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Various radio observations have shown that the hot atmospheres of galaxy clusters are magnetized. However, our understanding of the origin of these magnetic fields, their implications on structure formation and their interplay with the dynamics of the cluster atmosphere, especially in the centres of galaxy clusters, is still very limited. In preparation for the upcoming new generation of radio telescopes (like Expanded Very Large Array, Low Wavelength Array, Low Frequency Array and Square Kilometer Array), a huge effort is being made to learn more about cosmological magnetic fields from the observational perspective. Here we present the implementation of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in the cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code gadget . We discuss the details of the implementation and various schemes to suppress numerical instabilities as well as regularization schemes, in the context of cosmological simulations. The performance of the SPH–MHD code is demonstrated in various one- and two-dimensional test problems, which we performed with a fully, three-dimensional set-up to test the code under realistic circumstances. Comparing solutions obtained using athena , we find excellent agreement with our SPH–MHD implementation. Finally, we apply our SPH–MHD implementation to galaxy cluster formation within a large, cosmological box. Performing a resolution study we demonstrate the robustness of the predicted shape of the magnetic field profiles in galaxy clusters, which is in good agreement with previous studies.  相似文献   

The major theoretical limitation for extracting cosmological parameters from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky lies in the precision with which we can calculate the cosmological recombination process. Uncertainty in the details of hydrogen and helium recombination could effectively increase the errors or bias the values of the cosmological parameters derived from the Planck satellite, for example. Here, we modify the cosmological recombination code recfast by introducing one more parameter to reproduce the recent numerical results for the speed-up of the helium recombination. Together with the existing hydrogen fudge factor, we vary these two parameters to account for the remaining dominant uncertainties in cosmological recombination. By using the C osmo MC code with Planck forecast data, we find that we need to determine the parameters to better than 10 per cent for He  i and 1 per cent for H, in order to obtain negligible effects on the cosmological parameters. For helium recombination, if the existing studies have calculated the ionization fraction to the 0.1 per cent level by properly including the relevant physical processes, then we already have numerical calculations which are accurate enough for Planck . For hydrogen, setting the fudge factor to speed up low-redshift recombination by 14 per cent appears to be sufficient for Planck . However, more work still needs to be done to carry out comprehensive numerical calculations of all the relevant effects for hydrogen, as well as to check for effects which couple hydrogen and helium recombination through the radiation field.  相似文献   

We have developed a parallel Particle–Particle, Particle–Mesh (P3M) simulation code for the Cray T3E parallel supercomputer that is well suited to studying the time evolution of systems of particles interacting via gravity and gas forces in cosmological contexts. The parallel code is based upon the public-domain serial Adaptive P3M-SPH (http://coho.astro.uwo.ca/pub/hydra/hydra.html) code of Couchman et al. (1995)[ApJ, 452, 797]. The algorithm resolves gravitational forces into a long-range component computed by discretizing the mass distribution and solving Poisson's equation on a grid using an FFT convolution method, and a short-range component computed by direct force summation for sufficiently close particle pairs. The code consists primarily of a particle–particle computation parallelized by domain decomposition over blocks of neighbour-cells, a more regular mesh calculation distributed in planes along one dimension, and several transformations between the two distributions. The load balancing of the P3M code is static, since this greatly aids the ongoing implementation of parallel adaptive refinements of the particle and mesh systems. Great care was taken throughout to make optimal use of the available memory, so that a version of the current implementation has been used to simulate systems of up to 109 particles with a 10243 mesh for the long-range force computation. These are the largest Cosmological N-body simulations of which we are aware. We discuss these memory optimizations as well as those motivated by computational performance. Performance results are very encouraging, and, even without refinements, the code has been used effectively for simulations in which the particle distribution becomes highly clustered as well as for other non-uniform systems of astrophysical interest.  相似文献   

We introduce a new code for computing time-dependent continuum radiative transfer and non-equilibrium ionization states in static density fields with periodic boundaries. Our code solves the moments of the radiative transfer equation, closed by an Eddington tensor computed using a long characteristics (LC) method. We show that traditional short characteristics and the optically thin approximation are inappropriate for computing Eddington factors for the problem of cosmological re-ionization. We evolve the non-equilibrium ionization field via an efficient and accurate (errors <1 per cent) technique that switches between fully implicit or explicit finite differencing depending on whether the local time-scales are long or short compared to the time-step. We tailor our code for the problem of cosmological re-ionization. In tests, the code conserves photons, accurately treats cosmological effects and reproduces analytic Strömgren sphere solutions. Its chief weakness is that the computation time for the LC calculation scales relatively poorly compared to other techniques  ( t LC∝ N ∼1.5cells)  ; however, we mitigate this by only recomputing the Eddington tensor when the radiation field changes substantially. Our technique makes almost no physical approximations, so it provides a way to benchmark faster but more approximate techniques. It can readily be extended to evolve multiple frequencies, though we do not do so here. Finally, we note that our method is generally applicable to any problem involving the transfer of continuum radiation through a periodic volume.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmological model with cosmological constant, containing a stiff fluid and a classical Dirac field. The proposed cosmological scenario describes the evolution of effective dark matter and dark energy components reproducing, with the help of that effective multifluid configuration, the quintessential behavior. We find the value of the scale factor where the effective dark energy component crosses the phantom divide. The model we introduce, which can be considered as a modified ΛCDM one, is characterized by a set of parameters which may be constrained by the astrophysical observations available up to date.  相似文献   

We present a novel numerical implementation of radiative transfer in the cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation code gadget . It is based on a fast, robust and photon-conserving integration scheme where the radiation transport problem is approximated in terms of moments of the transfer equation and by using a variable Eddington tensor as a closure relation, following the Optically Thin Variable Eddington Tensor suggestion of Gnedin & Abel. We derive a suitable anisotropic diffusion operator for use in the SPH discretization of the local photon transport, and we combine this with an implicit solver that guarantees robustness and photon conservation. This entails a matrix inversion problem of a huge, sparsely populated matrix that is distributed in memory in our parallel code. We solve this task iteratively with a conjugate gradient scheme. Finally, to model photon sink processes we consider ionization and recombination processes of hydrogen, which is represented with a chemical network that is evolved with an implicit time integration scheme. We present several tests of our implementation, including single and multiple sources in static uniform density fields with and without temperature evolution, shadowing by a dense clump and multiple sources in a static cosmological density field. All tests agree quite well with analytical computations or with predictions from other radiative transfer codes, except for shadowing. However, unlike most other radiative transfer codes presently in use for studying re-ionization, our new method can be used on-the-fly during dynamical cosmological simulation, allowing simultaneous treatments of galaxy formation and the re-ionization process of the Universe.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on the improvements implemented in the cosmological radiative transfer code crash . In particular, we present a new multi-frequency algorithm for spectra sampling which makes use of coloured photon packets: we discuss the need for the multi-frequency approach, describe its implementation and present the improved crash performance in reproducing the effects of ionizing radiation with an arbitrary spectrum. We further discuss minor changes in the code implementation which allow for more efficient performance and an increased precision.  相似文献   

In the absence of any compelling physical model, cosmological systematics are often misrepresented as statistical effects and the approach of marginalizing over extra nuisance systematic parameters is used to gauge the effect of the systematic. In this article, we argue that such an approach is risky at best since the key choice of function can have a large effect on the resultant cosmological errors.
As an alternative we present a functional form-filling technique in which an unknown, residual, systematic is treated as such. Since the underlying function is unknown, we evaluate the effect of every functional form allowed by the information available (either a hard boundary or some data). Using a simple toy model, we introduce the formalism of functional form filling. We show that parameter errors can be dramatically affected by the choice of function in the case of marginalizing over a systematic, but that in contrast the functional form-filling approach is independent of the choice of basis set.
We then apply the technique to cosmic shear shape measurement systematics and show that a shear calibration bias of  | m ( z )| ≲ 10−3 (1 + z )0.7  is required for a future all-sky photometric survey to yield unbiased cosmological parameter constraints to per cent accuracy.
A module associated with the work in this paper is available through the open source icosmo code available at http://www.icosmo.org .  相似文献   

We introduce a new code for cosmological simulations, PHo To Ns, which incorporates features for performing massive cosmological simulations on heterogeneous high performance computer(HPC) systems and threads oriented programming. PHo To Ns adopts a hybrid scheme to compute gravitational force, with the conventional Particle-Mesh(PM) algorithm to compute the long-range force,the Tree algorithm to compute the short range force and the direct summation Particle-Particle(PP) algorithm to compute gravity from very close particles. A self-similar space filling a Peano-Hilbert curve is used to decompose the computing domain. Threads programming is advantageously used to more flexibly manage the domain communication, PM calculation and synchronization, as well as Dual Tree Traversal on the CPU+MIC platform. PHo To Ns scales well and efficiency of the PP kernel achieves68.6% of peak performance on MIC and 74.4% on CPU platforms. We also test the accuracy of the code against the much used Gadget-2 in the community and found excellent agreement.  相似文献   

It is well known that Kasner-type cosmologies provide a useful framework for analyzing the three-dimensional anisotropic expansion because of the simplification of the anisotropic dynamics. In this paper relativistic multi-fluid Kasner-type scenarios are studied. We first consider the general case of a superposition of two ideal cosmic fluids, as well as the particular cases of non-interacting and interacting ones, by introducing a phenomenological coupling function q(t). For two-fluid cosmological scenarios there exist only cosmological scaling solutions, while for three-fluid configurations there exist not only cosmological scaling ones, but also more general solutions. In the case of triply interacting cosmic fluids we can have energy transfer from two fluids to a third one, or energy transfer from one cosmic fluid to the other two. It is shown that by requiring the positivity of energy densities there always is a matter component which violates the dominant energy condition in this kind of anisotropic cosmological scenarios.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate Bianchi type-VI cosmological model for the universe filled with dark energy and viscous fluid in the presence of cosmological constant. Also, we show accelerating expansion of the universe by drawing volume scale, pressure and energy density versus cosmic time. In order to solve the Einstein’s field equations, we assume the expansion scalar is proportional to a component of the shear tensor. Therefore, we obtain the directional scale factors and show the EOS parameter crosses over phantom divided-line.  相似文献   

We investigate a hybrid numerical algorithm aimed at large-scale cosmological N-body simulation for on-going and future high precision sky surveys.It makes use of a truncated Fast Multiple Method(FMM)for short-range gravity,incorporating a Particle Mesh(PM)method for long-range potential,which is applied to deal with extremely large particle number.In this work,we present a specific strategy to modify a conventional FMM by a Gaussian shaped factor and provide quantitative expressions for the interaction kernels between multipole expansions.Moreover,a proper Multipole Acceptance Criterion for the hybrid method is introduced to solve potential precision loss induced by the truncation.Such procedures reduce the amount of computation compared to an original FMM and decouple the global communication.A simplified version of code is introduced to verify the hybrid algorithm,accuracy and parallel implementation.  相似文献   

The formation of galaxy clusters in hierarchically clustering universes is investigated by means of high-resolution N -body simulations. The simulations are performed using a newly developed multimass scheme which combines a PM code with a high-resolution N -body code. Numerical effects resulting from time-stepping and gravitational softening are investigated, as well as the influence of the simulation box size and of the assumed boundary conditions. Special emphasis is laid on the formation process and the influence of various cosmological parameters. Cosmogonies with massive neutrinos are also considered. Differences between clusters in the same cosmological model seem to dominate over differences caused by differing background cosmogony. The cosmological model can alter the time evolution of cluster collapse, but the merging pattern remains fairly similar, e.g. the number of mergers and the mass ratio of mergers. The gross properties of a halo, such as its size and total angular momentum, also evolve in a similar manner for all cosmogonies, and can be described using analytical models. It is shown that the density distribution of a halo shows a characteristic radial dependence which follows a power law with a slope of =1 at small radii and =3 at large radii, independent of the background cosmogony or the considered redshift. The shape of the density profiles follows the generic form proposed by Navarro et al. for all hierarchically clustering scenarios, and retains very little information about the formation process or the cosmological model. Only the central matter concentration of a halo is correlated with the formation time and therefore the corresponding cosmogony. We emphasize the role of non-radial motions of the halo particles in the evolution of the density profile.  相似文献   

The solutions of Einstein’s equations with cosmological constant (Λ) in the presence of a creation field have been obtained for general class of anisotropic cosmological models. We have obtained the cosmological solutions for two different scenarios of average scale factor. In first case, we have discussed three different types of physically viable cosmological solutions of average scale factor for the general class of Bianchi cosmological models by using a special law for deceleration parameter which is linear in time with a negative slope. In second case, we have discussed another three different forms of cosmological solutions by using the average scale factor in three different scenarios like Intermediate scenario, Logamediate scenario and Emergent scenario. All physical parameters are calculated and discussed in each physical viable cosmological model. We examine the nature of creation field and cosmological constant is dominated the early Universe but they do not survive for long time and finally tends to zero for large cosmic time t. We have also discussed the all energy conditions in each cases.  相似文献   

We study the generalized second law (GSL) of thermodynamics in f(T) cosmology, where T is the torsion scalar in teleparallelism. We consider the universe as a closed bounded system filled with n component fluids in the thermal equilibrium with the cosmological boundary. We use two different cosmic horizons: the future event horizon and the apparent horizon. We show the conditions under which the GSL will be valid in specific scenarios of the quintessence and the phantom energy dominated eras. Further we associate two different entropies with the cosmological horizons: with a logarithmic correction term and a power-law correction term. We also find the conditions for the GSL to be satisfied or violated by imposing constraints on model parameters.  相似文献   

In maximum-likelihood analyses of the Local Group (LG) acceleration, the object describing non-linear effects is the coherence function (CF), i.e. the cross-correlation coefficient of the Fourier modes of the velocity and gravity fields. We study the CF both analytically, using perturbation theory, and numerically, using a hydrodynamic code. The dependence of the function on Ωm and the shape of the power spectrum is very weak. The only cosmological parameter that the CF is strongly sensitive to is the normalization σ 8 of the underlying density field. A perturbative approximation for the function turns out to be accurate as long as σ 8 is smaller than about 0.3. For higher normalizations we provide an analytical fit for the CF as a function of σ 8 and the wavevector. The characteristic decoherence scale which our formula predicts is an order of magnitude smaller than that determined by Strauss et al. This implies that present likelihood constraints on cosmological parameters from analyses of the LG acceleration are significantly tighter than hitherto reported.  相似文献   

The universe with adiabatic matter creation is considered. It is thought that the negative pressure caused by matter creation can play the role of a dark energy component, and drive the accelerating expansion of the universe. Using the Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) data, the observational Hubble parameter data, the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data and the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data, we make constraints on the cosmological parameters, assuming a spatially flat universe. Our results show that the model with matter creation is consistent with the SNe Ia data, while the joint constraints of all these observational data disfavor this model. If the cosmological constant is taken into account, a traditional model without matter creation is favored by the joint observations.  相似文献   

A very significant problem in the modeling of disk-galaxy formation in the cold dark matter (CDM) cosmology is the so-called `angular momentum problem'. This problem arises when we numerically model the collapse of baryons within a dark halo in the CDM model. The formed baryonic disk has much less angular momentum than observed disk galaxies due to the considerable loss of angular momentum during the progressive merger of small clumps. As a result of efficient radiative cooling, the gas component collapses too deeply within the dark halo. When two such systems are merging, the angular momentum of the material near the center is effectively transported outwards by the tidal force. This is a physical reason for this problem, however, there may be a numerical origin due to the nature of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method widely used in galaxy formation models. To address the numerical origin of the `angular momentum problem' with a much higher-resolution SPH model, we are developing our Parallel Tree-SPH code. After evolving four initial models with different mass and force resolution, we compare the angular momentum content of SPH particles. We find that both mass and force resolutions clearly affect the evolution of radiative cosmological SPH models. In most previous radiative cosmological SPH models, a mass ratio between SPH and dark matter particles is .However, we find that this mass ratio is a crucial parameter when we consider the angular momentum content of SPH particles and it is better to make the mass ratio ∼ 1.0 in such models. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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