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Riegel Roberta Plangg Alves Darlan Daniel Schmidt Bruna Caroline de Oliveira Guilherme Garcia Haetinger Claus Osório Daniela Montanari Migliavacca Rodrigues Marco Antônio Siqueira de Quevedo Daniela Muller 《Natural Hazards》2020,103(1):497-511
Natural Hazards - The increase in the frequency of natural disasters in recent years and its consequent social, economic and environmental impacts make it possible to prioritize areas of risk as an... 相似文献
Landfill site selection by using geographic information systems 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
One of the serious and growing potential problems in most large urban areas is the shortage of land for waste disposal. Although
there are some efforts to reduce and recover the waste, disposal in landfills is still the most common method for waste destination.
An inappropriate landfill site may have negative environmental, economic and ecological impacts. Therefore, it should be selected
carefully by considering both regulations and constraints on other sources. In this study, candidate sites for an appropriate
landfill area in the vicinity of Ankara are determined by using the integration of geographic information systems and multicriteria
decision analysis (MCDA). For this purpose, 16 input map layers including topography, settlements (urban centers and villages),
roads (Highway E90 and village roads), railways, airport, wetlands, infrastructures (pipelines and power lines), slope, geology,
land use, floodplains, aquifers and surface water are prepared and two different MCDA methods (simple additive weighting and
analytic hierarchy process) are implemented to a geographical information system. Comparison of the maps produced by these
two different methods shows that both methods yield conformable results. Field checks also confirm that the candidate sites
agree well with the selected criteria. 相似文献
Slope vulnerability to earthquakes at subregional scale, using probabilistic techniques and geographic information systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The susceptibility of slopes to failure during earthquakes is calculated, in terms of critical horizontal acceleration, on a subregional scale for the upper part of the Serchio River basin (Tuscany, Italy). According to the working scale (1:10 000) and to the availability and accuracy of the input data, the infinite slope analysis was judged to be the most appropriate method, but particular attention was devoted to the error evaluation due to spatial variability of the geotechnic, geometric, and hydrologic parameters. A geologic, geomorphologic and hydrologic survey of the area was therefore performed, and the geotechnic parameters were collected at local administrations. All the data were stored in a GIS, used as a tool to build the spatial and attribute data base and to prepare the input data layers for the stability analysis. In order to assess the variability of geotechnic parameters, a statistical analysis was performed to assign the best-fitting probability distribution to cohesion, angle of internal friction and unit weight of the soil. As hydrogeologic data were not available for the area, only surface hydrology information could be used; a map of probability of spring occurrences was derived by a bayesian method, the Weight of Evidence Modelling, and was used as groundwater indicator. A Monte Carlo procedure and a first-order second-moment method were applied and compared as error estimators in assessing the slope susceptibility to failure. The differences between the two methods are discussed, and two maps showing, respectively, the critical horizontal acceleration and the probability of failure associated with each slope are presented, together with the curve plotting the reliability index against the probability of failure. 相似文献
Floods have been the most severe natural disasters in the West Black Sea Region of Turkey for many years; therefore Ulus Basin
is selected as a study area for a thorough hydrologic flood analysis. The lack of embankments around the Ulus River and careless
changes to the riverbed made by villagers, resulted in major flood events in the basin, causing significant damage in the
area. In this study, the hydrodynamic characteristics of the basin and the riverbed are determined by calibrating the hydraulic
module of the MIKE 11 modeling system with the observed 1991 flood. Then, for the 25-, 50- and 100-year floods the highest
water levels in the river are forecasted by integration of the MIKE 11 hydrologic and hydraulic modules. Afterwards, inundation
maps are obtained by using together the hydraulic and GIS modules of the MIKE 11 system. 相似文献
The occurrence of disasters such as extreme flooding in urban environments has severe consequences, not only on the human population but also on critical infrastructures such as the road networks, which are of vital importance for everyday living and particularly for emergency response. In this article, our main goal is to present-conceptually and in praxis-a model that could be used from the emergency responders for timely and efficient emergency management and response in an urban complex environment. For the city of Cologne in Germany, we aim to indicate possible ways to decrease the emergency response time during an extreme flood scenario through the development of an accessibility indicator, which consists of different components. Therefore, we will investigate the opportunities that occur, in a flood risk scenario, from the use of geographic information in different forms such as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and open-source data in an ArcGIS environment, to increase urban resilience through the decreasing emergency response time. We will focus on network analysis for the fire brigades (first acting emergency responders) during a flood scenario to calculate their emergency response ranges and emergency response routes through flooded road networks, for the assistance of the possibly affected hospitals, refugee homes and fire brigades, which can be flooded. At the end of the paper, we suggest that the vulnerable community of the refugees could be taken into consideration as a new source of VGI, as an additional component that would lead to the decrease in the emergency response time. The geo-located information that could be provided by the refugee community can be very useful in emergency situations, such as those examined in this article where timely information can be forwarded to the proper authorities for a more focused and timely emergency response, increasing the resilience of the urban population and their community. 相似文献
降雨诱发浅层滑坡稳定性的计算模型研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
我国是一个滑坡灾害频发的国家,众多事实表明:降雨是影响边坡稳定性,导致边坡失稳的最主要和最普遍的环境因素,是浅层滑坡的触发因素。为了更好地对降雨诱发浅层滑坡进行研究,采用非饱和土VG模型与改进的Green-Ampt入渗模型对Mein-Larson降雨入渗模型进行改进,并结合无限边坡提出了一个降雨诱发浅层滑坡的简化计算模型。与以往提出的简化计算模型相比,该模型既考虑了坡面倾斜的影响,又考虑了非饱和土的特性,并可用于两种降雨形式下的边坡浅层稳定性估算,具有更广的应用范围。通过与有限元得到的结果进行比较可得:在不同降雨条件下,该计算模型得到的各项结果与数值解是接近的,安全系数计算结果是偏于安全的,因此,可将该计算模型用于降雨诱发浅层滑坡的近似估算;该计算模型公式简单,便于计算,计算效率较高。 相似文献
Groundwater study using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) in the central highlands of Eritrea 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
Remote sensing, evaluation of digital elevation models (DEM), geographic information systems (GIS) and fieldwork techniques were combined to study the groundwater conditions in Eritrea. Remote sensing data were interpreted to produce lithological and lineament maps. DEM was used for lineament and geomorphologic mapping. Field studies permitted the study of structures and correlated them with lineament interpretations. Hydrogeological setting of springs and wells were investigated in the field, from well logs and pumping test data. All thematic layers were integrated and analysed in a GIS. Results show that groundwater occurrence is controlled by lithology, structures and landforms. Highest yields occur in basaltic rocks and are due to primary and secondary porosities. High yielding wells and springs are often related to large lineaments, lineament intersections and corresponding structural features. In metamorphic and igneous intrusive rocks with rugged landforms, groundwater occurs mainly in drainage channels with valley fill deposits. Zones of very good groundwater potential are characteristic for basaltic layers overlying lateritized crystalline rocks, flat topography with dense lineaments and structurally controlled drainage channels with valley fill deposits. The overall results demonstrate that the use of remote sensing and GIS provide potentially powerful tools to study groundwater resources and design a suitable exploration plan.The online version of the original article can be found at 相似文献
Groundwater study using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) in the central highlands of Eritrea 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Remote sensing, evaluation of digital elevation models (DEM), geographic information systems (GIS) and fieldwork techniques were combined to study the groundwater conditions in Eritrea. Remote sensing data were interpreted to produce lithological and lineament maps. DEM was used for lineament and geomorphologic mapping. Field studies permitted the study of structures and correlated them with lineament interpretations. Hydrogeological setting of springs and wells were investigated in the field, from well logs and pumping test data. All thematic layers were integrated and analysed in a GIS. Results show that groundwater occurrence is controlled by lithology, structures and landforms. Highest yields occur in basaltic rocks and are due to primary and secondary porosities. High yielding wells and springs are often related to large lineaments, lineament intersections and corresponding structural features. In metamorphic and igneous intrusive rocks with rugged landforms, groundwater occurs mainly in drainage channels with valley fill deposits. Zones of very good groundwater potential are characteristic for basaltic layers overlying lateritized crystalline rocks, flat topography with dense lineaments and structurally controlled drainage channels with valley fill deposits. The overall results demonstrate that the use of remote sensing and GIS provide potentially powerful tools to study groundwater resources and design a suitable exploration plan.An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
Christina Tsimi Athanassios Ganas Dimitrios Dimoyiannis Spyros Valmis Efthimios Lekkas 《Natural Hazards》2012,62(3):863-875
The main objective of this paper is to estimate interrill erosion after rainfall in the basin of Mourganis river (442?km2; Kalabaka province, Trikala prefecture, Thessaly, Greece). For the estimation of the interrill erosion, the method of Valmis et al. (1988) was used, in combination with Nearing et al. (1989). Input data of the algorithm include the slope angle of the ground surface, the rainfall, the ground cover type, the height of canopy, and the instability of ground of the study area. The spatial data were processed by standard GIS software. Soil samples were collected in the field to calibrate the model. The results comprise soil erosion maps for two specific rainfall scenarios. The first rainfall scenario refers to the most extreme rainfall in this catchment that happened on the 7/21/1959 with 48?mm/h. The second scenario is closer to average as the intensity rainfall is 3.54?mm/h. The total mass of eroded material ranges from 0.048?t/ha (assuming mean rainfall intensity) up to 3.5?t/ha (for the extreme scenario). We note that the western part of the Mourgani basin exhibits higher erosion than the eastern part. 相似文献
工程弃渣、地震滑坡堆积体等松散介质,在降雨条件下所形成的饱和松散堆积体具有更强的流动性,其运动速度、危害范围大大超过预期,其内在机制一直是国际学术界关注的热点问题。采用Iverson基于极限状态土力学原理构建的饱和堆积体剪胀模型,并整合到Savage-Hutter滑坡运动演进物理模型中,采用有限体积法求解滑坡运动学方程,实现了饱和松散堆积体运动演进全程模拟,最后以深圳滑坡为案例研究了滑坡运动成灾过程。结果表明:剪胀效应是导致饱和松散堆积体快速运动的主要原因,饱和松散堆积体的初始状态(孔隙比或固相体积分数)对其运动-堆积演化过程有决定性影响。 相似文献
The Tseng-Wen Reservoir Transbasin water tunnel has broken the historical record of the maximum overburden of a tunnel within Taiwan. The three-dimensional in situ stresses at the tunnel were evaluated using acoustic emission (AE) and deformation rate analysis (DRA) with an under-coring technique. This is the first time that the AE and DRA have been used in evaluating an in situ stress in Taiwan. As cores drilled in different directions are required for the three-dimensional stress evaluation, but the in situ borehole drilling is usually limited to the vertical direction, small samples 2.28 cm in diameter and 4.56 cm in length were under-cored from the borehole cores in six directions to evaluate the in situ stresses. Cyclic uniaxial compressive loadings were artificially applied to the Changchikeng sandstones under-cored from the outcrops. The experimental results validate the definitiveness of using under-cored samples at different pre-stresses with AE and DRA. Then, cores taken from the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Transbasin water tunnel site at a great depth of 416–739 m underground were under-cored. The experimental results indicate that the major principle in situ stress is from 30.8 to 39 MPa and is in the directions of SE–NW and SW–NE at different depths. 相似文献
堆积层滑坡是滑坡的一种基本类型,其物质组成、结构等有别于其它类型滑坡。堆积层滑坡失稳绝大多数是由降雨或地下水位的变化而引起的,在降雨诱发堆积层滑坡稳定性分析中,必须考虑渗透力的作用。系统分析了堆积型滑坡发育环境及特征,推导了基于总应力法和有效应力法的可考虑渗透力的传递系数法,采用有效应力法计算滑坡稳定系数时,既要考虑地下水浮力作用,又要考虑地下水流动时的渗透力作用;采用总应力法计算滑坡稳定系数时,仅需考虑地下水流动时的渗透力作用。对一个工程实例进行了深入剖析,验证了考虑渗透力的传递系数法的可靠性。 相似文献
Land suitability evaluation is prerequisite for assessing the limitations for sustainable land use planning. We used ten site specific criteria (rainfall, texture, drainage, soil depth, slope, distance to major road, distance to nearest sugar mill, erosion hazard, risk of flooding and pH) and applied weighted multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) technique in a geographic information system (GIS) environment to evaluate land suitability for sugarcane cultivation in Bijnor district, India. The weightage of all the parameters was calculated through fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. Sugarcane suitability map was prepared integrating various parameters through weighted overlay analysis. The map was categorized as highly suitable (S1), moderately suitable (S2), marginally suitable (S3) and unsuitable (N). The analysis revealed that of the total cultivable land of the district, largest area (61%) was highly suitable followed by moderately suitable (24%), marginally suitable (7%) and unsuitable (8%) for sugarcane cultivation. Nagina, Najibabad and Bijnor sub-districts need attention of land managers and policy makers to remove the limitations and increase the suitability of sugarcane in such areas. Only 7% area was unsuitable for sugarcane cultivation. Slope, soil depth and erosion hazard were the major limiting factors making the land unsuitable for sugarcane cultivation. Therefore, these areas should be given priority for land and soil restoration efforts. The study showed effectiveness of integrated GIS and MCE approach for land suitability analysis of sugarcane. 相似文献
滑坡是国内外最为常见的地质灾害类型之一,虽然其形成和稳定性受多种因素影响,从而表现出多种类型的变形破坏机制,如蠕滑-拉裂型、滑移-弯曲型等,但不同类型滑坡其变形破坏均具有一定的代表性。因此,针对典型滑坡进行深入研究,对类似成因滑坡研究具有很好的借鉴作用。为此,本文结合白鹤滩水电站近坝的恩子坪2#滑移-拉裂型滑坡,通过对其形态、物质组成、结构及变形破坏等特征的详细调查与分析,对其影响因素进行了论述并对其稳定性进行了定性评价。在此基础上,采用三维有限元数值模拟分析方法,对该典型滑坡的稳定性及变形破坏接近程度进行了深入分析,并与二维极限平衡分析评价结果进行了对比。 相似文献
Combining multivariate statistical analysis with geographic information systems mapping: a tool for delineating groundwater contamination 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA) has successfully been coupled with geographic information system (GIS) mapping tools to delineate zones of aquifer contamination potential. While delineating contaminants is key to site remediation, it is often compromised by a poor understanding of hydrogeologic conditions, and by uncertainties in contaminant observations. MSA provides improved estimates of contamination potential by augmenting observed contaminant concentrations with auxiliary information from other water-quality parameters. GIS is useful for organizing and managing water-quality information by visually communicating large amounts of information. The proposed method first establishes appropriate areal extents, GIS coverages, and scales for displaying groundwater contamination concentrations of tritium and the volatile organic contaminants trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina, USA. Principal components analysis is used to group variables that are most indicative of contamination potential. Tritium contamination potential is best represented as the combination of tritium with the cations Al, Mg, Na and total dissolved solids, while PCE contamination potential is predicted using PCE and Cl. Maps of contamination potentials for 1993–1995 geochemical data compare favorably with measured contaminant concentrations during 1999. Cluster analysis of water-quality data groups geochemical and contaminant concentrations into zones of homogeneous behavior.
Resumen El Análisis Estadístico Multivariado (AEM) se ha acoplado con éxito con herramientas cartográficas del Sistema de Información Geográfico (SIG), para delinear zonas de potencial contaminación de acuíferos. En tanto que la delimitación de contaminantes es importante para recuperación del sitio, ella está a menudo amenazada por una comprensión pobre de las condiciones hidrogeológicas, y por las incertidumbres en las observaciones del contaminante. El AEM proporciona estimaciones mejoradas de contaminación potencial al aumentar las concentraciones observadas del contaminante, con la información auxiliar de otros parámetros de calidad de agua. El SIG es útil para organizar y manejar la información de calidad de agua, a través de la comunicación visual de cantidades grandes de información. El método propuesto establece primero magnitudes de área apropiadas, el área cubierta por el SIG, y las escalas para mostrar las concentraciones de contaminación del agua subterránea, a partir de tritio y de contaminantes orgánicos volátiles como tricloroetileno (TCE) y tetracloroetileno (PCE) en el sitio del Río al Savannah, Carolina del Sur, EE.UU. El análisis de componentes principales se usa para agrupar variables que son más indicativas de contaminación potencial. El potencial de contaminación Tritio, se representa mejor como la combinación de tritio con los cationes Al, Mg, Na y los sólidos disueltos totales, mientras la contaminación potencial de PCE se predice usando PCE y Cl. Los mapas de potenciales de contaminación para los datos geoquímicos de 1993–1995 se comparan favorablemente con las concentraciones medidas del contaminante durante 1999. El análisis de racimo hecho en datos de calidad de agua, agrupa concentraciones geoquímicas y concentraciones del contaminante en las zonas de comportamiento homogéneo.
Résumé L’Analyse Statistique Multivariée (ASM) a été couplée avec succès avec les outils cartographiques des Sytèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG), afin de délimiter les zones à potentiel de contamination des aquifères. Alors que la connaissance de l’extension des contaminants est primordiale pour la réhabilitation des sites, elle est fréquemment compromise par une compréhension limitée du contexte hydrogéologique, et par les incertitudes sur l’observation des contaminants. L’ASM fournit une meilleure estimation du potentiel de contamination, en complétant les concentrations observées en contaminants par des informations annexes issues d’autres paramètres qualitatifs. Les SIG, par leurs capacités à conjuguer visuellement de grandes quantités d’information, sont utiles pour organiser et gérer les informations sur la qualité de l’eau. La première étape de la méthode proposée consiste à définir les limites spatiales appropriées, les couvertures SIG, ainsi que les échelles de visualisation des concentrations en contaminants des eaux souterraines, soit le tritium et les composés organiques volatiles trichloroéthylène et tetrachloroéthylène, sur le site de la rivière Savannah (Californie du Sud, USA). L’analyse en composantes principales est utilisée afin de regrouper les variables caractérisant de manière optimale le potentiel de contamination. Le potentiel de contamination en tritium est représenté le plus significativement par la combinaison du tritium, des cations Al, Mg et Na, et des solides dissous totaux (TDS). Le potentiel de contamination en tétrachloroéthylène est quant à lui estimé en utilisant le tetrachloroéthylène et Cl. Les cartes des potentiels de contamination établies sur les données géochimiques de la période 1993–1995 renvoient une image comparable aux concentrations en contaminants effectivement mesurées en 1999. Une analyse de groupement des données sur la qualité de l’eau rassemble les concentrations géochimiques et en contaminants dans des zones aux comportements homogènes.相似文献
The role of facilitated volunteered geographic information in the landscape planning and site design process 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Christopher J. Seeger 《GeoJournal》2008,72(3-4):199-213
Over the last 40 years there has been a movement to increase opportunities for public participation in the decision and policy-making processes for design and planning projects. The emergence of online digital mapping systems and enhancements in Web technology to support sharing and collaboration have allowed the general public to generate their own spatial content via Web applications and other geospatially enabled devices. The resulting data from this recent phenomenon has been called Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). When facilitated through digital mapping interfaces, VGI can provide landscape architects and allied design professionals with local, detailed and spatial information that can be used to create a more informed design solution. This paper describes several digital interfaces the author has developed to elicit facilitated-VGI (f-VGI) over the past decade, and examines their use in community design projects and their lessons for implementing future f-VGI initiatives. 相似文献
Analytical simulation of the dynamic compressive strength of a granite using the sliding crack model
A sliding crack model is employed to simulate rock strength under dynamic compression. It is assumed that the growth and nucleation of a sliding crack array presented results in the shear fault failure and dominate the mechanical properties of rock material. The pseudo‐tractions method is used to calculate the stress intensity factor of the sliding crack array under compression. With the utilization of a dynamic crack growth criterion, the growth of the sliding crack array is studied and the simulated strengths of a granite under dynamic compression are correspondingly obtained. It is concluded that the simulated rock strengths increase with increasing strain rates at different confining pressures, and the rising rates have a trend to decrease with increasing confining pressures. It is also indicated that the simulated rock strengths increase with increment of confining pressure at different strain rates, and the rising rates are almost identical at different strain rates. The simulation results are validated by the experimental data for the granite. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献