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Coarse bed load was sampled in a gravel/cobble bed stream during two major floods in the snowmelt runoff season. The channel is characterized by high rates of bank erosion and, therefore, high rates of sediment supply and bed load flux. Peak discharge reached four times bank‐full, and bed load was sampled at flows 0·7–1·7 times bank‐full. A large aperture bed load sampler (1 m by 0·45 m) captured the largest particles in motion, and specifically targeted the coarse bed load size distribution by using a relatively large mesh (32 mm or D25 of streambed surface size distribution). Bed load flux was highly variable, with a peak value of 0·85 kg/s/m for the coarse fraction above 38 mm. Bed load size distribution and maximum particle size was related to flow strength. Entrainment was size selective for particles D70 and larger (88–155 mm), while particles in the range D30D70 (35–88 mm) ceased to move at essentially the same flow. Bed load flux was size selective in that coarse fractions of the streambed surface were under‐represented in or absent from the bed load. Painted tracer particles revealed that the streambed surface in the riffles could remain stable even during high rates of bed load transport. These observations suggest that a large proportion of bed load sediments was sourced from outside the riffles. Repeat surveys confirmed major scour and fill in pools (up to 0·75 m), and bank erosion (>2 m), which together contributed large volumes of sediment to the bed load. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment data were analyzed to determine grain‐size dependant factors affecting sediment transport in a low‐ordered, ephemeral watershed. Sediment and flow samples were collected during 22 flow events at the outlet of a 4·53 ha sub‐watershed within the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed in south‐eastern Arizona. Measured concentrations ranged from 4191 to 115 045 mg l?1 and included grain sizes up to 8·0 mm in diameter. Two grain‐size dependent transport patterns were observed, that of the finer grain‐size fraction (approximately < 0·25 mm) and that of a coarser grain‐size fraction (approximately ≥ 0·25 mm). The concentration of the fine fraction decreased with flow duration, peaking near the beginning of a flow event and declining thereafter. The concentration of the fine fraction showed slight trends with season and recovery period. The concentration of the coarse fraction displayed a slight negative trend with instantaneous discharge and was not correlated with event duration. These patterns typically produced a condition where the majority of the fine fraction of the sediment yield was evacuated out of the watershed before the hydrograph peak while the majority of the coarser sediment was evacuated during the falling limb of the hydrograph. Each grain‐size dependent transport pattern was likely influenced by the source of the associated sediment. At the flow event time scale, the fines were primarily wash load, supplied from the hillslopes and the coarser grains were entrained from the channel bed. Because transport patterns differ based on grain size, attempts to define the total sediment concentration and sediment yield by the behavior of a single grain‐size fraction may lead to erroneous results, especially when a large range of sediment grain sizes are present. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Key processes in stream ecosystems are linked to hydraulic retention, which is the departure of stream flow from ideal ‘plug flow’, and reflects fluid movement through surface and hyporheic storage zones. Most existing information about hyporheic exchange is based on flume studies or field measurements in relatively steep streams with beds coarser than sand. Stream tracer studies may be used to quantify overall hydraulic retention, but disaggregation of surface and hyporheic retention remains difficult. A stream tracer approach was used to compute the rates at which stream water is exchanged with water in storage zones (total storage) in short reaches of two small, sand‐bed streams under free and obstructed flow conditions. Tracer curves were fit to the one‐dimensional transport with inflow storage model OTIS‐P. Networks of piezometers were used to measure specific discharge between the stream and the groundwater. In the sand‐bed streams studied, parameters describing total retention were in the upper 50% of data compiled from the literature, most of which represented streams with beds coarser than sand. However, hyporheic storage was an insignificant component of total hydraulic retention, representing only 0·01–0·49% of total exchange, and this fraction did not increase after installation of flow obstructions. Total retention did not vary systematically with bed material size, but increased 50–100% following flow obstruction. Removal of roughness elements, such as large wood and debris dams, is detrimental to processes dependent upon transient storage in small, sand‐bed streams. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory flume experiments under conditions of sediment starvation (zero sediment feeding) and recirculation were conducted in order to identify the temporal evolution and surface properties of static and mobile armour layers. The experiments were carried out in an 8 m long flume using a bimodal grain‐size mixture (D50 = 6·2 mm) and a range of shear stresses ranging from 4·0 to 8·6 N m–2. The results confirm that a static armour layer is coarser than a mobile one, and that the grain size of a mobile armour layer is rather insensitive to changes in the imposed flow strength. An analysis of laser scan bed surveys revealed the highly structured and imbricated nature of the static armour layer. Under these conditions the vertical roughness length scale of the bed diminished and it became topographically less complex at higher forming discharges. The topography of mobile armour layers created by rising discharges differed. They exhibited a greater roughness length scale and were less organized, despite the fact that the grain size of the surface material maintained an approximately constant value during recirculation. Also, the mobile armour tended to create larger cluster structures than static armour layers when formed by higher discharges. These differences were mainly due to the transport of the coarser fraction of bed sediments, which diminished to zero over the static armour because of being hidden within the bed, whereas in the mobile armour the coarser particles protruded into the flow and were actively transported, increasing the vertical roughness length scale. Overall, the results show that an examination of the grain size characteristics of armour layers cannot be used to infer sediment mobility and bed roughness. Detailed elevation models of exposed surfaces of gravel‐bed rivers are required to provide critical insight on the sediment availability and sedimentation processes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Taking as an example six main rivers that drain the western flank of the Eastern Carpathians, a conceptual model has been developed, according to which fluvial bed sediment bimodality can be explained by the overlapping of two grain size distribution curves of different origins. Thus, for Carpathian tributaries of the Siret, coarse gravel joins an unimodal distribution presenting a right skewness with enhanced downstream fining. The source of the coarse material distributions is autohtonous (by abrasion and hydraulic sorting mechanisms). A second distribution with a sandy mode is, in general, skewed to the left. The source of the second distribution is allohtonous (the quantity of sand that reaches the river‐bed through the erosion of the hillslope basin terrains). The intersection of the two distributions occurs in the area of the 0·5–8 mm fractions, where, in fact, the right skewness (for gravel) and left skewness (for sand) histogram tails meet. This also explains the lack of particles in the 0·5–8 mm interval. For rivers where fine sediment sources are low, the 0·5–8 mm fractions have a higher proportion than the fractions under 1 mm. For the Siret River itself, bed sediment bimodality is greatly enhanced due to the fact that the second mode is more than 25% of the full sample. As opposed to its tributaries, the source of the first mode, of gravel, is allohtonous to the Siret river, generated by the massive input of coarse sediment through the Carpathian tributaries, while the second mode, of the sands, is local. In this case we can also observe that the two distributions of particles of different origins overlap in the 0·5–8 mm fraction domain, creating the illusion of ‘particle lack’ in the fluvial bed sediments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Grain‐size distribution patterns in a point bar system of the Usri River, India, were critically analysed in the light of log‐normal, log‐hyperbolic and log‐skew‐Laplace distribution models. Sand samples were collected from the cross‐bedding foreset of different sizes of bedform; the objectives were to (i) study whether bedform heights have any role in grain‐size distribution patterns, (ii) offer a best‐fit statistical model, (iii) study the downstream variation of size‐sorting in a point bar system, and (iv) study the mechanism of grain sorting. The results indicate that the bedform heights have no role in grain‐size distribution patterns. Quantitatively when the errors in three distribution models were analysed, it was observed that the log‐normal distribution is the best‐fit statistical model and the next one is the log‐skew‐Laplace. However, in the upper reaches of the river, log‐normal distribution is the best‐fit model in the case of large bedforms, whereas in the lower reaches the log‐normal model is the best‐fit one in the case of small bed forms. It is also observed that within a point bar, for large and small bedforms, there is a tendency for mean grain size to decrease downstream. Between point bars for large bedforms there is no consistency in decreasing grain size downstream, whereas for small bed forms the decrease of grain size downstream is observed except near the confluence at Palkia. With distance of transport, the coarser and finer fractions of sediments are gradually chopped off. The coarser fractions are buried below the advancing bedforms on the lee sides and the finer ones are transported further downstream. Thus the finer admixture giving rise to the fining‐upward sequence overlies a carpet of coarser materials. This mechanism provides a clue to the process of grain sorting in the fluvial environment. An interpretation has been offered for the log‐normality of the grain‐size distribution pattern. During prolonged transportation in a fluvial environment, the larger grain‐size fractions are gradually chopped off and buried below the advancing bedforms on their lee sides. On the other hand, the finer fractions are transported further downstream in suspension. Thus the narrow, intermediate size fraction takes active part in the distribution patterns leading to the generation of unimodality and a symmetric distribution pattern downstream, which are the main criteria for log‐normality. Similarly, increase of bedform size is the effect of increase of stream power and Froude number leading to the selective segregation of bed materials. Thus the intermediate size fractions take a more active part than the coarser and the finer size fractions in developing log‐normality. Besides the hydrodynamic parameters of the Usri, coarsening of grain size downstream has been attributed to (i) the aggrading nature of the Usri downstream, and (ii) the contribution of coarser materials to the Usri by its tributaries and bank erosion. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment tracing using geochemical properties is an efficient way to identify the spatial sources of transported sediments delivered to waterways. Here, the contribution of soil sources to river bed sediments has been quantified in Emu Creek, a headwater catchment in south eastern Queensland, Australia. Soil samples were collected from the eight major rock types present in the catchment and were related to river bed sediments collected from eight sites along the main channel. Geochemistry, as characterized by 39 elemental concentrations, was measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Three particle size fractions were examined, <10, 10–63 and 63–212 µm, with the three resultant mixing models showing divergent results. We conclude that the results of sediment mixing models based on the analysis of one grain size should not be assumed to apply across the entire particle size range of transported sediment, emphasizing the need to match the size fraction used in tracing studies to that size fraction of interest in downstream sinks. Furthermore, we present results highlighting the control transport distance plays in source dominance, with this particularly evident in the coarser fraction, where local sources dominate over more distant sources. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deposition and storage of fine‐grained (<62·5 μm) sediment in the hyporheic zone of gravel bed rivers frequently represents an important cause of aquatic habitat degradation. The particle size characteristics of such fine‐grained bed sediment (FGBS) exert an important control on its hydrodynamic properties and environmental impact. Traditionally, particle size analysis of FGBS in gravel bed rivers has focused on the absolute size distribution of the chemically dispersed mineral fraction. However, recent work has indicated that in common with fluvial suspended sediment, significant differences may exist between the absolute and the in situ, or effective, particle size composition of FGBS, as a result of the existence of aggregates, or composite particles. In the investigation reported in this paper, sealable bed traps that could be remotely opened to sample sediment deposited during specific storm runoff events and a laser back‐scatter probe were used to quantify the temporal and spatial variability of both the absolute and effective particle size composition of FGBS, and the associated suspended sediment from four gravel bed rivers in the Exe Basin, Devon, UK. The absolute particle size distributions of both the FGBS and suspended sediment evidenced c. >95%<62·5 μm sized primary particles and displayed a seasonal winter–summer fining, while the opposite trend was displayed by the effective particle size distribution of the FGBS and suspended sediment. The effective particle size distributions of both were typically highly aggregated, comprising up to 68%>62·5 μm sized particles. Spatial variation in the effective particle size and aggregation parameters was of secondary importance relative to temporal variation. The effective particle size distribution of the FGBS was consistently coarser and more aggregated than the associated suspended sediment and there was evidence of aggregate break‐up in samples of resuspended bed sediment. The implications of these findings for sediment transport modelling are considered. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Compared to downstream fining of a gravel‐bedded river, little field evidence exists to support the process of downstream fining in large, fine sand‐bedded rivers. In fact, the typically unimodal bed sediments of these rivers are thought to produce equal mobility of coarse and fine grains that may discourage downstream fining. To investigate this topic, we drilled 200 sediment cores in the channel beds of two fine‐grained sand‐bedded reaches of the Yellow River (a desert reach and a lower reach) and identified a fine surface layer (FSL) developed over a coarse subsurface layer (CSL) in the 3‐m‐thick bed deposits. In both reaches downstream, the thickness of the FSL increased, while that of the CSL decreased. Comparison of the depth‐averaged median grain sizes of the CSL and the FSL separately in both reaches shows a distinct downstream fining dependence to the median grain size, which indicates that at a large scale of 600‐800 km, the CSL shows a significant downstream fining, but the FSL shows no significant trends in downstream variations in grain size. This result shows that fine sediment supply (<0·08 mm median grain size) from upstream, combined with lateral fine sediment inputs from tributaries and bank erosion, can cause a rapid fining of the downstream channel bed surface and can develop the FSL layer. However, in the desert reach, lateral coarse sediment supply (>0·08 mm median grain size) from wind‐borne sediments and cross‐desert tributaries can interrupt the FSL and coarsen the channel bed surface locally. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The distribution of organic carbon (OC) and of some metals (Cu, Mn) amongst the particulate (>0·2 μm), colloidal (10 kDa–0·2 μm) and the truly dissolved (<10 kDa) fractions of the River Marne was investigated during the phytoplankton spring bloom. A tangential ultrafiltration (UF) device was utilized to separate the colloidal fraction. On average, 22% of the OC, 31% of the Cu and 53% of the Mn, usually assigned to the so‐called dissolved fraction, were found in the colloidal fraction. The colloidal fraction exhibited a behaviour different from that of the particulate and truly dissolved fractions. Autochthonous production led to enrichment in the colloidal and particulate OC pools: up to 47% of the total dissolved OC was in the colloidal fraction. An increase in the colloidal metal fraction, concomitant with a fall in the truly dissolved fraction, coincided with peaks in phytoplankton during the bloom. These phenomena might be related either to an increase in pH associated with photosynthetic activity, resulting in the precipitation of truly dissolved forms into the colloidal fraction, or to scavenging of the truly dissolved metals by the algal species of colloidal size. The interaction between the colloidal and the truly dissolved phases was very important. The partition coefficients of the Cu and Mn between the colloidal and truly dissolved fractions were higher than between the particulate and the truly dissolved fractions. This pattern is consistent with a greater specific surface area of colloids than macroparticles. Consequently, the adsorption and complexation capacities are enhanced in the colloidal fraction of the particulate matter. The extraction of hydrophobic complexes with Cu using C18 Sep‐Pak columns, showed that the Cu occurring in colloidal, total dissolved or truly dissolved forms was significantly complexed by the organic matter. The truly dissolved fraction might be complexed up to 100% during a phytoplankton bloom. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dam break flows and resulting river bed erosion can have disastrous impacts on human safety,infrastructure,and environmental quality.However,there is a lack of research on the mobility of non-uniform sediment mixtures resulting from dam break flows and how these differ from uniform sized sediment.In this paper,laboratory flume experiments revealed that coarse and fine fractions in non-uniform sediment had a higher and a lower bed-load parameter,respectively,than uniform sediments of the same size.Thus,the finer fractions were more stable and the coarser fractions were more erodible in a nonuniform bed compared to a uniform-grained bed.These differences can be explained by the hiding and protrusion of these fractions,respectively.By investigating changes in mobility of the mixed-size fractions with reservoir water levels,the results revealed that at low water levels,when the coarser fractions were only just mobile,the bed-load parameter of the finer fractions was higher than the coarser fractions.The opposite was observed at a higher water level,when a significant proportion of the coarsest fractions was mobilized.The higher protrusion of these grains had an important effect on their mobility relative to the finer grains.The transported sediment on these mixed-sized beds was coarser than the initial bed sediment,and became coarser with an increase in reservoir water level.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment from Auckland Harbour (New Zealand) are not distributed evenly throughout bulk sediment, but highly concentrated in coarser, low-density fractions. Concentrations of 24 PAHs, measured in sediment that was separated into six size fractions that were furthermore separated into two density sub-fractions by flotation in sodium-polytungstate solution (rho = 2.15 g cm(-3)), varied between 4-103 microg g(-1)dw among grain size fractions and 2-998 microg g(-1)dw for density sub-fractions. Highest PAH concentrations were measured in the low density, 125-250 microm fraction. All sediment fractions had a similar relative PAH composition, dominated by >3-ring PAHs, suggesting a common pyrogenic origin. Low density material had 10-200 times higher PAH concentrations and 10-100 times higher organic carbon (OC) content, yet differences in OC content only partially accounted for variations in PAH concentration. Low density particles contributed more than 75% of the Sigma PAH, while comprising only 3% of bulk sediment dry weight. This may have significant utility for contaminant mitigation efforts in Auckland Harbour.  相似文献   

Recent research has started to focus on how prolonged periods of sub‐threshold flows may be capable of imparting structural changes that contribute to increased bed stability. To date, this effect (termed ‘stress history’) has been found to be significant in acting to increase a bed's critical shear stress at entrainment threshold. However, it is supported by only limited, qualitative and often speculative information on the mechanisms of this stabilization process in grade‐specific studies. As such, this paper uses high resolution laser scanning to quantitatively ascertain the granular mechanics underpinning the relationship between stress history and entrainment threshold for beds of a range of grain size distributions. Employing a bed slope of 1/200, three grain size distributions with median grain sizes (D50) of 4·8 mm [uniform (σg = (D84/D16)0.5 = 1·13; bimodal (σg = 2·08); and, unimodal (σg = 1·63)] were exposed to antecedent stress histories of 60 and 960 minutes duration. Antecedent shear stress magnitude was set at 50% of the critical shear stress for the D50 when no stress history period was employed. Two laser displacement scans of the bed surface (approximate area 100 mm × 117 mm) were taken, one prior to the antecedent period and one after this period, so that changes to surface topography could be quantified (resolution of x = 0·10 mm, y = 0·13 mm and z = 0·24 mm). Rearrangement of bed surface structure is described using statistical analysis and two‐dimensional (2D) semi‐variograms to analyse scaling behaviour. Results reveal vertical settlement, changes to bed roughness and particle repositioning. However, the bed grain size distribution influences the relative importance of each mechanism in determining stress history induced bed stability; this is the focus of discussion in this paper. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream–subsurface exchange strongly influences the transport of contaminants, fine particles, and other ecologically relevant substances in streams. We used a recirculating laboratory flume (220 cm long and 20 cm wide) to study the effects of particle size, overlying velocity, and biofilm formation on stream–subsurface exchange of particles. Sodium chloride was used as a non‐reactive dissolved tracer and 1‐ and 5‐µm fluorescent microspheres were used as particulate tracers. Surface–subsurface exchange was observed with a clean sand bed and a bed colonized by an autotrophic–heterotrophic biofilm under two different overlying velocities, 0·9 and 5 cm s?1. Hydrodynamic interactions between the overlying flow and sand bed resulted in a reduction of solute and particle concentrations in the water column, and a corresponding accumulation of particles in both the sediments and in the biofilm. Increasing overlying velocity and particle size resulted in faster removal from the overlying water due to enhanced mass transfer to the bed. The presence of the biofilm did not affect solute exchange under any flow condition tested. The presence of the biofilm significantly increased the deposition of particles under an overlying velocity of 5 cm s?1, and produced a small but statistically insignificant increase at 0·9 cm?1. The particles preferentially deposited within the biofilm matrix relative to the underlying sand. These results demonstrate that hydrodynamic transport conditions, particle size, and biofilm formation play a key role in the transport of suspended particles, such as inorganic sediments, particulate organic matter, and pathogenic microorganisms in freshwater ecosystems, and should be taken into consideration when predicting the fate and transport of particles and contaminants in the environment. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates trends in bed surface and substrate grain sizes in relation to reach‐scale hydraulics using data from more than 100 gravel‐bed stream reaches in Colorado and Utah. Collocated measurements of surface and substrate sediment, bankfull channel geometry and channel slope are used to examine relations between reach‐average shear stress and bed sediment grain size. Slopes at the study sites range from 0·0003 to 0·07; bankfull depths range from 0·2 to 5 m and bankfull widths range from 2 to 200 m. The data show that there is much less variation in the median grain size of the substrate, D50s, than there is in the median grain size of the surface, D50; the ratio of D50 to D50s thus decreases from about four in headwater reaches with high shear stress to less than two in downstream reaches with low shear stress. Similar trends are observed in an independent data set obtained from measurements in gravel‐bed streams in Idaho. A conceptual quantitative model is developed on the basis of these observations to track differences in bed load transport through an idealized stream system. The results of the transport model suggest that downstream trends in total bed load flux may vary appreciably, depending on the assumed relation between surface and substrate grain sizes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison of different fractional bed‐material load computation methods in sand‐bed channels. These methods include the direct computation by size fraction approach of Einstein, Laursen and Toffaleti; the bed material fraction (BMF) approach using equations of Engelund and Hansen, Ackers and White, Yang, and Karim's modified BMF method; and the transport capacity fraction (TCF) approach using the transport capacity distribution functions of Karim and Kennedy, Li, and Wu and Molinas. Over 150 sets of flume and field data in the sand size range containing a total of 1007 data points are used to evaluate and compare the accuracy of these methods. Statistical analysis and graphical comparison are utilized to demonstrate the performance and variations in different methods. Overall, the Einstein method underpredicts the transport rate for finer sizes and overpredicts for the coarser sizes, while the other methods overestimate the finer fractions and underestimate the coarser fractions. The Wu and Molinas method, which was developed to account for these deficiencies, is shown to significantly improve fractional bed‐material load computations. The Karim and Kennedy method is also found to be applicable. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (OC) is easily enriched in sediment particles of different sizes due to aggregate breakdown and selective transport for sheet erosion. However, the transport of aggregate-associated OC has not been thoroughly investigated. To address this issue, 27 simulated rainfall experiments were conducted in a 1 m × 0.35 m box on slope gradients of 15°, 10°, and 15°and under three rainfall intensities of 45 mm h−1, 90 mm h−1 and 120 mm h−1. The results showed that OC was obviously enriched in sediment particles of different sizes under sheet erosion. The soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations of each aggregate size class in sediments were different from those in the original soil, especially when the rainfall intensity or slope was sufficiently low, such as 45 mm h–1 or 5°, respectively. Under a slope of 5°, the SOC enrichment ratios (ERocs) of small macroaggregates and microaggregates were high but decreased over time. As rainfall intensity increased, OC became enriched in increasingly fine sediment particles. Under a rainfall intensity of 45 mm h–1, the ERocs of the different aggregate size classes were always high throughout the entire erosion process. Under a rainfall intensity of > 45 mm h–1 and slope of > 5°, the ERocs of the different aggregate size classes were close to 1.0, especially those of clay and silt. Therefore, the high ERocs in sediments resulted from the first transport of effective clay. Among total SOC loss, the proportion of OC loss caused by the transport of microaggregates and silt plus clay-sized particles was greater than 50%. We also found that low stream power and low water depth were two requirements for the high ERocs in aggregates. Stream power was closely related to sediment particle distribution. Flow velocity was significantly and positively related to the percentage of OC-enriched macroaggregates in the sediments (P > 0.01). Our study will provide important information for understanding the fate of SOC and building physical-based SOC transport models. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new application of the autocorrelation grain size analysis technique for mixed to coarse sediment settings has been investigated. Photographs of sand‐ to boulder‐sized sediment along the Elwha River delta beach were taken from approximately 1·2 m above the ground surface, and detailed grain size measurements were made from 32 of these sites for calibration and validation. Digital photographs were found to provide accurate estimates of the long and intermediate axes of the surface sediment (r2 > 0·98), but poor estimates of the short axes (r2 = 0·68), suggesting that these short axes were naturally oriented in the vertical dimension. The autocorrelation method was successfully applied resulting in total irreducible error of 14% over a range of mean grain sizes of 1 to 200 mm. Compared with reported edge and object‐detection results, it is noted that the autocorrelation method presented here has lower error and can be applied to a much broader range of mean grain sizes without altering the physical set‐up of the camera (~200‐fold versus ~6‐fold). The approach is considerably less sensitive to lighting conditions than object‐detection methods, although autocorrelation estimates do improve when measures are taken to shade sediments from direct sunlight. The effects of wet and dry conditions are also evaluated and discussed. The technique provides an estimate of grain size sorting from the easily calculated autocorrelation standard error, which is correlated with the graphical standard deviation at an r2 of 0·69. The technique is transferable to other sites when calibrated with linear corrections based on photo‐based measurements, as shown by excellent grain‐size analysis results (r2 = 0·97, irreducible error = 16%) from samples from the mixed grain size beaches of Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Thus, a method has been developed to measure mean grain size and sorting properties of coarse sediments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Runoff‐induced sediments were collected in the Hallamish dune field for four years (1990–1994). Runoff and consequently water‐transported sediments were generated on the dunes owing to the presence of a thin microbiotic crust. These sediments were analysed for their particle‐size distribution and carbonate content. In addition, the organic matter content was calculated by measuring the chlorophyll content within the runoff. The results were compared to the slope parent material, i.e. the crust and the underlying sand, as well as to playa sediments, which are scattered within the Hallamish interdunal areas, and which were previously hypothesized to originate from runoff‐induced sediments. Higher amounts of fines (silt and clay) and carbonate characterize the footslopes in comparison to the midslopes. Intermediate contents of fines (17 per cent) and carbonate (8 per cent) characterized the sediments in comparison to the fines (27 per cent) and carbonate (15 per cent) of the crust and to the fines (4 per cent) and carbonate (4 per cent) of the underlying sand. The runoff‐induced fines and carbonate contents were significantly different from those of the playas, suggesting that the playa flats do not originate from runoff‐induced sediments. The sediments were enriched with organic matter. Organic matter which originates from the crust amounted to 0·3–0·4 per cent as compared to ≤0·1 per cent in the bare sand. Nevertheless, the crust was found to be relatively resilient to water flow. Only 0·1–0·5 per cent of the crust was annually eroded off the slope by water, with south‐facing crusts showing higher resilience than north‐facing crusts. The data may thus assist in the evaluation of the crust's residence time. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The velocity of a wind‐blown sand cloud is important for studying its kinetic energy, related erosion, and control measures. PDA (particle dynamics analyser) measurement technology is used in a wind tunnel to study the probability distribution of particle velocity, variations with height of the mean velocity and particle turbulence in a sand cloud blowing over a sandy surface. The results suggest that the probability distribution of the particle velocity in a blowing sand cloud is stochastic. The probability distribution of the downwind velocity complies with a Gaussian function, while that of the vertical velocity is greatly complicated by grain impact with the bed and particle–particle collisions in the air. The probability distribution of the vertical velocity of ?ne particles (0·1–0·3 mm sands) can be expressed as a Lorentzian function while that of coarse particles (0·3–0·6 mm sands) cannot be expressed by a simple distribution function. The mean downwind velocity is generally one or two orders greater than the mean vertical velocity, but the particle turbulence in the vertical direction is at least two orders greater than that in the downwind direction. In general, the mean downwind velocity increases with height and free‐stream wind velocity, but decreases with grain size. The variation with height of the mean downwind velocity can be expressed by a power function. The particle turbulence of a blowing sand cloud in the downwind direction decreases with height. The variations with height of the mean velocity and particle turbulence in the vertical direction are very complex. It can be concluded that the velocity of a sand cloud blowing over a sandy surface is mainly in?uenced by wind velocity, grain impact with the bed and particle–particle collisions in the air. Wind velocity is the primary factor in?uencing the downwind velocity of a blowing sand cloud, while the grain impact with the bed and particle–particle collisions in the air are the primary factors responsible for the vertical velocity. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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