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Data on interstellar extinction are interpreted to imply an identification of interstellar grains with naturally freeze-dried bacteria and algae. The total mass of such bacterial and algal cells in the galaxy is enormous, ~ 1040 g. The identification is based on Mie scattering calculations for an experimentally determined size distribution of bacteria. Agreement between our model calculations and astronomical data is remarkably precise over the wavelength intervals 1 μ-1 < λ-1 < 1.94 μ-1and 2.5 μ-1 < λ-1 < 3.0 μ-1. Over the more restricted waveband 4000–5000 Å an excess interstellar absorption is found which is in uncannily close agreement with the absorption properties of phytoplankton pigments. The strongest of the diffuse interstellar bands are provisionally assigned to carotenoid-chlorophyll pigment complexes such as exist in algae and pigmented bacteria. The λ2200 Å interstellar absorption feature could be due to `degraded' cellulose strands which form spherical graphitic particles, but could equally well be due to protein-lipid-nucleic acid complexes in bacteria and viruses. Interstellar extinction at wavelengths λ < 1800 Å could be due to scattering by virus particles.  相似文献   

It is shown that phosphorus availability is in close balance with the phosphorus requirement of the bacterial grain model. This correspondence, which would be fortuitous if the interstellar grains were of inorganic origin, points to the correctness of the biological model. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We show that the recently observed 3.3 μm emission feature in the diffuse radiation from the galactic disk might be due to an ensemble of aromatic molecules distributed within very small interstellar grains. The same particles also provide an explanation of the λ2200 ? interstellar absorption feature. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aromatic material extracted from the Murchison meteorite shows an absorption atλ2200 Å similar to the well-known interstellar absorption feature at this wavelength. This suggests a link between interstellar grain clumps containing organics and the presolar component of carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

Some two decades ago, Hoyle and Wickramasinghe (1976) proposed that the physical conditions inside dense molecular clouds favour the formation of amino acids and complex organic polymers. There now exists both astronomical and laboratory evidence supporting this idea. Recent millimeter array observations have discovered the amino acid glycine (NH2CH2COOH) in the gas phase of the dense star-forming cloud Sagittarius B2. These observations would pose serious problems for present-day theories of molecule formation in space because it is unlikely that glycline can form by the gas-phase reaction schemes normally considered for dense cloud chemistry. Several laboratory experiments suggest a new paradigm in which amino acids and other large organic molecules are chemically manufactured inside the bulk interior of icy grain mantles photoprocessed by direct and scattered ultraviolet starlight. Frequent chemical explosions of the processed mantles would eject large fragments of organic dust into the ambient cloud. Large dust fragments break up into smaller ones by sputtering and ultimately by photodissociation of individual molecules. Hence, a sizeable column density (N≈ 1010−1015 cm-2) of amino acids would be present in the gaseous medium as a consequence of balancing the rate of supply from exploding mantles with the rate of molecule destruction. Exploding mantles can therefore solve the longstanding molecule desorption problem for interstellar dense cloud chemistry. A sizeable fraction of the organic dust population can survive destruction and seed primitive planetary systems throughout our galaxy with prebiological organic molecules needed for proteins and nucleic acids in living organisms. This possibility provides fresh grounds for a new version of the old panspermia hypothesis first introduced by Anaxagoras. It is shown that panspermia is more important than asteroid and cometary organic depositions onto primitive Earth. Furthermore, no appeal to Miller-Urey synthesis in a nonoxidizing atmosphere of primitive Earth is then needed to seed terrestrial life. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract— Primitive meteorites contain a few parts per million (ppm) of pristine interstellar grains that provide information on nuclear and chemical processes in stars. Their interstellar origin is proven by highly anomalous isotopic ratios, varying more than 1000-fold for elements such as C and N. Most grains isolated thus far are stable only under highly reducing conditions (C/O > 1), and apparently are “stardust” formed in stellar atmospheres. Microdiamonds, of median size ~ 10 Å, are most abundant (~ 400–1800 ppm) but least understood. They contain anomalous noble gases including Xe-HL, which shows the signature of the r- and p-processes and thus apparently is derived from supernovae. Silicon carbide, of grain size 0.2–10 μm and abundance ~ 6 ppm, shows the signature of the s-process and apparently comes mainly from red giant carbon (AGB) stars of 1–3 solar masses. Some grains appear to be ≥109 a older than the Solar System. Graphite spherules, of grain size 0.8–7 μm and abundance <2 ppm, contain highly anomalous C and noble gases, as well as large amounts of fossil 26Mg from the decay of extinct 26Al. They seem to come from at least three sources, probably AGB stars, novae, and Wolf-Rayet stars.  相似文献   

Summary. Substantial progress in the field of the Local Interstellar Medium has been largely due to recent launches of space missions, mostly in the UV and X–ray domains, but also to ground-based observations, mainly in high resolution spectroscopy. However, a clear gap seems to remain between the wealth of new data and the theoretical understanding. This paper gives an overview of some observational aspects, with no attempt of completeness or doing justice to all the people involved in the field. As progress rarely evolves in straight paths, we can expect that our present picture of the solar system surroundings is not definitive. Received 30 October 1998  相似文献   

The Sun, driving a supersonic solar wind, cuts out of the local interstellar medium a giant plasma bubble, the heliosphere. ESA, jointly with NASA, has had an important role in the development of our current understanding of the Suns’ immediate neighborhood. Ulysses is the only spacecraft exploring the third, out-of-ecliptic dimension, while SOHO has allowed us to better understand the influence of the Sun and to image the glow of interstellar matter in the heliosphere. Voyager 1 has recently encountered the innermost boundary of this plasma bubble, the termination shock, and is returning exciting yet puzzling data of this remote region. The next logical step is to leave the heliosphere and to thereby map out in unprecedented detail the structure of the outer heliosphere and its boundaries, the termination shock, the heliosheath, the heliopause, and, after leaving the heliosphere, to discover the true nature of the hydrogen wall, the bow shock, and the local interstellar medium beyond. This will greatly advance our understanding of the heliosphere that is the best-known example for astrospheres as found around other stars. Thus, IHP/HEX will allow us to discover, explore, and understand fundamental astrophysical processes in the largest accessible plasma laboratory, the heliosphere.  相似文献   

We have made an observational study of the newly identified cyanomethane radical CH2CN and the possibly related species CH3CN with the goals of (1) elucidating the possible role of reactions of the type CnHm(+) + N in astrochemistry, and (2) providing a possible test of Bates's models of dissociative electron recombination. We find a remarkably different abundance ratio CH2CN/CH3CN in TMC-1 and Sgr B2, which we deduce is a result of the large difference in temperature of these objects. Studies of CH2CN and CH3CN in other sources, including two new detections of CH2CN, support this conclusion and are consistent with a monotonic increase in the CH2CN/CH3CN ratio with decreasing temperature over the range 10-120 K. This behavior may be explained by the destruction of CH2CN by reaction with O. If this reaction does not proceed, then CH2CN and CH3CN are concluded to form via different chemical pathways. Thus, they do not provide a test of Bates's conjectures (they do not both form from CH3CNH+). CH2CN is then likely to form via C2H4(+) + N --> CH2CNH+, thus demonstrating the viability of this important reaction in astrochemistry. The T dependence of the CH2CN/CH3CN ratio would then reflect the increasing rate of the C2H4(+) + N reaction with decreasing temperature.  相似文献   

Close to 30 deuterated molecules have now been detected in the ISM, including doubly-deuterated species D2H+, ND2H, D2CO, CHD2OH, D2S, and D2CS, as well as triply-deuterated ammonia and methanol. We review the current understanding of depletion and deuteration processes in cold, dense interstellar medium (ISM) and discuss the utility of deuteroammonia as a tracer of the physical conditions and kinematics of cold, dense gas.  相似文献   

Although it is generally accepted that most, if not all, of the molecular hydrogen in interstellar space is formed through recombination reactions on grains, the exact mechanism by which this is accomplished is far from certain. In the past, great emphasis had been placed on the physical adsorption of H atoms on cold dielectric grains and their subsequent recombination and desorption as H2 molecules. However, a careful re-examination of the problem leads us to believe that a rate coefficient ofk10–17 cm3 s–1—the value usually quoted in the literature—is a very strong overestimate. The same thing can be said for the recombination of H atoms on graphite grains. Since two-body gas phase reactions are not sufficient by themselves to account for the observed abundances of H2, an alternate mechanism must exist. It is suggested that the chemisorption of hydrogen on transition metal grains may be just that formation mechanism. After separating the adsorption rate equations from those of desorption and using experimentally determined parameters, it is shown that transition metal grains can successfully catalyze as much H2 as the theoretical maximum predicted for cold ice grains, even though metal grains are probably less than 10% as abundant (by mass) than dielectrics.  相似文献   

Since gas-phase reactions alone cannot account for the observed abundances of H2 in the typical interstellar cloud, one or more surface reactions are probably involved. Of the three possible candidates, only the catalytic production of H2 on transition metal grains is supported by laboratory evidence. Using the rate equations developed in a previous paper for this process, the steady-state equilibrium abundances of H, H2,e , H+, H, H2 +, and H3 + are calculated for large (r>10 pcs;M102 M ), tenuous (n=102–104 cm–3) hydrogen dust clouds under a wide variety of conditions. In addition to the four rate equations involved in the catalytic reactions, 18 gas-phase and one additional surface reaction—the physical adsorption of H-atoms on cold, dielectric surfaces and their subsequent recombination and desorption as H2 molecules—are included in the calculations. It is found that metal grains can produce as much interstellar H2 as the best physical adsorption mechanism under optimum conditions if the extinction in the visible is less than 5m.0. The three critical parameters for efficient catalysis (activation energy of desorption, grain temperature, and the number density of available sites) are examined, and it is shown that catalytic reactions are efficient producers of H2 under all but the most unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

The dynamic spectrum of a radio pulsar is an in-line digital hologram of the ionized interstellar medium. It has previously been demonstrated that such holograms permit image reconstruction, in the sense that one can determine an approximation to the complex electric field values as a function of Doppler shift and delay, but to date the quality of the reconstructions has been poor. Here we report a substantial improvement in the method which we have achieved by simultaneous optimization of the thousands of coefficients that describe the electric field. For our test spectrum of PSR B0834+06 we find that the model provides an accurate representation of the data over the full 63 dB dynamic range of the observations: residual differences between model and data are noise like. The advent of interstellar holography enables detailed quantitative investigation of the interstellar radio-wave propagation paths for a given pulsar at each epoch of observation. We illustrate this using our test data which show the scattering material to be structured and highly anisotropic. The temporal response of the medium exhibits a scattering tail which extends to beyond  100 μs  , and the centroid of the pulse at this frequency and this epoch of observation is delayed by approximately  15 μs  as a result of multipath propagation in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued from a laser engineering point of view that there are only a few magic colors for optical SETI. These are primarily the Nd:YAG line at \(1{,}064\,\hbox {nm}\) and its second harmonic (532.1 nm). Next best choices would be the sum frequency and/or second harmonic generation of Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF laser lines, 393.8 nm (near Fraunhofer CaK), 656.5 nm (\(\hbox {H}\alpha \)) and 589.1 nm (NaD2). In this paper, we examine the interstellar extinction, atmospheric transparency and scintillation, as well as noise conditions for these laser lines. For strong signals, we find that optical wavelengths are optimal for distances \(d\lesssim \,\hbox {kpc}\). Nd:YAG at \(\lambda =1{,}064\,\hbox {nm}\) is a similarly good choice, within a factor of two, under most conditions and out to \(d\lesssim 3\,\hbox {kpc}\). For weaker transmitters, where the signal-to-noise ratio with respect to the blended host star is relevant, the optimal wavelength depends on the background source, such as the stellar type. Fraunhofer spectral lines, while providing lower stellar background noise, are irrelevant in most use cases, as they are overpowered by other factors. Laser-pushed spaceflight concepts, such as “Breakthrough Starshot”, would produce brighter and tighter beams than ever assumed for OSETI. Such beamers would appear as naked eye stars out to kpc distances. If laser physics has already matured and converged on the most efficient technology, the laser line of choice for a given scenario (e.g., Nd:YAG for strong signals) can be observed with a narrow filter to dramatically reduce background noise, allowing for large field-of-view observations in fast surveys.  相似文献   

We impose the requirement that the spatial distribution of pulsars deduced from their dispersion measures using a model of the galactic electron density (n e ) should be consistent with cylindrical symmetry around the galactic centre (assumed to be 10 kpc from the Sun). Using a carefully selected subsample of the pulsars detected by the II Molonglo Survey (II MS), we test a number of simple models and conclude that (i) the effective mean 〈ne〉) for the whole galaxy is 0.037-0.012 +0.020 cm-3, (ii) the scale height of electrons is greater than 300 pc and probably about 1 kpc or more, and (iii) there is little evidence for variation of ne with galactic radius RGC for RGc ≳ 5 kpc. Further, we make a detailed analysis of the contribution to ne from H II regions. Combining the results of a number of relatively independent calculations, we propose a model for the galactic electron density of the formn e (z) = 0.030 + 0.020 exp (- |z|/70) cm-3 where z(pc) is the height above the galactic plane and the second term describes the contribution from H II regions. We believe the statistical uncertainties in the parameters of this model are quite small.  相似文献   

Graphite flakes are excluded as a major component of interstellar grains because their ultraviolet extinction peaks occur at wavelengths longward of 2700 Å. Mie calculations for spherical graphite particles are shown to have no physical or astronomical relevance.  相似文献   

C23 UV spectroscopy of the PG1159-type star NGC7094 C26 Variations of the radio synchrotron spectral index in the interstellar medium of M33 C38 Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Brown Dwarfs and Low Mass Stars C48 The radio halo of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253 C95 Signatures of early metal enrichment in Damped-Lyman Alpha systems C113 CO 4 → 3 and [CI] 1 → 0 in the centers of NGC4945 and Circinus C115 Ratio of atomic and molecular gas and gravitational stabilty in the disk of M51 C130 The Interstellar Mediumat Early Cosmic Times: Molecular Gas in Distant Quasar Host Galaxies C188 Probing the interstellar medium in distant galaxies with SPICA/ESI C191 The evolution of spectral energy distributions of galaxies over cosmic times C197 Observations of 60Fe in the Galaxy with INTEGRAL/SPI C204 Evolution of Interstellar Clouds in a hot Gas Environment C205 The effect of clouds in a galactic wind on the evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies C206 Energy and element deposit into the interstellar medium during the lives of massive stars C209 The distribution and kinematics of massive stars in the inner Galaxy mapped with SPI/INTEGRAL 26Al 1.8 MeV line observations C213 PDR modelling of the Galactic FIR line emission C239 Towards a complete picture of the molecular ISM in local Luminous Infrared Galaxies: first results from the JCMT/IRAM line survey C242 The Search for the Very High-redshift Tail of Submillimeter Galaxies  相似文献   

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