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Introduction A good deal of attention was paid to the amplification response of soil layers under the earthquake waves,especially by the engineering seismologists.  相似文献   

本研究主要讨论地震动空间变化的随机描述.首先给出了基于密集地震台阵记录估计相干函数的方法,并对计算中需要关注的问题给出了相应的解释;然后对现有的经验和半经验相干函数模型的建立进行了详细的梳理,并对模型在工程应用中的适用性、有效性和局限性进行了讨论;最后通过对比分析不同相干函数模型对场址地震动空间相关性的模拟结果,对相干函数模型的选择提出了建议.  相似文献   

加速度反应谱平台值表征地震动的强度特性,场地条件是影响反应谱平台值的一个重要因素.本文选取6组同一地区断层距相近而场地条件不同的强震记录,对其标准化的加速度反应谱形状及平台值进行分析;并以汶川地震中173个有详细地勘场地上的强震记录为基础,统计分析了不同场地类别和断层距区间内的加速度反应谱平台值.本文研究结果显示,场地条件对加速度反应谱平台值有较大影响,随着场地变软,加速度反应谱平台值增大.本文定义了场地影响系数,计算并给出了不同地面峰值加速度对应的场地影响系数.  相似文献   

本文以国内川滇甘陕地区263个有详细场地资料的强震台站获得的802组地震动加速度记录为基础,研究了该地区加速度峰值比的总体分布特征,分别探讨了震中距和震级对加速度峰值比的影响特征,按照水平反应谱的标定方法对竖向反应谱进行标定并对其进行了统计分析。统计分析结果显示:竖向与水平向加速度峰值比的概率分布总体服从极值Ⅱ型分布,加速度峰值比均值为0.6,加速度峰值比≤0.65的累积频率为64%;Ⅱ类场地的加速度峰值比随震中距增大而减小;大震近场的加速度峰值比基本上远高于0.65;最后本文给出了不同场地类别下竖向反应谱特征参数,并与水平向反应谱特征参数进行了比较。  相似文献   

Local site conditions can significantly influence the characteristics of seismic ground motions. In this study, site response analyses using one-dimensional linear elastic (LE), equivalent-linear (EQL) and nonlinear (NL) approaches are performed at different seismic hazard levels of Singapore. Two seismic stations, namely, the KAP and BES stations located at soft soil sites, are selected from the national network of Singapore. Firstly, site response estimates using the LE, EQL (SHAKE04) and NL (DEEPSOIL) approaches are compared with the borehole recordings. Results show favorable matches between the predictions and the observations at the KAP site, while under-predictions are observed for all the three site effect approaches at the BES site. Secondly, the applicability of the LE, EQL and NL models is examined at different hazard levels of Singapore. It is found that for the hazard level at a return period of 475 years, the computed maximum strain (γmax) is 0.06% and then the EQL model can provide accurate site response predictions. However, for the hazard level at a return period of 2475 years, the calculated γmax is larger than 2%, resulting in notable differences in the predictions of different site response models. This study highlights the importance of site effects in seismic hazard analysis of Singapore.  相似文献   

A formulation is developed for modal response analysis of multi‐support structures using a random vibration approach. The spectral moments of the structural response are rigorously decomposed into contributions from spectral moments of uncoupled modal responses. An advantage of the proposed formulation is that the total dynamic response can be obtained on the basis of mode by mode uncoupled analyses. The contributions to the total response from modal responses under individual support ground motions and under cross‐correlated pairs of support ground motions can be recognized explicitly. The application and performance of the formulation is illustrated by means of an example using a well‐established coherency spectrum model and widely known power spectra models, such as white noise and Kanai–Tajimi. The first three spectral moments of displacement, shear, and bending moment responses are computed, showing that the formulation produces the same results as the exact solution. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

北京盆地结构对长周期地震动反应谱的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
付长华  高孟潭  陈鲲 《地震学报》2012,34(3):374-382
建立了北京盆地含起伏地形的地下介质三维速度结构模型, 以有限差分方法对盆地内的3次地震动进行了数值模拟. 计算了地表加速度反应谱, 论证了反应谱的有效周期范围, 从而获得了盆地结构对长周期段反应谱的平均放大系数, 并对不同周期时反应谱的平均放大系数进行了分区, 为今后城市的合理规划和长周期建筑物的建设提供了抗震设防参考. 最后对反应谱平均放大系数与等效沉积物厚度之间的关系进行了回归, 得出了反应谱放大系数随沉积物厚度增大而增强, 以及随周期增大而减弱等结论.   相似文献   

对2021年5月21日云南漾濞6.4级地震获取的28组84条强震动记录进行零线调整和滤波等常规处理,分析了此次地震记录的幅值、频谱以及持时特征。分析结果表明,此次地震峰值加速度范围为0.8~720.3 cm/s2,峰值速度范围为0.1~29.4 cm/s,计算最大仪器地震烈度为8.3度。将实际观测数据与YU2013分区地震动衰减关系对比,结果显示PGA总体上分布于衰减公式误差范围内,预测效果良好。在远场(>250 km)较多台站的PGV观测值大于预测值中位值的加一倍标准差。幅值较大2个台站的加速度反应谱峰值周期均在0.5s以内,其中漾濞台在高频部分三分向加速度反应谱值均超过8度罕遇地震的设计反应谱值。最后计算了5%~75%和5%~95%两种重要持时,结果整体上符合随震中距增大而增大的规律。将两种能量持时结果与BOOMER等(2009)[12]以及TRIFUNAC等(1975)[13]的持时预测方程对比,结果较为一致。  相似文献   

Load‐dependent Ritz (LDR) vectors are used in conjunction with the multiple‐support response spectrum (MSRS) combination rule for analysis of structures subjected to spatially varying earthquake ground motions. The LDR vector approach for MSRS analysis is motivated by the fact that LDR vectors in general are more accurate and computationally simpler than eigenvectors in mode superposition analysis, and because many researchers and engineers are using LDR vectors in linear structural dynamic analysis. Mode truncation rules for the original MSRS method are modified to apply to LDR vectors. Two methods for selecting LDR vectors for multicomponent MSRS analysis are introduced. Idealized models of two real bridges with differing structural characteristics are used to investigate the accuracy and efficiency of the two LDR‐MSRS methods in comparison with results obtained by the original MSRS method as well as an extended version that accounts for the static contribution of truncated modes. The results show that the LDR‐MSRS method is generally more accurate than the original MSRS method and at least as accurate as the extended MSRS method. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究了地震地面运动多点激励,即空间变化效应对装有铅芯橡胶支座(Lead Rubber Bearing)的连续梁桥地震反应的影响。首先,利用三角级数法生成了拟合规范反应谱的多点人工地震动时程;然后利用非线性时程分析法数值仿真并比较了某五跨LRB隔震连续梁桥在一致激励、仅考虑地震动行波效应、仅考虑地震动部分相干效应、同时考虑行波和部分相干效应以及同时考虑行波、部分相干和局部场地土效应等七种工况下结构的减震效果。行波效应和部分相干效应对铅芯橡胶支座隔震桥梁影响不大,而局部场地土效应对该类桥梁的地震反应分析影响很大,应该引起重视。  相似文献   

地壳应变场对气压短周期变化的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
大气压力变化可分为由日、月引力和太阳热辐射产生的潮汐变化和非潮汐频段的短周期气压变化,其引起的地壳应变可达10-9量级.我们选用分钟采样的观测精度达10-9量级的钻孔应变仪,对山东省泰安台2O02~2005年气压及体应变分钟值资料进行深入分析,研究了地壳应变场对短周期气压变化的响应规律.频谱分析结果表明,短周期气压变化对体应变的影响主要集中在周期大于2000 s的低频段.利用小波分解方法,得出了短周期气压系数随不同频段和不同时间的变化规律:高频段(周期小于960 s)气压系数数值较小,随频率变化幅度较大;低频段(周期大于960 s)气压系数数值较大,但变化趋于平稳;在频段一定的情况下,短周期气压系数随时间变化较平稳.从钻孔应变仪观测原理和按余弦函数分布的载荷作用于地壳表面的应力解出发,得出了地壳不同深度对不同频率短周期气压场的响应,理论计算与实际观测基本相符.研究结果表明,短周期气压变化对低频信号(周期大于2000 s)的影响较大,提取低频地球自由振荡信号时要消除气压影响,对苏门答腊大地震激发的地球球型自由振荡的功率谱分析验证了这一结论.  相似文献   

大跨度空间网格结构多维多点随机地震反应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文建立了三维正交地震动多点激励下大跨度空间网格结构的随机地震反应分析方法,依据现行抗震设计规范的有关规定,确定了平稳随机地震动功率谱密度的模型参数。数值仿真分析了一柱距80m的正方形平板网架分别在一维地震动或三维地震动的一致激励、行波激励和考虑部分相干效应的随机激励下的地震反应。结果表明:考虑地震动的空间效应会很大程度地改变结构杆件的内力,其中控制杆件的内力增幅达到30%;地震动的行波效应对结构杆件内力的影响比随机地震动的部分相干效应的影响更大;三维地震作用比一维地震作用下结构杆件的内力大。由此得出结论,对于大跨度空间网格结构,必须进行多维多点地震激励下的随机地震反应分析。  相似文献   

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