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New Claret evolutionary model-tracks, constructed for the first time for studying close binary systems (CBS) including tidal evolution constants, are used to determine the age of 112 eclipsing-variable stars in the Svechnikov-Perevozkina catalog by the method of isochrones. There is some interest in comparing the calculated ages with previous estimates obtained for these same close binary systems using evolutionary modeltracks for individual stars taking their mass loss into account. A correlation of the ages of the principal and secondary components is noted, which is most marked for massive close binaries with principal components having masses M1 ≥ 3 M. A rejuvenating effect is found to occur for the systems studied here as calculated on the new tracks; it is most distinct for low-mass close binaries with a total mass M1 + M2 ≤ 3.5 M and is predicted theoretically in terms of magnetic braking. The calculated broadband grid of isochrones, from zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) to the age of the galaxy, can be used for estimating the ages of close binaries from other catalogs. Ages are given for the 112 eclipsing-variable close binaries with detached components lying within the main sequence. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 299–312 (May 2007).  相似文献   

The ratiosC 1/C 2 of the constants defining the equipotential surfaces which describe the external forms of the components of a close binary system have been calculated on the basis of evolutionary models. Theoretical systems have been considered allowing for a wide range of input parameters (masses and separation) and taking into account the evolutionary effects on the radii of the stars during their Main-Sequence lifetime. The systems have not undergone any transfer of matter and are representative of detached binaries with Main-Sequence components. The ratios of the constants are confined in limited intervals and, for the highest values of the mass-ratio, they are clustered around the unit.  相似文献   

By calculating the angular momentum transport during the evolution of a binary system, the variations of the rotational and revolution periods of the binary system under the tidal action, as well as the tidal effect on the evolution of the system are investigated. The calculated results indicate that when a close binary system evolves in the main sequence, the tidal friction will make the rotation and revolution approach to a closed state in a short time, but it takes a long time to attain a complete synchronization. After mass exchange started, the synchronous rotation can be changed more easily into the non-synchronous rotation for the semi-detached binaries. But for the contact binaries, the mass exchange is not strong enough to break the synchronization. The evolutionary tracks of the synchronization and non-synchronization models in the HR diagram are also compared with each other, and the result shows that for the non-synchronization model, the evolutionary curve of the primary star moves toward the direction of high luminosity and high effective temperature on the HR diagram at the mass exchange stage. Finally, by analyzing the statistical data of observations, it is found that the observed fact that the non-synchronous rotation exists in a period even longer than the tide-locking timescale can be explained by this model.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical calculations of stellar evolutionary tracks for rotating high-mass stars suggests that the chemical composition of the surface layers changes even whilst the star is evolving on the Main Sequence. The abundance analysis of binary components with precisely known fundamental stellar quantities allows a powerful comparison with theory. The observed spectra of close binary stars can be separated into the individual spectra of the component stars using the method of spectral disentangling on a time-series of spectra taken over the orbital cycle. Recently, Pavlovski and Hensberge (2005, A&A, 439, 309) have shown that, even with moderately high line-broadening, metal abundances can be derived from disentangled spectra with a precision of 0.1 dex. In a continuation of this project we have undertaken a detailed abundance analysis of the components of another two high-mass binaries, V453 Cyg, and V380 Cyg. Both binaries are well-studied systems with modern solutions. The components are close to the TAMS and therefore very suitable for an observational test of early mixing in high-mass stars.  相似文献   

With the aim of providing new and up-to-date absolute parameters of some close binary systems, new BVR CCD photometry was carried out at the Ankara University Observatory (AUG) for five eclipsing binaries, ET Boo, V1123 Tau, V1191 Cyg, V1073 Cyg and V357 Peg between April, 2007 and October, 2008. In this paper, we present the orbital solutions for these systems obtained by simultaneous light and radial velocity curve analyses. Extensive orbital solution and absolute parameters for ET Boo system were given for the first time through this study. According to the analyses, ET Boo is a detached binary while the parameters of four remaining systems are consistent with the nature of contact binaries. The evolutionary status of the components of these systems are also discussed by referring to their absolute parameters found in this study.  相似文献   

Individual tidal torque λ 2,E 2 and apsidal-motion k 2 constants were calculated for 112 close eclipsing binaries (CEBs) with Detached components belonging to the Main Sequence (DMS-type) from the catalogue by Svechnikov and Perevozkina (Catalogue of orbital elements, masses and luminosities of variable stars of DMS-type and some results of its statistical treatment, Ural State University Press, Yekaterinburg, pp. 1–5, 1999) and for 95 detached binaries taken from the catalogue by Torres et al. (Astron. Astrophys. Rev. 18:67, 2010) on the base of theoretical evolutionary stellar models including tidal torque constants by Claret (Astron. Astrophys. 424:919, 2004). A method of the inversion of model track grid into isochrones was formulated as a complex interpolation procedure for DMS-binaries data. Sets of isochrones were computed in k 2M, k 2R, λ 2M, λ 2R, E 2M, and E 2R planes. Calculated tidal torque constants allow to test stellar structure theory by comparing observed and estimated values of apsidal motion period and analyzing the correlation between timescales of synchronization, circularization, magnetic braking, as well as nuclear burning of DMS-components.  相似文献   

Supernova rates (hypernova, type II, type Ib/c and type Ia) in a particular galaxy depend on the metallicity (i.e. on the galaxy age), on the physics of star formation and on the binary population. In order to study the time evolution of the galactic supernova rates, we use our chemical evolutionary model that accounts in detail for the evolution of single stars and binaries. In particular, supernovae of type Ia are considered to arise from exploding white dwarfs in interacting binaries and we adopt the two most plausible physical models: the single degenerate model and the double degenerate model. Comparison between theoretical prediction and observations of supernova rates in different types of galaxies allows to put constraints on the population of intermediate mass and massive close binaries.

The temporal evolution of the absolute galactic rates of different types of supernovae (including the type Ia rate) is presented in such a way that the results can be directly implemented into a galactic chemical evolutionary model. Particularly for type Ia’s the inclusion of binary evolution leads to results considerably different from those in earlier population synthesis approaches, in which binary evolution was not included in detail.  相似文献   

A theoretical model for explaining the O‘Connell effect of close binary stars is given based on the hypothesis that the circumstellar material of a binary system is captured by its components.The results inferred form the model suggest that late-type and /or short-period binaries can easily produce obvious O‘Connell effect and that the occurrence of O‘Connell effect has no relation with the type of binaries,These conclusions are in agreement with the observed results.The observed O‘Connell effects of six binary systems are examined by the model.For three W-subtype W UMa binaries(YY Eri,BX Per and SW Lac).the densities of the materials captured by the two components are assumed to be equal,and the calculated O‘Connell effect is found to be almost equal to the observed effect.For three A-subtype W UMa systems(CN And,FG Hya and AU Ser),the two densities are assumed to be different,and are calculated separately.The calculated O‘Connell effect turns out to agree better with the observed effect than that was formerly obtained.  相似文献   

We present the first light curve solutions of five binary systems selected from All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) Catalog of Variable Stars. The light curves of the systems are analyzed and the light parameters are derived. The estimated absolute parameters of the components and the degree of contact values for all targets are also calculated. We compared our results to other known contact binaries by emphasizing the locations of the components on the mass–radius and the H–R diagram. The evolutionary statuses of the systems are also discussed. Results of our analyses confirm that the systems are contact binaries.  相似文献   

Contact binaries consist of two strongly interacting component stars where they are filling their critical Roche lobes and sharing a common envelope. Most of them are main-sequence stars, but some of them are post main-sequence systems. They are good astrophysical laboratories for studying several problems such as the merging of binary stars, evolution of the common envelope, the origin of luminous red nova outbursts and the formation of rapidly rotating single stars with possible planetary systems. A large number of contact binary candidates were detected by several photometric surveys around the world and many of them were observed by the LAMOST spectroscopic survey. Based on follow-up observations,the evolutionary states and geometrical structures of some systems were understood well. In this review,we will introduce and catalog new stellar atmospheric parameters(i.e., the effective temperature(Teff), the gravitational acceleration(log(g)), metallicity([Fe/H]) and radial velocity(Vr)) for 9149 EW-type contact binaries that were obtained based on low-and medium-resolution spectroscopic surveys of LAMOST. Then we will focus on several groups of contact binary stars, i.e., marginal contact binary systems, deep and low-mass ratio contact binary stars, binary systems below the short-period limit of contact binaries and evolved contact binaries. Marginal contact binaries are at the beginning of the contact stage, while deep and low-mass ratio contact binary stars are at the final evolutionary stage of tidally locked binaries. Several statistical relations including the period-temperature relation are determined well by applying LAMOST data and their formation and evolutionary states are reviewed. The period-color relation of M-type binaries reveals that there are contact binaries below the short-period limit. Searching for and investigating contact binaries near and below this limit will help us to understand the formation of contact binary systems and a new prediction for the short-period limit is about 0.15 d. Some evolved contact binaries were detected by the LAMOST survey where both components are sub-giants or giants. They provide a good opportunity to investigate evolution of the common envelope and are the progenitors of luminous red novae like V1309 Sco.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of extended shells of relatively low-mass particles around and inside the orbit of two heavy centres of gravity (a binary) by computer simulations. The binary components are surrounded byN = 16 000 small mass particles in uniform random distribution on few spherical envelopes with different radii expanding with respective velocities. Some shells are inside the orbit of binary.We apply this model to binary galaxy systems with baryonic dark matter, e.g., massive black holes. In principle, we can apply this model to different kinds of objects (from binary star systems until superclusters of galaxies).It is shown that the shell expands homologously with a decreasing velocity and then, falls back into the binary system forming zones of compressed matter. At some moment of time there could be a collapse of these particles on to the heavier component of the binary. Further in time, some part of particles which were outside the binary orbit escape from the system. Other particles which were initially inside of the orbit are captured by binary components.We consider a number of different models with different initial parameters. For models with smaller radii of shells, about one-half of the particles escape from systems; whereas for larger values the shell disrupts as a whole. Escaping particles form collimated flows in planes of orbits of binaries. Positions of flows and directions of motion depend on positions of heavier components of binaries at the moment of a closest approach of particles and on ratios of masses of binary components.We show that during evolution of our models different kinds of structures of systems often are very similar to the observed structures of galaxies: spiral and elliptical galaxies, interacting galaxies, different kinds of flows and jets. Totally systems are expanding - after 40 periods of rotation of the binary the system expands by 300 times.  相似文献   

The observed association of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts (LGRBs) with peculiar Type Ic supernovae gives support to Woosley‘s collapsar/hypernova model, in which the GRB is produced by the collapse of the rapidly rotating core of a massive star to a black hole. The association of LGRBs with small star-forming galaxies suggests low-metallicity to be a condition for a massive star to evolve to the collapsar stage. Both completely-mixed single star models and binary star models are possible. In binary models the progenitor of the GRB is a massive helium star with a close companion. We find that tidal synchronization during core-helium burning is reached on a short timescale (less than a few millennia). However, the strong core-envelope coupling in the subsequent evolutionary stages is likely to rule out helium stars with main-sequence companions as progenitors of hypernovae/GRBs. On the other hand, helium stars in close binaries with a neutron-star or black-hole companion can, despite the strong core-envelope coupling in the post-helium burning phase, retain sufficient core angular momentum to produce a hypernova/GRB.  相似文献   

利用双星自转同步性理论给出了69个三类密近双星系统中93个子星的临界同步自转参量和临界自转周期.并把利用临界自转同步参量所计算的临界自转周期与由气体星自转不稳定理论所计算的临界自转周期做了比较,其结果是两者均属同一量级.  相似文献   

Massive stars     
We describe the present state of massive star research seen from the viewpoint of stellar evolution, with special emphasis on close binaries. Statistics of massive close binaries are reasonably complete for the Solar neighbourhood. We defend the thesis that within our knowledge, many scientific results where the effects of binaries are not included, have an academic value, but may be far from reality. In chapter I, we summarize general observations of massive stars where we focus on the HR diagram, stellar wind mass loss rates, the stellar surface chemistry, rotation, circumstellar environments, supernovae. Close binaries can not be studied separately from single stars and vice versa. First, the evolution of single stars is discussed (chapter I). We refer to new calculations with updated stellar wind mass loss rate formalisms and conclusions are proposed resulting from a comparison with representative observations. Massive binaries are considered in chapter II. Basic processes are briefly described, i.e. the Roche lobe overflow and mass transfer, the common envelope process, the spiral-in process in binaries with extreme mass ratio, the effects of mass accretion and the merging process, the implications of the (asymmetric) supernova explosion of one of the components on the orbital parameters of the binary. Evolutionary computations of interacting close binaries are discussed and general conclusions are drawn. The enormous amount of observational data of massive binaries is summarized. We separately consider the non-evolved and evolved systems. The latter class includes the semi-detached and contact binaries, the WR binaries, the X-ray binaries, the runaways, the single and binary pulsars. A general comparison between theoretical evolution and observations is combined with a discussion of specially interesting binaries: the evolved binaries HD 163181, HD 12323, HD 14633, HD 193516, HD 25638, HD 209481, Per and Sgr; the WR+OB binary V444 Cyg; the high mass X-ray binaries Vela X-1, Wray 977, Cyg X-1; the low mass X-ray binaries Her X-1 and those with a black hole candidate; the runaway Pup, the WR+compact companion candidates Cyg X-3, HD 50896 and HD 197406. We finally propose an overall evolutionary model of massive close binaries as a function of primary mass, mass ratio and orbital period. Chapter III deals with massive star population synthesis with a realistic population of binaries. We discuss the massive close binary frequency, mass ratio and period distribution, the observations that allow to constrain possible asymmetries during the supernova explosion of a massive star. We focuss on the comparison between observed star numbers (as a function of metallicity) and theoretically predicted numbers of stellar populations in regions of continuous star formation and in starburst regions. Special attention is given to the O-type star/WR star/red supergiant star population, the pulsar and binary pulsar population, the supernova rates. Received 17 July 1998  相似文献   

We present a model of near-Earth asteroid (NEA) rotational fission and ensuing dynamics that describes the creation of synchronous binaries and all other observed NEA systems including: doubly synchronous binaries, high-e binaries, ternary systems, and contact binaries. Our model only presupposes the Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect, “rubble pile” asteroid geophysics, and gravitational interactions. The YORP effect torques a “rubble pile” asteroid until the asteroid reaches its fission spin limit and the components enter orbit about each other (Scheeres, D.J. [2007]. Icarus 189, 370-385). Non-spherical gravitational potentials couple the spin states to the orbit state and chaotically drive the system towards the observed asteroid classes along two evolutionary tracks primarily distinguished by mass ratio. Related to this is a new binary process termed secondary fission - the secondary asteroid of the binary system is rotationally accelerated via gravitational torques until it fissions, thus creating a chaotic ternary system. The initially chaotic binary can be stabilized to create a synchronous binary by components of the fissioned secondary asteroid impacting the primary asteroid, solar gravitational perturbations, and mutual body tides. These results emphasize the importance of the initial component size distribution and configuration within the parent asteroid. NEAs may go through multiple binary cycles and many YORP-induced rotational fissions during their approximately 10 Myr lifetime in the inner Solar System. Rotational fission and the ensuing dynamics are responsible for all NEA systems including the most commonly observed synchronous binaries.  相似文献   

The study of detached eclipsing binaries in open clusters can provide stringent tests of theoretical stellar evolutionary models, which must simultaneously fit the masses, radii, and luminosities of the eclipsing stars and the radiative properties of every other star in the cluster. We review recent progress in such studies and discuss two unusually interesting objects currently under analysis. GV Carinae is an A0 m + A8 m binary in the Southern open cluster NGC 3532; its eclipse depths have changed by 0.1 mag between 1990 and 2001, suggesting that its orbit is being perturbed by a relatively close third body. DW Carinae is a high-mass unevolved B1 V + B1 V binary in the very young open cluster Collinder 228, and displays double-peaked emission in the centre of the Hα line which is characteristic of Be stars. We conclude by pointing out that the great promise of eclipsing binaries in open clusters can only be satisfied when both the binaries and their parent clusters are well-observed, a situation which is less common than we would like.  相似文献   

In this study the photometric perturbations arising from the axial rotation of the two components in close binaries are calculated and discussed. The evaluation is made for occultation eclipses terminating in totality-for both stars together as well as for each component separately.  相似文献   

The dynamical evolution of small stellar groups composed of N=6 components was numerically simulated within the framework of a gravitational N-body problem. The effects of stellar mass loss in the form of stellar wind, dynamical friction against the interstellar medium, and star mergers on the dynamical evolution of the groups were investigated. A comparison with a purely gravitational N-body problem was made. The state distributions at the time of 300 initial system crossing times were analyzed. The parameters of the forming binary and stable triple systems as well as the escaping single and binary stars were studied. The star-merger and dynamical-friction effects are more pronounced in close systems, while the stellar wind effects are more pronounced in wide systems. Star-mergers and stellar wind slow down the dynamical evolution. These factors cause the mean and median semimajor axes of the final binaries as well as the semimajor axes of the internal and external binaries in stable triple systems to increase. Star mergers and dynamical friction in close systems decrease the fraction of binary systems with highly eccentric orbits and the mean component mass ratios for the final binaries and the internal and external binaries in stable triple systems. Star mergers and dynamical friction in close systems increase the fraction of stable triple systems with prograde motions. Dynamical friction in close systems can both increase and decrease the mean velocities of the escaping single stars, depending on the density of the interstellar medium and the mean velocity of the stars in the system.  相似文献   

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