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西南极主要由哈格冰原岛峰群、南极半岛、瑟斯顿岛、玛丽·伯德地和埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉五个各具特色的地壳块体组成。通过综述上述各块体主要的岩浆事件及其构造意义,旨在了解西南极的地质演化过程。西南极最古老的岩石为哈格冰原岛峰群地块的前寒武纪正片麻岩,时代为1238 Ma,记录了中元古代弧岩浆作用,其余四个地块记录了~500 Ma以来的地质演化过程。古生代时期,埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉地块处于快速沉降的陆相断陷盆地环境,岩浆活动稀少,与罗斯造山运动形成的弧后伸展有关;玛丽·伯德地地块中—晚古生代发育一套与板块汇聚有关的岩浆作用,形成于活动大陆边缘环境;而南极半岛-瑟斯顿岛地块记录了石炭纪—二叠纪时期弧的发育。各地块的构造背景从侏罗纪开始明显分化,埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉地块记录了侏罗纪板内岩浆作用,可能与大火成岩省有关;玛丽·伯德地地块发育的侏罗纪—早白垩世Ⅰ型弧岩浆岩随时间转变为白垩纪中期的A型碱性岩浆岩,经历了由俯冲向裂解机制的转变;南极半岛-瑟斯顿岛地块侏罗纪—白垩纪为弧岩浆活动活跃期,同时也有大火成岩省火山活动的记录,是持续俯冲和裂解相互作用的产物。新生代岩浆作用以南极半岛地块为代表,弧岩浆作用持续到始新世,其时空分布特征与左行错断扩张脊的分段俯冲和碰撞有关。  相似文献   

Mesozoic sedimentary units within the Nanzhao and Mashiping basins record the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the Qinling Orogen (QO). This study uses...  相似文献   

选取西秦岭造山带临潭地区下白垩统磨沟组和新近系上新统临夏组碎屑岩为研究对象,运用LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb同位素年代学方法,探讨磨沟组和临夏组的物质来源。结果显示,碎屑锆石年龄谱可分为6组:①新太古代—古元古代(2627~1676 Ma);②中元古代(1487~1035 Ma);③新元古代(996~812 Ma);④早古生代(534~425 Ma);⑤晚古生代(409~252 Ma);⑥早中生代(250~197 Ma)。其中,新太古代—古元古代(2627~1676 Ma)的年龄数据约占总体的5031%,所占比例最大,其余年龄段所占比例则较少。下白垩统磨沟组和上新统临夏组中蕴含的锆石年龄信息分布特征较为一致,均有新元古代、早古生代、早中生代年龄峰值,以及华北板块特有的18 Ga和25 Ga年龄峰值。下白垩统磨沟组和上新统临夏组具有近源堆积为主的特征,合作- 岷县断裂北侧的中秦岭构造带为其提供了物源,碎屑锆石年龄谱特征记录了物源区地质体中的再旋回年龄信息。本研究对西秦岭中新生代的构造演化研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

新疆博格达山主体由石炭系海相火山—沉积岩系组成, 以发育两期双峰式火山岩, 但不发育花岗岩为特征, 对其晚古生代地层时代的划分和演化争议较大.本文重点对博格达山北部两个晚古生代砂岩进行了碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学分析, 重新标定博格达山地区晚古生代地层的形成时代; 利用物源区的演化, 约束晚古生代构造演化.测年结果显示博格达上亚群砂岩的碎屑锆石表面年龄值分布范围较宽, 主峰年龄为343~284 Ma(80%), 次峰年龄为386~375 Ma(3%)、503~441 Ma(7%)和871~735 Ma(10%); 芦草沟组砂岩的碎屑锆石表面年龄值非常集中, 主峰年龄为358~279 Ma(97%), 次峰年龄为257~251 Ma(约3%).博格达山中部原石炭纪博格达群上亚群与西部和南部下芨芨槽群相当, 应属于早二叠世, 中部—东部的石炭—二叠纪界线应在博格达下亚群—上亚群或居里得能组—沙雷塞尔克组之间的不整合面之中.博格达北部地区晚二叠世以南侧天山物源区供给为主, 反映出晚古生代期间博格达山地区至少存在晚石炭世末和中二叠世两期构造隆升.结合区域火山岩与火山碎屑岩的研究, 认为博格达山地区晚古生代主要经历4个演化阶段: 早石炭世弧后盆地裂解阶段、晚石炭世碰撞拼贴阶段、早二叠世碰撞后伸展阶段、中-晚二叠世再次隆升到稳定阶段.  相似文献   

A paleomagnetic study of the late Middle to possibly early Late Cambrian Liberty Hills Formation in the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica, reveals a stable magnetization with positive fold and reversal tests. The paleopole is based on 16 sites from volcanic and sedimentary rocks and lies at lat 7.3 degrees N and long 326.3 degrees E (A95=6.0&j0;). The new paleomagnetic data support the view that the Ellsworth Mountains are part of a microplate-the Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountains crustal block-that rotated independently of the main Gondwana continental blocks during breakup. The Liberty Hills pole differs from both previous poles recovered from Cambrian rocks in the Ellsworth Mountains and from the available Gondwana reference pole data. Our pole indicates a more northerly prebreakup position for the Ellsworth Mountains than previously suggested, contradicting the overwhelming geologic evidence for a prebreakup position close to southern Africa. The reasons for this are uncertain, but we suggest that problems with the Gondwana apparent polar wander path may be important. More well constrained, early Paleozoic paleomagnetic data are required from the Ellsworth Mountains and the Gondwana continents if the data are to constrain further the Middle-Late Cambrian location of the Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountains block.  相似文献   

UPb dating of detrital zircons from metamorphic and unmetamorphosed siliciclastic units in northern, central, and southern parts of the late Paleozoic South Tianshan (STS) orogen allows us to elucidate depositional ages and provenances of studied deposits and provide important insights into Paleozoic tectonics and evolution of the southwest Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). In the northern flank of the orogen, the depositional age of metasandstones of the Kembel Complex has been constrained to 446–417 Ma. Greenschist-facies metasandstones of the Kan Complex, associated with the Turkestan suture and previously related to Proterozoic, yielded maximum depositional ages of 438–428 Ma based on the youngest clusters of detrital zircons, although the occurrence of a few younger grains implies, that these rocks may be late Silurian to Devonian in age. Greenschists of the Kan Complex were likely metamorphosed during the Mississippian (>330 Ma), based on the early Serpukhovian age of overlying strata. A similar depositional age has been proven for sandstones of the Balykty Formation, east of the Talas-Ferghana Fault. Detrital zircons ages for these metasediments suggest clastic provenances within Northern and Middle Tianshan. In the axial parts of the STS, coarse-grained turbidite sandstones yielded Silurian to Early Devonian maximum ages. The axial part of the STS was separated from continental domains in the north and south by deep-marine basins; therefore, these turbidite sandstones must have been derived from a local provenance in the STS. This local provenance is comprised of Precambrian crustal fragments, as indicated by high concentration of Precambrian magmatic zircons in detrital populations, along with Silurian and Devonian arc magmatic rocks. Precambrian crust can be inferred in the basement of the Alai microcontinent and Baubashata carbonate platform, which represented the likely provenance areas. Detrital zircons with Ediacaran 650–550 Ma ages in turbidites suggest that during the Neoproterozoic, these crustal fragments may have comprised a single continental domain with the Karakum-Tajik (Garm massif) and Tarim microcontinents, where magmatic rocks and detrital zircons with such ages have been also previously dated. Devonian slope turbidite facies of the Tarim Craton in the south Ferghana Range contain Precambrian detrital zircons with ages matching those of the Tarim, and numerous Paleozoic zircons clustering at 446 and 441 Ma. Paleozoic zircon ages indicate the occurrence of unidentified Ordovician and early Silurian magmatic rocks in northern and western Tarim. New data provide further evidence that Paleozoic evolution of CAOB was controlled by northward motion of the Precambrian terranes rifted off the Gondwana and colliding with the continental masses of Kazakhstan and Siberia in the north.  相似文献   

Subduction–accretion complexes occur widely in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Due to the scarcity of fossils, the depositional timing of the Habahe flysch sequence of the subduction–accretion complex in the Chinese Altai is poorly constrained, which gave rise to much controversy in understanding the time of the basement and the tectonic evolution of the Chinese Altai. U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Habahe sequence in the northwestern Chinese Altai reveals a young zircon population with a mean 206Pb/238U age around 438 Ma which, together with a mean 206Pb/238U age of 411 ± 5 Ma for the overlying rhyolite of the Dongxileke Formation, brackets the time of deposition of the sequence between early Silurian and early Devonian. The age of the Dongxileke rhyolite also indicates that the overlying Baihaba Formation possibly began to be deposited in the early Devonian, though U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from this formation gave a maximum depositional age of ~ 438 Ma. The youngest detrital zircons and metamorphic grains of the Habahe sequence reveal different provenance to the sequence in the east. The youngest and metamorphic zircon grains, with early Paleozoic, Neoproterozoic and pre-Neoproterozoic populations, suggest a multi-source for the Habahe sequence. The predominantly early Paleozoic zircons, characterized by concentric zoning, high Th/U ratios and euhedral shapes, imply that the sediments of the sequence were mostly derived from a proximal magmatic source. Based on the age patterns of the Neoproterozoic and pre-Neoproterozoic populations, the Tuva–Mongol Massif, along with adjacent island arcs and metamorphic belts, may be an alternative source region for the Habahe sequence. In view of new geochemical and chronological data for granitoids and advancement in the study of regional metamorphism in the Chinese Altai, we suggest a tectonic model of subduction beneath a huge subduction–accretion complex for the evolution of the Chinese Altai in the early Paleozoic.  相似文献   

新疆西昆仑独尖山地区巴颜喀拉盆地北部发育黄羊岭组,岩性为一套灰色长石岩屑砂岩、灰白色石英砂岩、灰黑色粉砂岩等细碎屑岩组合,中部夹大量凝灰质成分,局部夹碳酸盐岩透镜体,含丰富的生物化石,指示时代为中二叠世。为进一步查明区域上黄羊岭组沉积时代及沉积区物质来源,在黄羊岭组一段顶底采集了2件碎屑岩样品,利用LA-ICP-MS对锆石U-Pb年龄及微量元素含量进行分析。其中,碎屑锆石206Pb/238U年龄主要集中于264~276Ma、292~317Ma、369~373Ma、500~503Ma、694~702Ma五个区间,最年轻的锆石峰值年龄为266.1±0.89Ma,表明该地区黄羊岭组开始沉积的时间为中二叠世中期。通过锆石微量元素判别图解对锆石的成岩类型进行判别,结合所取得的年龄数据,综合比对区内特提斯洋构造演化,认为264~276Ma碎屑锆石来源于海西运动中昆仑造山带内的花岗质岩石和基性火山岩,292~317Ma碎屑锆石来源于北侧喀什塔什地区石炭系—二叠系托库孜达坂岩组内的火山岩建造,500~503Ma碎屑锆石来源于古特提斯洋主体形成时的岩浆构造演化,694~702Ma碎屑锆石则来自于原特提斯洋北侧的塔里木陆块或大洋中的北羌塘微陆块,而369~373Ma的碎屑锆石来源于晚泥盆世古特提斯洋裂解初期小规模的火山活动。  相似文献   

秦-祁-昆造山带元古宙副变质岩层碎屑锆石年龄谱研究   总被引:29,自引:11,他引:18  
根据秦-祁-昆造山带中北大河岩群、湟源岩群、化隆岩群、金水口岩群、陡岭岩群和秦岭岩群等副变质岩层碎屑锆石年龄谱资料,这些原定为古元古代的地层,至少包括测年样品在内的部分地层的时代应属中元古代或新元古代初期.研究资料还显示上述碎屑岩层具有大量中元古代早期的物源,而古元古代蚀源物质较匮乏.因此,上述副变质岩层显示出相近的碎屑锆石年龄谱特征.  相似文献   

The Oaxacan Complex is the largest exposure of Grenvillian-age rocks in Mexico, constituting the backbone of the Oaxaquia microcontinent. Whereas the main rock-forming events were previously established at 1,150–1,200 Ma (charnockite–syenite–gabbros), 1,020 Ma (AMCG suite), 990 Ma (granulite-facies metamorphism), and ca. 970 Ma post-tectonic pegmatites, no data are yet available to establish provenance links with other Grenville-age terranes. In this work, we studied detrital zircons belonging to 12 samples, all metamorphosed under granulite facies but variably affected by retrogression. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb geochronology was employed on selected zircons to determine their crystallization age and geochemistry. The results of the analysis of about 100 crystals per sample show that the studied zircons range between ca. 940 and 1,400 Ma, with only three samples having zircons between 1,400 and 1,600 Ma, and only one showing older zircons up to ca. 1,775 Ma. Whereas some of the slightly discordant (1–5 %) zircons in several samples show ages younger than the granulite metamorphism (probably as a result of Pb loss), and thus a disturbed geochemical pattern (abnormal enrichment in LREE, decreasing HREE), a few metamorphic zircons show flat and depleted HREE patterns, contrasting with the igneous pattern of older zircons (positive Ce anomaly, negative Eu anomaly, enriched HREE pattern). The main distributions observed using the kernel density estimator diagrams fall in the range 975–995 Ma (six samples), 1,100 Ma (four samples) and 1,120–1,170 Ma (six samples). Only the southernmost sample shows a marked peak at ca. 1,400 Ma. The application of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) statistical test to the studied samples and particularly the comparison of obtained P values yield interesting similarities. Overall, two sample groups show internal similarities, i.e., they may belong to the same source area, whereas only one sample is dissimilar, failing to pass the K–S test. Comparison of these data with the timing of comparable events in the Sveconorwegian orogens, the Sunsas and Rondonia-San Ignacio belts of Amazonia, and some of the Precambrian massifs cropping out in the Andes help to constrain possible Mesoproterozoic conjugate margins of Oaxaquia.  相似文献   

The Chubut Group constitutes the most widespread sedimentary unit in NE Patagonia, characterized by variable-energy fluvial deposits. U–Pb analysis of detrital zircons from two sections of the Chubut Group constraint the age of the oldest sedimentary rocks in the northeast of the Somuncurá – Cañadón Asfalto Basin. In the Cañadón Williams area, at San Jorge section, 20 km NW of Telsen locality, dating of 56 detrital zircons from a medium to coarse sandstone indicated a maximum depositional age of 109 ± 1 Ma (n = 4). These sandstones were interpreted to represent shallow channels, associated with a lacustrine system. In the Telsen locality, a laser ablation analysis of 115 detrital zircons from a medium to coarse-grained sandstone, from fluvial channel facies, yielded a maximum depositional age of ca. 106 ± 1 Ma (n = 8). Both ages are consistent with volcanic events of the Barremian to Albian age in the central Patagonian Andes Region. Cathodoluminescence images of zircons from the San Jorge sample suggest an igneous origin, which is further supported by Th/U values above 0.5 in most of the grains. The distribution of the statistical modes of the main age populations of detrital zircons for the two samples [182, 185 and 189 Ma for Telsen sample (T2S) and 181 ± 1 Ma for San Jorge sample (SJS)] matches the age of the volcanic Marifil Formation. The rocks of the Marifil Formation of these ages are exposed NE to SE of the study area. The abundance of zircons of similar Jurassic ages (n = 52 for SJS and n = 105 for T2S) and the external morphology of the zircons in the sample SJS, implies a close proximity of the source area. Suggestion that the Marifil Formation was the main provenance source is also supported by northeast–southeasterly paleocurrents measured at the San Jorge and Telsen sections.  相似文献   

郭春涛  董顺利  李忠 《地质学报》2019,93(11):2759-2769
早古生代塔里木盆地构造背景发生急剧突变的地球动力学来源一直是一个争议的焦点。本文针对塔里木盆地西北缘乌什地区寒武系—志留系剖面的砂岩样品进行了碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学测试,以此厘定研究区物源体系并刻画该地区的沉积构造演化过程。结果表明,碎屑锆石样品记录了~500Ma、~800Ma、~1000Ma、~1800Ma、~2500Ma共5期构造热事件。对比潜在物源区,上寒武统物源主要为盆地内碎屑物的再循环沉积,直接来源于柯坪或邻近地区的局部隆起,最终来源于盆地内更古老岩石的风化剥蚀。至早志留世,物源区则可能增加了昆仑造山带,同时也说明早志留世西昆仑洋已经俯冲闭合,甚至隆升形成高山。综合前人研究结果,晚奥陶世塔里木盆地构造背景突变、台地消亡的原因,可能主要来自于盆地南侧的洋盆的俯冲闭合造山,而是否有来自北侧洋盆的影响还需要进一步的工作,但即使有来自北侧洋盆活动的影响,其力度和范围也远小于南边。  相似文献   


八宿微陆块位于班公湖—怒江缝合带东部,其古生代地层的构造属性存在争议,有增生楔和微陆块两种观点。古生代地层(邦达组和错绒沟口组)岩性为板岩、千枚岩,夹灰岩、砂岩等岩块。本文对八宿地区邦达组和错绒沟口组进行了野外调查、砂岩镜下观察以及碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学研究,结果表明:1)地层中砂岩的地层最大沉积年龄为510.2±2.5 Ma,结合岩块中古生物化石、玄武岩和辉绿岩锆石年龄,其沉积时代初步限定为寒武纪—早石炭世。2)地层属于具有变质基底的微陆块,而不是增生楔。3)邦达组和错绒沟口组中碎屑锆石多为岩浆成因,测得U-Pb年龄可划分为650~500 Ma、1 200~700 Ma、1 850~1 550 Ma和2 600~2 400 Ma,表明物源区存在强烈的泛非期和格林威尔造山期构造岩浆事件。4)邦达组和错绒沟口组所在的微陆块与南羌塘地体具有相近的物源区,经历了相似的构造演化,属于冈瓦纳大陆的一部分。


黑龙江省东部马家街群碎屑锆石年代学及其大地构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵亮亮  王宗起  张兴洲 《岩石学报》2014,30(6):1769-1779
马家街群分布在黑龙江省东部佳木斯地块桦南隆起的西南缘,主要由一套经历了接触变质作用的富铝、富碳沉积碎屑岩所组成。区域上,这套接触变质岩系具有变质矿物分带特征,由西向东依次出现十字石、红柱石、石榴石和黑云母。红柱石碳质板岩和石榴云母石英片岩2件样品获得的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb碎屑锆石年龄谱均显示有272~310Ma、479~533Ma和>800Ma三组年龄。根据两件样品显示的最小年龄均未小于272Ma,而且二者的最小年龄组(272~310Ma)具有类似的峰值年龄,分别为276Ma和279Ma,这限定了马家街群主体岩石沉积年龄的下限应在中二叠世之前。侵入马家街群的花岗岩的锆石年龄为259Ma,说明其接触变质作用时代为晚二叠世早期,限定了马家街群形成时代的上限。479~533Ma年龄组中,2件样品的峰值年龄分别为499Ma和522Ma,这是佳木斯地块麻山群中最为重要的高级变质和花岗质岩浆作用年龄。>800Ma的年龄组具有多个峰值年龄,说明源区(佳木斯地块)具有前寒武纪-早前寒武纪地壳。上述证据表明,马家街群是晚二叠世早期形成的一套接触变质岩系,而非前寒武纪区域变质岩系。鉴于479~533Ma的麻山群在佳木斯地块中普遍存在,说明以麻山群为代表的早古生代变质结晶岩系既是马家街群沉积的基底,也是重要的物源区;而276~279Ma的早二叠世火山岩在佳木斯地块东缘分布广泛,表明其对马家街群的沉积也具有一定的贡献。  相似文献   

We present new U–Pb isotopic age data for detrital zircons from 16 deformed sandstones of the Ross Supergroup in north Victoria Land, Antarctica. Zircon U/Th ratios primarily point to dominantly igneous parent rocks with subordinate contributions from metamorphic sources. Comparative analysis of detrital zircon age populations indicates that inboard stratigraphic successions (Wilson Terrane) and those located outboard of the East Antarctic craton (the Bowers and Robertson Bay terranes) have similar ~ 1200–950 Ma (Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic) and ~ 700–490 Ma (late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian, Furongian) age populations. The affinity of the age populations of the sandstones to each other, as well as Gondwana sources and Pacific-Gondwana marginal stratigraphic belts, challenges the notion that the outboard successions form exotic terranes that docked with Gondwana during the Ross orogeny and instead places the terranes in proximity to each other and within the peri-Gondwana realm during the late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian. The cumulative zircon age suite from north Victoria Land yields a polymodal age spectra with a younger, primary 700–480 Ma age population that peaks at ~ 580 Ma. Cumulative analysis of zircons with elevated U/Th ratios (> 20) indicating metamorphic heritage yield ~ 657–532 Ma age probability peaks, which overlap with the younger dominantly igneous zircon population. The data are interpreted to give important new evidence that is consistent with ongoing convergent arc magmatism by ~ 626 Ma, which provided the dominant zircon-rich igneous rocks and subordinate metamorphic rocks. Maximum depositional ages as young as ~ 493–481 Ma yielded by deformed sequences in the outboard Bowers and Robertson Bay terrane samples provide new support for late Cambrian to Ordovician deformation in outboard sectors of the orogen, consistent with tectonic models that call for cyclic phases of contraction along the north Victoria Land sector of the Ross–Delamerian orogen.  相似文献   

The question of whether or not the Altyn Tagh fault is a large-scale extrusion boundary is critical for understanding the role of lateral extrusion in accommodating the Indo-Asian convergence and in building the Tibetan Plateau. Oligocene conglomerate clasts in the eastern Xorkol basin are low-grade slate, phyllite, sandstone, dacite and carbonate, and associated paleocurrent indicators evince sediment derivation from the opposing side of the Altyn Tagh fault. Matching these clasts with similar basement rocks in the North Qilian and Tuolainanshan terranes requires post-Oligocene left-lateral offset of 380 ± 60 km on the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh fault, suggesting large-scale extrusion along the fault in the Cenozoic (Yue, Y.J., Ritts, B.D., Graham, S.A., 2001b. Initiation and long-term slip history of the Altyn Tagh fault. International Geological Review 43, 1087–1094.). In order to further define this piercing point, the detrital zircon pattern of Oligocene sandstone from the Xorkol basin and the zircon ages of basement on the southern side of the fault were established by ion microprobe dating. Characterized by strong peaks between 850 and 950 Ma and the absence of Paleozoic and Mesozoic ages, the detrital zircon age pattern of the Oligocene sandstone matches the age distribution of zircon-bearing rocks of the Tuolainanshan terrane. This match requires 360 ± 40 km of post-Oligocene left-lateral displacement on the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh fault, supporting as well as refining the previously reported lithology-based cross-fault match. At least one of the following three extrusion scenarios must have existed to accommodate this large offset: (1) northeastward extrusion along the Altyn Tagh–Alxa–East Mongolia fault, (2) eastward extrusion along the Altyn Tagh–North Qilian–Haiyuan fault, and (3) northeastward extrusion of northern Tibet as a Himalaya-scale thrust sheet along the North Qilian–Haiyuan fault. We prefer the first scenario inasmuch as rapidly growing evidence for Cenozoic strike-slip activity on the Alxa–East Mongolia fault and mid-Miocene exhumation of northern Tibet supports it.  相似文献   

合肥盆地南部侏罗系砂岩碎屑组分及其物源构造属性   总被引:45,自引:10,他引:45  
李忠  李任伟 《岩石学报》1999,15(3):438-445
根据侏罗系砂岩碎屑的岩矿组成及主元素地球化学分析, 认为合肥盆地南部侏罗系物源主要来自大别造山带, 具有明显的陆壳 岛弧混杂属性。主要物源类型经历了下—中侏罗统的 “再旋回造山带”类型向上侏罗统 “弧造山带”类型的复杂演变, 期间中侏罗世特别是相当于凤凰台组时期由于强烈的剥离作用, 大别造山带切割的 (dissected) 岩浆弧物源已有所暴露。据古地理恢复, 推断侏罗纪合肥盆地南部沉积演化曾受控于挤压动力体制, 极可能与扬子板块进一步陆内俯冲作用有关  相似文献   

林西地区林西组的主体岩性以碎屑岩为主,对其中代表性岩石组合--长石石英砂岩进行了年代学研究.50粒碎屑锆石样品的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学测试结果显示2个主要年龄区间:(256±2~322±3)Ma,峰值年龄为279Ma±2Ma;(357±7~497±4)Ma,峰值年龄为441Ma±3Ma.另有3颗锆石的年龄分别为797Ma±6Ma、1413Ma±38Ma、1661Ma±24Ma.其中256 Ma±2Ma的年龄限定了林西组原岩年龄应为晚二叠世;第二组年龄(357±7~497±4)Ma,峰期年龄441Ma±3Ma,与东北地区的主要泛非期事件年龄一致.表明主要的物源区为东北地块(佳蒙地块).而797Ma±6Ma、1413Ma±38Ma、1661Ma±24Ma等年龄反映了东北地块基底年龄的信息.这些年龄数据表明,林西组应为东北地块的一部分,并进一步限制了华北与西伯利亚两大板块的缝合线应位于林西组发育地区的南部,即西拉木伦河断裂,而拼合时代应晚于晚二叠世,可能为早三叠世.  相似文献   

黑龙江杂岩的碎屑锆石年代学及其大地构造意义   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:9  
黑龙江杂岩带位于佳木斯地体西缘,为佳木斯地体向西与松嫩地体之间俯冲、拼贴、碰撞而形成的高压变质带.黑龙江杂岩沿牡丹江断裂分布,其构造-岩石组合、变质变形特征等显示其为佳木斯地体向松嫩地体俯冲拼帖的过程中形成的增生杂岩,目前保存下来的杂岩带应为大规模增生楔仰冲到佳木斯地体之上的残余部分.88颗碎屑锆石的全部样品SHRIMPU-Ph年代学测试结果显示三个主要年龄区间:170~220Ma,峰值年龄为183Ma;240~338Ma,峰值年龄为256Ma;450~520Ma,峰值年龄为470Ma.而28个碎屑锆石谐和年龄的年龄谱为两组:240~338Ma,峰值年龄为256Ma;450~500Ma,峰值年龄为470Ma.碎屑锆石年龄数据分析得到,240~338Ma峰期年龄为256Ma的年龄应代表黑龙江杂岩主体岩石的沉积年龄上限;而450~500Ma的年龄谱对应于佳木斯地体的基底变质岩年龄,显示佳木斯地体的基底变质岩曾为黑龙江杂岩的物源区;而170~210Ma,峰期年龄为183Ma的不谐和年龄应为受印支期-早侏罗世构造热事件的扰动年龄,与该区变质单矿物的Ar-Ar年龄相一致,应代表了该区陆-陆碰撞的时代.上述年龄为黑龙江杂岩的形成与演化提供了重要的地质年代学制约,即黑龙江杂岩的原岩成岩时代上限为早三叠世,佳木斯地体向西的俯冲时代主体为印支期,而陆-陆拼贴及碰撞过程主要为晚印支期并可能持续到早侏罗世.这些结果将为揭示我国东北地区构造演化的年代学格架以及三叠纪古亚洲构造域向环太平洋构造域叠加和转换的动力学背景研究提供新的基本地质事实依据.  相似文献   

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