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考虑渐近状态特性的超固结土本构模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗汀  侯伟  姚仰平 《岩土力学》2010,31(3):683-688
基于超固结土的UH模型,结合渐近状态概念,将适用于饱和砂土的渐近状态本构模型推广为考虑渐近状态特性的超固结土本构模型,用于描述土的超固结性和渐近状态特性。通过采用变换应力方法实现了模型的三维化。新提出的本构模型简单、参数较少,与剑桥模型相比,仅增加了一个材料参数,即伏斯列夫面斜率。该模型能够合理反映超固结土的硬化、软化、临界状态、剪缩、剪胀、应力路径依赖性、渐近状态等特性。  相似文献   

超固结粘土的二元介质模型   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
沈珠江  邓刚 《岩土力学》2003,24(4):495-499
为了分析超固结粘土边坡的变形和稳定的需要,在岩土破损力学的框架内建议了一个适用于这类土的二元介质模型。该模型考虑了土体内在的不均一性,把它看作由结构块和结构带组成的复合体,两者共同分担外荷载,模型包含10参数,并拟定了这些参数的测定方法。通过模拟三轴试验的计算表明,该模型可以反映London粘土的应力-应变特征。  相似文献   

邵生俊  谢定义 《岩土力学》2002,23(6):667-972
基于砂土的压缩回胀性、剪切非线性及剪缩剪胀性的系统分析和包括循环荷载、主应力轴旋转及应力路径偏转等复杂应力条件下的复杂变形反应,得到了三类应力-应变基本关系。在剪缩剪胀应力-应变关系中,引入了由偏应变分量确定的应变路径长度变量,揭示了应力主轴旋转、应力路径偏转引起的剪缩剪胀性。将这些基本关系与循环荷载下砂土的物态变化相联系,建立了砂土的物态动本构关系。  相似文献   

SANICLAY is a new simple anisotropic clay plasticity model that builds on a modification of an earlier model with an associated flow rule, in order to include simulations of softening response under undrained compression following Ko consolidation. Non‐associativity is introduced by adopting a yield surface different than the plastic potential surface. Besides, the isotropic hardening of the yield surface both surfaces evolve according to a combined distortional and rotational hardening rule, simulating the evolving anisotropy. Although built on the general premises of critical state soil mechanics, the model induces a critical state line in the void ratio–mean effective stress space, which is a function of anisotropy. To ease interpretation, the model formulation is presented firstly in the triaxial stress space and subsequently, its multiaxial generalization is developed systematically, in a form appropriate for implementation in numerical codes. The SANICLAY is shown to provide successful simulation of both undrained and drained rate‐independent behaviour of normally consolidated sensitive clays, and to a satisfactory degree of accuracy of overconsolidated clays. The new model requires merely three constants more than those of the modified Cam clay model, all of which are easily calibrated from well‐established laboratory tests following a meticulously presented procedure. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

结构性粘土的边界面砌块体模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
把天然粘土的变形看作是由结构的破坏引起的。总的变形由结构性粘土的弹性变形、结构面的滑移塑性变形和结构体破损引起的的损伤塑性变形组成。把滑移屈服面看作可以扩大、旋转的运动硬化面,并作为边界面,通过内插塑性模量来描述滑移塑性变形。采用损伤边界面,通过规定加荷或反向加荷产生损伤变形,卸荷不产生损伤变形来描述损伤塑性变形。建立了结构性粘土的边界面砌块体模型,并用试验进行了验证。  相似文献   

A destructuration theory and its application to SANICLAY model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many natural clays have an undisturbed shear strength in excess of the remoulded strength. Destructuration modeling provides a means to account for such sensitivity in a constitutive model. This paper extends the SANICLAY model to include destructuration. Two distinct types of destructuration are considered: isotropic and frictional. The former is a concept already presented in relation to other models and in essence constitutes a mechanism of isotropic softening of the yield surface with destructuration. The latter refers to the reduction of the critical stress ratio reflecting the effect of destructuration on the friction angle, and is believed to be a novel proposition. Both the types depend on a measure of destructuration rate expressed in terms of combined plastic volumetric and deviatoric strain rates. The SANICLAY model itself is generalized from its previous form by additional dependence of the yield surface on the third isotropic stress invariant. Such a generalization allows to obtain as particular cases simplified model versions of lower complexity including one with a single surface and associative flow rule, by simply setting accordingly parameters of the generalized version. A detailed calibration procedure of the relatively few model constants is presented, and the performance of three versions of the model, in descending order of complexity, is validated by comparison of simulations to various data for oedometric consolidation followed by triaxial undrained compression and extension tests on two structured clays. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hypoplastic constitutive model for clays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a new constitutive model for clays. The model is developed on the basis of generalized hypoplasticity principles, which are combined with traditional critical state soil mechanics. The positions of the isotropic normal compression line and the critical state line correspond to the Modified Cam clay model, the Matsuoka–Nakai failure surface is taken as the limit stress criterion and the non‐linear behaviour of soils with different overconsolidation ratios is governed by the generalized hypoplastic formulation. The model requires five constitutive parameters, which correspond to the parameters of the Modified Cam clay model and are simple to calibrate on the basis of standard laboratory experiments. This makes the model particularly suitable for practical applications. The basic model may be simply enhanced by the intergranular strain concept, which allows reproducing the behaviour at very small strains. The model is evaluated on the basis of high quality laboratory experiments on reconstituted London clay. Contrary to a reference hypoplastic relation, the proposed model may be applied to highly overconsolidated clays. Improvement of predictions in the small strain range at different stress levels is also demonstrated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a constitutive model for describing the stress-strain response of sands under cyclic loading. The model, formulated using the critical state theory within the bounding surface plasticity framework, is an upgraded version of an existing model developed for monotonic behaviour of cohesionless sands. With modification of the hardening law, plastic volumetric strain increment and unloading plastic modulus, the original model was modified to simulate cyclic loading. The proposed model was validated against triaxial cyclic loading tests for Fuji River sand, Toyoura sand and Nigata sand. Comparison between the measured and predicted results suggests that the proposed modified model can capture the main features of cohesionless sands under drained and undrained cyclic loading.  相似文献   

基于临界状态土力学框架,建立了一个适用于往返循环荷载作用的砂土边界面本构模型。采用无纯弹性域假设,认为受到反向荷载的瞬时土体就产生塑性变形,砂土的弹性区域退化为一个点。屈服面为倒子弹头型,由于砂土孔隙比与压力之间不存在惟一对应的关系,使得屈服面大小无法与体积应变直接耦合,故采用塑性偏应变而不是剑桥模型那种塑性体应变作为硬化参数。流动法则采用加入状态参数的修正的Rowe应力剪胀关系,体现了依赖状态的剪胀思想。屈服面大小的比值 反映了塑性模量的演化,并推导了 的表达式。只用1套参数,该模型就能合理地模拟砂土在不同密度和固结压力下循环荷载的应力-应变关系曲线。  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to present a relatively simple, yet realistic, constitutive model for simulations of structured sensitive clays. The proposed constitutive model can simulate 1‐D and isotropic consolidation, and drained and undrained shear response of sensitive structured clay. The proposed sensitive bounding surface model is based on concepts from the modified Cam clay model 8 and bounding surface plasticity 27 , with the addition of a simple degradation law. The key material parameters are M, λ, κ, and ν from the modified Cam clay framework, h from the bounding surface framework to model a smoothed elasto‐plastic transition, and ωv, ωq, and Ssr to model softening associated with destructuration. The model has separate parameters to model destructuration caused by volumetric strain and deviatoric strain. The model is capable of modeling unusual behavior of strain softening during 1‐D compression (i.e., a reduction of effective stress as void ratio decreases). A good match between test results and the model simulation is demonstrated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Strength loss of natural clays subjected to seismic loading is a critical factor contributing to earthquake‐induced ground failure and associated hazards. This work proposes a bounding surface constitutive law to simulate cyclic strength degradation of natural clays resulting from the loss of structure and attendant accumulation of excess pore pressures. The proposed model employs an enhanced plastic flow rule that can simulate accurately the development of pore pressure and explicitly incorporates soil structure effects. The validation of the model with reference to the experimental evidence available for 3 structured clays shows that with a single set of parameters the proposed model can reasonably represent the mechanical behavior of natural clays under various loading conditions (1D compression, monotonic shearing in compression and extension, cyclic loading, and postcyclic shearing). Particularly, its satisfactory performance in terms of quantification of cyclic strength degradation encourages the use of the model in simulating boundary value problems related to the stability of geotechnical facilities under earthquakes.  相似文献   

胡再强  张腾  朱轶韵  陈存礼 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1103-1106
通过对陕西杨陵地区的非饱和黄土进行等应力比压缩试验和常规三轴试验,在对试验结果的应力-应变曲线特性进行分析的基础上,由试验结果直接确定屈服函数,根据Drucker公设,即相适应的流动法则,选择合适的硬化参数,建立了非饱和黄土的弹塑性本构模型,并将模型计算结果与试验结果进行比较。结果表明,该模型能够较好地模拟非饱和黄土与固结应力有关的应变软化现象,计算的变形规律与试验结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

基于Hardin曲线的土体边界面本构模型在ADINA软件中的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提出一种适合于岩土地震数值模拟的土体本构模型,基于土体动应力-应变关系的Hardin曲线及其在非等幅往返荷载下的Pyke修正,采用von Mises准则在偏应力平面上构造边界面,以反向加载点和当前应力点的连线在边界面上投影的比例作为硬化参数,推导了塑性硬化模量并给出该边界面本构的具体增量表述。在有限元软件ADINA中通过自定义材料的二次开发实现了该本构模型,并利用动三轴试验对该本构模型进行了验证。数值模拟与试验结果的对比表明,本构模型能如实反映土体的应力-应变关系。针对实际工程场地的地震反应,应用边界面本构模型在ADINA中进行了二维数值模拟,与SHAKE91的计算结果进行了对比,说明了该本构模型应用于岩土地震工程问题的合理性。  相似文献   

A constitutive model for sands in monotonic shear is presented. The model is designed to simulate the behavior of sands in the whole stress and strain range of engineering interest with enough accuracy for practical usage. Material parameters were chosen to be state independent and easy to calibrate using conventional testing procedures. The formulation is based on effective stresses, pressure-dependent hyperelasticity, non-associative elastoplasticity, an isotropic hardening law and Rowe’s stress-dilatancy theory. The implementation of Rowe’s stress-dilatancy theory within the framework of elastoplasticity theory is discussed. It is found that Rowe’s theory produces a volumetric plastic strain rate function that has a discontinuity in its first derivative w.r.t. stress, and a smoothed form is proposed instead. Finally, some experimental tests are simulated and the results are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A unified constitutive model for unsaturated soils is presented in a critical state framework using the concepts of effective stress and bounding surface plasticity theory. Consideration is given to the effects of unsaturation and particle crushing in the definition of the critical state. A simple isotropic elastic rule is adopted. A loading surface and a bounding surface of the same shape are defined using simple and versatile functions. The bounding surface and elastic rules lead to the existence of a limiting isotropic compression line, towards which the stress trajectories of all isotropic compression load paths approach. A non‐associated flow rule of the same general form is assumed for all soil types. Isotropic hardening/softening occurs due to changes in plastic volumetric strains as well as suction for some unsaturated soils, enabling the phenomenon of volumetric collapse upon wetting to be accounted for. The model is used to simulate the stress–strain behaviour observed in unsaturated speswhite kaolin subjected to three triaxial test load paths. The fit between simulation and experiment is improved compared to that of other constitutive models developed using conventional Cam‐Clay‐based plasticity theory and calibrated using the same set of data. Also, the model is used to simulate to a high degree of accuracy the stress–strain behaviour observed in unsaturated Kurnell sand subjected to two triaxial test load paths and the oedometric compression load path. For oedometric compression theoretical simulations indicate that the suction was not sufficiently large to cause samples to separate from the confining ring. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以饱和度与有效应力为状态变量,通过引入描述不饱和与饱和土孔隙比差的状态变量,将Zhang等提出的饱和土体应力诱导各向异性动弹塑性本构模型推广到不饱和土体中,使其可描述不饱和土在动力循环荷载作用下的力学特性行为。通过对已有不饱和土体在完全不排水条件下的动三轴试验进行理论模拟,验证了所提出不饱和土本构模型的正确性。最后基于所提出本构模型,讨论了在不排水条件下初始饱和度对不饱和土动力特性研究。结果表明,不饱和土在动力荷载作用下,土体的孔隙比将减少,导致饱和度增加;当初始饱和度较高时,不饱和土会转化为饱和土,从而发生液化现象。该研究成果对研究不饱和土在地震等动力荷载作用下的力学特性行为具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王秋生  周济兵 《岩土力学》2019,40(11):4178-4184
基于广义热力学基本理论,通过考虑塑性剪切变形产生的能量一部分以塑性自由能的形式储存,并且该部分自由能与超固结度相关,结合修正剑桥模型的热力学函数形式建立了适用于超固结土的自由能函数和耗散函数。该耗散函数与当前应力状态无关,相关联流动法则仍然适用。由建立的耗散函数和自由能函数,推导了弹塑性本构关系的屈服函数、流动法则、硬化定律。通过4种不同超固结土的试验结果和计算结果进行比较,验证了模型的合理性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a study is made of the generalization of constitutive models for geomaterials from two‐dimensional stress and strain states to three‐dimensional stress and strain states. Existing methods of model generalization are reviewed and their deficiencies are highlighted. A new method is proposed based on geometries of the model imprints on two normal planes. Using the proposed method, various three‐dimensional failure criterions suitable for geomaterials are implemented directly into a two‐dimensional model and the generalized model is identical to its original form for the axially symmetric condition. To demonstrate the application of the proposed method, the Modified Cam Clay model is extended using the Matsuoka–Nakai failure criterion. Simulations of soil behaviour for loading in the principal stress space are presented and analysed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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