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Anisotropic emission of gravitational waves during the merger of black holes induces a recoil velocity on the centre of mass of the binary and the final merger product can then be ejected from its host galaxy. We consider ejected black holes which stay on bound orbits around their host haloes. A recoiled black hole which moves on an almost radial orbit outside the virial radius of its central galaxy, in the cold dark matter background, reaches its apapsis in a finite time. Due to small dark matter velocity dispersion at high redshifts and also the small black hole velocity near the apapsis passage a high-density wake forms around these black hole. Gamma-ray emission can result from the enhancement of dark matter annihilation in these wakes. The diffuse high-energy gamma-ray background from the ensemble of such black holes in the Hubble volume is also evaluated.  相似文献   

The research on quasar OJ 287 has lasted over 100 years. OJ 287 exhibits the phenomenon of periodic two-peak outbursts with the eruptive period of 12 years. Observations are rather well interpreted with the black hole binary model. In this model, the secondary black hole moves around the primary black hole and crashes against the accretion disk of the primary black hole, causing outbursts. This model reasonably explains the light curves of OJ 287 and correctly predicts the time of future outbursts. These indirectly justify the precessional effect of general relativity and the existence of gravitational waves. The massive black hole in the center of galaxy is an important kind of gravitational wave source. However, the number of the galaxies with precisely determined kinematical equations of inner components is quite small. The precise kinematic orbits of black holes are provided by the black hole binary model, so the radiation of gravitational waves can be studied on the basis of these kinematic orbits. Based on the existing work, the evolutionary relations of the radiation power and waveform of gravitational waves with time are first derived by using the post-Newtonian approximation method. According to the current progress of the detection equipment of gravitational waves, i.e., IPTA (International Pulsar Timing Array), the direct detection of gravitational waves from OJ 287 may be possible within the future decade.  相似文献   

We study the inspiral of double black holes, with masses in the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ( LISA ) window of detectability, orbiting inside a massive circumnuclear, rotationally supported gaseous disc. Using high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations, we follow the black hole dynamics in the early phase when gas-dynamical friction acts on the black holes individually, and continue our simulation until they form a close binary. We find that in the early sinking the black holes lose memory of their initial orbital eccentricity if they corotate with the gaseous disc. As a consequence, the massive black holes bind forming a binary with a low eccentricity, consistent with zero within our numerical resolution limit. The cause of circularization resides in the rotation present in the gaseous background where dynamical friction operates. Circularization may hinder gravitational waves from taking over and leading the binary to coalescence. In the case of counter-rotating orbits, the initial eccentricity (if present) does not decrease, and the black holes may bind forming an eccentric binary. When dynamical friction has subsided, for equal mass black holes and regardless their initial eccentricity, angular momentum loss, driven by the gravitational torque exerted on the binary by surrounding gas, is nevertheless observable down to the smallest scale probed (≃1 pc). In the case of unequal masses, dynamical friction remains efficient down to our resolution limit, and there is no sign of formation of any ellipsoidal gas distribution that may further harden the binary. During inspiral, gravitational capture of gas by the black holes occurs mainly along circular orbits; eccentric orbits imply high relative velocities and weak gravitational focusing. Thus, the active galactic nucleus activity may be excited during the black hole pairing process and double active nuclei may form when circularization is completed, on distance scales of tens of parsecs.  相似文献   

Data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor satellite observatory suggested that the recently discovered gravitational wave source, a pair of two coalescing black holes, was related to a gamma-ray burst. The observed high-energy electromagnetic radiation (above 50 keV) originated from a weak transient source and lasted for about 1 s. Its localization is consistent with the direction to GW150914. We speculate about the possible scenario for the formation of a gamma-ray burst accompanied by the gravitational-wave signal. Our model invokes a tight binary system consisting of a massive star and a black hole which leads to the triggering of a collapse of the star’s nucleus, the formation of a second black hole, and finally to the binary black hole merger. For the most-likely configuration of the binary spin vectors with respect to the orbital angular momentum in the GW150914 event, the recoil speed (kick velocity) acquired by the final black hole through gravitational wave emission is of the order of a few hundred km/s and this might be sufficient to get it closer to the envelope of surrounding material and capture a small fraction of matter from the remnant of the host star. The gamma-ray burst is produced by the accretion of this remnant matter onto the final black hole. The moderate spin of the final black hole suggests that the gamma-ray burst jet is powered by weak neutrino emission rather than the Blandford–Znajek mechanism, and hence explains the low power available for the observed GRB signal.  相似文献   

We incorporate a model for black hole growth during galaxy mergers into the semi-analytical galaxy formation model based on ΛCDM proposed by Baugh et al. Our black hole model has one free parameter, which we set by matching the observed zero-point of the local correlation between black hole mass and bulge luminosity. We present predictions for the evolution with redshift of the relationships between black hole mass and bulge properties. Our simulations reproduce the evolution of the optical luminosity function of quasars. We study the demographics of the black hole population and address the issue of how black holes acquire their mass. We find that the direct accretion of cold gas during starbursts is an important growth mechanism for lower mass black holes and at high redshift. On the other hand, the re-assembly of pre-existing black hole mass into larger units via merging dominates the growth of more massive black holes at low redshift. This prediction could be tested by future gravitational wave experiments. As redshift decreases, progressively less massive black holes have the highest fractional growth rates, in line with recent claims of 'downsizing' in quasar activity.  相似文献   

We offer a simple explanation for the small number of black holes observed in pairs with massive stars. In detached massive binaries, spherically symmetric accretion takes place. This accretion could result in effective energy release in the hard band only if the equipartition of the gravitational and magnetic energy of plasma is established (Shvartsman’s theorem). However, we show that due to the magnetic exhaust effect this equilibrium is virtually never established for the actual magnetic fields observed on massive stars: Shvartsman’s theorem does not work. As a result, it is virtually impossible to detect black holes in detached massive binaries by currently available means (mainly, through X-ray observations).  相似文献   

We compute the effect of an orbiting gas disc in promoting the coalescence of a central supermassive black hole binary. Unlike earlier studies, we consider a finite mass of gas with explicit time dependence: we do not assume that the gas necessarily adopts a steady state or a spatially constant accretion rate, i.e. that the merging black hole was somehow inserted into a pre-existing accretion disc. We consider the tidal torque of the binary on the disc, and the binary's gravitational radiation. We study the effects of star formation in the gas disc in a simple energy feedback framework.
The disc spectrum differs in detail from that found before. In particular, tidal torques from the secondary black hole heat the edges of the gap, creating bright rims around the secondary. These rims do not in practice have uniform brightness either in azimuth or time, but can on average account for as much as 50 per cent of the integrated light from the disc. This may lead to detectable high-photon-energy variability on the relatively long orbital time-scale of the secondary black hole, and thus offer a prospective signature of a coalescing black hole binary.
We also find that the disc can drive the binary to merger on a reasonable time-scale only if its mass is at least comparable with that of the secondary black hole, and if the initial binary separation is relatively small, i.e.   a 0≲ 0.05  pc. Star formation complicates the merger further by removing mass from the disc. In the feedback model we consider, this sets an effective limit to the disc mass. As a result, binary merging is unlikely unless the black hole mass ratio is ≲0.001. Gas discs thus appear not to be an effective solution to the 'last parsec' problem for a significant class of mergers.  相似文献   

We show that it is possible for the information paradox in black hole evaporation to be resolved classically. Using standard junction conditions, we attach the general closed spherically symmetric dust metric to a space–time satisfying all standard energy conditions but with a single point future c-boundary. The resulting Omega Point space–time, which has NO event horizons, nevertheless has black hole type trapped surfaces and hence black holes. However, since there are no event horizons, information eventually escapes from the black holes. We show that a scalar quintessence field with an appropriate exponential potential near the final singularity would give rise to an Omega Point final singularity.  相似文献   

We describe a new approach to calculating photon trajectories and gravitational lensing effects in the strong gravitational field of the Kerr black hole. These techniques are applied to explore both the imaging and spectral properties of photons emitted from an accretion disc, which perform multiple orbits of the central mass before escaping to infinity. Viewed at large inclinations, these higher-order photons contribute ∼20 per cent of the total luminosity of the system for a Schwarzschild hole, while for an extreme Kerr black hole this fraction rises to ∼60 per cent. In more realistic models, these photons will be reabsorbed by the disc at large distances from the hole, but this returning radiation could provide a physical mechanism to resolve the discrepancy between the predicted and observed optical/ultraviolet colours in active galactic nuclei. Conversely, at low inclinations, higher-order images reintercept the disc plane close to the black hole, so need not be absorbed by the disc if this is within the plunging region. These photons form a bright ring carrying approximately 10 per cent of the total disc luminosity for a Schwarzschild black hole. The spatial separation between the inner edge of the disc and the ring is similar to the size of the event horizon. This is resolvable for supermassive black holes with proposed X-ray interferometery missions such as the Microarcsecond X-ray Imaging Mission (MAXIM), and so has the potential to provide an observational test of strong field gravity.  相似文献   

A gravitationless black hole model is proposed in accord with a five-dimensional fully covariant Kaluza-Klein (K-K) theory with a scalar field, which unifies the four-dimensional Einsteinian general theory of relativity and Maxwellian electromagnetic theory. It is shown that a dense compact core of a star, when it collapses to a critical density, suddenly turns off or shields its gravitational field. The core, if its mass exceeds an upper limit, directly collapses into a black hole. Otherwise, the extremely large pressure, as the gravity is turned off, immediately stops the collapse and drives the mantle material of supernova moving outward, which leads to an impulsive explosion and forms a neutron star as a remnant. A neutron star can further evolve into a black hole when it accretes enough matter from a companion star such that the total mass exceeds a lower limit. The black hole in the K-K theory is gravitationless at the surface because the scalar field is infinitely strong, which varies the equivalent gravitational constant to zero. In general, a star, at the end of its evolution, is relatively harder to collapse into a gravitationless K-K black hole than a strong gravitational Schwarzschild black hole. This is consistent with the observation of some very massive stars to form neutron stars rather than expected black holes. In addition, the gravitationless K-K black hole should be easier to generate jets than a Schwarzschild black hole.  相似文献   

We present different mass ratio distributions of massive black hole(MBH)binaries due to different mechanisms involved in binary evolution. A binary system of MBHs forms after the merger of two galaxies, which has three stages: the dynamical friction stage, the stellar scattering or circumbinary disk stage, and the gravitational radiation stage. The second stage was once believed to be the "final parsec problem"(FPP) as the binary stalled at this stage because of the depletion of stars. Now, the FPP has been shown to no longer be a problem. Here we get two different mass ratio distributions of MBH binaries under two mechanisms, stellar scattering and the circumbinary disk interaction. For the circumbinary disk mechanism, we assume that the binary shrinks by interaction with a circumbinary disk and the two black holes(BHs)have different accretion rates in the simulation. We apply this simple assumption to the hierarchical coevolution model of MBHs and dark matter halos, and we find that there will be more equal-mass MBH binaries in the final coalescence for the case where the circumbinary mechanism operates. This is mainly because the secondary BH in the circumbinary disk system accretes at a higher rate than the primary one.  相似文献   

We obtain renormalized stress tensor of a mass-less, charge-less dynamical quantum scalar field, minimally coupled with a spherically symmetric static Lukewarm black hole. In two dimensional analog the minimal coupling reduces to the conformal coupling and the stress tensor is found to be determined by the nonlocal contribution of the anomalous trace and some additional parameters in close relation to the work presented by Christensen and Fulling. Lukewarm black holes are a special class of Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter space times where its electric charge is equal to its mass. Having the obtained renormalized stress tensor we attempt to obtain a time-independent solution of the well known metric back reaction equation. Mathematical derivations predict that the final state of an evaporating quantum Lukewarm black hole reduces to a remnant stable mini black hole with moved locations of the horizons. Namely the perturbed black hole (cosmological) horizon is compressed (extended) to scales which is smaller (larger) than the corresponding classical radius of the event horizons. Hence there is not obtained an deviation on the cosmic sensor-ship hypothesis.  相似文献   

The Hawking radiation is considered as a quantum tunneling process, which can be studied in the framework of the Hamilton–Jacobi method. In this study, we present the wave equation for a mass generating massive and charged scalar particle (boson). In sequel, we analyse the quantum tunneling of these bosons from a generic 4-dimensional spherically symmetric black hole. We apply the Hamilton–Jacobi formalism to derive the radial integral solution for the classically forbidden action which leads to the tunneling probability. To support our arguments, we take the dyonic Reissner–Nordström black hole as a test background. Comparing the tunneling probability obtained with the Boltzmann formula, we succeed in reading the standard Hawking temperature of the dyonic Reissner–Nordström black hole.  相似文献   

频繁的超新星爆发可用以解释活动星系核与类星体的超高金属丰度。星团中的恒星与吸积盘相互作用导致致密天体中子星和黑洞的形成率很高,这些致密天体与红巨星很容易形成双星系统,而后形成(NS/BH,NS/BH) 双星由于引力辐射最终导致并合而形成伽玛射线爆发。我们估计了伽玛射线爆的爆发频率,发现与观测相符。  相似文献   

Strong magnetic fields modify particle motion in the curved space–time of spinning black holes and change the stability conditions of circular orbits. We study conditions for magnetocentrifugal jet launching from accretion discs around black holes, whereby large-scale black hole lines anchored in the disc may fling tenuous coronal gas outwards. For a Schwarzschild black hole, magnetocentrifugal launching requires that the poloidal component of magnetic fields makes an angle less than  60°  to the outward direction at the disc surface, similar to the Newtonian case. For prograde rotating discs around Kerr black holes, this angle increases and becomes  90°  for footpoints anchored to the disc near the horizon of a critically spinning   a = M   black hole. Thus, a disc around a critically spinning black hole may centrifugally launch a jet even along the rotation axis.  相似文献   

The radial motion along null geodesics in static charged black hole space–times, in particular, the Reissner–Nordström and stringy charged black holes, are studied. We analyzed the properties of the effective potential. The circular photon orbits in these space–times are investigated. We found that the radius of circular photon orbits in both charged black holes are different and differ from that given in Schwarzschild space–time. We studied the physical effects of the gravitational field between two test particles in stringy charged black hole and compared the results with that given in Schwarzschild and Reissner–Nordström black holes.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper the known results on the gravitational interaction of a massive black hole with the surrounding stars in a galactic nucleus are discussed. The tidal disruption of stars in close encounters with a black hole is reviewed. Expressions for the flux of stars on a black hole are given, taking into account energy and angular momentum diffusion of stellar orbits. The scenario of star disruption and accretion of the released stellar matter is depicted. The growth of a black hole in a typical galactic nucleus on account of gas accretion from disrupted stars is discussed. A comparison with the upper limit to the luminosity of the nucleus of our Galaxy puts rather severe constraints on the mass of a hypothetical black hole at the galactic centre. Possible mechanisms preventing the formation and growth of black holes in normal galactic nuclei are discussed.The second part of the paper (Section 8) deals with the hypothesis that massive black holes are the primary energy sources in active galaxies and quasars. The luminosity requirements of bright quasars and weak Seyferts can probably be accounted for in such a model, but there are difficulties in explaining the intermediate range. Mass ejection from Seyferts and quasars is not a severe problem. The same applies to the spectrum. A much more serious objection is the observed periodic and quasi-periodic variability. Another unsatisfactory feature of this hypothesis is that one needs two different evolutionary tracks for quasars and active galaxies, and for normal galaxies.  相似文献   

极端质量比旋进系统是空间引力波探测器最重要的波源之一。对引力波的探测需要高精度波形模版。当前主流的极端质量比旋进系统引力波计算模型中,人们一般将小质量天体当作试验粒子进行计算,而忽略了其结构及自身引力对背景引力场的影响。利用Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon方程研究延展体在弯曲时空中的运动,以及小天体自旋和质量多极矩对引力波信号识别产生的影响。结果表明,质量比在10?6-10?4范围的旋进系统,其自旋达到很大时,自旋对延展体的轨道运动有不可忽略的影响;在质量比10?4-10?2区间内,需要考虑中心黑洞潮汐作用导致的白矮星形变;在质量比大于10?4,且白矮星自旋很大时,其自旋产生的形变会对小天体轨道运动产生不可忽略的影响。大质量黑洞潮汐作用导致的恒星级黑洞或中子星产生的形变可以忽略,中子星和黑洞的自旋会对轨道运动产生不可忽略的影响,而自旋产生的四极矩对轨道运动不产生影响。  相似文献   

This paper gives a full nonlinear version of Newtonian gravity in which the gravitational energy acts as a source of the gravitational field. The generalized field equation for the scalar gravitational potential is solved for a spherically symmetric localized distribution of matter. It is shown that the perihelia of orbits of test particles in such a field precess steadily. The effect is, however, too small to account for the observed shift in the perihelion of planet Mercury. Further, the bending of light in this theory is zero. It is suggested that these inadequacies of the quasi-Newtonian framework call for more sophisticated approaches to gravity.  相似文献   

具有不同质量的恒星在耗尽其热核能源后,最终可能会坍缩成为性质完全不同的致密天体,如白矮星、中子星或者黑洞。从20世纪30年代起,黑洞的观测及其证认一直是天体物理学的研究热点之一。首先简要地回顾了恒星级黑洞的形成及其候选天体的研究历史;然后介绍了如何从观测上证认恒星级黑洞:接着详细讨论了恒星级黑洞的质量和自转参数的测量方法;最后介绍恒星级黑洞观测及其证认的最新研究进展,并做出结论:目前已经有充分的证据宣告在部分吸积X射线双星中存在恒星级黑洞。  相似文献   

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