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In the Middle Atlas of Morocco, alkali basaltic flows record successive weathering phases during the Quaternary. In fresh basalt interior and intermediate external zones, the first weathering stage is characterised by glass dissolution and the formation of a Si-Al poorly-crystallised product. Advanced weathering phases are characterised by 10 Å halloysite, kaolinite and goethite, located within the primary minerals or as secondary products in fissures. Olivine and iddingsite are transformed into Si-rich goethite, plagioclase into halloysite and pyroxene into a mixture of halloysite + geothite. Dissolution of Ti-magnetite and ilmenite yielded Ti-rich products. In these conditions, the weathering of basalts and development of a soil matrix are accompanied by the elimination of certain chemical elements, such as Si, Ca, Na and K, and the concentration of Fe and Al. In the soil, clay minerals such as illite and vermiculite, do not have any genetic relationship with weathered basalt and were probably introduced externally.  相似文献   

Triassic basalt of the Middle Atlas has been subject to metamorphic transformation then weathering. Occurrence in both metabasalt and saprolite of ubiquitous clay minerals, such as smectite and mixed layers chlorite–smectite, makes it difficult to distinguish between the two alteration facies and explains the interest of complementary sources of information. In the Bhallil weathering profile, petrographical and mineralogical analyses of primary igneous minerals and their alteration products coupled with Fe oxidation state determination in clay fractions allow to identify three alteration facies: (i) metamorphic basalt, where iron occurs mainly as the ferrous form; (ii) the lower part of saprolite, where iron is partially oxidized to its ferric form; (iii) the upper part of saprolite, where iron is completely oxidized. To cite this article: A. Dekayir et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 877–884.  相似文献   

Various techniques (horizontal and vertical derivatives, upward continuation, Euler deconvolution) have been applied to the gravity data from the Triffa's plain and the north flank of the Beni-Snassen massif to delineate various major geological structures such as faults and basins. These results allow the production of a structural map showing the fault systems for the survey area. This map forms the basis for planning future hydrogeological research in this region. To cite this article: D. Khattach et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The monotony of the surface and of the deep structure of the Sahel domain in eastern Tunisia (low topographic area covered by a Quaternary series) induces the possible existence of an important subsiding collapsed block and associated faulted zones. Gravity data analyses have permitted the reconnaissance of the crustal and gravimetric setting of the northern part of the Sahel domain and the discussion of main outlines of subsurface structures. The deep structure of a particular zone (Kairouan–Sousse–Monastir area) demonstrates the existence of an east-west en-doigt-de-gant crustal thinning confirmed by the gravity data. This deep structuring is perfectly showed by the high-resolution second-order enhanced analytic signal technique developed to image geologic boundaries such as contacts and faults. This technique, correlated with the distribution of all seismic events in the last century, has permitted to define an important east–west Kairouan–Sousse–Monastir tectonic corridor (CKSM). This corridor corresponds to major faults oriented east-west, were some folded structures can be developed. To cite this article: H. Gabtni, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The Precambrian inlier at Sidi Flah-Bouskour is cut by several successive intrusions of Neoproterozoic granitoids, whose zircon crystal morphology allows precise definition of granite types (Pupin, 1976, 1980, 1988) and, by inference, an assessment of tectonic settings. The first intrusion consists of gabbro, quartz-diorite and amphibole-granodiorite, belonging to the Pan-African B1 phase related to a pre-collision domain. It shows a calc-alkaline granodioritic composition. The second intrusion includes the Bouskour biotite-granite, which belongs to the high-K calc-alkaline suite emplaced at the time of the second Pan-African B2 phase in the context of syn-collision. These units are intruded by a Late Proterozoic pink granite followed by injection of submeridian sigmoidal cracks of rhyolitic dykes that represent the last Precambrian magmatic event in this area.  相似文献   

The Hmeïma–Boujabeur zone is considered as an important geothermal province for Tunisia. The reef limestone, characterized by intense fracturation and important karstification, confers them the property to be a regional thermal aquifer. A geophysical study based on two complementary geoelectrical methods, the Electrical Sounding (ES) and Magneto-Telluric Sounding (MTS), turned out to be very efficient to provide a complete electrical image of the underground until about 1-km depth. The synthetic approach integrating all data allowed us to delimit the favourable area for thermal water exploitation. To cite this article: M. Gouasmia et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

This study is based on the analysis and the interpretation of the gravity data of the Tadla basin. Its purpose is to increase the knowledge of this basin structure. A residual anomaly map was first calculated from the Bouguer anomaly data witch are strongly affected by a regional gradient. The computed map provides information on the ground density variation but it does not bring enough of new elements. Data filtering allows us to emphasize the structures affecting the basin. We chose the horizontal gradient coupled to the upward continuation techniques that permit to highlight news structures and to give information on their dip. The elaborated structural map of the study area constitutes a useful document for rationalizing the future groundwater exploration in the Tadla basin. To cite this article: A. Najine et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Les terrains volcaniques et volcanodétritiques du Néoprotérozoïque terminal (Vendien) affleurent largement dans le Haut Atlas occidental. IIs sont située au Nord de l'accident majeur de Tizi n'Test qui sépare le craton ouest africain du craton septentrional. Ces volcanites reposent en concordance sur une série grésopélitique pouvant être l'équivalent des séries de Tidilline et d'Anzi dans l'Anti-Atlas. Ce volcanisme par ses caractéristiques géochimiques calco-alcalin de marge active est affilié á l'histoire post panafricaine développée aussi dans l'Anti-Atlas. II différe de ce dernier par ses teneurs en K2O. Ce volcanisme s'est mis en place dans un contexte distensif. ll est généré par la fusion de la croûte subductée sous un craton septentrional. Au dessus de cet ensemble magmatique repose en concordance ou en légére discordance une puissante série calcschisteuse dans laquelle sont interstratifiées des dacites calco-alcalines montrant la continuité du volcanisme orogénique au moins jusqu'au Cambrien inférieur.  相似文献   

Thermal and hydrothermal effects of Triassic–Liassic basalt flow deposition on sedimentary series of the Argana Basin are responsible for major modifications in detrital clays, until 20 m in depth. It expressed by transformation of detrital smectite to corrensite and moreover to chlorite, and by increasing illite crystallinity. On the 2 m of sediments located immediately under the flow, magnesium-rich hydrothermal fluids have caused precipitation of new mineral phases. To cite this article: L. Daoudi, J.-L. Pot de Vin, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 463–468.  相似文献   

Moorea volcanic island (Central Pacific) shows particular characteristics: it has been built by synchronous emissions (shown by radiometric K-Ar data) of basic volcanics (basalts and K hawaiites) and of very abundant evoluted lavas (K benmoreites), systematically aphyric, but containing ferromagnesian xenocrysts.Radiometric K-Ar data also underline the intricate and multistage character of the island building. Its genesis would be explained in the light of a fractional melting process.


L 'fle volcanique de Moorea (Pacifique Central) présente la particularité d'avoir étéédifiée par la coémission (démontrée par les données radiométriques K-Ar) de roches basiques (basaltes et K hawaiites) et de roches évoluées très abondantes (K benmoréites), systématiquement aphyriques, mais contenant des xénocristaux ferromagnésiens.Les données radiométriques K-Ar soulignent aussi le caractère complexe de l'empilement volcanique construit en plusieurs stades. Sa genèse pourrait être expliquée par un processus de fusion fractionnée.  相似文献   

During the Late Precambrian–Early Cambrian times, the borders of the Kerdous inlier were affected by normal faults where thick conglomerates (Ouarzazate Group: PIII), grading progressively upwards into Cambrian marine sediments, were accumulated along their hanging walls. This tectonic activity persisted during the Early Cambrian and was accompanied by a magmatic activity resulting mainly in the emplacement of continental tholeiitic basalts. These tectono-sedimentary and magmatic events are related to the crustal extensional episode that affected the northwestern Gondwana margin during the opening of the Iapetus Ocean during Late Proterozoic times. To cite this article: A. Soulaimani et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

A large number of seismic reflection lines and boreholes have been carried out in the Essaouira Basin by the oil industry. The present study concentrates on the reinterpretation of these data in the restricted area of Khemis Meskala, in order to better characterise the structure of the Cretaceous aquiferous system. The reflector corresponding to the bottom of the Vraconian formation has been identified on the different seismic sections. This horizon, which marks the base of the aquiferous system, was first digitised on time migration sections and then converted to depth sections using a suitable linear velocity law. The isobath map of the bottom of the Vraconian resulting from this study images the 3D geometrical structure of this horizon and shows that it is slightly folded in domes and basins. This document will be useful for rationalising the future hydrogeological researches that will be undertaken in the Khemis Meskala area. To cite this article: M. Jaffal et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 229–234.  相似文献   

The Precambrian massif of Ourika is crosscut by two systems of basic dykes, striking N40°E and N90–120°E. Using incompatible trace elements, the two systems form two distinct chemical groups, displaying a continental tholeiitic affinity. The composition variations between the two defined groups can be due to heterogeneities of mantle sources and to contamination, during the magma ascent, by the continental crust. The emplacement of these basic dykes, before the late-PIII formations, can be related to the Neoproterozoic distension generalised to the Anti-Atlas chain. To cite this article: A. Barakat et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 827–833.  相似文献   

The gold showings at Bleida are hosted in Late Pan-African N50–80 °E quartz–hematite–chlorite 1 tension lenses that are related to the activity of major sinistral sub-east–west thrusts. Ores result from three superimposed stages of fluid migration. Gold occurs in microcracks offsetting the earlier minerals. Fluids evolved from COHN compositions with a saline component to boiling aqueous fluids. Pressure and temperature decreased from 50 MPa and 300 °C to less than 4 MPa and 150 °C. Thus, the gold showings at Bleida were formed in a typical geothermal (epithermal) setting, likely controlled by the Late Pan-African magmatism. To cite this article: A. Barakat et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 35–41  相似文献   

The origin of chloride ions in groundwater from the Chtouka-Massa plain (Morocco) was studied by using chemical and isotopic analyses of water, and petrographic and chemical analyses of rocks. It appears that the schist formation, which forms the basement of the studied aquifer, is the main source of the high Cl? concentrations in groundwater. In these schists, chloride is, for a part, probably contained in biotites, and is released into groundwater through the weathering of these minerals. However, the exceptionally high chloride contents of these schists are difficult to explain if one does not assume that they also contain evaporitic-type minerals. To cite this article: S. Krimissa et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The Cu ore of Ifri is a chalcopyrite stockwork hosted by Cambrian formations and was until now interpreted as a syngenetic massive sulphide deposit. Textural studies highlight two generations of pyrite early (Py I) and late (Py II) with respect to the regional deformation. The chalcopyrite stockwork overprinted Py II, outlining the epigenetic nature of the Cu mineralization. Regarding the origin of Cu-depositing fluids, the presence in the stockwork paragenesis of an U, W, Sn association and preliminary Pb/Pb dating of a brannerite belonging to this association suggest a contribution of the Tichka granite. To cite this article: L. Barbanson et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

New biostratigraphical data based on foraminifers, algae and pseudo-algae indicate that the limestone pebbles of the channelized polygenic conglomerates of the Migoumess formation contain Late Visean (V3bγ–V3c) assemblages. That confirms the Westphalian age attributed to this formation by Hollard [Zdt. Geol. Ges. 129 (1978) 495–512]. The Tournaisian age assigned to it by palynology [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, série II 310 (1990) 1573–1576] cannot be retained. The Tirhela formation, Late Visean and Serpukhovian (E1) in age, is coeval with the Akerchi formation [Berkhli, thèse d'État, 1999; Berkhli et al., J. Afr. Earth Sci. (accepté)]. The Idmarrach formation, mapped as a thrust sheet [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, série II 310 (1990) 1573–1576], is dated as Serpukhovian (E1) and its thrusting is consequently post-Serpukhovian. Palaeogeographic and geodynamic consequences are listed. To cite this article: M. Berkhli, D. Vachard, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 67–72  相似文献   

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