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Two texturally and chemically distinct types of tourmaline are found inside peraluminous granites of the Moslava?ka Gora, Croatia: nodular tourmaline in the two-mica granite and disseminated tourmaline in the cross-cutting leucogranite dykes. Both tourmaline types belong to alkali tourmaline group, nodular tourmaline being dravite to schorl and disseminated tourmaline corresponding to schorl. Comparison of characteristic parameters of nodular (Nt) and disseminated tourmaline (Dt) shows significant differences in #Fe (0.40?C0.65 for Nt vs. 0.74?C0.85 in Dt) along with variations in the calculated X-site vacancy (0.22?C0.37 pfu in Nt and 0.33?C0.44 in Dt) and ??/(??+Na) ratio (0.23?C0.40 in Nt and 0.34?C0.45 in Dt). Disseminated tourmaline from the MG leucogranites is regarded as an early crystallized magmatic phase, while the interstitial tourmaline from the cores of tourmaline nodules originated from more complex mineralogical and chemical interactions inside the two-mica granite melt. Major element gain (Mg) and loss (Fe, Ca, Na, K) for the ??idealized nodule?? (34 vol. % core + 66 vol. % halo) when compared to the host granite shows that the nodule??s volume is not a completely independent and closed system. Based on the observed characteristics, nodule??s halo can be considered as a ??transitional zone?? between the tourmaline-bearing core and the host granite, texturally and mineralogically related to the host two-mica granite, chemically being an integral part of the nodule??s volume at the same time.  相似文献   

Geological mapping of an unexposed area can be supported by indirect methods. Among these, the use of mushrooms as geobotanical indicators and the shallow-penetration electromagnetic VLF method proved to be useful in the Bükk Mountains. Mushrooms have not been applied to geological mapping before. Common species like Boletus edulis and Leccinum aurantiacum are correlated with siliciclastic and magmatic formations while Calocybe gambosa is correlated with limestone. The validity of this correlation observed in the eastern part of the Bükk Mts. was controlled on a site where there was an indicated (by the mushrooms only) but unexposed occurrence of siliciclastic rocks not mapped before. The extent and structure of this occurrence were explored with the VLF survey and a trial-and-error method was applied for the interpretation. This case study presented here demonstrates the effectiveness of the combination of these relatively simple and inexpensive methods.  相似文献   

 RedSanders in their natural distribution occur almost exclusively in quartzites and shales. This indicates the geobotanical response to these rock types in the semi-arid tract of the southeastern portion of Andhra Pradesh in the tropical dry deciduous forests of Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore districts. Thus Red Sanders are important from a commercial point of view and also a useful tool to demarcate stratigraphic formations. Received: 27 April 1998 · Accepted: 21 July 1998  相似文献   

The article draws a comparison between different ways of landslide geometry interpretation in the scope of the statistical landslide hazard and risk assessment processing. The landslides are included as a major input variable, which are compared with all of the input parametric factors. Based on the above comparison the input data are classified and the final map of landslide susceptibility is constructed. Methodology of multivariate conditional analysis has been used for the construction of final maps. Unique condition units was developed by combination of geological map (lithological units) and slope angle map. Lithological units were derived from geological map and subsequently reclassified into 22 classes. Slope angle map was calculated from digital elevation model (contour map at a scale 1:10,000) and reclassified into nine classes. As a case study, a wide area of Horná Súča (western Slovakia) strongly affected by landsliding (predominantly made of Flysch) has been chosen. Spatial data in the form of parametric maps, as well as final statistical data set were processed in GIS GRASS environment. Four different approaches are used for landslides interpretation: (1) area of landslide body including accumulation zone, (2) area of depletion zone, (3) lines of elongated main scarps, (4) lines of main scarp upper edge. For each approach, a zoning map of landslide susceptibility was compiled and these were compared with each other. Depending on the interpretation approach, the final susceptibility zones are markedly different (in tens of percent).  相似文献   

In this work, a talc and vermiculite mine from the province of Córdoba (Argentina) was investigated with special emphasis on the occurrence of asbestiform and non-asbestiform phases. The meta-ultramafic rock was studied by a multimethodological approach, complementing field studies with petrographic-mineralogical, compositional and morphological analyses. Samples were examined by stereomicroscopy, polarizing light microscopy, SEM–EDS, XRD, DSC-TGA and FTIR. Complementary, compositional and textural analyses were performed with FE-SEM–EDS and EPMA. Talc-rich veins with a laminar and fibrous appearance were at first recognized. However, the fibrous morphology observed both in the field and by microscopy is due to an apparent habit because of the sample orientation. To avoid erroneous interpretations, studies by secondary electron images (SEM) are fundamental to carrying out this type of analysis. Tremolite was identified in different zones of the outcrop; however, only ~40% of the crystals located in the vermiculite zone have dimensions to be considered as asbestiform fibres in the range of respirable particles. In these types of complex deposits affected by superimposed metamorphic, igneous and deformational events, multimethodological approaches are necessary to develop models of occurrence of asbestiform morphologies that may be applicable to other with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Prehistoric settlements are usually perceived as being in opposition to the natural development of the landscape. Indeed, for woodland snail assemblages in anthropogenic landscapes in central Europe, considerable impoverishment is typical. However, it remains unclear whether this has been caused by humans only or also by climate effects. From an archaeological point of view, the Moravian Karst is one of the classic prehistorical locations in central Europe, but with a more humid climate than the previously studied anthropogenic areas. To learn more about coexistence of humans and natural forests during the Lateglacial and Holocene, we analysed 11 mollusc successions covering this entire area, a unique data set for such a relatively small area. These mollusc successions show several specific features compared to the standard development known from other mid‐European areas. One is that although the Moravian Karst is not far from the Western Carpathians, Carpathian species appeared relatively late, only during the second half of the Holocene climatic optimum. Similarly, some western European and Alpine elements appeared later than expected. In contrast to this, however, a number of forest species with central European range appeared relatively early during the Lateglacial or Early Holocene. Two even survived the Last Glacial Maximum in the Moravian Karst. This would suggest an early occurrence of forest patches in a mosaic landscape. Humans have apparently inhabited this area since the Lateglacial amongst islands of forests, which later changed during the Boreal and then the climatic optimum into humid canopy forests. Thus, a mosaic of anthropogenic and natural habitats persisting in close vicinity was possible in rugged and humid landscapes practically until the Industrial Revolution.  相似文献   

Mapping of erosion risk areas is an important tool for the planning of natural resources management, allowing researchers to propose the modification of land use properly and implement more sustainable long-term management strategies. The objective of this study was to assess and identify critical sub-catchments for soil conservation management using the USLE, GIS, and remote sensing techniques. The Tapacurá catchment is one of the planning units for water resource management of the Recife Metropolitan Region. Maps of the erosivity (R), erodibility (K), slope (LS), cover-management (C), and support practice (P) factors were derived from the climate database, digital elevation model, and soil and land-use maps. In order to validate the simulation process, total sediment delivery ratio was estimated. The results showed a mean sediment delivery ratio (SDR) of around 11.5?% and a calculated mean sediment yield of 0.108?t?ha?1?year?1, which is close to the observed one, 0.169?t?ha?1?year?1. The obtained soil loss map could be considered as a useful tool for environmental monitoring and water resources management. The methodology applied showed acceptable precision and allowed the identification of the most susceptible areas to soil erosion by water, constituting an important predictive tool for soil and environmental management in this region, which is highly relevant for the prediction of varying development scenarios for Tapacurá catchment. This approach can be applied to other areas for simple and reliable identification of critical areas of soil erosion in catchments.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(7):1053-1067
This study examines the spatial variability of the factors obtained from the application of correspondence analysis to a hydrogeochemical data set. The goal was to synthesize the hydrogeochemical information using this multivariate statistical technique, by setting a series of factors which clarified the main properties of one aquifer. Then, a geostatistical framework to obtain a probabilistic assessment of groundwater quality was established. Experimental and theoretical semivariograms of the selected factors, considered as regionalized variables, were computed. These variographic information and factor values in the experimental sites were used in the ordinary kriging, which provides unbiased and linear estimates of the regionalized variables. These estimates were used to compile maps of the chosen factors, which explain their spatial distribution.The selected case study was the alluvial aquifer of Alto Guadalentı́n which is situated in southeast Spain, in the Internal Zones of Betic Cordilleras. These waters are chiefly SO4 and Cl types, but HCO3 facies are common in the central sector of the basin. High temperature, acid pH, problems of overexploitation and pollution by CO2-gas characterise these waters. Available groundwater quality monitoring data were used to calibrate the numerical model. The present study focused on setting the main physical and chemical attributes and establishing the spatial pattern of groundwater quality and the temporal changes in this pattern.  相似文献   

 This work is part of a research study which is intended to study the degree of anthropogenic influences of the trace metal distribution of soils from Danang-Hoian area (Vietnam). Cu, Ni, Zn and Zr show significant effects in most of the cultivated soil categories, especially in the industrial soils. Extremely high levels of Pb (up to 742 μg/g) are observed in the industrial soil category, which shows an enrichment factor 114 as compared to rural soils. Cd shows only a relative local enrichment with the maximum level of 4.6 μg/g in urban soils. Sequential extraction was performed in selected samples to evaluate the geochemical trace metals. The result indicates that Zn and Cr are mainly found in the crystal and amorphous Fe oxide bounded forms. The contents of Cr in these fractions comprise more than 94% of total extractable Cr. In the case of Zn, 85% of total extractable Zn is in fractions FV and FVI. Cu is mainly found in the organic fraction at an average of 39.3% of total extractable content. On the other hand, heavy metal contents show an increasing tendency in the fine fraction (silt and clay). Received: 4 February 1998 · Accepted: 26 November 1998  相似文献   

Frequently, at temperatures lower than the metamorphic peak conditions, slates undergo mineral transformations, usually mediated by fluids. We have studied core material of an epizonal slate series (Szendr? Mountains, NE-Hungary) to reconstruct the post-metamorphic lower-T hydrothermal alterations using petrographic, X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe methods, and transmission electron microscopy. The borehole crosscuts an upper part of the ca. 600?C800?m Lower-Carboniferous flysch-like Szendr? Phyllite Formation. The samples were metamorphosed reaching epizonal conditions with a mineral assemblage characterized by quartz, muscovite, chlorite and albite. Even in the freshest samples, break-up and loosening of the regional metamorphic structure was observed, with cracks parallel to or crossing the cleavage. In the upper part, chlorite and albite are almost absent, while the presence of paragonite, mixed Na?CK mica, and mixed-layered minerals with smectitic component are characteristic. Goethite, halloysite, and subordinate kaolinite are present in the most altered sample (13.0?m in the profile) which may indicate the position of the fissures in which the circulation of the post-metamorphic fluids was the most intense. Muscovite is the only mica from the lower part of the profile and chlorite becomes a significant constituent, whereas paragonite, halloysite, and kaolinite are missing. Discrete smectite is present in all the samples in spite of being incompatible with the prograde evolution of the sequence. The interleaved smectite layers in chlorite and muscovite/chlorite mixed-layers show at the lattice level textural characteristics indicative of a later alteration process. After the metamorphic peak at epizonal conditions, the introduction of hot fluids through the fractures gave rise to the crystallization of Na?CK white micas and muscovite/chlorite under anchizonal conditions. In a final stage of the hydrothermal process, the cooling of the circulating fluids favored the formation of halloysite and kaolinite in the areas near to the fissures, smectites in the samples far away from the fractures, and locally, goethite. The Fe2O3 content increasing upwards indicates oxidizing conditions in the late stage of hydrothermal activity and/or eventually, an influence of a younger near-surface weathering.  相似文献   

A natural, altered zircon crystal from an alkaline pegmatite from the Zomba–Malosa Complex of the Chilwa Alkaline Province in Malawi has been studied by a wide range of analytical techniques to understand the alteration process. The investigated zircon shows two texturally and chemically different domains. Whereas the central parts of the grain (zircon I) appear homogeneous in backscattered electron images and are characterised by high concentrations of trace elements, particularly Th, U, and Y, the outer regions (zircon II) contain significantly less trace elements, numerous pores, and inclusions of thorite, ytttrialite, and fergusonite. Zircon II contains very low or undetectable concentrations of non-formula elements such as Ca, Al, and Fe, which are commonly observed in high concentrations in altered radiation-damaged zircon. U–Pb dating of both zircon domains by LA-ICPMS and SHRIMP yielded statistically indistinguishable U–Pb weighted average ages of 119.3 ± 2.1 (2σ) and 118 ± 1.2 (2σ) Ma, respectively, demonstrating that the zircon had not accumulated a significant amount of self-irradiation damage at the time of the alteration event. Electron microprobe dating of thorite inclusions in zircon II yielded a Th–U-total Pb model age of 122 ± 5 (2σ) Ma, supporting the age relationship between both zircon domains. The hydrothermal solution responsible for the alteration of the investigated zircon was alkaline and rich in CO3 2−, as suggested by the occurrence of REE carbonates and CO2-bearing fluid inclusions. The alteration of the crystalline, trace element-rich zircon is explained by an interface-coupled dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism. During such a process, the congruent dissolution of the trace element-rich parent zircon I was spatially and temporally coupled to the precipitation of the trace element-poor zircon II at an inward moving dissolution-precipitation front. The driving force for such a process was merely the difference between the solubility of the trace element-rich and -poor zircon in the hydrothermal solution. The replacement process and the occurrence of mineral inclusions and porosity in the product zircon II is explained by the thermodynamics of solid solution-aqueous solution systems.  相似文献   

Afyonkarahisar is a very important geothermal province of western Anatolia and has low and medium enthalpy geothermal areas. This study has been carried out for the preparation of distribution maps of soil gases (radon and carbon dioxide) and shallow soil temperature and the exploration of permeable tectonic regions associated with geothermal systems and reveal the origins of radon and carbon dioxide gases. The western district of the study area is characterized by the high radon concentration (168.30 kBq/m3), carbon dioxide ratio (0.30%), and soil temperature (21.0 °C) values. Fethibey and Demirçevre faults, which allow the circulation of geothermal fluids, have been detected in the distribution maps of radon, carbon dioxide, and shallow depth temperature and the directions of the curves in these maps correspond to the strikes of Demirçevre faults. The effect of the fault plays an important role in the change of carbon dioxide concentration along the W-E directional geological section prepared to determine the change of soil gas and shallow depth temperature values depending on lithological differences, fault existence, and geothermal reservoir depth. On the other hand, it was determined that Rn222 concentration and soil temperature changed as a function of geothermal reservoir depth or lithological difference. Tuffs in Köprülü volcano-sedimentary units are the main source of radon due to their higher uranium contents. Besides, the carbon dioxide in Ömer–Gecek soils has geothermal origin because of the highest carbon dioxide content (99.3%) in non-condense gas. The similarities in patterns of soil temperature, radon, and carbon dioxide indicate that the variation in soil temperatures is related to radon and carbon dioxide emissions. It is concluded that soil gas and temperature measurements can be used to determine the active faults in the initial stage of geothermal exploration successfully.  相似文献   

Noto is an important Baroque urban center in south-eastern Sicily, which was completely reconstructed after the severe earthquake of 1693. Most of its monuments and historic buildings were built in Pietra di Noto stone, a pale cream calcarenite, quarried in outcrops located near the city. This stone, still currently used as building material, is undergoing many forms of alteration and degradation, which cause significant damage to monuments. In this study, three commercial protective products were tested on some Noto calcarenite samples from quarries, with the aim of assessing their protective effectiveness. In particular, petrographic analyses by optical microscopy were carried out for textural characterization of the stone materials. Capillary water absorption, porosimetric and colorimetric procedures, UV radiation and salt crystallization aging tests were performed to better evaluate interactions between protective products and substrate.  相似文献   

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