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Earth dam site selection is one of the most important problems in water resources management. It depends on a set of qualitative and quantitative criteria, and they may even be in conflict with each other. This study aims to develop a multicriteria decision-making approach to locate the dam site and construct a multipurpose earth dam in Harsin City at the western part of Iran. For this purpose, firstly, the influential criteria for locating the earth dam site were determined using a comprehensive literature review and the experts’ opinions. Then, some watersheds in the surrounding areas of Iran’s Harsin City were studied and four feasible sites proposed. In the final stage, these sites, in order to construct a multipurpose earth dam, were prioritized using the analytic hierarchy process approach and the most optimal site was selected.  相似文献   

Equivalent static load and dynamic analyses methods are usually used for designing structures under and subjected to earthquake excitations. Estimation of site response from an earthquake is fundamental step to anticipate the possible damages and then to try to mitigate them. In this paper, the effect of nonlinearity on site response analyses summarized and evaluating ground surface response taking into account the local soil and subsurface soils properties for the proposed bridge over the river at Sirdjan Boulevard road subjected to earthquake vibration and provokes with assumption of rigid (viscoelastic) and elastic half space bedrock and quantify the site effect on the surface over a number of geotechnical areas has been notified. First, by field investigation, the required data were collected and by primary processing the acceptable data were selected. Then, in nonlinear analysis, for elastic and rigid half space bedrock, standard hyperbolic model was selected and executed, and then the results were compared to each other. The critical point of this work was to develop and use a computer code by the authors, named the “Abbas Converter”, with several advantages, such as work and quick installation, operating as a connecter function between the used softwares and generating the input data corresponding to defined format for them. Its output results can easily be exported to the other used softwares in this study. This code can make and render this study more easily than the previous softwares have done, and take over the encountered problem. This study clearly showed the applicability of the “Abbas Converter” for evaluation of site response with bedrock-type assumption on soil behavior under the earthquake excitations. The proposed scheme is used to analyze the ground motion data from the Bam earthquake in Kerman Province, Iran (2003, Mw 6.5).  相似文献   

Selection of the optimal product, where several products’ aspects are expressed through criteria, is a multi-criteria decision-making problem. Besides technical, exploitational, functional, structural, market and aesthetic criteria, nowadays, environmental criteria are inevitable aspects of a modern product. Environmental product properties can be successfully evaluated with a life cycle assessment. This paper proposes a multi-criteria decision-making model for optimal product assessment that uses environmental criteria obtained from a life cycle assessment. The proposed model presents a comprehensive approach that aims to overcome complex decision-making problems for optimal product selection, where special attention is given to the product’s environmental impact. Verification of the proposed multi-criteria decision-making and life cycle assessment model was performed on the case study of optimal knee support selection. By changing the criteria weights in multi-criteria decision-making, a sensitivity analysis was performed. The model output results show the product alternatives ranking that supports decision-making in optimal product selection.  相似文献   

The study of landfill sites is one of the most important studies in landfill engineering, and the landfill site selection involves combination of engineering, science, and politics. This paper describes a comprehensive hazardous waste landfill site selection methodology with the combined utilization of geographic information system and multiple criteria analysis methods, as applied to the Zanjan province in Iran. The six main data categories that were used are geological/engineering geological, geomorphological, hydrological/hydrogeological, climatological, pedological, and social/economical criteria, which included 31 input layers in total. A suitability map for hazardous waste landfilling was prepared for study area with five classes from most suitable to completely unsuitable. Finally, out of the three sites, one site was selected which was chosen by the local authorities. Our work offers a comprehensive methodology and provides essential support for decision-makers in the assessment of hazardous waste management problems in Zanjan province in I.R. Iran and other developing cities in other countries.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of low flow as a criterion for different objectives in water resource management, including drought is of crucial importance. Despite the complex nature of water deficits, univariate methods have often been used to analyze the frequency of low flows. In this study, low flows of Dez River basin were examined during period of 1956–2012 using copula functions at the upstream of headbranches’ junction. For this purpose, at first 7-day series of low flow was extracted at the studied stations, then their homogeneity was examined by Mann–Kendall test. The results indicated that 7-day low flow series of Dez basin were homogenous. In the next stage, 12 different distribution functions were fitted onto the low flow data. Finally, for Sepid Dasht Sezar (SDS), Sepid Dasht Zaz (SDZ), and Tang Panj Bakhtiyari (TPB) stations, logistic distribution had the best fit, while for Tang Panj Sezar (TPS) station, GEV distribution enjoyed the best fit. After specifying the best fitted marginal distributions, seven different copula functions including Ali–Mikhail–Haq (AMH), Frank, Clayton, Galambos, Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern (FGM), Gumbel–Hougaard (GH), and Plackett were used for bivariate frequency analysis of the 7-day low flow series. The results revealed that the GH copula had the best fitness on paired data of SDS and SDZ stations. For TPS and TPB stations, Frank copula has had the best correspondence with empirical copula values. Next, joint and conditional return periods were calculated for the low flow series at the upstream of branches’ junction. The results of this study indicated that the risk of incidence of severe drought is higher in upstream stations (SDZ and SDS) when compared with downstream stations (TPB and TPS) in Dez basin. Generally, application of multivariate analysis allows researchers to investigate hydrological events with a more comprehensive view by considering the simultaneous effect of the influencing factors on the phenomenon of interest. It also enables them to evaluate different combinations of required scenarios for integrated management of basin and planning to cope with the damages caused by natural phenomena.  相似文献   

Groundwater quality of Tehran city is considered in this study. Nine sampling stations were selected, and composite sampling campaign was performed in summer 2012. Groundwater sampled from northern stations appeared to have acceptable characteristics for agricultural and drinking uses. The southern station samples did not meet the required guidelines. Concentration of SO4 2?, Na+ and Cl? obey a sharp ascending trend southwards. Accordingly, the electrical conductivity of the last station at the very southern areas is more than fifteen times greater than that of the first northern station. Tehran city is located in a semi-arid climate and experiences long hot summers. High rates of evapo-transpiration within urban green spaces and agricultural lands facilitate the salinization phenomenon in root zones. As a result, excess irrigation water eases the consequent percolation into aquifers. Furthermore, saline water intrusion from salt marshes located down south of the city is an expected consequence of wells overpumping. Such case is especially remarkable in hot seasons when an increased urban water demand is observed. Remarkable sulfate concentrations in saline water are mainly justified by percolation of sulfate containing fertilizers which are broadly used by local farmers in an uncontrolled manner. Surface run-offs and municipal wastewater leakage may also trigger the salinization process.  相似文献   

Aquatic socio-ecological systems show pervasive cross-scale interactions and problems of fit between ecosystems and institutions. Nested bio-hydrological processes within river basins are prone to third-party impacts, and equitable/sustainable management of water resources requires adequate governance patterns that both cover relevant scalar levels and handle cross-scale interactions. This paper provides the example of the Zayandeh Rud basin, in central Iran, and describes the historical evolution of water use at three different nested scales. It shows how the gradual overallocation of water resources (basin closure) and the manipulation of the hydrological cycle by the state and other actors have resulted in a constant spatial and social redistribution of water use and associated benefits and costs. State-centered modes of governance characterized by the priority to large-scale infrastructure, vested political and financial interests, lack of attention to local processes and hydrological interconnectedness, and the neglect of environmental degradation, must give way to forms of comanagement that better articulate the different levels of control and governance.  相似文献   

The excellent topographic condition of the limestone canyons for dam construction may be rejected if they are karstified. Karst features cause the reservoir not to be impermeable enough to permit the water to fill it and leakage occurs and often increases with time. Moreover, karst features may involve the stability of the dam itself. A few operated dam sites at the Zagros Zone encountered a leakage problem. Furthermore, more than 30 dams are presently under study for construction in the Zagros Zone. Karst conditions and leakage potential were investigated at an under-study site (Khersan 3 Dam) for assessing the general methodology for the study of leakage potentials. Conventional methods for studying karst features, geological mapping, geomorphology and extensive borings were applied before the dam was constructed. These methods are not efficient enough to precisely reveal the karst structure, especially hidden and paleokarst, nor the hydrological behaviour of the karst structure in different settings of groundwater flow. Based on the present case study and previous applied approaches by other authors, this paper introduces a methodology by means of karst structure and functioning approaches at local and regional scales that cover the conventional methods and overcome their shortages. The proposed methodology should be applied before construction of a dam and should include three steps (a) recognition of geological and hydrogeological settings, (b) delineation and functioning of the karst system related to the future reservoir, and (c) assessment of the leakage potentials. Following this methodology, the most probable leakage zone(s) and path(s) at the dam site can be highlighted.  相似文献   

Investigations of failures of soil masses are subjects touching both geology and engineering. These investigations call the joint efforts of engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers. Geotechnical engineers have to pay particular attention to geology, ground water, and shear strength of soils in assessing slope stability. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are very sophisticated modeling techniques, capable of modeling extremely complex functions. In particular, neural networks are nonlinear. In this research, with respect to the above advantages, ANN systems consisting of multilayer perceptron networks are developed to predict slope stability in a specified location, based on the available site investigation data from Noabad, Mazandaran, Iran. Several important parameters, including total stress, effective stress, angle of slope, coefficient of cohesion, internal friction angle, and horizontal coefficient of earthquake, were used as the input parameters, while the slope stability was the output parameter. The results are compared with the classical methods of limit equilibrium to check the ANN model’s validity.  相似文献   

James R. Coull 《GeoJournal》1996,39(2):185-194
Shetland, as an isolated group of islands on the north-west margin of Europe, has always depended in its economy on marine-based resources, and current trends suggest that this will continue for the future. Up to the oil era Shetland depended mainly on the fisheries around it, although for centuries externally-based fishermen have profited more from these fisheries than have the Shetland people. As well as the development of oil from the 1970s there has been the other major economic innovation of fish farming. The oil industry is on massive scale and has greatly changed the economy of the islands and brought notable social benefits; but the direct employment it provides is considerably exceeded by the fish-related industries, which include employment in fish processing and packing plants as well as in fish catching and fish farming. With the oil industry in Shetland now on a settled downward trajectory, the islands are inevitably now having to look more to fish-related employment for their future. In the internal structure of Shetland, fish farming has a notable effect in distributing employment throughout the islands. Activity in fishing and fish processing is more selectively located: fishing is mainly concentrated in certain islands in the archipelago, particularly Whalsay and Burra; and fish processing is mainly in central locations, especially Lerwick and Scalloway. A prominent problem for fish processors is getting reliable supplies in face of higher fish prices at markets on the Scottish mainland. The processors also now face the challenge of putting more value added on their products in an outlying location. For the future there is a major issue in getting more effective measures for conservation of fish stocks in the Shetland area; there is also the related issue of whether Shetland fishermen should get preference in the allocation of fish quotas in this area. For fish farming there is the basic issue of maintaining a pollution-free environment: this was emphasised by the oil spill from the Braer oil tanker, and there is also concern about potential polluution from the prospective development of oil fields in the more difficult deep-water environment to the west of the islands.  相似文献   

Droughts are complex natural hazards that, to a varying degree, affect some parts of the world every year. The range of drought impacts is related to drought occurring in different stages of the hydrological cycle and usually different types of droughts such as meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, and socio-economical are the most distinguished types. Hydrological drought includes streamflow and groundwater droughts. In this paper, streamflow drought was analyzed using the method of truncation level (at 70 % level) by daily discharges at 54 stations in southwestern Iran. Frequency analysis was carried out for annual maximum series of drought deficit volume and duration. 35 factors such as physiographic, climatic, geologic and vegetation were studied to carry out the regional analysis. According to conclusions of factor analysis, the six most effective factors include watershed area, the sum rain from December to February, the percentage of area with NDVI <0.1, the percentage of convex area, drainage density and the minimum of watershed elevation, explained 89.2 % of variance. The homogenous regions were determined by cluster analysis and discriminate function analysis. The suitable multivariate regression models were ascertained and evaluated for hydrological drought deficit volume with 2 years return period. The significance level of models was 0.01. The conclusion showed that the watershed area is the most effective factor that has a high correlation with drought deficit volume. Moreover, drought duration was not a suitable index for regional analysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to illustrate the soil conditions encountered at the proposed bridge sites to analyze and evaluate the test conducted, submit recommendations regarding foundation design. At first by field investigation, the required data was collected and after primary processing the acceptable data was selected. For nonlinear analysis of elastic and rigid half space bed rock, standard hyperbolic model was selected and performed, and the results were compared. The study clearly showed that the effect of bed rock on soil behavior during earthquake is one of the main factors controlling prediction of ground response. A critical aspect of this work was to develop and use a computer code “Abbas Converter” developed by the authors that has several advantages, such as quick installation, acting as a connecter function between the used softwares which can generate the input data corresponding to a defined format and finally, the results of this computer code can be easily exported to the other softwares used in this study. Moreover this code can make it easy to solve the problems encountered.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates a key role that geoscience and geoscientists could be playing in promoting sustainable catchment and resource management. A new geoscience-based approach supported by a landscape-genesis (LG) model was employed to provide an alternative approach for integrated catchment management and sustainable resource use and development. The Ben Chifley Catchment case study is used to explain the application of the approach and the landscape-genesis model. The study confirmed that lithological composition, tectonic and diagenetic processes, and landform were critical factors in determining the intrinsic properties and variation in soil type, land use, land capability, steepness of terrain, erosion, and resource degradation within the catchment. The landscape-genesis model, which is based on the geological and geomorphic genesis of the landscape, proved to be a powerful tool to predict the inherent carrying capacity and resilience of the various biophysical systems in the catchment. Although this approach is still in its infancy, its application has demonstrated that it has a strong potential in terms of undertaking sound integrated assessment, predicting potential resource degradation under different land uses, and developing sound management practices and solutions to advance the goal of ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

During the earthquakes, a number of earth dams have had severe damages or suffered major displacements as a result of liquefaction, thus modeling by computer codes can provide a reliable tool to predict the response of the dam foundation against earthquakes. These modeling can be used in the design of new dams or safety assessments of existing ones. In this paper, on the basis of the field and laboratory tests and by combination of several software packages a seismic geotechnical-based analysis procedure is proposed and verified by comparison with computer model tests and field and laboratory experiences. Verification or validation of the analyses relies to the ability of the applied computer codes. By using the Silakhor earthquake (2006, M s 6.1) as a basis in order to check the efficiency of the proposed framework, the procedure is applied to the Korzan earth dam of Iran which is located in Hamedan Province to analyze and estimate the liquefaction and safety factor. Design and development of a computer code by the authors which was named as the ??Abbas Converter?? with graphical user interface which operates as logic connecter function that can compute and model the soil profiles is the critical point of this study. The results confirmed and proved the ability of the generated computer code on the evaluation of soil behavior during earthquake excitations. Also, this code was able to facilitate this study better than previous ones have, taking over the encountered problem.  相似文献   

Nowadays, in parts of Iran, rivers and flood plains are being used as sand and silt mines, and the removal of river bed materials is performed without studying its effects on hydraulic behavior. On the other hand, the flood plain lands are in danger of floods and bank erosion. Zaremrood River in Tajan watershed due to removal of river bed material, two planes of before and after removal with scale of 1:1,000, has been used as basic data. The field investigation was emphasized on the end part of Zaremrood with a length of 5 km and starts from Ghandikola village to Ahoodasht Bridge. Using total station and field observations, the characteristics of reaches and cross sections of right bank, left bank, and main bed of river are written separately. Using software of HEC-RAS, ArcView 3.2, and extension HEC-GeoRAS, the flood zoning with different return periods to investigate water velocity and its changes, geometrical simulation of the bed, sides and flood way of rivers, and then by entering the results of HEC-GeoRAS into hydraulic software HEC-RAS for two before and after planes have been performed, and flow velocity was analyzed for three return periods of 10, 50, and 100 years. The results of this research showed that the velocities due to removal for floods with different return periods have increased, whereas water height and level during removal period have decreased.  相似文献   

This article concerns the analysis of the heavy precipitation, which allows investigating the effect of the blocking system on the unusual precipitation and temperature occurrence in Iran. The days of January 2008 have been the coldest days during the history of recorded data in Iran. Variation of precipitation during January 2008 compared with long-term data (30 years) shows the maximum positive anomaly in the stations located in southeast of Iran. However, the precipitation in consecutive days, 14–15 and 15–16 of January, produce a more important proportion of the heavy precipitation in this region. In order to study the role of the blocking system related to heavy precipitation in January 2008, the position and movement of the atmospheric systems including cyclones, anticyclones, fronts, and wind fields have been analyzed by the use of synoptic maps by the environment to circulation approach. Consequently, the weather maps indicated that the blocking system over the north of the Caspian Sea has caused the relatively deep low trough on January 5, 7, 14, 15, and 16, 2008, while the thermal and moisture gradients in the warm section of air masses have produced heavy precipitation. As a result, wind field of low levels (850 hPa) provided remarkable moisture fed by the Arabian Sea, Oman Sea, and Persian Gulf in the study area. Furthermore, the speed of wavelength and the position of the blocking system associated with the heavy precipitation can be clearly identified.  相似文献   

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