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CCD是天文望远镜中最常见的观测终端设备,也是望远镜自主控制系统中的重要组成部分。随着天文望远镜自主观测需求的不断出现以及技术的快速发展,开源的RTS2软件系统成为目前该领域研究中受到较多关注的系统之一。但RTS2支持的CCD设备较为有限,同时控制接口约定也相对固定。在针对部分特殊的CCD设备(如LAMOST中采用的32台CCD设备、选址用的部分CCD设备)时,仅实现原有类的方法是不够的。在深入分析RTS2源码的基础上,重点从参数、命令、协议扩展方面研究基于原有的Camera类,通过继承的方法构造新的CCD类型,实现对LAMOST项目的 CCD控制,取得了较好的效果,对在RTS2中集成望远镜系统其他类型设备也有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

A spectrum extraction method based on a two-dimensional (2-D) exponential polynomial model is proposed in this paper. It is presented for extracting the flux of the fiber spectrum from a two-dimensional image observed by Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). Due to the effects of the environments and the instruments, centers of the fiber spectra deviate from the ideal, and the energy is expanded to the neighbors in the form of a point-spread function (PSF) in two dimensions. Thus we use a 2-D model to fit the PSF. In spatial orientation and wavelength orientation, the flat-field images and the calibration lamp images are respectively used to evaluate the parameters of the 2-D exponential polynomial model. With the 2-D exponential polynomial model, the spectrum flux is extracted based on the least square theory. The experiments are processed through simulated profiles to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Especially, its superiority of restraining noise and fitting asymmetric fiber profiles is proved.  相似文献   

大天区面积多目标光纤光谱望远镜(LAMOST)使用了16台低色散光谱仪、32台科学级CCD相机对目标进行光谱拍摄。CCD集总控制器MASTER是其32台CCD相机的中枢,它控制CCD按观测需要进行曝光、管理CCD状态和诊断相机故障。针对LAMOST相机系统的结构和UCAM控制器的特点,设计了MASTER系统;介绍了与OCS和UCAM接口的方式,并分析了对命令和状态的管理。  相似文献   

In this work, we select spectra of stars with high signal-to-noise ratio from LAMOST data and map their MK classes to the spectral features. The equivalent widths of prominent spectral lines, which play a similar role as multi-color photometry, form a clean stellar locus well ordered by MK classes. The advantage of the stellar locus in line indices is that it gives a natural and continuous classification of stars consistent with either broadly used MK classes or stellar astrophysical parameters. We also employ an SVM-based classification algorithm to assign MK classes to LAMOST stellar spectra. We find that the completenesses of the classifications are up to 90% for A and G type stars, but they are down to about 50% for OB and K type stars. About 40% of the OB and K type stars are mis-classified as A and G type stars,respectively. This is likely due to the difference in the spectral features between late B type and early A type stars or between late G and early K type stars being very weak. The relatively poor performance of the automatic MK classification with SVM suggests that the direct use of line indices to classify stars is likely a more preferable choice.  相似文献   

Big data in the form of stellar spectra from the spectroscopic survey associated with the Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) are important for studying properties of cataclysmic variables(CVs). By cross matching the catalogs of CVs compiled with LAMOST DR3,acquired from October 2011 to July 2015, we obtained the first spectroscopic catalog for CVs observed by LAMOST with high signal to noise ratio, above 8. By integrating line profiles, their equivalent widths(EWs) of the Hα, Hβ, Hγ and Hδ, as well as He I 5876 and 6678 A? lines, were calculated. There were74 stellar spectra from 48 known CVs and three spectra from three new CV candidates. At the same time, we also collected their previously published EWs. Thirty-three objects had repeated spectra and30 stars showed spectral variability in the Hα line. Moreover, we carried out photometric follow-up studies for five CVs(UU Aqr, TT Tri, PX And, BP Lyn and RW Tri). We obtained nine new light curves and revised their linear ephemerides. For RW Tri, there is a possible oscillation with an amplitude of0.0031(2) days and a period of 47.6±0.4 years, which might be caused by a third body(brown dwarf)or magnetic activity cycle.  相似文献   

The Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) is a Chinese national scientific research facility operated by National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences(NAOC). The LAMOST survey for the Milky Way Galaxy and extra-galactic objects has been carried out for several years. The accuracies in measuring radial velocity are expected to be 5 km s-1 for the low resolution spectroscopic survey(R = 1800), and 1 km s-1 for the medium resolution mode. The stability of spectrograph is the main factor affecting the accuracies in measuring radial velocity, so an Active Flexure Compensation Method(AFCM) based on Back Propagation Neural Network(BPNN) is proposed in this paper. It utilizes a deep BP(4-layer, 5-layer etc.) model of thermal-induced flexure to periodically predict and apply flexure corrections by commanding the corresponding tilt and tip motions to the camera. The spectrograph camera system is adjusted so that the positions of these spots match those in a reference image. The simulated calibration of this compensation method analytically illustrates its performance on LAMOST spectrograph.  相似文献   

We identify 108 M subdwarfs(sd Ms) out of more than two hundred thousand M type spectra from the second data release(DR2) of the LAMOST regular survey. This sample, among which 58 members are identified for the first time, includes 33 extreme subdwarfs(esd Ms) and 11 ultra subdwarfs(usd Ms).The selection is based on the usual ratio of absorption depth of Ca H2, Ca H3 and TiO 5 band systems.We also emphasize the use of the Ca H1 band. We provide estimates of spectral subtype(SPT), L′epine metallicity index ζ, effective temperature and [Fe/H]. Both ζ–[Fe/H] and SPT–Teff figures show reasonable consistency; compared to PHOENIX model spectra, average rounded values of [Fe/H] for sd Ms, esd Ms and usd Ms are respectively –0.5, –1 and –1.5. The photometric distances are estimated, indicating that most sources are located within 500 pc of the Sun and 350 pc of the Galactic disk. Velocities and 3D Galactic motions are also briefly discussed. Among the 108 subdwarfs, seven stars appear to be active with a significant Hα emission line. The source LAMOST J104521.52+482823.3 is a white dwarf- M subdwarf binary, while LAMOST J123045.52+410943.8, also active, exhibits carbon features in red.  相似文献   

We have cross-matched the LAMOST DR2 with the WISE, 2MASS and PPMXL catalogs and obtained a sample of 64 819 FGK metal-poor dwarfs with [Fe/H]-0.7, distances within 2 kpc from the Sun and reliable kinematics(space velocities,angular momenta and eccentricities). With a detection strategy for halo streams provided by Klement et al, nine significant "phase-space overdensities" with stars on very similar orbits are identified from this sample. Among these overdensities, three were previously known and six are new stream candidates. The kinematics and metallicities of these stream candidates are then analyzed; they have typical halo characteristics.We have extracted the most probable members of each halo stream according to their angles with respect to the North Galactic Pole and investigate the distribution of the angular momenta to further verify their existences. Detailed study of elemental abundances for these members based on high resolution and high signal-to-noise spectra from follow-up observations in the near future is of high interest to understand the origin of these streams.  相似文献   

In this work, we provide 2189 photometrically- and kinematically-selected candidate members of 24 star clusters from the LAMOST DR2 catalog. We perform two-step membership identification: selection along the stellar track in the colormagnitude diagram, i.e., photometric identification, and selection from the distribution of radial velocities, i.e. the kinematic identification. We find that the radial velocities from the LAMOST data are very helpful in the membership identification. The mean probability of membership is 40% for the sample selected with radial velocity. With these 24 star clusters, we investigate the performance of the radial velocity and metallicity estimated with the LAMOST pipeline. We find that the systematic offsets in radial velocity and metallicity are 0.85 ± 1.26 km s-1and-0.08 ± 0.04 dex, with dispersions of 5.47+1.16-0.71 km s-1and 0.13+0.04-0.02 dex, respectively. Finally, we propose that the photometrically-selected candidate members of the clusters covered by the LAMOST footprint should be assigned higher priority so that more candidate stars can be observed.  相似文献   

作者认为,有五种误差会影响LAMOST工程光纤定位:(1)光纤的机械定位误差;(2)输入星表与导星星表的误差;(3)焦面坐标系与理想坐标系的转换误差;(4)较差大气折射对观测目标的影响;(5)导星的跟踪误差。并提出在LAMOST工程中有关天体测量的三个研究课题:(1)星表系统差的研究,以提供适合LAMOST使用的导星星表和输入星表;(2)望远镜光学系统畸变的研究以及焦面坐标与理想坐标间关系的确定,提出用国内外观测资料,建立5°×5°的几个标准天区;(3)从现有的光学图象和测光资料中给出LAMOST输入星表中星象的类别,如双星、聚星、变星、星系等。建议LAMOST工程中采用GSC-Ⅱ作为导星星表,而输入星表的精度应好于0.54”。  相似文献   

Big data obtained from a stellar spectroscopic survey carried out using the Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST, also known as Guo Shou Jing telescope) provide important information for studying chromospheric activity, variability of chromospheric activity, and chromospheric statistical properties, and for searching subdwarfs and extreme subdwarfs. Using as chromospheric activity indicator the Hα line, we detected 6391 active M stars among the 99741 stars in the M-star catalogue of the LAMOST survey. We also obtained the relationship between the fraction of active stars and the spectral types, which is consistent to previous results. We also studied the effects of activity on broadband photometric colors, and we did not see significant differences between active and inactive M stars. Using as spectroscopic molecular indicators the CaH123 and TiO5 lines, we found 1288 subdwarfs (including 120 active subdwarfs). We also found 15 extreme subdwarf (2 active extreme subdwarf) candidates. Our subdwarf candidates are slightly redder by about 0.05 mag in g-r compared with dwarfs using the g-r and r-i, and g-r and i-z color diagrams. Using our active M-star catalogue, we found that 898 stars exhibited Hα emission in at least two exposures (170 of them in at least three exposures). Among these 170 stars, 163 of them show variability in Hα emission on long timescales (more than 2.5 h). Furthermore, 34 stars show variability over short timescales (less than 2.5 h), and 29 actives show variability over both short and long time scales.  相似文献   

RTS2 (Remote Telescope System 2) is a highly modular open source telescope and observatory management software package. It evolved from RTS, which was developed in Python to control a telescope aimed at observing optical transients of γ ray burts. The development of a network system capable of operating robotic telescopes is both difficult and complicated. Along with continued software development one must be concerned with maintaining operations and obtaining results. This is a review of experiences gained building a network of robotic telescopes. It focuses on describing which issues are important during development of the robotic observatory software and requirements for future development of the RTS2 package. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

EPICS是一个用于开发分布式设备控制程序的软件开发框架,它主要用于控制大型物理实验设备及天文望远镜系统,而RTS2是Linux系统上的一个远程自主望远镜控制系统。实现了EPICS与RTS2的集成,用RTS2负责望远镜观测流程控制,EPICS用于成像设备控制,使用EPICS的成像控制软件Area Detector完成了Andor相机的控制,并完成了RTS2和EPICS融合的命令状态接口,从而让RTS2能够兼容EPICS组件。成功用RTS2和EPICS实现了Andor相机的控制,并很好地集成到RTS2的流程控制中。  相似文献   

Terrain classification is one of the critical steps used in lunar geomorphologic analysis and landing site selection. Most of the published works have focused on a Digital Elevation Model(DEM) to distinguish different regions of lunar terrain.This paper presents an algorithm that can be applied to lunar CCD images by blocking and clustering according to image features, which can accurately distinguish between lunar highland and lunar mare. The new algorithm, compared with the traditional algorithm, can improve classification accuracy. The new algorithm incorporates two new features and one Tamura texture feature. The new features are generating an enhanced image histogram and modeling the properties of light reflection, which can represent the geological characteristics based on CCD gray level images. These features are applied to identify texture in order to perform image clustering and segmentation by a weighted Euclidean distance to distinguish between lunar mare and lunar highlands.The new algorithm has been tested on Chang'e-1 CCD data and the testing result has been compared with geological data published by the U.S. Geological Survey. The result has shown that the algorithm can effectively distinguish the lunar mare from highlands in CCD images. The overall accuracy of the proposed algorithm is satisfactory, and the Kappa coefficient is 0.802, which is higher than the result of combining the DEM with CCD images.  相似文献   

金文敬  陈力 《天文学进展》2005,23(2):190-194
简述已有几个天体测量标准天区的大小、星数以及恒星位置和自行的精度;给出LAMOST天体测量标准天区选择的原则;介绍研究疏散星团和古德带附近星团观测的意义;列出13个LAMOST天体测量标准天区J2000.0历元的赤经和赤纬、银经和银纬,如果疏散星团位于这个标准天区,也给出它们的日心距、红化值、金属丰度和年龄。  相似文献   

基于MYSQL/LINUX 的LAMOST数据库设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜(LAMOST)将被建成,在投入使用之前设计开发出全自动处理光谱的软件系统是必需的。完善的数据库系统是该光谱处理软件不可缺少的一部分。本文分析了LAMOST对数据库的需求,设计并实现了基于MYSQL/LINUX的LAMOST数据库系统并对该系统进行了初步测试。  相似文献   

本文着重指出了在今后处理大面积CCD图象数据过程中,所将面临的数据存贮困难问题.本文提出了一种有效的不丢失天文信息的压缩CCD图象数据的方法,对银纬b=-60°的一个天区的试验表明,压缩后的图象数据仅为原图象数据的1/30左右,并且可以十分方便地进行图象再现及再处理。在压缩数据过程中,我们在剑桥APM底片扫描机参数化施密特照相底片的基础上,重新安排了CCD图象上天体的对应参数,并视天体的大小及形状,有效地提取保存了天体周围矩阵信息.  相似文献   

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