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We report the optical observations of GRB 121011 A by the 0.8m TNT facility at Xinglong observatory, China. The light curve of the optical afterglow shows a smooth and featureless bump during the epoch of ~130 s and ~5000 s with a rising index of 1.57 ± 0.28 before the break time of 539 ± 44 s, and a decaying index of about 1.29 ± 0.07 up to the end of our observations. Moreover, the X-ray light curve decays in a single power-law with a slope of about 1.51 ± 0.03 observed by XRT onboard Swift from 100 s to about 10 000 s after the burst trigger. The featureless optical light curve could be understood as an onset process under the external-shock model. The typical frequency has been below or near the optical one before the deceleration time, and the cooling frequency is located between the optical and X-ray wavelengths. The external medium density has a transition from a mixed stage of ISM and wind-type medium before the peak time to the ISM at the later phase. The joint-analysis of X-ray and optical light curves shows that the emissions from both frequencies are consistent with the prediction of the standard afterglow model without any energy injections, indicating that the central engine has stopped its activity and does not restart anymore after the prompt phase.  相似文献   

We report on multi-epoch X-ray observations of the Type IIn (narrow emission line) Supernova (SN) 1995N with the ROSAT and ASCA satellites. The 1998 January ASCA X-ray spectrum is well fitted by a thermal bremsstrahlung         or power-law         model. The X-ray light curve shows evidence for significant flux evolution between 1996 August and 1998 January: the count rate from the source decreased by 30 per cent between our 1996 August and 1997 August ROSAT observations, and the X-ray luminosity most likely increased by a factor of ∼2 between our 1997 August ROSAT and 1998 January ASCA observations, although evolution of the spectral shape over this interval is not ruled out. The high X-ray luminosity,     places SN 1995N in a small group of Type IIn supernovae with strong circumstellar interaction, and the evolving X-ray luminosity suggests that the circumstellar medium is distributed inhomogeneously.  相似文献   

Most workflow systems that support data provenance primarily focus on tracing lineage of data. Data provenance by data lineage provides the derivation history of data including information about services and input data that contributed to the creation of a data product. We show that tracing lineage by means of full backward chaining not only enables users to share, discover and reuse the data, but also supports scientific data processing through storage, retrieval and (re)processing of digitized scientific data. In this paper, we present Astro-WISE, a distributed system for processing, analyzing and disseminating wide field imaging astronomical data. We show how Astro-WISE traces lineage of data and how it facilitates data processing, retrieval, storage and archiving. Particularly we show how it solves issues related to the changing data items typical for the scientific environment, such as physical changes in calibrations, our insight in these changes and improved methods for deriving results.  相似文献   

Near real-time transfer of GPS common-view data is no longer a problem, but near real-time data processing of the data still calls for study, because it is not yet achieved by the usual smoothing and filtering techniques. Based on the characteristics of the GPS common-view data, a Kalman filtering algorithm is designed for estimating the time difference between two sites, while greatly reducing the observational noise. The algorithm is applied to the time difference between the National Time Service Center (NTSC) of China and the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) of Japan (Over 2000 km apart), and to that between the CRL and the Korean Research Institute of Standards and Sciences (KRIS) (over 1000 km apart). The root mean square errors of the results obtained by the Kalman filter relative to those obtained from the Circular T of BIPM are less than 2.9 ns and 2.6 ns, in the two cases. Further, it is pointed out that, when multi-site data within a common-view network are available we can further improve the accuracy of the time comparisons by indirect observation adjustment. This statement was justified by application to the data from all three stations, i.e. NTSC, CRL, and KRIS.  相似文献   

A fully real-time coherent dedispersion system has been developed for the pulsar back-end at the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The dedispersion pipeline uses the single phased array voltage beam produced by the existing GMRT software back-end (GSB) to produce coherently dedispersed intensity output in real time, for the currently operational bandwidths of 16 MHz and 32 MHz. Provision has also been made to coherently dedisperse voltage beam data from observations recorded on disk. We discuss the design and implementation of the real-time coherent dedispersion system, describing the steps carried out to optimise the performance of the pipeline. Presently functioning on an Intel Xeon X5550 CPU equipped with a NVIDIA Tesla C2075 GPU, the pipeline allows dispersion free, high time resolution data to be obtained in real-time. We illustrate the significant improvements over the existing incoherent dedispersion system at the GMRT, and present some preliminary results obtained from studies of pulsars using this system, demonstrating its potential as a useful tool for low frequency pulsar observations. We describe the salient features of our implementation, comparing it with other recently developed real-time coherent dedispersion systems. This implementation of a real-time coherent dedispersion pipeline for a large, low frequency array instrument like the GMRT, will enable long-term observing programs using coherent dedispersion to be carried out routinely at the observatory. We also outline the possible improvements for such a pipeline, including prospects for the upgraded GMRT which will have bandwidths about ten times larger than at present.  相似文献   

A measured calibrated solar radiance in the range 1.2-, with the spectral sampling of does not exist. When studying the measured Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) spectra of the Earth's or Mars's atmosphere we discover that the most used solar spectrum contains several important errors. Here we present a “calibrated” solar radiance in the wavelength range 1.2-, with the spectral resolution of PFS , which we are going to use for studying Martian spectra. This spectrum has been assembled using measurements from Kitt Peak and from ATMOS Spacelab experiment (uncalibrated high resolution) and theoretical results, together with low resolution calibrated continuum. This is the best we can have in this moment to be used with PFS, while waiting to have good solar calibrated radiances. Examples of solar lines at Mars are given.  相似文献   

Nicole Chorney 《Icarus》2004,167(1):220-224
We present R- and V-band rotational light curves for classical Kuiper belt object 1997 CV29. The imaging data was obtained from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) archive located at the Canadian Astronomical Data Center (CADC). The data consist of one nights observations of a series of 42, 8 minute exposures in R band followed by 33, 8 minute exposures in V band acquired on the following night. Using relative photometry we determined a highly significant variation in the brightness of 1997 CV29. Using phase-dispersion-minimization we find 8.0, 11.2, and 15.8 hrs to be the most likely, periods of rotation and we argue that the ∼16 hr period is the most likely based on our limited observing window. The phased light curve has a peak-to-peak range of Δm?0.4±0.1 mag suggesting an axial ratio of a/b?1.45.  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the W UMa variable ST Ind are analyzed which were obtained at the European Southern Observatory in the course of a program to monitor light curve fluctuations. Photometric and geometric elements of ST Ind are derived. The observations show the presence of a periodic fluctuation in certain parts of the light curve which may be explained by the precessional motion of the rotation axis of the brighter component.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

从1998年4月初步确认GRB 980425/SN 1998bw成协,至2013年9月确认GRB130831A/SN 2013fu成协,共有11对伽玛暴与超新星成协事件通过光谱学方法得到确认。对伽玛暴-超新星成协的详细研究大大深化了人们对伽玛暴与Ic型超新星的认识,并推进了人们对大质量恒星演化、死亡以及爆发机制的研究:对它们的多波段余辉的性质以及超新星光谱的观测与分析间接地揭示出伽玛暴-超新星中心引擎的性质。这些事件中,GRB 130427A/SN 2013cq具有特殊的重要性:它是近距离宇宙中唯一的高能、高亮度的伽玛暴,它的GeV辐射挑战了当前的伽玛暴辐射机制,伴随它的明亮光学闪提供了爆炸本性的有用线索,伴随它的SN 2013cq是伽玛暴成协的超新星中动能最大的超新星之一,对伴随它的中微子探测的零结果也对伽玛暴的瞬时辐射模型给出了有用的限制。总结了GRB 130427A/SN 2013cq的重要观测结果,这对于探索伽玛暴-超新星成协的本质及伽玛暴瞬时辐射和余辉的细节性质有非常重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

We developed a pulsar search pipeline based on PulsaR Exploration and Search TOolkit(PRESTO).This pipeline simply runs dedispersion,Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) and acceleration search in process-level parallel to shorten the processing time.With two parallel strategies,the pipeline can highly shorten the processing time in both normal searches and acceleration searches.This pipeline was first tested with Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survery(PMPS) data and discovered two new faint pulsars.Then,it was successfully applied in processing the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) drift scan data with tens of new pulsar discoveries up to now.The pipeline is only CPU-based and can be easily and quickly deployed in computing nodes for testing purposes or data processing.  相似文献   

A fully autonomous data reduction pipeline has been developed for FRODOSpec, an optical fibre‐fed integral field spectrograph currently in use at the Liverpool Telescope. This paper details the process required for the reduction of data taken using an integral field spectrograph and presents an overview of the computational methods implemented to create the pipeline. Analysis of errors and possible future enhancements are also discussed (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The properties of the hot zone in the accretion flow near the surface of a magnetized white dwarf have been studied. For this purpose, the aperiodic optical variability of LS Peg, one of the brightest intermediate polars in the northern sky, has been investigated. The main radiation of the hot zone, which is then reemitted in the optical band, results from the radiation of an optically thin plasma heated during the passage of the accretion flow of a standing shock. Recently, Semena and Revnivtsev (2012) have shown that the aperiodic variability (flickering) of accreting magnetized white dwarfs should have a characteristic feature in the range of Fourier frequencies corresponding to the plasma cooling time in this hot region. The photometric brightness measurements for LS Peg made with the RTT-150 telescope using a high-speed ANDOR iXon CCD array have allowed the break frequency in the power spectrum of the source’s variability to be constrained. Constraints on the geometry of the accretion column for the white dwarf in LS Peg and on the plasma parameters in it have been obtained.  相似文献   

Several satellites of Jupiter and Saturn show an asymmetric reflectance between the leading hemisphere (which is generally brighter for the inner satellites of both systems) and the trailing one (which is brighter for the outer satellites Callisto and Iapetus). In order to seek a unified explantation of these observational data we assume that, during the final phase of the satellite accumulation process, the surfaces were subjected to a heavy meteoroidal bombardment by the residual bodies in the circumplanetary protosatellite swarms. With suitable hypotheses about the orbital elements of these bodies, the resulting collision rate is anisotropic in an opposite way for inner and outer satellites, with a difference between the two hemispheres of the order of 10–20% for all satellites except Iapetus (for which the anisotropy is larger). We conclude that the model can qualitatively account for the observed effect, even if it is difficult to propose a detailed mechanism for changing the albedo properties of the satellite surfaces by means of meteoroidal collisions.  相似文献   

Observations of the sky irradiation intensity in the visible wavelengths during a solar eclipse permit to model the Sun diameter,a key number to constrain the internal structure of our star.In this paper,we present an algorithm that takes advantage of the precise Moon topography from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to compute,with a high resolution in time,the geometrical part(i.e.top-of-atmosphere,and for a given wavelength)of the sky irradiation at any given location on the Earth during these events.The algorithm is also able to model the Baily’s beads.We give as an application the theoretical computation of the light curve corresponding to the solar eclipse observed at Lakeland(Queensland,North Australia)on 2012 November 13.The application to real data,with the introduction of atmospheric and instrumental passbands,will be considered in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

A new method of light curve inversion with bipartite regularization(LIBR),which is complementary to the previous treatments by Bonomo and Lanza and Estrela and Valio,is used to reconstruct the physical properties of star spots on the solar-type star Kepler-17 by using the full Q1-Q17 data set.The Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) method was applied to find the best profile of the reconstructed surface.The known value of the rotation inclination of Kepler-17 allows the generation of a star spot model in a sequence of stellar rotation with a period of 12.26 d.Because of the nature of the light curve inversion,the spot model is limited to the equatorial region.We also investigated the starspot lifetimes of Kepler-17 utilizing the MCMC method.Combined with the LIBR inversion results,it was found that the star spots typically last from one to several stellar rotations.From the time evolution of the spot size,a magnetic cycle period of 437 d can be derived.This value is comparatively shorter than the solar cycle which might be a consequence of the younger age(~1.78 Gyr) of Kepler-17.The light curve of Kepler-17 is characterized by the presence of large-amplitude variation caused by star spots but no superflare activity.An interesting possibility is that the magnetic energy stored in the star spot regions could have been constantly dissipated by electrodynamic interaction between the central star and the hot Jupiter,Kepler-17 b,via a lower-level energy release process.  相似文献   

The X-ray heating light curve of the binary X-ray source 4U2129+47/V1727 Cgy is synthesized. A reliable solution is obtained only after accounting for the influence of an accretion disk. Model parameters achieved by the best fit are discussed. The solution is also discussed in the context of an extended OFF state.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

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