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目前不同试验者得出的侧向应力对裂隙渗透性影响的结果存在矛盾,其根本原因在于侧向应力对裂隙有多方面的影响。侧向应力引起裂隙开度增加、壁面磨损、充填物压缩。这些对裂隙渗透性有不同的影响。根据裂隙是否存充填物,建立了相应的三维应力对裂隙渗透性影响的表达式。当不存在充填物时,裂隙渗透性与侧向应力呈指数关系,当存在较多充填物时呈负指数关系。把两种情况写成统一的指数形式,认为裂隙存在少量充填或者裂隙壁面磨损时也是适合的。利用已有的试验成果对结果进行了验证,表明本文建立的表达式与试验结果符合得比较好。  相似文献   

裂隙参数对P波的影响及裂隙检测可行性数值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在油气勘探、工程探测等领域中,各向同性介质的背景上,因存在裂隙导致各向异性,描述裂隙的两个主要参数是裂隙密度和裂隙方位。这里以Hudson理论为基础,通过数值计算,分析了描述裂隙介质的两个主要参数对P波速度和衰减的影响,同时,分析了利用P波属性检测裂隙发育带的可行性。  相似文献   

应力波在含结构面岩体中的传播一直是岩石动力学的一个重要课题。深部岩体应力会影响岩体结构面的力学特性,进而影响应力波的传播规律。基于时域递归分析方法,首先对考虑岩体应力情况下应力波与非线性岩体结构面的相互作用进行了分析,推导出了波的传播方程。研究中假定岩体结构面法向满足非线性双曲变形模型(Barton-Bandis模型,简称B-B模型),切向满足库仑滑移模型。其次,对一些特殊情况,如结构面水平或垂直分布、波阵面水平分布等,进行了计算模型和波的传播方程的简化分析。通过对比,发现岩体应力对应力波的传播特性有明显的影响。最后,参数研究分析了岩体应力特性、节理特性及入射波频率等对透、反射系数的影响规律。  相似文献   

考虑应力历史的岩石单裂隙渗流特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨金保  冯夏庭  潘鹏志 《岩土力学》2013,34(6):1629-1635
通过开展单裂隙花岗岩不同围压加、卸载和不同水力梯度作用下的渗透试验,研究应力历史对裂隙渗透性能演化的影响。试验结果表明:在围压加载过程中,渗流流量与渗透压差大致呈线性关系;在渗透压差相同的条件下,围压越小,流量越大,随着围压上升,裂隙渗流流量持续减小,但随着围压的进一步增大,流量的减小有减缓的趋势。在围压相同以及渗透压差相同的条件下,单裂隙花岗岩在卸载条件下的渗流特性与加载条件下相比,其渗流流量明显降低,且卸载过程中渗流流量与渗透压差开始偏离线性关系。从试验前、后裂隙面粗糙度系数值的对比可以看出,由于法向应力挤压以及渗流流体的冲蚀作用,试验后裂隙面粗糙度系数明显降低。卸载的过程中,裂隙渗透性能的恢复具有明显的滞后效应,表明在法向应力和流体冲蚀的共同作用下,裂隙产生了不可恢复的非弹性变形。  相似文献   

岩体软硬度对一维应力波演化影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下球形药包爆轰后将产生很强的地震波,其传播受多种因素的影响.本文把岩石介质的弹塑性帽盖模型耦合到有限差分法程序中,对一维爆轰波在非均质岩石体中的传播、演化机理进行了数值模拟与分析.着重探讨一维应力波从"硬"岩石层进入"软"岩石层、从"软"岩石层进入"硬"岩石层时,波在形状和强度等方面的变化规律,同时也探讨了岩石介质中存在的"软弱夹层"对一维应力波传播的影响.这些对于人防工程等中的波阻抗的功能梯度效应和智能防护等方面的研究具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

裂隙是油气储层主要的储集空间及流体渗流通道,影响油气的运移规律,是油气勘探开发的重要指标。以冀中坳陷任丘油田任10井为例,运用数值模拟方法研究了裂隙开展宽度和裂隙面粗糙度对岩石渗流特性的影响规律。研究结果表明,(1)裂隙开展宽度较小时,孔隙内流体压力仅在入口处小范围内呈扇形分布,裂隙中压力分布曲线呈正切函数型,流体流速在裂隙和孔隙中都较小;随着裂缝开展宽度的增加,孔隙内流体压力逐渐增大,裂隙中压力分布曲线逐渐向直线型转变,流体流速在入口处先减小后稳定,在裂隙中先增加后稳定;(2)裂隙面粗糙度对裂隙岩石渗流特性的影响与裂隙开展宽度有关,在裂隙开展宽度较大时,裂隙面粗糙度对流体压力的分布影响较大;随着裂隙面粗糙度增大,孔隙内流速逐渐增大,而裂隙中流速逐渐减小;(3)随着裂隙开展宽度的增大,影响裂隙流体流动的主控因素逐渐由裂隙开展宽度转变为裂隙面粗糙度。  相似文献   

张玉琦  蒋楠  周传波  罗学东  蒙贤忠 《地球科学》2022,47(12):4546-4558
爆破强震扰动影响下受软弱结构面控制型边坡易出现滑移破坏,其破坏机制研究是滑坡灾害防护的重要内容.利用波函数解析方法建立了应力波入射岩-结构面-岩模型,分析了爆破P波透反射规律与软弱结构面应力响应,结合自主研发的爆破应力波扰动结构面剪切强度仪得到了抗剪强度劣化规律,构建结构面动应力与扰动后抗剪强度量化关系,提出结构面内部剪切强度失效模型.研究表明:计算模型的P波在两个界面产生的透射系数均随着入射角增加而降低;振动台加载后软弱结构面的剪切强度存在明显的劣化,加载振幅为0.2 mm时,内聚力由68.75 kPa降低至9.69 kPa.结合建立的剪切强度失效模型与试验得到的剪切强度劣化规律,确定振幅在0.15 mm内时软弱结构面的安全性可以得到保证.  相似文献   

殷德胜  汪卫明  陈胜宏 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2861-2866
视岩石裂隙为一种“充填介质”,进而将有填充物和无填充物的裂隙统一处理,推导了裂隙面的刚度系数、导水系数和法向应力之间的关系式。在此基础上,根据块体单元法的应力、渗流分析的基本原理,即认为岩块为刚体、变形集中发生于裂隙面,假定岩块不透水、渗流仅通过裂隙面进行,并考虑了法向应力和裂隙面刚度、导水系数的关系式,运用两场交叉迭代法,提出了三维随机裂隙岩体渗流与应力耦合分析的块体单元模型。编写了相应的Fortran程序,该程序将块体元的应力、渗流两个分析模块整合在一起,计算效率较高。该模型的最大优势是能考虑大规模复杂的节理、裂隙,且前、后处理简单。通过沙沱重力坝的分析,验证了方法的准确性和有效性  相似文献   

The shock of stress waves causes deformation in intact medium, the form of new cracks and finally the failure in the material. The preexisting cracks not only help increase fracture efficiency but also absorb the energy of the stress wave to induce a decay of its propagation. Therefore the study of interaction of Stress waves with cracks will greatly contribute to the interpretation of blasting mechanism, the stress wave propagation and the dynamic behaviour of material. Our emphasis is laid on interaction of stress wave with cracks, and the influence of cracks on attenuation of the wave propagation. A view is made of the current state of model calculation and experimental technique carried out in this field.  相似文献   

本文通过裂隙亚临界扩展的分析,提出一个计算低、中等应力率下裂隙断裂起动应力的新公式。通过冲击载荷下裂隙尖端应力强度因子-时间关系的积分,得到计算高、中等应力率下裂隙的断裂起动应力的公式。两公式的结合得到一个适用于从低到高各种加载速率的计算裂隙的断裂起应力的一般表达式。文章还分析了多裂隙材料的临界失稳断裂,提出了在高加载速率下材料的σfi-σ曲线是材料内所有裂隙的σfi-σ曲线的包络线的新观点,并由此得出布高加载速率下材料的断裂起动应力与加载速率的立方根成正比的结论。  相似文献   

In this paper, through analyzing the subcritical crack growth, a new formula is presented which can be used to calculate the crack fracture initiation stress at low and middle stress rates. By way of integration of the stress intensity factortime relation of crack under impact load, is attained a formnla from which the crack fracture initiation stress at middle and high stress rates cen be calculated. Combination of the two formulae leads to a general expression for caloulating the crack fracture initiation stress at all stress rate, low or high. The critical unstable fracture of material which contains many cracks is also analyzed in this paper, and a new viewpoint is put forward that the σfi-σ curve of material at high stress rate is an envelop of all σfi-σ curves of crack in the material, which leads to a conclusion that crack fracture initiation stress is proportional to the cube root of loading rate.  相似文献   

Micromechanical Modelling of Stress Waves in Rock and Rock Fractures   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The goal of this paper is to simulate the interaction of stress waves and rock fractures in a particle micromechanical model. Stress waves travelling in fractured rock masses are slowed down and attenuated by natural heterogeneities, voids, microcracks and, above all, by faults and fractures. Considerable laboratory and theoretical investigation have uncovered the major aspects of this phenomenon, but models that cover the core mechanisms of the wave propagation in rock masses are necessary to investigate aspects of wave–fracture interaction, which are not completely clear, and in the future simulate full-scale real problems. The micromechanical model is based on the particle discrete element model that reproduces rock through a densely packed non-structured assembly of 2D disks with point contacts. The model of a hard rock core is developed and an irregular rock joint is generated at mid-height. A new contact constitutive model is applied to the particles in the joint walls. Numerical static joint compression tests are performed and a typical hyperbolic stress–displacement curve is obtained. Conditions for good quality wave transmission through non-jointed unorganized particulate media are determined, hybrid static–dynamic boundary conditions are established and plane waves are emitted into the compressed joint. The transmitted and reflected waves are extracted and analysed. Joint dynamic stiffness calculated according to the hypotheses of the Displacement Discontinuity Theory shows to increase with the static joint compression until the joint is completely closed. Still in its early stages of application, this rock micromechanical model enables the joint behaviour under static and dynamic loading to be analysed in detail. Its advantages are the reproduction of the real mechanics of contact creation, evolution and destruction and the possibility of visualizing in detail the joint geometry changes, which is hard to accomplish in the laboratory.  相似文献   

岩石受力状态对弹性波传播速度影响的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩石所受的三向应力状态对其弹性波传播性质有一定的影响,此认识为所做的以泥质砂岩、泥岩和硅质胶结的坚硬砂岩为试样的实验所证实。为保证岩石中存在微隙,对部分试样还作了高温预热处理。实验结果表明,泥质砂岩和泥岩的V_p/V_s值几乎保持不变,但坚硬砂岩的V_p/V_s值曲线却在应力达破坏荷载的90%左右时出现下凹现象,经热处理的硬砂岩的这一下凹现象则更突出。  相似文献   

Subcritical crack growth plays an important role in evaluating the long-term stability of structures in rocks. By applying the constant-displacement-relax method, two groups of test specimens that one immersed in groundwater and the other in air were tested to get the parameters of subcritical crack growth in double torsion test. The relations of the stress intensity factor K I versus the subcritical crack growth velocity V were obtained under the two different environments, and the behavior of subcritical crack growth was also analyzed. The results showed: the relations of lg K I  ? lg V accorded with linear rules, which is in good agreement with Charles theory; Compared with specimens in nature state, the lg K I  ? lg V curves of saturated water specimens locate top left comer of those of air specimens. The slope of curve is smaller, and the intercept is bigger, which shows that the water–rock interaction speeds up the subcritical crack growth. And A increases 2.9 × 1018 folds but n decreases from 85.12 to 40.83 because of the water–rock interaction. Meanwhile, the fracture toughness K IC also decreases obviously from 2.55 in air to 2.26 in water due to water rock interaction. The testing results provide a basis for time-dependence of rock engineering stability.  相似文献   

The existence of joint fissures makes explosive actions between rock masses more complex. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out experiments studying blasting stress waves propagating in jointed rock masses. Based on the Froude Similarity principle, the geological mechanical models of intact rock masses and jointed rocks have been proposed. A blasting vibration experiment was carried out and demonstrated that the propagation of the blasting stress waves and changing structures have an important relationship. A numerical simulation of the blasting stress wave propagation law in a layered jointed rock mass was carried out. This study found that with an increase in the joint angle, the peak velocity of blasting stress wave, transmission coefficient and reflection coefficient all gradually increased, while the attenuation coefficient gradually decreased. With an increase in joint spacing, the attenuation rate of the blasting stress waves increased.  相似文献   

Seismic events can take place due to the interaction of stress waves induced by stope production blasts with faults located in close proximity to stopes. The occurrence of such seismic events needs to be controlled to ensure the safety of the mine operators and the underground mine workings. This paper presents the results of a dynamic numerical modelling study of fault slip induced by stress waves resulting from stope production blasts. First, the calibration of a numerical model having a single blast hole is performed using a charge weight scaling law to determine blast pressure and damping coefficient of the rockmass. Subsequently, a numerical model of a typical Canadian metal mine encompassing a fault parallel to a tabular ore deposit is constructed, and the simulation of stope extraction sequence is carried out with static analyses until the fault exhibits slip burst conditions. At that point, the dynamic analysis begins by applying the calibrated blast pressure to the stope wall in the form of velocities generated by the blast holes. It is shown from the results obtained from the dynamic analysis that the stress waves reflected on the fault create a drop of normal stresses acting on the fault, which produces a reduction in shear stresses while resulting in fault slip. The influence of blast sequences on the behaviour of the fault is also examined assuming several types of blast sequences. Comparison of the blast sequence simulation results indicates that performing simultaneous blasts symmetrically induces the same level of seismic events as separate blasts, although seismic energy is more rapidly released when blasts are performed symmetrically. On the other hand when nine blast holes are blasted simultaneously, a large seismic event is induced, compared to the other two blasts. It is concluded that the separate blasts might be employed under the adopted geological conditions. The developed methodology and procedure to arrive at an ideal blast sequence can be applied to other mines where faults are found in the vicinity of stopes.  相似文献   

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