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基于梯度塑性模型的多孔介质应变局部化分析的基本理论   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
讨论了引入梯度塑性模型情况下的含液多孔介质双重内尺度律的特征以及相互作用问题。在引入梯度塑性本构模型的情况下,一方面材料应变局部化分析数值结果的正则性得到保证;而另一方面,含液多孔介质会出现双重内尺度律参数的共同作用问题。本文给出了此时内尺度律预测的一个基本方法,并对稳定性问题进行了分析,讨论了不同情况下实波速存在的条件,给出了对于给定的渗透系数情况下实波速存在的波数区间,并对相关现象进行了解释。  相似文献   

A computational framework is presented for dynamic strain localization and deformation analyses of water‐saturated clay by using a cyclic elasto‐viscoplastic constitutive model. In the model, the nonlinear kinematic hardening rule and softening due to the structural degradation of soil particles are considered. In order to appropriately simulate the large deformation phenomenon in strain localization analysis, the dynamic finite element formulation for a two‐phase mixture is derived in the updated Lagrangian framework. The shear band development is shown through the distributions of viscoplastic shear strain, the axial strain, the mean effective stress, and the pore water pressure in a normally consolidated clay specimen. From the local stress–strain relations, more brittleness is found inside the shear bands than outside of them. The effects of partially drained conditions and mesh‐size dependency on the shear banding are also investigated. The effect of a partially drained boundary is found to be insignificant on the dynamic shear band propagation because of the rapid rate of applied loading and low permeability of the clay. Using the finer mesh results in slightly narrower shear bands; nonetheless, the results manifest convergency through the mesh refinement in terms of the overall shape of shear banding and stress–strain relations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈刚  张洪武 《岩土力学》2007,28(4):643-648
利用率相关与梯度塑性耦合本构模型,采用简谐波的分析方法对材料的应变局部化及材料的稳定性进行了研究,得到了二阶耦合模型在二维情况下的内尺度律的变化及其与材料稳定性的关系,得到了波长变化的下界及材料稳定性的条件;在此基础上,结合二阶耦合模型在一维情况下的内尺度律变化的规律,对其进行了对比研究,得到材料变形局部化带在一维与二维条件下的关系公式,这对材料变形局部化带宽的研究有积极意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to clarify the effects of permeability and initial heterogeneity on the strain localization of fluid‐saturated cohesive soil modelled by a strain gradient‐dependent poro‐viscoplastic constitutive model. The effects of permeability and gradient parameters on the growth rate of the fluctuation were obtained by a linear instability analysis. Deformation behaviour of clay specimens modelled as a viscoplastic model with a second order strain gradient during shear was numerically analysed by a soil–water coupled FEM under both globally undrained and partially drained conditions. It was found that the deformation pattern and the stress–strain curve greatly depend on the permeability, the drainage conditions and the initial non‐homogeneous properties. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑流变性状的软土地基固结有限元分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
汤斌  陈晓平  张伟 《岩土力学》2004,25(4):583-585
对具有流变性状的软土地基固结特性进行了研究,编制了相应的有限元程序。利用该程序对某高速公路软土地基固结问题进行了计算和分析。通过计算结果与实测结果的对比可得到以下结论:在软土地基的固结变形计算中,考虑流变性状的影响是必要的,其计算值与实测值比较吻合。  相似文献   

A negative second order work, strain softening, is often noticed in contractant material like sensitive clays. Failure in such clays will lead to the formation of localized deformation zone of intense inelastic strain, known as shear band. Conditions, emergence and inclination of shear band has been very well demonstrated in past decades in different manners, however a definite thickness of shear band is still an open question due to several reasons. Mesh dependency, loss of ellipticity is another challenge associated with finite element analyses for strain softening clays. This paper covers a comprehensive review of classical theories of strain localization and associated limitation. Mesh dependency, ill-possed boundary value problem is addressed using finite element simulation examples and experimental results.  相似文献   

考虑塑性应变率梯度的单轴压缩岩样轴向响应   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2  
基于剪切应变率梯度格式,采用解析方式研究了岩石材料在单轴压缩条件下的应变软化的结构响应。根据非局部连续介质模型,提出了一维二阶剪切应变率梯度格式。非局部剪切应变率与局部剪切应变率及其二阶梯度有关。将经典塑性理论中的局部剪切应变率替换为非局部剪切应变率,可以直接得到局部剪切应变率的封闭解析解,而不必通过将局部剪切应变对时间求导获得。通过对局部剪切应变率积分,得到了沿剪切带方向的相对剪切速度。试件峰值强度后的端部速度由弹性及塑性两部分构成。前一部分由虎克定律描述;后一部分与相对剪切速度有关。对弹性及塑性两部分速度求和,得到了单轴压缩岩样剪切破坏问题轴向响应的解析式。研究表明:试样高度越大、内部长度越小、剪切软化模量越大及泊松比越小,则岩样的轴向响应倾向于脆性。根据岩样与矿柱的相似性,岩样响应倾向于脆性,意味着矿柱将失去稳定性,发生矿柱岩爆。目前的基于剪切应变率梯度格式的主要优点是简洁。  相似文献   

针对非均质软黏土地基上复合加载模式下桶形基础的破坏包络面,运用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS进行了三维非线性数值分析。通过比较系统的数值计算与分析,考察了软黏土非均质性对复合加载模式下桶形基础破坏包络面形状的作用及影响。结果表明:软黏土地基的不排水抗剪强度对于力矩为0的平面内,其应力归一化的破坏包络面影响不大,而在水平荷载与竖向荷载为0的平面内,其应力归一化的破坏包络面具有一定影响。通过与有关模型试验的对比分析,在一定程度上验证了有限元计算模型与数值分析结果的合理性。  相似文献   

周成  殷建华  房震 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z1):205-208
应用一个高度非线性的三维各向异性粘弹塑性(EVP)模型及有限元法,对一水泥土桩(CDM)加固海洋土的复合地基进行数值模拟。海洋软粘土的渐进变形采用粘弹塑性模型来模拟,水泥土桩破坏前后的应力-应变关系采用一个双曲线模型来模拟,提出了一个简单且非常实用的数值分析方法来解决水泥土桩碎裂软化的数值模拟问题。将数值模拟结果与实测数据进行了比较,二者吻合较好。  相似文献   

龚文惠  赵旭东  邱金伟  李逸  杨晗 《岩土力学》2019,40(6):2099-2107
饱和软土的自重固结涉及许多复杂的非线性问题,而现有分析方法一般基于线性假设,将固结控制方程简化,在沉降变形较大的情况下并不合理。基于Gibson大变形固结方程,推导在单面排水和双面排水条件下的边界条件,综合考虑饱和软土的自重特性与非线性压缩、渗透关系,采用稳定性较好的Crank-Nicolson型差分格式离散并求解非线性控制方程,并从孔隙比、沉降、孔隙水流速3个方面将数值解与CS2固结数值模型进行对比验证。结合工程实例,研究土层不同初始厚度和初始孔隙比对自重固结的影响。结果表明:初始厚度与初始孔隙比较大土层最终沉降也较大。与传统方法相比,该方法所得出的数值解精度较高,实现了高度非线性固结方程的快速求解,其成果更能广泛运用于实际工程的分析之中。  相似文献   

塑性梯度体元及应变局部化启动机制分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵冰  李宁  郑颖人 《岩土力学》2008,29(6):1446-1450
利用代表性体元可较好地反映出并非理想连续均匀的岩土介质破坏前强度和变形行为。但当材料出现高的应变梯度(应变局部化)时,在体元上的应力、应变呈现高次非线性变化,代表性体元不能如实地反映出介质的力学性能。提出一种可包含局部化变形的研究基元--塑性梯度体元(Plasticity Gradient Volume Element) ,塑性应变在其内可用微分形式表达。该体元不但可反映介质的平均力学响应,而且可反映应变呈高次非线性变化时的影响。随着硬(软)化模量从正值变为负值,变形模式将由均匀变形模式变为局部化变形模式,这就是应变局部化的启动机制。  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to present a relatively simple, yet realistic, constitutive model for simulations of structured sensitive clays. The proposed constitutive model can simulate 1‐D and isotropic consolidation, and drained and undrained shear response of sensitive structured clay. The proposed sensitive bounding surface model is based on concepts from the modified Cam clay model 8 and bounding surface plasticity 27 , with the addition of a simple degradation law. The key material parameters are M, λ, κ, and ν from the modified Cam clay framework, h from the bounding surface framework to model a smoothed elasto‐plastic transition, and ωv, ωq, and Ssr to model softening associated with destructuration. The model has separate parameters to model destructuration caused by volumetric strain and deviatoric strain. The model is capable of modeling unusual behavior of strain softening during 1‐D compression (i.e., a reduction of effective stress as void ratio decreases). A good match between test results and the model simulation is demonstrated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

软粘土的各向异性和小应变条件下的本构模型(ASM)   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
以能量方程为基础推导出各向异性和小应变条件下弹塑性的本构方程,并将屈服面与修正桥模型和试验测得的屈服面进行了对比,表明新的屈服面比修正剑桥模型更接近试验结果,采用从初始应力到状态边界面的距离为参数的系数来修正硬化准则以模拟土体小应谱条件下的应力-应变特征。将新的本构模型编入有限元程序,对小应变试验进行了计算分析,计算结果表明,新的模型比修正剑桥模型能更好地反映土体的主要力学特性。  相似文献   

The conventional interpretation methods of pressuremeter testing effectively approximate pressuremeter membranes as infinitely long. As a result, the effects of the two‐dimensional geometry of pressuremeters are ignored, leading to an overestimation of soil shear strength by pressuremeter testing, as demonstrated in several previous studies. This paper presents results of a numerical study of two‐dimensional geometry effects on self‐boring pressuremeter tests in undrained clay. The results are obtained using critical state soil models with an effective stress formulation. This is in contrast to most (if not all) existing studies on pressuremeter geometry effects, which were based on perfectly plastic soil models (e.g. Yu (Cavity expansion theory and its application to the analysis of pressuremeters. DPhil Thesis, The University of Oxford, 1990), Yeung and Carter (Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Pressuremeters, 1990), and Houlsby and Carter (Géotechnique, 1993; 43 (4):567–576)). The present study suggests that the overestimation of soil strength due to the neglect of finite pressuremeter length is significantly affected by the soil model used in the calculations. It is found that for clays with a high overconsolidation ratio (OCR) the strength overestimation predicted using critical state soil models could be considerably smaller than that predicted using perfectly plastic soil models. The main conclusion of this numerical study is that care must be exercised before directly applying any numerically determined pressuremeter geometry correction factors in practice. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地基渐进破坏及极限承载力的Cosserat连续体有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
唐洪祥  李锡夔 《岩土力学》2007,28(11):2259-2264
利用Cosserat连续体理论和所发展的有限元数值方法,模拟了地基由应变软化引起的以应变局部化为特征的渐进破坏过程,并从等价塑性应变的发展变化,阐述了渐进破坏过程对所能发挥的极限承载能力的影响。结果表明,Cosserat连续体模型能有效地模拟由应变软化引起以应变局部化为特征的渐进破坏现象,对地基等土工结构物有必要进行渐进破坏分析。同时指出,在求解软化型土体地基的极限承载力时,如果仍按传统的极限平衡或极限分析理论进行分析,可能得出偏于危险的结果。  相似文献   

吸力式沉箱基础作为张力腿平台(TLP)的锚固基础,其底部土体不仅存在轴向卸荷作用,而且还存在循环荷载作用。现有研究很少涉及在卸荷条件下进行的软黏土循环累积变形研究。因此,通过循环三轴试验研究了轴向卸荷条件下软黏土的应变累积变形及应变软化特性。试验结果表明:在低静偏应力以及动偏应力条件下,土体应变累积及软化程度较低;随着动偏应力增加,循环累积变形逐渐变大且前期发展较快后期趋于稳定,同时应变软化程度逐渐增大;土体循环累积变形随动偏应力提高而增大,其循环累积应变曲线呈衰减-稳定的蠕变特性。在试验基础上,提出与静偏应力和动偏应力有关的软化系数公式。构建了考虑软化系数与静偏应力、动偏应力等条件下软黏土等效循环蠕变模型。将该模型推广至三维,并开发了有限元子程序。建立了循环荷载作用下吸力式沉箱基础循环抗拔承载力有限元分析法,将其用于吸力式沉箱基础循环累积变形分析中,并与沉箱模型循环试验结果进行了对比验证。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical framework to interpret the inception of unstable undrained creep in quasi‐saturated soils. For this purpose, the effect of gas bubbles occluded in the fluid phase is embedded into an augmented compressibility of the fluid mixture, while the mechanical characteristics of the solid skeleton have been simulated through a viscoplastic strain‐hardening model. This constitutive framework has been been used to formulate a theoretical platform able to detect runaway failures resulting from extended stages of undrained creep. It is shown that the conditions identifying the onset of spontaneous accelerations are governed by the same stability index associated with the initiation of static liquefaction. At variance with soils saturated by incompressible fluids, the conditions for undrained instability are altered by the appearance of the Skempton coefficient B, thus reflecting the beneficial effect of the fluid compressibility and its ability to decrease the liquefaction potential. The capabilities of the theory are verified through a sequence of undrained creep simulations showing the transition from stable to unstable behavior resulting from an increase of the degree of saturation. The proposed findings provide a conceptual framework to interpret the effects of gas bubbles in loose soils, as well as to assess effectiveness and longevity of liquefaction mitigation strategies based on desaturation technologies.  相似文献   

熊玉春  房营光 《岩土力学》2007,28(3):544-548
基于各向同性弹塑性损伤和Prevost模型的基本理论,把弹塑性等向硬化、运动硬化和各向同性损伤结合起来,推导了循环荷载作用下不排水饱和软黏土的弹塑性动力损伤本构模型。由循环累积塑性偏应变建立损伤演化方程,以描述循环加载对软黏土结构的破坏作用,并通过对循环三轴试验的模拟验证了模型的有效性。结果表明,提出的模型能较好地描述饱和软黏土在循环荷载作用下的变形、孔压变化及模量损伤过程。  相似文献   

均质黏土中圆形平板锚的抗拉承载力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王栋  胡玉霞  宋振河 《岩土力学》2007,28(6):1242-1246
基于网格重新生成和场变量映射的大变形有限元模型,探索了立即脱离和无脱离两种典型条件下均质黏土中圆形平板锚的抗拉承载力。与小变形有限元比较,大变形分析克服了锚周围土体初始网格畸变的不利影响,能够追踪平板锚整个拔出过程中抗拉力的变化。通过具体算例,考察平板锚表面摩擦性质和上覆土重等因素对立即脱离工况承载力的影响程度,指出有重土中深锚的承载力小于无重土中对应的承载力与上覆土重之和,其上限是无脱离条件下的承载力。计算结果表明:土重对无脱离条件下的承载力影响很小,进而给出了无脱离承载力系数与初始埋深的关系曲线。  相似文献   

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