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New mineralogical and bulk-rock geochemical data for the recently recognised Mesoproterozoic(ca.1100 Ma) and late Cretaceous(ca.90 Ma) kimberlites in the Timmasamudram cluster(TKC) of the Wajrakarur kimberlite field(WKF),Eastern Dharwar Craton,southern India,are presented.On the basis of groundmass mineral chemistry(phlogopite,spinel,perovskite and clinopyroxene),bulk-rock chemistry(SiO_2.K_2O,low TiO_2.Ba/Nb and La/Sm),and perovskite Nd isotopic compositions,the TK-1(macrocrystic variety) and TK-4(Macrocrystic variety) kimberlites in this cluster are here classified as orangeites(i.e.Group Ⅱ kimberlites),with geochemical characteristics that are very similar to orangeites previously described from the Bastar Craton in central India,as well as the Kaapvaal Craton in South Africa.The remaining kimberlites(e.g.,TK-2,TK-3 and the TK-1 microcrystic variant),are more similar to other 1100 Ma,Group Ⅰ-type kimberlites of the Eastern Dharwar Craton,as well as the typical Group Ⅰkimberlites of the Kaapvaal Craton.Through the application of geochemical modelling,based on published carbonated peridotite/melt trace element partition coefficients,we show that the generation of the TKC kimberlites and the orangeites results from low degrees of partial melting of a metasomatised,carbonated peridotite.Depleted mantle(T_(DM)) Nd perovskite model ages of the 1100 Ma Timmasamudram kimberlites show that the metasornatic enrichment of their source regions are broadly similar to that of the Mesoproterozoic kimberlites of the EDC.The younger,late Cretaceous(ca.90 Ma) TK-1(macrocrystic variant)and TK-4 kimberlites,as well as the orangeites from the Bastar Craton,share similar Nd model ages of1100 Ma,consistent with a similarity in the timing of source enrichment during the amalgamation of Rodinia supercontinent.The presence of late Cretaceous diamoncliferous orangeite activity,presumably related to the location of the Marion hotspot in southern India at the time,suggests that thick Iithosphere was preserved,at least locally,up to the late Cretaceous,and was not entirely destroyed during the breakup of Gondwana,as inferred by some recent geophysical models.  相似文献   

Detailed mineralogical, bulk-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic data for the recently discovered Ahobil kimberlite(Pipe-16) from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field(WKF), Eastern Dharwar craton(EDC),southern India, are presented. Two generations of compositionally distinct olivine, Ti-poor phlogopite showing orangeitic evolutionary trends, spinel displaying magmatic trend-1, abundant perovskite, Tirich hydrogarnet, calcite and serpentine are the various mineral constituents. On the basis of(i) liquidus mineral composition,(ii) bulk-rock chemistry, and(iii) Sr-Nd isotopic composition, we show that Ahobil kimberlite shares several characteristic features of archetypal kimberlites than orangeites and lamproites. Geochemical modelling indicate Ahobil kimberlite magma derivation from small-degree melting of a carbonated peridotite source having higher Gd/Yb and lower La/Sm in contrast to those of orangeites from the Eastern Dharwar and Bastar cratons of Indian shield. The TDm Nd model age(~2.0 Ga) of the Ahobil kimberlite is(i) significantly older than those(1.5~1.3 Ga) reported for Wajrakarur and Narayanpet kimberlites of EDC,(ii) indistinguishable from those of the Mesoproterozoic EDC lamproites,and(iii) strikingly coincides with the timing of the amalgamation of the Columbia supercontinent. High bulk-rock Fe-Ti contents and wide variation in oxygen fugacity fO_2, as inferred from perovskite oxybarometry, suggest non-prospective nature of the Ahobil kimberlite for diamond.  相似文献   

The Siddanpalli kimberlites constitute a newly discovered cluster (SKC) of Mesoproterozoic (1090 Ma) dykes occurring in the granite-greenstone terrain of the Gadwal area in the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC), Southern India. They belong to coherent facies and contain serpentinized olivines (two generations), phlogopite, spinel, perovskite, ilmenite, apatite, carbonate and garnet xenocrysts. A peculiar feature of these kimberlites is the abundance of carbonate and limestone xenoliths of the eroded platformal Proterozoic (Purana) sedimentary cover of Kurnool/Bhima age. Chemically, the Siddanpalli dykes are the most magnesium-rich (up to 35 wt.% MgO) and silica-undersaturated (SiO2?<?35 wt.%) of all kimberlites described so far from the Eastern Dharwar Craton. The La/Yb ratio in the Siddanpalli kimberlites (64–105) is considerably lower than that in the other EDC kimberlites (108–145), primarily owing to their much higher HREE abundances. Since there is no evidence of any crustal contamination by granitic rocks we infer this to be a specific character of the magmatic source. A comparison of the REE geochemistry of the Siddanpalli kimberlites with petrogenetic models for southern African kimberlites suggests that they display involvement of a wide range in the degree of melting in their genesis. The different geochemical signatures of the SKC compared to the other known kimberlites in the EDC can be explained by a combination of factors involving: (i) higher degrees of partial melting; (ii) relatively shallower depths of derivation; (iii) possible involvement of subducted component in their mantle source region; and (iv) previous extraction of boninitic magmas from their geological domain.  相似文献   

The Montviel 250 Mt carbonatite-hosted REE–Nb deposit is hosted in a Paleoproterozoic alkaline suite located in the Sub-Province of Abitibi, in the Archean Province of the Superior. The alkaline intrusion consists of biotite clinopyroxenites, melano- to leucosyenites, a melteigite–ijolite–urtite series, riebeckite granite, a series of carbonatites and a carbonatite polygenic breccia. The carbonatite series includes silicocarbonatites, calciocarbonatites, rare magnesiocarbonatites, ferrocarbonatites and mixed carbonatites and are cut by a late, high-energy carbonatite polygenic breccia. Diamond drill hole assays and microscope observations indicate that Nb is hosted in pyrochlore from silicocarbonatite whereas the REE mineralization is mainly hosted in ferrocarbonatite, late mixed carbonatites and polygenic breccia, in REE-bearing carbonates and fluorocarbonate minerals. Diamond drill hole underground mapping and systematic assays have shed light on zones enriched in Nd and LREE with preferential Ba and Sr hydrothermal precipitation and zones enriched in Dy, Y and HREE displaying preferential F and P bearing hydrothermal precipitation. Petrographic observations, electron microprobe analyses, LA-ICPMS and X-ray diffraction were used to study the mineralization processes and to identify and quantify the REE-bearing burbankite–(Ce), carbocernaite–(Ce), ewaldite–(Y), huanghoite–(Nd), cordylite–(Ce), cordylite–(Nd), kukharenkoite–(Ce) and synchysite–(Ce). Most minerals are enriched in total LREE with values around 19.3 wt.%, have total MREE values around 2.2 wt.% and extremely variable total HREE values, with very high contents of Dy and Y averaging around 0.3 wt.% and 1.0 wt.%, respectively, and with total HREE reaching up to 10.0 wt.%. A paragenetic sequence is proposed that consists of: (1) a silicocarbonatite Nb stage, and (2) a calciocarbonatite stage, dominated by magmatism but accompanied by hydrothermal fluids, (3) a main ferrocarbonatite stage, dominated by episodes of Ba- and Sr-hydrothermalism and LREE mineralization, F- and P-hydrothermalism and HREE mineralization and evolved ferrocarbonatitic magmatism, (4) a renewed, mixed carbonatite magmatic stage with minor but increasing hydrothermalism, and (5) a terminal stage of fluid pressure buildup and explosion, leading to the creation of a HREE-enriched polygenic breccia. Globular melt inclusions of Ba–Cl–F (± Si–O) may indicate the presence and contribution of barium-bearing chlorofluoride melts during hydrothermal activity and mineralization of the carbonatite.  相似文献   

The Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO), a Paleoproterozoic suture that amalgamates the Western and Eastern Blocks of the North China Craton (NCC), witnessed extensive magmatism and metallogeny during Mesozoic, associated with intraplate tectonics and differential destruction of the cratonic lithosphere. Here we investigate a suite of porphyry dykes surrounding the Mapeng batholith in the Fuping Complex within the TNCO in relation to the Mesozoic gold and molybdenum mineralization. The major element chemistry of these dykes show a range of SiO2 (57.92 to 69.47 wt.%), Na2O (3.20 to 4.77 wt.%), K2O (3.12 to 4.60 wt.%) and MgO (0.51 to 3.67 wt.%), together with high concentration of LREE and LILE, and relatively low contents of HREE and HFSE. The rocks display (La/Yb)N = 13.53–48.11, negative Nb, Ta, Th, U and Zr anomalies, and distinctly positive Ba, K and Sm anomalies. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the porphyry dykes indicate the rocks to be high-K calc-alkaline, and I-type, with adakitic features similar to those of the adjacent Mapeng batholith. The source magma for these rocks was derived from a mixture of reworked ancient continent crust and juvenile mantle materials. The zircon U–Pb data from these rocks show ages in the range of 124 to 129 Ma, broadly coinciding with the emplacement age of the Mapeng intrusion. The inherited zircons of ca. 2.5, 2.0 and 1.8 Ga in the dykes represent capture from the basement rocks during melting. The zircon Lu–Hf isotopic compositions show negative εHf(t) values varying from − 27.8 to − 11.3, with Hf depleted model ages (tDM) ranging from 1228 Ma to 1918 Ma and Hf crustal model ages (tDMC) of 1905 Ma to 2938 Ma, suggesting that the Mesozoic magmatism and associated metallogeny involved substantial recycling of ancient basement rocks of the NCC. We present an integrated model to evaluate the genesis of the porphyry systems and their relation to mineralization. We envisage that these dykes probably acted as stoppers (impermeable barriers) that prevented the leakage and run-off of the ore-bearing fluids, and played a key role in concentrating the gold and molybdenum mineralization.  相似文献   

An almost complete skull, which was collected from the Upper Cretaceous of the Bayan Mandahu area in Inner Mongolia, China by the Sino-Canadian Dinosaur Project, is described and assigned to a new genus of protoceratopsid dinosaur, Magnirostris dodsoni gen. et sp. nov. This new taxon is distinguished from other protoceratopsids by the robust rostral bone and the existence of incipient orbital horn cores. The existence of an additional antorbital fenestra indicates a close relationship between Magnirostris and Bagaceratops.  相似文献   

The problem of the geochemical classification of granitoid magmatism in the zone of interaction of oceanic and continental plates is considered in this paper by the example of Mesozoic granitoids of the Krutogorova and Kol’ intrusive complexes of the Sredinny Range, Kamchatka. Based on new geological, petrological, and geochemical data (including the Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope systematics of rocks), it was shown that the protoliths of the granitoids were volcanic-terrigenous sequences accumulated within a Cretaceous marginal basin in the eastern Asian continent. The granitoids crystallized at ~80 Ma (SHRIMP U-Pb age) under the conditions of the andalusite-sillimanite depth facies corresponding to a pressure of approximately 2 kbar and induced contact metamorphism in the host sequences, which are made up of sediments with sheetlike bodies of mafic and ultramafic volcanics (Kikhchik Group and its metamorphic analogues of the Kolpakova, Kamchatka, and Malki groups). The lower age boundary of sedimentation of the host sequences and the time of basic volcanism coincide with the beginning of the formation of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt. Such a correlation is not accidental and reflects a genetic connection between the processes of magmatic activation in the continental-margin sedimentary basin and the formation of the continental margin volcanic belt in eastern Asia. The development of basic volcanism in the sedimentary basin accompanied by the ascent of deep fluids resulted in the entrainment of crustal materials into magmatic processes and the formation of crustal magma chambers, the activity of which was manifested by the eruption of intermediate and silicic lavas and emplacement of shallow granitoid intrusions of considerable areal extent. These intrusions induced contact metamorphism in the enclosing volcanosedimentary complexes. The subsequent Eocene (60-50 Ma) collision processes related to the obduction of the oceanic segment of the crust of the transitional zone onto the Asian continental margin resulted in the tectonic piling of the rocks of Central Kamchatka and strong crustal thickening, which was favorable for its metamorphic alteration reaching the kyanite-sillimanite depth level of the amphibolite facies under the influence of a thermal front and deep fluids affecting lower crustal zones. The Eocene regional metamorphism caused not only metamorphic transformations, migmatization, and granitization in the sequences of the Sredinny Range, which underwent only contact hornfels formation during the first stage, but also metamorphism, migmatization, and extensive foliation in the igneous rocks of the Kol’ and Krutogorova complexes, which were transformed into gneissic metagranites.  相似文献   

Summary Dykes of Cenozoic age (37.5±2.3Ma) crop out in the Tchircotché area (Garoua rift, north Cameroon). They consist of a lamprophyric (monchiquite) series with diopside, subsilicic kaersutite and apatite phenocrysts, Ba–Ti-rich biotite microphenocrysts and Cr-diopside xenocrysts scattered in a matrix of analcitic composition containing oligoclase, albite and sanidine microlites and carbonate ocelli.Major and trace element distributions are interpreted in terms of crystal fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene, amphibole and Fe–Ti oxides. The Tchircotché monchiquites show a relatively restricted range of initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.70366–0.70387), of Nd values (+2.5 to +2.7), and rare earth element patterns similar to those of the least differentiated basalts of the Cameroon Line. This supports a common magma source region. This mantle source is infra-lithospheric and is strongly enriched in incompatible elements (light REE, Zr, Sr, Ba) probably transported by volatile- and halogen-rich fluids. The monchiquites appear to be derived by low degrees of partial melting as attested by steep REE patterns and high contents of other incompatible elements, suggesting the presence of residual garnet in the source. Several lines of evidence support the occurrence of phlogopite in the source region of Tchircotché lamprophyre magma.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2028-2043
The Kangqiong ophiolite is exposed in the central–western part of the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone (BNSZ) of central Tibet. This study reports new data for boninitic dikes with the aim of reconstructing the geodynamic and petrogenetic evolution of the Kangqiong ophiolite. Ten samples of boninitic dikes that cross-cut the mafic cumulates have very low TiO2 (0.34–0.42%) contents and high MgO (6.65–8.25%) contents. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb analyses of zircon from the boninitic dikes yield an age of 115 Ma. They are characterized by positive εHf(t) values varying from +13.1 to +15.0. Taking into account the geochemical characteristics of the mantle section, the Kangqiong ophiolite should be generated in a fore-arc spreading setting resulting from intra-oceanic subduction. Based on our data and previous studies, we propose that the BNSZ represents the major suture and records the Early Cretaceous intra-oceanic subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang Neo-Tethys Ocean, and the Shiquan River–Yongzhu–Jiali ophiolitic mélange belt represents a back-arc basin. These two belts, together with the northern Lhasa subterrane should, represent an Early Cretaceous intra-oceanic subduction system and back-arc basin in central Tibet that is similar to present-day active intra-oceanic subduction systems in the western Pacific Ocean. The final closure of the Bangong–Nujiang Neo-Tethys Ocean might have taken place later than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Basal iguanodontians (“iguanodontids”) were a successful group of ornithopod dinosaurs that attained a near global distribution by the late Early Cretaceous. Despite their body fossils being known in abundance from the uppermost Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the western United States, their remains have never been found in western Canada. With its extensive, terrestrial sedimentary record for the whole of the Early Cretaceous, the expectation is that these dinosaurs would have been present in western Canada. This paper reports the finding of a fossil footprint from the Gladstone Formation in southwestern Alberta that is interpreted to have been made by an iguanodontid. This identification is based on the late Barremian age of the hosting rock, gross footprint details that match the skeletal foot structure of Iguanodon bernissartensis, and similarities to Early Cretaceous dinosaur footprints found elsewhere in the world that are attributed to iguanodontids. This finding fills a noticeable gap in the iguanodontian fossil record, and is consistent with the clade's attainment of global distribution during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A detailed petrographic study of a 0.4–1.2 m thick Carnian diamondiferous bed of the Angardam-Tasa Ridge (Ust’-Olenek area, northern Siberia) was performed. It showed that the bed earlier referred to as a terrigenous deposit might be interpreted as an intensely altered volcanoclastic lapilli tuff of basic and, probably, ultrabasic composition. The tuff occurs within a 100 m thick Ladinian–Carnian volcanosedimentary sequence. It consists mainly of resurgent material: altered lithoclasts (nodules of basic-ultrabasic? lithology), devitrified volcanic glass, fragments of autolithic breccia, etc. The thin volcanoclastic sheet is supposed to have formed within a sedimentation basin as a result of phreatomagmatic eruptions of kimberlite volcanoes. The substantiation of the volcanogenic origin of the Carnian diamondiferous bed might be a new approach to elucidate the primary source of widespread placer diamonds in Arctic Siberia.  相似文献   

In recent years the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) terrestrial vertebrate locality at Iharkút (western Hungary) has yielded well-preserved remains of lizard taxa besides the remains of fishes, amphibians, turtles, crocodiles, pterosaurs and dinosaurs. Previously the polyglyphanodontine lizard Bicuspidon aff. hatzegiensis has been reported from Iharkút. However, recent excavations at this site produced more lacertilian remains including new polyglyphanodontine material, namely a maxilla and two dentaries which suggest the presence of a new genus in the Iharkút fauna. This previously unknown lizard (described here as Distortodon rhomboideus n. g. n. sp.) is distinct from other polyglyphanodontines such as Bicuspidon, Paraglyphanodon, Polyglyphanodon, Dicothodon and Peneteius. It differs from these genera mainly in having the lingual cusp situated more distally compared to the labial one on its bicuspid teeth located in the distal part of the tooth row, thus the crowns having a unique rhomboidal shape in occlusal view. Distortodon rhomboideus further strengthens the dominance of borioteiioid lizards in the Iharkút fauna. The growing presence of borioteiioids in European localities supports previous theories which suggest some paleobiogeographic connections between the western Tethyan archipelago and North America in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the auriferous quartz veins of the Val-dOr vein field, Abitibi, Quebec, Canada, demonstrates that the C, O, S isotope composition of silicate, carbonate, borate, oxide, tungstate and sulphide minerals have a range in composition comparable to that previously determined for the whole Superior Province. The oxygen isotope composition of quartz from early quartz–carbonate auriferous veins ranges from 9.4 to 14.4 whereas later quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have 18Oquartz values ranging from 9.2 to 13.8 . Quartz-carbonate veins have carbonate (18O: 6.9–12.5 ; 13C: –6.2– –1.9 ) and pyrite (34S: 1.2 and 1.9 ) isotope compositions comparable to those of quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins (18O: 7.9–11.7 ; 13C: –8.0 – –2.4 ; 34S: 0.6–6.0 ). 18Oquartz values in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have a variance comparable to analytical uncertainty at the scale of one locality, irrespective of the type of structure, the texture of the quartz or its position along strike, across strike or down-dip a vein. In contrast, the oxygen isotope composition of quartz in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins displays a regional distribution with higher 18O values in the south-central part of the vein field near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone, and which 18O values decrease regularly towards the north. Another zone of high 18O values in the northeast corner of the region and along the trace of the Senneville Fault is separated by a valley of lower 18O values from the higher values near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone. Oxygen isotope isopleths cut across lithological contacts and tectonic structures. This regional pattern in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins is interpreted to be a product of reaction with country rocks and mixing between (1) a deep-seated hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin with minimum 18O=8.5 , 13C=0.6 and 34S=–0.4 , and (2) a supracrustal fluid, most likely Archean seawater with a long history of water-rock exchange and with maximum 18O=3.9 , 13 C=–5.6 and 34S=5.0 .  相似文献   

The borate mineralization of the Pitkáranta skarn field of Karelia is localized in metasomatically altered Proterozoic dolomites. In the contact aureole of rapakivi granites, the zoning of magnesian skarns includes spinel-diopside or fassaite skarns with syngenetic magnetite and spinel-forsterite calciphyres surrounded by periclase marbles, which confirms their hypabyssal genesis. Stringer-stockwork bodies developing in the brecciation zone at the roof show a primitive zoning consisting of an inner diopside and an outer forsterite calciphyre zone grading into a dolomitic marble. All these zones inherited the Ca/Mg ratio of the primary carbonate rocks. Rhythmically banded textures observed in the skarns and calciphyres of the deposits studied suggest their formation under thermodynamically disequilibrium conditions typical of hypabyssal metasomatites. Magnesium and magnesium-iron borates in marbles and calciphyres and beryllium borates in greisens were formed during the postmagmatic stage. Data are reported on the chemical composition and genesis of suanite, kotoite, ludwigite, hulsite, pertsevite, fluoborite, szaibelyite, and humites from the Hopunvaara, Klara, Lupikko, and Herberz deposits. The deficit of boron in magnesian borates is related to their endogenous hydration. Data on hambergites and berborite are given according to E.I. Nefedov.  相似文献   

The vertebrate remains from the early Cenomanian Lagerstätte of Puy-Puy (Tonnay-Charente, Charente-Maritime, France) are described. They consist of two hybodont shark egg capsules (Palaeoxyris sp.) and a single isolated body contour feather. The hybodont shark Tribodus is regarded as the most likely producer of the egg capsules, while the feather belonged to an indeterminate (avian or non-avian) theropod. These rare specimens are the first vertebrate fossils recovered from the plant-bearing clay of Puy-Puy and add to the short faunal list of the locality, thus providing important information for the palaeoecological reconstruction of this mid-Cretaceous paralic Lagerstätte. The fossils described here represent the first Cenomanian occurrence of Palaeoxyris and one of the very few records of Cenomanian feathers.  相似文献   

Ultramafic rocks around the city of Muğla in SW Turkey are represented by mantle peridotites depleted to various degrees, ranging from cpx-rich harzburgites to depleted harzburgite and dunite. Cpx-rich harzburgites are thought to be the residua left after extraction of MORB-type basalt, from which high-Al chromitite [49.2 < Cr# = 100 × Cr/(Cr + Al) < 53.5] crystallised with a higher proportion of 187Os/188Os (average of 0.1361). However, depleted harzburgites are assumed to be the residua left after extraction of hydrous boninitic melt produced by second stage partial melting of already depleted mantle due to a subducting slab, from which high-Cr chromitites (64.2 < Cr# < 85.9) with lower and heterogeneous 187Os/188Os ratio (average of 0.1324) were crystallised as a result of melt–rock interaction in a supra-subduction environment. Dunites around the chromite deposits are considered to be the product of melt–peridotite interaction. Most of the chromitites contain high-Cr chromite and display enrichment in IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru) over PPGE (Rh, Pt, Pd), with PGE concentrations between 61 and 1,305 ppb. Consistently, laurite-erlichmanite series minerals with various Os concentrations are found to be the most abundant PGM inclusions in chromite. Os–Ir–Ru alloy, irarsite, and kashinite, as well as Pt–Fe alloy and Pt-oxide, which are not common in ophiolitic chromitites, were also detected as magmatic PGM inclusions. Pentlandite, millerite, and, rarely heazlewoodite form the magmatic inclusions of base-metal sulphide. The presence of olivine and clinopyroxene, as well as hydrous silicate inclusions such as amphibole and phlogopite, in high-Cr chromitite supports the idea that high-Cr chromitites were formed in a supra-subduction environment.  相似文献   

Exposures of the Menuha Formation (Santonian–Early Campanian, Mount Scopus Group) in the Makhtesh Ramon region of the southern Negev have produced numerous chondrichthyan teeth. The isolated teeth represent at least ten different species: Cretalamna appendiculata, Cretoxyrhina mantelli, Squalicorax falcatus?, S. kaupi, Scapanorhynchus rapax, S. raphiodon?, Carcharias samhammeri, Carcharias cf. C. holmdelensis?, and two other fish (Hadrodus priscus and a pycnodont). This assemblage has important implications for Late Cretaceous chondrichthyan palaeobiogeography. The majority of teeth were contained within a glauconite-rich, yellow-brown, soft chalk that included oysters (Pycnodonte vesicularis?), trace fossils (Planolites, Thalassinoides, and Chondrites), phosphatic peloids, and foraminiferans (globigerinids). The teeth were collected mainly through surface-sampling and sieving. The Menuha Formation probably represents a temperate to subtropical, shallow, open-shelf environment deposited during the formation of the Ramon anticline. Reworked conglomeratic chalks in the western section represent marginal facies derived from this structural uplift. With little to no published material describing the chondrichthyan fauna of the Menuha Formation, these data improve interpretations of its palaeoenvironment. Interpretation of the palaeoenvironment of the formation is important for understanding the larger stratigraphic/tectonic framework of the Ramon monocline region of southern Israel.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic post-kinematic Ubendian mafic rocks from northeastern Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo) are olivine-and-quartz tholeiites which in many respects resemble Phanerozoic continental tholeiites. The analogies are suggested by the petrographic features and the major element diagrams classically used to infer magmatic affinity. The clinopyroxene compositions straddle the boundary between clinopyroxenes from orogenic and extensional tectonic settings. In addition, the whole-rock compositions are mostly Ti- and P-poor as in low Ti–P continental flood basalts and in subduction-related mafic magmas. The same conclusion is sustained by the trace-element compositions (e.g., occurrence of mafic magmas with high Th/Ta and La/Ta values; low Sr/Ce ratios, etc). These geochemical features indicate involvement of a subduction component at the source of these extensional igneous rocks. Convective mixing of asthenospheric mantle with the overlying lithospheric mantle enriched during the Ubendian subduction or mixing of melts from both mantle components can account for the composition of the post-orogenic Ubendian mafic rocks.  相似文献   

We present new data on the geologic position, composition, and isotope characteristics of the Early Cretaceous granitoids of the Samarka terrane, Sikhote-Alin’, formed on a transform continental margin. Geological and geochronological data show that these granitoids were generated at two stages of magmatism: in the first half (Hauterivian–Barremian, 130–123 Ma) and second half (Albian–Cenomanian, 110–98 Ma) of the Early Cretaceous. Granitoids of the first stage form an autonomous (free of basic precursors) unimodal melanogranite–granite association and are characterized by normal alkalinity with domination of K over Na, low contents of Ca, and elevated contents of Al2O3. By composition, these are S-granites with a model Nd age of ∼1.3 Ga. Granitoids of the second stage are of more diverse petrogeochemical types. They show wider variations in K/Na and A/CNK, are richer in Ca and, sometimes, Sr, and are poorer in P than the granitoids of the first stage. Their compositions form a continuous trend from S- to I-granites, and their model Nd age is ≤1.2 Ga. Comparison of the petrochemical, trace-element, and isotope characteristics of the Early Cretaceous granitoids and upper-crustal rocks (sandstones and siltstones of the turbidite matrix of a Jurassic accretionary prism and basalts from the inclusions in it) of the Samarka terrane and the coeval garrboids has shown that the potassic S-granitoids formed at the early (Hauterivian–Barremian) stage of magmatism as a result of the anatexis of upper-crustal sedimentary rocks. At the late (Albian–Early Cenomanian) stage, the intrusion of mantle magmas led to a temperature increase in the lower crust, which favored more active anatexis, involvement of high-melting substrates (oceanic basalts) in the granite formation, and interaction of mantle and crustal magmas. This resulted in a great diversity of granitoids (from S- to I-type).  相似文献   

Spinel pyroxenites occur locally as clasts in polygenic breccias from the Late Cretaceous sedimentary mélanges of the Northern Apennine (Italy). They are of cumulus origin and formed in the deep crust by early precipitation of clinopyroxene and minor olivine and late crystallisation of orthopyroxene, spinel, Ti-pargasite and sulphides. Pyroxenites underwent high-temperature (~850°C) subsolidus re-equilibration and ductile deformation with development of mylonitic bands made of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, Ti-pargasite and spinel. U–Pb geochronology on zircons revealed the occurrence of inherited grains of Early Proterozoic to Late Devonian age. The inherited zircons are locally rimmed by recrystallised zircon domains. The oldest rims yield a mean concordia U–Pb age at 306 ± 8 Ma, which is considered to date the emplacement of the pyroxenites, in the framework of the post-Variscan lithospheric extension. The incompatible element compositions of calculated melts in equilibrium with clinopyroxenes from the pyroxenites are characterised by Ba, Nb, LREE and Sr enrichment relative to N-MORB. The depleted Nd isotopic signature of the pyroxenites (initial εNd values of +5.3 to +6.1) may be thus linked to primary magmas produced by low degrees of melting of asthenospheric mantle. In addition, the pyroxenites locally record the infiltration of plagioclase-saturated hydrous melts, most likely evolved through fractional crystallisation and enriched in highly incompatible elements, within the clinopyroxene-dominated crystal mush. A thermal event in Late Permian–Middle Triassic caused the partial resetting of zircon U–Pb system.  相似文献   

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