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一、引言 分析植被和气候的关系是地球科学研究的一个中心课题。最近的全球气候动力学研究已把注意力集中在加深对植被与气候相互作用的了解上。然而,在描述和评价植被活动中,测量手段的缺乏限制了生物气候学新模式的发展。  相似文献   

营养盐负荷对浮游植物水华影响的模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
刘浩  潘伟然 《水科学进展》2008,19(3):345-351
运用一个耦合的生物物理模型模拟了渤海初级生产力,浮游植物生物量和氮磷含量的季节变化特征,模拟结果与实测值吻合较好。在模型验证的基础上,进一步考察了两种营养盐负荷——河流和沉积物对渤海生态系统动力过程的影响,发现河载营养盐对渤海生态体系的影响主要集中在河口水域,而限制沉积物中的营养盐进入水体则能显著抑制渤海范围内藻类水华的爆发。  相似文献   

本文阐述了年轮气候学和年代学基本原理及其在过去全球变化研究中的应用,指出了树轮研究中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

浮游植物动力学模型及其在海域富营养化研究中的应用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
浮游植物动力学模型用来研究特定海域浮游植物生物量的时空分布规律,定量确定各种物理,生物过程的贡献,对解决浮游植物生物量异常增加导致的富营养化问题具有至关重要的作用,综述了国内外海洋浮游植物动力学模型研究的发展过程和现状,介绍了几种不同时空尺度浮游植物动力学模型的特点和性能,此类模型在发达国家的海域富营养化研究和环境管理中已取得了相当的进展,而我国目前虽已开展了海洋生态模型的初步研究,但面临一些困难,其中不仅需要获取特定海域的过程参数,而且急需对海域的强迫过程和边界过程加强认识。  相似文献   

树木年轮密度(树轮密度)分析作为树轮气候学的一种研究方法,能够提取更准确的环境信息,应用范围更广,在过去环境变化研究中受到越来越广泛的重视。讨论了树轮密度测量技术与树轮密度分析方法在过去气候变化研究中的发展历程及最新研究成果,认为X射线分析法仍然是目前被广泛采用的树轮密度分析手段,基于树轮密度数据的过去温度变化重建仍是树轮密度研究的主要方向。相关研究表明:森林上限和高纬度地区树木年轮的最大晚材密度对夏季温度变化非常敏感,可以用来重建过去几百年、乃至千年的不同空间尺度的温度变化;树轮早材密度或最小早材密度对降水量的响应比较显著,但目前主要集中于重建区域小尺度的降水量变化方面。另外,树轮密度分析结果还可以用来研究某些气候要素分量的变化(季节变化、气候事件爆发的早晚和持续时间等)、区域气候变化的影响因子以及海气动力机制、气压异常等。  相似文献   

生物标志物重建浮游植物生产力及群落结构研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋浮游植物生产力和群落结构在地质年代中的变化对深入理解碳循环的演变规律和机理有着重要的意义.生物标志物方法作为一种较新的研究手段,其含量与比值的变化被广泛用于浮游植物生产力与群落结构变化的重建.讨论了生物标志物方法在各大洋及我国边缘海的应用现状,提出了生物标志物的细胞产生量及其在环境中的保存效率的2种主要不确定因素,使目前多参数生物标志物方法只能够半定量地重建古生产力与群落结构的变化.针对我国边缘海,提出有必要通过现场调查和实验室培养建立生物标志物含量(比值)与浮游植物生产力(群落结构)的定量关系式,以达到能够定量重建生产力和群落结构变化的目的.  相似文献   

南水水库水华发生机理和防治对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王新伟 《水文》2012,(5):77-80
富营养化和水华爆发是饮用水水源地的安全隐患,不同湖泊和水库水华发生的时间、诱因不同。通过对广东省南水水库近几年水华发生期间的水文、水质、藻类、气象等特征进行分析,揭示了南水水库蓝藻发生的机理。由于高密度网箱养殖导致总氮浓度超标,在水库处于枯水季节,水体流动速度慢,温度虽然低但呈连续多日上升趋势、无雨且光照充足的条件下,容易发生蓝藻水华。针对水华发生的诱因,提出了控制和治理南水水库蓝藻爆发的具体对策措施。  相似文献   

湖南新邵巨口铺中泥盆世生物礁生长动力学研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
巩恩普 《地质学报》1993,67(3):276-286,T002
本文详细研究了湖南巨口铺生物礁的生长过程、古生态学特征及其生物造礁作用。该生物礁岩共有10种微相类型。礁体内生物十分丰富,共鉴定出7个门类的32个属,主要是珊瑚、层孔虫和藻类。它们组成5个造礁群落,并形成独特的群落结构。对全部造礁群落的分析表明,该生物礁的生物造礁功能十分复杂,当生物礁发展到高级阶段时,同种生物可同时具有多种造礁功能。该生物礁的生长过程可分为5个阶段:(1)层状礁阶段;(2)生物定殖阶段;(3)格架式造礁阶段;(4)粘结——覆盖式造礁阶段;(5)障积式造礁阶段.  相似文献   

生物成矿作用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤葵联 《矿床地质》1992,11(1):93-96
生物能在其细胞内积极地富集各种元素,生成活性很大的化合物(如H_2S),这些化合物对沉积环境的氧化还原电位和亲铜元素的活动性具有强烈的控制作用。生物有机残余物也多少会受到化学、微生物和成岩作用过程的改造,它们利用其固有的还原性质,酸性和螯合性质同金属发生反应。普遍认为,一些企属  相似文献   

中国近海生态系统动力学研究进展   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
全球海洋生态系统动力学是全球变化和海洋可持续科学研究领域的重要内容,当今海洋科学最为活跃的国际前沿研究领域之一。以国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“东、黄海生态系统动力学与生物资源可持续利用(1999—2004)”的研究成果为主,介绍中国近海生态系统动力学研究进展及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

植被物候是反映植被动态的重要指标和气候变化对生态系统影响的重要感应器,它影响着地表反照率、粗糙度、蒸发散、CO2通量以及人类生产活动。首先论述了基于遥感的植被物候提取方法和植被物候变化的影响因素两方面的研究进展,然后指出气候变化背景下植物物候研究存在的突出问题,包括遥感难以直接获取常绿植被叶片和冠层结构物候、尺度效应阻碍遥感产品与地面观测的匹配、气候要素(降水和日间、夜间温度等)和城市化对物候的影响及协同作用机制不清楚、缺少针对植被类型的物候产品和模型以及未将物候间滞后效应纳入考虑等。开展常绿植被物候指标的遥感提取方法及算法研制,探索气候变化、极端天气气候对物候的影响机制及未来预估,分析城市化、植被类型对物候的影响以及与气候变化的协同效应,建立综合考虑降水、滞后效应和尺度效应的群落尺度物候模型,是未来工作关注的重点。  相似文献   

Cities are not only major contributors to global climate change but also stand at the forefront of climate change impact. Quantifying and assessing the risk potentially induced by climate change has great significance for cities to undertake positive climate adaptation and risk prevention. However, most of the previous studies focus on global, national or regional dimensions, only a few have attempted to examine climate change risk at an urban scale and even less in the case of a recent literature review. As a result, a quantitative assessment of climate change risk for cities remains highly challenging. To fill this gap, the article makes a critical review of the recent literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment, and classifies them into four major categories of studies which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling chain from global climate change towards urban-scale risk assessment. On this basis, the study summarizes the updated research progresses and discusses the major challenges to be overcome for the seamless coupling of climate simulation between different scales, the reproduction of compound climate events, the incorporation of non-market and long-lasting impacts and the representation of risk transmission insides or beyond a city. Furthermore, future directions to advance quantitative assessment of urban-scale climate change risk are highlighted, with fresh insights into improving study methodology, enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the best practice to provide city-specific climate risk service.  相似文献   

Cities are not only major contributors to global climate change but also stand at the forefront of climate change impact. Quantifying and assessing the risk potentially induced by climate change has great significance for cities to undertake positive climate adaptation and risk prevention. However, most of the previous studies focus on global, national or regional dimensions, only a few have attempted to examine climate change risk at an urban scale and even less in the case of a recent literature review. As a result, a quantitative assessment of climate change risk for cities remains highly challenging. To fill this gap, the article makes a critical review of the recent literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment, and classifies them into four major categories of studies which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling chain from global climate change towards urban-scale risk assessment. On this basis, the study summarizes the updated research progresses and discusses the major challenges to be overcome for the seamless coupling of climate simulation between different scales, the reproduction of compound climate events, the incorporation of non-market and long-lasting impacts and the representation of risk transmission insides or beyond a city. Furthermore, future directions to advance quantitative assessment of urban-scale climate change risk are highlighted, with fresh insights into improving study methodology, enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the best practice to provide city-specific climate risk service.  相似文献   

Cities are not only major contributors to global climate change but also stand at the forefront of climate change impact. Quantifying and assessing the risk potentially induced by climate change has great significance for cities to undertake positive climate adaptation and risk prevention. However, most of the previous studies focus on global, national or regional dimensions, only a few have attempted to examine climate change risk at an urban scale and even less in the case of a recent literature review. As a result, a quantitative assessment of climate change risk for cities remains highly challenging. To fill this gap, the article makes a critical review of the recent literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment, and classifies them into four major categories of studies which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling chain from global climate change towards urban-scale risk assessment. On this basis, the study summarizes the updated research progresses and discusses the major challenges to be overcome for the seamless coupling of climate simulation between different scales, the reproduction of compound climate events, the incorporation of non-market and long-lasting impacts and the representation of risk transmission insides or beyond a city. Furthermore, future directions to advance quantitative assessment of urban-scale climate change risk are highlighted, with fresh insights into improving study methodology, enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the best practice to provide city-specific climate risk service.  相似文献   

Cities are not only major contributors to global climate change but also stand at the forefront of climate change impact. Quantifying and assessing the risk potentially induced by climate change has great significance for cities to undertake positive climate adaptation and risk prevention. However, most of the previous studies focus on global, national or regional dimensions, only a few have attempted to examine climate change risk at an urban scale and even less in the case of a recent literature review. As a result, a quantitative assessment of climate change risk for cities remains highly challenging. To fill this gap, the article makes a critical review of the recent literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment, and classifies them into four major categories of studies which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling chain from global climate change towards urban-scale risk assessment. On this basis, the study summarizes the updated research progresses and discusses the major challenges to be overcome for the seamless coupling of climate simulation between different scales, the reproduction of compound climate events, the incorporation of non-market and long-lasting impacts and the representation of risk transmission insides or beyond a city. Furthermore, future directions to advance quantitative assessment of urban-scale climate change risk are highlighted, with fresh insights into improving study methodology, enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the best practice to provide city-specific climate risk service.  相似文献   

The international climate change negotiation has been carried out over 20 years. The issue of climate change has shifted from a scientific question into a complex political matter which is related to the sustainable development of mankind. Based on the overview of major processes and stages of international climate conferences, this paper analyzed the key measures that major countries have taken to address climate change, as well as the primary tasks of Paris climate conference and recent international actions. The recent international climate policy issues were also analyzed in order to provide suggestions for China’s activel participation in the development of a new round of international climate change system.  相似文献   

Cities are not only major contributors to global climate change but also stand at the forefront of climate change impact. Quantifying and assessing the risk potentially induced by climate change has great significance for cities to undertake positive climate adaptation and risk prevention. However, most of the previous studies focus on global, national or regional dimensions, only a few have attempted to examine climate change risk at an urban scale and even less in the case of a recent literature review. As a result, a quantitative assessment of climate change risk for cities remains highly challenging. To fill this gap, the article makes a critical review of the recent literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment, and classifies them into four major categories of studies which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling chain from global climate change towards urban-scale risk assessment. On this basis, the study summarizes the updated research progresses and discusses the major challenges to be overcome for the seamless coupling of climate simulation between different scales, the reproduction of compound climate events, the incorporation of non-market and long-lasting impacts and the representation of risk transmission insides or beyond a city. Furthermore, future directions to advance quantitative assessment of urban-scale climate change risk are highlighted, with fresh insights into improving study methodology, enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the best practice to provide city-specific climate risk service.  相似文献   

Cities are not only major contributors to global climate change but also stand at the forefront of climate change impact. Quantifying and assessing the risk potentially induced by climate change has great significance for cities to undertake positive climate adaptation and risk prevention. However, most of the previous studies focus on global, national or regional dimensions, only a few have attempted to examine climate change risk at an urban scale and even less in the case of a recent literature review. As a result, a quantitative assessment of climate change risk for cities remains highly challenging. To fill this gap, the article makes a critical review of the recent literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment, and classifies them into four major categories of studies which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling chain from global climate change towards urban-scale risk assessment. On this basis, the study summarizes the updated research progresses and discusses the major challenges to be overcome for the seamless coupling of climate simulation between different scales, the reproduction of compound climate events, the incorporation of non-market and long-lasting impacts and the representation of risk transmission insides or beyond a city. Furthermore, future directions to advance quantitative assessment of urban-scale climate change risk are highlighted, with fresh insights into improving study methodology, enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the best practice to provide city-specific climate risk service.  相似文献   

Cities are not only major contributors to global climate change but also stand at the forefront of climate change impact. Quantifying and assessing the risk potentially induced by climate change has great significance for cities to undertake positive climate adaptation and risk prevention. However, most of the previous studies focus on global, national or regional dimensions, only a few have attempted to examine climate change risk at an urban scale and even less in the case of a recent literature review. As a result, a quantitative assessment of climate change risk for cities remains highly challenging. To fill this gap, the article makes a critical review of the recent literature on urban-scale climate change risk assessment, and classifies them into four major categories of studies which jointly constitute a stepwise modelling chain from global climate change towards urban-scale risk assessment. On this basis, the study summarizes the updated research progresses and discusses the major challenges to be overcome for the seamless coupling of climate simulation between different scales, the reproduction of compound climate events, the incorporation of non-market and long-lasting impacts and the representation of risk transmission insides or beyond a city. Furthermore, future directions to advance quantitative assessment of urban-scale climate change risk are highlighted, with fresh insights into improving study methodology, enriching knowledge of climate change impact on city, enhancing abundance and accessibility to data, and exploring the best practice to provide city-specific climate risk service.  相似文献   

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