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分析了几种地震数据采集器的网络协议和数据格式,开发了一套独立的仪器数据访问中间件,为实现上位机应用程序与多种仪器的网络通信、各种数据流的统一接收、处理、发布和共享提供了方法和工具。将中间件应用于测震台站数据监控系统中,为运维人员对台站运行质量的跟踪和数据应用提供了方法和工具,为面向仪器的软件工程实施提供了典型示范。  相似文献   

Assessment of the risk arising from near-surface natural hazard is a crucial step in safeguarding the security of the roads in karst areas. It helps authorities and other related parties to apply suitable procedures for ground treatment, mitigate potential natural hazards and minimize human and economic losses. Karstic terrains in the Salento Peninsula (Apulia region—South Italy) is a major challenge to engineering constructions and roads due to extensive occurrence of cavities and/or sinkholes that cause ground subsidence and both roads and building collapse. Cavities are air/sediment-filled underground voids, commonly developed in calcarenite sedimentary rocks by the infiltration of rainwater into the ground, opening up, over a long period of time, holes and tunnels. Mitigation of natural hazards can best be achieved through careful geoscientific studies. Traditionally, engineers use destructive probing techniques for the detection of cavities across regular grids or random distances. Such probing is insufficient on its own to provide confidence that cavities will not be encountered. Frequency of probing and depth of investigation may become more expensive. Besides, probing is intrusive, non-continuous, slow, expensive and cannot provide a complete lateral picture of the subsurface geology. Near-surface cavities usually can be easily detected by surface geophysical methods. Traditional and recently developed measuring techniques in seismic, geoelectrics and georadar are suitable for economical investigation of hazardous, potentially collapsing cavities. The presented research focused on an integrated geophysical survey that was carried out in a near-coast road located at Porto Cesareo, a small village a few kilometers south west of Lecce (south Italy). The roads in this area are intensively affected by dangerous surface cracks that cause structural instability. The survey aimed to image the shallow subsurface structures, including karstic features, and evaluate their extent, as they may cause rock instability and lead to cracking of the road. Seismic refraction tomography and ground-penetrating radar surveys were carried out along several parallel traverses extending about 100 m on the cracked road. The acquired data were processed and interpreted integrally to elucidate the shallow structural setting of the site. Integrated interpretation led to the delineation of hazard zones rich with karstic features in the area. Most of these karstic features are associated with vertical and subvertical linear features and cavities. These features are the main reason of the rock instability that resulted in potentially dangerous cracking of road.  相似文献   

A test-stand experiment was conducted on neutron probe measurements using steel and Schedule 40 PVC access tubes to determine the effect of backfill grout in boreholes. The experiment used a moveable simulated vadose zone. Access tubes and grout do have masking effects on vadose zone measurements, but vadose zone moisture was detected through all configurations tested. Steel tubing has a smaller masking effect than PVC tubing. The masking effect of grout increased with borehole diameter. Although this experiment produced numerical results, conclusions drawn are qualitative in nature, rather than a quantitative calibration of the technique.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional mesoscale numerical model is used to investigate mesoscale circulation over a Gulf Stream filament. Two numerical experiments are performed with different initial uniform ambient wind speeds (U=0.1 m s–1, 3.5 m s–1 and 7 m s–1) for a typical winter day. It is found that for both low and moderate winds, a closed mesoscale circulation forms over the Gulf Stream filament. When the Gulf Stream filament was removed, the model did not predict a mesoscale circulation. The modeled circulation over the filament is in agreement with the observations, suggesting that the atmospheric circulations over the filaments may be an important mechanism in the U.S. East Coast cyclogenesis.  相似文献   

The process of pollutant transport by water flowing under a hydraulic structure is examined. The study is focused on the effect of the number of rabbet under the dam and their positions relative to its subsurface contour on the process of pollutant transport.  相似文献   

Little is known about how active stream network expansion during rainstorms influences the ability of riparian buffers to improve water quality. We used aerial photographs to quantify stream network expansion during the wet winter season in five agricultural catchments in western Oregon, USA. Winter stream drainage densities were nearly two orders of magnitude greater than summer stream densities, and agricultural land use was much more abundant along transient portions (e.g. swales, road ditches) of stream networks. Water moving from agricultural fields into expanded stream networks during large hydrologic events has the opportunity to bypass downstream riparian buffers along perennial streams and contribute nonpoint‐source pollutants directly into perennial stream channels. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work uses a one-dimensional, depth averaged model to compute the massbalance of a mixed flowing/powder snow avalanche. This model is comprisedof three basic components: the dense flowing avalanche, the powder cloud anda turbulent wake. The dynamics of a mixed avalanche is strongly dependent onthe interaction between the components and also on the snow cover and ambientair, in particular the exchange or entrainment of snow and air mass. Therefore, animportant first step for modelling mixed avalanches is a basic understanding of thenature of these mass exchanges. In this paper, the governing equations of mass,momentum and turbulent energy are briefly presented. Numerical simulations wererun for three avalanche tracks – Aulta, Galtür and Vallée de la Sionne – for whichdata from real snow avalanche events exist. Based on the results, conclusions weredrawn regarding the parameterisation of the mass exchanges. The mass balances forthese three contrasting avalanches are presented.  相似文献   

Xenobiotic organic compounds can be discharged from contaminated groundwater inflow and may seep into streams from multiple pathways with very different dynamics, some not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the spatio-temporal variation of chlorinated ethenes discharging from a former industrial site (with two main contaminant sources, A and B) into a stream system in a heterogeneous clay till setting in eastern Denmark. The investigated reach and near-stream surroundings are representative of peri-urban settings, with a mix of high channel alteration and more natural stream environment. We therefore propose an approach for risk assessing impacts arising from such complex contamination patterns, accounting for potential spatio-temporal fluctuations and presence of multiple pathways. Our study revealed substantial variations in pathway contributions and overall contaminant mass discharge to the stream. Variable contaminant contributions arising from both groundwater seepage and urban drains were identified in the channelized part of the north stream, primarily from source A. Furthermore, variations in the hyporheic and shallow groundwater flows were found to enhance contaminant transport from source B. These processes result in an increase of the overall mass of contaminant discharged, correlating with the channels' flow. Thus, an in-stream control plane approach was found to be an effective method for integrating multiple and variable discharge contributions quantitatively, although information on specific contaminant sources is lost. This study highlights the complexity and variability of contaminant fluxes occurring at the interface between groundwater and peri-urban streams, and calls for the consideration of these variations when designing monitoring programs and remedial actions for contaminated sites with the potential to impact streams.  相似文献   

A groundwater plume containing high concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds, mainly sulfonamides, barbiturates, and ethyl urethane, in addition to chlorinated ethenes and benzene was investigated. The contamination originating from a former pharmaceutical industry discharges into a multilayered aquifer system and a downgradient stream. In this study, geological and hydrogeological data were integrated into a numerical flow model to examine identified trends using statistical approaches, including principal component analysis and hierarchal cluster analysis. A joint interpretation of the groundwater flow paths and contaminant concentrations in the different compartments (i.e., groundwater and hyporheic zone) provided insight on the transport processes of the different contaminant plumes to the stream. The analysis of historical groundwater concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds at the site suggested these compounds are slowly degrading. The pharmaceutical compounds migrate in both a deep semiconfined aquifer, as well as in the shallow unconfined aquifer, and enter the stream along a 2-km stretch. This contrasted with the chlorinated ethenes, which mainly discharge to the stream as a focused plume from the unconfined aquifer. The integrated approach developed here, combining groundwater flow modeling and statistical analyses of the contaminant concentration data collected in groundwater and the hyporheic zone, lead to an improved understanding of the observed distribution of contaminants in the unconfined and semiconfined aquifers, and thus to their discharge to the stream. This approach is particularly relevant for large and long-lasting contaminant sources and plumes, such as abandoned landfills and industrial production sites, where field investigations may be very expensive.  相似文献   

Utilization of cheap renewable carbon feedstock for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production not only brings down its production cost but also ensures sustainability. The scope of this study was to evaluate the potential of sap extracted from felled oil palm trunk (OPT) as a novel inexpensive renewable carbon source for PHA production. OPT sap was found to be nutritionally rich and contained various fermentable sugars (5.5% w/v) as its major constituent. Termite gut isolate, Bacillus megaterium MC1 grew profoundly in mineral medium with OPT sap as carbon source and a cell density of 10.9 g/L was attained after 16 h of cultivation in shake flask cultures. A maximum poly‐3‐hydroxybutyrate [P(3HB)] content (% cell dry weight; CDW) of 30 wt% and a P(3HB) concentration of 3.28 g/L was recorded. Additionally, OPT sap extracted from younger tree trunks with prolonged storage had higher sugar content (10.8% w/v) and, when used as a growth medium without the addition of any nutrients, supported bacterial growth comparable to commercially available media.  相似文献   

Noncontaminating procedures were used during the hollow-stem auger installation of 12 observation wells on three hazardous waste sites in Kansas. Special precautions were taken to ensure that water samples were representative of the ground water in the aquifer and were not subjected to contamination from the land surface or cross contamination from within borehole. Precautions included thorough cleaning of the hollow-stem auger and casing, keeping drill cuttings from falling back into the borehole while drilling, and not adding water to the borehole. These procedures were designed to prevent contamination of the ground water during well installation.
Because the use of water during well installation could contaminate the aquifer or dilute contaminants already present in the aquifer, two methods of well installation that did not introduce outside water to the borehole were used. The first method involved using a slotted 3/4-inch coupling that was attached to the bit plate of the hollow-stem auger, allowing formation water to enter the auger, thereby preventing sand-plug formation. This method proved to be adequate, except when drilling through clay layers, which tended to clog the slotted coupling. The second method involved screened well swab that allowed only formation water to enter the hollow-stem auger and prevented sand from plugging the hollow-stem auger when the bit plate was removed.  相似文献   

在乳腺专用CT(DBCT)系统中,图像质量和人体所受辐射剂量是倍受关注的两个重要因素。本文采用蒙特卡罗模拟方法研究球管电压和滤片对图像质量和剂量的影响,并引入与图像分辨率、噪声、辐射剂量相关的剂量效率η,综合评估辐射剂量和图像质量的关系。研究结果表明:选择合理的管电压值能够获得较好的剂量效率,并且通过优化滤片的形状可以在保证图像质量的同时降低人体所受剂量,为乳腺专用CT的临床应用提供重要参考。  相似文献   

The Gaudix Basin developed as an endorheic depression during the Upper Miocene-Upper Pleistocene. Its principal palaeogeographical lcharacteristics are a large lake in the eastern sector, an axial fluvial system and two fluvial systems transverse to it in the western sector. The uplift of a central sector of the Betic Cordillera during the Upper Pleistocene affected the study area, causing northward tilting from the Internal Zone of the cordillera (Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Baza), step-faulting of the Plio-Pleistocene infill of the ancient basin (leaving more northern sectors in a lower topographical position), alteration of fluvial current profiles and displacement of the ancient Axial System to a position very close to the divide between the ancient endorheic Gaudix Basin and the Guadalquivir Basin. This facilitated capture of the endorheic basin by the headward erosion of a tributary of the Guadalquivir River. The region then began to be rapidly eroded, as the new base level was now some 500 m lower than that of the ancient basin. The present drainage network is similar to that of the ancient endorheic basin as regards the location of the main streams and the distribution of drainage patterns and fluvial styles, although flow reversal is found in some stretches and a barbed drainage pattern appears locally. As a result of the inheritance of drainage from the ancient basin, fluvial superimposition is found in some stretches of the main streams. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On the Coral Coast of Viti Levu Island in Fiji, inadequate knowledge of suspended sediment delivery patterns in small pristine coastal watersheds hinders any future assessment of accelerated erosion in disturbed areas nearby. This study adopts a rainfall–stream turbidity monitoring approach in the Votua Creek, which drains a small, steep but minimally-disturbed coastal rainforest catchment. Storm rainfall characteristics, stream depth and water turbidity were continuously monitored over one complete Fiji wet season from October 2009 to April 2010. The aim was to evaluate whether these parameters provide sufficient information to illustrate basic features of storm–sediment transport responses, in the case of limited stream gauging and very simple sediment rating curves. This is important because Pacific Island nations like Fiji do not have the resources to initiate long-term gauging and sediment sampling pro-grammes across numerous small catchments.
A significant power function demonstrates that turbidity (T) is a suitable proxy for total suspended solids (TSS) for turbidity measurements above 5 NTU, with TSS?0.930T1.111 (r?0.98, Po0.001). Over the study period, 10 individual storms 11.2–120.1 mm in size produced a‘significant turbidity response’ (STR) in the Votua Creek. Rainfall parameters (totals and intensities) showed positive linear relationships (r ? 0.72–0.94) with stream turbidity parameters (mean, maximum, duration), whilst relationships of similar strength (r ? 0.76–0.98) were also derived between stream flow depth and turbidity. This implies that for small rainforest watersheds in Fiji, rainfall parameters offer no substantial disadvantage over flow as predictors of stream sediment responses to major storms. Event-based analysis revealed that negative (anticlockwise) hysteresis is a typical flow–turbidity pattern for STR events. Negative hysteresis is produced when secondary episodes of renewed (heavy) rainfall occur after maximum intensity, in the later phase of storm events. Tropical Cyclone Mick in December 2009 generated the largest flood and the greatest turbidity response (Tmax ? 1021 NTU, Tmean ? 207 NTU). This concurs with earlier work confirming that tropical cyclones are the most important events for sediment transport in Fiji stream networks.  相似文献   

D. Markovic  M. Koch 《水文研究》2015,29(7):1806-1816
Hydrological processes commonly exhibit long‐term persistence, also known as the ‘Hurst phenomenon’. Here, we examine long‐term precipitation and streamflow time series from the Elbe River Basin to quantify differences in the spectral properties and in the Hurst parameter estimates () of the individual hydrological cycle components. Precipitation‐runoff modelling is performed for the Elbe River sub‐catchment Striegis using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). For 38 daily 50 years long streamflow time series from the Elbe River Basin, baseflow separation and spectral analysis is performed. The results show a spectral shift towards low‐frequency scales (>2 years) from precipitation to baseflow, with a parallel increase of from 0.52 (precipitation) to 0.65 (baseflow). The SWAT model is able to reproduce both, the main low‐frequency mode (≈7 yr.) and the (0.62) of the observed Striegis River flow time series. The baseflow appears to be the main component which shapes the low‐frequency response and of streamflow in the Elbe River Basin to the input precipitation. This conclusion is further confirmed through PMWIN‐MODFLOW groundwater modelling of a hypothetic phreatic stream‐connected aquifer system that consists of various soils (sand, loamy sand and silt). A power shift towards lower frequencies and an increase of for the hydraulic heads is obtained, as the aquifer's lateral dimensions increase and its hydraulic conductivity decreases. The average of the groundwater heads is 0.80, 0.90 and 1.0 for sand, loamy sand and silt aquifers, respectively. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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