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We challenge the former interpretation of the ‘sedimentary mélange’ of the Makran accretionary complex as a tectonic mélange diapirically emplaced from below and provide evidence for its sedimentary gravitational emplacement from the north during Tortonian–Messinian times (between 11.8 and 5.8 Ma). It is an olistostrome that includes blocks of ophiolites and oceanic sediments derived from the ‘coloured mélange’ to the north, and reworked chunks of the turbidites on which it rests with an erosional truncation. The chaotic scattering of blocks of any size and lithology and the weak, soft‐sediment deformation of the matrix argue against a tectonic emplacement of the chaotic formation. Its size and internal structure, together with the size of the individual blocks, make the olistostrome a fossil equivalent of the large, gravitationally emplaced debris flows observed along present‐day continental margins and unstable volcanic edifices.  相似文献   

Active faulting in the dead sea rift   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Manifestations of Late Quaternary and Holocene faulting were studied in a 500 km long segment of the Dead Sea transform (rift). Most prominent are left-slip faults, whose characteristic physiographic features are recognizable along most of the studied segment. Where these faults bend or are stepped to the left, rhomb-shaped grabens (or pull aparts) are produced, forming depressions. In the reverse situation compressional features such as pressure ridges, domes and folds form positive topographic features. Such structures are combined on a variety of scales ranging from a few hundred meters long to tens of kilometers. Normal faults, sub-parallel to the left slip faults, produce a trough-like valley along much of the Dead Sea transform, but are most prominent along the margins of the large rhomb-grabens, e.g., the Dead Sea trough. They apparently record a small component of transverse extension. Generally, their motion is slow: young slip did not occur along some segments during the last few 104 y. Elsewhere throws of 10–20 m at least occurred in this period. The Dead Sea transform is seismically active. The instrumental and historic records indicate a seismic slip rate of 0.15–0.35 cm/y during the last 1000–1500 y, while estimates of the average Pliocene—Pleistocene rate are 0.7–1.0 cm/y. Either much creep takes place, or the slip rate varies over periods of a few 103 y.  相似文献   

The nature and development of microscopic feather fractures (mff) are investigated in experimentally deformed intact and precut cylinders of room-dry Tennessee and Coconino Sandstone. All specimens are deformed at 25° C, and at a shortening rate of 10−4 sec−1 ; the intact ones are at confining pressures from 0.5 to 2.5 kbar; and the precut specimens at 1.0 and 1.5 kbar. Mff occur in grains adjacent to induced shear fractures or faults; they are wedge-shaped and die out within one or two grain diameters from the fault; and they make acute angles with the fault such that arrows directed into the apices of these angles on either side of the fault define its sense of shear. Occurrence of mff only after slip on precut surfaces clearly demonstrates that they form as a result of shear displacement. The average angle between the mff and fault is 10° greater than that between the load axis and the fault, and it increases with increasing confining pressure in initially intact specimens. Data suggest that the abundance of mff (mean number per grain) increases with increasing normal stress across the fault and with displacement. The wedgeshaped character of many mff and their consistent orientation at 10° to the load axis are distinguishing characteristics. Mff are shown to be parallel to the local maximum compressive stress and thus are extension microfractures. They are not to be confused with precursive micro fractures developed prior to macroscopic fracture, nor to Riedel shears developed during faulting.  相似文献   

The Makran accretionary wedge is one of the largest on Earth. A 7-km-thick column of sands and quartzolithic turbidites are incorporated into this wedge in a series of deformed thrust sheets. We present the results of prestack depth migration and focusing-error analysis (migration velocity analysis) performed on a profile across the Makran wedge. The depth section shows the deformation style of the accreted sediments, and the migration velocities allow us to estimate porosity variations in the sediments. The thrust sheets show evidence of fault-propagation folding, with a long wavelength of deformation (≈ 12 km) and secondary thrusting in the kink bands of the folds, such that the central part of each thrust sheet is elevated to form an additional ridge. This deformation style and the 15° steep surface slope of the first ridge suggest a high degree of consolidation. Porosities were calculated from the seismic migration velocities and the ratio of fluid pressure to lithostatic pressure λ was estimated for 5 locations along the profile. Rather than being undercompacted and overpressured as in most accretionary wedges, the sedimentary input is normally compacted (exponential porosity decay) throughout almost the whole wedge. However, a slight increase in porosity and λ at depth, with respect to the normal compaction curve indicates, that the turbiditic sequence might be overpressured landward of the deformation front.  相似文献   

Southern Okinawa Trough represents an early stage of back-arc rifting and is characterized by normal faulting and microearthquakes. Earthquake distribution and deep structure of fault was investigated to clarify active rifting in the southern Okinawa Trough, where two parallel grabens are located. A network of ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) that displayed the hypocenters of 105 earthquakes were observed for a period of 4 days in southern-graben (SG). Most of the microearthquakes occurred in a cluster about 7 km wide, which on a cross-section striking N45°E dips 48° to the southwest. Relocated hypocenters, which are recorded by a local seismic network, show scattered distribution around the southern-graben. There are no remarkable surface faults in the southern-graben. On the other hand, the recalculation of hypocenter locations of 1996 earthquakes swarm recorded by a local seismic network suggests that the swarm is associated with normal faulting on the southern side of northern-graben (NG). Thus, the undeveloped southern-graben is located to the south of the developed northern-graben. Southward migration of rifting, which may be caused by migration of volcanism, could thus be occurring in the southern Okinawa Trough. The extension rate computed for the southern Okinawa Trough from the fault model of the northern-graben is 4.6 cm/year, which is 59–102% of the extension rate (GPS measurements). This result indicates that the majority of extensional deformation is concentrated within the center of the northern-graben in the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

Quaternary tectonic faulting in the Eastern United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paleoseismological study of geologic features thought to result from Quaternary tectonic faulting can characterize the frequencies and sizes of large prehistoric and historical earthquakes, thereby improving the accuracy and precision of seismic-hazard assessments. Greater accuracy and precision can reduce the likelihood of both underprotection and unnecessary design and construction costs. Published studies proposed Quaternary tectonic faulting at 31 faults, folds, seismic zones, and fields of earthquake-induced liquefaction phenomena in the Appalachian Mountains and Coastal Plain. Of the 31 features, seven are of known origin. Four of the seven have nontectonic origins and the other three features are liquefaction fields caused by moderate to large historical and Holocene earthquakes in coastal South Carolina, including Charleston; the Central Virginia Seismic Zone; and the Newbury, Massachusetts, area. However, the causal faults of the three liquefaction fields remain unclear. Charleston has the highest hazard because of large Holocene earthquakes in that area, but the hazard is highly uncertain because the earthquakes are uncertainly located.Of the 31 features, the remaining 24 are of uncertain origin. They require additional work before they can be clearly attributed either to Quaternary tectonic faulting or to nontectonic causes. Of these 24, 14 features, most of them faults, have little or no published geologic evidence of Quaternary tectonic faulting that could indicate the likely occurrence of earthquakes larger than those observed historically. Three more features of the 24 were suggested to have had Quaternary tectonic faulting, but paleoseismological and other studies of them found no evidence of large prehistoric earthquakes. The final seven features of uncertain origin require further examination because all seven are in or near urban areas. They are the Moodus Seismic Zone (Hartford, Connecticut), Dobbs Ferry fault zone and Mosholu fault (New York City), Lancaster Seismic Zone and the epicenter of the shallow Cacoosing Valley earthquake (Lancaster and Reading, Pennsylvania), Kingston fault (central New Jersey between New York and Philadelphia), and Everona fault-Mountain Run fault zone (Washington, D.C., and Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia).  相似文献   

A probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment is performed for the Makran subduction zone (MSZ) at the northwestern Indian Ocean employing a combination of probability evaluation of offshore earthquake occurrence and numerical modeling of resulting tsunamis. In our method, we extend the Kijko and Sellevoll’s (1992) probabilistic analysis from earthquakes to tsunamis. The results suggest that the southern coasts of Iran and Pakistan, as well as Muscat, Oman are the most vulnerable areas among those studied. The probability of having tsunami waves exceeding 5 m over a 50-year period in these coasts is estimated as 17.5%. For moderate tsunamis, this probability is estimated as high as 45%. We recommend the application of this method as a fresh approach for doing probabilistic hazard assessment for tsunamis. Finally, we emphasize that given the lack of sufficient information on the mechanism of large earthquake generation in the MSZ, and inadequate data on Makran’s paleo and historical earthquakes, this study can be regarded as the first generation of PTHA for this region and more studies should be done in the future.  相似文献   

Two fundamentally distinct types of microfractures are present in an experimentally deformed limestone: subaxial microfractures and microfaults. Macroscopic faults are composed of coalesced microfaults and are not related to the subaxial microfractures. A high-temperature mechanical instability occurs at temperatures of 200° C and above when the confining pressure is 600 bars or less.  相似文献   

The Makran accretionary prism in SE Iran and SW Pakistan is one of the most extensive subduction accretions on Earth. It is characterized by intense folding, thrust faulting and dislocation of the Cenozoic units that consist of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Rock units forming the northern Makran ophiolites are amalgamated as a mélange. Metamorphic rocks, including greenschist, amphibolite and blueschist, resulted from metamorphism of mafic rocks and serpentinites. In spite of the geodynamic significance of blueschist in this area, it has been rarely studied. Peak metamorphic phases of the northern Makran mafic blueschist in the Iranshahr area are glaucophane, phengite, quartz±omphacite+epidote. Post peak minerals are chlorite, albite and calcic amphibole. Blueschist facies metasedimentary rocks contain garnet, phengite, albite and epidote in the matrix and as inclusions in glaucophane. The calculated P–T pseudosection for a representative metabasic glaucophane schist yields peak pressure and temperature of 11.5–15 kbar at 400–510 °C. These rocks experienced retrograde metamorphism from blueschist to greenschist facies (350–450 °C and 7–8 kbar) during exhumation. A back arc basin was formed due to northward subduction of Neotethys under Eurasia (Lut block). Exhumation of the high‐pressure metamorphic rocks in northern Makran occurred contemporarily with subduction. Several reverse faults played an important role in exhumation of the ophiolitic and HP‐LT rocks. The presence of serpentinite shows the possible role of a serpentinite diapir for exhumation of the blueschist. A tectonic model is proposed here for metamorphism and exhumation of oceanic crust and accretionary sedimentary rocks of the Makran area. Vast accretion of subducted materials caused southward migration of the shore.  相似文献   

Faults in porous sandstones occur in three forms: deformation bands about 1-mm thick and tens of m long and across which offsets are a few mm; zones of deformation bands constituted of many closely spaced deformation bands across which offsets are a few cm or dm; and slip surfaces, that is, distinct surfaces within zones of deformation bands across which offsets are a few m to a few tens of m. Deformation bands represent highly localized deformation; analogous localization within a field of homogeneous deformation is theoretically possible in inelastic materials with certain ranges of constitutive parameters. Crushing and consolidation of sandstone within a band cause the material there to become stiffer than the surrounding porous sandstone. A zone of deformation bands behaves mesoscopically much as a stiff inclusion in a soft matrix. According to the constitutive model assumed to investigate the formation of deformation bands, an instability can develop, and strain increments within the zone of deformation bands can become boundlessly large when the far-field stresses reach critical values. This instability is here associated with the formation of slip surfaces.  相似文献   

Buckle-controlled seismogenic faulting in peninsular India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As intraplate earthquakes are often not associated with major known faults their location as well as their timing is unpredictable. In peninsular India the larger (M5.0) events occur mainly on reverse faults in a series of belts 400–800 km apart which are aligned roughly normal to the azimuth of convergence between the Indian and Eurasian plates. The location of the belts is controlled largely by the buckling wavelength of the lithosphere, and the seismogenic faults do not generate folding and sometimes result from it. There is consequently no need to postulate the creation of regularly spaced normal faults in an antecedent extensional phase, and the deformation is consistent with a plate-driving force such as gravity glide which is unlikely to reverse its polarity and which creates structures that are influenced by plate geometry at the leading edge. The thesis is potentially of value to seismic hazard mitigation as it identifies the zones that are most at risk.  相似文献   

Analysis of faulting in three-dimensional strain field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multiple faults, composed of three, four or more sets of faults, have been observed at a wide range of scales, from clay experiments to rift valleys. Multiple faults usually are explained by multiple phases of deformation. However, in several cases the multiple faults develop simultaneously; therefore, they cannot be explained by the common theories of faulting. Furthermore, these theories were derived for plane strain, whereas, multiple faults are associated with three-dimensional strain.An elementary analysis of faulting in three-dimensional strain field is presented here. The analysis considers the deformation of an idealized model due to slip along sets of faults; the model is subjected to strain boundary conditions. The analysis shows that (1) three or four sets of faults are necessary to accommodate three-dimensional strain, (2) there is a combination of four fault sets which minimize the dissipation of the deformation; the orientation of these faults depend on the strain state, and (3) if the resistance to slip along these four sets of faults is cohesive, then the stresses which cause slippage along them are equal or larger than the yielding stresses of a Tresca rigid-plastic with the same cohesion.The analysis presented here is too elementary to be directly applied to field observations; however, it indicates that multiple faults and rhomboid patterns of faults probably form when a body is strained three-dimensionally.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The western Makran subduction zone is capable of producing considerable tsunami run-up heights that penetrate up to 5 km inland. In this study, we show how climate change...  相似文献   

A repeated crack-seal mechanism may play a major part in the deformation process in a shear zone. This paper develops a microscopic approach to the association of shear planes and tension cracks between two en échelon faults. The simultaneous development of these fractures yields a very specific pattern.The structure, discovered in a Cretaceous limestone of the Arc basin (Bouches du Rhône, France), is located between two left-stepping sinistral strike-slip faults. The horizontal displacement does not exceed a few centimeters: therefore the structure may be representative of the early stage of deformation within a brittle shear zone. Each strain increment includes both shearing and tensile fracturing. Inhomogeneous conditions of friction seem to be prevailing.  相似文献   

In the Makran subduction zone, earthquake focal mechanisms and geodetic data indicate that the deforming prism currently experiences N–S compression. However, palaeostress inversions performed on normal faults observed along the coast reveal local stress components consistent with N‐S extension. Previously proposed mechanisms such as gravitational collapse are not favoured by N–S compression and surface uplift. We propose that the observed kinematics result from transient stress reversals following large earthquakes. During the interseismic period (now), the region experiences N–S compression. However, following a large reverse rupture on the subduction interface, stresses in the inner wedge relax, enabling a brief period of extensional faulting before a compressive stress state is re‐established. This mechanism, also observed in other subduction zones, requires low overall stresses in the upper plate and that the margin ruptures in large megathrust earthquakes that result in nearly complete stress drops.  相似文献   

The geology of the Northern Flinders Range has been reinterpreted.

Three clastic units, mapped previously (1, 2), were supposed to have been evidence of three late Proterozoic transgressions over the Archaean basement. Tectonic movements resulted in east‐west folds and major fractures zones.

Recent structural and petrographic observations in the western part of the Mt Painter block lead to a reinterpretation of this region. Three tectonic phases may be observed in the Proterozoic rocks: the first phase is characterized by isoclinal folds with axial‐plane cleavage. Three thrust slices of quartzite, carbonate, and schist can be delineated. These thrust slices are separated by shear zones marked by mica schists which could be either basement or strongly deformed Adelaidean rocks. The second phase shows east‐west concentric upright folds with secondary cleavage in their hinges; this phase refolds the first‐phase structures and affects the underlying basement. The third phase created large strike‐slip faults which are superimposed on the first and second deformation.  相似文献   

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