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Assessments of current and expected climatic changes in the Arctic Basin are obtained, including ice-cover characteristics influencing the duration of the navigation season on the Northern Sea Route (NSR) along Eurasia and the Northwest Passage (NWP) along North America. The ability of modern climate models to simulate the average duration of the navigation season and its changes over recent decades is estimated. The duration of the navigation season for the NSR and NWP in the 21st century is estimated using an ensemble of climate models. The assessments differ significantly for the NSR and NWP. Unlike the NSR, the NWP reveals no large changes in the navigation season in the first 30 years of the 21st century. From the multimodel simulations, the expected duration of the navigation period by the late 21st century will be approximately 3 to 6 months for the NSR and 2 to 4 months for the NWP under the moderate anthropogenic SRES-A1B scenario.  相似文献   

Possible changes in the climate characteristics of the Northern Hemisphere in the 21st century are estimated using a climate model (developed at the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics (OIAP), Russian Academy of Sciences) under different scenarios of variations in the atmospheric contents of greenhouse gases and aerosols, including those formed at the OIAP on the basis of SRES emission scenarios (group I) and scenarios (group II) developed at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI). Over the 21st century, the global annual mean warming at the surface amounts to 1.2?C2.6°C under scenarios I and 0.9?C1.2°C under scenarios II. For all scenarios II, starting from the 2060s, a decrease is observed in the rate of increase in the global mean annual near-surface air temperature. The spatial structures of variations in the mean annual near-surface air temperature in the 21st century, which have been obtained for both groups of scenarios (with smaller absolute values for scenarios II), are similar. Under scenarios I, within the extratropical latitudes, the mean annual surface air temperature increases by 3?C7°C in North America and by 3?C5°C in Eurasia in the 21st century. Under scenarios II, the near-surface air temperature increases by 2?C4°C in North America and by 2?C3°C in Eurasia. An increase in the total amount of precipitation by the end of the 21st century is noted for both groups of scenarios; the most significant increase in the precipitation rate is noted for the land of the Northern Hemisphere. By the late 21st century, the total area of the near-surface permafrost soils of the land of the Northern Hemisphere decreases to 3.9?C9.5 106 km2 for scenarios I and 9.7?C11.0 × 106 km2 for scenarios II. The decrease in the area of near-surface permafrost soils by 2091?C2100 (as compared to 2001?C2010) amounts to approximately 65% for scenarios I and 40% for scenarios II. By the end of the 21st century, in regions of eastern Siberia, in which near-surface permafrost soils are preserved, the characteristic depths of seasonal thawing amount to 0.5?C2.5 m for scenarios I and 1?C2 m for scenarios II. In western Siberia, the depth of seasonal thawing amounts to 1?C2 m under both scenarios I and II.  相似文献   

Current estimations of gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere are based on the concepts about diffusive gas transfer across the interface and about a stationary character of the processes; however, under a strong wind, these concepts are invalid. Transfer equations for gas constitutents of the air are incorporated into a numerical model of a nonstationary upper layer of the ocean. These equations contain the source function—gas transfer by bubbles, which becomes noticeable even at a wind speed of 8–10 m/s. The fluxes of oxygen and CO2 are calculated at a specified wind speed, dependences of these fluxes on the wind speed are constructed, and estimates for the average annual fluxes are obtained for several areas of the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio. A substantial change in the difference of the air-water gas contents under a strong wind, caused by the turbulent exchange growth and appreciably affecting the gas exchange, is noted. The influence of the carbonate system of seawater on the CO2 transfer during a storm is estimated. The results obtained are compared to the estimates based on the traditional approach.  相似文献   

21世纪初我国海洋科学的展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大气、海洋和陆地对自然变异和人类活动的响应速率和规模,具有明显的区别:大气的响应速率快、规模大,全球效应突出;陆地的响应则较缓,且局域效应明显;海洋的响应速率和规模居于大气和陆地之间,但其具体表现则甚为复杂。海洋的板块构造保存了海底地壳的发展历史、而海底沉积物也  相似文献   

ensemble simulations with the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS) climate model (CM) for the 21st century are analyzed taking into account anthropogenic forcings in accordance with the Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2, A1B, and B1, whereas agricultural land areas were assumed to change in accordance with the Land Use Harmonization project scenarios. Different realizations within these ensemble experiments were constructed by varying two governing parameters of the terrestrial carbon cycle. The ensemble simulations were analyzed with the use of Bayesian statistics, which makes it possible to suppress the influence of unrealistic members of these experiments on their results. It is established that, for global values of the main characteristics of the terrestrial carbon cycle, the SRES scenarios used do not differ statistically from each other, so within the framework of the model, the primary productivity of terrestrial vegetation will increase in the 21st century from 74 ± 1 to 102 ± 13 PgC yr−1 and the carbon storage in terrestrial vegetation will increase from 511 ± 8 to 611 ± 8 PgC (here and below, we indicate the mean ± standard deviations). The mutual compensation of changes in the soil carbon stock in different regions will make global changes in the soil carbon storage in the 21st century statistically insignificant. The global CO2 uptake by terrestrial ecosystems will increase in the first half of the 21st century, whereupon it will decrease. The uncertainty interval of this variable in the middle (end) of the 21st century will be from 1.3 to 3.4 PgC yr−1 (from 0.3 to 3.1 PgC yr−1). In most regions, an increase in the net productivity of terrestrial vegetation (especially outside the tropics), the accumulation of carbon in this vegetation, and changes in the amount of soil carbon stock (with the total carbon accumulation in soils of the tropics and subtropics and the regions of both accumulation and loss of soil carbon at higher latitudes) will be robust within the ensemble in the 21st century, as will the CO2 uptake from the atmosphere only by terrestrial ecosystems located at extratropical latitudes of Eurasia, first and foremost by the Siberian taiga. However, substantial differences in anthropogenic emissions between the SRES scenarios in the 21st century lead to statistically significant differences between these scenarios in the carbon dioxide uptake by the ocean, the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, and changes in the surface air temperature. In particular, according to the SRES A2 (A1B, B1) scenario, in 2071–2100 the carbon flux from the atmosphere to the ocean will be 10.6 ± 0.6 PgC yr−1 (8.3 ± 0.5, 5.6 ± 0.3 PgC yr−1), and the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere will reach 773 ± 28 ppmv (662 ± 24, 534 ± 16 ppmv) by 2100. The annual mean warming in 2071–2100 relatively to 1961–1990 will be 3.19 ± 0.09 K (2.52 ± 0.08, 1.84 ± 0.06 K).  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the characteristics of atmospheric centers of action (ACAs) in the Northern Hemisphere to global climate changes is analyzed on the basis of models of different complexity, including the climate model of intermediate complexity of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences and the ECHAM4/OPYC3 and HadCM3 general circulation models of the atmosphere and ocean. The emphasis is on the analysis of trends of the change in ACA characteristics in winter, when the long-term global warming is most considerable. The global climate models are shown to be able to describe not only the intermediate regimes of ACAs but also their dynamics. In particular, ECHAM4/OPYC3 is capable of reproducing the statistically significant connection of the characteristics of the North Pacific centers of action with El Niño/La Niña events, revealed from observational data. With the use of the results of the global climate models, the possible changes in the characteristics of centers of action in the 21st century are estimated for an increased content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

齐庆华  蔡榕硕 《海洋学报》2017,39(11):37-48
气候变暖背景下,全球平均海洋变暖和海平面上升显著,为人类社会的可持续发展带来巨大挑战。上层海洋热力状况是海平面变化的主导因子之一。本文围绕"21世纪海上丝绸之路"途经海区(文中简称为丝路海区)上层海洋热含量异常的区域性时空特征,分析探讨了丝路海区热比容海平面异常的时空变化、演变特征及可能影响,以期为"21世纪海上丝绸之路"海洋环境安全保障提供服务支撑。结果表明,自20世纪70年代中后期,丝路海区上层(0~700 m)海洋已明显变暖,尤其20世纪90年代中后期增暖幅度显著加大。近60年来,在丝路海区热带海洋中,西太平洋的北赤道流区及以北海域、东海黑潮流域以及南海北部和南部海区、阿拉伯海西北部海域、马来西亚西北部海域及南印度洋部分海域具有长期增暖趋势。热带西太平洋暖池区整体增暖不明显,主要与印度洋中部海域呈反位相变化,且明显受到季节和年际变化的调制。长江口附近沿岸、南海北部沿岸、中南半岛南部沿岸以及阿拉伯海西北部沿岸的近岸海域长期增暖明显,自20世纪90年代中后期,中南半岛东部和西部沿海、澳大利亚西部沿海以及我国东南沿海热比容海平面上升明显。近岸热比容海平面的季节演变对沿海地区社会和经济发展会造成一定影响。此外,东亚夏季风与东海、黄海和渤海热比容海平面的上升显著相关,同时,ENSO、太平洋年代际振荡和印度洋偶极子的发生也均与我国东南沿海和印度洋西部沿海热比容海平面上升明显关联。特别是,气候变暖情形下,各种区域性致灾因子和气候变率的协同影响会对丝路海区海岸带和沿海地区的防灾减灾与社会经济发展带来较大挑战,开展海岸带和沿海地区全球变化综合风险研究成为当前首要任务。  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS技术,利用Landsat影像目视解译提取2000和2015年海上丝绸之路大陆岸线数据,从整体、洲际尺度、国家尺度、热点区域和港口城市5个空间尺度分析大陆岸线位置变化特征.结果表明:(1)整体方面,2000年和2015年海上丝绸之路沿线地区岸线扩张和后退的比例(速度)分别约为8.21%(27 m·a–1)...  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the methane oxidation rate is estimated. The methane lifetime in the atmosphere is shown to decrease by about 3% from 1900 to 2005. The overwhelming fraction of the total methane content is removed from the atmosphere at intratropical latitudes during the daytime. The methane oxidation rate growth due to the temperature increase in the troposphere generates negative feedback in the methane cycle and, accordingly, climatic feedback with the same sign. According to the estimates performed, the halt in methane concentration growth in the atmosphere observed in recent years can be associated with a decrease in the lifetime of methane in the atmosphere. According to the results of numerical experiments with the climatic model of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS), the climatic effect of negative feedback of the tropospheric temperature and the methane lifetime in the atmosphere is not large and is comparable with the climatic forcing of the methane emission growth from bog ecosystems.  相似文献   

The solar climate ozone links (SOCOL) three-dimensional chemistry-climate model is used to estimate changes in the ozone and atmospheric dynamics over the 21st century. With this model, four numerical time-slice experiments were conducted for 1980, 2000, 2050, and 2100 conditions. Boundary conditions for sea-surface temperatures, sea-ice parameters, and concentrations of greenhouse and ozone-depleting gases were set following the IPCC A1B scenario and the WMO A1 scenario. From the model results, a statistically significant cooling of the model stratosphere was obtained to be 4–5 K for 2000–2050 and 3–5 K for 2050–2100. The temperature of the lower atmosphere increases by 2–3 K over the 21st century. Tropospheric heating significantly enhances the activity of planetary-scale waves at the tropopause. As a result, the Eliassen-Palm flux divergence considerable increases in the middle and upper stratosphere. The intensity of zonal circulation decreases and the meridional residual circulation increases, especially in the winter-spring period of each hemisphere. These dynamic changes, along with a decrease in the concentrations of ozone-depleting gases, result in a faster growth of O3 outside the tropics. For example, by 2050, the total ozone in the middle and high latitudes approaches its model level of 1980 and the ozone hole in Antarctica fills up. The superrecovery of the model ozone layer in the middle and high latitudes of both hemispheres occurs in 2100. The tropical ozone layer recovers far less slowly, reaching a 1980 level only by 2100.  相似文献   

RCP4.5情景下预测21世纪南海海平面变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张吉  左军成  李娟  陈美香 《海洋学报》2014,36(11):21-29
结合卫星高度计资料和SODA温盐数据,本文利用CCSM(Community Climate System Model version4)气候系统模式在代表性浓度路径RCP4.5情景下对全球海平面变化趋势的预测模拟结果作为强迫场,用POP模式模拟预测21世纪南海海平面长期趋势变化及空间分布。模拟结果显示,在RCP4.5情景下,南海海域在21世纪末10年平均海平面相对于20世纪末10年上升了15~39cm,明显上升海域位于中南半岛东部的南海中部、南部海域和吕宋海峡东西两侧海域,上升值最大可达39cm。如果加上格陵兰和南极等陆地冰川融化的影响,21世纪南海总海平面上升值将可能达到35~75cm。南海比容海平面明显上升区域位于吕宋岛东面的深水海域,广东沿岸流和吕宋冷涡之间海域,以及中南半岛东南部海域。总比容海平面的变化主要来自热比容,盐比容贡献比较小。南海南部和西部比容海平面上升速率较低,如加里曼丹岛西北侧、泰国湾和海南岛西侧有下降趋势。  相似文献   

An analysis of the air-temperature and atmospheric-pressure fields in Western Siberia is performed based on observations in 1976–2014; a comparison of temperature and pressure variability in two temporal intervals, 1976–2005 and 1985–2014, is carried out. The estimation of contributions from such climate-forming factors as radiation and circulation is performed for the same intervals. It is revealed that an increase in the annual mean ground–air temperature in the investigated region of Western Siberia was still taking place in the period of 1985–2014; however, the warming process was less active than in the 1976–2005 period. Winter months play the largest role in decreasing the temperature growth rate; during these months, the warming process was replaced by a cooling one in the second time interval. It is shown that the circulation factors, that is, the mechanisms described by indices of global circulation, played the dominant role in the period from 1985 to 2014.  相似文献   

21世纪初海洋预报系统发展现状和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方长芳  张翔  尹建平 《海洋预报》2013,30(4):93-102
海洋预报是一切海上活动的基础,人类社会需求驱动着海洋预报的发展。海洋观测、数据同化、数值模拟和高性能计算机等技术的进步推动着全球海洋业务预报的发展。国际先进的海洋数值模式有NLOM、NCOM、HYCOM、NEMO、MOM、POM和ROMS等。在GODAE和GODAEOceanView项目期间,通过国际合作和交流,全球海洋业务预报系统得到快速发展。21世纪初,全球海洋预报系统水平分辨率最高达到1/32°,预报时效一般为一周,部分海洋预报系统能够预报诊断海洋涡旋和海洋锋等。未来海洋预报系统的分辨率和预报精度将继续提高,预报要素扩展到海洋生态和生物地球化学等学科。海洋数据同化技术、海洋物理过程参数化方案和模式耦合技术是推动海洋预报发展的重要研究方向。  相似文献   

当前一般都认为,人类在21世纪的经济生存在很多方面将建立在世界海洋(首先是大陆架)提供的矿物原料潜在资源的基础上。20世纪 70 年代,注意力主要集中在研究世界海洋矿物原料资源问题上。1982 年在海洋科研方向的影响下,北极地质科学研究所被改造为全苏世界海洋地质学和矿物资源科学研究所。最近10年来确定了主要的矿物原料,即铁锰结核、含钴锰结壳、多金属硫化物和磷钙土。在初期(1975—1987 年)主要的注意力投向了铁锰结核。1974 年在太平洋克拉里昂断裂区第1个铁锰结核矿床的发现和美国对它的要求引起了投机行为。其他国家如法国、德…  相似文献   

Assessments of future changes in the climate of Northern Hemisphere extratropical land regions have been made with the IAP RAS climate model (CM) of intermediate complexity (which includes a detailed scheme of thermo- and hydrophysical soil processes) under prescribed greenhouse and sulfate anthropogenic forcing from observational data for the 19th and 20th centuries and from the SRES B1, A1B, and A2 scenarios for the 21st century. The annual mean warming of the extratropical land surface has been found to reach 2–5 K (3–10 K) by the middle (end) of the 21st century relative to 1961–1990, depending on the anthropogenic forcing scenario, with larger values in North America than in Europe. Winter warming is greater than summer warming. This is expressed in a decrease of 1–4 K (or more) in the amplitude of the annual harmonic of soil-surface temperature in the middle and high latitudes of Eurasia and North America. The total area extent of perennially frozen ground S p in the IAP RAS CM changes only slightly until the late 20th century, reaching about 21 million km2, and then decreases to 11–12 million km2 in 2036–2065 and 4–8 million km2 in 2071–2100. In the late 21st century, near-surface permafrost is expected to remain only in Tibet and in central and eastern Siberia. In these regions, depths of seasonal thaw exceed 1 m (2 m) under the SRES B1 (A1B or A2) scenario. The total land area with seasonal thaw or cooling is expected to decrease from the current value of 54–55 million km2 to 38–42 in the late 21st century. The area of Northern Hemisphere snow cover in February is also reduced from the current value of 45–49 million km2 to 31–37 million km2. For the basins of major rivers in the extratropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, runoff is expected to increase in central and eastern Siberia. In European Russia and in southern Europe, runoff is projected to decrease. In western Siberia (the Ob watershed), runoff would increase under the SRES A1B and A2 scenarios until the 2050s–2070s, then it would decrease to values close to present-day ones; under the anthropogenic forcing scenario SRES B1, the increase in runoff will continue up to the late 21st century. Total runoff from Eurasian rivers into the Arctic Ocean in the IAP RAS CM in the 21st century will increase by 8–9% depending on the scenario. Runoff from the North American rivers into the Arctic Ocean has not changed much throughout numerical experiments with the IAP RAS CM.  相似文献   

Annualvariationrateofglobalsea-levelriseandthepredictionforthe21stcentury¥ZhengWenzhen;ChenZongyong;WangDeyuadandChenKuiying(...  相似文献   

过去百年来人类活动排放的温室气体已经改变了全球海洋的物理和化学属性,并且,这种变化在未来很可能持续下去.基于IPCC第五次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)中IPSL-CM5A-MR地球系统模式的模拟结果,评估了未来百年(~2100年)中国近海区域的海洋环境要素(温度、盐度、溶解氧、pH值和叶绿素a浓度)的变化趋势及空间分布特征.结果表明,未来不同的温室气体排放情景下中国近海区域海温升高、溶解氧(DO)含量减少、海水pH值降低和叶绿素a浓度减少,并且温室气体排放越多上述变化越显著.东中国海区(包括渤海、黄海和东海)盐度可能会增加,而南海盐度会降低.在相同的温室气体排放情景下,东中国海区海温增加、溶解氧减少、海水pH值降低和叶绿素a浓度减少的幅度均显著高于南海区域.在中等浓度和高浓度排放情景(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)情景下,到21世纪末期(2090~2100年间)东中国海相对于历史时期(1980~2005年)的升温幅度可能将分别会超过2、4℃,海水pH值降低幅度将可能分别超过0.15和0.30,并且海洋变暖和酸化还将很可能引起DO含量和叶绿素a浓度的进一步降低,最终影响整个海区的环境与生态.因此,未来东中国海生态系统和生物多样性将面临严重风险,这也使得应对气候变化的适应性措施成为当前的紧迫议题.  相似文献   

Despite evidence of a broadening of the science base for European fisheries policy with the incorporation of an ecosystem approach and increasing use of economic modelling, the contribution of the social sciences to policy related research remains less conspicuous. Progress has occurred in the understanding of institutional structures and the theory of fisheries governance, but analysis of EU funded research in the 6th Framework Programme (2002–2006) points to the absence of social science except in multi-disciplinary projects. The diasporic nature of fisheries social science and the absence of clearly articulated social objectives from fisheries policy are among the more plausible explanations for this unconformity. Prospects for reform of the CFP in 2012—including a redistribution of responsibilities between central and regional institutions—offer enhanced opportunities for the social sciences in interdisciplinary and specialist areas of policy related research. Responding to the challenge will necessitate the building of stronger networks within the family of social sciences and across disciplinary boundaries with the natural and economic sciences.  相似文献   

The current state of the simulation of sea ice cover as a component of new-generation global climate models is considered. Results from the model ensemble simulation of the observed world ocean ice cover, including its evolution in the 20th century, are analyzed, and projection of possible changes in the 21st century for three scenarios of anthropogenic forcing of the climate system are described. Unresolved problems and priorities for sea ice modeling are discussed.  相似文献   

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