总体上此次地震的近场地震动水平与美国NGA-West2经验模型的预测结果接近,但周期2 s以上地震动的分布在断层不同方位有系统性差异,在断层的北东方位,周期2.0~10.0 s的反应谱高于NGA-West2经验模型的预测结果,在西南方位,谱值低于经验预测模型.(2)我们认为此次地震2.0~10.0 s的长周期地震动的空间分布差异主要受破裂方向性的影响,在破裂传播的正前方,周期T=2.0 s,3.0 s,5.0 s,7.5 s和10.0 s的加速度谱被放大到整体观测平均水平的1 4~2.0倍.从周期T=2.0 s到10.0 s,破裂向前方向的放大作用和破裂反方向的减弱作用均有所增强,此次地震观测到的速度大脉冲记录均位于断层的东北方位,这与方向性脉冲的产生机理相吻合,速度大脉冲对加速度反应谱有显著的长周期放大作用,放大倍数值可以超过4.0,放大作用的影响主要位于脉冲的特征周期T_p附近.(3)近断层记录在建筑结构敏感的周期(0.5~2.0 s)的反应谱达到芦山地震的3~6倍,虽然与芦山地震震级接近,此次地震近断层地震动破坏力大大超过了芦山M_W6.8地震,甚至超过了汶川W_W7.9地震,这种长周期特点应该引起工程抗震设计和相关研究人员的重视.  相似文献   

毛燕  胡家富 《地震学报》2012,34(3):339-349
根据普洱、 西双版纳地区6个地震观测台站在2008——2009年获取的5级以上的地震资料, 利用接收函数和面波衰减系数, 反演得到了研究区域的S波速度结构和Qβ结构. 基于该结构模型, 采用随机振动理论方法, 预测了2007年宁洱MS6.4地震发生后, 在震中距为10——300 km范围内引起的地面运动, 并借助获取的强震观测记录检验、 评价了该预测结果. 同时, 将地面运动预测结果与利用回归衰减公式计算得到的结果进行对比, 进而讨论该地震动预测方法在地面运动预测中的可行性. 结果表明, 该预测结果与实测结果吻合.   相似文献   

The Mw 7.1 earthquake of November 12, 1999 severely damageda 2.5 km long viaduct on a stretch under construction of theIstanbul-Ankara motorway, 18 km W of Bolu. The fault rupture crossedthe viaduct with an observed offset close to 1.5 m; the viaduct decksuffered large permanent displacements but did not collapse.Seismic hazard at the site appears to be governed by characteristicearthquakes occurring every few hundred years both on the Düzce faultand on the main stretch of North Anatolian fault (NAF). Smaller activefaults near the site also contribute to the hazard.We investigate how a reliable design response spectrum of displacement canbe constructed for the viaduct site using both probabilistic and deterministictools. After checking the applicability of known attenuation relations againstrecorded data, we illustrate a hazard analysis that incorporates acharacteristic earthquake model for the relevant faults, and accounts forstatistical directivity effects on the Düzce fault. Constant-risk responsespectra up to 3 s are thus obtained for different return periods. Syntheticmotions at the site are generated next, using a known source model, inorder to explore the features of the displacement response spectrum atvibration periods in the range between 1s and 6 s, in which the dominantresponse of the viaduct deck, uncoupled from the piers, occurs. Adiscussion of results follows.  相似文献   

2014年8月3日云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生了Ms6.5级地震.在已知的三维介质模型、地形数据基础上,利用震源运动学初步反演模型(张勇等,2014),作者采用曲线坐标网格三维曲线有限差分方法模拟了鲁甸地震波场传播过程,并计算了模拟区域地震烈度分布.结果表明:地震最大烈度为Ⅶ度,破坏主要集中在鲁甸县以及巧家县、会泽县靠近鲁甸县的边界.另外,模拟结果还显示地震动在山峰、山脊处具有较大的幅度.计算表明断层东北侧的低速沉积盆地的波动放大效应加强了该地区的地震灾害.  相似文献   

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