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陈林靖  戴自航  刘志伟 《岩土力学》2011,32(12):3796-3804
为考虑基坑工程的空间效应,土体分别采用K0固结和正常固结试样固结不排水(CU)试验得到的Duncan-Chang非线性弹性模型和Mohr-Coulomb理想弹塑性模型,运用ABAQUS软件按照三维实体单元、壳单元、梁单元考虑接触相互作用的耦合有限元法,建立了福州市一典型软土基坑工程整体三维有限元分析模型,对基坑施工的各工况下整个体系的响应进行了数值模拟"目标试验",并与实测结果和二维数值模拟结果进行了比较,结果表明,采用K0固结试样CU试验参数的Duncan-Chang模型对该基坑进行的三维非线性数值模拟分析方法是较为可靠的,较之Mohr-Coulomb理想弹塑性模型和二维有限元分析,其结果的优势是明显的,是值得推崇和具有较好应用价值的方法。  相似文献   

针对Biot固结有限元方程组的病态问题,采用正交试验和量纲分析法探讨病态性的变化规律及其影响因素。主要考虑单元平均尺寸、时间步长、压缩性和渗透性等4个因素的影响。分别提出2组相互独立的相似准则,在此基础上得到2个新的无量纲量,并将其用于分析Biot固结有限元方程组系数矩阵的条件数的变化规律。结合算例进行参数分析结果表明,对病态程度的敏感性由大到小依次为单元平均尺寸、时间步长、压缩性和渗透性;单元平均尺寸太小会使病态加剧;随着2个无量纲量的增大,病态程度呈现单调增加的趋势。其结果为深化对Biot固结数值分析病态问题的认识提供有益参考。  相似文献   

波浪作用下某防沙堤的动力固结有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王刚  张建民 《岩土力学》2006,27(4):555-560
基于饱和土动力固结理论,采用SWANDYNE II有限元分析,程序预测一个梯形沉箱防沙堤在某设计波浪作用下的响应。采用Pastor-Zienkiwicz Mark III广义塑性模型模拟了海床土的循环应力-应变行为。通过动三轴试验,确定了主要的模型参数,分析中只考虑了波浪对结构的作用,忽略行波对海床表面的作用。动力固结有限元分析的结果定性上与常规的拟静力极限平衡分析方法一致,有限元分析定量给出了体系的位移、应力、孔隙水压力分布和结构位移随波浪持续时间的累积过程,其研究结果初步展现了动力固结有限元方法在近海和海岸岩土工程领域的广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider numerical algorithms for modeling of the time‐dependent coupling between the fluid flow and deformation in elastic porous media. Here, we employ a four‐field formulation which uses the total stress, displacement, flux, and pressure as its primary variables and satisfies Darcy's law and linear elasticity in mixed weak form. We present four different iteratively coupled methods, known as drained, undrained, fixed‐strain, and fixed‐stress splits, in which the diffusion operator is separated from the elasticity operator and the two subproblems are solved in a staggered way while ensuring convergence of the solution at each time step. A‐priori convergence results for each iterative coupling which differs from those found when using a traditional two‐field or three‐field formulation are presented. We also present some numerical results to support the convergence estimates and to show the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithms. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张文伟  孟庆山  朱国甫  汪稔 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2869-2874
基于比奥固结理论,用有限元方法研究了有限饱和土层中条形埋置基础的固结沉降特性。仔细分析了影响固结度的3个参数:基础埋深与土层厚度的比值;土层厚度与基础宽度的比值;土骨架的泊松比。根据分析结果,提出了归一化无量纲时间,并给出了计算条形埋置基础固结度的计算图表。这些图表为基础设计提供了便捷准确的计算方法。运用文中图表计算固结度的最大误差不超过3 %。  相似文献   

考虑流变性状的软土地基固结有限元分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
汤斌  陈晓平  张伟 《岩土力学》2004,25(4):583-585
对具有流变性状的软土地基固结特性进行了研究,编制了相应的有限元程序。利用该程序对某高速公路软土地基固结问题进行了计算和分析。通过计算结果与实测结果的对比可得到以下结论:在软土地基的固结变形计算中,考虑流变性状的影响是必要的,其计算值与实测值比较吻合。  相似文献   

Water flow is greatly influenced by the characteristics of the domain through which the process occurs. It is generally accepted that earth materials have extreme variations from point to point in space. Consequently, this heterogeneity results in high variation in hydraulic properties of soil. In order to develop an accurate predictive model for transport processes in soil, the effects of this variability should be considered. In this study a two‐dimensional stochastic finite element flow model was developed for simulation of water flow through unsaturated soils. In this model, the stochastic partial differential governing equation of water flow, obtained from implementation of the perturbation‐spectral stochastic method on classical Richard's equation, was solved using a finite element method in the space domain and a finite difference scheme in the time domain. The effective hydrological parameters embedded in the mathematical model depend on time derivatives of capillary tension head; this makes possible to consider the hysteresis due to large‐scale variability of soil hydrological properties. The model is also capable of simulating infiltration and evaporation events and rapid change in the land surface boundary condition from one type event to another, based on a scheme used in the model for implementation of land surface boundary condition. The model was validated with the data obtained from a layered lysimeter test. The model was also used to simulate water flow under a long irrigation furrow. The results obtained with this model show better agreement with experimental measurements in comparison with a deterministic model. The possible reason for this agreement is that in the developed model, the influence of the variability of the properties of soil and effects of parameter hysteresis on water flow and water content redistribution are considered. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary A two dimensional finite element procedure is applied to simulate a coal mining excavation sequence. A procedure with linear solution steps is developed and applied to an idealized mountain cross-section with exceptionally thick coal seams and large dip angle. The results provide information on pillar pressure, floor and roof stability, displacement characteristics and surface subsidence.The results presented here were obtained in the course of research sponsored by the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Grant No. 69-2570.  相似文献   

无承台群桩中各桩的桩-土相互作用是相互独立的,带承台群桩的桩-土相互作用要受到承台的约束。简要分析了带承台群桩负摩阻力变化的机制。采用三维有限元分析了地下水位下降条件下带承台群桩的负摩阻力性状。分析结果表明,带承台群桩的负摩阻力与单桩负摩阻力总体相近,随着上部荷载的增大,中性点上升,附加沉降增加,下拉力减小,只是各位置桩有差异。荷载不大时,承台对各位置桩沉降的约束明显,各桩中性点几乎重叠。随着荷载的增加,承台本身变形增加,中性点的差异逐渐变得明显,角桩中性点位置最低,边桩次之,中心桩最高。带承台群桩中各桩的负摩阻力沿着深度的发挥程度不同。角桩负摩阻力发挥最为充分,边桩次之,中心桩最小。  相似文献   

陈瑞阁  周训  赵敬波  宋超 《地质通报》2013,32(7):1099-1104
海潮波动可以引起海岸带地下水位发生波动。建立了基于有限差分法的滨海地区一维承压含水层地下水运动数值模型。将潮汐波动概化为正弦波,模拟了滨海地区地下水位随潮汐波动的变化。通过与初始水位水平的承压含水层水位变化的比较表明,受海潮影响的滨海承压含水层地下水位与海潮有相似的波动特征,但变幅减小,受海潮的影响程度与离海岸的距离有关,随着离海岸距离的增加,地下水位的变幅及潮汐效率呈负指数函数衰减,但比前者变化程度稍缓,地下水位对海潮的滞后时间随距离呈线性增加。  相似文献   

Numerical models are useful in the evaluation of the interaction between groundwater systems and mining activities. They can be successfully used to predict the quantity of inflow into open pits and to design an appropriate dewatering system. In this paper, a two-dimensional axi-symmetric finite element model called SEEP/W has been used to predict the groundwater inflow into Sangan open pit mine (anomaly north C). The Sangan iron mine is located at 280 km south-east of Mashhad, Iran, in arid and warm climate conditions wherein precipitation is generally limited. The water inflow to the pit is mainly from a confined aquifer, mainly by horizontal flow in the upper layers and vertical flow at the pit bottom. The results of the numerical model of the ground water inflow are presented and compared with those obtained from Theis, Cooper-Jacob and Jacob-Lohman analytical solutions. Ground water inflow monitoring was also carried out in a trial excavation at the Sangan mine in order to calibrate the model. The model was then used to predict groundwater inflow into Sangan open pit mine during its advancement. This model provides valuable information for designing an appropriate dewatering system.  相似文献   

油藏多相渗流的面向对象有限元程序设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董平川  韩德金  牛彦良  李莉 《岩土力学》2009,30(4):1115-1121
近年来,面向对象的编程技术越来越受到人们的重视,并用来解决和模拟各种物理问题和工程问题,特别是在有限元方法编程和模拟中得到了广泛地应用。介绍了面向对象的程序设计方法和它与有限元程序相结合的原理和优点。在此基础上提出了面向对象有限元方法在油藏多相渗流中的应用实例,并按照面向对象的程序设计方法,基于Windows XP平台采用Visual C++.NET语言,建立了有关描述多相渗流的有限元模型的类,给出了类的描述和它的实现方法。建立的相关类及其实现方法主要包括处理矩阵计算的类、节点类、单元类、材料类、形函数类等。据此编制了油藏多相渗流的有限元分析的数值计算程序,并给出了一个数值实例。  相似文献   

张健  张国祥  王金意 《江苏地质》2018,42(1):127-130
不同影响因素对页岩水力压裂效果有不同的影响。基于三维数值计算模型介绍了水力压裂的典型过程,针对水平最小主应力、页岩的弹性模量和渗透系数对压裂的影响进行了分析。结果表明:随着水平最小主应力的增加,裂缝高度也随之增加;随着页岩的弹性模量增加,裂缝的高度随之降低;随着渗透系数的增加,裂缝高度也随之增加;随着压裂液的黏度系数提高,裂缝的高度降低。  相似文献   

针对天津经济技术开发区某软土深基坑工程,采用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS对基坑支护体系的内力、变形进行了全三维非线性有限元分析:应用单元生死功能精确地模拟实际开挖过程;为减小不同类型单元自由度耦合引起的计算误差,对土体及支护体系均采用实体单元模拟;通过数值分析结果与实际测量数据的比较,验证了分析方法的精度,计算方 法及结论有益于今后对类似基坑工程进行更可靠的分析设计。  相似文献   

Summary A number of earthquakes have been recorded in strata above underground potash mines in Saskatchewan, Canada. These seismic events are widely understood to be generated in the carbonate Dawson Bay Formation and, possibly, other superincumbent beds, and are believed to be directly related to mining operations. The mechanical response of these higher strata to mining is not observable andin situ instrumentation for measuring post-mining stresses and strains in the carbonate beds is sparse. Numerical models are believed to be the most effective option for investigating the response of these higher strata to potash mining. In this regard a realistic finite element model based on elasto-plastic material behaviour is developed in this paper. Special capabilities added to this general elasto-plastic model permit simulation of the post-failure behaviour of the rock mass. Possible modes of failure in the Dawson Bay are investigated and the brittle failure of intact limestone is affirmed as the possible mode of failure producing major seismicity. Slip along existing discontinuities in overlying strata is also demonstrated to be another possible mechanism, though with lower energy levels.  相似文献   

周英博  张玉军 《岩土力学》2016,37(6):1781-1790
将Taron等提出的颗粒聚集体的压力溶解模型引入笔者所研制的孔隙介质热-水-应力耦合有限元程序中,并使用摩尔-库仑准则,针对一个假设的实验室尺度且位于饱和石英颗粒聚集岩体中的高放废物地质处置库模型,拟定弹性分析和弹塑性分析两种计算工况,进行4 a处置时段的数值模拟,考察了岩体中的温度、颗粒界面水膜及孔隙中的溶质浓度、迁移和沉淀质量、孔隙率及渗透系数、孔隙水压力、地下水流速和应力及塑性区的变化、分布情况。结果主要显示:弹塑性分析中由于应力调整和增大了分子扩散系数,使得塑性区的颗粒介质的溶解、迁移和沉淀有明显的变化,并对渗流场(孔隙水压力及流速)和应力场产生显著的影响。但两种工况弹性区中的颗粒介质的溶解、迁移和沉淀差别较小。  相似文献   

Pesticides are a potential threat to the quality of extracted groundwater when the water-supply area is used for agricultural activities. This problem is discussed for the water-supply area of Sint-Jansteen, The Netherlands, where measured pesticide concentrations in the extracted water regularly exceed EU limits (0.1 μg/L). Groundwater samples taken from the aquifer within the water-supply area show low contamination, but samples taken from the extracted water occasionally contain pesticides, making the water inadequate for drinking-water purposes. The more intense contamination of the extracted water is caused by the change in the natural groundwater flow pattern near the extraction wells. In this area, pesticide use cannot be avoided easily, and an approach is given to differentiate pesticide use in the area according to expected travel time toward the wells and the chemical characteristics of the pesticides. A groundwater flow model for the area is developed and the effects of groundwater extraction on the natural flow pattern are evaluated. Using particle tracking, the travel-time zones are determined. Combining these results and the degradation behavior of certain pesticides led to an optimal scheme to integrate agricultural activities and groundwater extraction in the area. This is illustrated for five different types of pesticides (atrazine, simazine, bentazone, MCPA, and mecoprop). Received, October 1998/Revised, July 1999, September 1999/Accepted, November 1999  相似文献   

This paper presents a fully coupled finite element formulation for partially saturated soil as a triphasic porous material, which has been developed for the simulation of shield tunnelling with heading face support using compressed air. While for many numerical simulations in geotechnics use of a two‐phase soil model is sufficient, the simulation of compressed air support demands the use of a three‐phase model with the consideration of air as a separate phase. A multiphase model for soft soils is developed, in which the individual constituents of the soil—the soil skeleton, the fluid and the gaseous phase—and their interactions are considered. The triphasic model is formulated within the framework of the theory of porous media, based upon balance equations and constitutive relations for the soil constituents and their mixture. An elasto‐plastic, cam–clay type model is extended to partially saturated soil conditions by incorporating capillary pressure according to the Barcelona basic model. The hydraulic properties of the soil are described via DARCY 's law and the soil–water characteristic curve after VAN GENUCHTEN . Water is modelled as an incompressible and air as a compressible phase. The model is validated by means of selected benchmark problems. The applicability of the model to geotechnical problems is demonstrated by results from the simulation of a compressed air intervention in shield tunnelling. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张社荣  严磊  王超  孙博  撒文奇 《岩土力学》2012,33(2):597-603
依托溶蚀地基上建坝的典型工程问题,在研究坝基溶蚀空间展布特征的基础上,建立溶蚀带力学参数随机场模型,采用随机有限元方法研究坝体工作性态的统计特性,评价了溶蚀坝基建坝适应性。采用溶蚀带力学参数随机场模型,等效模拟了空间内溶蚀体的无序分布系统,排除地质统计中线溶蚀率的人为假定,避免了以往确定性分析模型中溶蚀体缺失现象。研究方法和成果亦可以为其他相似复杂地基工程的数值分析提供新的思路和参考。  相似文献   

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