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This paper presents a finite element procedure for the analysis of consolidation of layered soils with vertical drain using general one‐dimensional (1‐D) constitutive models. In formulating the finite element procedure, a Newton–Cotes‐type integration formula is used to avoid the unsymmetry of the stiffness matrix for a Newton (Modified Newton) iteration scheme. The proposed procedure is then applied for the consolidation analysis of a number of typical problems using both linear and non‐linear soil models. Results from this simplified method are compared with those from a fully coupled consolidation analysis using a well‐known finite element package. The average degree of consolidation, excess porewater pressure and average vertical effective stress are almost the same as those from the fully coupled analysis for both the linear and non‐linear cases studied. The differences in vertical effective stresses are tolerable except for the values near the vertical drain boundaries. The consolidation behaviour of soils below a certain depth of the bottom of vertical drain is actually one‐dimensional for the partially penetrating case. Therefore, there are not much differences in whether one uses a one‐dimensional model or a three‐dimensional model in this region. The average degree of consolidation has good normalized feature with respect to the ratio of well radius to external drainage boundary for the cases of fully penetrating vertical drain using a normalized time even in the non‐linear case. Numerical results clearly demonstrate that the proposed simplified finite element procedure is efficient for the consolidation analysis of soils with vertical drain and it has better numerical stability characteristics. This simplified method can easily account for layered systems, time‐dependent loading, well‐resistance, smear effects and inelastic stress–strain behaviour. This method is also very suitable for the design of vertical drain, since it greatly reduces the unknown variables in the calculation and the 1‐D soil model parameters can be more easily determined. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑流变性状的软土地基固结有限元分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
汤斌  陈晓平  张伟 《岩土力学》2004,25(4):583-585
对具有流变性状的软土地基固结特性进行了研究,编制了相应的有限元程序。利用该程序对某高速公路软土地基固结问题进行了计算和分析。通过计算结果与实测结果的对比可得到以下结论:在软土地基的固结变形计算中,考虑流变性状的影响是必要的,其计算值与实测值比较吻合。  相似文献   

Biot's linear consolidation analysis of three-dimensional fluid saturated layered soils is investigated. The time marching method, uncoupled boundary element method, and successive stiffness method are applied for the numerical modelling of this study. Settlement induced by surface loading and land subsidence due to pumping is studied. The results show that settlement induced by surface loading is mainly influenced by the properties of the soil layer, and that the settlement is larger for soil layers with smaller stiffness and greater thicknesses. The land subsidence induced by pumping is influenced by the properties of the soil layer as well as by the permeability of the pumped layer and the conditions at the top and bottom boundaries. The land subsidence is larger for soil layers with a smaller stiffness, lower permeability of the pumped layer, deeper pumping depth, larger pumping rate and an impervious top surface.  相似文献   

针对塑料排水板(PVD)安装热源能提升PVD性能、加速竖井地基固结这一工程现象,基于热-水-应力 (T-H-M) 三场全耦合的有限元方法来模拟利用热源进行地基处理新技术(PVTD)。首先,以微分形式与等效弱形式分别给出T-H-M耦合控制方程,并推导出其有限元方程组。然后在多场耦合有限元软件中建立饱和土的T-H-M全耦合模型,并通过与已有解析解比较,验证了模型正确性。最后,对一个经典有涂抹区的竖井地基算例,分不耦合温度(UT)、耦合温度但不考虑其对饱和土物性影响(CT)、耦合温度考虑温度对饱和土渗透性影响(CTP) 3种情况进行固结计算分析。研究结果表明,相对于无热源竖井地基,CT情况下由于热源产生的附加孔隙水压力,固结速度略有下降;CTP情况下,由于热源有效改善涂抹区的渗透性能,竖井地基固结速率明显加快。上述研究结论从理论上较好地阐明了PVTD的作用机制。  相似文献   

方晔  徐长节  蔡袁强 《岩土力学》2003,24(6):913-916
针对单层Gibson地基模型,运用Laplace变换,求得了单层Gibson地基的一维固结问题,得到了频域内的通解。通过Laplace逆变换,即可计算单层Gibson地基在任意荷载下的一维固结特性。此外,结合工程实例,对解进行了探讨,揭示了单层Gibson地基的固结特性。  相似文献   

Analyses for the response of a linear visco‐elastic system subjected to axi‐symmetric vertical circular loading are presented. Hankel transforms with respect to the radial spatial coordinate are used to reduce the three‐dimensional problem to that involving only a single spatial dimension, which is then discretized using the finite element method. Three techniques are employed to handle the time factor in the visco‐elastic material: (i) direct time integration; (ii) Fourier transforms; and (iii) Laplace transforms. These methods are compared and evaluated through their numerical results. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laboratory consolidation of structured clayey soils is analysed in this paper. The research is carried out by two different methods. The first one treats the soil as an isotropic homogeneous equivalent Double Porosity (DP) medium. The second method rests on the extensive application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) to combinations of different soils, composing 2D or fully 3D ordered structured media that schematically discretize the complex material. Two reference problems, representing typical situations of 1D laboratory consolidation of structured soils, are considered. For each problem, solution is obtained through integration of the equations governing the consolidation of the DP medium as well as via FEM applied to the ordered schemes composed of different materials. The presence of conventional experimental devices to ensure the drainage of the sample is taken into account through appropriate boundary conditions. Comparison of FEM results with theoretical results clearly points out the ability of the DP model to represent consolidation processes of structurally complex soils. Limits of applicability of the DP model may arise when the rate of fluid exchange between the two porous systems is represented through oversimplified relations. Results of computations, obtained having assigned reasonable values to the meso‐structural and to the experimental apparatus parameters, point out that a partially efficient drainage apparatus strongly influences the distribution along the sample and the time evolution of the interstitial water pressure acting in both systems of pores. Data of consolidation tests in a Rowe's cell on samples of artificially fissured clays reported in the literature are compared with the analytical and numerical results showing a significant agreement. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孙红  赵锡宏  杨群兴 《岩土力学》2002,23(2):133-136
在Biot固结理论基础上,引入弹塑性损伤本构关系,建立了固结分析有限元方程。对某试验路堤进行了损伤模型计算与弹塑性模型计算的结果比较。结果表明:损伤模型的计算结果大于弹塑性模型的计算结果;损伤随着加荷时间的增长而增大;路基中心线和路基坡脚下的土损伤程度较大。  相似文献   

波浪作用下某防沙堤的动力固结有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王刚  张建民 《岩土力学》2006,27(4):555-560
基于饱和土动力固结理论,采用SWANDYNE II有限元分析,程序预测一个梯形沉箱防沙堤在某设计波浪作用下的响应。采用Pastor-Zienkiwicz Mark III广义塑性模型模拟了海床土的循环应力-应变行为。通过动三轴试验,确定了主要的模型参数,分析中只考虑了波浪对结构的作用,忽略行波对海床表面的作用。动力固结有限元分析的结果定性上与常规的拟静力极限平衡分析方法一致,有限元分析定量给出了体系的位移、应力、孔隙水压力分布和结构位移随波浪持续时间的累积过程,其研究结果初步展现了动力固结有限元方法在近海和海岸岩土工程领域的广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

艾智勇  蔡建邦 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):685-688
将地基视为多层各向同性弹性体,对Euler-Bernoulli梁进行有限单元离散分析,对地基-梁接触面采用边界积分法求解,根据地基-梁接触面的竖向位移协调和光滑接触条件,应用有限元与边界元耦合的方法推导出各向同性成层弹性地基上的Euler-Bernoulli梁的半数值半解析解。基于文中理论,编制了相应的程序,通过与现有文献对比,验证了文中理论的正确性,对比分析了分层地基与等效均匀地基两种模型上的弹性地基梁。研究结果表明,分层地基与等效均匀地基两种模型上弹性地基梁性状差异较大,实际弹性地基梁计算中应采用分层地基模型。  相似文献   

余湘娟  殷宗泽  高磊 《岩土力学》2015,36(2):320-324
软土的次固结对于软土的变形量非常重要。在软土次固结计算中,通常以次固结系数作为计算参数,但该系数不能反映荷载变化的影响,而且只适用于正常固结土。由于工程中所遇到的大都为超固结土,对超固结土的次固结计算还缺少合理的方法。通过室内试验开展了软土次固结沉降相关研究,进行了多组原状软土试样的分级加载次固结试验,试验结果表明,对于软土次固结计算,建议从次固结应变与时间关系的角度,采用双曲线形式进行拟合,并分别对正常固结和超固结状态的次固结应变参数进行分析,建立了一维次固结的经验模型公式,提出了一种考虑压力对次压缩影响的次固结沉降计算方法,并将该方法应用于现场工程项目,验证了该方法可以适用于正常固结土和超固结土,使得软土次固结沉降量的计算能够更好地反映实际工程问题。  相似文献   

软土地基电渗固结理论分析与数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡黎明  吴伟令  吴辉 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3977-3983
电渗固结是加速软土固结、提高地基承载力的有效技术。传统的电渗固结理论假设土体的物理力学、水力学和电学特性均匀稳定,其理论解答与试验结果差别较大。针对电渗固结处理过程,对土体位移场、渗流场和电场的耦合特征进行了理论分析,根据电荷守恒原理、水流连续原理和Biot固结理论,建立了电渗固结过程的多场耦合控制方程;考虑土体相关特性参数的非线性关系,开发了有限元软件用于分析电渗过程中电场强度、土体位移以及超静孔隙水压力的变化特征。计算结果与理论数据吻合较好,能够反映土体相关特性参数非线性关系对结果的影响。软件能够为电渗固结系统设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Discrete element methods (DEMs) are used for layered geomaterials to investigate the dependency of traditional engineering constants on material properties and loading conditions. Shear deformations and compression tests parallel and perpendicular to layering are conducted on samples of varying kerogen volume fractions, confining pressures, porosities, and layer geometries. The goal of this article is to develop a method to better characterize oil shale (a transversely isotropic layered geomaterial) while eliminating high experimental costs. The DEM simulations conducted in this study demonstrate strong dependencies of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and shear modulus on kerogen volume fraction and porosity. Furthermore, a rule of thumb for layer thickness and particle resolution is proposed for simulation design. Results agree well with robust effective medium theories, solidify the ability of DEM to model the mechanical properties of layered heterogenous materials, and encourage the use of DEM to study more complicated layered media and material failure. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The engineering applications of energy piles, geological radioactive waste disposals, and mining wells of geothermal and petroleum are usually associated with strong coupled behaviour of consolidation and heat flow. This paper aims to present an efficient precise integration technique (PIT) for the analysis of such behaviour within layered saturated soils surrounding cylindrical heat sources (ie, with a cross section as a point, ring, or disc). Each soil layer, together with its embedded part of heat source, is divided into 2N layer elements with equal thickness. Then any pair of adjacent two layer elements are merged into a heat source on the interface. With the aid of Taylor series expansion and recurrence formula for adjacent layer elements combination, such problems can be solved by means of an improved PIT. Typical examples are performed to examine the effects of heat source type and soils layered properties on the coupled consolidation and heat flow responses. The elevation of the clay surface increases with time because of thermal expansion and reaches a peak value before showing a tendency of getting stabilised because of the dissipation of pore pressure becoming dominant. Such a peak cannot be achieved in sand case because of no accumulation of pore pressure. The influencing area of the heat source was found to be limited to near the source. These quantitative results serve as good verification of the presented technique, which proves to be remarkably efficient and several orders more accurate than traditional numerical techniques in that it ideally reaches the accuracy limit of the hardware of the computers used.  相似文献   

An automatic time increment selection scheme for numerical analysis of long-term response of geomaterials is presented. The scheme is simple, rational and stable. Governed by a simple empirical expression, it can adaptively adjust the time increments depending on the strain rate-dependent temporal history of the material response. The proposed expression requires only a few parameters whose selection is a trivial task since they have a small effect on accuracy but have a significant effect on computational efficiency. This generalization has been made possible because of the enforcement of certain predefined control criteria to avoid extreme conditions. If any of the control criteria is satisfied, the computation is restarted by going a few time steps back to ensure the smoothness of the computed responses and time increments are again continuously adjusted through the governing equation provided. Performance of the automatic time increment selection scheme is investigated through finite element analyses of the long-term consolidation response of clay under different geotechnical profiles and loading conditions. Both elastic and elasto-viscoplastic constitutive relations are considered, including the consideration of the destructuration effects of geomaterials. Numerical results show that the performance of the automatic time increment selection scheme is reasonably excellent. While offering reasonable accuracy of the numerical solution, it can ensure temporal stability at optimal computational efficiency. In addition to the Euler implicit method, the automatic time increment selection scheme also performs well even when the explicit fourth-order Runge–Kutta method is employed for the integration of time derivatives.  相似文献   

非饱和土渗流与变形耦合问题的有限元分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
徐炎兵  韦昌富  李幻  陈辉 《岩土力学》2009,30(5):1490-1496
基于多孔介质力学原理,建立能模拟非饱和土两相流动与变形耦合问题的理论模型。利用Galerkin法对控制方程进行离散,得到控制方程的有限元计算格式。在此基础上,自主开发了有限元计算程序U-DYSAC2,并对Liakopoulos两相流动试验这一经典算例以及重非亲水相流体(DNAPL)在饱和多孔介质中迁移的离心模型试验进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明,理论预测与试验结果基本吻合,验证了所提出的分析方法在模拟非饱和土渗流以及变形问题时的有效性,从而为定量研究饱和-非饱和渗流以及变形问题提供了一条有效途径。  相似文献   

李厚民  熊健民  余天庆 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):897-901
针对日益增多的高填方路堤,提出了一种新型的挡土墙结构--互锚式薄壁挡土墙,它具有成本低廉、结构合理、施工方便的特点,有利于保护环境,具有广泛地应用前景。在现场测试的基础上进行有限元分析,总结出拉筋应力、侧向土压力、侧向位移等指标的可能影响因素,为这种新结构的设计及优化提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

强夯法处理层状软基的动态响应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
孟庆山  汪稔 《岩土力学》2006,27(1):23-28
引入双屈服面弹塑性本构模型,将土骨架的变位和孔隙水作为变量进行流、固耦合分析,通过瞬态波动有限元程序模拟冲击荷载作用下层状地基土体的动态响应特征。计算结果表明,土体的应力峰值、孔压峰值和位移峰值随土层深度和距锤底中心的径向距离的增大而逐渐滞后,通过不同位置土体的动态响应分析,表明应力波是以竖向的椭球面形状在土体中传播的,而且衰减很快。数值计算结果与现场测试结果两者之间较为吻合,为实现有限元模拟分析现场实际提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

艾智勇  曹国军 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z2):58-63
利用弹性矩形板与多层地基表面的竖向位移协调条件与光滑接触条件,由横观各向同性多层地基应力与位移非耦合的传递矩阵解,推导出弹性矩形板下竖向应力和位移的解析解。在此基础上,编制了相应的程序,并进行了数值计算。计算结果表明:矩形板刚度对板底竖向位移及板中心下的竖向应力有着较为显著的影响;板底竖向位移及板中心下的竖向应力随着板刚度的增加而减小,相同荷载作用下横观各向同性地基与均匀各向同性地基模型的计算结果差异较大,实际工程中很有必要采用更符合土体性质的横观各向同性地基模型  相似文献   

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