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《Ocean Modelling》2011,40(3-4):301-310
From a data set encompassing the years 1990–2008 pairs of surface drifters with maximum initial separations of 5, 10 and 25 km have been identified. Model trajectories have been calculated using the same initial positions and times as the selected pairs of surface drifters. The model trajectories are based on the TRACMASS trajectory code and driven by the ocean general circulation model NEMO. The trajectories are calculated off-line, i.e. with the stored velocity fields from the circulation model. The sensitivity of the trajectory simulations to the frequency of the stored velocity fields was tested for periods of 3 and 6 h as well as 5 days. The relative dispersion of the surface-drifter and model trajectories has been compared, where the latter was found to be too low compared to the relative dispersion of the drifters.Two low-order trajectory sub-grid parameterisations were tested and successfully tuned so that the total amplitude of the relative dispersion of the model trajectories is similar to that associated with the drifter trajectories. These parameterisations are, however, too simple for a correct simulation of Lagrangian properties such as the correlation time scales and the variance of the eddy kinetic energy.The importance of model-grid resolution is quantified by comparing the relative dispersion from an eddy-permitting and a coarse-resolution model, respectively. The dispersion rate is halved with the coarse grid. The consequences of the two-dimensionality of the trajectories is evaluated by comparing the results obtained with the 2D and the Lagrangian 3D trajectories. This shows that the relative dispersion is 15% stronger when the trajectories are freely advected with the 3D velocity field.  相似文献   

An examination of behaviors of a subsurface drogue and a subsequent examination of current measurement with a drifter comprising the drogue as its important part are made in the channel between Oshima and Izu Peninsula. The drogue submerged to the anticipated depth of 300 m within 10 minutes after launching. Since then the drogue kept its depth and operated normally. From the comparison with the velocity measurement by the use of a currentmeter moored at a station in the vicinity of the drifter's track, it is verified that the drifter's motion well reflects the motion of a water parcel around the drogue.  相似文献   

Surface drifters and subsurface floats drifting at depths near 800 m were used to study the pathways of warm, salty Indian Ocean water leaking into the South Atlantic that is a component of the upper limb of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Four drifters and 5 floats drifted from the Agulhas Current directly into the Benguela Current. Others looped for various amounts of time in Agulhas rings and cyclones, which translated westward into the Atlantic, contributing a large part of Indian Ocean leakage. Agulhas rings translated into the Benguela Current, where they slowly decayed. Some large, blob-like Agulhas rings with irregular shapes were found in the southeastern Cape Basin. Drifter trajectories suggest these rings become more circular with time, eventually evolving into the circular rings observed west of the Walvis Ridge. Agulhas cyclones, which form on the north side of the Agulhas Current south of Africa, translated southwestward (to 6°E) and contributed water to the southern Cape Basin. A new discovery is a westward extension from the mean Agulhas retroflection measured by westward drifting floats near 41°S out to at least 5°W, with some floats as far west as 25°W. The Agulhas extension appears to split the South Atlantic Current (SAC) into two branches and to transport Agulhas water westward, where it is mixed and blended with eastward-flowing water from the western Atlantic. The blended mixture flows northeastward in the northern branch of the SAC and into the Benguela Current. Agulhas leakage transport was estimated from drifters and floats to be at least 15 Sv in the upper 1000 m, which is equivalent to the transport of the upper layer MOC. It is suggested that the major component of the upper layer overturning circulation in the Atlantic is Agulhas leakage in the form of Agulhas rings.  相似文献   

The frequency spectrum of surface elevations in the presence of wind waves is well known. On this basis, one can estimate the frequency spectrum of vertical velocities in sea-surface waves. Owing to liquid incompressibility, the spectrum of horizontal velocities should have the same frequency dependence. The use of the dispersion equation for waves on the surface of a heavy liquid allows one to obtain to the spatial spectrum of velocities. Therefore, one can estimate the spatial structure function of the velocity field. For short waves and large depths, the structure function increases as r 1/2, where r is the distance between the points of observations. For long waves and shallow depths h, this increase is proportional to r. The coefficient of turbulent mixing K(r) of pollution spots of size r on the sea surface is now estimated as the product of the spot size and the rms difference of velocities. As a result, depending on r and h, the exponent in the r n dependence of K(r) may vary between 1.25 and 1.5. This outcome provides an explanation for a scatter in the values of the exponent n, a phenomenon that has been observed by many experimentalists.  相似文献   

海浪波面极大值分布的非线性影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依非线性海浪模型,在二阶近似下,利用特征函数展开技术和直接求矩的方法,导出了定点波面位移及其对时间的一阶和二阶导数的联合分布。由此联合分布,导出了二阶非线性近似下的波面极大值分布。它由线性意义下的海浪频谱及所考虑的二阶级。波相互作用所确定。当忽略非线性影响时,文中给出的波面极大值分布退化为Cartwright和Longuet-Higgins所导出的分布。  相似文献   

The mean circulation of the surface layer of the southwestern Japan/East Sea (JES) was examined using current measurements collected at 15 m by satellite-tracked drifters and merged sea level anomalies from satellite altimeters. The study of circulation patterns in this paper focused on the inflow passing through the western channel of the Korea Strait from the East China Sea. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of non-seasonal sea level anomalies revealed that significant energy in the circulation pattern of Ulleung Basin was controlled by the inflow conditions through the Korea Strait. Three circulation patterns were identified that depended on the initial relative vorticity of the inflow. When inflow had initially large negative vorticity, the flow gained more negative vorticity due to deepening of the bottom (stretching) and then turned right after entering the JES. The inflow then followed the path of the Tsushima Warm Current along the coast of Japan. When the inflow was strong, with a speed in excess of 55 cm/s and with a large positive vorticity, potential vorticity appeared to be conserved. In this case, the EKWC followed isobaths along the coast and then left the coast, following topographic features north of Ulleung-Do. The northward flowing jet developed inertial meandering after leaving the coast, which is a characteristic of many western boundary currents. The regular, bimonthly deployments of drifters in the western portion of the Korea Strait revealed that splitting or branching of the flow through the western channel of the Korea Strait occurred only 15% of the time. And splitting or branching rarely occurred during the fall and winter seasons, when the inflow splitting was previously reported in hydrographic surveys. The time-averaged circulation map of the EKWC and its seaward extension were considerably enhanced by using regularly sampled geostrophic velocities calculated from sea level anomalies to remove biases in the mean velocity that were caused by irregular spatial and temporal drifter observations. The East Korean Warm Current, a mean coastal current along the Korean coast, behaved like the simple model by Arruda et al. (2004) in which the generation of the Ulleung Warm Eddy and the meandering circulation pattern were well reproduced.  相似文献   

Based on the ray theory and Longuet-Higgins’s linear model of sea waves, the joint distribution of wave envelope and apparent wave number vector is established. From the joint distribution, we define a new concept, namely the outer wave number spectrum, to describe the outer characteristics of ocean waves. The analytical form of the outer wave number spectrum, the probability distributions of the apparent wave number vector and its components are then derived. The outer wave number spectrum is compared with the inner wave number spectrum for the average status of wind-wave development corresponding to a peakness factor P = 3. Discussions on the similarity and difference between the outer wave number spectrum and inner one are also presented in the paper.  相似文献   

We examined the surface current structure in the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) region of the Japan Sea based on a dataset from satellite-tracked surface drifters, including our new deployments during 2004–2008. The gridded mean current velocity and mean kinetic energy (KE) fields calculated from all available drifter data revealed the structure and seasonality of the three branches of the TWC. By comparing the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) field to the KE field, we found four regions where the ratio of EKE to KE was high. In particular, this ratio became extremely high east of the Oki Islands located between the first branch of the TWC (FBTWC) and the second branch of the TWC (SBTWC). Our analysis suggests that the generation of alternate warm and cold eddies east of the Oki Island induced this high ratio. The occurrence of a warm or cold eddy was related to the route—either nearshore or offshore—of the SBTWC. When the offshore route of the SBTWC became dominant, a warm eddy was frequently generated east of the Oki Islands. In contrast, when the nearshore route of the SBTWC became dominant, a cold eddy was more likely to be generated.  相似文献   

An accurate numerical prediction of the oceanic upper layer velocity is a demanding requirement for many applications at sea and is a function of several near-surface processes that need to be incorporated in a numerical model. Among them, we assess the effects of vertical resolution, different vertical mixing parameterization (the so-called Generic Length Scale –GLS– set of kε, kω, gen, and the Mellor–Yamada), and surface roughness values on turbulent kinetic energy (k) injection from breaking waves.First, we modified the GLS turbulence closure formulation in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to incorporate the surface flux of turbulent kinetic energy due to wave breaking. Then, we applied the model to idealized test cases, exploring the sensitivity to the above mentioned factors. Last, the model was applied to a realistic situation in the Adriatic Sea driven by numerical meteorological forcings and river discharges. In this case, numerical drifters were released during an intense episode of Bora winds that occurred in mid-February 2003, and their trajectories compared to the displacement of satellite-tracked drifters deployed during the ADRIA02-03 sea-truth campaign.Results indicted that the inclusion of the wave breaking process helps improve the accuracy of the numerical simulations, subject to an increase in the typical value of the surface roughness z0. Specifically, the best performance was obtained using αCH = 56,000 in the Charnok formula, the wave breaking parameterization activated, kε as the turbulence closure model. With these options, the relative error with respect to the average distance of the drifter was about 25% (5.5 km/day). The most sensitive factors in the model were found to be the value of αCH enhanced with respect to a standard value, followed by the adoption of wave breaking parameterization and the particular turbulence closure model selected.  相似文献   

Since 1985, a number of measurements have been made in deep water to determine the water-following characteristics of mixed layer drifters with both holey-sock and TRISTAR drogues at 15 m depth. The measurements were done by attaching two neutrally buoyant vector measuring current meters (VMCMs) to the top and the bottom of the drogues and deploying the drifters in different wind and upper ocean shear conditions for periods of 2–4 h. The average velocity of the VMCM records was taken to be a quantitative measure of the slip of the drogue through the water, observed to be 0.5-3.5 cm s−1. The most important hydrodynamic design parameter which influenced the slip of the drogue was the ratio of the drag area of the drogue to the sum of the drag areas of the tether and surface floats: the drag area ratio R. The most important environmental parameters which affected the slip were the wind and the measured velocity difference across the vertical extent of the drogue. A model of the vector slip as a function of R, vector wind and velocity difference across the drogue was developed and a least squares fit accounts for 85% of the variance of the slip measurements. These measurements indicated that to reduce the wind produced slip below 1 cm s−1 in 10 m s−1 wind speed, R > 40. Conversely, if the daily average wind is known to 5 m s−1 accuracy, the displacement of the R = 40 drifter can be corrected to an accuracy of 0.5 km day−1.  相似文献   

对2007年采自越南红河水下三角洲北区24个表层沉积物样品进行了粒度分析和粒度参数计算,初步探讨了该区沉积物的主要类型及分布特征。结果表明,越南红河水下三角洲北区的表层沉积物主要由粉砂组成(体积平均含量为54.35%),平均粒径为6φ。按Link沉积物命名法,该区沉积物主要类型有砂、砂质粉砂和黏土质粉砂。水平分布上,由西部的砂向东逐渐变为黏土质粉砂,呈现出由近岸三角洲前缘相的粗粒级沉积物逐渐向前三角洲-浅海相的细粒级沉积物变化的趋势。与前人研究成果对比发现,红河水下三角洲北区沉积物黏土的比例较1996年的比例明显增大,可能与海岸线近10a来总体上呈向陆迁移、水下三角洲沉积向岸蚀退以及纵向上水动力逐渐变弱有关。  相似文献   

目的:观察刮痧配合针刺治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法:将60例神经根型颈椎病患者随机分为2组,每组各30例。对照组采用针刺治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上结合刮痧治疗。结果:总有效率治疗组为93.3%,对照组为70.0%,组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);2组VAS评分治疗前后组内比较及治疗后组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:刮痧结合针刺治疗神经根型颈椎病有较好疗效。  相似文献   

Based on the survey of surface sediment in Xiamen Bay in October 2011, the speciation, distribution, and potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cr) in this area were studied us-ing the sequential extraction method and ecological risk assessment method. The results indicated:(1) the total concentrations of these heavy metals were influenced by runoff, industrial wastewater, and sewage, and were all higher in the coastal area than the offshore area while the highest area of Pb was a little far-ther away from the coastal water due to atmosphere deposition;(2) sequential extractions suggested that Cu was mainly composed with residual and Fe/Mn-oxide bound fractions, Pb was bound to Fe/Mn-oxide, Zn and Cr were dominated by residual, and Cd bound to exchangeable and carbonate fractions; (3) the order of migration and transformation sequence was Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn>Cr and the degree of pollution was Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn>Cr;and (4) the ratios of the secondary and primary phases showed that Zn and Cr were both clean, Cu may be polluted, Pb was moderately polluted, while Cd was heavily polluted.  相似文献   

烃源岩的形成和分布受多种因素的影响,构造作用是一个主要的方面。研究认为,断裂作用对烃源岩的影响较大,大的断裂对周边富烃凹陷的形成有明显的控制作用,同时断层活动产生的热量也会影响烃源岩的演化。火山作用造成的岩浆侵入体携带的热能可认为是一个附加热源,促进烃源岩的演化。热液中的一些稀有元素会促进源岩的分布和生烃速率,对烃源岩生烃产生积极作用。构造活动中,挤压作用产生的超压也在一定程度上对烃源岩产生影响。  相似文献   

台湾海峡西部海域春季表观耗氧量的垂直分布及其极小值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庄万金 《台湾海峡》1992,11(1):42-48
根据1984年台湾海峡西部海域综合调查资料,分析了该海区春季表观耗氧量垂直分布的特征。结果表明,AOU垂直分布趋势为上低下高。表层均呈负值(-0.16×10~(-3)~-2.55×10~(-3)),底层1/2测站呈现负值(-0.04×10~(-3)~-2.42×10~(-3));而另1/2测站呈现正值(0~0.86×10~(-3))。AOU垂直分布有极小值的站位通常出现于不同水系的交汇带,其深度在密跃层下界附近。这是由于密跃层下界附近氧的涡动扩散进行得比热的涡动传导为慢的缘故。因而,逐渐增温时,氧来不及释放到大气中,即氧呈过饱和状态。浮游植物量对极小值的形成不起决定性作用,而只能影响极小值的大小。  相似文献   

福建罗源湾海区表层沉积物重金属的含量与分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2005年11月对罗源湾海域的环境调查资料,着重分析了表层沉积物重金属的含量以及分布,并与福建省内各主要港湾的沉积物重金属含量进行对比.结果表明:沉积物中Hg、As、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Cr(总铬)的含量均小于<海洋沉积物质量>一类评价标准的含量,质量状况良好;罗源湾的Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Cr平均含量与其它海域相应的重金属含量比较,含量水平无明显差异;湾内水域的沉积物重金属含量大于湾口水域,湾内近岸水域的沉积物重金属含量大于中心水域.罗源湾沉积物未受到重金属的污染.  相似文献   

黑泥湾近岸悬沙分布与扩散变化监测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用2004年冬季对黑泥湾近岸海域悬浮体调查资料及2个时相的遥感影像,探讨了该海域悬浮体的分布和扩散特征,分析了影响悬浮体分布的主要因素和悬浮体的主要物质来源.结果表明,影响本海域悬沙质量浓度及其分布的主要因素是风浪掀沙和潮流.夏季,近岸悬沙质量浓度高,向海逐渐减少;冬季,悬沙质量浓度近岸低,向海逐渐增大.由于本海域没有大的河流泥沙汇入,悬沙的主要物质来源是沿岸侵蚀、冲沟排沙和海底泥沙再悬浮.  相似文献   

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