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A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, with the aim of describing the influence of metazachlor on counts and biodiversity of soil microorganisms, soil enzymatic activity, physicochemical properties of soil and yield of spring oilseed rape. The first experimental factor was soil contamination with increasing rates of metazachlor: 0 (soil without the herbicide), 0.333 (recommended by the manufacturer), 6.666, 13.332, 26.665, 53.328, 106.656 and 213.312 mg kg?1 dm of soil, while the second factor comprised two dates of determination: 30 and 60 days after starting the experiment. The tested herbicide had an adverse effect on reproduction of all analyzed microorganisms: oligotrophic bacteria and their endospore forms, Azotobacter spp. bacteria, organotrophic bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. The values of the colony development and eco-physiological diversity indices decreased under the influence of excessive doses of the herbicide. Also, significant fluctuation in the enzymatic activity of soil was observed in response to the higher doses of metazachlor and depending on the date of determinations. The herbicide had an invariably negative influence on the activity of soil enzymes, causing the inhibition of dehydrogenases, catalase, urease, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase and β-glucosidase. The physicochemical status of soil depended significantly on the degree of soil contamination with the herbicide, same as the yield of spring oilseed rape.  相似文献   

通过分析、对比发达国家场地污染调查与风险评价技术流程的大量信息,结合工作实践,充分考虑我国的实际情况,视土壤和地下水为相互联系的一个整体,提出了我国现阶段场地尺度土壤和地下水污染调查与风险评价的技术程序和工作内容。  相似文献   

The contents of Pb, Cd, Cr, As, and Hg was investigated in the neighboring areas of a lead smelting enterprise and the metals contamination of soil was evaluated with the methodologies of the single factor index and Nemerow integrated index. It is found that the content of heavy metals in the neighboring areas has no obvious difference from the reference points. And the soil contamination of heavy metals varies by elements, the contamination index follows the pollution order: Cd〉Hg〉Cr〉As〉Pb. The pollution degree of Cd is at high level and Hg at low level, but Cr and As reached the warning level. Therefore, the lead smelting enterprises should not only control lead but also other heavy metals as Cd.  相似文献   

Column experiments were conducted to experimentally simulate the initial conditions at a field site where legacy As contamination was caused by application of arsenolite as a herbicide to the soil. The experiments were designed to investigate the influence of herbicide loading and carbonate gravel cover on the release of As to, and the As adsorption capacity of, the background soil. The results showed that the As release from the doubly spiked column was three times higher than for the singly spiked columns. The addition of gravel above the herbicide layer halved the leaching time needed for peak As release from the soil. Extrapolation of the experimental data predicted that the columns with carbonate gravel should retain more As (15.6 g for column FWAsG and 12.3 g for column F2AsG) than the column without gravel (0.13 g for column FWAs). The results also indicated the thickness of the arsenolite layer was not important in terms of the As retention capacity of the soil columns. Arsenate was detected and quantified in the effluent solutions by ion chromatography. The data indicated As(III) dominated in the effluents for the first 180 pore volumes (PVs). After 180 PVs, As(III) almost disappeared and As(V) dominated in the effluents. The unexpected high As peak release from the doubly spiked column FW2AsG indicated that solutions having higher As(III) concentrations had a higher capability to dissolve arsenolite, possibly through solute–solute interactions or polymerization. Effluent solution Eh–pH values indicated that As(V) was the thermodynamically stable form of As throughout the experiments. Therefore, As(III) dominance in the initial column effluent solutions was kinetically controlled.  相似文献   

With a rapid development of road systems and an associated drastic increase in number of automobiles, the traffic has induced more and more obvious environmental pollution such as noise, dust, emission and heavy metal contamination. Lead, as one of the most harmful heavy metal contaminants, can execute a significant impact on soil quality and plant growth, depending on its form, as well as its transport and accumulation in soil. This paper describes the source and characteristics of Pb contaminant in soil along a road, and reviews the results of research on remediation of Pb-contaminated soils, aiming at identifying promising approaches to soil remediation along roads.  相似文献   

Study was carried out to compare the effect of the degree of contamination of soil with copper on the soil enzyme activity, depending on the type of chemical compound with which a metal reaches the soil and on the method of soil use. An effect of increasing doses of copper on growth and the development of spring barley has been studied. The study was carried out as a pot experiment on two types of soil: loamy sand and light loam. Copper was introduced to soil as copper(II) sulphate(VI) and copper(II) chloride at four doses: 150, 300, 450 and 600 mg Cu2+ kg?1 d.m. of soil. Soil without copper was used as a control sample. The experiment showed that contamination of soil with copper applied as CuCl2 and CuSO4·5H2O upset the homeostasis of soil. Dehydrogenases and urease were the most sensitive to contamination of soil with Cu2+, both as copper(II) chloride and as copper(II) sulphate(VI), and acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase were the least sensitive. Greater changes in enzymatic activity were observed in loamy sand than in light loam. The differences in the impact of copper(II) sulphate(VI) and copper(II) chloride on the soil microbiome were relatively small, because mean ED50 for copper(II) chloride was 341 mg Cu2+ kg?1 d.m. of soil, and for copper(II) sulphate(VI) it was 364 mg Cu2+ kg?1 d.m. of soil. This inhibitory effect of copper persisted throughout the period of the experiment. The sensitivity of spring barley to copper compounds was lower than the enzymes under study.  相似文献   

The immobilization conditions of heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb) potentially released from sewage sludge to soils were examined. Competitive adsorption experiments, sequential extraction and analytical electron microscopic studies were performed on soils with different compositional characteristics to gain information about the interaction and association of metals with soil minerals. The results showed that Cu and Pb can be characterized by a preferred adsorption in contrast to Zn and Ni independent of initial metal concentrations, ratios, and soil composition. Precipitation is the dominating retardation process in the sample containing carbonates, but it is also characteristic of metals with inhibited adsorption in samples free of carbonate. Both Cu and Pb show high affinity towards organic matter. Differences in metal affinities towards different clay minerals show the immobilization of Cu rather by specific adsorption and that of Pb rather by ion exchange. According to the sequential extraction studies the role of ion exchange is the most important process for the retardation of Zn, and in the sample containing montmorillonite. The specific adsorption is significant mostly for Cu and Pb, and primarily in samples rich in organic matter and containing vermiculite. The co-precipitation of metals with Fe-Mn oxides is significant primarily for Cu, but in some cases Pb and Zn can be also found in this fraction. In general, the strength of immobilization for the studied metals is as follows: Cu〉Pb〉Zn〉Ni. Significantly higher metal adsorption was found by the phases in the sample containing carbonates, as well as in samples characterized by the close association of clay minerals and iron oxides. Smectite and vermiculite are the most important adsorbents in soils for all of the metals. Additionally, iron-oxides immboilize significant amounts of Cu and Zn, too.  相似文献   

 Cerro Panizos, a large caldera in the central Andes Mountains, produced two large dacitic ignimbrites at 7.9 Ma and 6.7 Ma and many andesitic and dacitic lava flows and domes. The older rhyodacitic Cienago Ignimbrite represents the most silicic magma erupted by the system. The younger, much larger volume dacitic Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite is very crystal-rich, containing up to 50% biotite, plagioclase, and quartz crystals in the pumice. It is weakly zoned, with most of the zoning apparent between two main cooling units. Major and most trace elements show little variation through the Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite, but the small range of composition is consistent with typical fractionation trends. Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios are very “crustal”, with initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.711 to 0.715, ɛNd values of –7.5 to –10.2, and nearly invariant Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb=18.85, 207Pb/204Pb=15.67, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.80). The limited zonation observed in the Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite is explained by impeded crystal settling due to high crystal content. The magma body was a crystal-liquid mush before ascent to the pre-eruption crustal levels. Crystals formed, but did not separate easily from the magma. Limited fractionation of plagioclase and biotite may have occurred, but the composition was largely controlled by lower crustal MASH processes. AFC modeling shows that the Cerro Panizos magmas resulted from a mixture of roughly equal proportions of late Miocene mantle-derived basalts and melts from ∼1.0 Ga (Grenville age) lower crust. This occurred in a MASH zone in the lower crust, and set the crustal isotopic ratios observed in the Cerro Panizos magmas. The great thickening of the crust beneath the central Andes Mountains sent upper and middle crustal rock types to lower crustal (and deeper) depths, and this explains the “upper crustal” isotopic signatures of the Cerro Panizos rocks. Minor upper crustal assimilation of early Miocene volcanic or subvolcanic rocks produced much of the isotopic variation seen in the system. The nearly invariant high Pb isotopic values and high Pb concentrations indicate that Pb came almost entirely from the crustal source, and was little altered by any subsequent upper crustal assimilation. This Pb signature is isotopically similar to that of the southern Bolivian Tin Belt, suggesting a widely distributed Pb source. The great difference between compositions of Miocene and Quaternary central Andean volcanic rocks is explained by crustal thickening in early Miocene time leading to abundant lower crustal water and associated fluxed melting during the time of the earlier eruptions. The lower crust dried out considerably by Quaternary time, so less crustal component is present. Received: 22 December 1994 / Accepted: 13 September 1995  相似文献   

某金矿区农田土壤镉污染及其环境效应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
镉是环境中危险的毒重元素,金属矿区往往存在较严重的镉污染.为了查明小秦岭金矿区金矿开发活动对农田土壤镉的累积影响,以及农作物和人体健康的效应程度,较为系统地采集了农田土壤、小麦玉米、主要蔬菜和人发样品,采用国家标准和邻区对照值的方法,结果表明金矿区选矿尾矿渣是矿区水土环境镉污染的主要来源.土壤镉含量超过了国家土壤环境质量二级标准倍数的范围为0~44.6,样本超标率6.77%,土壤镉含量超标的面积21.8 km2,占金矿区土壤面积的7.8%;高于对照区土壤镉含量的土壤面积约138 km2,占研究区总面积的49.46%.金矿区30.7%的小麦籽粒样本中镉含量超过国家倍数1.2~3.2,小麦中镉的富集程度明显高于对照区.叶菜中,镉超标率77.7%.萝卜叶、西红柿、萝卜中镉含量均高出对照区.农作物中镉含量与土壤中镉含量呈现较好的正相关关系.大气、土壤及地下水交叉污染的较严重的某村住,不同年龄及性别人群人群发镉均值是对照区的1.91~6.09倍,2009年发镉含量是2005年的4.35倍,人群健康受到了严重威胁.  相似文献   

小秦岭某金矿区水土环境重金属污染及其效应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
小秦岭金矿带某矿区矿业开采加工过程中,"三废"无序排放导致地表水、地下水、土壤、农作物中Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn的污染严重。7条山区河流受到了重金属及氰化物的污染,丧失了作为水源地的功能。山外2大河流河水丧失了农田灌溉的功能。5眼村民井水受到了Cr、Hg、Pb不同程度的污染。受Hg污染的农田面积已达145.37km2。小麦、蔬菜和水果中Hg、Pb、Cd元素超标最为严重。环境重污染区内人群头发中Hg、Pb、Cd含量明显高于对照区,职业暴露或低水平长期接触是污染区人群头发中重金属含量显著增高的主要原因,污染区人群癌症呈现高发态势。建议通过制定小秦岭金矿带环境保护规划、严格执法、从源头治污、清污河道、修复受污农田、调整农作物种植结构等,改善严重的环境污染局面。  相似文献   

Combustion of coals in thermal power plants is one of the major sources of environmental pollution due to generation of huge amounts of ashes, which are disposed off in large ponds in the vicinity of the thermal power plants. This problem is of particular significance in India, which utilizes coals of very high ash content (∼55 wt%). Since the thermal power plants and the ash ponds are located in densely populated areas, there is potential chance for contamination of soil and groundwater of the surrounding areas from the toxic trace elements in the ash. An attempt has been made to study the extent of soil contamination around one of the largest thermal power plants of India located at Kolaghat, West Bengal India. Chemical analysis of the top soils and the soils collected from the different depth profiles surrounding the ash ponds, show that the top soils are enriched in the trace elements Mo, As, Cr, Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Be, V, Zn, which show maximum enrichment (2–5) in the top soils collected from all the soil profiles. These elements are also enriched in the pond ash. Since there are no other sources of industrial effluents, it can be said that the enrichment of the trace elements (Mn, Co, Mo, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Ni, Be, V) is attributed to their input from ash from the disposal pond. The study has been further strengthened by log-normal distribution pattern of the elements.  相似文献   

石油类污染场地土壤与地下水污染调查实例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以冀中平原某石油类污染场地为例,从污染源分布勘察、场地水文地质模型建立、土壤及地下水的现场调查入手,采用物探、坑探、钻探综合调查技术和定深取样等一些取样方法,对不同深度土壤及地下水的有机污染进行调查和样品分析。结果表明:整个场地的土壤和地下水受到不同程度的污染,30m深度内包气带和饱水带已被污染,50m深度的地下水中有有机污染物检出,石油类场地的污染特征主要表现为土壤及其地下水中含有高浓度单环芳烃和卤代烃。且单环芳烃在土壤与地下水中的浓度高于其它有机污染物。  相似文献   

水溶性污染物在土壤中转化的原位实验方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了一种研究水溶性污染物在土壤中运转化的原位实验方法,该方法已成功地应用于研究黄土中氨氮的运移转化规律,克服了土柱实验存在的破坏土壤结构及氧化还原电位发生变化等所引起的实验误差。  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染评价方法研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从技术应用的角度,将土壤重金属污染评价方法分为传统的方法和基于GIS的评价方法两大类.本文阐述了评价方法的研究进展,分析了主要评价方法的优缺点,最后对评价方法做出了展望.  相似文献   

土壤元素污染等级划分方法及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以土壤中有毒有害元素含量为依据,以元素污染叠加程度为准则,提出了土壤污染等级标准的确定方法。长江三角洲、福建沿海地区的试验研究表明,表、深层土壤成土母质具有同源性,元素含量具有较好的相关性,深层土壤基本不受人类活动的影响,基于深层土壤元素含量确定的地球化学基准值是土壤污染等级划分的基础依据,据此建立了长江三角洲地区土壤污染等级标准,取得了该地区土壤污染等级划分结果。根据土壤污染成因及其生态环境意义,厘定了不同土壤污染等级的内涵。研究认为土壤污染等级区的生态效应需综合各种因素进行分析。  相似文献   

Numerous industrial or burial sites contaminated by persistent organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pesticides were discovered in China recently. Due to improper choice of technology, many remediation cases had cost too much; however, failed to attain expected goals. In this study, the distribution and transport of PCBs at a burial site were investigated using tested PCBs concentration in order to support the choice of remediation technology and estimate the remediation results. Site characterization was carried out in order to investigate the hydrogeological condition and PCBs pollution nearby the capacitor burial site located in Shanxi, China. Results of PCBs measurement indicated that the proportion of contaminated soil with concentration above 500 mg/kg is 7.8 % and the value for soil with concentration between 50 and 500 mg/kg is 18.0 %. Considering adsorption and biodegradation, the two-dimensional PCBs transport model was established based on advection–dispersion equation. The model calibration showed a good agreement between measured and computed values, indicating the feasibility of this model used for predicting the transport and disappearance of PCBs in soil. Results of 100 years’ simulation demonstrated the slow migration and biodegradation of PCBs. Simulations were conducted for before and after remediation scenarios. Comparison of the results indicates that the remediation alternatives of excavation–incineration and thermal desorption have successfully removed most of the organics and thus reduced the environmental risk to a low level.  相似文献   

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