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Abstract: Systematic measurements of magnetic susceptibility were carried out at the outcrops of the Uchiyama granitic pluton, Tsushima Islands. The pluton consists of hornblende-biotite granodiorite and biotite granite. It intrudes concordantly along an anticline axis of the Taishu Group in middle Miocene (16. 10. 5 Ma), and crops out in five areas. The results show that the low magnetic susceptibility facies (LM–facies, <100A-10-6 emu/g) always occurs in the peripheral part of the pluton, while the high magnetic susceptibility facies (HM–facies, > 250 A 10-6 emu/g) occupies the core through the medium magnetic susceptibility zone (MM–facies). It is pointed out that the pluton forms a magnetic zoning within a single plutonic body.
Chemical compositions of the granitoids show no conspicuous differences in major elements among the LM–, MM–, and HM–facies. Biotites from the LM–, MM–, and HM-facies also indicate uniform compositions with Fe/(Fe+Mg)=0. 6.
The pluton is principally surrounded by black mudstones of the Lower Formation of the Taishu Group, which is deltaic to shallow sea sediments of the Eocene to early Miocene age, and the carbon contents in them were analyzed. The analyses show that carbon was mostly decomposed and lost in the hornfels zone, while mudstones in the non-hornfels zone usually contain 0. 5 to 0. 7 % C.
From these facts, it is concluded that the magnetically zoned pluton at Tsushima was formed by an external volatile buffer system such as CH4–CO2 during the solidifying magma process.  相似文献   

江西永修县云山岩体位于九岭隆起北侧,为二云母花岗岩复式岩体,其地球化学特征表明它是一种富硅、富碱、贫钙、过铝且富轻稀土的陆壳重熔型花岗岩,岩浆分异程度较高。云山岩体中Sn、W含量较高,为锡矿床提供了丰富的成矿物质来源,岩浆侵入与构造活动为成矿作用创造了条件。岩浆在侵位过程中进行了较为彻底的结晶分异,最终成矿物质在云山复式岩体呈岩舌、岩瘤状突出转折部位内接触带构造及各次级构造中富集成矿。在总结区内找矿标志的基础上,根据区内地、矿、物、化、遥等找矿信息,共圈定邓家山-桐木坑、余白田-红花脑、周田-王家岭、大杨-刘家坪、庵塘-马颈、板家塘-板家坳、耕源、佛祖山-焦冲等预测区8处,具有一定找矿潜力。  相似文献   

Abstract: Plio–Pleistocene hydrothermal activity resulted in high grade low sulfidation epithermal gold mineralization in the Seta area, the southern end of the Monbetsu-Kamishihoro Graben of northeastern Hokkaido, Japan. Hydrothermal activity and accompanying hydrothermal eruptions began at approximately 2 Ma along NNW-SSE trending faults, the Tohbu-ko fault I and II. This activity resulted in two main zones of gold mineralization, the west quartz-adularia veins(QAV) and east stock-work zone(STZ), formed between 1. 8 and 1. 2 Ma. A smectite-chlorite alteration zone is observed at deeper levels, while kaolinite and kaolinite-smectite zones occur at shallower levels with an acid-leached zone present near the surface. The kaoli-nite and kaolinite-smectite zones are also distributed along faults and the STZ, to depths of several hundred meters. δ34S values of pyrite and alunite from the kaolinite and silicified zones indicate alunite formed by the oxidation of sulfide, either H2S(vapor) or mineral.
Formation of the STZ and the southern part of the QAV took place during lacustrine sedimentation, while formation of the northern part of the QAV took place after eruption of andesitic lava; the latter being associated with widespread alteration formed under neutral-pH conditions. δ18O values of quartz veins and silicified rocks indicate that the paleo-hydrothermal waters have a large meteoric component, increasing with decreasing depth in the STZ. Acid hydrothermal waters, resulting from near surface oxidation of H2S were responsible for acid-leaching and kaolinization of surrounding rocks. Between 1. 4 and 0. 3 Ma, the acid hot waters drained back along the STZ to depths of at least 500m, as a result of a fall in the paleo-water table level.  相似文献   

Abstract. Many granitic plutons of Early Cretaceous age are intruded on various scales in the Kitakami Mountains. The stock‐type Ganidake pluton accompanies enormous Fe‐Cu mineralization of the Kamaishi deposits, whereas the Kurihashi pluton accompanies less mineralization. To elucidate the cause of these differences, the metamorphic conditions and redox state of the contact metamorphic aureole around the Kurihashi pluton have been examined by the petrochemical study and gas analysis of the metamorphic rocks. A typical mineral assemblage in the pelitic rocks in the lowest‐grade part is biotite‐muscovite‐chlorite‐quartz‐plagio‐clase‐graphite, which occur more than 2 km away from the contact point with the Kurihashi pluton. Graphite disappears at the 1550 m point, and cordierite and garnet appear in the middle and highest‐grade parts, respectively. A typical mineral assemblage in the tuffaceous rocks in the lower‐grade part is chlorite‐actinolite‐biotite‐quartz‐plagioclase. Actinolite changes into hornblende near to the pluton. The CO2/CH4 ratios obtained in measurements by gas chromatography exceeds 100 in the pelitic rocks at the contact point with the pluton. The ratios decrease and become less than 0.1 with distance from the pluton. Equilibrium temperatures calculated from a garnet‐biotite pair in the pelitic rock and a hornblende‐plagioclase pair in the tuffaceous rock are 640d? and 681 d?C at the contact point, respectively. The log?o2 values among these metamorphic aureoles estimated from the CO2/CH4 ratios are slightly lower than the FMQ‐buffer. Redox states of the contact metamorphic aureole are kept in an intermediate condition between oxidized magma of the Kurihashi pluton and graphite‐bearing pelitic country rocks. Judging from these metamorphic conditions around the Kurihashi pluton and from the re‐evaluation of the previous knowledge about contact metasomatism around the Ganidake pluton, the Kurihashi metamorphism has occurred at higher temperatures and dry conditions than the Ganidake metasomatism. These differences in the metamorphic conditions and presence or absence of a large limestone mass around the pluton might be the principal reasons why the Kurihashi pluton accompanies less mineralization and the Ganidake pluton accompanies gigantic Kamaishi skarn mineralization.  相似文献   

The Iwami epithermal silver deposit consists of Ag-Cu veins in a dacitic intrusive body at the deep portion of the Eikyu area, and veinlets with disseminated Ag mineralization in dacitic tuff breccia at a shallow portion of the Fukuishi area. Hydrothermal alteration associated with the silver mineralization is characterized by intense potassium metasomatism with oxidizing conditions. An illite zone occurs around the pathways of uprising fluids in both the Eikyu and Fukuishi areas. It grades laterally into the illite/smectite zone, which is surrounded by a broad smectite zone. Because of boiling, abundant adularia associated with silver mineralization overlaps on the altered tuff breccia in the Fukuishi area. The alteration zoning suggests that the western Eikyu area and the eastern Fukuishi area belong to a single hydrothermal system. The data of fluid inclusion microthermometry indicate that the temperatures range 220–270°C, and salinities range 5–7 wt percent NaCl equivalent for the silver mineralization at the upper portion in the Eikyu area and the lower portion in the Fukuishi area. Radiometric ages for volcanic rocks in the area range from 2.19 to 1.64 Ma, and the dacitic intrusion formed at approximately 1.6 Ma. The silver-dominant mineralizing hydrothermal fluids system was active around 1.44 to 1.07 Ma, which formed the Eikyu Ag-Cu veins at depth, and the Fukuishi Ag ores at the shallower portion.  相似文献   

The relationship between the magmatism of the Cretaceous Ofuku pluton and mineralization in and around the Akiyoshi Plateau, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan was investigated using a combination of field observation, petrographic and geochemical analyses, K–Ar geochronology, and fluid inclusion data. The Ofuku pluton has a surface area of 1.5 × 1.0 km, and was intruded into the Paleozoic accretionary complexes of the Akiyoshi Limestone, Ota Group and Tsunemori Formation in the western part of the Akiyoshi Plateau. The pluton belongs to the ilmenite‐series and is zoned, consisting mainly of early tonalite and granodiorite that share a gradational contact, and later granite and aplite that intruded the tonalite and granodiorite. Harker diagrams show that the Ofuku pluton has intermediate to silicic compositions ranging from 60.4 to 77.9 wt.% SiO2, but a compositional gap exists between 70.5 to 73.4 wt.% SiO2 (anhydrous basis). Modal and chemical variations indicate that the assumed parental magma is tonalitic. Quantitative models of fractional crystallization based on mass balance calculations and the Rayleigh fractionation model using major and trace element data for all crystalline phases indicate that magmatic fractionation was controlled mainly by crystal fractionation of plagioclase, hornblende, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene at the early stage, and quartz, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, apatite, ilmenite and zircon at the later stage. The residual melt extracted from the granodiorite mush was subsequently intruded into the northern and western parts of the Ofuku pluton as melt lens to form the granite and aplite. The age of the pluton was estimated at 99–97 Ma and 101–98 Ma based on K–Ar dating of hornblende and biotite, respectively. Both ages are consistent within analytical error, indicating that the Ofuku pluton and the associated Yamato mine belong to the Tungsten Province of the San‐yo Belt, which is genetically related to the ilmenite‐series granitoids of the Kanmon to Shunan stages. The aplite contains Cl‐rich apatite and REE‐rich monazite‐(Ce), allanite‐(Ce), xenotime and bastnäsite‐(Ce), indicating that the residual melt was rich in halogens and REEs. The tonalite–granodiorite of the Ofuku pluton contains many three‐phase fluid inclusions, along with daughter minerals such as NaCl and KCl, and vapor/liquid (V/L) volume ratios range from 0.2 to 0.9, suggesting that the fluid was boiling. In contrast, the granite and aplite contain low salinity two‐phase inclusions with low V/L ratios. The granodiorite occupies a large part of the pluton, and the inclusions with various V/L ratios with chloride daughter minerals suggest the boiling fluids might be related to the mineralization. This fluid could have carried base metals such as Cu and Zn, forming Cu ore deposits in and around the Ofuku pluton. The occurrence and composition of fluid inclusions in the igneous rocks from the Akiyoshi Plateau are directly linked to Cu mineralization in the area, demonstrating that fluid inclusions are useful indicators of mineralization.  相似文献   

闽西南玮埔岩体和赣南菖蒲混合岩锆石La ICPMS U-Pb年代学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
闽西玮埔岩体和赣南菖蒲混合岩位于武夷山构造带南部地区。对NNE向展布的闽西玮埔岩体两个样品进行了锆石LaICPMS U-Pb 测年,获得的年龄为447.1±4.7Ma和440.8±3.4Ma,证明这个岩体不是原来认为的印支期花岗岩,而属于加里东岩体。赣南菖蒲混合岩发育于罗浮岩体的北侧,早期将罗浮岩体归于燕山早期岩体。对混合岩进行的锆石LaICPMS U-Pb 测年,获得的年龄为445.9±3.8Ma,确定这个岩体为加里东期。这些新的高精度年龄学数据为武夷山加里东构造运动时限和性质提供了精确约束。  相似文献   

Abstract: Two mineralization stages, stage I and stage II, have been identified from textural, mineralogical and crosscutting relationships in gold ore from the Nansatsu-type gold deposits of Kasuga, Iwato and Akeshi. Mineralization age of each stage in each deposit was determined with paleomagnetic methods on 432 specimens from 312 oriented samples. As results, mineralization ages of stage I of each deposit fall in the same period, the reversed polarity subchron of 4.18–3.58 Ma, and those of stage II are limited in the normal and reversed polarity subchrons of 3.58–3.22 Ma. Contrasting with previous results based only on K-Ar ages, our conclusion shows that these Nansatsu-type gold deposits were formed contemporaneously.  相似文献   

青海祁漫塔格虎头崖多金属矿区岩体热年代学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虎头崖铜铅锌多金属矿床是青海祁漫塔格地区典型的与印支期岩浆侵入活动有关的接触交代矿床,矿区内出露多个不同时代的含碳酸盐地层,金属成矿元素组合复杂,中酸性侵入岩产状多变、岩性多样,成矿岩体及其成矿能力的判别一直制约着该矿区及区域的找矿勘查工作。本文基于详细的野外地质调查,开展了岩体热年代学和岩石地球化学研究。利用LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb法,获得二长花岗岩体的年龄为230.3±3.7 Ma(n=13,MSWD=1.4);利用40 Ar-39 Ar法,获得二长花岗岩中黑云母和斜长石矿物的坪年龄分别为229.6±2.3 Ma和219.3±1.8Ma,厘定成岩时代为印支期。对二长花岗岩中不同矿物的岩体冷速率计算结果表明,虎头崖矿区二长花岗岩冷速率相对较快,其热效应较大,具有较大的成矿潜力。二长花岗岩为高钾钙碱性系列岩石,源于古老地壳物质的深熔或重熔,并可能有幔源物质的加入。  相似文献   

为了加深对粤西北地区加里东期岩浆岩演化的认识,对粤西北地区大桂山岩体进行了岩石学、岩相学、同位素年代学、岩石地球化学及Sm-Nd同位素地球化学等研究。研究显示:大桂山岩体位于广东佛冈复式岩体的北西缘,岩性为中粗粒含斑黑云母正长花岗岩;利用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb法测得其年龄为(445.9±3.6) Ma,属晚奥陶世侵入岩;岩石地球化学具有高硅、富钾、高分异指数和低钙、低镁、贫铁的特征;稀土元素总量中等-偏低,轻重稀土元素分馏程度较低,具明显的负Eu异常;微量元素表现为大离子亲石元素Rb、Th、U、K、La、Ce、Nd等的富集,亏损P、Sr、Ba、Ti等高场强元素;(87Sr/86Sr)i为0.025 3~0.100 2,εNd(t)值较高,为-3.15~-5.26,TDM2值较低。以上特征表明大桂山岩体为高分异或低熔融程度的铝质A型花岗岩,其源区为成熟度较低的地壳物质或者是一定比例壳幔物质的混合,因造山带垮塌、软流圈上涌引起地壳伸展,由于地幔上隆,幔源基性岩浆岩和钾玄质岩浆岩上侵或底侵而形成。  相似文献   

广西陆川米场-博白三滩成矿带是近几年新发现的以W、Mo矿化为主的多金属成矿带。本文对带内与W-Mo矿床有关的油麻坡复式岩体进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石学、地球化学和Sm-Nd同位素研究。油麻坡岩体由花岗闪长岩(主体)和白云母花岗岩(补体)两部分组成。传统观点一般认为补体是主体经历分离结晶后的残余岩浆,而本文LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,主体和补体分别形成于109.0±0.3Ma和100.7±0.5Ma,后者明显晚于前者约10Ma,说明两者不大可能是同一岩浆房演化的产物。来自岩石学、地球化学和同位素方面的证据也不支持两者是分离结晶关系,主要包括:①主体含自形角闪石,常见榍石和磁铁矿等副矿物,表明岩浆富水、高氧逸度的性质。而补体不含角闪石,常见萤石、钛铁矿和硫化物等副矿物,表明岩浆富F和偏还原的性质。这与两者的分离结晶演化关系不吻合;②补体锆石的U含量极高(平均高达10602×10-6),从而出现特有的蜕晶现象、裂纹等放射性损伤结构,明显不同于主体锆石(平均U含量为860×10-6);③补体强烈亏损Sr、Ba、Eu和LREE,富集Na、Rb、Ga以及W、Sn等成矿元素,并具有典型的稀土四分组效应和non-CHARAC特征,微量元素模拟计算表明,补体与主体没有演化关系;④主体和补体的Nd同位素组成差别较大(εNd(t)分别为-5.1~-4.0和-9.6~-8.6)。本文提出高度演化的补体花岗岩是新的幔源岩浆底侵导致下地壳部分熔融而形成,由于其富F,导致岩浆固相线大幅下降(岩浆期延长),所以经历了比主体岩浆更为强烈的熔-流体相互作用,有利于萃取W、Mo等金属元素并使之富集成矿。  相似文献   

流体包裹体~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar计时技术及其矿床定年应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
60年代中叶建立的40Ar39Ar计时技术,已被广泛应用于测定各种矿物岩石的年龄,探讨区域性乃至全球性的重要地质问题。高精度40Ar39Ar计时技术的建立,使微钾矿物、流体包裹体40Ar39Ar定年成为可能。本文综合了笔者十多年来从事流体包裹体...  相似文献   

In the Namosi district, of Viti Levu Island, Republic of the Fiji Islands, we conducted chemical analysis on intrusive rocks and attempted to clarify the relationship between petrological characteristics and mineralization. Samples were collected from the Waisoi copper deposit, Waivaka corridor, Waisomo, Wailutelevu and Wainabama Southwest localities. The intrusive rocks in the district show the overall characteristics of calc-alkaline magnetite series. Using the normative composition diagram for granite classification, most of the intrusive rocks plot in the tonalite, granodiorite, quartz monzodiorite and quartz diorite fields. Rare earth element (REE) analysis revealed that at Waisoi the intrusive rocks tend towards an Eu positive anomaly, whereas most of those at Waisomo tend to have a negative anomaly. The (Cecn/Ybcn)/Ybcn ratio shows that the intrusive rocks in the Namosi district may be derived from a mantle origin magma possibly contaminated by crustal materials. Waisoi rocks have less contamination with continental crust and show higher gold content compared to those of the Waivaka corridor. The observed differences between Waisoi and Waivaka corridor in the Cu/Au ratio might also be caused by varying amounts of contamination by crustal materials. There is no clear correlation between the La/Yb ratio and K–Ar ages, however, the La/Yb ratio of the Waivaka corridor rocks has a wide range, suggesting a variable amount of crustal contamination of the magma from 7 to 5 Ma. The less crustal contamination and generation of relatively high silica contents under relatively oxidized conditions in the Waisoi magmas is correlated with Au-rich porphyry copper mineralization and in contrast more crustal contamination produced Au-poor porphyry copper mineralization at the Waivaka Corridor in the Namosi district.  相似文献   

对云南西部侵入于原西盟群帕可组的花岗片麻岩开展主量元素、锆石U-Pb年龄及原位Hf同位素组成分析。岩石地球化学特征显示其为高钾钙碱性强过铝质S型花岗岩,两件代表性样品分别给出了461.4±2.5 Ma和461.5±3.3 Ma的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄,相应的锆石εHf(t)值分别介于-6.45~-1.90和-5.60~-1.44之间,二阶段模式年龄(tDM2)分别为1.57~1.86 Ga和1.54~1.90 Ga。这些数据表明西盟地区侵入于原西盟群帕可组内的花岗片麻岩并非前人所认为的中元古代岩石,而是中奥陶世产物,其源岩可能是元古宙变质杂砂岩。结合前人研究成果,作者推测西盟地区早古生代花岗片麻岩是环冈瓦纳大陆边缘安第斯型造山作用的产物。  相似文献   

以西藏冈底斯中段西侧桑桑花岗质岩体为对象,进行了系统的年代学、元素地球化学和锆石Hf同位素组成研究,据此阐明了岩体成因,并探讨了其构造意义。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年表明,桑桑花岗质岩体的成岩年龄为49~54 Ma。化学组成上,岩体具有亚碱、准铝、贫磷的特征(A/NKC1.10,P_2O_50.20%),属钙碱性I型花岗岩类。岩体富Cs、Rb、Ba、Th、U、K、Pb和轻稀土,贫Nb、Ta、P与Ti,表现出弧岩浆岩的地球化学特征。岩体的锆石εHf(t)值变化较大,散布于正值与负值之间(=-4.24~+5.49),指示其形成存在不同来源物质的贡献。综合分析表明,桑桑花岗质岩体起源于初生地壳的部分熔融,但在成岩过程中有古老地壳组分的参与。结合区域地质背景,笔者认为这一古老地壳组分最可能来自印亚碰撞过程中俯冲下插的印度地壳,由此说明印度-欧亚大陆碰撞的起始时间应早于54 Ma。  相似文献   

Abstract: Scores of talc deposits distributed in the Hwanggangri Mineralized Zone, South Korea are interpreted to have resulted from the contact metamorphic process related to the igneous intrusion of the Muamsa Granite. Talc usually occurs as an alteration product from tremolite, which is crystallized during the prograde stage. It commonly forms fine–grained, fibrous aggregates, or pseudomorphs after tremolite, and abundant tremolite is included as impurities in the talc ore. Quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis has shown that the ores can be divided into three types depending on the concentrations of talc; talc-tremolite ore (talc > 50 %), tremolite-talc ore (10 % < talc < 50 %), and tremolite (talc < 10 %) ores. Oxygen isotope compositions of those talc ores become higher from 10.9–12.1 through 11.6–12.3 to 11.9–13.2% with increasing tremolite concentrations, while hydrogen isotope compositions are not so variable, –73 to –69%. The high value of the calculated δ18OH2O of the fluids equilibrated with the tremolite may have resulted from the mixing of magmatic water with 18O–enriched CO2 evolved from the decarbonation reaction during the prograde stage. However, as the decarbonation reaction ceased during the retrograde stage, the inferred oxygen isotope compositions of talc-forming fluids show similar values to those of the igneous fluids.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北部察哈彦岩体的Hf同位素特征及其地质意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
察哈彦岩体位于大兴安岭东北部额尔古纳地块之上,主要岩性为斑状黑云母正长花岗岩.岩体中锆石呈自形晶,发育细微振荡生长环带,显示高的Th/U值(0.32~1.12),表明锆石的岩浆成因.锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb 定年结果为(236±1)Ma,属中三叠世岩浆活动的产物.察哈彦岩体未见变形,具有块状构造,地球化学显示为弱过铝质、高钾钙碱性系列,富集LREE和Rb、K等元素,亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等元素,与后造山I型花岗岩特征相似,应形成于引张的构造环境.结合区域构造研究成果,其成因应与华北板块和西伯利亚板块碰撞造山后岩石圈伸展环境有关.察哈彦岩体的 Hf(t)值为-3.94~2.19,其模式年龄为1.1~1.5 Ga,与额尔古纳地块早古生代花岗岩和中生代花岗岩基本相同,表明额尔古纳地块地壳增生的时间主要发生在中-新元古代.  相似文献   

江西省景德镇朱溪钨(铜)多金属矿是近年新发现的一个矽卡岩型矿床,其研究基础薄弱。为了确定与该矿床形成密切相关的花岗斑岩的侵位时代、岩石成因,以及与矿床的内在关系。文章对矿区钻孔中发育的花岗斑岩岩株进行了岩相学、地球化学及锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究。研究的结果表明,花岗斑岩的侵位年龄为150Ma左右;岩石富硅〔SiO2平均为76.57%〕、富碱〔(Na2O+K2O)平均为5.43%〕、A/CNK均大于1.0,属过铝质岩石;富集轻稀土,亏损重稀土,且具有明显的负铕异常(δEu=0.18~0.21);富集Th、U、Rb等大离子亲石元素;亏损Nb、Ti等高场强元素;与(华南)陆壳改造系列花岗岩(S型花岗岩)的地球化学特征相类似;锆石εHf(t)为-16.5~0.6;两阶段Hf模式年龄主要集中在1.58~2.58Ga,也表明朱溪花岗斑岩是由古元古代地壳组分熔融产生,且有少量地幔物质参与。初步探讨了朱溪大规模钨(铜)矿化与花岗斑岩的密切关系,认为花岗斑岩可能为其提供了成矿物质及能量来源。  相似文献   

南岭东段淋洋岩体研究程度低,成岩时代众说纷纭,其主要由中细-中粗粒斑状黑云(二云)花岗岩组成。本研究运用激光剥蚀-多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-MC-ICPMS)对岩体进行锆石U-Pb精确测年。定年结果表明,淋洋岩体某一断层附近花岗岩的成岩年龄为(233.1±1.3)Ma(MSWD=1.11),下村矿点附近岩体的成岩年龄为(243.3±2.1)Ma(MSWD=2.3),二者均属于印支期,说明淋洋岩体形成于印支期陆陆碰撞和地壳抬升和增厚的构造环境,暗示淋洋岩体可能存在印支期或燕山期的成矿作用,具有进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

The Fukusen No. 1 vein is located in the southeastern part of the Yamada deposit, Hishikari epithermal gold deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan. 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of adularia from the margin and the center of the Fukusen vein are determined to be 0.617 ± 0.024 Ma and 0.606 ± 0.009 Ma, respectively. The Fukusen No. 1 vein shows banding structure composed mainly of quartz, adularia and clay minerals. Colloform texture is displayed by cryptocrystalline to amorphous silica material that is associated with fine-grained electrum and sulfides near the center of the vein. Pyrite in the Fukusen No. 1 vein often shows acicular shape resulting from inversion from marcasite. Near the center of the vein, primary marcasite occurs associated with colloform texture of silica. The Fukusen No.1 vein preserves primary texture and materials which were deposited from the ore-forming hydrothermal solution. The Fukusen No. 1 vein was formed in a short period and is one of the youngest veins in the Hishikari deposits.  相似文献   

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