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The Koyna region located in the west coast of India is a classic example of reservoir triggered seismicity (RTS) that started soon after the impoundment of the Koyna reservoir in 1962. Previous studies have shown that RTS can be explained in terms of stress and pore pressure changes due to poroelastic response of the rock matrix. The permeability of rock matrix is a key parameter for pore pressure diffusion which is mainly responsible for generation of stress perturbation related to seismicity. Based on the poroelastic theory, we employ 2-D finite element models to simulate the evolution of pore pressure up to 5 years after the reservoir impoundment in 1962, using a range in permeability, 10?16–10?14 m2. Constraints on material properties of Deccan basalt and granitic rocks were taken from available studies. The results show the formation of pore pressure front and its propagation with depth and time since the reservoir impoundment as a function of permeability. While a permeability of 10?16 m2 does not produce any significant change in pore pressure, a ten-fold increase in permeability produces significant changes up to a depth of 2 km only beneath the reservoir after 5 years of impoundment. Permeability values between 10?15 m2 and 10?14 m2 are required to induce critical pore pressure changes in the range 0.1–1 MPa up to depth of 10 km, capable of triggering earthquakes in a critically stressed region. Studies on core samples of granitic basement rock down to a depth of 1522 m in the Koyna region provide evidences of fracture zones that may contribute to water channelization. Direct measurements of material properties through the ongoing deep drilling programme would help to develop more realistic models of RTS.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Koyna located near the West Coast of India is an outstanding case of artificial water reservoir-triggered seismicity. It is observed that annually earthquakes get triggered in the...  相似文献   

Following the impounding of the Shivaji Sager Lake in 1962, tremors became prevalent in the Koyna region, considered previously to be aseismic. During ensuing years the tremor frequency appears to have been dependent on the rate of increase of water level, maximum water level reached, and the period for which high levels were retained. This culminated in a burst of seismic activity from September 1967 to January 1968 following the record water levels in the reservoir and included the earthquake of September 13, 1967 with magnitude 5.5 and the damaging December 10, 1967 earthquake of magnitude 6.0. During the next five years water levels were kept low and no significant earthquakes occurred subsequent to the October 29, 1968 earthquake of magnitude 5.

The reservoir was filled to maximum capacity during September 1973 and this was followed by a conspicuous increase in seismic activity which included an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 on October 17, 1973. However, seismic activity during 1973 was much less severe than that of 1967. This relative decrease in seismicity may indicate that (a) the “threshhold level” for relatively large magnitude earthquakes had increased; (b) a major portion of the accumulated strains had been released; and/or (c) the importance of the longer period of high loading in 1967. Similar observations have been made at other seismically active reservoir sites.  相似文献   

The status of Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS) has been reviewed periodically (Rothé, 1968, 1973; Gupta and Rastogi, 1976; Simpson, 1976; Packer et al., 1979). In the present paper, the significant work carried out during the last three years on RIS is reviewed.An earthquake of magnitude occurred on November 14, 1981 in the vicinity of Aswan Lake, Egypt, 17 years after the filling started in 1964. This event occurred 4 days after the seasonal maximum in the reservoir water level and was followed by a long sequence of aftershocks. Another event of magnitude occurred in the vicinity of Aswan Lake on August 20, 1982. Results of preliminary investigations indicate that this seismic activity is reservoir induced. Recent analyses of induced seismic events at Nurek Reservoir U.S.S.R., show that the second stage of filling during August to December 1976, increasing the maximum depth from 120 m to 200 m, was accompanied by an intense burst of shallow seismic activity. An outward migration from the centre of the reservoir, possibly associated with diffusion of pore pressure, is revealed by the temporal distribution of earthquake foci. A variety of investigations including the in situ measurement of tectonic stress, pore pressure, permeability, distribution of faults, etc., in addition to monitoring seismicity, have been undertaken in the vicinity of the Monticello Reservoir, South Carolina. The largest reservoir induced earthquake is predicted not to exceed magnitude 5.The Koyna Reservoir, India, continues to be the most outstanding example of RIS. Three earthquakes of magnitude 5 occurred in September 1980. Earthquakes of magnitude 4 occur frequently in the vicinity of Koyna, the latest being on February 5, 1983. Events that occurred during the period 1967–1973 have been relocated using better procedures and are found to be much shallower and the epicentres less diffused. Location of 12 earthquakes of Ms 4.0, their foreshocks and aftershocks, that occurred during 1973–1976, composite focal mechanism solutions and related studies are consistent with the delineation of a N-S trending fault through the reservoir area. In a couple of interesting studies it has been demonstrated that earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 in the Koyna region are usually preceded by several magnitude 4 earthquakes in the preceding fortnight. Also, a rate of loading of Koyna reservoir of at least 40 ft/week appears to be a necessary, although not sufficient, condition for the occurrence of magnitude 5 earthquakes. Smooth filling/emptying appears to be the key to reduce the hazard of RIS.A map and a table of the reported cases of reservoir induced changes in seismicity through 1982 have been compiled.  相似文献   

Earthquake activity is monitored in real time at the Koyna reservoir in western India, beginning from August 2005 and successful short term forecasts have been made of M ∼ 4 earthquakes. The basis of these forecasts is the observation of nucleation that precedes such earthquakes. Here we report that a total of 29 earthquakes in the magnitude range of 3.5 to 5.1 occurred in the region during the period of August 2005 through May 2010. These earthquakes could broadly be put in three zones. Zone-A has been most active accounting for 18 earthquakes, while 5 earthquakes in Zone-B and 6 in Zone-C have occurred. Earthquakes in Zone-A are preceded by well defined nucleation, while it is not the case with zones B and C. This indicates the complexity of the earthquakes processes and the fact that even in a small seismically active area of only 20 km × 30 km earthquake forecast is difficult.  相似文献   

We report here that seismicity near Govind Ballav Pant reservoir is strongly influenced by the reservoir operations. It is the second largest reservoir in India, which is built on Rihand river in the failed rift region of central India. Most of the earthquakes occurred during the high water stand in the reservoir with a time lag of about 1 month. We use the concept of coulomb stress change and use Green's function based approach to estimate stresses and pore pressure due to the reservoir load. We find that the reservoir increases coulomb stress on the nearby faults of the region that are favourably oriented for failure in predominantly reverse slip manner under the NNE–SSW compression and thus promotes failure. The above two factors make it an obvious, yet so far unreported case of reservoir triggered seismicity.  相似文献   

Latian dam is located in the North East of Tehran in Elburz Mountain. It falls in the category of large dams according to the International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD). It was constructed in 1967 for agricultural purposes, drinking water, and power generation. Producing triggered earthquakes may be a consequent result of dam construction. In this paper, the complete seismic statistics of the region from 1996 onwards has been studied to understand the seismic condition of Latain region. For this purpose, frequency of earthquakes within a radius of 30/60 km around the dam is studied considering its relationship with the reservoir volume variation. Using Gutenberg-Richter rule, parameter b of the region was determined within the same region. The results of this study show the existence of triggered seismicity around the reservoir of Latian dam. Considering the tectonic-geological condition of the region, the existence of triggered earthquakes may create landslides in the reservoir and around it.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry of the Koyna River basin,India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hydrogeochemistry of the Koyna River basin, famous for the Koyna earthquake (magnitude 7) of 1967, has been studied. Basalt is the primary aquifer; laterites, alluvium, and talus deposits form aquifers of secondary importance. Groundwater generally occurs under water table conditions in shallow aquifers. Deeper aquifers are associated only with basalts. One hundred and 87 water samples were collected from various sources, such as dugwells, borewells, springs, and surface water, including 40 samples for analysis of iron. Only major constituents were analyzed. Analyses show that the concentrations of Ca2+ exceed that of Mg2+ in almost all water samples; the concentrations of Na+ are generally next to Ca2+ and are always higher than that of K+; and CO3 2– and SO4 2– are very low and are often negligible. Groundwater in borewells tapping deeper aquifers has higher mineralization compared to that in dugwells representing shallow aquifers. Majority of the water samples are dominated by alkaline earths (Ca2+, Mg2+) and weak acids (HCO3 , CO3 2–). Groundwater from shallow aquifers is generally calcium-bicarbonate type (53%) and calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (27%). In case of deeper aquifer, it is mostly calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (29%), sodium-bicarbonate type (24%), calcium-bicarbonate type (19%), calcium-magnesium-sodium-bicarbonate type (19%) and sodium-calcium-bicarbonate type (9%). Groundwater water is generally fit for drinking and irrigation purposes, except in the lower reaches of the Koyna River basin, which is affected by near water logging conditions.  相似文献   

The Koyna earthquake of M 6.3 on December 10, 1967 is the largest artificial water reservoir triggered earthquake globally. It claimed ~ 200 human lives and devastated the Koyna township. Before the impoundment of the Shivaji Sagar Lake created by the Koyna Dam, there were no earthquakes reported from the region. Initially a few stations were operated in the region by the CentralWater and Power Research Station (CWPRS). The seismic station network grew with time and currently the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad is operating 23 broadband seismographs and 6 bore hole seismic stations. Another reservoir, Warna, was created in 1985, which provided a further impetus to Reservoir Triggered Seismicity (RTS). Every year following the monsoon, water levels rise in the two reservoirs and there is an immediate increase in triggered earthquakes in the vicinity of Koyna-Warna reservoirs in the months of August–September. Peak RTS is observed in September and later during December.Another spurt in triggered earthquakes is observed during the draining of the reservoirs in the months of April- May. A comparative study of RTS earthquake sequences and the ones occurring in nearby regions made it possible to identify four common characteristics of RTS sequences that discriminate them from normal earthquake sequences. As the RTS events continue to occur at Koyna in a large number in a limited area of 20 km x 30 km, at shallow depths (mostly 2 to 9 km), the region being accessible for all possible observations and there being no other source of earthquakes within 100 km of Koyna Dam, it was suggested to be an ideal site for near field observations of earthquakes. This suggestion was discussed by the global community at an ICDP sponsored workshop held at Hyderabad and Koyna in 2011. There was an unanimous agreement about the suitability of the site for deep scientific drilling; however, a few additional observations/experiments were suggested. These were carried out in the following three years and another ICDP workshop was held in 2014, which totally supported setting up a borehole laboratory for near field investigations at Koyna. Location of a Pilot Bore-hole was decided on the basis of seismic activity and other logistics. The 3 km deep Pilot Borehole was spudded on December 20, 2016 and completed on June 11, 2017.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources assessment of the Koyna River basin,India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Western Ghats (hills) region of the Indian peninsula in western India receives heavy precipitation (4,000–6,000 mm/year), but the headwater basins that coalesce runoff from these hills retain very small quantities of water due to the steep topography. However, the narrow valleys in these hills support agriculture based on surface water irrigation, and several medium to large irrigation projects have already been constructed with well-defined canal networks. These developments have boosted agricultural productivity in the region, but at the same time they are causing an economic disparity between the command areas (irrigated by these canals) and non-command areas. Water-logging problems are also occurring in low-lying areas. While these problems are mainly due to poor groundwater management strategies in the region, the groundwater resources in these headwater basins should be properly assessed and suitable measures taken for uniform groundwater development. As a first step in this direction, groundwater resources have been assessed as a case study for the lower Koyna River basin, a head water basin on the east of the main ridge of the Western Ghats.Regional specific yield (0.012) and groundwater recharge have been estimated on the basis of water table fluctuation method. Groundwater recharge amounting to 57 MCM (million m3) in a year takes place in the region through vertical percolation of rainwater (31 MCM), return flow of water applied for irrigation (23 MCM), and recharge due to surface water tanks (3 MCM). Recharge to deeper aquifers has been estimated at 1 MCM during dry seasons (November–May). Safe yield has been estimated at 58 MCM annually which includes the present groundwater draft by wells for domestic, stock, and irrigational needs estimated at 16.50 MCM per year and the natural losses from the groundwater system which are mostly baseflow and spring discharges amounting to 38 MCM (35 MCM baseflow + 3 MCM spring flow) per year, out of which 7 MCM is already being directly pumped from the tributaries of the Koyna River for irrigational needs. Thus, there remains a balance of only 3.5 MCM of groundwater for further groundwater development. Assuming that at least 25% (7 MCM) of the unutilized baseflow (28 MCM) can be brought to fruitful use, about 10.5 MCM (7+3.5 MCM) of groundwater can be used in the existing hydrogeological environment through about 500 additional wells.
Resumen La región de las montañas de Western Ghats, al Oeste de la Península India, registra elevados valores de precipitación (de 4.000 a 6.000 mm/a), pero las condiciones topográficas de dichas montañas no permiten la existencia de acuíferos de entidad suficiente para albergar volúmenes grandes de aguas subterráneas. Los valles estrechos de las montañas sí permiten el desarrollo de las aguas superficiales, de manea que se ha realizado varios proyectos medianos y grandes de riego mediante redes de canales bien definidas. Estos desarrollos han propiciado un aumento de la producción agrícola en la región, pero, a la vez, se ha agudizado las diferencias económicas entre las zonas regadas y las no regadas. Además, las depresiones topográficas están padeciendo problemas de inundación. Como estos problemas son principalmente debidos a estrategias deficientes de gestión de las aguas subterráneas, se recomienda que los recursos subterráneas de las cuencas de cabecera sean adecuadamente determinados, y que se adopte medidas apropiadas para desarrollarlos uniformemente. El primer paso ha consistido en determinar los recursos subterráneos de la cabecera del río Koynam, situada al Este de la Sierra principal de los Western Ghats. Se ha estimado todos los parámetros de recarga y descarga, así como los recursos renovables, en la cuenca del río Koyna ubicada aguas debajo de la presa de Koyna.

Résumé La région des Collines occidentales (Western Ghats) de la péninsule indienne en Inde occidentale reçoit de fortes précipitations (4.000–6.000 mm/an); mais les bassins situés en tête qui convergent dans ces collines retiennent très peu d'eaux souterraines du fait des mauvaises conditions de pente en surface. Les vallées étroites dans ces collines offrent de larges espaces pour la mise en valeur des eaux de surface, en sorte que plusieurs projets d'irrigation moyens ou importants ont déjà été réalisés dans ces régions avec un réseau bien défini de canaux. Cette mise en valeur a réellement poussé la productivité agricole de la région, mais en même temps elle produit aussi une disparité économique entre les régions desservies (zones irriguées par ces canaux) et non desservies. Des problèmes relatifs à l'eau se posent également dans les zones basses. Alors que ces problèmes sont surtout dus à de médiocres stratégies de gestion dans la région, il est recommandé que les ressources en eaux souterraines dans ces bassins en tête soient correctement évaluées et que des mesures adéquates soient prises en vue d'une mise en valeur uniforme des eaux souterraines. À titre de première étape dans cette direction, les ressources en eaux souterraines ont été évaluées lors d'une étude de cas du bassin de la rivière Koyna, un bassin de tête situé à l'est de la chaîne principale des Collines Occidentales. Tous les paramètres d'entrée et de sortie ont été estimés et un bilan a été réalisé entre ces deux composantes. Les ressources statiques et dynamiques en eaux souterraines ont été estimées et un rendement sûr a été déterminé pour le bassin de la rivière Koyna en aval du barrage de Koyna.


Mn-rich ilmenites (up to 7 % MnO) have been identified in dykes cutting the Malanjkhand porphyry copper mining area in Madhya Pradesh. The dykes are hydrothermally altered and are of tholeiitic affinities. Lamprophyres have been reported from nearby areas. The presence of Mn-rich Ilmenites in the Malanjkhand copper mine dykes and the occurrence of lamprophyres and the pervasive potassium metasomatism in the area strongly suggests a possibility of finding diamondiferous rocks in the area. Such high-Mn bearing ilmenites are associated with diamondiferous deposits in other parts of the world, e.g. Juina kimberlites, Brazil. Mn-bearing ilmenite is considered as an indicator mineral for kimberlite/diamond occurrences. The presence of kimberlite pipes in Raipur district and the association of Mn-rich ilmenite with kimberlites is a fortuitous coincidence for venture-some mining companies. A probable explanation for the origin of manganese layers in the context of ‘rift’ tectonic environment is offered. Also a possible link between the dykes, quartz veins in the Malanjkhand granitic rocks and the copper mineralization is proposed.  相似文献   

The Koyna River basin in India drew the attention of geoscientists after an earthquake (magnitude 7) in 1967. Since then, detailed geological, tectonic, and seismic investigations of this river basin have been carried out by several workers. However, very little study has been done on its hydrogeological framework. The present work aims at filling this gap. Basalts, laterites, alluvium, soils, and talus deposits form shallow unconfined aquifers, with transmissivity of 27–135 m2/d and a regional specific yield of 0.012. In shallow basaltic aquifers, the lower part of the highly weathered and highly jointed horizon above, and the poorly weathered and highly jointed horizon below, form the most potential zone for groundwater occurrence. Well yields in the deeper basaltic aquifers are directly related to the occurrence of lineaments, whereas at a shallower level they are related to geomorphic features. Spring discharges are highly dependent on their source aquifers and areas of recharge. They have a mean winter discharge of 46 m3/d and a summer discharge of 28 m3/d. Chemically, groundwaters are dominated by alkaline earths (Ca2+, Mg2+) and weak acids (HCO3 , CO3 ); they are calcium-bicarbonate type (53%) and calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (27%) at shallower levels; and calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (29%), sodium-bicarbonate type (24%), calcium-bicarbonate type (19%), and calcium-magnesium-sodium-bicarbonate type (19%) in deeper aquifers. The Koyna River basin is characterized by both scarcity and abundance of groundwater. In the water-scarce areas in the dissected plateaus, artificial recharge of aquifers through construction of several recharge structures at suitable locations is highly recommended. In the water-abundant areas in the central valley, on the other hand, expanded consumptive use of water resources is encouraged. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The northeast India region is seismically very active and it has experienced two large earthquakes of magnitude 8.7 during the last eight decades (1897 and 1950). We have analysed teleseismic P-wave residuals at Shillong, the only reliable seismic station operating in the region, to investigate a possible association of travel-time residual anomaly with earthquake occurrence. The period covered is from October 1964 through March 1976. The total number of events is 9479, including 1767 events with depth >/ 100 km. Six-monthly average residuals have been calculated. The standard deviations are less than 0.10 sec for these data sets. During the period of investigations, no major earthquake took place close to Shillong. The earthquake of June 1, 1969 with a magnitude (Mb) of 5.0, at an epicentral distance of 20 km from Shillong is the only significant event. This earthquake is found to be associated with a travel-time increase with a maximum amplitude of 0.4 sec. It appears that, in general, the P-wave velocity has decreased in the neighbourhood of Shillong since 1969. A quadrant-wise analysis of residuals indicates that the residual anomaly is most prominent in the SE quadrant from Shillong.  相似文献   

A 1248 m long core (KBH 07, 17°18′07″ N; 73°47′28.2″E, 960m above msl) drilled up to basement in the Deccan traps from Koyna region was sampled at ~10m interval for magnetic mineralogical studies.Analysis of routine rock magnetic parameters (mass specific magnetic susceptibility: χlf, frequency dependence of susceptibility: χfd, susceptibility of anhysteretic remanance: χARM, saturation isothermal remanance: SIRM, remanance coercivty: B(0)CR, SoftIRM, HardIRM, S-Ratio, SIRM/χlf, χARMlf) and density (σ, gm/cc) depicted significant higher order temporal variation. The χlf varies between 13 and 309 x 10-8m3/kg and is independent of density variation. The χARM, B(0)CR and S-Ratios indicate majority of SD-PSD ferrimagnets with episodes of MD ferrimagnetic concentration and few hard coercivity components. The giant plagioclase lath bearing (GPB) horizons show highest variability of ferrimagnetic concentration marked by anomalous peaks. Overall the variability of rock magnetic parameters independent of lava flow units suggest that the changeover in magnetic mineral concentration, composition and domain size occur at major episodes in magma composition (e.g., primary source, crustal contamination and fractional crystallization). The studied parameters are therefore examined to mark intervals of (i) magma compositional changes, (ii) zones of oxidative conditions and (iii) rapid/slow cooling intervals demanding detailed petrologic studies. We identified one I order trend, four II order cycles and eight III order cycles for the purpose of correlation. Notable peak in χlf at 650–700m, the changeover in rock magnetic parameters at ~930 m and ~280 m can facilitate marker intervals while several higher order variations can be adopted for high resolution correlation to other boreholes in the region. The complex variation in rock magnetic parameters independent of flow units reflect temporal magnitudes of compositional variability, cooling and emplacement history that needs detailed petro-mineralogical attempts; and the present data is useful for high order inter-core correlations under the deep drilling program.  相似文献   

Details are presented of site investigations carried out for the Kalyani Dam, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Geologically, the dam-site region forms a triple junction of the Dharwar, Easternghat and Cuddapah orogenies and it is tectonically disturbed; the course of the Kalyani river is guided by a major strike-slip fault. The geophysical studies reveal the presence of several fault and shear zones in the area. Laboratory studies on the physical and engineering properties of the rocks disclose distinct differences in the sheared (Zone I) rocks as against those that are relatively undisturbed (Zone III). Zone I samples, in general, show high porosity and elastic an isotropy, low values of density, elastic wave velocity, elastic moduli, fracture strength and high absorption, while the reverse is noticed in the undisturbed samples of Zone III. Samples from the shear zone further show large variations in compressional velocity and amplitude, as a function of compressive stress. The laboratory velocities are in good agreement with the field seismic refraction results. These studies helped in estimating the soundness of the rock formations, delineating the structurally weak zones and suggesting remedial measures.  相似文献   

In 1986 shortly after the impounding of Mosul reservoir, shallow earthquakes began occurring in the immediate reservoir vicinity, with magnitudes up to ML 3.0, at rates of up to 3 events per week. These events were almost certainly reservoir-induced and coincided with steadily increasing water levels. Cluster of epicenters was observed in the area located within a complex fault zone called the Sinjar-Dohouk-Kuchuk fault system. The presence of such fault system considers a potential source of earthquakes. A composite fault plane solution, based on first p-wave motion analyses, indicates that the mechanisms of seismicity were right-lateral strike-slip faulting along N44°E plane dipping 58° NW, in conformity with the local tectonics.  相似文献   

In 1986 shortly after the impounding of Mosul reservoir, shallow earthquakes began occurring in the immediate reservoir vicinity, with magnitudes up to ML 3.0, at rates of up to 3 events per week. These events were almost certainly reservoir-induced and coincided with steadily increasing water levels. Cluster of epicenters was observed in the area located within a complex fault zone called the Sinjar-Dohouk-Kuchuk fault system. The presence of such fault system considers a potential source of earthquakes. A composite fault plane solution, based on first p-wave motion analyses, indicates that the mechanisms of seismicity were right-lateral strike-slip faulting along N44°E plane dipping 58° NW, in conformity with the local tectonics.  相似文献   

Kuang  Jian  Qi  Shihua  Hu  Xiangyun  Liu  Zhong 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(2):2059-2076
Natural Hazards - Continuous reservoir induced seismicity (RIS) has been observed in the Xinfengjiang reservoir (XFJR), Guangdong province, southeast China. However, due to the lack of systematic...  相似文献   

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