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The ophiolitic peridotites in the Wadi Arais area, south Eastern Desert of Egypt, represent a part of Neoproterozoic ophiolites of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). We found relics of fresh dunites enveloped by serpentinites that show abundances of bastite after orthopyroxene, reflecting harzburgite protoliths. The bulk-rock chemistry confirmed the harzburgites as the main protoliths. The primary mantle minerals such as orthopyroxene, olivine and chromian spinel in Arais serpentinites are still preserved. The orthopyroxene has high Mg# [=Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)], ~0.923 on average. It shows intra-grain chemical homogeneity and contains, on average, 2.28 wt.% A12O3, 0.88 wt.% Cr2O3 and 0.53 wt.% CaO, similar to primary orthopyroxenes in modern forearc peridotites. The olivine in harzburgites has lower Fo (93?94.5) than that in dunites (Fo94.3?Fo95.9). The Arais olivine is similar in NiO (0.47 wt.% on average) and MnO (0.08 wt.% on average) contents to the mantle olivine in primary peridotites. This olivine is high in Fo content, similar to Mg-rich olivines in ANS ophiolitic harzburgites, because of its residual origin. The chromian spinel, found in harzburgites, shows wide ranges of Cr#s [=Cr/(Cr + Al)], 0.46?0.81 and Mg#s, 0.34?0.67. The chromian spinel in dunites shows an intra-grain chemical homogeneity with high Cr#s (0.82?0.86). The chromian spinels in Arais peridotites are low in TiO2, 0.05 wt.% and YFe [= Fe3+/(Cr + Al + Fe3+)], ~0.06 on average. They are similar in chemistry to spinels in forearc peridotites. Their compositions associated with olivine’s Fo suggest that the harzburgites are refractory residues after high-degree partial melting (mainly ~25?30 % partial melting) and dunites are more depleted, similar to highly refractory peridotites recovered from forearcs. This is in accordance with the partial melting (>20 % melt) obtained by the whole-rock Al2O3 composition. The Arais peridotites have been possibly formed in a sub-arc setting (mantle wedge), where high degrees of partial melting were available during subduction and closing of the Mozambique Ocean, and emplaced in a forearc basin. Their equilibrium temperature based on olivine?spinel thermometry ranges from 650 to 780 °C, and their oxygen fugacity is high (Δlog ?O2?=?2.3 to 2.8), which is characteristic of mantle-wedge peridotites. The Arais peridotites are affected by secondary processes forming microinclusions inside the dunitic olivine, abundances of carbonates and talc flakes in serpentinites. These microinclusions have been formed by reaction between trapped fluids and host olivine in a closed system. Lizardite and chrysotile, based on Raman analyses, are the main serpentine minerals with lesser antigorite, indicating that serpentines were possibly formed under retrograde metamorphism during exhumation and near the surface at low T (<400 °C).  相似文献   

The Wadi Allaqi ophiolite along the Egyptian-Sudanese border defines the southernmost ophiolitic assemblage and suture zone in the Eastern Desert. Ophiolite assemblages comprise nappes composed mainly of mafic and ultramafic rocks that were tectonically emplaced and replaced by serpentine and carbonates along shear zones probably due to CO2-metasomatism. Serpentinites, altered slices of the upper mantle, represent a distinctive lithology of dismembered ophiolites of the western YOSHGAH suture. Microscopically, they are composed of more than 90 % serpentine minerals with minor opaque minerals, carbonate, brucite and talc. The mineral chemistry and whole-rock chemical data reported here indicate that the serpentinized peridotites formed as highly-depleted mantle residues. They show compositions consistent with formation in a suprasubduction zone environment. They are depleted in Al2O3 and CaO similar to those in fore-arc peridotites. Also, high Cr# (Cr/ (Cr+Al)) in the relict chrome spinels (average ~0.72) indicates that these are residual after extensive partial melting, similar to spinels in modern fore-arc peridotites. Therefore, the studied serpentinites represent fragments of an oceanic lithosphere that formed in a fore-arc environment, which belongs to an ophiolitic mantle sequence formed in a suprasubduction zone.  相似文献   

Ophiolite complexes, formed in a suprasubduction zone environment during Neoproterozoic time, are widely distributed in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Their mantle sections provide important information on the origin and tectonic history of ocean basins these complexes represent. The geochemistry and mineralogy of the mantle section of the Wizer ophiolite complex, represented by serpentinites after harzburgite containing minor dunite bodies, are presented. Presence of antigorite together with the incipient alteration of chromite and absence of chlorite suggests that serpentinization occurred in the mantle wedge above a Neoproterozoic subduction zone. Wizer peridotites have a wide range of spinel compositions. Spinel Cr# [100Cr/(Cr + Al)] decrease gradually from dunite bodies (Cr# = 81–87) and their host highly depleted harzburgites (Cr# = 67–79) to the less depleted harzburgites (Cr# = 57–63). Such decreases in mantle refractory character are accompanied by higher Al and Ti contents in bulk compositions. Estimated parental melt compositions point to an equilibration with melts of boninitic composition for the dunite bodies (TiO2 = ~<0.07–0.22 wt%; Al2O3 = 9.4–10.6 wt%), boninitic-arc tholeiite for the highly depleted harzburgites (TiO2 = <0.09–0.28 wt%; Al2O3 = 11.2–14.1 wt%) and more MORB-like affinities for the less depleted harzburgites (TiO2 = ~<0.38–0.51 wt%; Al2O3 = 14.5–15.3 wt%). Estimated equilibrium melts are found in the overlying volcanic sequence, which shows a transitional MORB–island arc geochemical signature with a few boninitic samples. Enrichment of some chromites in TiO2 and identification of sulfides in highly depleted peridotites imply interaction with an impregnating melt. A two-stage partial melting/melt–rock reaction model is advocated, whereby, melting of a depleted mantle source by reaction with MORB-like melts is followed by a second stage melting by interaction with melts of IAT–boninitic affinities in a suprasubduction zone environment to generate the highly depleted harzburgites and dunite bodies. The shift from MORB to island arc/boninitic affinities within the mantle lithosphere of the Wizer ophiolite sequence suggests generation in a protoarc-forearc environment. This, together with the systematic latitudinal change in composition of ophiolitic lavas in the Central Eastern Desert (CED) of Egypt from IAT–boninitic affinities to more MORB-like signature, implies that the CED could represent a disrupted forearc-arc-backarc system above a southeast-dipping subduction zone.  相似文献   

Serpentinites in the Eastern Desert (ED) of Egypt represent integral components of the ophiolites. Metamorphic textures of the serpentinites preserve the complex mineralogical evolution from primary peridotite through metamorphism, and late-stage hydrothermal alteration. Two textural types are distinguished in the olivines of the present serpentinized peridotites, namely (a) highly-strained olivine grains with kink bands, as in the deformed mantle tectonites from ophiolites, and (b) non-strained grains. The latter may represent recrystallized crystals during later thermal metamorphic events due to the intrusion of granite. On the basis of X-ray diffraction analysis, antigorite is the main serpentine minerals with lesser chrysotile and lizardite which indicates that serpentinites were formed under prograde metamorphism. Relict primary minerals of the serpentinites are Cr-spinel, olivine and pyroxene. Chrome spinel relicts have high Cr# (0.60–0.80), whereas primary olivines are Mg-rich nature (Fo = 89–96). Geochemical compositions of serpentinites indicate that they formed not at mid-ocean ridges but at spreading centers associated with subduction zones and this could have happened in a supra-subduction zone either in the fore-arc or back-arc environments. Mineral compositions of primary chrome spinels and olivines are similar to those of modern fore-arcs. High Cr# in the relict chrome spinels and Fo in the primary olivines of serpentinites indicate that they are residual after extensive partial melting and originated by sea-floor spreading during subduction initiation.  相似文献   

Gabbroic intrusions of the El-Aradiya area are a part of the Neoproterozoic basement cropping out in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt. They are composed mainly of gabbroic cumulates (diopside-plagioclase cumulate and plagioclase-augite cumulate) and fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. Mineral chemistry data indicate that the plagioclase core compositions of the gabbroic cumulates range between An90 and An60, whereas fine-grained noncumulate gabbro plagioclase core compositions are An61−56 and rim compositions are An54−42. The clinopyroxenes are diopside and augite in the gabbroic cumulate, and augite in the fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. Chemical re-equilibration between pyroxenes of gabbroic cumulates vary from 1150-900°C and for fine-grained noncumulate gabbro range from 1200-1100°C. The amphiboles are calcic, varying from tschermakite and tschermakitic hornblende, and Mg-hornblende in the gabbroic cumulate and only Mg-hornblende in the fine-grained noncumulate gabbro. They indicate an island-arc tholeiitic setting for gabbroic intrusions of the El-Aradiya area. Major and trace element data suggest arc tholeiite characters, a comagmatic suite and subduction-related magma with enrichment of LILE and depletion in HFSE relative to MORB. The estimated parent magma is similar to tholeiitic Aleutian arc primary magma. The gabbroic intrusions are analogous to intrusions emplaced in an immature island-arc setting in which the oceanic crust was thin.  相似文献   

Ultramafic cumulates, mainly crustal true wehrlites, were discovered and described in the mantle–crust transition zone (MTZ) and the extremely lower layered gabbro sequence of the Ras Salatit ophiolite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. They form either boudinaged lensoidal tabular bodies or interdigitated layers often concordant with the planolinear fabrics of the Ras Salatit ophiolite rocks. The contact between wehrlites and the host MTZ dunite or layered gabbro is razor sharp, lobate and/or sinuous, without chilled margins or any visible deformations. The Ras Salatit wehrlites are orthopyroxene-free and composed mainly of olivine and clinopyroxene. They are texturally equilibrated and show a characteristic poikilitic texture. Crystallization order of the Ras Salatit wehrlites is olivine/spinel followed by clinopyroxene with the absence of plagioclase. Olivine and clinopyroxene of the Ras Salatit wehrlites are compositionally uniform and conspicuously high in Mg#, mostly around 0.93 and 0.92, respectively. Moreover, the clinopyroxene shows low Ti and Al contents coupled with marked depletion in LILE. The calculated melt in equilibrium with clinopyroxene from the Ras Salatit wehrlites is largely similar to lavas from the Izu-Bonin forearc. Given the above characteristics, the Ras Salatit wehrlites were produced by crystal accumulation from a hydrous depleted basaltic/tholeiitic melt corresponding to temperatures between 1,000 and 1,100°C at the oceanic crustal pressure (~2 kbar). The involved hydrous tholeiitic melt has been probably formed by fluid-assisted partial melting of a refractory mantle source (similar to the underlying harzburgites) in a somewhat shallow sub-arc environment.  相似文献   

Ore microscopic study was carried out on a great number of samples collected from four well-dated alkaline rock masses (ring complexes), namely Gabal Mishbeh, Gabal Nigrub El Fogani, Gabal Nigrub El Tahtani, and Gabal El Gezira located in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. These rings consist mainly of wide variety of rock types ranging from basic to acidic and from under saturated to quartz bearing. The opaques of the basic rocks consist mainly of various ilmenite–magnetite intergrowths and differ essentially from those of the acidic rocks where minor amount of titanomagnetite is present. Numerous exsolution, replacement, and deformational textures were described. The distribution of opaque minerals and their intergrowths in the four well-defined ring complexes is described. Systematic rock magnetic measurements such as natural remanent magnetization intensity and initial susceptibility, Curie point, saturation magnetization, and coercive force were carried out, and their results were discussed in the light of opaque mineralogical studies.  相似文献   

Regional cooling in the course of Neoproterozoic core complex exhumation in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt is constraint by 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblende and muscovite from Meatiq, Sibai and Hafafit domes. The data reveal highly diachronous cooling with hornblende ages clustering around 580 Ma in the Meatiq and the Hafafit, and 623 and 606 Ma in the Sibai. These 40Ar/39Ar ages are interpreted together with previously published structural and petrological data, radiometric ages obtained from Neoproterozoic plutons, and data on sediment dynamics from the intramontane Kareim molasse basin. Early-stage low velocity exhumation was triggered by magmatism initiated at 650 Ma in the Sibai and caused early deposition of molasses sediments within rim synforms. Rapid late stage exhumation was released by combined effect of strike-slip and normal faulting, exhumed Meatiq and Hafafit domes and continued until 580 Ma. We propose a new model that adopts core complex exhumation in oblique island arc collision-zones and includes transpression combined with lateral extrusion dynamics. In this model, continuous magma generation weakened the crust leading to facilitation of lateral extrusion tectonics. Since horizontal shortening is balanced by extension, no major crustal thickening and no increase of potential energy (gravitational collapse) is necessarily involved in the process of core complex formation. Core complexes were continuously but slowly exhumed without creating a significant mountain topography.  相似文献   

This paper describes various problems in carrying out geochemical prospecting under the conditions that prevail in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Conclusions are based on four years experience in geochemical exploration in the Eastern Desert, including studies of over 25,000 geochemical samples. In prospecting for ore deposits in stony and sandy deserts, different kinds of geochemical survey techniques can be successfully applied. In carrying out regional geochemical surveys, stream-sediment sampling in combination with panning of heavy concentrates may be used with a considerable degree of success. The method of the cold extraction of metals produces best results when the alluvial silt and argillaceous fraction (minus 0.075 mm) is sampled. Spectrographic analysis, on the other hand, provides dependable data when the minus 1-plus 0.25-mm fractions are sampled. It is established as a fact that sieving-out of the minus 0.25-mm fraction helps to get rid of aeolian sands which otherwise “dilute” anomalies.In the localities where colluvium is mixed with aeolian sand, sampling of the minus 1-plus 0.25-mm fraction considerably increases the contrast of anomalies (by 3.7 times for Sn, 3.8 for Mo, and 1.5 for Cu) and enlarges their size (4 times for Sn, 2.6 for Mo, and 2.5 for Cu). A possibility of forming of “false” anomalies in colluvium, resulting from the secondary concentration of certain heavy minerals resistant to weathering (e.g. Sn, W, Nb, Ta, Zr, etc.) was proven. This should be taken into consideration while carrying out geochemical prospecting in similar conditions.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2005,136(1):27-50
The Wadi Mubarak belt in Egypt strikes west–east (and even northeast–southwest) and crosscuts the principal northwest–southeast trend of the Najd Fault System in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt. The belt therefore appears to be a structural feature that formed postdate to the Najd Fault System. In contrast, it is shown here that the deformation in the Wadi Mubarak belt can be correlated with the accepted scheme of deformation events in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and that its geometry and apparently cross-cutting orientation is controlled by a large granite complex that intruded prior to the structural evolution. Structural correlation is facilitated by a series of intrusions that intrude the Wadi Mubarak belt and resemble other intrusions in the Eastern Desert. These intrusions include: (1) an older gabbro generation, (2) an older granite, (3) a younger gabbro and (4) a younger granite. The structural evolution is interpreted to be characterized by early northwest directed transport that formed several major thrusts in the belt. This event is correlated with the main deformation event in the Eastern Desert, elsewhere known as D2. During this event the regional fabric of the Wadi Mubarak belt was wrapped around the El Umra granite complex in a west–east orientation. The Wadi Mubarak belt was subsequently affected during D3 by west–east and northwest–southeast trending sinistral conjugate strike–slip shear zones. This event is related to the formation of the Najd Fault System. Detailed resolution of superimposed shear sense indicators suggest that D3 consisted of an older and a younger phase that reflect the change of transpression direction from east-southeast–west-northwest to eastnortheast–westouthwest. The El Umra granite complex is dated here with single zircon ages to consist of intrusion pulses at 654 and 690 my. These ages conform with the interpretation that it intruded prior to D2 and that the structural pattern of the Wadi Mubarak belt was initiated early during D2.  相似文献   

Mikbi intrusion(MI) is a part of the Neoproterozoic Nubian Shield located along the NE-SW trending major fracture zones prevailing southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. In this study, we present for the first time detailed mineralogical and bulk-rock geochemical data to infer some constraints on the parental magma genesis and to understand the tectonic processes contributed to MI formation. Lithologically, it is composed of fresh peridotite, clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, anorthosite, gabbronorite, pyroxene amphibole gabbro, amphibole gabbro and diorite. All rocks have low Th/La ratios(mostly <0.2) and lack positive Zr and Th anomalies excluding significant crustal contamination. They show very low concentrations of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf together with sub-chondritic ratios of Nb/Ta(2-15) and Zr/Hf(19-35),suggesting that their mantle source was depleted by earlier melting extraction event. The oxygen fugacity(logfO_2) estimated from diorite biotite is around the nickel-nickel oxide buffer(NNO) indicating crystallization from a relatively oxidized magma. Amphiboles in the studied mafic-ultramafic rocks indicate relative oxygen fugacity(i.e. ΔNNO; nickel-nickel oxide) of 0.28-3 and were in equilibrium mostly with 3.77-8.24 wt.% H_2 Omelt(i.e. water content in the melt), consistent with the typical values of subduction-related magmas. Moreover, pressure estimates(0.53-6.79 kbar) indicate polybaric crystallization and suggest that the magma chamber(s) was located at relatively shallow crustal levels. The enrichment in LILE(e.g., Cs, Ba, K and Sr) and the depletion in HFSE(e.g., Th and Nb) relative to primitive mantle are consistent with island arc signature. The olivine, pyroxene and amphibole compositions also reflect arc affinity. These inferences suggest that their primary magma was derived from partial melting of a mantle source that formerly metasomatized in a subduction zone setting. Clinopyroxene and bulkrock data are consistent with orogenic tholeiitic affinity. Consequently, the mineral and bulk-rock chemistry strongly indicate crystallization from hydrous tholeiitic magma. Moreover, their trace element patterns are subparallel indicating that the various rock types possibly result from differentiation of the same primary magma. These petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics show that the MI is a typical Alaskan-type complex.  相似文献   

There is an increasing evidence for the involvement of pre-Neoproterozoic zircons in the Arabian–Nubian Shield, a Neoproterozoic crustal tract that is generally regarded to be juvenile. The source and significance of these xenocrystic zircons are not clear. In an effort to better understand this problem, older and younger granitoids from the Egyptian basement complex were analyzed for chemical composition, SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages, and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions. Geochemically, the older granitoids are metaluminous and exhibit characteristics of I-type granites and most likely formed in a convergent margin (arc) tectonic environment. On the other hand, the younger granites are peraluminous and exhibit the characteristics of A-type granites; these are post-collisional granites. The U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons revealed the ages of magmatic crystallization as well as the presence of slightly older, presumably inherited zircon grains. The age determined for the older granodiorite is 652.5 ± 2.6 Ma, whereas the younger granitoids are 595–605 Ma. Xenocrystic zircons are found in most of the younger granitoid samples; the xenocrystic grains are all Neoproterozoic, but fall into three age ranges that correspond to the ages of other Eastern Desert igneous rocks, viz. 710–690, 675–650 and 635–610 Ma. The analyzed granitoids have (+3.8 to +6.5) and crystallization ages, which confirm previous indications that the Arabian–Nubian Shield is juvenile Neoproterozoic crust. These results nevertheless indicate that older Neoproterozoic crust contributed to the formation of especially the younger granite magmas.  相似文献   

The present work concerns two occurrences of Neoproterozoic volcaniclastic metasediments in the Central Eastern Desert (CED) of Egypt namely Alam occurrence and Atalla occurrence. They are mainly composed of bedded successions of feldspathic and feldspathic-lithic metagreywackes, arkosic metagreywackes, metasiltstones, and subordinate metaconglomerates. The rocks have been subjected mainly to various ductile deformational events (D1 and D2) due to NE–SW compression and later deformation (D3). The D1 deformation is synchronous with greenschist facies metamorphism (M1). The Alam metagreywackes show oceanic arc tectonic setting. The greywackes have clasts of quartz, feldspar, and metamorphic amphibole after pyroxene and show variable abundances of Cr, Ni, and V. Their provenance components are mainly of evolved felsic and mafic (bimodal) island arcs. The rocks are suggested to be deposited in a localized “intra-arc basin.” The metagreywackes of Atalla show tectonic setting affinity similar to continental sland arc or active continental margin. Their geochemical characteristics reflect the presence of felsic rocks as the main sources, together with minor inputs of intermediate rocks and reworked mineral grains of quartz and feldspar. They are deposited in a localized “retro-arc basins” of an active continental margin. The whole sequences of both Atalla and Alam sediments have been subjected to deformation and contemporaneous regional metamorphism during arc-arc or arc-continent collision. Newproterozoic clastic metasedimentary rocks in the CED appear to have been deposited in arc-related basins, including interarc or back-arc basins, intra-arc basins, and retro-arc basin of active continental margin.  相似文献   

Wadi Queih basin hosts a ~2,500-m thick Neoproterozoic volcanoclastic successions that unconformably lie over the oldest Precambrian basement. These successions were deposited in alluvial fan, fluviatile, lacustrine, and aeolian depositional environments. Diagenetic minerals from these volcaniclastic successions were studied by X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, and analytical electron microscopy. The diagenetic processes recognized include mechanical compaction, cementation, and dissolution. Based on the framework grain–cement relationships, precipitation of the early calcite cement was either accompanied or followed by the development of part of the pore-lining and pore-filling clay cements. Secondary porosity development occurred due to partial to complete dissolution of early calcite cement and feldspar grains. In addition to calcite, several different clay minerals including kaolinite, illite, and chlorite with minor smectite occur as pore-filling and pore-lining cements. Chlorite coating grains helps to retain primary porosity by retarding the envelopment of quartz overgrowths. Clay minerals and their diagenetic assemblages has been distinguished between primary volcaniclastics directly produced by pyroclastic eruptions and epiclastic volcaniclastics derived from erosion of the pre-existing volcanic rocks. Phyllosilicates of the epiclastic rocks display wider compositional variations owing to wide variations in the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the parent material. Most of the phyllosilicates (kaolinite, illite, chlorite, mica, and smectite) are inherited minerals derived from the erosion of the volcanic basement complex, which had undergone hydrothermal alteration. Smectites of the epiclastic rocks are beidellite–montmorillonite derived from the altered volcanic materials of the sedimentary environment. Conversely, phyllosilicate minerals of the pyroclastic rocks are dominated by kaolinite, illite, and mica, which were formed by pedogenetic processes through the hydrothermal influence.  相似文献   

正The Eastern Desert of Egypt hosts numerous undeformed to slightly deformed mafic dyke swarms which have previously been poorly characterized.Systematic use of full resolution Google Earth?images yields an initial  相似文献   

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