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Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MTInSAR) data offer a valuable support to landslide mapping and to landslide activity estimation in mountain environments, where in situ measures are sometimes difficult to gather. Nowadays, the interferometric approach is more and more used for wide-areas analysis, providing useful information for risk management actors but at the same time requiring a lot of efforts to correctly interpret what satellite data are telling us. In this context, hot-spot-like analyses that select and highlight the fastest moving areas in a region of interest, are a good operative solution for reducing the time needed to inspect a whole interferometric dataset composed by thousands or millions of points. In this work, we go beyond the concept of MTInSAR data as simple mapping tools by proposing an approach whose final goal is the quantification of the potential loss experienced by an element at risk hit by a potential landslide. To do so, it is mandatory to evaluate landslide intensity. Here, we estimate intensity using Active Deformation Areas (ADA) extracted from Sentinel-1 MTInSAR data. Depending on the localization of each ADA with respect to the urban areas, intensity is derived in two different ways. Once exposure and vulnerability of the elements at risk are estimated, the potential loss due to a landslide of a given intensity is calculated. We tested our methodology in the Eastern Valle d’Aosta (north-western Italy), along four lateral valleys of the Dora Baltea Valley. This territory is characterized by steep slopes and by numerous active and dormant landslides. The goal of this work is to develop a regional scale methodology based on satellite radar interferometry to assess the potential impact of landslides on the urban fabric.  相似文献   

Evaluation of maps generated from different conceptual models or data processing approaches at spatial level has importance in many geoenvironmental applications. This paper addresses the spatial comparison of different landslide susceptibility zonation (LSZ) raster maps of the same area derived from various procedures.  相似文献   

耕地是丘陵山区稀缺的土地资源,具有地形条件复杂、种植结构多样的特点,导致了山地耕地信息难以快速、准确获取,并且基于传统的遥感数据及遥感监测方法开展山区耕地信息快速自动提取比较困难。针对这一问题,本文以西南山区贵州省息烽县作为试验区,根据地理空间异质性特征,提出分区控制、分层提取的耕地形态信息提取思路,构建了一种地貌单元约束条件下的分区分层耕地形态信息的提取方法。该方法首先根据地貌-植被特征将试验区划分为平坝区、山坡区、林草区3类地理分区;然后在每类分区基础上,根据耕地所呈现的视觉特征划分为不同的类型,对不同类型的耕地分别设计不同的深度学习模型进行分层提取。试验结果证明,该方法对山区复杂地形背景噪声具有较好的抑制作用,所提取的耕地地块信息相比于传统方法更符合实际耕地的实际分布形态,有效地减少了漏提率和错提率。  相似文献   

滑坡灾害易发性分析评价对地质灾害的防治与管理具有重要意义。针对滑坡灾害样本选择策略,单核支持向量机多特征映射不合理的问题,本文提出顾及样本优化选择的多核支持向量机(multiple kernel support vector machine,MKSVM)滑坡灾害易发性分析评价方法。为了保证样本平衡性并提高负样本的合理性,采用相对频率比(relative frequency,RF)综合评价各状态对于滑坡灾害易发性影响的重要程度,实现各评价因子状态的合理划分;利用确定性系数法(certainty factor,CF)计算各评价因子各状态分级影响滑坡灾害的敏感性,并在此基础上进行加权求和得到各栅格单元的滑坡灾害易发性指数,在滑坡灾害易发性指数极低和低易发区内随机选择与滑坡灾害点数目一致的非滑坡灾害点作为负样本数据。利用MKSVM对各特征空间最优核函数进行线性组合,解决了单一核函数映射不合理的问题,提高了模型的分类准确率和预测精度。以湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州为研究区,从滑坡灾害易发性分区图、分区统计及评价模型精度3个方面对CF样本策略的MKSVM模型、CF样本策略的单核SVM模型、随机样本策略的MKSVM模型、随机样本策略的单核SVM模型进行了对比分析。结果表明,4种模型的受试者工作特征曲线(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)下的面积(area under curve,AUC)分别为0.859、0.809、0.798、0.766,验证了CF样本策略的合理性、有效性及MKSVM模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

郭澳庆  胡俊  郑万基  桂容  杜志贵  朱武  贺乐和 《测绘学报》2022,51(10):2171-2182
滑坡通常发生突然,破坏力巨大,经常造成重大生命安全事故和财产损失。高可靠性、高精度及具有抗差性能的滑坡形变监测预测手段和方法对于国家防灾减灾需求具有切实意义。InSAR技术是一种能够全天时和全天候观测获取高空间分辨率和宽覆盖率影像,高灵敏性捕捉时空维动态变化的监测手段,然而目前应用InSAR时序影像对滑坡区进行滑坡预测的工作仅是凤毛麟角。基于时序InSAR观测结果,本文提出了一种能够有效解决中短期滑坡预测问题的深度学习滑坡预测方法。在三峡新铺滑坡区应用N-BEATS网络模型和Sentinel-1 SAR数据进行形变预测,以均方根误差1.1 mm的预测精度完成了滑坡预测工作,并对预测结果进行了数据结构影响的规律性分析、传统方法效果对比、抗差性评估及置信区间估计等多方位的剖析,结果显示出了其高精度、高可靠性及具有一定抗差能力的突出优势。  相似文献   

Sources of errors in the precise leveling influencing the results of measurements especially strongly in mountains are considered in this study. Data are given on new error sources, including (1) the difference in temperatures of invar bands of rods and of the air; and (2) displacements of rock bench marks during diurnal variations in temperature of rocks. The ranges of possible total systematic error in leveding are estimated.  相似文献   

本文针对城市复杂区域倾斜摄影建筑物遮挡问题,提出了一种无人机航线规划方法.该方法首先基于前期测区踏勘成果确定航线的高度范围,选择合适的高度并进行合理性验证;然后通过建筑最密集区域确定航线方向并计算重叠度;最终根据侧视影像临界点设计该区域的航线路径.本文以大型企业园区为例进行实景三维建模试验.结果表明,基于该方法建立的三...  相似文献   

This study employed GIS modelling to ascertain landslide susceptibility on Mt. Umyeon, south of Seoul, South Korea. In this study, an effective contributing area (ECA) for certain drainage time was purposed as a temporal causative factor and then used for modelling in combination with spatial causative factors such as elevation, slope, plan curvature, drainage proximity, forest type, soil type and geology. Landslide inventory map of 163 landslide locations was prepared using aerial photographic interpretation and field verifications after that digitized using GIS environment in 1:5000 scale. A presence-only-based maximum entropy model was used to establish and analyse the relationship between landslides and causative factors. Before final modelling, a jackknife test was performed to measure the variable contributions, which showed that the slope was the most significant spatial causative factor, and ECA with a drainage time of 12 h was the most significant temporal causative factor. The performances of the final models, with and without significant ECA, were assessed by plotting a receiver operating characteristic curve to be 75.5 and 81.2%, respectively.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine how well the landslide susceptibility parameters, obtained by data-dependent statistical models, matched with the parameters used in the literature. In order to achieve this goal, 20 different environmental parameters were mapped in a well-studied landslide-prone area, the Asarsuyu catchment in northwest Turkey. A total of 4400 seed cells were generated from 47 different landslides and merged with different attributes of 20 different environmental causative variables into a database. In order to run a series of logistic regression models, different random landslide-free sample sets were produced and combined with seed cells. Different susceptibility maps were created with an average success rate of nearly 80%. The coherence among the models showed spatial correlations greater than 90%. Models converged in the parameter selection peculiarly, in that the same nine of 20 were chosen by different logistic regression models. Among these nine parameters, lithology, geological structure (distance/density), landcover-landuse, and slope angle were common parameters selected by both the regression models and literature. Accuracy assessment of the logistic models was assessed by absolute methods. All models were field checked with the landslides resulting from the 12 November 1999, Kayna?li Earthquake (Ms = 7.2).  相似文献   

灾害易发性预报是提高灾害防控能力的第一步.针对位于云南省内的金沙江流域因地势险峻、生态环境脆弱,加之近年来人为活动增多已成为地质灾害高发区的现状,本文以金沙江德钦至华坪段滑坡灾害为例,运用Maxent和随机森林两种机器学习模型对滑坡空间分布作归因与预测,并对两者之间的差异进行对比分析.试验结果表明,随机森林模型的预测精...  相似文献   

三维激光扫描技术对岩溶区公路滑坡要素提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对岩溶山区因其脆弱的工程地质条件使得区域内的公路沿线容易发生沉降、变形和滑坡等问题,该文采用地面三维激光扫描(TLS)技术对云南九乡一个具有典型岩溶区地质环境的公路边坡进行扫描,对地面激光点云的外业数据采集和内业处理中的多站数据配准、点云滤波去噪、地面点云空洞修复以及基于点云数据的精细化建模等技术环节进行探讨;以位于该公路边坡上的一个滑坡为实验对象,着重对滑坡范围线、剖面线、滑坡坡度角和不稳定土方量等滑坡监测要素的提取方法进行研究。这是将地面TLS技术应用于岩溶区公路滑坡监测单期数据处理路线的一次探索,为后期基于激光点云的滑坡监测中多期数据的整合、管理和分析等集成式处理提供了技术上的支持。  相似文献   

农作物病害的准确识别有助于提高农作物的产量与质量.针对作物病害图像训练样本数据量较少的情况,本文采用迁移学习方法结合分步识别模型对多种农作物病害种类进行了识别.将PlantVillage公开数据集中3种农作物的10类作物叶片图像作为训练样本,利用直接识别方法分别对VGG16和ResNet的原始模型和迁移学习模型进行训练...  相似文献   


In this study, the main goal is to compare the predictive capability of Support Vector Machines (SVM) with four Bayesian algorithms namely Naïve Bayes Tree (NBT), Bayes network (BN), Naïve Bayes (NB), Decision Table Naïve Bayes (DTNB) for identifying landslide susceptibility zones in Pauri Garhwal district (India). First, landslide inventory map was built using 1295 historical landslide data, then in total sixteen influencing factors were selected and tested for landslide susceptibility modelling. Performance of the model was evaluated and compared using Statistical based index methods, Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve named AUC, and Chi-square method. Analysis results show that that the SVM has the highest prediction capability, followed by the NBT, DTNBT, BN and NB, respectively. Thus, this study confirms that the SVM is one of the benchmark models for the assessment of susceptibility of landslides.  相似文献   

罗袆沅  蒋亚楠  许强  廖露  燕翱翔  刘陈伟 《测绘学报》2022,51(10):2160-2170
滑坡变形监测数据是认识滑坡变形演化规律的直接依据,对该数据深度挖掘是实现滑坡灾害预警预报的有力保障。现有的滑坡位移预测模型多局限于单个监测点的时序预测,且未考虑监测点间的空间相关性。针对上述问题,本文提出了一种基于深度学习的滑坡位移时空预测模型:首先,构建表达所有点间空间相关性的加权邻接矩阵;其次,引入外界影响因素加强属性特征矩阵,以构建图结构数据;最后,采用集合图卷积网络(GCN)和门控循环单元(GRU)的深度学习模型,并通过多组试验寻找最优超参数,实现滑坡位移的时空预测。本文模型结果的均方根误差为4.429 mm,与对比模型相比至少降低了47.3%。而消融试验结果也显示,引入外界影响因素的属性增强可进一步提高模型的预测性能,均方根误差相对于未属性增强结果减少了28.4%。结果表明,该方法可用于滑坡位移或其他地质灾害中同样具有时空关联属性的观测量的时空预测。  相似文献   

A GIS-based statistical methodology for landslide susceptibility zonation is described and its application to a study area in the Western Ghats of Kerala (India) is presented. The study area was approximately 218.44 km2 and 129 landslides were identified in this area. The environmental attributes used for the landslide susceptibility analysis include geomorphology, slope, aspect, slope length, plan curvature, profile curvature, elevation, drainage density, distance from drainages, lineament density, distance from lineaments and land use. The quantitative relationship between landslides and factors affecting landslides are established by the data driven-Information Value (InfoVal) — method. By applying and integrating the InfoVal weights using ArcGIS software, a continuous scale of numerical indices (susceptibility index) is obtained with which the study area is divided into five classes of landslide susceptibility. In order to validate the results of the susceptibility analysis, a success rate curve was prepared. The map obtained shows that a great majority of the landslides (74.42%) identified in the field were located in susceptible and highly susceptible zones (27.29%). The area ratio calculated by the area under curve (AUC) method shows a prediction accuracy of 80.45%. The area having a high scale of susceptibility lies on side slope plateaus and denudational hills with high slopes where drainage density is relatively low and terrain modification is relatively intense.  相似文献   

何敏  熊先才  李晓俊  赵龙 《测绘通报》2021,(2):93-97,107
针对丘陵山区大比例尺测图应用的需求,本文探讨了如何通过倾斜摄影的技术方法获取高精度的影像模型.首先通过分析航线布设方法、控制点布设采集要点、空三数据处理关键点等,获取满足丘陵山区大比例尺测图应用的数据模型,基于数据模型获取大比例尺地形图数据;然后通过与实地测量数据进行精度对比分析获取试验结果,结果表明倾斜摄影技术不但能...  相似文献   


This study addresses landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) using a novel ensemble approach of using a bivariate statistical method (weights of evidence [WoE] and evidential belief function [EBF])-based logistic model tree (LMT) classifier. The performance and prediction capability of the ensemble models were assessed using the area under the ROC curve (AUROC), standard error, 95% confidence intervals and significance level P. Model performance analyses indicated that the AUROC values of the WoE–LMT ensemble model using the training and validation data-sets were 86.02 and 85.9%, respectively, whereas those of the EBF–LMT ensemble model were 88.2 and 87.8%, respectively. On the other hand, the AUC curves for the four landslide susceptibility maps indicated that the AUC values of the ensemble models of WoE–LMT (85.11 and 83.98%) and EBF–LMT (86.21 and 85.23%) could improve the performance and prediction accuracy of single WoE (84.23 and 82.46%) and EBF (85.39 and 81.33%) models for the training and validation data-sets.  相似文献   


A novel artificial intelligence approach of Bayesian Logistic Regression (BLR) and its ensembles [Random Subspace (RS), Adaboost (AB), Multiboost (MB) and Bagging] was introduced for landslide susceptibility mapping in a part of Kamyaran city in Kurdistan Province, Iran. A spatial database was generated which includes a total of 60 landslide locations and a set of conditioning factors tested by the Information Gain Ratio technique. Performance of these models was evaluated using the area under the ROC curve (AUROC) and statistical index-based methods. Results showed that the hybrid ensemble models could significantly improve the performance of the base classifier of BLR (AUROC?=?0.930). However, RS model (AUROC?=?0.975) had the highest performance in comparison to other landslide ensemble models, followed by Bagging (AUROC?=?0.972), MB (AUROC?=?0.970) and AB (AUROC?=?0.957) models, respectively.  相似文献   

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