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To establish a micropropagation system of three Laurencia complex species (Laurencia okamurai, Laurencia tristicha, and Chondrophycus undulatus) by tissue culture techniques, we studied the regeneration characteristics and optimal culture conditions of axenic algal fragments cultured on solid medium and in liquid medium. Regeneration structures were observed and counted regularly under a reverse microscope to investigate the regeneration process, polarity and optimal illumination, and temperature and salinity levels. The results show that in most cultures of the three species, we obtained bud regeneration on solidified medium with 0.5% agar and in liquid medium. Rhizoid-like regeneration was filamentous and developed from the lower cut surface of fragments in L. okamurai, but was discoid and developed from the apical back side of bud regeneration in L. tristicha and C. undulatus. Regeneration polarity was localized to the apical part of algal fronds in all three species, and on fragments cut from the basal part of algae buds could develop from both the upper and the lower cut surfaces. Buds could develop from both the medullary and the cortical portions in L. okamurai and C. undulatus, while in L. tristicha, buds only emerged from the cortex. The optimal culture conditions for L. okamurai were 4 500 lx, 20°C and 35 (salinity); for C. undulatus, 4 500 lx, 20°C and 30; and for L. tristicha, 4 500 lx, 25°C and 30.  相似文献   

Different culture methods may affect the intensive culture system of Pacific white shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) regarding water quality and growth and economic performance.This study evaluated the potential effects of three culture methods through cultivation of juvenile shrimps under consistent tank management conditions for 84 d.The three methods involved shrimp cultivation in different tanks,i.e.,outdoor tanks with cement bottom(mode-C),greenhouse tanks with cement bottom(mode-G) and outdoor tanks with mud-substrate(mode-M).Results showed that water temperature was significantly higher in mode-G than that in mode-C(P < 0.05).In contrast to the other two treatments,mode-M had stable pH after 50 d cultivation of shrimps.In the mid-late period,the average concentrations of TAN,NO2-N,DIP and COD were significantly lower in mode-M and mode-G compared with those in mode-C(P < 0.05).Despite lack of differences in the final shrimp weight among different treatments(P > 0.05),mode-M had significantly higher shrimp yield,survival rate and feed conversion rate(P < 0.05) than other modes.There were significant differences in revenue and net return among different treatments(P < 0.05).These demonstrated that the treatments of mode-G and mode-M were conductive to the intensive culture system of L.vannamei.  相似文献   

We examined the structure and spatial organization of ciliature base-associated microtubules (BAM) in three hypotrichous ciliates (Stylonychia mytilus, Pseudourostyla cristata, Euplotes woodruffi) in fluorescence microscopy. The results revealed that BAM, including the anterior (ALM), posterior longitudinal microtubule (PLM) and the transverse microtubule (TM) bands, are composed of tubulin. The respective microtubular bands have cytoplasmic polarization patterns that are significantly asymmetric. The BAM of the midventral files in P. cristata appear cord-shaped compared with the ALM bands of transverse cirri in both S. mytilus and E. woodruffi, which extend to the left anterior side of the cell before converging. The TM bands of the left marginal cirri (MC) in S. mytilus extend to the right side of the cell, while those of the right MC bands extend to the left. Our observations suggest that BAM traits are common in hypotrichous ciliates even though different species possess different microtubule arrangements related to the conserved cirral morphogenetic patterns in the respective species. The differing development of BAM in the three ciliate suggests that the microtubules may be conserved in different hypotrichs. We have also demonstrated that the BAM, which appear polar and asymmetric, are localized in specific cytoskeletal positions and extend in different orientations within the cortex to connect with other ciliature-associated structures and, thus, strengthen the cortex. These BAM features indicate that they are directly associated with cell motion.  相似文献   

We examined the structure and spatial organization of ciliature base-associated microtubules (BAM) in three hypotrichous ciliates (Stylonychia mytilus, Pseudourostyla cristata, Euplotes woodruffi) in fluorescence microscopy. The results revealed that BAM, including the anterior (ALM), posterior longitudinal microtubule (PLM) and the transverse microtubule (TM) bands, are composed of tubulin. The respective microtubular bands have cytoplasmic polarization patterns that are significantly asymmetric. The BAM of the midventral files in P. cristata appear cord-shaped compared with the ALM bands of transverse cirri in both S. mytilus and E. woodruffi, which extend to the left anterior side of the cell before converging. The TM bands of the left marginal cirri (MC) in S. mytilus extend to the right side of the cell, while those of the right MC bands extend to the left. Our observations suggest that BAM traits are common in hypotrichous ciliates even though different species possess different microtubule arrangements related to the conserved cirral morphogenetic patterns in the respective species. The differing development of BAM in the three ciliate suggests that the microtubules may be conserved in different hypotrichs. We have also demonstrated that the BAM, which appear polar and asymmetric, are localized in specific cytoskeletal positions and extend in different orientations within the cortex to connect with other ciliature-associated structures and, thus, strengthen the cortex. These BAM features indicate that they are directly associated with cell motion.  相似文献   

The 5‘-end of the mitochondrial control region sequences of three flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes: Pleuronectidae) were amplified and sequenced. These sequences were compared with those of other three Pleuronectids species retrieved from GenBank. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the partial control region sequences. The results of phylogenetic analysis are consistent with those of conventional systematics. Compared to previous studies, the structure of the 5‘-end of mitochondrial control region was analyzed. The terminal associated sequence motif and its complementary motif were identified at the 5‘-end of the sequences. A conserved sequence block, named as CM5‘ d, was identified in the 5‘-end of control region sequences in all Pleuronectids. Another central conserved sequence block, named as CSB-F, was detected in the central conserved blocks.  相似文献   

ImOUocrON0verevoluti0narytirne,intetspeCiliccomPctitioncanresultincharactedisplacementSthatfadiitateresourcepartitioningamongspedesffeper,l985,Wilirarnanayake,l99O).Fisharenotablyopportunisticintheirfeding,toknowWhereandhowtheybowilloftenprovidemoreinsightintotheirerelogythansbolyknowingtheactUalcomPonentSoftheirdiet(Motta,l988,HUmPhrieS,l993).ArmrdinglymorphologicalcomParisonsamongcoxiccutwspchprovidemportantinfonnationnotonlytosySteInatistsfaedwithtaxonondcprobbo,butaIsot0erelogistS…  相似文献   

Ballast water has been a topic of concern for some time because of its potential to introduce invasive species to new habitats. To comply with the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) must equip their ships with on-board treatment systems to eliminate organism release with ballast water. There are many challenges associated with the implementation of this IMO guideline, one of which is the selection of species for testing the ecological impacts of the treated ballast water. In the United States, ballast water toxicity test methods have been defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. However, the test methods had not been finalized in China until the toxicity test methods for ballast water were established in 2008. The Chinese methods have been based on species from three trophic levels: Skeletonema costatum, Neomysis awatschensis, and Ctenogobius gymnauchen. All three species live in broad estuarine and open sea areas of China; they are sensitive to reference toxicants and acclimatize easily to different conditions. In this paper, the biological characteristics, test processes and statistical analysis methods are presented for the three species. Results indicate that the methods for evaluating these three organisms can be included in the ecological toxicity tests for treated ballast water in China.  相似文献   

Three new species of Family Mitridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the South China Sea are described in the present paper. They are Ziba aglais sp. nov. B. LI & S. ZHANG, Neocancilla daidaleosa sp.nov. B. LI & X. LI, and Mitra holkosa sp. nov. B. LI. Their systematic positions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide results in a decrease in seawater pH, a process known as "ocean acidification". The pearl oyster Pinctada fucata, the noble scallop Chlamys nobilis, and the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis are species of economic and ecological importance along the southern coast of China. We evaluated the effects of seawater acidification on clearance, respiration, and excretion rates in these three species. The animals were reared in seawater at pH 8.1 (control), 7.7, or 7.4. The clearance rate was highest at pH 7.7 for P. fucata and at pH 8.1 for C. nobilis and P. viridis. The pH had little effecton the respiration rate of P. fucata and P. viridis. In contrast, the respiration rate was significantly lower atpH 7.4 in C. nobilis. The excretion rate was significantly lower at pH 7.4 than pH 8.1 for all species. Theresults indicate that the reduction in seawater pH likely affected the metabolic process (food intake, oxygenconsumption, and ammonia excretion) of these bivalves. Different species respond differently to seawateracidification. Further studies are needed to demonstrate the exact mechanisms for this effect and evaluateadaptability of these bivalves to future acidified oceans.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are the important components of alpine meadow ecosystems. The extent and morphology of BSCs vary greatly with alpine meadow retrogressive succession due to grazing pressure. There is significant interest in impacts of crust composition on plant seed germination, especially in (semi-) arid environments. However, little is known about the influences of BSCs, and their associations with alpine meadow succession, on germination of typical alpine meadow vascular plant species. In a full factorial common-garden experiment, we studied effects of: (1) crust type, (2) seed position, and (3) surface texture on seed germination. We chose three typical alpine meadow plant species (i.e. Poa pratensis, Tibetia himalaica and Potentillen nivea), which belonged to different functional groups (graminoids, legumes, and forbs) and play important roles in all alpine meadow succession stages. Crust type and seed position influenced seed germination, and the inhibitory effects of BSCs depended on the crust type and seed species tested. The major factors influencing seed germination were BSC type, seed position, soil texture, and the interactions between BSC type and seed position; species and seed position; species and surface texture; and species, crust type, and surface texture. Cyanobacteria crust significantly inhibited germination of all seeds. Seed position also had a significant effect on seed germination (p < 0.001). Fewer seedlings germinated on the surface than below the surface, this was especially true for P. nivea. seeds within cyanobacteria and lichen crusts. Only germination rates of T. himalaica on the soil surface were significantly correlated with plant occurrence frequency within the alpine meadow community. The poor correlation for the other two species is possibly that they are perennials. Our results clearly demonstrated that BSCs can be biological filters during seed germination, depending on the BSC succession stage. Through their influences on seed germination, BSCs can strongly influence community assemblages throughout alpine meadow retrogressive succession.  相似文献   

Based on 15N tracer technique,absorption of different concentrations of ammonium nitrogen(N-NH4+),nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3-) and glycine (N-Gly) by root of six s...  相似文献   

Yang  Xiaoqian  Wen  Xin  Zhou  Chengxu  Zhu  Xiaojuan  Meng  Ran  Luo  Qijun  Yan  Xiaojun 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2018,36(5):1697-1706
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Typical harmful micro-algal species constantly occurred in high density in marine aquaculture ponds in Xiangshan and Sanmen Bay, Zhejiang Province. Fates of...  相似文献   

Octopus minor is widely distributed along the northern coast of China.To date,there is little information on the prey selection process of this species.To understand this process,several experiments were carried out.Three types of bivalves,namely,Ruditapes philippinarum,Mactra chinensis,and Mytilus galloprovincialis,were used to observe the prey selection of O.minor and to analyze the potential causes of prey selection from three aspects:prey profitability,adductor muscle tension and handling time.Under single-prey conditions,we found that the average(±SD)predation rates of O.minor on R.philippinarum,M.chinensis,and M.galloprovincialis were 1.73±0.50,1.27±0.42,and 0.8±0.2/d,respectively.Under different prey combinations,octopods actively selected one type of prey over the other(s),and the order of prey preference was R.philippinarum,followed by M.chinensis and lastly M.galloprovincialis.Furthermore,the shells of the consumed prey showed that O.minor only consumed bivalves by pulling them apart since there was no evidence of drill holes on the shells.The prey selection of O.minor was related to the prey profitability and handling time;O.minor appeared to select preys with a higher profitability and a shorter handling time.However,the difficulty in opening the bivalve was not consistent with the prey preference of the octopods.These results suggest that O.minor prefers to consume R.philippinarum possibly due to a high profitability and a short handling time that supports the optimum Foraging Theory.  相似文献   

The hard tissues of squid can provide important information for species identification. In this study, we used statolith and beak to identify three squid species including Uroteuthis duvaucelii, Loliolus beka, and U. edulis in the South China Sea. Because of the highly overlapping habitat and similar body morphology of the three squid species, we explored four different ways to identify them, by using statolith, upper beak, lower beak and a combination of statolith and beak. An outline geometric morphometric method and stepwise discriminant analysis were used to evaluate the most suitable method for the identification. We found that the combination of statolith and beak had the highest cross validation rate that was 75.0%, 87.5% and 88.7% for U. duvaucelii, L. beka and U. edulis, respectively. Using two beaks had similar results and the lowest cross validation rate was 60.0%, 50.0%, and 73.7% for the upper beak, 46.9%, 58.5% and 75.3% for the lower beak of U. duvaucelii, L. beka and U. edulis, respectively. Analyzing with the statolith had moderate cross validation which was 72.2%, 80.0%, and 87.7% for U. duvaucelii, L. beka and U. edulis, respectively. From the results it is suggested when the entire body of a squid is available, a combination of statolith and beak should be used for the identification. When only one hard tissue is available, species identification can be subjected to large errors.  相似文献   

Three deep-sea black corals belonging to the family Schizopathidae,are reported from two seamounts on the Caroline Ridge in the tropical Western Pacific:Umbellapathes parva sp.nov.with depth of 1 488-1 766 m,Telopathes cf.magna MacIsaac Best,2013 with depth of 937-1 016 m,and Stauropathes cf.punctata(Roule,1905) with depth of 942-1 353 m.The latter two species are the first records in the Western Pacific Ocean.U.parva sp.nov.is characterized by monopodial corallum,relatively long unpinnulated stalk with complex pinnulated branche s developing from the lowermost primary pinnules and small spine s.It differs from two known congeners by much smaller spine s and the present of secondary pinnules.T.cf.magna MacIsaac Best,2013 has sparsely branched corallum,relatively long and simple pinnules arranged in subopposite or alternate pairs.S.cf.punctata(Roule,1905) is characterized by the corallum with almost planar pinnulated branches,and pinnules arranged in subopposite pairs.Our results indicate that the corallum size and shape are variable in conspecific specimens particularly those at different growth stages.By contrast,the size of the polypar spines as well as the abpolypar spines have little variation and can be served as a main differing feature for schizopathid species.The phylogenetic analyses using nuclear internal transcribed spacer region(spanning partial 18 S rDNA,ITS 1,5.8 S,ITS2,and partial 28 S rDNA) and two mitochondrial fragments cox3-IGR-coxl(COI) and trnW-IGR-nad2(NAD2) showed Telopathes,Stau ropathes,and Bathypathes had close relationships,and Umbellapathes formed a sister clade with Alternatipathes.  相似文献   

从语言与文化的关系入手,阐述在语言教学中文化学习不是可有可无的,它必须始终贯穿于外语教学中。教师应予以足够重视,成为外国文化的介绍者和教育改革的促进者。  相似文献   

In order to find out whether long interspersed elements (LINEs) existed in macro-algae ge- nomes or not, we tested the LINE homologues in representative families (species): Gracilaria (G. eucheumoides Harv., G. tenuistipitata Chang et Xia, and G. textorii (Sur) De-Toni), Laminaria (L. longis- sima Miyabe and L. japonica Aresch.), and Ulva (U. lactuca L. and U. pertusa Kjellm.) during 2004 to 2005. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was carried out with degenerate oligonucleotide primers de- signed from LINEs of rice homologues and Cin4 of maize. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the PCR products revealed that 4 clones that derived from 3 species of Gracilaria have LINE homologues. The nucleotide sequences of the 4 LINE homologues diverged greatly, but the amino acid sequences deduced from them were relatively conserved. The endonuclease regions of the LINE homologues greatly di- verged from that of other plants, but they had closer phylogenetic relationship to Zepp elements in Chlor- ella sp., which indicated that sequence divergence by vertical transmission has been a major influence on the evolution of algal LINEs.  相似文献   

发源于唐古拉山的金沙江、澜沧江和怒江3条世界级的大河在藏东、川西和滇西北地区并肩自北向南,形成了世界上绝无仅有的“三江”并流区,该区也因香格里拉所在地的探索而名扬世界。在九寨沟、黄龙和武陵源成为世界自然遗产以后,“三江”并流是我国申报世界自然遗产的重点项目之一。“三江”并流区是世界上最长最大最密集的峡谷区,有世界上最险峻和美丽的山峰,是祖国的资源宝库。结合多年实地工作经验,让我们跟随作者去领略“三江”并流区神奇的自然环境和香格里拉的风采。  相似文献   

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