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The angular distribution of gamma-ray burst(GRB)jets is not yet clear.The observed luminosity of GRB 170817A is the lowest among all known short GRBs,which is best explained by the fact that our line of sight is outside of the jet opening angle,θ_(obs)θ_j,whereθ_(obs) is the angle between our line of sight and the jet axis.As inferred by gravitational wave observations,as well as radio and X-ray afterglow modeling of GRB 170817A,it is likely that θ_(obs)~20°–28°.In this work,we quantitatively consider two scenarios of angular energy distribution of GRB ejecta:a top-hat jet and a structured jet with a power law index s.For the top-hat jet model,we get a large θ_j(e.g.,θ_j10°),a rather high local (i.e., z 0.01) short GRB rate ~8–15×10~3 Gpc~(-3)yr~(-1((estimated to be 90~1850 Gpc~(-3)yr~(-1) in Fong et al.)and an extremely high(on-axis,V(~500 ke V for a typical short GRB).For the structured jet model,we use θ_(obs) to give limits on s and θ_j for typical on-axis luminosity of a short GRB(e.g.,10~(49)erg s(-1) 1051erg s(-1)),and a low on-axis luminosity case(e.g.,1049erg s(-1))gives more reasonable values of s.The structured jet model is more feasible for GRB170817A than the top-hat jet model due to the rather high local short GRB rate,and the extremely high on-axis E_(peak,0) almost rules out the top-hat jet model.GRB 170817A is likely a low on-axis luminosity GRB(1049erg s(-1))with a structured jet.  相似文献   

伴随着引力波事件GW170817的短暴GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst) 170817A首次提供了双中子星并合与短暴相联系的直接证据.但是短暴GRB 170817A具有非常弱的光度,意味着观测的视线方向可能偏离喷流轴方向.根据短暴静止系的峰值能量E_(p,i)和各向同性光度L_(iso)。之间的关系以及洛伦兹因子Γ和L_(iso)。之间的关系估算了短暴GRB 170817A以及长短暴GRB 060614观测角与喷流边缘的夹角θ'_(obs)和洛伦兹因子Γ,结果表明GRB 170817A的Γ=45±27,θ'_(obs)=2.2±0.5°,而GRB 060614的Γ=214±93,θ'_(obs)=0.5±0.1°.这个结果相当于GRB 170817A的正轴各向同性光度L_(iso,on)=(2.1±0.7)×10~(49) erg·s~(-1),比典型的短暴少2-3个数量级.GRB 060614的L_(iso,on)=(5.12±1.91)×10~(51) erg·s~(-1)与典型短暴相当.这意味着GRB 060614可能属于短暴类型,而GRB 170817A可能本质上就是一个弱暴.  相似文献   

By using relativistic, axisymmetric, ideal MHD, we examine the motion of the baryon/e±/ photon fluid that emanates from a stellar-mass compact object/debris-disk system (a common outcome of many progenitor models). We prove that the motion can be described as a frozen pulse, which permits the study of each shell of the pancake-shaped outflow using steady-state equations. The ejected energy flux is dominated by the electromagnetic (Poynting) contribution, but it can also have a non negligible e±/radiation (thermal fireball)component. We demonstrate, through exact self-similar solutions, that the flow is first thermally and subsequently magnetically accelerated up to equipartition between kinetic and Poynting fluxes, i.e., ~ 50% of the total energy is converted into baryonic kinetic energy. The electromagnetic forces also collimate the flow, reaching a cylindrical structure asymptotically.  相似文献   

The optical emission of GRB 110205A is distinguished by two flares.We examine two possible scenarios for the optical afterglow emission.In the first scenario,the first optical flare is the reverse shock emission of the main outflow and the second one is powered by the prolonged activity of the central engine.However,we find that it is rather hard to reasonably interpret the late(t > 0.1 d) afterglow data unless the GRB efficiency is very high(~ 0.95).In the second scenario,the first optical flare is the low...  相似文献   

VLET's (Very Low Electron Temperature) are regions in the solar wind (lasting 12–30 h) in which the electron temperature is abnormally low. Because it is generally believed that the thermal conductivity parallel to the interplanetary magnetic field lines is high for electrons, i.e. the contact with the Sun should be ideal, VLET's are surprising observations. In this work a statistical analysis of many of these events is made with respect to the dependence of this phenomenon on interplanetary plasma and field parameters. In contrast with earlier work it was found that VLET's exist not only after a shock front. The statistical analysis showed further that a VLET is always associated with a VLPT (Very Low Proton Temperature) event and that, whilst on average the temperature of the electrons and protons outside the low temperature regions is about the same, the mean proton temperature inside is three times lower than that of the electrons.A particular model for VLET's is investigated in detail; the closed magnetic loop or “blob” model. By assuming: (a) pure adiabatic expansion in a radially streaming solar wind without pressure equalization across the “blob” boundary, and (b) rapid pressure equalization across the boundary, an attempt was made to quantitatively investigate the feasibility of the “blob” model in the light of plasma and field data. It can be shown that the closed magnetic loop model is unlikely to be the major cause of VLET's.  相似文献   

We report on experiments in which magnetically driven radiatively cooled plasma jets were produced by a 1 MA, 250 ns current pulse on the MAGPIE pulsed power facility. The jets were driven by the pressure of a toroidal magnetic field in a “magnetic tower” jet configuration. This scenario is characterized by the formation of a magnetically collimated plasma jet on the axis of a magnetic “bubble”, confined by the ambient medium. The use of a radial metallic foil instead of the radial wire arrays employed in our previous work allows for the generation of episodic magnetic tower outflows which emerge periodically on timescales of ~30 ns. The subsequent magnetic bubbles propagate with velocities reaching ~300 km/s and interact with previous eruptions leading to the formation of shocks.  相似文献   

A gamma-ray burst (GRB) optical photometric follow-up system at the Xinglong Observatory of National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) has been constructed. It uses the 0.8-m Tsinghua-NAOC Telescope (TNT) and the 1-m EST telescope, and can au-tomatically respond to GRB Coordinates Network (GCN) alerts. Both telescopes slew rela-tively fast, being able to point to a new target field within ~ 1 min upon a request. Whenever available, the 2.16-m NAOC telescope is also used. In 2006 the system responded to 15 GRBs and detected seven early afterglows. In 2007 six GRBs have been detected among 18 follow-up observations. TNT observations of the second most distant GRB 060927 (z = 5.5) are shown, which started as early as 91 s after the GRB trigger. The afterglow was detected in the combined image of the first 19 × 20 s unfiltered exposures. This GRB follow-up system has joined the East-Asia GRB Follow-up Observation Network (EAFON).  相似文献   

The origin of magnetospheric asymmetry effects associated with the equatorial plane component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is discussed in terms of the forces exerted on open flux tubes mapping into the solar wind. It is argued that the downstream relaxation of the magnetosphere under the action of these stresses towards a state of reduced stress is such as to allow, in effect, partial penetration of this field component (both Bx and By in magnetospheric coordinates) into the magnetosphere. Many of the associated phenomena are therefore qualitatively described by the ‘dipole plus uniform IMF’ model, since this represents the idealization of exactly zero electromagnetic stress and hence gives a lowest order picture of the effects which result from magnetospheric relaxation toward that state. This is true of IMF By-associated effects which are well documented experimentally and which form a rich and consistent set of phenomena which have received considerable attention over the past decade. It is argued here that exactly corresponding phenomena are expected to be associated with the IMF Bx field as well, but because of the differing field direction these will take differing and usually less obvious forms than the similar effects associated with By. The suggested partial penetration of the IMF Bx field should be directly testable in the dipolar field region of the magnetosphere, but in the tail North-South displacements of the current sheet (and possibly magnetopause) are expected to occur instead. Some evidence of the latter displacements are presented. The other major IMF Bx effect should be noon-midnight displacements of the polar cap, such as have been recently reported. Little IMF Bx effect on auroral zone flows is anticipated, by contrast with the dawn-dusk asymmetries in this flow associated with IMF By.  相似文献   

The history and recent results of searches for optical counterparts to gamma ray burst sources in all three categories (i.e. flaring, fading and quiet) are outlined. The related problems such as background triggers and advantages and drawbacks of previous and recent approaches and investigations are discussed. Although there are some promising results especially in the appearance of optical transients i.e. short-lived star-like objects found in or close to the error boxes of some GRB, there is a need for more and better optical data, especially taken at or close to the times of GRB. Based on recent results, a strategy for further works in this direction is suggested with emphasis on obtaining of simultaneous (wide-field CCD experiments) and quasisimultaneous (robotic telescopes automatically pointed to the positions of newly detected GRB by Internet link) optical data.  相似文献   

We derive deep luminosity functions (LFs) (to   M z =−15  ) for galaxies in Abell 1835  ( z = 0.25)  and AC 114  ( z = 0.31)  , and compare these with the local z ' LF for 69 clusters. The data show that the faint-end upturn, the excess of galaxies above a single Schechter function at   M z < −17  , does not exist in the higher redshift clusters. This suggests that the faint-end upturn galaxies have been created recently, by infall into clusters of star-forming field populations or via tidal disruption of brighter objects.  相似文献   

定义了一个新的量,曲率宽度,去检查同步模型与伽玛射线暴(GRB)光谱的一致性.此量用于测量GRB中辐射能谱(νFν,ν和Fν分别是频率和随频率变化的能量流量)峰值处的光谱拐折锐度.然后使用它检查了理论同步模型与观测到的GRB光谱之间的一致性.首先计算几种典型的同步模型的曲率宽度,包括单能、单幂律和拐折幂律电子同步模型.其次从Fermi/GBM (Gamma-ray Burst Monitor)长GRB时间分辨光谱目录中选择包含1198个光谱的GRB样本,将光谱与常用的经验模型拟合,并计算最佳拟合模型的光谱曲率宽度.通过比较两个曲率宽度,发现大多数样本与同步模型不一致,因为同步模型的光谱拐折比数据的光谱拐折更加平滑.结果表明同步模型很难适合大多数观测到的GRB光谱.此外,在暴脉冲中发现光子流量和曲率宽度之间存在强的反相关性,这表明流量越高,光谱拐折越尖锐,或者与同步模型的偏差就越大.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of estimating the Quasar Luminosity Function (QLF). In a 2007 Ph.D. dissertation, Hugeback considers the QLF as a nonhomogeneous poisson process and estimates the intensity function under SDSS DR3 data (The University of Chicago, AAT 3273021). The present study follows Hugeback’s approach but introduces a mixture component which improves Hugeback’s model in several respects. Namely, the database is partitioned into two groups according to redshift: z < 2.75 and z ? 2.75. Next, a mixture model for the QLF was derived using the concept of pseudolikelihood, the addition of a K function to allow for inter-point interaction, and evaluation of residuals diagnostic plots. This mixture model (i) improves the deviance of Hugeback’s model, and (ii) satisfies residual assumptions that are violated under Hugeback’s model. Moreover, this study confirms Hugeback’s finding of inhomogeneity in the QLF, and provides stronger evidence for the existence of an interaction between redshift and absolute magnitude.  相似文献   

The COMPTEL instrument onboard theCompton Gamma-Ray Observatory imaged the bright gamma-ray burst GRB 940301 within 1.6 hours of the event, with a mean 1 error radius of 1.5°. The error region was subsequently refined by combining the COMPTEL location with the arc derived from differences in the event arrival time at the Ulysses and BATSE detectors. Westerbork observations of the COMPTEL error region began on March 4 1994 at 21 cm, however coverage of the refined position was not obtained until 32 days after the GRB occurrence, by which time the operating wavelength had changed to 92 cm. We have constrained the level of variability of sources within the triangulation arc-COMPTEL 2 error box region to be less than 40 mJy (5 upper limit) at 92 cm 41 days after the burst.  相似文献   

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