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Hydrous pyrolysis (closed vessel autoclaving in the presence of excess water) of organic-rich rocks is said to generate oils which closely resemble natural crude oils in their broad characteristics and composition. However there are only a few accounts of the proportions and compositions of hydrocarbons in hydrous pyrolysates and none of these discuss the aromatic hydrocarbon composition in detail. The present paper presents some data on the latter.Hydrous pyrolysis (3 days) of a dolomitic siltstone (Permian, Marl Slate) at 280, 300,320, 340 and 360°C produced significant amounts of oils in which the aromatic hydrocarbons were one and a half to two times as abundant as the saturated hydrocarbons.The overall composition of the aromatic hydrocarbons was similar to most crude oils; the major components isolated by our methods from natural oils and from pyrolysates were C1–4 alkylnaphthalenes. At the lowest pyrolysis temperature (280°C) the distributions of the more minor components of the pyrolysates (e.g. alkylphenanthrenes, aromatic steroids) were also generally similar to those found in natural crudes. However, a number of components (e.g. methylanthracenes, Diels' hydrocarbon) which are not usually reported in crudes, were also detected and the relative proportions of these increased at the higher temperatures. Hydrous pyrolysis (340°C) of an organic-rich oil shale (Jurassic, Kimmeridge) and an asphaltic-material containing no minerals produced pyrolysates in which many of these unusual compounds were also present. In addition the pyrolysate of the oil-shale contained higher proportions of organic sulphur compounds. It appears that the formation of the unusual compounds is not simply a function of the type of organic matter or mineralogy but rather of the high temperatures or fast heating rates employed.  相似文献   

通过对塔河油田古近系油气藏油气物理性质、饱和烃色谱、分子标志化合物及碳同位素等地球化学特征研究,发现塔河 古近系油气藏油气均表现出陆相油气地球化学特征,与塔河油田海相油气特征形成鲜明对比。结合前人对塔北地区烃源岩研 究成果分析,认为塔河古近系油气来源于库车坳陷三叠系-侏罗系烃源岩。库车坳陷充足的油气源是塔河油田古近系油气成 藏的物质基础。喜马拉雅期塔河中新生界区域北倾构成了油气由北向南运移的构造背景,库车坳陷烃源岩在新近纪康村组沉 积晚期-库车组沉积早期达到高成熟期,其所生油气沿南翼斜坡的输导系统向南运移至古近系圈闭成藏。塔北地区古近系与 白垩系之间的不整合是北部陆相油气远距离侧向运移的重要通道,油气向南侧向运移直线距离超过100 km。塔北地区古近系泥 岩是良好的区域盖层,多种成藏要素相互配合造就了塔河古近系远距离油气聚集模式,该模式较为合理的解释了塔河地区古近 系油气藏分布特征,丰富了对塔河碎屑岩油气成藏规律认识,有助于塔河地区新生界碎屑岩油气勘探领域的进一步拓展。  相似文献   

赵志魁  江涛  贺君玲 《地质通报》2011,30(0203):221-227
通过区域地质背景分析,认为东北地区处于活动大陆边缘构造背景下,形成了石炭纪—二叠纪泛盆地,松辽盆地是在残留的石炭系—二叠系盆地之上形成和演化的,石炭系—二叠系分布面积达7.2×104km2。地球化学分析表明,二叠系以极低变质岩为主,泥岩的有机质成熟度和丰度较高,剩余生烃潜力普遍较低。盆地东部地区的二叠系泥岩厚度超过1000m,而成熟度低于北部和西部地区,处于过成熟阶段,至今仍具备生烃能力。上覆中生代地层沉积后,东部地区的二叠系泥岩有机质成熟度增幅较大,发生了二次生烃,生烃量巨大并得到有效保存,形成原生和次生油气藏,具有较好的勘探前景。  相似文献   

在探讨高邮凹陷断层发育时期和分布特点的基础上,结合油气分布特点,分析了断层在油气成藏中的作用类型,并探讨了其作用机理。依据断层在油气生成、运移、聚集和分布环节中的作用,把断层分为控源断层、供烃断层、改向断层、成圈断层和调整破坏断层。控源断层控制有效烃源岩展布和生烃时期的早晚,高邮凹陷控源断层下降盘为有效烃源岩分布区,而且西部地区早于东部地区生烃;供烃断层控制油气主运移通道的走势,其陡断面和凸断面为高邮凹陷断裂带油气的主运移通道;改向断层影响油气的富集层位和油气富集区的位置,其对高邮凹陷油气分布的影响存在“分散”和“富集”两种效应;成圈断层控制圈闭的类型及分布;调整破坏断层导致圈闭充满程度和原油物性的改变,高邮凹陷调整破坏断层为盐城期和三垛期活动断层。高邮凹陷断层的多期性和多样性导致断层体系中各断层封闭性在时空上的差异性和多变性,从而形成对油气控制的多面性和复杂性。  相似文献   

赵志魁  江涛  贺君玲 《地质通报》2011,30(203):221-227
通过区域地质背景分析,认为东北地区处于活动大陆边缘构造背景下,形成了石炭纪—二叠纪泛盆地,松辽盆地是在残留的石炭系—二叠系盆地之上形成和演化的,石炭系—二叠系分布面积达7.2×104km2。地球化学分析表明,二叠系以极低变质岩为主,泥岩的有机质成熟度和丰度较高,剩余生烃潜力普遍较低。盆地东部地区的二叠系泥岩厚度超过1000m,而成熟度低于北部和西部地区,处于过成熟阶段,至今仍具备生烃能力。上覆中生代地层沉积后,东部地区的二叠系泥岩有机质成熟度增幅较大,发生了二次生烃,生烃量巨大并得到有效保存,形成原生和次生油气藏,具有较好的勘探前景。  相似文献   

位于松辽盆地南部某油气田边缘一个油气显示井的磁性测量结果表明,岩石具有明显的磁性变异结构特征.以磁化率(κ)为例,在低缓的背景磁性上主要呈现高强度与中等强度的2类异常:大于400×10-5为强磁性,100×10-5~150×10-5为中等强度磁性.结合录井资料与地球化学分析解释可知,强磁性异常主要位于取样间隔的底部干层区,少数样品位于浅部油气显示层;中等强度异常主要位于2 700 m附近的油气显示层.岩石磁性与地球化学成分对应分析表明,油气显示层岩石的C1和C2成分与磁化率 (κ)、饱和磁化强度 (Js) 和饱和等温剩余磁化强度(SIRM)之间呈明显的正相关,与内禀矫顽力(Hc)为逆相关,而干层岩石相关性不明显.矿物成分分析显示,岩石中主要含铁矿物为磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿、赤铁矿、黄铁矿和菱铁矿.其中磁赤铁矿主要分布在具有中等磁性强度的油气显示层,而高含量(最高含量达12.5%)的磁铁矿主要位于底部干层.磁赤铁矿与赤铁矿、黄铁矿及菱铁矿含量之间相关特征初步表明,自生磁赤铁矿可能主要来源于原地赤铁矿与黄铁矿.推测油气显示层岩石中磁性偏软的磁赤铁矿属于烃蚀变的产物,为烃微渗漏效应(或烟筒效应)的全空间形成机理提供了新证据.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of grain size fractions of the Upper Pleistocene sediments in the southern trough of Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) is studied based on materials from DSDP Hole 477 (191 m). The sediments are located in the upper part of the main long-lived hydrothermal system. Therefore, they were subjected to long-term reworking by the middle- and low-temperature solutions (100?300°C) and short-term hydrothermal impact during the intrusion of basalt sills. The upper part of the main hydrothermal system is divided into three middle- to low-temperature hydrothermal alteration zones: lower (III), middle (II), and upper (I). In zone III (250?300°C), hydrothermal alterations of sediments are most significant. The coarsegrained fractions are enriched in Fe, S, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Co, Se, Cd, Bi, Pb, and Ag due to the formation of sulfides and precipitation of native metals. The silt fractions are enriched in Be, Sc, Nb, Ta, W, Th, U, Y, and REE. In contrast, the pelite fractions are depleted in most of these elements. The fine-dispersed (<0.001 mm) pelite fractions are appreciably enriched in Mg (due to the formation of the authigenic Mg-chlorite), as well as MnO, Cr, V, Ga, Pb, and Zr. Virtually all grain size fractions are depleted in K2O, Li, Rb, Cs, and Tl due to the dissolution of the K-bearing terrigenous minerals. In zones II (146?170 m) and I (110?146 m), where the temperature of hydrothermal solutions dropped successively from 250 to 180?195 and 100°C, the sedimentary environment was unfavorable for the concentration of Fe, S, and a large group of ore elements that are typical for sediments in zone III. Intrusion of basalt sills and a short-term hydrothermal impact changed concentrations of several components in the sediments overlying the sill complex: CaO, K2O, Li, Rb, Cs, and Tl acquired a trend typical of the high-temperature lower zone III, whereas Fe, MgO, P2O5, TiO2, V, Sc, and Y distribution pattern became typical of the low-temperature upper zone I. Significant compositional variations in the grain size fractions of sediments are lacking beneath the sill base.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSedimentationanddiagenesisaretwomajorfactorscon-tributingtogeochemicalcharacteristicsofsedimentarycarbon-ates.Pro...  相似文献   

苏里格气田是鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界内发现的大型岩性气藏。天然气中甲烷占绝对优势,干燥系数低,为湿气。天然气的单体碳同位素具有碳数越高,同位素越重的特点,且正构烷烃碳同位素具有δ13C1 < δ13C3 < δ13C2 < δ13C4的规律。甲烷碳同位素与甲烷含量呈正相关,与乙烷含量为负相关。根据天然气单体碳同位素及其含量变化,认为苏里格天然气属煤成气。天然气中含少量CO2气,多为有机成因。苏里格气田二叠系气藏的形成与演化可划分为石炭-二叠纪至中侏罗世气源岩沉积埋藏阶段、晚侏罗世至白垩纪天然气形成阶段和第三纪至现今的保存改造阶段。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of the study of variations in the content of macro- and microelements (rare earth elements included) in the Upper Pleistocene sediments from DSDP Hole 477. The variations took place at the depth interval 110–191 m in the course of temperature drop to about 100°C in the upper part of the hydrothermal system. Variations in the content of most chemical elements in sediments from DSDP Hole 477 are manifested more weakly than in the underlying sediments of the interval 191–267 m of DSDP Hole 477A that were altered at a temperature of about 300°C. For many chemical elements, influence of the sedimentary cover on the compositional transformation of solutions during their interaction with sediments attenuates with the cooling of its upper part to the point of its complete termination.  相似文献   

黑龙江省柳树河盆地始新统八虎力组发育多层油页岩。通过对油页岩样品元素地球化学分析测试,研究了其常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素特征,分析了油页岩沉积环境。研究结果表明,常量元素以富Al2O3、Fe和CaO,贫SiO2、MgO、Na2O和K2O为特征,微量元素总体上表现出不同程度的亏损特征,稀土元素总量平均为140.7×10-6,表现出轻稀土元素轻度富集特征。稀土元素具有较为一致的变化趋势,表明油页岩沉积时物源和沉积环境较为稳定。Mn/Ti值表明油页岩组成物质的搬运距离随着时间变化经历了远→近→远的变化,反映水体深度经历了深→浅→深的变化。Sr/Cu值和Rb/Sr值表明油页岩沉积时为相对炎热干旱的环境。Sr/Ba值反映当时为炎热干旱气候条件下的过渡相咸水湖泊沉积环境。V/(V+Ni)值、δEu和有机碳含量表明油页岩沉积时处于缺氧的还原沉积环境中。总体上,柳树河盆地油页岩发育于炎热干旱气候、咸水、缺氧条件下的湖泊沉积环境中。  相似文献   

Data from the super-deep wells(PS10,PS14 and YS1)led to the discovery of widespread met-al-bearing hydrothermal fluids (or hot brines) related to basic magmas in the Lower Tertiary clastic sequence in the Dongpu Depression .In terms of SEM and EDAX analyses, pore-casting thin section examination of sandstone ,the composition and forming temperature of fluid inclusions ,the trace ele-ment composition of mustone and kerogen and organic geochemical analyses, it is demonstrated that the hydrothermal fluids existing in the area studied are ejecting fluids, which have a close bearing on diagenesis and sedimentation, rather than intrusive veins along the tectonic fractures.The main indicators of hydrothermal activity are:(1)abnormal alteration of kerogen;(2) high-temperature altered mineral assemblage;(30abnormal distribution of hydrocarbons;(4) specific assemblages and abnormal contents of heavy metals in mudstone and kerogen;(5) specific composi-tion of complex compounds and assemblages of fluid inclusions in sandstone;(6) periodic basaltic magma activity.Results of geological observations and laboratory simulating experiments demonstrated that the hydrothermal fluids have a close bearing on hydrocarbon generation in the Dongpu Depression. Two aspects of the effect of hydrothermal fluids are noticed:hydrothermal hydrocarbon production and strong metal catalysis in oil and gas generation.  相似文献   

Within the fault-bound Fushun Basin of northeastern China, the Eocene Jijuntun Formation hosts extensive deposits of thick lacustrine oil shale. Systematic sampling and geochemical analysis of these deposits has revealed that the parent rocks of the oil shale underwent moderate chemical weathering; and that its mineralogy and trace and rare earth element geochemistry were mainly controlled by parent rock composition, with no synsedimentary changes in the source terrain. Based on source rock and tectonic setting discrimination diagrams, we concluded that the parent rocks of the oil shale were mostly basalts of the Paleogene Laohutai Formation. These basalts originated in a continental back arc environment and contain abundant nutrient elements such as Fe, P, Ni, Cu and Zn, all of which are essential for the growth of aquatic photoautotrophs in lakes. Continuous, high primary productivity in the Jinjuntun lacustrine depocentre, combined with a stable tectonic setting and underfilled sedimentary environment, were key factors in the genesis of its oil shale.  相似文献   

结合矿床的蚀变特征,对相山铀矿田邹家山矿床和沙洲矿床不同标高的赋矿围岩及矿石样品进行了常量和微量元素地球化学分析,以制约成矿物质和成矿流体的来源。典型常量元素的变化趋势研究表明,相山矿田垂向蚀变分带明显,邹家山矿床浅部出露的蚀变岩以"碱性"蚀变为主,而沙洲矿床出露的蚀变岩以"酸性"蚀变为主,证实了相山地区蚀变"北碱西酸"的特征。对邹家山和沙洲两个矿床的微量元素进行了相关分析和Q型聚类分析,结果表明两个矿床的地球化学特征相似,Mo、Sr、Th、Tl、U、V、La、Ba是与成矿作用密切相关的元素,微量元素相关分析、Q型聚类分析及正交因子载荷关系分析说明两个矿床成矿热液来源于同一深部流体;正交因子载荷关系分析还表明,流纹英安岩与矿石有极强的相关性,暗示成矿物质最可能来源于流纹英安岩岩浆。  相似文献   

油气运聚解析是石油地质学研究的基础命题,而复杂油气运聚解析则是研究难点和热点。以准噶尔盆地腹部陆西地区为例,提出了解析复杂油气运聚的一种新方法,即油气运聚类型研究。这种方法提出了新的研究思路。主要有两方面作用:一是在勘探发现油气显示后,通过分析油气运聚类型,进而评价成藏潜力,为试油提供依据;二是在试油之后,对成功和失利的井分别分析原因,解析二者在油气运聚类型和过程上的差异,从而为油气勘探部署和评价提供参考。以陆西地区为例的应用效果良好,尽管诸多参考标准并不一定完全适用于其他地区,但研究思路、方法可供借鉴。  相似文献   

The barrier islands of the southern North Sea were formed during the Holocene sea‐level rise. These islands form part of a highly dynamic environment whose evolution continues today. Subjected to sea‐level changes, tides and storm events, the sedimentary record reflects processes occurring under varying energy conditions. This article presents geochemical, mineralogical and diatom investigations carried out in the salt marsh of the East Frisian barrier island of Langeoog, which is re‐exposed to a rising sea‐level due to de‐embankment. The major aim of this study is to improve the knowledge of the sedimentological and geochemical development of these deposits under the influence of sea‐level rise, with a special focus on the geochemistry and distribution of heavy mineral‐associated elements. Correlation diagrams between FeO, TiO2 and MnO, as well as ternary plots (Al2O3–SiO2–Zr or TiO2), clearly indicate the variable appearance of heavy minerals in different lithological facies, comprising marsh soil, mixed and sand flat, and relocated beach sands. A dominating abundance of ilmenite followed by zircon, garnets and some other heavy minerals is evidenced by Scanning Electron Microscope‐Energy Dispersive X‐ray measurements. The data presented here suggests that these geochemical proxies are useful tools for characterizing depositional energy conditions. Increasing depositional energy is evident for the lithological units in the following order: marsh soil, mixed flat, sand flat and relocated beach sand. The energetic conditions during sediment deposition, as well as the sedimentary history, are confirmed by diatom analyses as an additional independent indicator. Depending on source rock composition, the geochemical parameters used in this study may also help to investigate depositional energy regimes of other siliciclastic sedimentary systems.  相似文献   

广西北部湾北缘晚古生代一新生代油气资源潜力探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外地质剖面调查、丈量和室内烃源岩样品的有机地球化学测试,完成了广西北部湾北缘烃源岩岩石类型、地层厚度、分布的勘查、烃源岩的有机地球化学特征分析和综合评价。研究表明:广西北部湾北缘烃源包括了海相沉积的碳酸盐岩和湖相沉积的泥页岩两大类,海相碳酸盐岩烃源岩TOC含量分布范围为5.26%~0.001%,平均含量为0.41%,有机质类型以I型为主,少量为II型;母质来源为海洋低等浮游生物,藻类。艮(%)分布范围1.32%~4.78%之间,有机质热演化大多处于过成熟阶段,极少数为高成熟阶段。湖相泥页岩烃源岩主要分布古近系中,TOC含量分布范围为14.82%~0.07%,平均值为4.04%。有机质类型为III型和I型,艮分布范围为0.37%~0.41%,有机质热演化处于未成熟阶段。古近系那读组、二叠系合山组和石炭系寺门组为北部湾北缘最具生烃潜力的地层。  相似文献   

The faults that developed in the Liaoxi Depression can be classified into three types according to their extent and connectivity with the source and reservoir rocks (i.e. type I faults, type II faults and type III faults). These faults played different roles in controlling the basin geomorphology; the formation and evolution of the source rocks, reservoir rocks, cap rocks and traps; and the migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the Liaoxi Depression. Extending from the basement to the Neogene strata, type I faults, which are the largest in the basin, mainly controlled the development and basin-scale geomorphology; type II faults mainly controlled the sub-tectonic zones; and type III faults mainly controlled the formation and evolution of the traps. The movements of type I and type II faults during the hydrocarbon expulsion period were closely related to oil and gas migration. The rates of fault activity varied among the different sags of the Liaoxi Depression. Type I faults in both the northern and southern sags appear to have moved considerably during the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion stages, which strongly promoted hydrocarbon migration, whereas weakly active type I faults in the central sag made limited contributions to hydrocarbon migration. The sealing behaviour of the faults controlled the hydrocarbon migration directions and locations, and the good lateral sealing ability of the type I faults in the northern and southern sags confined the accumulation of hydrocarbons within the sags independently. However, the type I faults in the central sag partially opened laterally, which increased the likelihood of hydrocarbon migration from the sag centre to the uplift and reduced the likelihood of hydrocarbon accumulation within the sag centre. Therefore, the oil- and gas-enrichment patterns in the Liaoxi Depression are closely related to the characteristics of the faults, with traps near types I and II faults showing an increased likelihood of oil- and gas-field formation, as observed with the JZ9-3, LD4-2 and LD5-2 wells, and traps located in the sags remote from types I and II faults showing a reduced likelihood of oil and gas accumulation.  相似文献   

The Lishui Sag, in the East China Sea Shelf Basin, is rich in hydrocarbons, with the major hydrocarbon-bearing layers being the Paleocene Mingyuefeng clastic rocks. Analysis of the implicit geologic background information of these Paleocene clastic rocks using petrological and geochemical methods has significant practical importance. These Paleocene sandstones are mainly lithic arenite, lithic arkose and greywacke, composed of K-feldspar, plagioclase, authigenic clays, silica and carbonates. As continental deposits, Yueguifeng clastic rocks have high aluminosilicate and mafic detritus contents, while the Lingfeng and Mingyuefeng Formations are rich in silica due to an oscillating coastal marine depositional environment. The major element contents of these Paleocene sandstones are low and have a concentrated distribution, indicating that the geochemical composition is non-epigenetic, transformed by sedimentary processes and diagenesis. The Yueguifeng detritus comprises recycled sediments, controlled by moderate weathering and erosion, while the Lingfeng and Mingyuefeng detritus is interpreted as primarily first-cycle materials due to low chemical weathering. In the Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene, the Pacific Plate began subducting under the Eurasian Plate, causing an orogeny by plate collision and magma eruption due to the melting of subducted oceanic crust. This resulted in the dual tectonic settings of “active margin” and “continental island arc” in the East China Sea Shelf Basin. During the Late Paleocene, the Pacific Plate margin migrated eastward along with development of the Philippine Ocean Plate, and the tectonic setting of the Lishui Sag gradually turned into a passive continental margin. Detrital sources included both orogenic continental blocks and continental island arcs, and the parent rocks are primarily felsic volcanic rocks and granites.  相似文献   

为了开展钱家店铀矿床砂岩型铀矿的进一步找矿工作,对采集到的上白垩统姚家组19件砂岩样品进行了主、微量和稀土元素分析,并结合前人成果,对姚家组的沉积物源及源岩构造背景进行了探讨。结果表明,姚家组砂岩主要为长石砂岩,矿物成分主要为石英、钾长石和斜长石等;其轻重稀土比为6.96~14.66,均值为10.17;LaN/YbN为7.58~20.95,均值为11.74,说明轻稀土元素相对重稀土元素明显富集,分馏明显。稀土元素配分模式曲线高度一致,也表明姚家组砂岩具有同源性;其ICV值为0.86~2.78,平均值1.34,大部分大于1,表现为未成熟的性质,为初次旋回的沉积物;修正后的CIA均值62.5,暗示源岩经历中等化学风化作用;砂岩碎屑为近源的第一次旋回沉积物,受沉积分选和再循环作用影响不大;姚家组源岩以火山弧物质和大陆上地壳长英质物质为主,源岩主要形成于大陆边缘和大陆岛弧环境;开鲁坳陷形成于早白垩世随着古太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲速度的减小而在东北地区出现的北西-南东向拉张构造环境中,并接受盆地西部大兴安岭南段海西期和燕山期岩浆岩、火山岩沉积。  相似文献   

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