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<正>Metamorphic Rocks,A Classification and Glossary of Terms是一本全面系统研究变质岩分类和命名,包括所有与变质岩有关的名词的名称、定义和出处的辞典,是一项具有基础性、规范性和国际性,既有理论意义又有实用价值的重要成果。该书由国际地科联(IUGS)所属的岩石学系统委员会(CSP)的分支机构——变质岩系统分委员会(SCMR)组织编写和推荐,由剑桥大学出版社于  相似文献   

陈曼云  金巍  郑常青 《岩石学报》2009,25(8):1749-1752
变质岩分类的三要素是:变质岩的物质成分(化学成分、矿物成分)、变质岩的组构(结构、构造)和变质岩的成因(变质作用类型和形成变质岩的物理化学条件).由于变质岩的化学成分、矿物成分、组构特征和形成变质岩的地质环境十分复杂,致使至今尚无以变质岩分类三要素为基础的、内容比较完善的分类方案.本文中主要变质岩的分类是以其分类三要素为基础编制的,首次将不同成因的变质岩类并列于同一表中、将鉴定变质岩的主要标志性矿物成分和组构特征列入同一分类表中.该分类对鉴定变质岩石具有可操作性和实用性,分类表中涵盖了自然界主要的变质岩石.  相似文献   

变质岩分类命名分会(Subcommission the Systematics of Metamorphic Rocks)简称为SCMR,是IUGS岩石学分类委员会(Commission on the Systematics of Petrology)下属的三个分会之一,成立于1985年,其主要任务是修订变质岩有关的定义;制定变质岩(包括混合岩和交代岩)分类命名的国际统一方案;修订变质岩辞典。  相似文献   

国际地质科学联合会(IUGS)是国际上最大和最活跃的科学协会之一,系非官方、非政治性、非赢利性的专业学术组织。为适应协调国际地质科学研究计划的需要,许多地质学家认为,除了四年一次的国际地质大会(IGC)外,还需要某种机构来研究全球地质问题,因此IUGS于1961年3月便应运而生。从1961年以来,IUGS的成员、科学规模迅速扩大,已有成员国93个。IUGS的理事会对IUGS的各项活动负责,理事会一般在每四年一次的国际地质大会期间聚会。理事会有权组建或解散某个下属委员会,以及修改IUGS的章程和解散IUGS。IUGS的各项活动的组织工作由IUGS的执行委员会负责,执行委员会由IUGS理事会选举产生。  相似文献   

国际地科联(IUGS)岩石系统分类学委员会(CSP)负责协调统一国际上关于岩石分类命名的工作。将不同国家用不同语言对同种岩石有明显差别的命名统一起来是必要的。IUGS在国际标准方面所取得的最出色成果之一即是由CSP提出的现已广泛接受的侵入岩和火山岩矿物成分分类。  相似文献   

由国际矿物协会(International Mineralogical Association,简称IMA)博物馆委员会(the Commission on Muse-ums of IMA)组织,保加利亚矿物协会承办,索菲亚大学等单位协办的第九届国际矿物学和博物馆会议(9th Inter-national Conference Mineralogy and Mu-seums,简称MM9)于2021年8月22-27日在保加利亚首都索非亚地球与人类国家博物馆(Earth and Man National Museum)成功举办.国际矿物协会是联合国国际地科联(IUGS)组织主要成员之一,成立于1958年,为世界最大的矿物学专业协会,现有38个成员国家,现任主席为中国北京大学地球科学与空间学院鲁安怀教授.国际矿物协会博物馆委员会(IMA-CM)建立的目的是有效连接沟通世界各地博物馆中展示的矿物,博物馆中往往收藏有世界最好的以及第一次描述的矿物标本,矿物学发展历史与博物馆矿物收藏历史紧密相连.  相似文献   

我会变质岩委员会筹办的《热力学在变质岩中的应用》学术讨论会,于1984年11月20日至23日在北京召开。会议共收到论文及摘要17篇。会上讨论了三个问题:(1)地质测温计和测压计的应用;(2)矿物共生相图的计算和编制;(3) 变质反应和其它。代表们认为,热力学理论和方法对变质岩的研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。国外已把温压测定用于  相似文献   

国际地层委员会(International Commission onStratigrahy,ICS)是国际地球科学联合会(Interna-tional Union of Geological Sciences,IUGS)下属最大的一个科学机构,它的职能和组织可以下表来表达(表1)。2005年9月初,在比利时的吕文市(Leuven)召开了国际地层委员会的全会。除3位  相似文献   

1.世界地质图委员会(CGMW)该委员会为国际地质科学联合会(IUGS)的下属组织,总部设在巴黎.该组织以世界各国国立地质调查研究机关为成员,亚洲国家绝大多数都参加了.该委员会的具体成果首先是1983年出版的亚洲地质构造图(4幅,1:500万),然后在此基础上以同样比例尺编制亚洲矿床分布图,预计在1984年早些时侯出版.亚洲矿床分布图也和亚洲地质构造图一样,包括了西至伊朗,北达蒙古,南迄印度尼西亚的广大范围.在以上编图工作中,日本完成了他所分担的各项任务.2.环太平洋编图计划该计划自1973年开始,为1974年成立的环太平洋矿物资源理事会活动中的一项.其宗旨是搜集环  相似文献   

<正> 1.名称 本委员会即国际地层委员会,以下简称ICS;国际地质科学联合会,以下简称IUGS。 2.宗旨和任务 本委员会的宗旨为促进地层研究方面的国际合作;其任务为:(1)澄清地层程序的原理和命名的统一;(2)发展和阐明全球标准地层表,分发该地层表中有关各主要亚单元的地层报告,建立亚单元的界线,并对亚单元进行对比和准备地层学辞典、地层学词汇以及附有注释的地层对比  相似文献   

蜡硅锰矿,粒硅锰矿,鉴别,研究意义  相似文献   

Iheya‐North‐Knoll is one of the small knolls covered with thick sediments in the Okinawa Trough back‐arc basin. At the east slope of Iheya‐North‐Knoll, nine hydrothermal vents with sulfide mounds are present. The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 331 studied Iheya‐North‐Knoll in September 2010. The expedition provided us with the opportunity to study clay minerals in deep sediments in Iheya‐North‐Knoll. To reveal characteristics of clay minerals in the deep sediments, samples from the drilling cores at three sites close to the most active hydrothermal vent were analyzed by X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. The sediments are classified into Layer 0 (shallow), Layer 1 (deep), Layer 2 (deeper) and Layer 3 (deepest) on the basis of the assemblage of clay minerals. Layer 0 contains no clay minerals. Layer 1 contains smectite, kaolinite and illite/smectite mixed‐layer mineral. Layer 2 contains chlorite, corrensite and chlorite/smectite mixed‐layer mineral. Layer 3 is grouped into three sub‐layers, 3A, 3B and 3C; Sub‐layer 3A contains chlorite and illite/smectite mixed‐layer mineral, sub‐layer 3B contains chlorite/smectite and illite/smectite mixed‐layer minerals, and sub‐layer 3C contains chlorite and illite. Large amounts of di‐octahedral clay minerals such as smectite, kaolinite, illite and illite/smectite mixed‐layer mineral are found in Iheya‐North‐Knoll, which is rarely observed in hydrothermal fields in mid‐ocean ridges. Tri‐octahedral clay minerals such as chlorite, corrensite and chlorite/smectite mixed‐layer mineral in Iheya‐North‐Knoll have low Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios compared with those in mid‐ocean ridges. In conclusion, the characteristics of clay minerals in Iheya‐North‐Knoll differ from those in mid‐ocean ridges; di‐octahedral clay minerals and Fe‐poor tri‐octahedral clay minerals occur in Iheya‐North‐Knoll but not in mid‐ocean ridges.  相似文献   

谢玉芝  汪洋 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010010-2023010010
岩石与矿物的地球化学成分数据具有高维度特征。传统的岩矿地球化学成分研究主要采用二元/三元图解判别法,准确率不高,在数理统计方法上有欠缺。机器学习方法非常适用于对大样本高维度的岩矿成分数据进行数理统计处理。本文在介绍机器学习常见算法基本原理的基础上,总结近5年来国内外学者将机器学习方法应用于岩石矿物成分数据研究的实例,包括:① 根据矿物成分溯源其母岩(源岩)、判别矿床类型,② 新生代火山岩溯源,③ 判别变质岩原岩,④ 依据岩浆岩成分判别大地构造环境等。已有的研究实例显示,机器学习方法的准确度明显优于传统的低维度判别法。机器学习本质是分析大样本数据的高维度变量之间的相关、归类等多元统计问题。推广机器学习的应用需要建设开放获取(Open Access)的矿物、岩石成分数据库,同时全面实施开放研究(Open Research)的发表策略。  相似文献   

徐昶 《沉积学报》1983,1(3):123-127
柴达木盆地蕴藏着极为丰富的盐类资源。据钻井资料表明,盐湖形成演化过程中可以分为未成盐和成盐两个阶段。成盐阶段中具盐类沉积和碎屑沉积交替成层或混层的特征,构成许多盐类和碎屑沉积物相间的沉积韵律。粘土矿物的形成和稳定,除了基本的金属离子外,还与一定的环境相联系。通过对粘土的某些研究,认识盐湖沉积物中粘土矿物的某些特征,讨论粘土矿物在盐湖形成演化过程中的变化是有意义的。本文通过盆地内10个湖区64个样品的资料来进行讨论。  相似文献   

科学评价矿产资源是合理利用矿产资源的前提与基础。本文以江西省萍乡市为样本,进行矿产资源开发利用适宜性指数计算,划分出区内的重点矿产、优势矿产、保护性开发矿产、限制性开发矿产。评价具有科学合理性和可操作性,可作为矿产资源开发利用、规划管理的依据。  相似文献   

Arieh Singer 《Earth》1980,15(4):303-326
The interpretation of paleoclays for paleoclimatic purposes is based on five major assumptions: (1) clay mineral formation is directly related to climatic parameters; (2) once formed in the weathering milieu, clay minerals are stable and do not change any more as long as the climate remains stable (pre-burial stability); (3) clay mineral assemblages are uniform throughout the weathering profile; (4) once formed or deposited and buried, clay minerals are stable (post-burial stability); (5) the sensitivity of clay minerals towards environmental factors is uniform. All these assumptions have only a limited validity. Clay mineral formation is in few cases directly related to climatic parameters, nor do clay minerals always represent the stable end products in equilibrium with environmental factors. The vertical distribution pattern of authigenically formed clay minerals is seldom monomineralic. Post-depositional changes are not infrequent. The sensitivity of clay minerals to environmental factors is variable. The use of paleoclays occurring in paleosols and weathering profiles is reviewed. Paleoclays occurring in paleosols or weathering profiles are, in well-defined situations, suitable for paleoclimatic interpretation. At our present state of knowledge, references as to the nature of climates of the past that are based solely on the interpretation of paleoclays are warranted only in exceptional cases. Authigenic occurrences of clay minerals with limited stability fields that can be used as ‘marker minerals’ and the isotopic composition of paleoclay minerals promise, with future research, to increase the value of paleoclays as paleoclimatic indicators.  相似文献   

Interrelationships between chemical compositions and crystal structures of minerals pioneered by Goldschmidt have been overlooked by modern geochemists. While analytical techniques and data for trace elements have become more sophisticated, progress has been slow in relating abundance data of individual elements to their relative enrichments in specific sites in mineral structures. The concept of diadochy has degenerated into an analytical relationship between major and trace elements, instead of its original crystallographic basis of replacement of one atom by another at a specific site in a crystal structure. Future interpretations of trace element data must consider the partitioning of atoms between different coordination sites in multisite mineral structures.The well-known partitioning of nickel and chromium into the earliest minerals during magmatic crystallization is extended to magma evolution in the mantle. The strong preference of Ni2+ and Cr3+ for octahedral sites in minerals leads to their enrichment in certain Iherzolites which are refractory residua during partial fusion of the mantle.  相似文献   

五岔沟洮儿河流域重矿物的分布在不同区域表现有明显差异性: 洮儿河主流和二道桥所在支流主要重矿物为橄榄石,查干郭勒河主要重矿物为褐铁矿,额木斯台沟主要以磁铁矿为主,胡斯台沟主要以绿帘石为主。不同矿物组合和分布特征反映出该流域重矿物成熟度低,受近源物质影响显著。根据河流矿物组合,主要划分为3 个矿物区,即洮儿河主流矿物区、洮儿河东部矿物区、洮儿河西部矿物区,其中洮儿河东部矿物区金属矿物含量异常,对于寻找有用矿产提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

This study focused on typical injection layers of deep saline aquifers in the Shiqianfeng Formation used in the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Demonstration Projects in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China. The study employed experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the mechanism of CO2 mineral sequestration in these deep saline aquifers. The experimental results showed that the dissolved minerals are plagioclase, hematite, illite–smectite mixed layer clay and illite, whereas the precipitated minerals are quartz (at 55, and 70 °C) and kaolinite (at 70 °C). There are rare carbonate mineral precipitations at the experimental time scale, while the precipitation of quartz as a product of the dissolution of silicate minerals and some intermediate minerals rich in K and Mg that transform to clay minerals, reveals the possibility of carbonate precipitation at the longer time scale. These results are consistent with some results previously reported in the literature. We calibrated the kinetic parameters of mineral dissolution and precipitation by these experimental results and then simulated the CO2 mineral sequestration under deep saline aquifer conditions. The simulation results showed that the dissolved minerals are albite, anorthite and minor hematite, whereas the precipitated minerals are calcite, kaolinite and smectite at 55 and 70 °C. The geochemical reaction of illite is more complex. At 55 °C, illite is dissolved at the relatively lag time and transformed to dawsonite; at 70 °C, illite is precipitated in the early reaction period and then transformed to kaolinite. Based on this research, sequestrated CO2 minerals, which are mainly related to the temperature of deep saline aquifers in Shiqianfeng Fm., are calcite and dawsonite at lower temperature, and calcite at higher temperature. The simulation results also establish that calcite could precipitate over a time scale of thousands of years, and the higher the temperature the sooner such a process would occur due to increased reaction rates. These characteristics are conducive, not only to the earlier occurrence of mineral sequestration, but also increase the sequestration capacity of the same mineral components. For a sequestration period of 10,000 years, we determined that the mineral sequestration capacity is 0.786 kg/m3 at 55 °C, and 2.180 kg/m3 at 70 °C. Furthermore, the occurrence of mineral sequestration indirectly increases the solubility of CO2 in the early reaction period, but this decreases with the increase in temperature.  相似文献   

一、磁海矿区单斜辉石的研究在我国新疆磁海铁矿区的辉长岩、辉绿岩、闪长岩、辉石花岗岩、石榴石辉石岩及辉石岩等不同类型的岩石中,辉石广为发育。辉石主要属单斜辉石中的透辉石—钙铁辉石系列及普通辉石系列。  相似文献   

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