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平面无结节网衣水阻力系数的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李玉成  桂福坤 《海洋学报》2006,28(5):145-151
通过物理模型试验,统计分析得到了无结节网衣的水阻力系数在不同状态下随雷诺数、倾角和布置状态的变化规律,并通过网衣沉子的组合试验验证了所得经验公式的正确性和适用性,为深水网箱等渔具的水动力计算提供了依据.  相似文献   

设有挡浪板结构的透空式防波堤适用于水深较大的海域,且具有较好的消浪效果。采用物理模型试验,探究具有双侧挡浪板结构的透空式防波堤透浪系数与反射系数的影响因素与规律,研究包括外侧与内侧挡浪板入水深度,水平板板宽,结构上部挡浪墙的高度与位置,水平板超高与波浪要素等因素。通过比较各家透浪系数的理论计算公式与实验结果,进行透浪系数的计算方法研究,给出修正Wiegel公式拟合双侧挡浪板透空式防波堤的透浪系数计算公式,供工程设计参考与进一步研究。  相似文献   

The Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius (C. et V.), a fish of the upper layer lukewarm water quick in movement, migrates over long distances in shoals. With the development of the nylon drift net the annual catch of such fish has increased rapidly. Since  相似文献   

海温是认知和研究大气、海洋物理性质和演变规律的重要海洋环境动力要素之一,也是海洋预报组成中不可或缺的组成部分,对海温的分布及演变规律进行研究对海洋经济、环保和国防安全具有重要的意义.本文提出了一种基于相似系数的海温统计预报方法,利用数理统计分析方法,构建基于相似系数的统计预报模型来实现海温的单点时间序列预报.在南海海域...  相似文献   

Fishing communities are subject to economic risk as the commercial fisheries they rely on are intrinsically volatile. The degree to which a community is exposed to economic risk depends on a community׳s ability to confront and/or alter its exposure to volatile fishery conditions through risk-reduction mechanisms. In this article, economic risk – as measured by community-level fishing gross revenues variability – is characterized across Alaskan fishing communities over the past two decades, and exploratory analyses are conducted to identify associations between community attributes and revenues variability. Results show that communities’ fishing portfolio size and diversification are strongly related to fishing revenues variability. Communities with larger and/or more diverse fishing portfolios experience lower fishing revenues variability. Portfolio size and diversification appear to be related to the number of local fisheries, indicating that communities’ portfolios may be constrained to the set of local fisheries. Hotspots of relatively higher fishing revenues variability for communities in north and west Alaska were identified, mirroring the spatial distribution of fishery-specific ex-vessel revenues variability. This overall pattern suggests that a community׳s fishing portfolio – and hence its exposure to risk – may be “predetermined” by its location, thereby limiting the policy options available to promote economic stability through larger and/or more diverse fishing portfolios. For such communities, diversifying income across non-fishing sectors may be an important risk reduction strategy, provided any potential negative cross-sector externalities are addressed.  相似文献   

Resource use restrictions often disproportionately impact the most vulnerable stakeholders. This research aims to understand how conservation policies – particularly harvest restrictions – affect different segments of resource dependent populations. Through an examination of a closed fishing season in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, India data was collected over three seasons on resource-dependent and independent stakeholder groups’ incomes, expenditures, smoothing mechanisms and livelihood enhancement preferences. While regulated harvest-sector stakeholder groups are heavily impacted by the regulation as expected, the results indicate that it is actually the less politically powerful within this group that are disproportionately impacted. Additionally, those individuals in allied professions, outside of the harvest sector and excluded from fisheries management decisions, are also heavily impacted by the closed season. The acceptability of livelihood enhancement options offered to affected individuals is impacted by both gender and cultural constraints. The results highlight distributional equity concerns stemming from a resource management decision and bring attention to the cultural considerations that must be taken when developing viable alternative livelihood options for short and long term relief.  相似文献   

在柔性管运输、铺设安装和服役过程中,由于其抗拉铠装层钢带为柔性细长螺旋结构,当外部载荷超过临界值时,抗拉铠装层钢带容易发生屈曲失效。考虑非线性材料、几何大变形、层间接触和摩擦等非线性效应的影响,运用ABAQUS有限元软件建立了63.5 mm典型非黏结柔性管8层完整结构模型,研究了在抗拉铠装层不同层间摩擦系数的情况下,非黏结柔性管在轴向压缩载荷作用下的力学性能和屈曲失效模式。研究结果表明,层间摩擦系数对非黏结柔性管的抗压刚度和抗拉铠装层屈曲失效模式有较大影响,层间摩擦系数以0.1和0.2为分界点,抗压刚度和屈曲失效模式均呈现出“三段式”变化规律。研究成果可为海洋非黏结柔性管的结构设计和屈曲失效评估提供技术参考。  相似文献   

-This paper presents the use of the hydrographic factors in short-term fishery forecasting of the spawning migration stock of the Spanish mackerel and salinity describes more concretely the correlativity of water temperature, salinity and air temperature with the fishing season in spring. The data have been collected from the hydrographic environmental investigation at the fixed position on the sea and the telegraph recordings of the drift net operation in the spring fishing season during the period of April and May from 1972 to 1980. The correlation coefficients of various factors with the data of the fishing season have been calculated by using the monadic regression method.The main reference targets of the forecasting are: (1) By using the upper-layer water temperature as the forecasting factor at the beginning of the fishing season, the accuracy is high; (2) the distribution and location of the isotherm of the upper-layer water at 10°C at the beginning of April are used as an important factor for d  相似文献   

By comparing the real reductions in fishing capacity of the European Union (EU) and the effects of technological efficiency, this paper presents the first comprehensive analysis since the creation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Using a standard methodology and a conservative value of ±4.4% for annual technological progress, the results obtained for tonnage indicated that the EU-13 fleet's fishing capacity was reduced by >4% for only three years (1991, 2004, and 2006) in the 1987–2006 period.  相似文献   

Fishing can affect the structure of fish communities, but the size of the effects is difficult to measure and they can easily be confounded with environmental effects. The simplest effect is the increase of prey species when large predators are reduced, but these effects are seldom large. Changes in the balance within a group of ecologically similar species can be much more dramatic, especially in the case of stocks of small pelagic species, and several large fisheries on sardine, herring and anchovy have collapsed, sometimes accompanied by a rise of other species. Part, not all, of these changes can be ascribed to the effects of competition, and of selective fishing directed at one preferred species. Other changes, such as the gadoid outburst in the North Sea in the 1960s, may have involved less obvious mechanisms. Because few of the changes in the community structure can be reliably predicted, although they can have dramatic effects on the success of the fisheries, difficult management problems are raised. Managers have to recognize uncertainty and take a range of possible consequences into account when setting policies.  相似文献   

New Zealand seamounts support major fisheries for several deepwater fish species, including orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) and smooth oreo (Pseudocyttus maculatus). Although a high proportion of features in the depth range 500–1000 m have been fished, very little is known about the ecological impacts of bottom trawling on seamounts. The potential impact is likely to be influenced by the spatial extent and frequency of fishing. A new index is presented to assess the relative intensity of trawling on New Zealand seamounts. The fishing effects index (FEI) incorporates information on the density of fishing on the seamount as a proportion of the seabed area and also on tow direction. Detailed fisheries data from more than 250 000 tows were examined to calculate FEI for New Zealand seamounts. The most intensively fished seamounts were on the south Chatham Rise, an area characterised by a large number of relatively small features which were fished serially for orange roughy in the 1980s and 1990s. Other seamounts with high FEI were on the north Chatham Rise, Challenger Plateau, and off the east coast of the North Island. A range of sensitivity analyses indicated that the general rankings of seamounts were relatively robust to the choice of arbitrary thresholds used to assign tows to seamounts.  相似文献   

从介绍海洋生态预报的概念和作用开始,根据赤潮、绿潮、水母暴发、珊瑚白化等海洋生态灾害的致灾种类和涉及的富营养化、低氧和致病菌等灾害指标,阐述了国内外近年来海洋生态预报的研究进展,进而探讨了河口区、陆架海以及全球大洋等不同海域差异所涉及的海洋生态预报的发展应用,论述了经验预报、统计预报和数值预报等海洋生态预报的国内外研究进展与实际应用,最后展望提出海洋生态预报在未来发展中面临的挑战和亟需解决的关键科学问题。  相似文献   

The “Spanish 300 Fleet” on the Grand Sole fishing grounds has been one of the most important fleets in Europe for decades. This paper analyses the process of institutional change that has determined the governance mechanisms and the property-rights system in the case of the Spanish 300 fleet. It studies the centralized top-to-bottom process of institutional change that has included some relevant legal norms such as the approval of the compatibility of the vessel scrapping grants while retaining ownership of the fishing rights, the transferability of rights and lastly the implementation of ITQs in 2007, among other changes. This evolution of the governance mechanisms has facilitated the modernization and size adjustment of this fleet, which has been oversized for the fishing opportunities provided by the TACs. The paper explains how this process of institutional change has implied a reduction of the “300 fleet” to a 100 fleet while shedding light on the relationships between institutional change, governance mechanisms and the property-rights system in this case of fisheries management.  相似文献   

Seasonal fishing closures are often used in fisheries management to conserve overfished stocks.As one of the unintended consequences,fishermen often contend for maximizing catches immediately after reopening fisheries.The resultant large catch landings in a short time period(i.e.,pulse fishing)may undermine the benefit of closure.We implemented an end-to-end model OSMOSE-JZB(Object-oriented Simulator of Marine ec OSystem Exploitation OSMOSE)modelling ecosystem in the Jiaozhou Bay located in China to evaluate the impact of pulse fishing on the effectiveness of seasonal closure at levels of fish community,population,and individual.Our study demonstrated that the three-month closure was successful in conserving fish stocks.There were small variations on ecological indicators(i.e.,total biomass of the community,mean trophic level of the community,mean trophic level of the catch,and Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index)when pulse fishing occurred.Pulse fishing seemed not to result in a great shift in community structure.Compared to other species,the biomass of two large predatory fishes were more susceptible to pulse fishing.Pulse fishing could change the pressure of predators to fish stocks via food webs,especially for young individuals.Our simulations indicate that we can improve the effectiveness of seasonal closure by managing pulse fishing.Although the results derived in this study may be specific to the target ecosystem,the general approach is applicable to other ecosystems when evaluating fishing impacts.  相似文献   

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