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A general formulation of the theory of hypoplasticity is given, under the assumption that Cauchy stress is the only state variable. Such a formulation allows to discuss the relation between the so‐called out‐of‐axis and in‐axis moduli. It is proved that, in general, the out‐of‐axis moduli are independent from the in‐axis moduli, which allows the former to be calibrated making use of experimental shear band data, as it is done in CLoE‐hypoplasticity. The implicit assumptions made in K‐hypoplasticity are detailed for two particular models of this family. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hypoplastic constitutive model for the viscous behavior of frozen soil. The model is composed of a ‘solid’ part and a ‘fluid’ part. The solid part is based on the extended hypoplastic model, and the fluid part is dependent on the second time derivative of strain. The performance of the model is demonstrated by simulating some uniaxial compression tests at different strain rates. Moreover, the model can describe in a unified way the three stages of typical creep tests, that is, primary, secondary, and tertiary stage. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王洪波  张学增  熊保林 《岩土力学》2007,28(12):2726-2733
简要介绍了亚塑性理论和亚塑性本构模型以及在颗粒材料力学分析上的应用。详细地介绍了亚塑性模型参数的确定方法。亚塑性本构模型不是从弹塑性理论发展而来,它是以非线性张量为基础,没有屈服面、塑性势、流动法则、硬化定律以及把变形分解为弹性和塑性部分等概念。亚塑性在很多方面具有一定的优越性,特别是涉及到应力水平非常低或者非常高的情况。  相似文献   

This article is an attempt at providing an insight into the development of hypoplasticity (including barodesy, which is a recent development of hypoplasticity) as a theory elaborated since 1977, when the first version was published by the first author, until present. The multiplicity of the many versions published since then is hard to overlook. This article presents a review and insight into the evolution of a theory and the struggle to formulate a satisfactory constitutive law. Among the many proposed versions, we focus on those ones that can be seen as changes of paradigm. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the mechanical response of granular materials and compare the predictions of a hypoplastic model with that of a recently developed dilatant double shearing model which includes the effects of fabric. We implement the constitutive relations of the dilatant double shearing model and the hypoplastic model in the finite element program ABACUS/Explicit and compare their predictions in the triaxial compression and cyclic shear loading tests. Although the origins and the constitutive relations of the double shearing model and the hypoplastic model are quite different, we find that both models are capable of capturing typical behaviours of granular materials. This is significant because while hypoplasticity is phenomenological in nature, the double shearing model is based on a kinematic hypothesis and microstructural considerations, and can easily be calibrated through standard tests. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hypoplastic constitutive model for clays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a new constitutive model for clays. The model is developed on the basis of generalized hypoplasticity principles, which are combined with traditional critical state soil mechanics. The positions of the isotropic normal compression line and the critical state line correspond to the Modified Cam clay model, the Matsuoka–Nakai failure surface is taken as the limit stress criterion and the non‐linear behaviour of soils with different overconsolidation ratios is governed by the generalized hypoplastic formulation. The model requires five constitutive parameters, which correspond to the parameters of the Modified Cam clay model and are simple to calibrate on the basis of standard laboratory experiments. This makes the model particularly suitable for practical applications. The basic model may be simply enhanced by the intergranular strain concept, which allows reproducing the behaviour at very small strains. The model is evaluated on the basis of high quality laboratory experiments on reconstituted London clay. Contrary to a reference hypoplastic relation, the proposed model may be applied to highly overconsolidated clays. Improvement of predictions in the small strain range at different stress levels is also demonstrated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a constitutive model for time‐dependent behaviour of granular material. The model consists of 2 parts representing the inviscid and viscous behaviour of granular materials. The inviscid part is a rate‐independent hypoplastic constitutive model. The viscous part is represented by a rheological model, which contains a high‐order term denoting the strain acceleration. The proposed model is validated by simulating some element tests on granular soils. Our model is able to model not only the non‐isotach behaviour but also the 3 creep stages, namely, primary, secondary, and tertiary creep, in a unified way.  相似文献   

剪切位移传递法分析抗浮锚杆应力状态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
假定锚侧摩阻力与剪切变形呈非线性变化,考虑锚侧土体在影响区域内符合非线性弹性理论,运用剪切位移传递法,建立了抗浮锚杆计算模型,推导了锚侧剪应力与剪切位移的关系式。通过模型描述受荷状态下抗浮锚杆的轴力、摩阻力、位移的变化形态,分析了锚杆应力变化的工作机理,并预估了其极限承载力。  相似文献   

This paper deals with FE investigations of shear localization in dilatant granular bodies. The calculations were carried out with a hypoplastic constitutive law enhanced by micro‐polar terms to properly model the shear zone evolution. The behaviour of an initially medium dense sand specimen with very smooth and very rough horizontal boundaries was analyzed during a plane strain compression test. A stochastic distribution of the initial void ratio was assumed to be spatially correlated. Attention was focused on the non‐coaxiality of the directions of the principal strain increments and principal stresses in the shear zone and on the stress–dilatancy rule. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

城市固体废弃物的剪切强度机理及本构关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯世进  陈云敏  高丽亚  高广运 《岩土力学》2007,28(12):2524-2528
根据城市固体废弃物(简称MSW)的大三轴固结排水剪试验结果,延伸岩土工程中研究土体的概念和方法,研究MSW的剪切强度机制。MSW与大变形相关的强度特性主要是由于含有大量的纤维状成分所致,在剪切过程中试样总的抗剪能力由剪切面上的摩擦力和纤维状加筋相的拉力所产生。MSW的摩擦强度主要由3部分构成:纤维状成分与土颗粒之间的摩擦,纤维状成分之间的摩擦,和土颗粒之间的摩擦。基于MSW的剪切强度特性,采用邓肯-张本构模型来描述MSW的应力-应变关系。  相似文献   

张超  杨期君  曹文贵 《岩土力学》2019,(8):3099-3106
为了研究和分析脆岩峰值后区变形破坏力学性质,引入统计细观损伤理论,针对以破坏微元体数目与总数目之比定义的损伤变量存在的局限性与不足,在分析非均匀性岩石峰后变形破坏特征基础上探讨脆岩细观损伤演化机制,建立了考虑破坏微元体引起岩石材料非均匀性的修正损伤模型,并提出模型修正系数的函数假设;然后,在此基础上推导建立了岩石修正统计损伤本构模型,并给出了模型参数的确定方法;最后,将模型理论曲线与试验曲线进行了比较分析,并对模型参数的变化规律进行了讨论。研究表明:该模型能够反映脆岩峰值后区不同应力跌落速率的现象,模型理论曲线及模型参数的变化规律与试验结果较为吻合,表明提出的模型和方法具有一定的合理性与可行性。  相似文献   

冶小平  孙强  王媛媛  李厚恩  薛雷 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1099-1102
简要地介绍了Herle和Kolymbas针对黏土建立的亚塑性本构模型的方法。结合黏土的特性以及对响应包络线的分析,详细地列出了HK模型几个尚未解决的问题,并对该模型3个参数分别进行了改进,建立了改进后的HK亚塑性公式以及参数的确定方法。改进后的模型继承了HK模型参数少、易确定以及公式简洁等特点,使HK模型不仅具有严密的数学和力学基础,而且具有较好的实际意义。  相似文献   

为探索滑坡灾害中土在复杂条件下的剪切力学特性,本文利用大型环剪试验机,通过进行各种排水条件下的连续大位移剪切试验,对不同法向应力、剪切速率和孔隙水压力等复杂条件下饱和砂土的力学特性及其变化机理进行了研究。结果表明:1)在连续快速剪切条件下,砂土剪切力学特性在干燥、不排水和排水等条件下呈现不同的变化形式。其中在不排水条件下,饱和砂出现一定的应变软化现象。2)在相同正应力和剪切速率的环剪试验中,饱和砂在不同排水条件下(上排水、下排水、上下排水)的抗剪强度出现显著差异。3)在排水环剪试验条件下,砂土剪切应力与强度的差异性变化不仅与土体内细土颗粒运移和结构变化有关,并且受到剪切过程中不同排水条件下孔隙水压力变化的影响和控制。4)排水环剪条件下,饱和砂孔隙水压力的消散变化不仅与不同排水方式下土体内所形成的排水通道顺畅程度有关,并且受到不同剪切速率和法向应力的影响作用。  相似文献   

Recent investigations on the hypoplastic constitutive model for granular materials show that the failure surface can be surpassed by some stress paths. This is contradictory to the conventional definition of failure surface in plasticity, according to which the stress is allowed to move on the failure surface but never across it. In the present paper, the interrelations among the different constitutive models are discussed with special reference to failure and stability. For the hypoplastic constitutive equation, the accessible stress states and the stable stress states are found to be enclosed by a bound surface and a stability surface in the stress space, respectively. Theoretical findings about the bound surface and the stability surface are verified qualitatively by presenting results of triaxial tests on dry sand. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to a parametric study of a plane Mohr–Coulomb CLoE model. As CLoE models are designed with a consistency condition, it is possible to define a normality condition and to study its consequences. The positiveness of the second order work which implies the uniqueness of the solution of a small strain boundary value problem is studied firstly. Then the localization criterion is also studied. It is proved that normality has consequences similar to those for classical elasto plastic models. However if induced anisotropy is introduced in the hypoplastic CLoE model, some conclusions are no longer true. Finally plane strain experimental data are used to identify the parameters of the model. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a mechanical model for non‐isothermal behaviour of unsaturated soils. The model is based on an incrementally non‐linear hypoplastic model for saturated clays and can therefore tackle the non‐linear behaviour of overconsolidated soils. A hypoplastic model for non‐isothermal behaviour of saturated soils was developed and combined with the existing hypoplastic model for unsaturated soils based on the effective stress principle. Features of the soil behaviour that are included into the model, and those that are not, are clearly distinguished. The number of model parameters is kept to a minimum, and they all have a clear physical interpretation, to facilitate the model usefulness for practical applications. The step‐by‐step procedure used for the parameter calibration is described. The model is finally evaluated using a comprehensive set of experimental data for the thermo‐mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated compacted silt. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在精准温控动三轴试验系统上开展了不同温度及不同升温路径饱和黏土剪切试验研究,探讨了不同温度对饱和软黏土不排水剪切特性的影响,分析不同升温固结方式对饱和软黏土孔压发展、体变、强度以及模量的影响规律。试验结果显示:在4~76 ℃试验研究范围内,环境温度升高导致饱和软黏土的不排水剪切强度有所减少,但温度升高对土体模量增加影响明显,温度T和模量ET关系可用ET = 2.69T 0.3表达;升温变化时正常固结黏土产生超孔隙水压力并随着温度增大而增大,升温热固结后土的剪切强度将明显提高,且排水状态下升温固结对土剪切强度增长小于升温完成后再固结情况;土体从26 ℃分别升高20、40 ℃时,升温引起的超孔压比分别为0.41、0.61,剪切峰值强度分别增加8.23%、22.37%。研究表明:升温幅值增大会使土体热固结程度越大,升温分级越多,热固结也越充分,其对应的体变、强度增长率则越大;同时最终温度及热固结路径对其剪切相转换特征存在影响,升温越高、热固结路径越多其剪胀性越明显,但温度变化范围、固结分级、热固结路径总体上对孔隙水压力的发展基本不产生影响。  相似文献   

The paper deals with numerical investigations of a deterministic and statistical size effect in granular bodies during quasi‐static shearing of an infinite layer under plane strain conditions, free dilatancy and constant pressure. For a simulation of the mechanical behaviour of a cohesionless granular material during a monotonous deformation path, a micro‐polar hypoplastic constitutive relation was used which takes into account particle rotations, curvatures, non‐symmetric stresses, couple stresses and the mean grain diameter as a characteristic length. The proposed model captures the essential mechanical features of granular bodies in a wide range of densities and pressures with a single set of constants. In the paper, a deterministic and statistical size effect is analysed. The deterministic calculations were carried out with an uniform distribution of the initial void ratio for four different heights of the granular layer: 5, 50, 500 and 2000 mm. To investigate the statistical size effect, the Monte Carlo method was applied. The random distribution of the initial void ratio was assumed to be spatially correlated. Truncated Gaussian random fields were generated in a granular layer using an original conditional rejection method. The sufficient number of samples was determined by analysing the convergence of the outcomes. In order to reduce the number of realizations without losing the accuracy of the calculations, stratified and Latin hypercube methods were applied. A parametric analysis of these methods was also presented. Some general conclusions were formulated. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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