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Tropical land cover change experiments with fixed sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) and with an interactive ocean are compared to assess the relevance of including the ocean system in sensitivity studies to land surface conditions. The results show that the local response to deforestation is similar with fixed and simulated SSTs. Over Amazonia, all experiments simulate a comparable decrease in precipitation and no change in moisture convergence, implying that there is only a change in local water recycling. Over Africa, the impact on precipitation is not identical for all experiments; however, the signal is smaller than over Amazonia and simulations of more than 50 years would be necessary to statistically discriminate the precipitation change. We observe small but significant changes in SSTs in the coupled simulation in the tropical oceans surrounding the deforested regions. Impacts on mid and high latitudes SSTs are also possible. As remote impacts to deforestation are weak, it has not been possible to establish possible oceanic feedbacks to the atmosphere. Overall, this study indicates that the oceanic feedback to land surface sensitivity studies is of second importance, and that the inclusion of the oceanic system will require ensembles of long climate simulations to properly take into account the low frequency variability of the ocean.  相似文献   

The Indian summer monsoon of 1982 and 1997 depicts disparities, however, maximum sea surface temperature anomaly over Niño 3 region is observed in the following winter of both the years. The inter-annual variation of sea surface temperature anomaly shows maximum peak during 1982/83 and 1997/98 El Niño events. The inter-annual variation of multivariate ENSO index also supports the above observation. The analyses of the entire tropical Pacific basin including the equatorial region reveal an anomalous behavior of the mean sea level pressure (MSLP) and the convective activities. The observations further reveal that the negative anomaly in monsoon rainfall over India prevails throughout the monsoon season except for the month of August in 1982, while in the year 1997 the monsoon rainfall anomaly shows random variations. The comparison between the summer monsoon rainfall of 1982 and 1997 depicts that the magnitude of the positive anomaly is same in the month of August. The condition over tropical Pacific during 1982/83 and 1997/98 has been investigated through the variation of outgoing long wave radiation (OLR), MSLP and pressure vertical velocity. The time–longitude plots of OLR and MSLP reveal the changes in pressure distribution and convective pattern over the tropical equatorial Pacific. The zonal and meridional cross section of pressure vertical velocity over the tropical Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean facilitates to understand the strength of the vertical motion during the monsoons of 1982 and 1997.  相似文献   

Summary Climatic determinants of summer (Nov-Mar) rainfall over southern Africa are investigated through analysis of sea surface temperatures (SST), outgoing longwage radiation (OLR) and tropospheric wind with respect to the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). Index-to-field correlation maps are presented at various lags for the austral spring and summer seasons to establish the spatial dependence and evolution of coherent, statistically significant features. The SOI signal is reflected in upper-level zonal wind anomalies over the equatorial Atlantic Ocean during spring. SSTs in the central Indian Ocean are significantly negatively correlated with the SOI in summer. On the other hand, OLR correlations are weak over southern Africa in the summer, implying that the SOI signal may not dominate interannual convective variability.QBO correlations with SST are relatively weak, but with 200 hPa zonal winds over the western equatorial Ocean, positive correlations are noted. A standing wave pattern is described in the sub-tropics. The OLR correlation pattern represents a dipole with increased convection over eastern and southern Africa in contrast to reduced convection over Madagascar when the QBO is in west phase.Contingency analyses indicate that the global indices are unreliable predictors in isolation. However the characteristics and domain of influence of SOI and QBO signals are identified and may offer useful inputs to objective multivariate models for different modes of southern African rainfall variability.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary climatological statistics of extreme weather events over the southern Africa region are established through analysis of daily weather maps of the South African Weather Bureau for a twenty year peiod, 1973–1992. Influences of global warming and inter-annual variability imposed by El Nino events, amongst others, are sought. Notable trends include a decrease in the frequency of station days with rainfall > 70 mm and an increase in station days with temperature > 38°C. Correlations offer some insights to extreme climate associations. Lows over the land in the west and over the sea to the east display consistent interannual variability, despite opposing rainfall regimes. Agreement in extreme temperature statistics in all regions suggest that drought is widespread over southern Africa. Rainfall in the north is negatively related to lows over the sea to the south. A potential mechanism underlying the inverse relationship between midlatitude and sub-tropical storminess is the development of a vorticity dipole associated with the westerly jet stream. This is investigated in an El Nino-influenced case study.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

The summer monsoon rainfall over India exhibits strong intraseasonal variability. Earlier studies have identified Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) as one of the most influencing factors of the intraseasonal variability of the monsoon rainfall. In this study, using India Meteorological Department (IMD) high resolution daily gridded rainfall data and Wheeler?CHendon MJO indices, the intra-seasonal variation of daily rainfall distribution over India associated with various Phases of eastward propagating MJO life cycle was examined to understand the mechanism linking the MJO to the intraseasonal variability. During MJO Phases of 1 and 2, formation of MJO associated positive convective anomaly over the equatorial Indian Ocean activated the oceanic tropical convergence zone (OTCZ) and the resultant changes in the monsoon circulation caused break monsoon type rainfall distribution. Associated with this, negative convective anomalies over monsoon trough zone region extended eastwards to date line indicating weaker than normal northern hemisphere inter tropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The positive convective anomalies over OTCZ and negative convective anomalies over ITCZ formed a dipole like pattern. Subsequently, as the MJO propagated eastwards to west equatorial Pacific through the maritime continent, a gradual northward shift of the OTCZ was observed and negative convective anomalies started appearing over equatorial Indian Ocean. During Phase 4, while the eastwards propagating MJO linked positive convective anomalies activated the eastern part of the ITCZ, the northward propagating OTCZ merged with monsoon trough (western part of the ITCZ) and induced positive convective anomalies over the region. During Phases 5 and 6, the dipole pattern in convective anomalies was reversed compared to that during Phases 1 and 2. This resulted active monsoon type rainfall distribution over India. During the subsequent Phases (7 and 8), the convective and lower tropospheric anomaly patterns were very similar to that during Phase 1 and 2 except for above normal convective anomalies over equatorial Indian Ocean. A general decrease in the rainfall was also observed over most parts of the country. The associated dry conditions extended up to northwest Pacific. Thus the impact of the MJO on the monsoon was not limited to the Indian region. The impact was rather felt over larger spatial scale extending up to Pacific. This study also revealed that the onset of break and active events over India and the duration of these events are strongly related to the Phase and strength of the MJO. The break events were relatively better associated with the strong MJO Phases than the active events. About 83% of the break events were found to be set in during the Phases 7, 8, 1 and 2 of MJO with maximum during Phase 1 (40%). On the other hand, about 70% of the active events were set in during the MJO Phases of 3 to 6 with maximum during Phase 4 (21%). The results of this study indicate an opportunity for using the real time information and skillful prediction of MJO Phases for the prediction of break and active conditions which are very crucial for agriculture decisions.  相似文献   

J Polcher  K Laval 《Climate Dynamics》1994,10(4-5):205-219
The present study uses the general circulation model of the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD-GCM) coupled to the land-surface, vegetation model SECHIBA. The impact of deforestation on climate is discussed. Replacing tropical forests by degraded pastures changes albedo, the roughness length and the hydrological properties of the surface. The experiment was carried out over eleven years using the observed sea surface temperature from 1978 to 1988, which includes two major El Niño events. The discussion of the results in this study is limited to the regional impact of deforestation. The changes found for the surface fluxes in Amazonia, Africa and Indonesia are examined in detail and compared in order to understand the impact on temperature. Special attention is paid to feedback mechanisms which compensate for the surface changes and to the statistical significance of these results within the tropical variability of climate. It is shown that the relatively small regional impact of deforestation in this study is statistically significant and largely independent of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon.This paper was presented at the Second International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability (Hamburg, September 1992)  相似文献   

There has been a 38% decrease in expected annual rainfall totals over the Lowveld, in the eastern part of South Africa, during the last two decades. The downward trend in mean annual rainfall is not replicated in the rest of the summer rainfall region above the escarpment. Rainfall variability over the Lowveld has been increasing since about the 1950s, although the increase in variability appears to have been slowing down in more recent years. Changes in the frequency and intensity of El Niño/Southern Oscillation extreme events are only partly responsible for the observed desiccation and increase in rainfall variability. The CSIRO 9-level general circulation model simulates, for 2 × CO2 conditions, an insignificant decrease of 10% in the annual mean and a slight increase in the inter-annual variability of rainfall over the Lowveld. Other general circulation models likewise simulate only small changes in annual mean rainfall over the region. However, the simulated increase in rainfall variability by the CSIRO 9-level model is likely to be conservative since the model, being linked to a slab ocean, is unable to represent important features of ocean-atmosphere coupling in the region. Significant changes in the frequencies of extreme drought events and of heavy rains in the Lowveld are likely to occur even with only small changes in the rainfall climatology of the region.  相似文献   

In a changing climate, changes in rainfall variability and, in particular, extreme rainfall events are likely to be highly significant for environmentally vulnerable regions such as southern Africa. It is generally accepted that sea-surface temperatures play an important role in modulating rainfall variability, thus the majority work to date has focused on these mechanisms. However past research suggests that land surface processes are also critical for rainfall variability. In particular, work has suggested that the atmosphere-land surface feedback has been important for past abrupt climate changes, such as those which occurred over the Sahara during the mid-Holocene or, more recently, the prolonged Sahelian drought. Therefore the primary aim of this work is to undertake idealised experiments using both a regional and global climate model, to test the sensitivity of rainfall variability to land surface changes over a location where such abrupt climate changes are projected to occur in the future, namely southern Africa. In one experiment, the desert conditions currently observed over southwestern Africa were extended to cover the entire subcontinent. This is based on past research which suggests a remobilisation of sand dune activity and spatial extent under various scenarios of future anthropogenic global warming. In the second experiment, savanna conditions were imposed over all of southern Africa, representing an increase in vegetation for most areas except the equatorial regions. The results suggest that a decrease in rainfall occurs in the desert run, up to 27% of total rainfall in the regional model (relative to the control), due to a reduction in available moisture, less evaporation, less vertical uplift and therefore higher near surface pressure. This result is consistent across both the regional and global model experiments. Conversely an increase in rainfall occurs in the savanna run, because of an increase in available moisture giving an increase in latent heat and therefore surface temperature, increasing vertical uplift and lowering near surface pressure. These experiments, however, are only preliminary, and form the first stage of a wider study into how the atmosphere-land surface feedback influences rainfall extremes over southern Africa in the past (when surface i.e. vegetation conditions were very different) and in the future under various scenarios of future climate change. Future work will examine how other climate models simulate the atmosphere-land surface feedback, using more realistic vegetation types based on past and future surface conditions.  相似文献   

Spring rainfall secular variability is studied using observations, reanalysis, and model simulations. The joint coherent spatio-temporal secular variability of gridded monthly gauge rainfall over Ethiopia, ERA-Interim atmospheric variables and sea surface temperature (SST) from Hadley Centre Sea Ice and SST (HadISST) data set is extracted using multi-taper method singular value decomposition (MTM-SVD). The contemporaneous associations are further examined using partial Granger causality to determine presence of causal linkage between any of the climate variables. This analysis reveals that only the northwestern Indian Ocean secular SST anomaly has direct causal links with spring rainfall over Ethiopia and mean sea level pressure (MSLP) over Africa inspite of the strong secular covariance of spring rainfall, SST in parts of subtropical Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and MSLP. High secular rainfall variance and statistically significant linear trend show consistently that there is a massive decline in spring rain over southern Ethiopia. This happened concurrently with significant buildup of MSLP over East Africa, northeastern Africa including parts of the Arabian Peninsula, some parts of central Africa and SST warming over all ocean basins with the exception of the ENSO regions. The east-west pressure gradient in response to the Indian Ocean warming led to secular southeasterly winds over the Arabian Sea, easterly over central Africa and equatorial Atlantic. These flows weakened climatological northeasterly flow over the Arabian Sea and southwesterly flow over equatorial Atlantic and Congo basins which supply moisture into the eastern Africa regions in spring. The secular divergent flow at low level is concurrent with upper level convergence due to the easterly secular anomalous flow. The mechanisms through which the northwestern Indian Ocean secular SST anomaly modulates rainfall are further explored in the context of East Africa using a simplified atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) coupled to mixed-layer oceanic model. The rainfall anomaly (with respect to control simulation), forced by the northwestern Indian Ocean secular SST anomaly and averaged over the 30-year period, exhibits prevalence of dry conditions over East and equatorial Africa in agreement with observation. The atmospheric response to secular SST warming anomaly led to divergent flow at low levels and subsidence at the upper troposphere over regions north of 5° S on the continent and vice versa over the Indian Ocean. This surface difluence over East Africa, in addition to its role in suppressing convective activity, deprives the region of moisture supply from the Indian Ocean as well as the Atlantic and Congo basins.  相似文献   

Summary The variability and extreme wet anomalies in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) climate are investigated based on a multi-year National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) AGCM ensemble data. While the GCM ensemble average reproduces realistic inter-annual variability of rainfall pattern over the GHA sub-region compared to observations, there is a distinct northward shift in the simulated regions of rainfall maxima throughout the season. However, in agreement with observations and many previous studies, the inter-annual variability derived from leading mode of EOF analysis is dominated by ENSO-related fluctuations. On the other hand, the spatial pattern corresponding to the second mode (EOF2) exhibits a unique dipole rainfall anomaly pattern (wet/dry conditions) over the northern/southern halves of our domain during all the three months of the short rains season. When the 3–10 year periodicity is filtered out from the 40-year EOF2 time series of the ensemble mean data, three distinct quasi-decadal regimes in the rainfall anomalies is exhibited for both monthly and seasonal mean data. It is also evident from our results that a combination of anomalous surface and mid-tropospheric flow from northwestern and eastern Atlantic Ocean and easterly flow from the Indian Ocean played a significant role in setting up the non-ENSO related 1961 floods. Coversely, during the ENSO-related 1997 floods, the mid-troposheric flow was characterized by anomalous westerly flow originating from the Congo rainforest that converged with the flow from Indian Ocean along the East Africa coast and over eastern/northeastern Kenya. The anomalous moisture flux convergence/divergence in both the ensemble and NCEP reanalysis is also consistent with the mid-trospheric flow anomalies that are associated with the two wet events.  相似文献   

利用目前国际上应用较为广泛的两套再分析资料:NCEP/NCAR再分析的陆地表面温度(1and surface temperature or skin temperature,简称LST)及欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA40表层土壤温度(ECMWF—STLl)资料,揭示了两组资料反映的春、夏季陆面热力状况分布特征及变率的异同。结果表明:1)两套资料的全球春季陆面热力状况气候态分布均反映出表面温度从赤道向两极递减的趋势,但在中低纬地区,ECMWF—STLl高于LST,高纬度地区情况相反。夏季,除格陵兰岛外,两套资料陆面热力状况气候态分布基本相同。2)春季ECMWF—STLl、LST变率类似,均表现为北半球中高纬地区表面温度变率大的特征。相比而言,欧亚大陆北部ECMWF—STLl变率较LST明显,南部相反。夏季,温度变率较大的区域主要位于非洲中部、欧亚大陆北部及美洲部分地区,其中,南北美洲两套资料温度变率差别较大。3)分析EOF第一模态发现,两套资料均表现出春季欧亚大陆热力状况南北反相变化的特征,澳大利亚及南北美洲地区两套资料空间分布型位相正好相反。对于夏季而言,两套资料均反映出欧亚大陆及非洲的一致性变化特征,而其他地区差别较大;4)春季增温显著的地区主要位于欧亚大陆中高纬,相比而言,欧亚大陆北部ECMWF—STLl升温较明显,南部LST降温较明显。夏季,非洲、欧亚以及北美洲地区,两套资料升降温趋势分布相似,但LST升降温幅度均较ECMWF—STLl大。总之,两套资料对热力状况的描述在非洲及欧亚大陆上相似性较大,而在澳大利亚、格陵兰岛及南北美洲地区有一定的差别。另外,对青藏高原地区的热力状况的描述两套资料差别较大。  相似文献   

Summary Principal components analysis of satellite outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) anomalies over southern Africa forms the basis of this work. OLR anomalies, which are closely correlated with rainfall anomalies and vegetation cover, are formulated for early and late summer, the season when convective clouds develop over southern Africa. The first four principal component modes account for 82 to 85% of the total inter-annual convective variability in the period 1975–1994. The dominant terrestrial modes take the form of truncated dipoles (36%). NW-SE oriented loading patterns contributed by cloud bands and poleward tropical outflows, form the second most important climate mode (25%). Lower order modes are dominated by monsoon effects (12%) and isolated cells (10%). The dominant modes of convective variability appear related to the phase of the Southern Oscillation and its regional signals. The principal component results indicate that attention should be given to understanding mechanisms underlying dipole circulation systems.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

The impact of sub-grid variability of precipitation and canopy water storage is investigated by applying a new canopy interception scheme into the Community Atmosphere Model version 3 (CAM3) coupled with the Community Land Model version 3 (CLM3). Including such sub-grid variability alters the partitioning of net radiation between sensible heat flux and latent heat flux on land surface, which leads to changes in precipitation through various pathways/mechanisms. The areas with most substantial changes are Amazonia and Central Africa where convective rain is dominant and vegetation is very dense. In these areas, precipitation during December–January–February is increased by up to 2 mm/day. This increase is due to the enhanced large-scale circulation and atmospheric instability caused by including the sub-grid variability. Cloud feedback plays an important role in modifying the large-scale circulation and atmospheric instability. Turning off cloud feedback mitigates the changes in surface convergence and boundary layer height caused by inclusion of sub-grid variability of precipitation and water storage canopy, which moderate the effect on precipitation.  相似文献   

This study proposes an overview of the main synoptic, medium-range and intraseasonal modes of convection and precipitation in northern spring (March–June 1979–2010) over West and Central Africa, and to understand their atmospheric dynamics. It is based on daily National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration outgoing longwave radiation and Cloud Archive User Service Tb convection data, daily TRMM and Global Precipitation Climatology Project rainfall products and daily ERA-Interim reanalysis atmospheric fields. It is first shown that mesoscale convective systems can be modulated in terms of occurrences number and intensity at such time scales. Based on empirical orthogonal function analyses on the 2–90-day filtered data it is shown that the main mode of convective and rainfall variability is located along the Guinean coast with a moderate to weak extension over Central Africa. Corresponding regressed deseasonalised atmospheric fields highlight an eastward propagation of patterns consistent with convectively coupled equatorial Kelvin wave dynamics. Then a singular spectrum analysis combined with a Hierarchical Ascendant Classification enable to define objectively the main spectral bands of variability within the 2–90-day band, and highlight three main bands, 2–8-, 8–22- and 20–90-day. Within these three bands, space–time spectral decomposition is used to identify the relative impacts of convectively coupled equatorial Kelvin, Rossby and inertia–gravity waves, as well as Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) signal. It confirms that eastward propagating signals (convectively coupled equatorial Kelvin wave and MJO) are highly dominant in these convection and precipitation variability modes over the Guinean coast during northern spring. So, while rain-producing individual systems are moving westward, their activity are highly modulated by sub-regional and regional scales envelops moving to the east. This is a burning issue for operational forecasting centers to be able to monitor and predict such eastward propagating envelops of convective activity.  相似文献   

Summary Tropical north Africa depends on rain-fed agriculture as the main economic driver. The variability of climate-sensitive resources is investigated with a goal to develop statistical long-lead prediction models with reasonable skill. Climate data from NCEP is analysed in conjunction with agricultural and economic production in various sectors, in addition to the traditional climatic indices: temperature and rainfall. Key predictors for statistical models include the lower-level zonal wind over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. These exhibit a ‘memory’ that is consistent with sea surface temperatures (SST) through equatorial upwelling dynamics. Kinematic predictors outperform SST in hindcast fit by an average 33% with respect to various tropical north African resource indices. A multi-decadal oscillation induces long-term trends in rainfall that contribute to apparently skilful forecasts based on the interaction of Pacific ENSO and the Atlantic zonal overturning circulation. The skill of statistical forecasts is lower when the drying trend is removed.  相似文献   

江苏省近45a极端气候的变化特征   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5  
利用江苏省35个测站1960—2004年45 a的逐日最高温度、最低温度、日降水量资料集,分析了近45 a江苏省极端高温、极端低温以及极端降水的基本变化特征。结果表明:(1)多年平均年极端高温的空间分布表现为西高东低,而极端低温则表现为自北向南的显著增加,极端降水的发生频次自南向北逐渐减少;(2)极端高温在江苏中部以及南部大部分地区有上升趋势,而西北地区则有弱的下降趋势;全省极端低温表现为显著的升高趋势;极端降水频次在南部地区有增加的趋势,北部减少趋势,中部则无变化趋势。(3)江苏极端高温、低温和极端降水的年际和年代际变化具有区域性差异,其中极端降水频次变化的区域性差异最为明显。  相似文献   

 A deforestation experiment is performed over the western Mediterranean, applying two different RCMs with differing domains and an ensemble technique to obtain a measure of their internal variability. The internal variability is used to assign statistical significance to the results, and also to discuss whether the models are sufficiently free to develop internal mesoscale processes. Considerable internal variability values found for hydrological variables even in autumn and winter seem to support the assumption that the models are free enough to be applied to such a sensitivity study. The combined use of two models, with strongly differing domains, and significance assigned through the use of internal variability should highlight responses to deforestation which are of physical origin and not a result dependent on one particular model. The overall significant response from both RCMs to deforestation is a reduction of evaporation (spring and summer, extending over the whole deforested zone) and a decrease in precipitation (late spring and summer, over some regions). A detailed analysis over subzones shows remarkable agreement between the two models over some of these subzones, showing non-local effects in precipitation response. Received: 8 February 2000 / Accepted: 12 January 2001  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal structures of the intraseasonal atmospheric variability over central Africa is investigated using 2.5°?×?2.5° daily outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Reanalysis zonal winds for the period 1980–2010. The study begins with an overview of the Central African rainfall regime, noting in particular the contrast amongst Western and Eastern parts, with different topography and surface conditions features. The annual mean rainfall and OLR over the region revealed a zone of intense convective activity centered on the equator near 30°E, which extends southward and covers almost all the Congo forest. The annual cycle of rainfall reflects the classical bi-annual shift of Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone across the equatorial belt, between 10°S and 10°N. The result of the empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) analysis has shown that the three leading EOF modes explain about 45?% of total intraseasonal variability. The power spectra of all the three corresponding principal components (PCs) peak around 45–50?days, indicating a Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) signal. The first mode exhibits high positive loadings over Northern Congo, the second over Southern Ethiopia and the third over Southwestern Tanzania. The PCs time series revealed less interannual modulation of intraseasonal oscillations for the Congo mode, while Ethiopian and Tanzanian modes exhibit strong interannual variations. H?vmoller plots of OLR, 200 and 850?hPa NCEP zonal winds found the eastward propagating features to be the dominant pattern in all the three times series, but this propagation is less pronounced in the OLR than in the 850 and 200?hpa zonal wind anomalies. An index of MJO strength was built by averaging the 30–50?day power for each day. A plot of MJO indices and El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle confirm a strong interannual modulation of MJO over Eastern central Africa partially linked with the ENSO events (El Ni?o and La Ni?a). Strong MJO activity is observed during La Ni?a years or during ENSO-neutral years, while weak or absent MJO activity is typically associated with strong El Ni?o episodes.  相似文献   

Performance of a multi-RCM ensemble for South Eastern South America   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The ability of four regional climate models to reproduce the present-day South American climate is examined with emphasis on La Plata Basin. Models were integrated for the period 1991–2000 with initial and lateral boundary conditions from ERA-40 Reanalysis. The ensemble sea level pressure, maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation are evaluated in terms of seasonal means and extreme indices based on a percentile approach. Dispersion among the individual models and uncertainties when comparing the ensemble mean with different climatologies are also discussed. The ensemble mean is warmer than the observations in South Eastern South America (SESA), especially for minimum winter temperatures with errors increasing in magnitude towards the tails of the distributions. The ensemble mean reproduces the broad spatial pattern of precipitation, but overestimates the convective precipitation in the tropics and the orographic precipitation along the Andes and over the Brazilian Highlands, and underestimates the precipitation near the monsoon core region. The models overestimate the number of wet days and underestimate the daily intensity of rainfall for both seasons suggesting a premature triggering of convection. The skill of models to simulate the intensity of convective precipitation in summer in SESA and the variability associated with heavy precipitation events (the upper quartile daily precipitation) is far from satisfactory. Owing to the sparseness of the observing network, ensemble and observations uncertainties in seasonal means are comparable for some regions and seasons.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications of upscaling tropical deforestation for climate change. In this case, upscaling refers to the extrapolation and aggregation of deforestation to the grid scale that is used in global climate models (GCMs). The upscaling of deforestation emphasizes the extent of forest loss, and assumes that deforestation is a homogeneous and instantaneous process. The structure of deforested landscapes is usually disregarded in "upscaled" experiments, and the intensity of deforestation is seldom considered. Consequently, the atmospheric response to a heterogeneous surface is not addressed. Furthermore, climatically significant soil and vegetation parameters associated with complex and dynamic deforested landscapes are ignored. These factors underscore the need for more realistic representation of tropical deforestation in modeling studies. Several recent attempts to address the issue of scale in deforestation studies are described in the article.  相似文献   

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