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The southern contact of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone ophiolitic belt is marked by a highly sheared serpentinite mélange containing ultramafic blocks. These peridotites can be divided into three main groups. (1) Lherzolites and Cpx-harzburgites contain brownish spinel with Mg# of 0.7–0.75 and Cr# of 0.15–0.27. They resemble fertile abyssal peridotites with generally smooth LREE-depleted and fairly flat MREE–HREE profiles. (2) Transitional harzburgites contain reddish spinels with Mg# of 0.57–0.66 and Cr# of 0.35–0.46. They resemble depleted abyssal or supra-subduction zone peridotites in that MREE–HREE profiles have positive slopes indicative of high degrees of partial melting. LREE profiles vary from depleted to slightly enriched, consistent with some interacting melt. (3) Harzburgites and dunites contain dark reddish spinels with Mg# of 0.47–0.68 and Cr# of 0.40–0.63. They have U-shaped profiles characteristics of interaction between LREE-enriched melt and REE-depleted mantle residues. Fractional melting modelling indicates that Cpx-harburgites may be the residues from 5 to 15% melting, transitional harzburgites from 15 to 23% melting, and harzburgites and dunites from 22 to 29% melting. The South Sandwich arc-basin system is considered a modern analog of the initial geodynamic setting.  相似文献   

The Xiukang Mélange of the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone in south Tibet documents low efficiency of accretion along the southern active margin of Asia during Cretaceous Neotethyan subduction, followed by final development during the early Paleogene stages of the India–Asia collision. Here we present integrated petrologic, U–Pb detrital-zircon geochronology and Hf isotope data on different types of sandstone blocks in the Xiukang Mélange. Three groups of sandstone blocks with different provenance and depositional setting are distinguished by their petrographic, geochronological and isotopic fingerprints. Blocks of turbiditic quartzarenite originally sourced from the Indian continent were deposited in pre-Cretaceous time on the northernmost edge of the Indian passive margin and eventually involved into the mélange at the early stage of the India–Asia collision. Two distinct groups of volcaniclastic-sandstone blocks were derived from the central Lhasa block and Gangdese magmatic arc. One group was deposited in the trench and/or on the trench slope of the Asian margin during the early Late Cretaceous, and the other group in a syn-collisional basin just after the onset of the India–Asia collision in the Early Eocene. The largely erosional character of the Asian active margin in the Late Cretaceous is indicated by the scarcity of off-scraped trench-fill deposits and the relatively small subduction complex developed during limited episodes of accretion. The Xiukang Mélange was finally structured in the Late Paleocene/Eocene, when sandstone blocks of both Indian and Asian origin were progressively incorporated tectonically in the suture zone of the nascent Himalayan Orogen.  相似文献   

The petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of the Mesozoic ophiolitic mélanges in the western section of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone (YZSZ) remain controversial. In this paper, we present the results of whole-rock geochemical and SrNd isotope analyses, zircon UPb ages and in situ LuHf isotopic data obtained from mafic rocks of the northern and southern sub-belts of the western YZSZ Mesozoic ophiolitic mélanges to help us understand these controversial issues. Diabases and dolerites from the northern sub-belt and gabbros from the southern sub-belt exhibit variable fore-arc basalt (FAB)-like geochemical compositions and have zircon UPb ages of ∼126.4–120.3 Ma. In addition, gabbro-diabases from the northern sub-belt have boninite series affinities and yield a zircon UPb age of ∼125.7 Ma. These results, along with previous studies on the YZSZ Mesozoic ophiolitic mélanges and the Gangdese arc, reveal that the western YZSZ Mesozoic ophiolites were likely generated over multiple stages in the epicontinental Gangdese fore-arc basin as the Yarlung Zangbo Neo-Tethyan Ocean subducted northward in front of the Lhasa terrane. The Early Cretaceous FAB-like and boninite series mafic rocks were formed by the reinitiation of subduction, which was followed by a retreat of the subduction zone and the creation of the fore-arc basin and strong hyperextension, accompanied by asthenosphere upwelling at ∼130–120 Ma. During this process, the upwelling asthenosphere underwent decompressional melting with limited penetration of slab-derived fluids and gave rise to the N-MORB (normal mid-ocean ridge basalt)-like basaltic magmas that intruded the overlying, previously generated depleted mantle as FAB-like gabbro, diabase and dolerite sills or dykes. Then, boninitic magmas represented by boninitic gabbro-diabases were generated by remelting the extremely depleted residual mantle source, which was metasomatized by a small amount of slab-derived fluids, following previous extractions of FAB-like magma.  相似文献   

The Alxa region, located in the southernmost part of Central Asian Orogenic Belt, is a key region for understanding the tectonic processes associated with the closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. Issues of late Paleozoic tectonic settings and tectonic unit divisions of the Alxa region still remain controversial. In this study, we report a new ophiolitic mélange named the Tepai ophiolitic mélange in the northern Alxa region, northwest of Alxa Youqi. The tectonic blocks in the Tepai ophiolitic mélange are mainly composed of serpentinized peridotites, serpentinites, mylonitized gabbros, gabbros, basalts, and quartzites, with a matrix comprising highly deformed clastic rocks. A gabbro exhibits a zircon LA-ICP-MS Ue Pb age of278.4 ± 3.3 Ma. Gabbros exhibit high Mg O and compatible element contents, but extremely low TiO_2,totally rare earth element and high field strength element contents. These rocks exhibit light rare earth element depleted patterns, and display enriched in large-ion lithophile elements and depleted in high field strength elements. Boninite-like geochemical data show that they were formed in a subductionrelated environment, and derived from an extremely depleted mantle source infiltrated by subduction-derived fluids and/or melts. The Tepai ophiolitic mélange exhibits similar zircon U-Pb-O isotopic compositions and whole-rock geochemical characteristics to those of the Quagan Qulu ophiolite.Therefore, we propose that the Tepai ophiolitic mélange may have been the western continuation of the Quagan Qulu ophiolite. Our new finding proves the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean might have taken place later than the early Permian.  相似文献   

The Guomangco ophiolitic melange is situated in the middle part of the Shiquanhe- Yongzhu-Jiali ophiolitic melange belt (SYJMB) and possesses all the subunits of a typical Penrose- type ophiolite pseudostratigraphy. The study of the Guomangco ophiolitic melange is very important for investigating the tectonic evolution of the SYJMB. The mafic rocks of this ophiolitic melange mainly include diabases, sillite dikes, and basalts. Geochemical analysis shows that these dikes mostly have E-MORB major and trace element signatures; this is the first time that this has been observed in the SYJMB. The basalts have N-MORB and IAB affinities, and the mineral chemistry of harzburgites shows a composition similar to that of SSZ peridotites, indicating that the Guomangco ophiolitic melange probably originated in a back-arc basin. The Guomangco back-arc basin opened in the Middle Jurassic, which was caused by southward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean in central Tibet. The main spreading of this back-arc basin occurred during the Late Jurassic, and the basalts were formed during this time. With the development of the back-arc basin, the subducted slab gradually retreated, and new mantle convection occurred in the mantle wedge. The recycling may have caused the metasomatized mantle to undergo a high degree of partial melting and to generate E- MORBs in the Early Cretaceous. E-MORB-type dikes probably crystallized from melts produced by about 20%-30% partial melting of a spinel mantle source, which was metasomatized by melts from low-degree partial melting of the subducted slab.  相似文献   

The transfer of fluid and trace elements from the slab to the mantle wedge cannot be adequately explained by simple models of slab devolatilization. The eclogite-facies mélange belt of northern New Caledonia represents previously subducted oceanic crust and contains a significant proportion of talc and chlorite schists associated with serpentinite. These rocks host large quantities of H2O and CO2 and may transport volatiles to deep levels in subduction zones. The bulk-rock and stable isotope compositions of talc and chlorite schist and serpentinite indicate that the serpentinite was formed by seawater alteration of oceanic lithosphere prior to subduction, whereas the talc and chlorite schists were formed by fluid-induced metasomatism of a mélange of mafic, ultramafic and metasedimentary rocks during subduction. In subduction zones, dehydration of talc and chlorite schists should occur at sub-arc depths and at significantly higher temperatures (∼ 800°C) than other lithologies (400–650°C). Fluids released under these conditions could carry high trace-element contents and may trigger partial melting of adjacent pelitic and mafic rocks, and hence may be vital for transferring volatile and trace elements to the source regions of arc magmas. In contrast, these hybrid rocks are unlikely to undergo significant decarbonation during subduction and so may be important for recycling carbon into the deep mantle. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Post-collisional, potassic magmatic rocks widely distributed in the eastern Lhasa terrane provide significant information for comprehensive understanding of geodynamic processes of northward subduction of the Indian lithosphere and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. A combined dataset of whole-rock major and trace elements, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes, and in situ zircon U–Pb dating and Hf–O isotopic analyses are presented for the Yangying potassic volcanic rocks (YPVR) in the eastern part of the Lhasa terrane, South Tibet. These volcanic rocks consist of trachytes, which are characterized by high K2O (5.46–9.30 wt.%), SiO2 (61.34–68.62 wt.%) and Al2O3 (15.06–17.36 wt.%), and relatively low MgO (0.47–2.80 wt.%) and FeOt (1.70–4.90 wt.%). Chondrite-normalized rare earth elements (REE) patterns display clearly negative Eu anomalies. Primitive mantle-normalized incompatible trace elements diagrams exhibit strong enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) relative to high field strength elements (HFSE) and display significantly negative Nb–Ta–Ti anomalies. Initial isotopic compositions indicate relatively radiogenic Sr [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.711978–0.712090)] and unradiogenic Nd [(143Nd/144Nd)i = 0.512121–0.512148]. Combined with their Pb isotopic compositions [(206Pb/204Pb)i = 18.615–18.774, (207Pb/204Pb)i = 15.708–15.793, (208Pb/204Pb)i = 39.274–39.355)], these data are consistent with the involvement of component from subducted continental crustal sediment in their source region. The whole-rock Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions exhibit linear trends between enriched mantle-derived mafic ultrapotassic magmas and relatively depleted crustal contaminants from the Lhasa terrane. The enrichment of the upper mantle below South Tibet is considered to result from the addition of components derived from subducted Indian continental crust to depleted MORB-source mantle during northward underthrusting of the Indian continental lithosphere beneath the Lhasa terrane since India–Asia collision at ~ 55 Ma. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) U–Pb zircon analyses yield the eruptive ages of 10.61 ± 0.10 Ma and 10.70 ± 0.18 Ma (weighted mean ages). Zircon Hf isotope compositions [ƐHf(t) = −4.79 to −0.17], combined with zircon O isotope ratios (5.51–7.22‰), imply an addition of crustal material in their petrogenesis. Clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometer reveals pressure (2.5–4.1 kbar) and temperature (1029.4–1082.9 °C) of clinopyroxene crystallization, suggesting that depth of the magma chamber was 11.6–16.4 km. Energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization (EC–AFC) model calculation indicates depth of assimilation and fractional crystallization in the region of 14.40–18.75 km underneath the Lhasa terrane, which is in consistent with depth of the magma chamber as suggested by clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometer. Based on the whole-rock major and trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope compositions, combined with EC–AFC modeling simulations and zircon Hf–O isotope data, we propose that the YPVR resulted from assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) process of the K-rich mafic primitive magmas, which were caused by partial melting of the Indian continental subduction-induced mélange rocks.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1244-1269

Western Anatolia is a complex assemblage of terranes, including the Sakarya Terrane and the Tauride-Anatolide Platform that collided during the late Cretaceous and Palaeogene (80–25 Ma) after the closure of the Izmir-Ankara Ocean. Determining the precise timing at which this ocean closed is particularly important to test kinematic reconstructions and geodynamic models of the Mediterranean region, and the chronology of suturing and its mechanisms remain controversial. Here, we document the Cretaceous-Eocene sedimentary history of the Central Sakarya Basin, along the northern margin of the Neotethys Ocean, via various approaches including biostratigraphy, geochronology, and sedimentology. Two high-resolution sections from the Central Sakarya Basin show that pelagic carbonate sedimentation shifted to rapid siliciclastic deposition in the early Campanian (~ 79.6 Ma), interpreted to be a result of the build-up of the accretionary prism at the southern margin of the Sakarya Terrane. Rapid onset of deltaic progradation and an increase in accumulation rates in the late Danian (~ 61 Ma), as well as a local angular unconformity are attributed to the onset of collision between the Sakarya Terrane and the Tauride-Anatolide Platform. Thus, our results indicate that though deformation of the subduction margin in Western Anatolia started as early as the Campanian, the closure of the ?zmir-Ankara Ocean was only achieved by the early Palaeocene.  相似文献   

The Peramora Mélange is part of an accretionary complex between the South Portuguese Zone (a fragment of Laurussia) and the Ossa Morena Zone (para-autochthonous Gondwana) and is an expression of the Pangean suture zone in southwestern Iberia. The suture zone is characterized by fault-bounded units of metasedimentary rocks, mélanges, and mafic complexes. Detailed geologic mapping of the Peramora Mélange reveals a complex pattern of imbricated schists and mafic block-in-matrix mélanges. Geochemical signatures of the Pulo do Lobo schist (PDL) are consistent with derivation from both mafic and continental sources. The mafic block-in-matrix mélange displays normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (NMORB) geochemical signature, juvenile Sm–Nd isotopic compositions, and a range of zircon ages similar to those observed in the PDL, suggesting a sedimentary component. Taken together, these data suggest a complex tectonic history characterized by erosion of a NMORB source, mélange formation, and imbrication during underplating occurring during the final stages of continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

In the area of Arosa?CDavos?CKlosters (Eastern Switzerland) the different tectonic elements of the Arosa zone mélange e.g. the Austroalpine fragments, the sedimentary cover of South Penninic ophiolite fragments, as well as the matrix (oceanic sediments and flysch rocks) show distinctively different metamorphic histories and also different climaxes (??peaks??) of Alpine metamorphism. This is shown by a wealth of Kübler-Index, vitrinite and bituminite reflectance measurements, and K-white mica b cell dimension data. At least six main metamorphic events can be recognized in the area of Arosa?CDavos?CKlosters: (1) A pre-orogenic event, typical for the Upper Austroalpine and for instance found in the sediments at the base of the Silvretta nappe but also in some tectonic fragments of the Arosa zone (Arosa zone mélange). (2) An epizonal oceanic metamorphism observed in the close vicinity of oceanic basement rocks units of the Arosa zone (South Penninic) is another pre-orogenic process. (3) A metamorphic overprint of the adjacent Lower Austroalpine nappes and structural fragments of the Lower Austroalpine in the Arosa zone. This metamorphic overprint is attributed to the orogenic metamorphic processes during the Late Cretaceous. (4) A thermal climax observed in the South Penninic sediments of the Arosa zone can be bracketed by the Austroalpine Late Cretaceous event (3) and the middle Tertiary event (5) in the Middle Penninic units and predates Oligocene extension of the ??Turba phase??. (6) North of Klosters, in the northern part of our study area, the entire tectonic pile from the North Penninic flysches to the Upper Austroalpine is strongly influenced by a late Tertiary high-grade diagenetic to low-anchizone event. In the Arosa zone mélange an individual orogenic metamorphic event is evidenced and gives a chance to resolve diagenetic?Cmetamorphic relations versus deformation. Six heating episodes in sedimentary rocks and seven deformation cycles can be distinguished. This is well explained by the propagation of the Alpine deformation front onto the foreland units. Flysches at the hanging wall of the mélange zone in the north of the study area (Walsertal zone) show data typical for low-grade diagenetic thermal conditions and are therefore sandwiched between higher metamorphic rock units and separated from theses units by a disconformity. The Arosa zone s.s., as defined in this paper, is characterised by metamorphic inversions in the hanging wall and at the footwall thrust, thus shows differences to the Walsertal zone in the north and to the Platta nappe in the south.  相似文献   

Marine surveys show that the submarine Huatung Ridge extends northward to the Lichi Mélange in the southwestern Coastal Range, suggesting that formation of the Lichi Mélange is related to the arcward thrusting of the forearc strata in the western part of the North Luzon Trough during the active arc-continent collision off southern Taiwan. New seismic survey along 21oN transact across over the North Luzon Trough in the in-cipient arc-continent collision zone further reveals that the deformation of the Huatung Ridge occurs soon after the sedimentation in the western forearc basin, while the sedimentation is continuous in the eastern part of the remnant North Luzon Trough until the complete closure of the forearc basin approaching to SE Taiwan. This suggests that the sequence in the Huatung Ridge can just be coeval to the lower sequence of the remnant forearc basin strata. Multiple lines of new evidence, including micropaleontology, clay mineralogy and fis-sion track analyses along the Mukeng River and its tributary key sections, are used to test this thrusting forearc origin hypothesis of the Lichi Mélange.  相似文献   

Blocks of cherty rocks and Aptychus Limestone embedded into ophiolite mélange south of Avala Gora (Serbia) contain radiolarians of different ages. We distinguished here Late Jurassic (middle Oxfordianearly Tithonian), Middle-Late Jurassic (Bathonian-early Tithonian), and Middle Triassic (early Ladinian) radiolarian assemblages. The respective stratigraphic data suggest that the ophiolite mélange was formed after the early Tithonian.  相似文献   

An eclogite has been recently identified within ophiolitic mélange in the western segment of the Bangong Co–Nujiang suture zone, at Shemalagou in the Gaize area of central Tibet. The eclogite consists of garnet, omphacite, phengite, rutile, quartz, diopside, and amphibole. The omphacite, which has not been recognized in the suture zone until this study, occurs as rare relics within diopside grains in the eclogite. Phase equilibria modeling shows that the eclogite formed under PT conditions of 22–28 kbar and 600–650 °C with a low geothermal gradient of ca. 8 °C/km, suggesting that it formed during the subduction of oceanic crust. The protoliths of the eclogite and coexisting garnet amphibolites have geochemical characteristics similar to those of normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB), confirming that the eclogites formed from oceanic crust. The presence of high-pressure (HP) eclogite indicates that the ophiolitic mélange in the Bangong Co–Nujiang suture zone underwent oceanic subduction and was subsequently exhumed. We conclude that this ophiolitic belt represents a newly identified HP metamorphic belt in the Tibetan Plateau, adding to the previously recognized Songduo and Longmucuo–Shuanghu eclogite belts. This discovery will result in an improved understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Bangong Co–Nujiang suture zone and the Tibetan Plateau as a whole.  相似文献   

The origin of plutonic complexes that stitch suture zones developed during collision is not well understood. In southern Iberia, the Pulo du Lobo suture zone (PDLZ) is intruded by the syn- to postcollisional Gil Marquez pluton (GMP), thought to be part of the Sierra Norte Batholith. U–Pb (LA-ICPMS, zircon) data on various phases of the GMP yield from oldest to youngest: (1) a 354.4 ± 7.6 Ma unfoliated gabbro; (2) a 345.6 ± 2.5 Ma foliated intermediate phase; (3) a 346.5 ± 5.4 Ma unfoliated porphyritic granite; (4) a 335.1 ± 2.8 Ma unfoliated biotite granite. This sequence is consistent with cross-cutting relationships observed in the field. The range in ages is consistent with interpretations that the GMP is part of the composite (ca. 350–308 Ma) SNB. Inherited ages preserved in the GMP intermediate and felsic phases indicate that its magmas traversed through South Portuguese Zone and PDLZ crust during emplacement. The ca. 345 Ma emplacement of the late kinematic foliated intermediate phase constrains the age of late-stage strike slip deformation within the PDLZ, and the lack of a foliation in the older gabbro indicates that is was not proximal to a shear zone neither at the time of emplacement, nor during its subsequent history. The unfoliated porphyritic granite and unfoliated biotite granite cut the foliation of the intermediate phase indicating emplacement during the waning stages of collision, while the ca. 335 Ma biotite granite intrudes the Santa Ira Flysch, thereby providing a tight constraint for the latest stage of deformation in the PDLZ.  相似文献   

Lai  Wen  Hu  Xiumian  Zhu  Dicheng  An  Wei  Ma  Anlin 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2017,106(4):1277-1288
International Journal of Earth Sciences - Mélange records a series of geological processes associated with oceanic subduction and continental collision. This paper reports for the first time...  相似文献   

In the southern Chinese Tianshan, the southernmost part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), widespread ophiolitic mélanges form distinct tectonic units that are crucial for understanding the formation of the CAOB. However, the timing of tectonic events and the subduction polarity are still in controversy. In order to better understand these geological problems, a comprehensive study was conducted on the Heiyingshan ophiolitic mélange in the SW Chinese Tianshan. Detailed structural analysis reveals that the ophiolitic mélange is tectonically underlain by sheared and weakly metamorphosed pre-Middle Devonian rocks, and unconformably overlain by non-metamorphic and undeformed lower Carboniferous (Serpukhovian) to Permian strata. The igneous assemblage of the mélange comprises OIB-like alkali basalt and andesite, N-MORB-like tholeiitic basalt, sheeted diabase dikes, cumulate gabbro and peridotite. Mafic rocks display supra-subduction signatures, and some bear evidence of contamination with the continental crust, suggesting a continental marginal (back-arc) basin setting. Zircons of a gabbro were dated at 392 ± 5 Ma by the U–Pb LA-ICP-MS method. Famennian–Visean radiolarian microfossils were found in the siliceous matrix of the ophiolitic mélange. Mylonitic phyllite which displays northward-directed kinematic evidence yielded muscovite 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 359 ± 2 Ma and 356 ± 2 Ma.These new data, combined with previously published results, suggest that the mafic protoliths originally formed in a back-arc basin in the Chinese southern Tianshan during the late Silurian to Middle Devonian and were subsequently incorporated into the ophiolitic mélange and thrust northward during the Late Devonian to early Carboniferous. Opening of the back-arc basin was probably induced by south-dipping subduction of the Paleo-Tianshan Ocean in the early Paleozoic, and the Central Tianshan block was rifted away from the Tarim block. Closure of the back-arc basin in the early Carboniferous formed the South Tianshan Suture Zone and re-amalgamated the two blocks.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(1):95-110
The garnet amphibolites from the newly identified Wanhe ophiolitic mélange in the Changning-Menglian suture zone (CMSZ) provide a probe to elucidate the evolution of the Triassic Palaeo-Tethys. An integrated petrologic, phase equilibria modeling and geochronological study of the garnet amphibolites, southeast Tibetan Plateau, shows that the garnet amphibolites have a peak mineral assemblage of garnet, glaucophane, lawsonite, chlorite, rutile, phengite and quartz, and a clockwise P-T path with a prograde segment from blueschist-facies to eclogite-facies with a peak-metamorphic P-T conditions of 2000–2100 MPa and 495 –515°C, indicating a cold geothermal gradient of about 240 –260°C/GPa. Theretrograde metamorphic P-T path is characterized by nearly isothermal decompression to lower amphibolite-facies and subsequent cooling to greenschist-facies. The metamorphic zircons have fractionated HREE patterns and significant negative Eu anomalies, and therefore the obtained zircon U-Pb age of 231 ± 1.5 Ma is interpreted to be the timing of the amphibolite facies metamorphism occurrence. The present study probably indicates that the garnet amphibolites in the Wanhe ophiolitic mélange was the retrograded high-pressure eclogite-facies blueschist, instead of the previously proposed eclogites, and the garnet amphibolites recorded the subduction and exhumation process of the Palaeo-Tethys Oceanic crust in the Triassic.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

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