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Oxygen and carbon isotopes from the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer, trace element contents, calcium carbonate, biogenic silica, grain size, and abundances of diatoms, radiolarians and foraminifera in a deep‐sea core from the southwestern South China Sea were analysed to investigate the response of various marine ecological communities to environmental changes over the last 200 ka. The synthesised results show that the quality of the palaeoecological environment for biological growth is primarily affected by nutrient supply and terrigenous disturbance. Ba and P are important nutrient elements for the growth of diatoms, radiolarians and planktonic foraminifera. Together with dissolved silica and calcium carbonate in sea water, these elements may control microbiotic development. However, variations in Fe content appear to affect diatom and radiolarian abundance. Optimal biotic growth occurs when nutrients are abundant and when there is minimal terrigenous disturbance. Biotic growth decreases when sea water is highly oligotrophic and terrigenous input is high. Maximum biological growth occurred in the mid Holocene, but deteriorated soon afterwards owing to increased terrigenous input, causing a decrease of biological abundance and productivity in the late Holocene. The results also indicate how the Toba volcanic eruption ca. 74 ka ago contributed to changing the ecological environment in the southern South China Sea. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Asynchronous Holocene climatic change across China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of Holocene climatic variations in different parts of China shows that they were asynchronous. Proxy data from ice cores, pollen, loess, lacustrine sediments, and changes of sea and lake levels demonstrate that many warm and cold oscillations have occurred in China during the Holocene, including a most important climatic event known as the “Holocene optimum,” a milder and wetter period, and that the duration and amplitude of the optimum period, as well as its start and end times, differed in different parts of China. Uplift of the Tibetan plateau over the past millions of years led to the development of the monsoon climate and to complex atmospheric circulation over continental China during the Holocene. As a result, the Holocene optimum began and terminated earlier in high-altitude regions of western China than at lower elevations in eastern China, and the amplitude of the variations was lower in the east. This suggests that the western higher-altitude areas were more sensitive to climatic change than were the eastern lower-altitude areas. Holocene climatic records in the Dunde and Guliya ice cores do not correspond. Inverse δ18O variations between the two cores indicate that the effects of climate and atmospheric processes on the stable isotopes at the two sites differed. The correlation between the isotopic composition of carbonates in lake deposits in western China and climatic variations is similar to that in the ice cores. The climatic resolution in ice cores and lake sediments is higher than that in other media. The lack of precise correspondence of climatic records constructed on the basis of proxy data from different parts of China is a result of the different locations and elevations of the sampling sites, the different resolutions of the source material, and the varied climatic conditions within China. Further work is needed to confirm both the conclusions and the inferences presented here.  相似文献   

东亚和南亚夏季风对中国季风区径流深影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为揭示中国东部季风区径流深对东亚和南亚夏季风变化的响应规律,建立了八大流域VIC(Variable Infiltration Capacity)水文模型以及应用了Mann-Kendall和局部加权回归分析(Locally Weighted Scatter Plot Smoothing, LOWESS)相关性检验方法,并分析了径流深系数空间变化情况。结果表明:东亚夏季风与径流深显著性相关范围要明显大于南亚夏季风,主要位于长江流域以北和松花江流域以南的广大地区以及华南部分地区,并分别成正相关和负相关;而南亚夏季风与径流深显著性正负相关的区域则分别位于华南地区及长江流域上游部分地区。此外,季风区径流深系数空间差异明显,易产流区主要位于长江流域及东南沿海地区,而黄河及海河流域则产流较难。因此,对东亚及南亚夏季风的研究可为预测中国东部不同地区的水文过程及水资源变化提供重要的科学参考。  相似文献   

Across the Late Devonian biotic crisis, sclerobionts declined in diversity and abundance and the proportions of brachiopod shell textures changed radically. Most of the major sclerobiont clades were common to Givetian through Mississippian ecosystems. Microconchids, most abundant sclerobiont in most Devonian assemblages, were replaced by bryozoans in the Mississippian. Diversity and abundance of Mississippian sclerobionts were lower than Frasnian–Famennian assemblages.  相似文献   

刘疆  白志强 《沉积学报》2009,27(1):87-93
广西横县六景火车站南侧,角度不整合覆盖下泥盆统莫丁组和那叫组下段、被新近系大面积覆盖而呈两部分远距离割裂状态的一套“二元结构”特征显著的红色泥砂基底碳酸盐岩粗—巨砾岩,长期以来未被学者们看作一个冲积扇的有机统一体进行研究。经两次实地踏勘、系统采样和测量,以现代山麓冲积扇鉴别特征为主,辅以古冲积扇特征,综合分析得出结论:该套沉积的系列相关分割露头分别为一古近纪冲积扇之残存扇根、扇中及扇缘。该冲积扇为一典型的古近纪早期干旱气候条件下、母岩区为陡峻碳酸盐岩山体的古山麓冲积扇。  相似文献   

华南陆缘中生界地层以广东省出露最广,这套地层为陆源碎屑沉积岩,局部为火山岩。上三叠统—上白垩统划分为2个巨层序、7个超层序和15个层序。沉积充填序列展示出本地区经历了海侵-海退过程,沉积环境由海相转化为陆相环境。3个级别的海平面变化控制了层序、超层序和巨层序的发育。粤中--粤东地区中生界发育的Ⅲ级层序可归纳出3种类型:浅水型、深水型和湖盆型;浅水型层序又可以分为浅水Ⅰ型和浅水Ⅱ型。  相似文献   

晚白垩世—古近纪,华南陆相断陷红盆沉积了石盐、硬石膏、钙芒硝等蒸发岩矿床,在部分盆地中还发现深层富钾锂卤水矿床,以及杂卤石矿层等.这些矿床既是晚白垩世—古近纪东亚古气候和构造事件耦合的产物,又记录了这些地质事件,具有重要的研究价值.本文研究华南地区典型蒸发岩盆地的沉积地层学特征,梳理主要蒸发岩矿床的空间分布和地层特征,...  相似文献   

Paleogene volcanic rocks crop out in three sedimentary basins, namely, Sanshui, Heyuan and Lienping, in the attenuated continental margin of south China. Lavas from the Sanshui basin which erupted during 64-43 Ma are bimodal, consisting of intraplate tholeiitic basalt and trachyte/rhyolite associations. Similar to Cretaceous A-type granites from the nearby region, the felsic member shows peralkaline nature [Na2O + K2O ≈ 10–12%; (Na + K)/Al≈ 0.98−1.08], general enrichment in the incompatible trace elements and significant depletion in Ba, Sr, Eu, P and Ti. Although both types of the Sanshui lavas have rather uniform Nd isotope compositions [Nd(T) ≈ +6 to +4]that are comparable to Late Cenozoic basalts around the South China Sea, the felsic rocks possess apparently higher initial Sr isotope ratios (ISr up to 0.713) and form a horizontal array to the right in the Nd vs. Sr isotope plot. Closed system differentiation of mantle-derived magmas in a ‘double diffusive’ magma chamber is considered for the bimodal volcanism, in which the trachytes and rhyolites represent A-type melts after extensive crystal fractionation in the upper portion of the chamber. Such A-type melts were later contaminated by small amounts (1–3%) of upper crustal materials during ascent. On the other hand, composition of lavas in the other two basins varies from tholeiitic basalt to andesite. Their Sr and Nd isotope ratios [ISr ≈ 0.705 to 0.711; Nd(T) ≈ +1 to − 5] and generally correlative Nb-Ta depletions suggest a distinct magma chamber process involving fractional crystallization concomitant with assimilation of the country rock. We conclude that these Paleogene volcanic activities resulted from the lithospheric extension in south China that migrated southwards and eventually led to opening of the South China Sea during 30-16 Ma.  相似文献   

The Honggang member of the early Paleogene Buxin Formation is the main source rock in the Sanshui Basin, characterized by organic-rich black shales with the cyclic recurrence of organic- poor sediments. The geochemical characteristics of the Honggang member have been documented to determine the organic matter types and depositional environments in this paper. The organic matter of the black shales mainly consists of a mixture of land plant-derived and phytoplankton-derived organic matter. Total organic carbon content (TOC)–sulfur–iron (Fe) relationships suggest that the organic- rich black shales were deposited under dysoxic-to-euxinic water conditions. The time that iron minerals remained in contact with H2S in anoxic waters possibly influenced the formation of syngenetic pyrite, and organic carbon controlled the formation of diagenetic pyrite. Organic-poor intervals usually show pyrite sulfur enrichment and higher degree of pyritization values relative to low organic carbon contents. This resulted from HS– diffusing downward from overlying organic-rich sediments and formed Fe sulfides through reactions with sufficient Fe. Trace elements generally exhibit low concentrations and little TOC dependence, suggesting some degree of depletion in these elements in the early Paleogene sediments of the Sanshui Basin. This probably resulted from cyclic recurrences of oxic benthic conditions, which promoted the remobilization of trace elements and caused the low concentration of trace elements.  相似文献   

Pham  Dat T.  Switzer  Adam D.  Huerta  Gabriel  Meltzner  Aron J.  Nguyen  Huan M.  Hill  Emma M. 《Natural Hazards》2019,98(3):969-1001

With sea levels projected to rise as a result of climate change, it is imperative to understand not only long-term average trends, but also the spatial and temporal patterns of extreme sea level. In this study, we use a comprehensive set of 30 tide gauges spanning 1954–2014 to characterize the spatial and temporal variations of extreme sea level around the low-lying and densely populated margins of the South China Sea. We also explore the long-term evolution of extreme sea level by applying a dynamic linear model for the generalized extreme value distribution (DLM-GEV), which can be used for assessing the changes in extreme sea levels with time. Our results show that the sea-level maxima distributions range from ~?90 to 400 cm and occur seasonally across the South China Sea. In general, the sea-level maxima at northern tide gauges are approximately 25–30% higher than those in the south and are highest in summer as tropical cyclone-induced surges dominate the northern signal. In contrast, the smaller signal in the south is dominated by monsoonal winds in the winter. The trends of extreme high percentiles of sea-level values are broadly consistent with the changes in mean sea level. The DLM-GEV model characterizes the interannual variability of extreme sea level, and hence, the 50-year return levels at most tide gauges. We find small but statistically significant correlations between extreme sea level and both the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Niño/Southern Oscillation. Our study provides new insight into the dynamic relationships between extreme sea level, mean sea level and the tidal cycle in the South China Sea, which can contribute to preparing for coastal risks at multi-decadal timescales.


Open marine sediments deposited during the Cenomanian–Turonian transition are well exposed in the Spanish Baños de la Hedionda section (Betic Cordillera, South Iberian Palaeomargin). Analysis of foraminiferal assemblages and geochemical proxies allow inferences on the impact of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) in this area of the western Tethys. Three main intervals have been identified corresponding to different lithological units and biozones. (1) The top of the Capas Blancas Member (Rotalipora cushmani Biozone) represents the pre-extinction phase with diverse foraminiferal assemblages and well developed water-column tiering, well-oxygenated, oligotrophic deep-waters and oxygenated to poorly oxygenated, mesotrophic surface-waters. Foraminiferal opportunist species point to a minor event with dysoxic conditions preceding the OAE2. (2) The black radiolaritic shales (Whiteinella archaeocretacea Biozone) consist of a foraminiferal-barren interval, except for the lowermost centimetres where planktic surface-dweller opportunists are common. Redox sensitive elements (Cr/Al, V/Al, U/Th, MoEF, Moaut, UEF and Uaut) and increased TOC values reflect oxygen depleted conditions related to the OAE2. The increase in P/Ti values at the base of this stratigraphic interval indicates an abrupt increase in productivity. High concentrations of radiolarians are congruent with high surface productivity probably related to changes in oceanic circulation and enhanced upwelling currents, as well as subsequent shallowing of the oxygen-minimum zone. The increase in MoEF and Moaut towards the top of the black radiolaritic shales indicates temporal euxinic conditions. (3) A slow, bottom-up recovery of foraminiferal assemblages is inferred at the base of the Boquerón Member (Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Biozone), with seafloor recolonization by benthic foraminifera being recorded previous to the water column colonization by planktic forms, mainly by intermediate-dwellers typical of mesotrophic waters. The subsequent proliferation of surface-dweller opportunists and deep-dweller opportunists adapted to mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions, and the decrease in planktic foraminiferal diversity, may indicate the persistence of poorly oxygenated conditions in the water column towards the lower-middle part of the H. helvetica Biozone.  相似文献   

Precipitation samples were collected across the Himalayas from Kashmir (western Himalaya) to Assam (eastern Himalaya) to understand the variation of the stable isotopic content (\(\updelta ^{18}\)O and \(\updelta \)D) in precipitation associated with two dominant weather systems of the region: western disturbances (WDs) and Indian summer monsoon (ISM). Large spatial and temporal variations in isotopic values were noted with \(\updelta ^{18}\)O and \(\updelta \)D values ranging from \(-30.3\) to Open image in new window and \(-228\) to Open image in new window , respectively. The d-excess values also exhibit a large range of variation from \(-30\) to Open image in new window . In general, heavier isotopic values are observed in most of the samples in Jammu, whereas lighter values are observed in majority of the samples in Uttarakhand. Precipitation at Jammu seems to have undergone intense evaporation while that from Uttarakhand suggest normal Rayleigh fractionation/distillation of the air mass as it moves from the source region to the precipitation site and/or orographic lifting. The d-excess of rainfall in Kashmir has a distinctly higher median value of Open image in new window compared to other precipitation sites with a median of Open image in new window . Using distinct isotopic signatures, the regions receiving precipitation from two different weather systems have been identified.  相似文献   

广西菜子岩剖面处于台地边缘地带,含有底栖生物及浮游生物化石。综合岩相、生物相等资料,按牙形石带时限讨论了该地区吉维期—弗拉斯期早期主要的海平面变化历史。吉维期早期(相当于东岗岭组)经历了持续的海侵,大致下varcus带末期可能出现短暂的海退;“谷闭组”下部岩性复杂,海平面波动强烈,其中较大规模的包括了发生于上varcus带的海退(即吉维期中期海退)及下hermanni-cristatus带初期的海侵。吉维期晚期地层含有丰富的床板珊瑚以及其他礁体生物碎屑,产层孔虫、海百合等,意味着这个时期研究区可能处于礁前的上斜坡部位。“谷闭组”上部(牙形石falsiovalis带至transitans带下部)的岩性为中—薄层与厚层的灰岩互层,以正常的底栖生物为主,反映了由原来的礁前到滩前的变化,但水体深度在中—晚泥盆世界线前后可能总体相似。融县组(底部)以浅灰、灰白色的中—薄层至厚层—块状灰岩为特征,其沉积始于牙形石transitans带中部,证据表明此时海水可能变深。菜子岩剖面的白云岩位于上varcus带的下部,主要为细—中晶结构,见有灰岩残余以及正常海相生物碎屑。横向上与其他剖面对比表明,广西地区上varcus带可能出现了区域性的海退事件。  相似文献   

二叠纪末生物大灭绝后,在华南地区碳酸盐岩台地上普遍形成一套微生物岩。微生物岩所代表的是一种以蓝细菌和其他底栖生物为主体的独特的生态系。蓝细菌作为生产者是该生态系的基础,种类单调的小型腹足类和介形虫等广盐性多细胞生物和灾后残存的有孔虫则是该生态系中的主要消费者。根据所处的古地理位置不同,华南微生物岩的分布可分为3个主要地区,即上扬子地区、中下扬子地区及南盘江地区。上述3个地区微生物岩分别产出在生物礁顶、一般碳酸盐岩台地边缘和孤立碳酸盐岩台地环境,且不同地区微生物岩所在剖面的沉积序列也存在差异。根据不同地区微生物岩在宏观沉积构造和碳酸盐岩微相组合上的差异,可进一步划分为层纹状微生物岩、叠层石微生物岩、花斑状微生物岩、树枝状微生物岩及穹窿状微生物岩。不同微相类型的微生物岩在沉积水深、蓝细菌化石、底栖群落组合上仍存在差异,其中树枝状和穹窿状微生物岩沉积时所处水深最小,花斑状微生物岩和层纹状微生物岩沉积时所处水深可能相对较大。对不同地区微生物岩的研究为认识二叠纪末全球事件期间海洋环境的多样性和演化过程提供了重要的信息。  相似文献   

Detailed investigations of high latitude sequences recently collected by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) indicate that periods of rapid climate change often culminated in brief transient climates, with more extreme conditions than subsequent long term climates. Two examples of such events have been identified in the Paleogene; the first in latest Paleocene time in the middle of a warming trend that began several million years earlier: the second in earliest Oligocene time near the end of a Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene global cooling trend. Superimposed on the earlier event was a sudden and extreme warming of both high latitude sea surface and deep ocean waters. Imbedded in the latter transition was an abrupt decline in high latitude temperatures and the brief appearance of a full size continental ice-sheet on Antarctica. In both cases the climate extremes were not stable, lasting for less than a few hundred thousand years, indicating a temporary or transient climate state. Geochemical and sedimentological evidence suggest that both Paleogene climate events were accompanied by reorganizations in ocean circulation, and major perturbations in marine productivity and the global carbon cycle. The Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum was marked by reduced oceanic turnover and decreases in global delta 13C and in marine productivity, while the Early Oligocene glacial maximum was accompanied by intensification of deep ocean circulation and elevated delta 13C and productivity. It has been suggested that sudden changes in climate and/or ocean circulation might occur as a result of gradual forcing as certain physical thresholds are exceeded. We investigate the possibility that sudden reorganizations in ocean and/or atmosphere circulation during these abrupt transitions generated short-term positive feedbacks that briefly sustained these transient climatic states.  相似文献   

The Paleogene sections of Kutch are the reference for the regional chronostratigraphic units of India. The ages of these dominantly shallow marine carbonates are mainly based on larger benthic foraminifera (LBF). The taxonomic revisions of the LBF and the progressively refined shallow benthic zonations (SBZ) have necessitated the present study on updating the stratigraphy of the area. The sedimentation in Kutch commenced with the deposition of volcaniclastics in terrestrial environments in the Paleocene. The marine transgression in SBZ 5/6 deposited finer clastics and carbonates, designated as Naredi Formation, in early Eocene. There is no evidence of marine Paleocene in Kutch. A major hiatus spanning SBZ 12 to SBZ 16 was followed by the development of a carbonate platform and deposition of Harudi Formation – Fulra Limestone during the Bartonian, SBZ 17. The hiatus corresponds to a widespread stratigraphic break in Pakistan and India to Australia, referred as the ‘Lutetian Gap.’ The Maniyara Fort Formation is assigned to SBZ 22 B and SBZ 23, and its age is revised to Chattian. Climate played a major role in building up of the Paleogene stratigraphic succession of Kutch, the carbonates formed during the warming intervals and the stratigraphic gaps were in the intervening cooling periods.  相似文献   

The end–Permian mass extinction was one of the major global crises spanning the entire Early Triassic or longer. Eruptions of volcanos were one of the factors that delayed the biotic recovery after this event. Supervolcano eruptions can cause catastrophic effects on global environment, climate, and life. Here we investigate the tuff layers from Early–Middle Triassic boundary in the Yangtze Block and identify a supervolcano eruption event. The zircon U–Pb ages of the section–Langdai, section–Daijiagou and section–Longmendong tuff samples are 247.1 ± 1.9 Ma, 247.6 ± 2.0 Ma and 247.7 ± 1.7 Ma, respectively. These ages mark the Olenekian–Anisian boundary. The zircon grains from the tuff layers have negative εHf(t) (−15.3 to −0.8), two–stage Hf model (TDM2) ages (1.7 to 2.2 Ga) and display high–δ18O values (mostly > 10‰). Clay minerals and quartz dominate the rock composition. The whole rock compositions show that the tuff layers were derived from magma of intermediate to felsic composition, which formed by the remelting of Paleoproterozoic materials of continental crust. The volcanic eruption site is located in the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan–Song Ma suture zone in the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block. A combination of the closure of the Paleo–Tethys Ocean Basin and the collision of the Indochina Block and South China contributed to the eruption, which was a supervolcano eruption under the active continental margin arc settings. We speculate that this supervolcano eruption might have contributed to the delayed biotic recovery after the end–Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

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