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300年来中国森林的变化 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
Based on historical documents, modern survey and statistics, as well as the result of predecessor studies, the trend and main process of forest dynamics are recognized. The forest area and forest coverage rates for each province of China from 1700 to 1949 are estimated backward by every 50 years. Linking the result with modern National Forest Inventory data, the spatial-temporal dynamics of Chinese forest in recent 300 years (AD 1700-1998) is quantitatively analyzed. The study shows that in recent 300 years, the forest area in current territory of China has declined by 0.95×10^8 hm^2 (or 9.2% of the coverage rate) in total, with a trend of decrease and recovery. Before the 1960s, there was a trend of accelerated descending. The forest area was reduced by 1.66×10^8 hm^2 (or 17% of the coverage rate) in 260 years. While after the 1960s, there has been a rapid increase. The forest area increased by 0.7×10^8 hm^2 (or 8% of the coverage rate) in 40 years. The study also shows that there is a significant spatial difference in the dynamics of forest. The amplitudes of increasing and decreasing in western China are both smaller than the ones in eastern China. During the rapid declining period from 1700 to 1949, the most serious decrease appeared in the Northeast, the Southwest and the Southeast, where the coverage rate in most provinces dropped over 20%. In Heilongjiang Province, the coverage rate dropped by 50%. In Jilin Province, it dropped by 36%. In Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality, it dropped by 42%. In Yunnan Province, it dropped by 35%. During the recovery period 1949-1998, the western provinces, municipality and autonomous regions, including Ningxia, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan-Chongqing, Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai, etc, the increase rates are all below 5%, while the eastern provinces, municipality and autonomous regions (except Heilongjiang, Hubei, Jiangsu-Shanghai) have achieved an increase over 5%, among which the Guangdong-Hainan, Guangxi, Anhui, Beijing-Tianjin-H 相似文献
近300年来中国森林的变迁 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
以清代以来史料为依据, 在现代清查统计资料和前人研究成果的基础上, 通过对森林变迁大体趋势及主要过程的客观把握, 重新校订了1949 年和1700 年前人的估算数据, 回溯估算了1750~1900 年中国各省区每50 年森林面积与森林覆被率值, 并与现代森林清查资料衔接, 分析1700~1998 年近300 年来中国森林变迁的时空特征。结果表明: 近300 年来中国现境内共减少森林面积约0.95×108 ha, 森林覆被率减少9.2 个百分点, 变化曲线呈先抑后仰; 以1960s 为界, 此前呈加速递减态势, 260 年间减少森林面积达1.66×108 hm2, 覆被率下降约17 个百分点;1960s 以后呈逐步增长态势, 近40 年间增加森林面积约0.7×108 hm2, 覆被 率提高了约8 个百分点。结果还表明: 近300 年来中国森林消长, 西部地区均小于东部地区; 在1700~1949 年的锐减期中, 东北、西南和东南三区是森林面积缩减最为严重的地方, 大部分省区覆被率下降超过20 个百分点, 其中黑龙江达50 个百分点, 吉林达36 个百分点, 川渝地区达42 个百分点, 云南达35 个百分点;在1949~1998 年的恢复期中, 西部各省区森林覆 被率增加均小于5 个百分点, 东部地区(除黑龙江、湖北和沪宁外) 均超过5 个百分点; 其中 粤琼、广西、安徽、京津冀、山东、河南、浙江、福建等省区高达10 个百分点以上。 相似文献
近300年来中国人口变化及时空分布格局 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
基于人口地理学相关理论,以近300a 为时间尺度,以省域为空间单元,利用经修正的清朝、民国及建国后286 个时相的人口数据,建立1724 年、1767 年、1812 年、1855 年、1898年、1936 年、1982 年和2009 年8 个典型时间断面,通过不均衡指数、集中指数、分布重心和空间自相关等分析方法,研究了近300a 来中国人口数量变化及时空分布格局。结果表明:①近300a 来中国人口数量波动上升,按增长曲线特征可分为较快稳定增长期、快速波动负增长期、低速平稳增长期、无序跌宕增长期、急剧波动增长期5 个阶段;② 人口分布逐渐趋于均衡,人口重心迁移幅度不大,总体呈西南-西北-东北-西北的移动趋势;③ 人口分布保持高度自相关,聚集程度波动变化,其中,华东的沪苏地区、山东省、安徽省、浙江省为稳定人口高密度聚集区,华中的河南省为较稳定人口高密度聚集区,西南、西北部分省份为稳定人口低密度聚集区,华北的内蒙古自治区为较稳定人口低密度聚集区,东北的黑龙江省、吉林省为不稳定人口低密度聚集区。 相似文献
中美过去300年土地利用变化比较 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
开展历史土地利用变化的国别对比研究,不仅有利于深化大尺度LUCC过程与驱动机制的科学认识,而且对深入研究历史碳排放责任等也有着重要意义。利用长时间序列数据,对中美两国过去300年土地利用/覆被变化的时空特征及驱动因素进行对比分析。结果表明:1过去300年中美两国耕地数量总体均呈持续增长态势,中国在1661-1980s的320余年间耕地总量增长了79.46×104km2,但人均耕地面积却从1685年的5.5亩,下降至2000年的1.5亩;而美国在1700-1950年的250年间耕地面积增加了190.87×104km2,且人均耕地面积均超过9亩,其中1890年高达30.2亩。2受土地垦殖扩张影响,过去300年中美两国林、草地资源均呈持续减少态势;其中,美国森林面积减少了约145×104km2,草地面积减少约137×104km2;而中国森林面积减少了约90×104km2,草地面积减少了约40×104km2。3从空间格局变化特征看,过去300年中国土地垦殖主要向边区(如东北、西南、内蒙等)及内地山地丘陵区发展;而美国在"西进运动"的影响下,大规模向中西部拓殖。4政策、人口、农业技术等因素是影响过去300年中美土地利用/覆被变化的主要因素,但由于两国资源禀赋及发展历史的差异,虽然直接驱动力均体现为政策因素,但就根本驱动因素而言,中国是人口数量,美国则是经济利益;同时,在农业技术发展取向上,中国因"人多地少",走"精耕细作"之路,而美国因"人少地多",走"机械化"之途。 相似文献
中美巴印过去300年耕地时空变化的比较研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文利用长时间序列数据,对中、美、巴、印四国过去300 年耕地时空变化特征及驱动因素进行了比较分析。结果表明:①四国耕地总量在过去300 年均呈持续增长态势。中国和印度土地垦殖历史悠久,其中,中国在1700-1980s 耕地面积增加了68.21×104 km2,印度在1700-2000 年增加了131.28×104 km2,为中国的1.92 倍;美国和巴西虽然农业起步较晚,但发展迅猛,其中,美国在1700-1950 年的250 年间耕地面积增长了190.87×104 km2,分别是中国、印度增量的2.80 倍和1.46 倍;巴西在1700-2000 年增加了64.57×104 km2,其中近百年的增量为62.82×104 km2,超过了同期其他三国的增加量。②从空间格局变化特征看,近300 年来,中国和印度均是在已有耕地分布格局的基础上向高原及山地丘陵地区扩展;而美国在“西进运动”的影响下,耕地大规模向中西部拓殖;巴西随着向北西部开发的推进,北部、西部地区的耕地急剧增加。③过去300 年推动四国土地垦殖发展最直接的驱动因素是国家政策,但就根本驱动因素而言,中国和印度是人口,而美国和巴西则是国家财政;在农技发展取向方面,中国和印度选择了精耕细作以提高土地生产率;而美国和巴西则选择了机械化以提高劳动生产率。 相似文献
Comparisons of cropland area from multiple datasets over the past 300 years in the traditional cultivated region of China 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
Land use/cover change is an important parameter in the climate and ecological simulations. Although they had been widely used in the community, SAGE dataset and HYDE dataset, the two representative global historical land use datasets, were little assessed about their accuracies in regional scale. Here, we carried out some assessments for the traditional cultivated region of China (TCRC) over last 300 years, by comparing SAGE2010 and HYDE (v3.1) with Chinese Historical Cropland Dataset (CHCD). The comparisons were performed at three spatial scales: entire study area, provincial area and 60 km by 60 km grid cell. The results show that (1) the cropland area from SAGE2010 was much more than that from CHCD moreover, the growth at a rate of 0.51% from 1700 to 1950 and -0.34% after 1950 were also inconsistent with that from CHCD. (2) HYDE dataset (v3.1) was closer to CHCD dataset than SAGE dataset on entire study area. However, the large biases could be detected at provincial scale and 60 km by 60 km grid cell scale. The percent of grid cells having biases greater than 70% (〈-70% or 〉70%) and 90% (〈-90% or 〉90%) accounted for 56%-63% and 40%-45% of the total grid cells respectively while those having biases range from -10% to 10% and from -30% to 30% account for only 5%-6% and 17% of the total grid cells respectively. (3) Using local historical archives to reconstruct historical dataset with high accuracy would be a valu- able way to improve the accuracy of climate and ecological simulation. 相似文献
近300年来玉米种植制度的形成与地域差异 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
农作物种植制度是作物生理特征与生态环境等多重因素相互结合的产物,玉米作为外来作物进入中国境内,在同传统作物的竞争中,通过环境适应与文化认同,一方面形成以山区为优势的土地利用形式,另一方面则通过产量优势取代了谷子等作物的种植空间,加入到作物轮作系统中,并在空间上形成北方一年一熟制春玉米轮作区、北方两年三熟制夏玉米轮作区、南方丘陵山区玉米、杂粮轮作区。 相似文献
近300年中国耕地数据集重建与耕地变化分析 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
针对中国历史时期不同政体耕地记录的特点,分别采用因素修正、引用替换、线性内插、衔接对比、人地关系检验、垦殖趋势检验、行政面积比例调整等方法对历史耕地数据进行修正,重建了基于现代省界的近300年中国分省耕地数据集,从数量角度对中国耕地总量和分省耕地变动特点进行分析,得到以下主要结论:① 在耕地总量上,SAGE和周荣的数据明显高估,本文结果与HYDE、CHCD和章有义数据的平均差异率在15%以下;但在省域尺度上,与SAGE、HYDE数据库存在明显差异,相对差异率>30%的省份比重分别为94%和61%,与CHCD数据较为接近,相对差异率>30%的省份比重为22%,但部分省份差异明显,仍需进一步分析研究;② 伴随清中期后的人口爆炸,近300年中国耕地增长近3.2倍,由清朝初年的42.4×106 hm2增加至1985年的136.9×106 hm2,根据增长速率变化可分为五个阶段,即清前中期快速增长阶段、清后期低速增长阶段、民国时期波动阶段、建国初期剧烈增长阶段和建国后耕地流失阶段,影响耕地变化主要是国家政策、战乱、经济发展等驱动因素。③ 从省域尺度看,近300年中国各区域耕地变化差异显著。清初,中国耕地主要集中于长江中下游平原、黄淮海平原、关中盆地及银川平原等地,此后,内地的垦殖活动不断增强,外围农区呈由南向北的趋势不断开荒。建国后,耕地开垦逐步向西北和东北方向发展。 相似文献
中国近30年气候要素时空变化特征 总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20
利用1971~2000年中国603个气象站点逐日平均温度和降水量数据,借助ArcGIS空间分析工具,采用自组织特征映射模型(SOFM),对中国气候变化的时空特征进行分析。研究结果表明:近30年中国气候变化的总体特征以增温为主,增温增湿的地区面积最为广大;季节变化构型也以增温增湿为主,秋季略有异常;从年代际变化来看,1971~1980年间,中国的气候以降温为主,而从1981年开始的20年间,全国的气候变化转为增温占主导。SOFM网络分类结果可以描述为缓增温少降水、剧增温平降水、缓增温缓降水和剧增温剧降水等四种类型。 相似文献
应用文献学方法、野外勘查和实测数据,研究六百年来汾河上游行政区划变迁、人口、耕地和土壤侵蚀的发展,得到以下结论:(1)本区耕地增长远不及人口增长,故人均耕地减少1/3,而粮食单产并无明显提高;(2)通过对晚清阳曲县府推行土地清丈的成果分析,指出当时官方公布的耕地数不及实际数的一半;(3)清乾隆至光绪间,因坡地开垦而使侵蚀量有所增加,但在总侵蚀量中比重极小;(4)清光绪朝至今,由于较多开垦陡、急坡地,人为因素有所增长,但耕地上的侵蚀仍远少于自然力导致的沟蚀,只居次要地位。 相似文献
中国传统农区过去300年耕地重建结果的对比分析 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8
土地覆被变化是气候与生态效应模拟研究的重要参量。SAGE和HYDE两个全球历史土地利用数据集在相关研究中得到广泛应用, 但在区域尺度上的应用, 其可靠性如何, 至今少有论及。以我国学者重建的传统农区历史耕地数据集(CHCD) 为基础, 从全区、省区和网格(60 km×60 km) 三个空间尺度, 对SAGE (2010) 和HYDE3.1 数据集中有关中国传统农区历史耕地重建结果进行对比分析, 结果表明:(1) SAGE (2010) 数据集对中国传统农区耕地数量重建是以单一线性插补而得, 其中1700-1950 年是以0.51%的年均增长率线性递增, 1950 年后是以0.34%年均速率线性递减, 这种“标准化”变化趋势不能客观反映传统农区土地垦殖的真实历史, 耕地面积也明显高估, 与CHCD数据集不具有可比性;(2) HYDE3.1 数据集吸纳了区域性研究成果, 使其在总量上与CHCD数据集较为接近, 具有较好的可比性, 但其在省区和网格尺度上与CHCD存在显著差异, 其中相对差异率超过70% (< -70%或> 70%) 的网格占比高达56%~63%, 超过90% (< -90%或> 90%) 的网格占比也高达40%~45%;而相对差异率介于-10%~10%的网格占比仅为5%~6%, 介于-30%~30%的网格占比也仅为17%左右;(3) 充分利用我国丰富的历史文献, 建立更高精度的中国区域历史土地利用数据集, 是提高区域气候与生态效应模拟研究质量的重要保障。 相似文献
过去300 a耕地变化重建是环境变化研究的基础。华北地区河湖演变对历史土地开垦的影响需要在历史耕地重建时予以考虑。论文基于清代地方志、民国统计资料和现代土地利用数据,通过量化坡度和历史时期潜在耕地垦殖率因子,建立宜垦性模型,重建过去300 a白洋淀与大清河上游南部流域5个时间断面上空间分辨率为1 km×1 km的耕地变化,并结合大清河南支的河道变迁和白洋淀演变过程分析了县域尺度下河道变迁、湖群演变对土地开垦过程的影响。结果表明:① 近300 a来研究区开垦范围向山区扩展,开垦强度不断加深,平均垦殖率由1646年的0.162增至1980年代的0.579;② 白洋淀收缩为安新、容城、任丘、高阳和蠡县土地开垦提供良好的物质基础,清中后期5县垦殖率较同期周围县高约3%~40%不等,且增长速度明显快于周围县;③ 古河道为肃宁、河间、任丘和安国的土地开垦提供了物质基础,河流改道后肃宁、河间和任丘的垦殖率分别增长为原来的2.12、2.6和2.86倍;安国垦殖率增长了37%,为同期增长最为显著的县;④ 新河道虽会冲毁部分土地,但泛滥区却能为土地开垦提供物质基础,故途经地垦殖率有增有减,蠡县和高阳的垦殖率分别增加为原来的1.80倍和1.88倍,望都、清苑垦殖率分别增加3%、4%,定州垦殖率减少4%。 相似文献
The ostracod assemblages and their environmental significance in the Chen Co area,southern Tibet in recent 1400 years 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The CC1 core, with a length of 216 cm, was drilled in the west part of the Chen Co (Lake) in southern Tibet Plateau. The210Pb and137Cs measurement indicated that it was a consecutive sedimentary sequence since ca. 1400 years. The ostracoda and their assemblages
under the level of 1 cm samples’ cutting interval were finished for this core to reveal the past environmental changes in
the lake area. A total of 15 species of ostracods belonging to 7 genera in the core sediments had been identified. According
to the ostracod distributions, abundances and preservations in the core, seven ostracod assemblages had been distinguished.
The ostracod assemblages and their ecological features, together with the sediments dating decision were used to infer the
past ca. 1400 years environmental changes of the Chen Co environmental evolutions in three stages, which had responded to
the Medieval Ages Warm-period (MAW), the Little Ice Age (LIA) and modern warm period. The results show that the changes of
the Chen Co environment had been mainly influenced by the climatic variations. The trend of the lake level fluctuations had
been accorded with that of climatic variation during the past 1400 years. 相似文献
The CC1 core, with a length of 216 cm, was drilled in the west part of the Chen Co (Lake) in southern Tibet Plateau. The 210Pb and 137Cs measurement indicated that it was a consecutive sedimentary sequence since ca. 1400 years. The ostracoda and their assemblages under the level of 1 cm samples' cutting interval were finished for this core to reveal the past environmental changes in the lake area. A total of 15 species of ostracods belonging to 7 genera in the core sediments had been identified. According to the ostracod distributions, abundances and preservations in the core, seven ostracod assemblages had been distinguished. The ostracod assemblages and their ecological features, together with the sediments dating decision were used to infer the past ca. 1400 years environmental changes of the Chen Co environmental evolutions in three stages, which had responded to the Medieval Ages Warm-period (MAW), the Little Ice Age (LIA) and modern warm period. The results show that the changes of the Chen Co environment had been mainly influenced by the climatic variations. The trend of the lake level fluctuations had been accorded with that of climatic variation during the past 1400 years. 相似文献
过去2000年中国气候变化研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
总结了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所在过去2000年中国气候变化研究方面的主要进展,并对未来研究动向进行了展望。在过去10余年中,中科院地理资源所的历史气候变化研究在已有基础上,面向国际本领域研究的前缘科学问题,开展了大量研究工作,在代用资料的收集、整理与数据库建设,温度与降水变化重建以及气候变化的时空特征分析等方面取得了许多新成果。未来不但需要进一步利用历史文献、树轮等气候变化重建手段,加强高分辨率的气候变化重建工作,加密气候变化代用资料的空间覆盖度,并结合历史气候模拟等手段,深入开展气候变化动力学机制研究;而且还需要进一步利用地理资源所在本领域已积累的研究优势,开展历史时期的气候变化与人类相互作用等方面的研究。 相似文献
As one of the most critical impact factors of global change, historical land-use change is an indispensable input in climate and environment simulations. To better understand the cropland change in the Guanzhong area, gazetteers, statistics, and survey data were collected as data sources. Methods of registered tax-paying cropland data collection, selection of time points, and data interpolation and calibration were used to reconstruct changes in the cropland area. The cropland area data at the county level were allocated to 1 km×1 km grid cells. The total cropland area in the Guanzhong area was influenced by changes in population, wars, natural disasters, and land-use types, and it fluctuated from 1650 to 2016. From 1780 to 1830, the cropland expanded in the northern and western parts of Guanzhong area, and the cropland in the north of Qinling Mountains increased slightly. The spatial pattern of cropland reached its maximum range in 1980, and the cropland area declined in the whole study area, especially in the cities of Xi'an and Xianyang in 2016. The comparison between HYDE 3.2 and the data obtained in this study showed that the grid cells of HYDE 3.2 exhibit lower values of cropland area fractions in the Guanzhong Basin and higher values in high-altitude areas around the Guanzhong Basin as compared to those in this study. 相似文献
云南省掌鸠河流域近300年来聚落空间演变 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
研究聚落在山地中的空间演变过程对探讨历史时期山地的土地利用变化和人地关系具有重要意义。以云南省掌鸠河流域为研究区,综合利用地名志资料、历史文献资料和田野调查资料等建立聚落信息数据库,重建了流域内近300年来聚落的分布格局和演变进程。研究表明:在时间上,近300年来掌鸠河流域聚落的发展可分为缓慢增长阶段(1701-1800年)、高速增长阶段(1801-1950年)和缓慢增长阶段(1951-2000年)。在空间上,中下游河谷地带始终是聚落密度最大的区域,并呈现出由中下游向中上游,再由中上游向中下游,由河谷向两侧边远山区扩展的趋势。影响山地流域聚落演变的主要因素中,高程2200 m和2500 m、坡度20°是聚落扩展的重要界限,人口数量的增长是聚落数量增加和空间扩展的主要驱动力,少数民族的迁移与定居增强了聚落分布的垂直性特征。 相似文献
中国西部近20a区域植被活动的季节特征及其对气候变化的响应 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
1 Introduction As a body of ecosystem, vegetation influences energy balance, climatic, hydrologic and biochemical cycles. Simultaneously it is also influenced by the above-mentioned factors. Therefore, vegetation activity is a perfect sensitivity guidelin… 相似文献
Using NDVI data of NOAA-AVHRR in recent 20 years and the temperature and precipitation data of West China, the vegetation activity is discussed by adopting the EOF and REOF decomposed functions. Results show that the overall increasing trend of vegetation activity in different seasons reflects an advanced and prolonged growth period of vegetation under the circumstance of climate warming, but the vegetation evolvement has much inconsistency between different regions and seasons. There are four notable regions, eight sub-areas for vegetation evolvement in spring and summer, and nine sub-areas in autumn. The vegetation activity in most sub-areas is increasing. The most notable region is represented by Lhaze station on the Tibetan Plateau. Two other marked stations are represented by Altay station in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Pengshui station in Sichuan Province. But the time series analysis of NDVI makes clear that the trends of the other two sub-areas, Turpan station in Xinjiang and Huashan station in Shaanxi Province, are descending. It is an important reason for vegetation evolvement that temperature ascends in most of the regions and descends in the east region in some seasons. But another important reason for vegetation evolvement is that precipitation is ascending in the west and descending in the east of the region. 相似文献
近500年来长江上游亚热带山地中低山植被的演替 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
从人口分布变迁入手探讨植被变迁,发现距今500年以前,长江上游亚热带山地海拔3000~1500m的中低山地区多是乔木林为主而间与草甸混交景观,而非现在的以草甸、灌草坡为主的景观。人类主要居住在海拔1500m以下的平坝、台地和丘陵地区,人类活动对海拔1500m以上的山地地区影响甚小。现代地理学界静态描述的长江上游地区海拔1500~3000m的中低山湿地草坡带,在500多年前仍多是以冷杉、云杉为主的针阔叶林与草甸混交景观。近500年来人类垦殖、商业砍伐、皇木采办等活动是造成这种变化的主要原因。皇木采办、商业采办影响了长江上游中低山的森林资源的品质,主要对高大的楠杉的砍伐,较明显地影响了森林的郁闭度,但并不给森林资源带来不可回归的影响。人类垦殖活动,特别是固定的农耕活动,大量砍挖树根,使森林资源的自我恢复失去了可能。气候变化的影响可能在其中,一时还难以区分,需继续关注。 相似文献