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Delimitation of a single fan component within an alluvial fan complex system is facilitated by observing contour offsets on topographic maps which indicate the position of the intersection point. Two different types of intersection points are discussed. Israeli topographic sheets of the Dead Sea area provide examples.  相似文献   

In the Bowland Fells, Lancashire, northwest England, in the headwater valleys of the Hodder river system, is a suite of Holocene fluvial landforms. Debris cones and alluvial fans at tributary junctions, and river terraces along the main valleys post-date late Pleistocene forms and pre-date the modern valley floor alluvial forms. Eight 14C dates from wood samples incorporated within the terrace and fan deposits have allowed two main phases of Holocene erosion to be identified with debris cone/fan deposition taking place after c. 5400 BP but before c. 1900 BP and again at c. 900 BP. Some of the fans and cones are complex with deposits attributable to both phases; others are simple and attributable only to the later phase. In the headwaters an upper terrace at c. 5400 BP pre-dates the cones and a lower terrace is contemporaneous with the first debris cone phase. Lower downvalley the youngest of three terraces date from c. 5000 BP or earlier indicating that the sequence is less complex downstream.  相似文献   

Differences in lithologic erodibility and sediment storage within a drainage basin affect the relationship between alluvial fan area and drainage basin area along the western White Mountains. Large fans are produced by basins underlain by resistant rocks, which have steep and narrow trunk stream canyons with little sediment in storage. Small fans are produced by basins composed of erodible lithologic units, which have wider valley floors, lower valley-side slopes, and considerably more sediment stored along trunk stream canyons than is the case in basins underlain by resistant rocks.  相似文献   

The slope of an alluvial fan increases with increasing debris size and sediment concentration in the flow, and decreases with increasing discharge. Laboratory studies suggest that the discharge which controls this slope, or dominant discharge, is that which is equalled or exceeded one quarter to one third of the time that flow occurs on the fan. In contrast, the dominant discharge in perennial alluvial rivers is equalled or exceeded only about 5 per cent of the time that flow occurs in the river. The dominant discharge on fans increases with increasing debris size, reflecting the importance of threshold stress. The slope of some natural and most laboratory alluvial fans is steepest on the flanks and gentlest along the axis. Consideration of the momentum of water debouching onto a fan at its apex suggests that the difference in slope between axis and flank should be greatest on steep fans composed of relatively non-cohesive materials because on such fans higher discharges tend to flow down the axis, whereas lower discharges can be turned to course down the flanks. On fans with gentle slopes or composed of more cohesive material the higher discharges can also be turned toward the flanks, so on such fans the difference in slope between the axis and flank is less pronounced. Field and laboratory observations support this interpretation. Because deposition at any one time on an alluvial fan is localized, some areas aggrade while others remain at a fixed elevation. This process is treated as a Markov process with the probability of diversion from an area of active deposition into an adjacent lower area increasing as the height of the active area above the mean or ‘ideal’ surface increases. Analysis of data from laboratory and natural fans suggests that the amplitude of such surface irregularities is greater on fans composed of coarser material. The data on natural fans also suggest an increase in amplitude of the irregularities with increasing fan area.  相似文献   

The age of a large alluvial fan debouching onto the valley floor of the River Tweed, in southern Scotland, and the sequence of events relating to this, are investigated using geomorphological, sedimentological, palynological, archaeological and radiocarbon dating evidence. Prior to fan deposition, the Tweed valley floor seems to have been covered by a wooded peat at a time of low fluvial activity. The fan commenced deposition in the 11th century AD, and appears to have been a local event, the Tweed showing no response to this accelerated sedimentation. Later, perhaps 200 years later, the Tweed commenced overbank deposition of the only Flandrian terrace preserved. Local proxy data are examined in order to define the causes of these events, but difficulties in temporal correlation, despite the good resolution of the radiocarbon chronology, mean that the causes of these events remain unknown.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is increasingly used to estimate the age of fluvial deposits. A significant limitation, however, has been that conventional techniques of sampling and dose rate estimation are suitable only for thick (>60 cm) layers consisting of sand size or finer grains. Application of OSL dating to deposits lacking such layers remains a significant challenge. Alluvial fans along the western front of the Lost River Range in east-central Idaho, USA are one example. Deposits are typically pebble to cobble sheetflood gravels with a sandy matrix but thin to absent sand lenses. As a result, the majority of samples for this project were collected by excavating matrix material from gravelly deposits under light-safe tarps or at night. To examine the contributions of different grain-size fractions to calculated dose-rates, multiple grain-size fractions were analyzed using ICP–MS, high resolution gamma spectrometry and XRF. Dose rates from bulk sediment samples were 0.4–40% (mean of 18%) lower than dose-rate estimates from the sand-size fractions alone, illustrating the importance of representative sampling for dose rate determination. We attribute the difference to the low dose-rate contribution from radio-nuclide poor carbonate pebbles and cobbles that occur disproportionately in clast sizes larger than sand. Where possible, dose rates were based on bulk sediment samples since they integrate the dose-rate contribution from all grain sizes. Equivalent dose distributions showed little evidence for partial bleaching. However, many samples had significant kurtosis and/or overdispersion, possibly due to grain-size related microdosimetry effects, accumulation of pedogenic carbonate or post-depositional sediment mixing. Our OSL age estimates range from 4 to 120 ka, preserve stratigraphic and geomorphic order, and show good agreement with independent ages from tephra correlation and U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate. Furthermore, multiple samples from the same deposit produced ages in good agreement. This study demonstrates that with modified sampling methods and careful consideration of the dose rate, OSL dating can be successfully applied to coarse-grained deposits of climatic and tectonic significance that may be difficult to date by other methods.  相似文献   

The assessment of the dominant flow type on alluvial fans usually refers to two categories: debris‐flow fans (i.e. sediment gravity flows) and fluvial fans (i.e. fluid gravity flows). Here we report the results of combined morphometric, stratigraphic and sedimentological approaches which suggest that hyperconcentrated flows, a transitional process rheologically distinct from debris flows and floods and sometimes referred to as debris floods, mud floods, or transitional debris flows, are the dominant fan building process in eastern Canada. These flows produce transitional facies between those of debris flows which consist of a cohesive matrix‐supported diamicton, and those of river flows which display more distinct stratification. The size of the blocks in the channels and the abrasion scars at the base of several trees attest to the high transport capacity of these flows. The fan channels are routed according to various obstacles comprised primarily of woody debris that impede sediment transit. However, these conditions of sediment storage are combined with readily available sediment due to the friable nature of the local lithology. Tree‐ring analysis allowed the reconstruction of eight hydrogeomorphic events which are characterized by a return period of 9.25 years for the period 1934–2008, although most of the analyzed events occurred after 1970. Historical weather data analysis indicates that they were related to rare hydrometeorological events at regional and local scales. This evidence led to the elaboration of weather scenarios likely responsible for triggering flows on the fan. According to these scenarios, two distinct hydrologic regimes emerge: the torrential rainfall regime and the nival regime related to snowmelt processes. Hydrogeomorphic processes occurring in a cold‐temperate climate, and particularly on small forested alluvial fans of north‐eastern North America, should receive more attention from land managers given the hazard they represent, as well as because of their sensitivity to various meteorological parameters. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alluvial fan development in Alpine areas is often affected by catastrophic sedimentary processes associated with extreme ?oods events, causing serious risks for people living on the fans. Hazard assessment in these areas depends on proper identi?cation of the dominant sedimentary processes on the fans. Data from a set of 209 alluvial fans from the central Alps of Italy are presented in this paper and analysed with the help of various statistical techniques (linear regression, principal components analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and logistic regression). First, we used modern sedimentary facies and historical records (?ood events since 15th century), to distinguish between the two dominant sedimentary processes on alluvial fans: debris ?ows and stream?ows. Then, in order to analyse the main controls on past and present fan processes, 36 morphological, geological and land‐use variables were analysed. As with observations for arid‐environment fans, catchment morphology is the most in?uential factor in the study area, whereas geology and land use are minor controls. The role of climatic change and landsliding within the catchments also seems to be very important and is discussed. Statistical techniques also help in differentiating groups of alluvial fans by sets of controlling factors, including stage and type of evolution. Finally, by using discriminant analysis and logistic regression, we classi?ed alluvial fans according to the dominant sedimentary process, with a success rate ranging between 75 and 92 per cent. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two distinct types of alluvial fans occur in the Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada: fluvially dominated and debris flow dominated. Large, gently sloping fans dominated by fluvial processes are associated with large and less rugged drainage basins, and small rugged basins have produced small, steep fans dominated by debris flow processes. Quantitative analysis demonstrates that strong fan-basin morphometric relationships occur despite a short fan history. Statistical analysis of fan area-basin area relationships indicate that debris flow fan areas do not increase in size as quickly as contributing basins. The relationship of fluvial fan area to basin area is not statistically significant. However, this relationship is probably affected by fan erosion. Examination of fan slope to basin ruggedness relationships indicates that fan slope increases more rapidly than basin ruggedness for both fan types. This is likely related to non-linear discharge and sediment size effects on fluvial fans, and reworking of larger fan surfaces by fluvial processes on debris flow fans.  相似文献   

A rainstorm that caused a severe flash flood on the piedmont plain at the toe positions of two alluvial fans located to the west of the Organ Mountains in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, USA, is analysed. The space–time distributions of rainfall are evaluated from the Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) and overland flow is modelled as kinematic wave. The spatial distribution of rainfall shows a topographic control. The greatest rainfall depth, duration, and intensity occurred at the higher elevation mountain slopes and decreased with decreasing elevation from the alluvial fans to the piedmont plain. The alluvial fan–piedmont plain system is modelled by coupling divergent and rectangular overland flow planes. Explicit finite difference approximations, hybridized with the analytical method of characteristics, are made to the kinematic wave equations to account for the spatial and temporal distribution of the rainfall and variable boundary conditions. Simulation results indicate that sheet‐flow floodwater elevations rise (1) in a nonlinear fashion from the apex to toe positions of the alluvial fans, and (2) near linearly from the toe positions of the alluvial fans onto the piedmont plains with the formation of kinematic shocks near the middle to the upstream end of the plane at times between the initiation of the rainstorm and the time of concentration of the plane. Thus, the maximum flooding occurs at the middle or upstream sections of the piedmont plains regardless of the pattern of space–time variability of rainfall. These results are in agreement with observed geomorphologic features suggesting that piedmont plains are naturally flood‐prone areas. This case study demonstrates that flood hazards on piedmont plains can exceed those on alluvial fans. The models presented in this study suggest that the flood hazard zones on coupled alluvial fan–piedmont plain landforms should be delineated transverse to the flow directions, as opposed to the flood hazard zones with boundaries in the longitudinal direction of the axis of an alluvial fan. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Following perturbation, an ecosystem (flora, fauna, soil) should evolve as a function of time at a rate conditioned by external variables (relief, climate, geology). More recently, biogeomorphologists have focused upon the notion of co‐development of geomorphic processes with ecosystems over very short through to very long (evolutionary) timescales. Alpine environments have been a particular focus of this co‐development. However, work in this field has tended to adopt a simplified view of the relationship between perturbation and succession, including: how the landform and ecosystem itself conditions the impact of a perturbation to create a complex spatial response impact; and how perturbations are not simply ecosystem destroyers but can be a significant source of ecosystem resources. What this means is that at the within landform scale, there may well be a complex and dynamic topographic and sedimentological template that co‐develops with soil, flora and fauna. Here, we present and test a conceptual model of this template for a subalpine alluvial fan. We combine detailed floristic inventory with soil inventory, determination of edaphic variables and analysis of historical aerial imagery. Spatial variation in the probability of perturbation of sites on the fan surface was associated with down fan variability in the across‐fan distribution of fan ages, fan surface channel characteristics and fan surface sedimentology. Floristic survey confirmed that these edaphic factors distinguished site floristic richness and plant communities up until the point that the soil–vegetation system was sufficiently developed to sustain plant communities regardless of edaphic conditions. Thus, the primary explanatory variable was the estimated age of each site, which could be tied back into perturbation history and its spatial expression due to the geometry of the fan: distinct plant communities were emergent both across fan and down fan, a distribution maintained by the way in which the fan dissipates potentially perturbing events. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments, recent paleoenvironmental analyses of rock varnish, and surface exposure dating of geomorphic units have led to new insights into the process of entrenchment and segmentation of alluvial fans, and into the history of Quaternary sedimentation in Death Valley. Entrenchment begins at the fanhead. As the trench deepens, its down-slope end migrates down-fan, taking several tens of thousands of years to reach lower parts of the fan. Laboratory experiments suggest, however, that a new segment begins to grow at the toe long before the trench reaches this part of the fan. Furthermore, the initial slope of the segment is not the equilibrium slope. Field evidence supports this model. The tectonic tilting that caused entrenchment and segmentation in Death Valley may have been triggered by loading of the valley with water. Sedimentation on the salt pan in southern Death Valley is not, at present, in equilibrium with that on the fans. Rather, it seems to be adjusting to an increase in the amount of fine material reaching the playa, due in part to breaching of the outlet of Lake Tecopa somewhat after 600 ka BP, and in part to subsidence of different parts of the valley at different rates. Failure to recognize this disequilibrium resulted in errors in earlier estimates of the age of the segmentation events.  相似文献   

The flooding susceptibility of alluvial fans in the Southern Apennines has long been neglected. To partly address this oversight, we focus on the region of Campania which contains highly urbanized piedmont areas particularly vulnerable to flooding. Our findings are based on stratigraphic analysis of the fans and morphometric analysis of the basin‐fan systems. Using geomorphological analysis we recognized active alluvial fans while stratigraphic analysis together with statistical analysis of the morphometric variables was used to classify the fans in terms of the transport process involved. The results indicate that in the geological context examined, the best discrimination between debris flow (Df) and water flood (Wf) processes is achieved by means of two related variables, one for the basin (feeder channel inclination, Cg) and one for the fan (fan length, Fl). The probability that an unclassified fan belongs to group Wf is computed by applying a logistic function in which a P value exceeding 0.5 indicates that a basin/fan system belongs to group Wf. This important result led to the classification of the entire basin/fan system data. As regards process intensity, debris flow‐dominated fans are susceptible to the occurrence of flows with high viscosity and hence subject to more severe events than water flood‐dominated fans. Bearing this in mind, the data gathered in this study allow us to detect where alluvial fan flooding might occur and give information on the different degrees of susceptibility at a regional scale. Regrettably, urban development in recent decades has failed to take the presence of such alluvial fans into account due to the long recurrence time (50–100 years) between floods. This paper outlines the distribution of such susceptibility scenarios throughout the region, thereby constituting an initial step to implementing alluvial fan flooding control and mitigation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A cellular model of Holocene upland river basin and alluvial fan evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The CAESAR (Cellular Automaton Evolutionary Slope And River) model is used to simulate the Holocene development of a small upland catchment (4·2 km2) and the alluvial fan at its base. The model operates at a 3 m grid scale and simulates every flood over the last 9200 years, using a rainfall record reconstructed from peat bog wetness indices and land cover history derived from palynological sources. Model results show that the simulated catchment sediment discharge above the alluvial fan closely follows the climate signal, but with an increase in the amplitude of response after deforestation. The important effects of sediment storage and remobilization are shown, and findings suggest that soil creep rates may be an important control on long term (>1000 years) temperate catchment sediment yield. The simulated alluvial fan shows a complex and episodic behaviour, with frequent avulsions across the fan surface. However, there appears to be no clear link between fan response and climate or land use changes suggesting that Holocene alluvial fan dynamics may be the result of phases of sediment storage and remobilization, or instabilities and thresholds within the fan itself. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the 1974 rainy season gullies of the order of 150–300 m long were active on the flanks of fixed Pleistocene dunes in the vicinity of Janjari, central Niger. The gullies terminate on small (0.5–1 × 104m2) alluvial fans, where sand deposition had occurred below the intersection point. Gully activity was probably the result of a particularly severe storm. Comparison between fixed dunes subject to differing climatic conditions suggests that gullying and alluvial fan formation may be characteristic of a restricted morphoclimatic zone.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present paper is to present an integrated approach to the study of faulting stages in coarse alluvial deposits. The study site is the alluvial fan of Nahal Shehoret, presently under an extremely arid regime. The exposure of fault scarps on the fan surfaces enables the identification of several geomorphic indicators employed in analysing and separating faulting events and periods of quiescence: (a) the nature of fault scarp topography; (b) soil catenary development on fault scarps; (c) buried paleosols in alluvial deposits; (d) colluvial bodies; (e) rotated clasts along fault planes. These indicators enable us to determine, at all sites studied, the total amount of displacement, to separate faulting events and the amount of their displacement per event, and to evaluate scarp stability and the duration of periods of tectonic quiescence.  相似文献   

Construction of managed aquifer recharge structures(MARS)to store floodwater is a common strategy for storing depleted groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid regions,as part of integrated water resources management(IWRM).MARS divert surface water to groundwater,but this can affect downstream fluvial processes.The impact of MARS on fluvial processes was investigated in this study by combining remote sensing techniques with hydro-sediment modeling for the case of the Kaboutar-Ali-Chay aquifer,northwestern Iran.The impact of MARS on groundwater dynamics was assessed,sedimentation across the MARS was modeled using a 2D hydrodynamic model,and morphological changes were quantified in the human-impacted alluvial fan using Landsat time series data and statistical methods.Changes were detected by comparing data for the periods before(1985e1996)and after(1997 e2018)MARS construction.The results showed that the rate of groundwater depletion decreased from 2.14 m/yr before to 0.86 m/yr after MARS construction.Hydro-sediment modeling revealed that MARS ponds slowed water outflow,resulting in a severe decrease in sediment load which lead to a change from sediment deposition to sediment erosion in the alluvial fan.Morphometric analyses revealed decreasing alluvial fan area and indicated significant differences(p<0.01)between pre-and post-impact periods for different morphometric parameters analyzed.The rate of change in area of the Kaboutar-Ali-Chay alluvial fan changed from0.228 to0.115 km2/year between pre-and post-impact periods.  相似文献   

A wide range of sedimentological and geomorphological field research depends on the availability of accurate and detailed depositional age models. Although exposure dating techniques such as cosmogenic nuclide and luminescence dating are now widely available, they remain expensive and time‐consuming, and this frequently limits the density of age constraints and the resolutions of age models for many study areas. We present a simple and effective, field‐based approach for extending and correlating existing age models to un‐dated surfaces. In Owens Valley, California, we make use of detailed beryllium‐10 (10Be) chronologies reported for four different alluvial fan systems, to precisely calibrate the rate at which weathering fractures are enlarged in granitic surface boulders. We show that these fractures have widened at a time‐integrated rate of 1.05 ± 0.03 mm ka?1 for at least 140 ka at this location, and this relationship can be represented by a linear regression that makes them ideal chronometers for surface dating. Our analysis offers a new approach to refining the uncertainties of both surface erosion rate and cosmogenic age estimates at this location. Ultimately, we integrate our observations to devise a robust age calibration for clast fracture widths in Owens Valley, and we demonstrate its application by estimating the ages of 27 additional local fan surfaces. We present an updated and extended stratigraphy for eight Sierra Nevada fan systems in total, with exceptional age control. This novel approach to dating sedimentary surfaces is inexpensive and easily applied in the field, and has the potential to significantly increase the temporal and spatial density of age constraints available for a particular study area. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic analysis of B‐horizons of soils developing upon the surfaces of alluvial fans was undertaken in order to: (i) differentiate and rank discrete fan surfaces by order of formation; (ii) establish whether fan surfaces formed simultaneously in adjacent fan systems; and (iii) deduce probable patterns of fan development. The results of the analysis indicate that the greatest concentration of ferrimagnetic and anti‐ferromagnetic minerals occurs within soils which have developed upon the proximal fan surfaces with a progressive reduction in magnetic minerals in soils associated with medial and distal surfaces. The build‐up of magnetic minerals in the proximal fan soils suggests that these surfaces formed first followed by the medial and distal surfaces. With the exception of the Kalivia Sokas fan, the majority of depositional events responsible for fan surface formation occurred simultaneously, suggesting that adjacent fan systems share broadly similar depositional histories. Although the precise timing of depositional events is uncertain, it is probable that by the end of the late Pleistocene, small, largely undissected fans comprising two to three surfaces had formed. At the start of the Holocene, fan systems experienced significant fanhead incision. A net distal extension of the fan trench coupled with a progressive basinward shift of the locus of deposition during the middle and late Holocene resulted in formation of medial and distal fan surfaces. Changes in climate are deemed to be the major control of fanhead incision, fan trenching and fan surface formation. However, the likely effects of long‐term tectonic activity and approximately five thousand years of human occupation upon fan development in the Sparta Basin remain unclear. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

John Houston 《水文研究》2002,16(15):3019-3035
The Chacarilla fan in the Atacama Desert is one of several formed in the Late Miocene at the foot of the Pre‐Andean Cordillera overlying the large, complex, Pampa Tamarugal aquifer contained in the continental clastic sediments of the fore‐arc basin. The Pampa Tamarugal aquifer is a strategic source of water for northern Chile but there is continuing doubt over the resource magnitude and recharge. During January 2000 a 1 in 4 year storm in the Andes delivered a 34 million m3 flash flood to the fan apex where c. 70% percolated to the underlying aquifers. Groundwater recharge through the fan is calculated to be a minimum of 200 l/s or 6% of the long‐term catchment rainfall. These figures are supported by hydrochemical data that suggest that recharge may be 9% of long‐term rainfall. Isotopic data suggest groundwater less than 50 years old is transmitted westward through the permeable sheetflood sediments of the fan overlying the main aquifer. Analysis of this and other events shows that the hydrological system is non‐linear with positive feedback. The magnitude of groundwater recharge is dependent on climatic variations, antecedent soil moisture storage and changes in channel characteristics. Long‐term declines in groundwater level may partly result from climatic fluctuations and the causes of such fluctuations are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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