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A 2000 km long dextral Talas-Fergana strike–slip fault separates eastern terranes in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan from western terranes. The aim of this study was to constrain an age of dextral shearing in the central part of the fault utilizing Ar–Ar dating of micas. We also carried out a U–Pb–Hf zircon study of two different deformed granitoid complexes in the fault zone from which the micas for Ar dating were separated. Two samples of the oldest deformed Neoproterozoic granitoids in the area of study yielded U–Pb zircon SHRIMP ages 728 ± 11 Ma and 778 ± 11 Ma, characteristic for the Cryogenian Bolshoi Naryn Formation, and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu–Hf isotopic compositions yielded εHf(t) values from −11.43 to −16.73, and their calculated tHfc ages varied from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga. Thus varying Cryogenian ages and noticeable heterogeneity of Meso- to Paleoproterozoic crustal sources was established for mylonitic granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation. Two samples of mylonitized pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex yielded identical 206Pb/238U ages of 279 ± 5 Ma corresponding to the main peak of Late-Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism in the Tien Shan (Seltmann et al., 2011), and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu–Hf isotopic compositions yielded εHf(t) values from −11.43 to −16.73, and calculated tHfc ages from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga indicating derivation from a Paleoproterozoic crustal source. Microstructural studies showed that ductile/brittle deformation of pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex occurred at temperatures of 300–400 °C and caused resetting of the K–Ar isotope system of primary muscovite. Deformation of mylonitized granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation occurred under high temperature conditions and resulted in protracted growth and recrystallization of micas. The oldest Ar–Ar muscovite age of 241 Ma with a well defined plateau from a pegmatoidal granite of the Kyrgysh Complex is considered as a “minimum” age of dextral motions along this section of the fault in the Triassic while younger ages varying from 227 Ma to 199 Ma with typical staircase patterns indicate protracted growth and recrystallization of micas during ductile deformations which continued until the end of the Triassic.  相似文献   

The Mosha and North Tehran faults correspond to the nearest seismic sources for the northern part of the Tehran megacity. The present-day structural relationships and the kinematics of these two faults, especially at their junction in Lavasanat region, is still a matter of debate. In this paper, we present the results of a morphotectonic analysis (aerial photos and field investigations) within the central part of the Mosha and eastern part of the North Tehran faults between the Mosha valley and Tehran City. Our investigations show that, generally, the traces of activity do not follow the older traces corresponding to previous long-term dip–slip thrusting movements. The recent faulting mainly occurs on new traces trending E–W to ENE–WSW affecting Quaternary features (streams, ridges, risers, and young glacial markers) and cutting straight through the topography. Often defining en-echelon patterns (right- and left-stepping), these new traces correspond to steep faults with either north- or south-dipping directions, along which clear evidences for left-lateral strike–slip motion are found. At their junction zone, the two sinistral faults display a left-stepping en-echelon pattern defining a positive flower structure system clearly visible near Ira village. Further west, the left-lateral strike–slip motion is transferred along the ENE–WSW trending Niavaran fault and other faults. The cumulative offsets associated with this left-lateral deformation is small compared with the topography associated with the previous Late Tertiary thrusting motion, showing that it corresponds to a recent change of kinematics.  相似文献   

The ENE–WSW Autun Shear Zone in the northeastern part of the French Massif Central has been interpreted previously as a dextral wrench fault. New field observations and microstructural analyses document a NE–SW stretching lineation that indicates normal dextral motions along this shear zone. Further east, similar structures are observed along the La Serre Shear Zone. In both areas, a strain gradient from leucogranites with a weak preferred orientation to highly sheared mylonites supports a continuous Autun–La Serre fault system. Microstructural observations, and shape and lattice-preferred orientation document high-temperature deformation and magmatic fabrics in the Autun and La Serre granites, whereas low- to intermediate-temperature fabrics characterize the mylonitic granite. Electron microprobe monazite geochronology of the Autun and La Serre granites yields a ca. 320 Ma age for pluton emplacement, while mica 40Ar-39Ar datings of the Autun granite yield plateau ages from 305 to 300 Ma. The ca. 300 Ma 40Ar-39Ar ages, obtained on micas from Autun and La Serre mylonites, indicate the time of the mylonitization. The ca. 15-Ma time gap between pluton emplacement and deformation along the Autun–La Serre fault system argue against a synkinematic pluton emplacement during late orogenic to postorogenic extension of the Variscan Belt. A ductile to brittle continuum of deformation is observed along the shear zone, with Lower Permian brittle faults controlling the development of sedimentary basins. These results suggest a two-stage Late Carboniferous extension in the northeastern French Massif Central, with regional crustal melting and emplacement of the Autun and La Serre leucogranites around 320 Ma, followed, at 305–295 Ma, by ductile shearing, normal brittle faulting, and subsequent exhumation along the Autun–La Serre transtensional fault system.  相似文献   

The Guxiang–Tongmai segment of the Jiali fault is situated northeast of the Namche Barwa Syntaxis in northeastern Tibet. It is one of the most active strike-slip faults near the syntaxis and plays a pivotal role in the examination of seismic activity within the eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. New study in the research region has yielded a 1:200000 gravity dataset covering an area 1500 km2. Using wavelet transform multiscale decomposition, scratch analysis techniques, and 3D gravity inversion methods, gravity anomalies, fault distributions, and density structures were determined across various scales. Through the integration of our new gravity data with other geophysical and geological information, our findings demonstrate substantial variations in the overall crustal density within the region, with the fault distribution closely linked to these density fluctuations. Disparities in stratigraphic density are important causes of variations in the capacity of geological formations to endure regional tectonic stress. Earthquakes are predominantly concentrated within the density transition zone and are primarily situated in regions of elevated density. The hanging wall stress within the Guxiang–Tongmai segment of the Jiali fault exhibits a notable concentration, marked by pronounced anisotropy, and is positioned within the density differential zone, which is prone to earthquakes.  相似文献   

The planned Yunnan–Tibet railway goes through the northwest of Yunnan Province and the southeast of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Because of its location near the collision belt of the Eurasian and Indian plates, complex engineering geological conditions and difficult engineering geological problems are encountered. The study is aimed at making the zoning assessment of crustal stability along the railway line so as to provide a better base for its construction, especially its line selection. For this purpose, the following seven influencing factors of crustal stability were selected and quantified by grading and scoring: active fault, seismic activity, geo-stress field, geo-strain field, geothermal field, geo-hazard, and lithologic character. Of these factors, the active fault, seismic activity and geo-hazard are the three most prominent factors influencing the railway construction. Along the railway line there are 1731703 calculation units to be divided. The zoning assessment calculation was completed by ArcGIS-based information fusion method. The assessment results aid railway line selection and show that there are 10 stable sectors, 28 relatively stable sectors, 23 relatively unstable sectors, and 20 unstable sectors along the Yunnan–Tibet railway line.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared remote sensing technology based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was applied to estimate the spatial distribution of ground surface temperatures on permafrost slopes and evaluate the thermal influence of nearby engineering infrastructure. This paper presents a method that uses a miniature UAV with a thermal infrared sensor to collect thermal images with high temporal–spatial resolution. Moreover, spatial analysis is used to effectively evaluate the relationship between engineering infrastructure and permafrost slopes in the Qinghai–Tibet Engineering Corridor (QTEC), China. To test the method, aerial measurements were collected from 11:00 to 17:00 in July and August of 2017 at two permafrost slopes along the QTEC, where the Qinghai–Tibet Highway (QTH), Qinghai–Tibet Railway (QTR), and electric towers were built on permafrost slopes. The differences of ground surface temperature between the highway and the surrounding soil were largest at 11:00 and 17:00; the differences were smaller at noon to approximately 15:00 when the difference was minimal, and the differences began to increase after 15:00. The distances of the thermal influence of the highway, railway, and electric towers on the surrounding permafrost slopes are approximately 12–14, 8–10, and 2–4 m, respectively. The results indicate that the degree of influence of engineering structures on permafrost slopes is as follows: QTH?>?QTR?>?electric towers. This study is the first to use UAV-based thermal infrared remote sensing to evaluate the thermal dynamics of permafrost slopes along the QTEC. These results may provide new insights into the future design, construction, and maintenance of engineering structures on permafrost slopes.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):368-382
The Neoproterozoic Xikou Group is unconformably overlain by the Heshangzhen Group in the eastern Jiangnan orogen, South China. Samples from the Xikou and Heshangzhen Groups have generally intermediate to high SiO2 (53.14–77.48 wt.%, average 65.33 wt.%) and Al2O3 (11.53–27.14 wt.%, average 18.96 wt.%) contents, typical of immature lithic varieties. Compared to the Xikou Group, the Heshangzhen Group has higher Al2O3 (average 21.19 wt.% for the Heshangzhen Group and 18.33 wt.% for the Xikou Group, respectively) and Fe2O3* + MgO (average 9.38 wt.% and 8.86 wt.%) contents, but lower SiO2 (average 59.79 wt.% and 66.91 wt.%) content, suggesting that the Heshangzhen Group has more mafic components. The Chemical Index of Alteration (69–81) and the high Th/U ratios (> 3.8) indicate moderate weathering of the source area. Rare earth element patterns suggest that the source rocks came from an upper continental crust composed chiefly of felsic rocks. Discrimination diagrams reveal a mixed provenance of granitic and felsic volcanic components with minor old sedimentary component.Detrital zircon U–Pb ages and previous geochronological data of granitic plutons indicate that the Xikou and Heshangzhen Groups were deposited at 840–820 Ma and 810–780 Ma, respectively. The Xikou Group was deposited in a back–arc basin and its source rocks came mainly from the Yangtze Block. The Heshangzhen Group formed in a post-orogenic setting with a provenance of the Yangtze Block and the Shuangxiwu arc. The Jiangnan orogen was built at 820–810 Ma after the final suturing between the Yangtze and the Cathaysia Blocks. This orogen collapsed shortly following the collision (within 10–20 million years) and formed the Dexing–Huangshan normal fault zone.  相似文献   

Three sauropod trackways comprise eight tracks that resemble Brontopodus tracks have been found at the Morong track site in Changdu Prefecture, Tibet, China. These wide- (or sub-wide)-gauge tracks suggest that there was a large sauropod, possibly a member of Titanosauriformes, in Changdu Prefecture during the Early-Middle Jurassic. The sauropod fauna from Changdu Prefecture, Tibet not only has elements in common with the sauropod fauna from the Sichuan Basin, but may include more diverse faunal components.  相似文献   

An eclogite has been recently identified within ophiolitic mélange in the western segment of the Bangong Co–Nujiang suture zone, at Shemalagou in the Gaize area of central Tibet. The eclogite consists of garnet, omphacite, phengite, rutile, quartz, diopside, and amphibole. The omphacite, which has not been recognized in the suture zone until this study, occurs as rare relics within diopside grains in the eclogite. Phase equilibria modeling shows that the eclogite formed under PT conditions of 22–28 kbar and 600–650 °C with a low geothermal gradient of ca. 8 °C/km, suggesting that it formed during the subduction of oceanic crust. The protoliths of the eclogite and coexisting garnet amphibolites have geochemical characteristics similar to those of normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB), confirming that the eclogites formed from oceanic crust. The presence of high-pressure (HP) eclogite indicates that the ophiolitic mélange in the Bangong Co–Nujiang suture zone underwent oceanic subduction and was subsequently exhumed. We conclude that this ophiolitic belt represents a newly identified HP metamorphic belt in the Tibetan Plateau, adding to the previously recognized Songduo and Longmucuo–Shuanghu eclogite belts. This discovery will result in an improved understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Bangong Co–Nujiang suture zone and the Tibetan Plateau as a whole.  相似文献   

Shorelines are widespread and lake deposits and lake geomorphology are well developed on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Through field observations of lacustrine deposits of Nam Co-the highest and largest Quaternary lake in Tibet, the authors found four-step shore terraces composed of sands and clays with well-developed horizontal bedding and 3-12 m, 15-22 m, 25-30 m and 35-45 m higher than the lake surface respectively, lacustrine deposits resting on the bedrocks and 60-150 m higher than the lake surface, and up to -50 levees composed of oblate lakeshore gravels. Moreover they found lacustrine and lakeshore deposits making up the terraces and levees on the bottoms of wide dividing valleys connecting Nam Co with the Rencoyuema, Rencogongma and Jiuru Co northwest of Nam Co (the valley bottoms are 20 m, 90 m and 60 m higher than the above-mentioned three lakes) and on slopes north of it, i.e. terraces II and III of Nam Co. Thus they confirm that Nam Co and Ring Co-Jiuru Co had connected with each other seve  相似文献   

1.IntroductionUntilnowTibetisstillthearchetypalregionwithcontinentalcollisiongoingoninit,henceitisanidealnaturallaboratoryforstudyingthegeologicevolutionofintracontinentalorogenicbeltandthecrust-mantledeepprocesses,aswellastheinteractionbetweenthemandthesupracrustalmovements.Forthisreason,forseveraldecadesgeologistsandgeophysicistsfromvariouscountrieshavemadeunremittingeffortsinthisregiontoprobeintotheoriginandprocessoftheplateauformation,withavarietyofcognitionsproposed.TheCMPresultsoftheSi…  相似文献   

The Jiangaidarina granitic mass(JM) is an important part of the magmatic belt in Longmu CoShuanghu Suture Zone(LSSZ) in the central Tibetan Plateau. An integrated research involving wholerock geochemistry, zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions was carried out to define the timing, genesis and tectonic setting of the JM. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages have been obtained ranging from 210 to 215 Ma, rather than the Early Jurassic as previously thought. Fifteen granite samples contain hornblendes and show a negative correlation between P_2 O_5 and SiO_2, indicating that the JM is an I-type granite. All the granites are enriched in LREE relative to HREE, with negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu*=0.56-0.81), and have similar trace elements patterns, with depletion of Ba, Nb, Sr and P. These suggest that the JM was fractionated, and this is also proved by the characteristic of negative correlations between oxide elements(TiO_2, MgO, FeOt, MnO, CaO) and SiO_2. Almost all ε_(Hf)(t) values of the granites are between-10.3 and-5.8, implying that the JM has a crustal source intimately related with the South Qiangtang Block(SQB), except for one(+10.2), showing a minor contribution from mantle source.Moreover, relatively low Na_2 O/K_2 O ratios(0.42-0.93) and high A/CNK values(0.91-1.50) reflect that the JM was predominately derived from the medium-high potassium basaltic crust, interacted with greywacke. Our new geochemical data and geochronological results imply that the Late Triassic magmas were generated in a post-collisional tectonic setting, probably caused by slab break-off of the Longmu Co-Shuanghu Tethyan Ocean(LSTO). This mechanism caused the asthenosphere upwelling, formed extension setting, offered an enormous amount of heat, and provided favorable conditions for emplacement of voluminous felsic magmas. Furthermore, the LSTO could be completely closed during the Middle Triassic, succeed by continental collision and later the slab broke off in the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

As the boundary between the Indochina and the South China blocks, the Ailao Shan-Red River (ASRR) shear zone underwent a sinistral strike-slip shearing which is characterized by ductile deformation structures along the Ailao Shan range. The timing issue of left-lateral shearing along the ASRR shear zone is of first-order importance in constraining the nature and regional significance of the shear zone. It has been, therefore, focused on by many previous studies, but debates still exist on the age of initiation and termination of shearing along the shear zone. In this paper, we dated 5 samples of granitic plutons (dykes) along the Ailao Shan shear zone. Zircon U–Pb ages of four sheared or partly sheared granitic rocks give ages of 30.9 ± 0.7, 36.6 ± 0.1, 25.9 ± 1.0 and 27.2 ± 0.2 Ma, respectively. An undeformed granitic dyke intruding mylonitic foliation gives crystallization age of 21.8 ± 1 Ma. The Th/U ratios of zircon grains from these rocks fall into two populations (0.17–1.01 and 0.07–0.08), reflecting magmatic and metamorphic origins of the zircons. Detailed structural and microstructural analysis reveals that the granitic intrusions are ascribed to pre-, syn- and post-shearing magmatisms. The zircon U–Pb ages of these granites provide constraints on timing of the initiation (later than 31 Ma from pre-shearing granitic plutons, but earlier than 27 Ma from syn-shearing granitic dykes) and termination (ca. 21 Ma from the post-shearing granitic dykes) of strong ductile left-lateral shearing, which is consistent with previous results on the Diancang Shan and Day Nui Con Voi massifs in the literature. We also conclude that the left-lateral shearing along the ASRR shear zone is the result of southeastward extrusion of the Indochina block during the Indian–Eurasian plate collision. Furthermore, the left-lateral shearing was accompanied by the ridge jump, postdating the opening, of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1384-1400
A better understanding of the chemical evolution of fluids in geothermal and hydrothermal systems requires data-based knowledge regarding the interplay between active tectonics and fluid flow. The Southern Andes volcanic zone is one of the best natural laboratories to address this issue because of the occurrence of numerous geothermal areas, recent seismic activity generated by regional fault systems, and intense volcanic activity. Geothermal systems have been understudied in this area, and limited scientific information exists about the role of local kinematic conditions on fluid flow and mineralization during the development and evolution of geothermal reservoirs. In this study, we provide data for a 1:200,000 scale geological and structural map of the Villarrica–Chihuio area as a setting in which to perform a structural analysis of active geothermal areas. This structural analysis, combined with geochemical modelling of hot spring data, allows the identification of two magmatic-tectonic-geothermal domains based on fault systems, volcanic activity, and lithologies. The Liquiñe–Ofqui fault system (LOFS) domain encompasses geothermal areas located either along the master or subsidiary faults. These are favourably orientated for shear and extension, respectively. In the LOFS domain, the geochemistry of hot spring discharges is controlled by interaction with the crystalline basement, and is characterized by low B/Cl conservative element ratios and high pH. In marked contrast, the arc-oblique long-lived fault systems (ALFS) domain includes geothermal occurrences located on the flanks of volcanoes forming WNW-trending alignments; these systems are built over faults that promote the development of crustal magma reservoirs. Unlike the first domain, the fluid chemistry of these geothermal discharges is strongly controlled by volcanic host rocks, and is typified by lower pH and higher B/Cl ratios. Reaction path modelling supports our model: chemical evolution of geothermal fluids in the Villarrica–Chihuio area is strongly dependent on structurally controlled mechanisms of heat transfer. Within this framework, heat transfer by conduction is responsible for the LOFS domain, whereas magmatically enhanced advective transport dominates heat flow in the ALFS domain. Although more studies are needed to constrain the complex interplay between tectonics and fluid flow, results from this study provide new insights towards efficient exploration strategies of geothermal resources in Southern Chile.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the chemical composition and mineral association of Pd-bearing galena, discovered in hydrothermal–metasomatic sulfide Cu–Ni ores of the Sedova Zaimka mineralization (Western Siberia). In the Sedova Zaimka mineralization, galena is an accessory mineral and occurs in association with pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, argentopentlandite, tsumoite, and native bismuth. The Pd contents in galena are 0.5–0.9 wt %. Palladium occurs in galena in the form of isomorphic impurities and is not related to microinclusions of Pd-bearing minerals.  相似文献   

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