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We studied the radio source associated with the ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 5408  ( L X≈ 1040 erg s−1)  . The radio spectrum is steep (index  ≈−1  ), consistent with optically thin synchrotron emission, not with flat-spectrum core emission. Its flux density (≈0.28 mJy at 4.8 GHz, at a distance of 4.8 Mpc) was the same in the March 2000 and December 2004 observations, suggesting steady emission rather than a transient outburst. However, it is orders of magnitude higher than expected from steady jets in stellar-mass microquasar. Based on its radio flux and spectral index, we suggest that the radio source is either an unusually bright supernova remnant, or, more likely, a radio lobe powered by a jet from the black hole (BH). Moreover, there is speculative evidence that the source is marginally resolved with a radius ∼30 pc. A faint H  ii region of similar size appears to coincide with the radio and X-ray sources, but its ionization mechanism remains unclear. Using a self-similar solution for the expansion of a jet-powered electron–positron plasma bubble, in the minimum-energy approximation, we show that the observed flux and (speculative) size are consistent with an average jet power  ≈ 7 × 1038 erg s−1∼ 0.1 L X∼ 0.1 L Edd  , an age ≈105 yr, a current velocity of expansion ≈80 km s−1. We briefly discuss the importance of this source as a key to understand the balance between luminosity and jet power in accreting BHs.  相似文献   

We present 13 CO J  = 1 − 0 line observations of the H  ii region complex W51B located in the high-velocity (HV) stream. These observations reveal a filamentary and clumpy structure in the molecular gas. The mean local standard of rest (LSR) velocity ∼ + 65 km s−1 of the molecular gas in this region is greater than the maximum velocities allowed by kinematic Galactic rotation curves. The size and mass of the molecular clouds are ∼ 48 × 17 pc2 and ∼ 2.4 × 105 M⊙ respectively. In a position–velocity diagram, molecular gas in the southern part comprises a redshifted ring structure with v LSR=+ 60 to +73 km s−1. The velocity gradient of this ring is ∼ 0.5 km s−1 pc−1, and the mass is ∼ 6.2 × 104 M⊙. If we assume that the ring is expanding with a uniform velocity, the expansion velocity, radius and kinetic energy are ∼ 7 km s−1, ∼ 13 pc and ∼ 3.0 × 10 49 erg respectively. The kinetic energy and mass spectrum of the ring could be explained by an expanding cylindrical cloud with a centrally condensed mass distribution. The locations of two compact H  ii regions, G49.0−0.3 and G48.9−0.3, coincide with the two molecular clumps in this ring. We discuss star formation, and the mechanism that produced the ring structure.  相似文献   

New images of the supernova remnant (SNR) G351.7+0.8 are presented based on 21-cm H  i -line emission and continuum emission data from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey. SNR G351.7+0.8 has a flux density of 8.4 ± 0.7 Jy at 1420 MHz. Its spectral index is 0.52 ± 0.25 ( S = v −α) between 1420 and 843 MHz, typical of adiabatically expanding shell-like remnants. H  i observations show structures possibly associated with the SNR in the radial velocity range of −10 to −18 km s−1, and suggest a distance of 13.2 kpc and a radius of 30.7 pc. The estimated Sedov age for G351.7+0.8 is less than  6.8×104 yr  . A young radio pulsar PSR J1721−3532 lies close to SNR G351.7+0.8 on the sky. The new distance and age of G351.7+0.8 and recent proper motion measurements of the pulsar strongly argue against an association between SNR G351.7+0.8 and PSR J1721−3532. There is an unidentified, faint X-ray point source 1RXS J172055.3−353937 which is close to G351.7+0.8. This may be a neutron star potentially associated with G351.7+0.8.  相似文献   

The 'Carina Flare' supershell, GSH 287+04−17, is a molecular supershell originally discovered in  12CO( J = 1–0)  with the NANTEN 4 m telescope. We present the first study of the shell's atomic ISM, using H  i 21-cm line data from the Parkes 64-m telescope Southern Galactic Plane Survey. The data reveal a gently expanding,  ∼230 × 360  pc H  i supershell that shows strong evidence of Galactic Plane blowout, with a break in its main body at   z ∼ 280  pc and a capped high-latitude extension reaching   z ∼ 450  pc. The molecular clouds form comoving parts of the atomic shell, and the morphology of the two phases reflects the supershell's influence on the structure of the ISM. We also report the first discovery of an ionized component of the supershell, in the form of delicate, streamer-like filaments aligned with the proposed direction of blowout. The distance estimate to the shell is re-examined, and we find strong evidence to support the original suggestion that it is located in the Carina Arm at a distance of  2.6 ± 0.4 kpc  . Associated H  i and H2 masses are estimated as   M H I≈ 7 ± 3 × 105 M  and     , and the kinetic energy of the expanding shell as   E K ∼ 1 × 1051  erg. We examine the results of analytical and numerical models to estimate a required formation energy of several 1051 to  ∼1052  erg, and an age of  ∼107 yr  . This age is compatible with molecular cloud formation time-scales, and we briefly consider the viability of a supershell-triggered origin for the molecular component.  相似文献   

We have studied the kinematics and spatial distribution of the interstellar gas in the sky region  110°≤ l ≤ 135°, 10°≤ b ≤ 20°  , using the extensive Leiden–Dwingeloo Survey of H  i emission and the Columbia Survey of CO emission. The spectra show two main velocity components, namely feature A that has a mean local standard of rest (LSR) velocity of  ∼0  km s−1  and is due to the Lindblad ring of the Gould belt, and feature C that has a mean LSR velocity of  ∼−11  km s−1  and is associated to the local arm or Orion arm. The H  i and CO distributions of feature A in the region trace a large complex of gas and dust known as the Cepheus Flare, which lies at a distance of 300 pc. The spectral line profiles of feature A, which are rather broad and often double-peaked, reveal that the Cepheus Flare forms part of a big expanding shell of interstellar matter that encloses an old supernova remnant associated with a void inside the Cepheus Flare. On the other hand, by analysing the distribution and velocity structure of feature C, we have detected a second large expanding shell in the region, located at a distance of 800 pc in the local arm. This shell surrounds the stellar association Cepheus OB4 and was probably generated by stellar winds and supernovae of Cepheus OB4. The radii, expansion velocities and H  i masses of the two shells are approximately 50 pc, 4  km s−1 and  1.3 × 104 M  for the Cepheus Flare shell and 100 pc, 4 km s−1 and  9.9 × 104 M  for the Cepheus OB4 shell. Both shells have similar ages of the order of a few 106 yr.  相似文献   

We have observed the supernova remnant (SNR) G290.1−0.8 in the 21-cm H  i line and the 20-cm radio continuum using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The H  i data were combined with data from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey to recover the shortest spatial frequencies. In contrast, H  i absorption was analysed by filtering extended H  i emission, with spatial frequencies shorter than 1.1 kλ. The low-resolution ATCA radio continuum image of the remnant shows considerable internal structure, resembling a network of filaments across its 13-arcmin diameter. A high-resolution ATCA radio continuum image was also constructed to study the small-scale structure in the SNR. It shows that there are no structures smaller than ∼17 arcsec, except perhaps for a bright knot to the south, which is probably an unrelated object. The H  i absorption study shows that the gas distribution and kinematics in front of SNR G290.1−0.8 are complex. We estimate that the SNR probably lies in the Carina arm, at a distance 7 (±1) kpc. In addition, we have studied nearby sources in the observed field using archival multiwavelength data to determine their characteristics.  相似文献   

We present Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the supernova remnant (SNR) G309.2–00.6. In a 1.3-GHz continuum image the remnant appears as a near-circular shell, but with two brightened and distorted arcs of emission on opposite sides. H  i absorption against the SNR yields a distance in the range 5.4 to 14.1 kpc, corresponding to an age (1−20) × 103 yr. On the basis of the morphology of the SNR we argue that it is a younger analogue of the W 50/SS 433 system, and that its unusual appearance is a result of opposed jets or outflows from a central source. A jet-like feature and breaks in the shell can both be seen along the axis of proposed outflow, providing further support for this interpretation; the central source itself is not detected. The SNR may be interacting with the adjacent H  ii region RCW 80 through an extension of the proposed outflow beyond its shell. This would put the SNR at the lower limit of its distance range and would imply an age 4000 yr. We consider other SNRs similar to G309.2–00.6, and propose remnants whose shells are affected by jets as one of several classes of SNR from which the presence of a central source can be inferred.  相似文献   

We present a catalogue of 17 filamentary X-ray features located within a  68 × 34  arcmin2  view centred on the Galactic Centre region from images taken by Chandra . These features are described by their morphological and spectral properties. Many of the X-ray features have non-thermal spectra that are well fitted by an absorbed power law. Of the 17 features, we find six that have not been previously detected, four of which are outside the immediate  20 × 20  arcmin2  area centred on the Galactic Centre. Seven of the 17 identified filaments have morphological and spectral properties expected for pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) with X-ray luminosities of  5 × 1032  to 1034 erg s−1 in the 2.0–10.0 keV band and photon indices in the range of  Γ= 1.1  to 1.9. In one feature, we suggest the strong neutral Fe Kα emission line to be a possible indicator for past activity of Sgr A*. For G359.942−0.03, a particular filament of interest, we propose the model of a ram pressure confined stellar wind bubble from a massive star to account for the morphology, spectral shape and 6.7 keV He-like Fe emission detected. We also present a piecewise spectral analysis on two features of interest, G0.13−0.11 and G359.89−0.08, to further examine their physical interpretations. This analysis favours the PWN scenario for these features.  相似文献   

A sample of eight small-diameter radio sources has been selected from the Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey (MGPS) as candidates for young Galactic supernova remnants. The sources have been identified in the IRAS and Midcourse Space Experiment infrared data bases and imaged in the H107α radio recombination line (RRL) using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). Seven of the sources display high ratios of infrared-to-radio-continuum flux density and/or detectable RRLs and are almost certainly H ii regions. One source (G282.8−1.2) is identified as a possible new young Galactic supernova remnant, based on its relatively weak infrared emission, steep radio spectrum, and possible X-ray emission. The adopted method for distinguishing thermal and non-thermal Galactic radio sources seems promising and could be fruitfully applied to more than 100 small-diameter sources listed in the MGPS.  相似文献   

We present MERLIN observations of Galactic 21-cm H  i absorption at an angular resolution of  ∼0.1–0.2  arcsec and a velocity resolution of 0.5 km s−1, in the direction of three moderately low latitude  (−8° < b < −12°)  extragalactic radio sources, 3C 111, 3C 123 and 3C 161, all of which are heavily reddened. H  i absorption is observed against resolved background emission sources up to ∼2 arcsec in extent and we distinguish details of the opacity distribution within 1–1.5 arcsec regions towards 3C 123 and 3C 161. This study is the second MERLIN investigation of small-scale structure in interstellar H  i (earlier work probed Galactic H  i in the directions of the compact sources 3C 138 and 3C 147). The 0.1-arcsec scale is intermediate between H  i absorption studies made with other fixed element interferometers with resolution of 1–10 arcsec and very long baseline interferometry studies with resolutions of 10–20 mas. At a scale of 1 arcsec (about 500 au), prominent changes in Galactic H  i opacity in excess of 1–1.5 are determined in the direction of 3C 161 with a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 10σ. Possible fluctuations in the H  i opacity at the level of about 1 are detected at the  2.5–3σ  level in the direction of 3C 123.  相似文献   

We present observations between 14.2 and 17.9 GHz of 16 Galactic H  ii regions made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. In conjunction with data from the literature at lower radio frequencies we investigate the possibility of a spinning dust component in the spectra of these objects. We conclude that there is no significant evidence for spinning dust towards these sources and measure an average spectral index of  α= 0.15 ± 0.07  (where   S ∝ν−α  ) between 1.4 and 17.9 GHz for the sample.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the distribution of the OH masers at 1665 and 1667 MHz towards the cometary ultracompact H  ii region in the complex G34.3+0.2. The results are based on observations made in both senses of circular polarization with a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) array having an angular resolution of 5×20 mas2. 38 maser features are identified in the region. 33 of these lie on an arc at the edge of the cometary H  ii region. Five are located in a cluster offset toward the north-east by 3 arcsec, and are probably associated with an independent ultracompact H  ii region. There is a velocity gradient of 30 km s−1 pc−1 across the arc. We identify five Zeeman pairs and determine that the magnetic field varies between 1 and 7 mG, but is always directed away from the Earth.
The OH masers may arise in clumps in a shell of gas in a bow shock caused by the motion of the exciting star through the molecular cloud. The stand-off distance and the thickness of the shocked shell are roughly consistent with those predicted by such a bow-shock model. Also, the position of the exciting star(s), as estimated from the focus of the parabolic bow shock, closely matches that of the peak emission from the cometary H  ii region. However, the north–south velocity gradient in the ionized material remains difficult to explain in the context of the bow-shock model.  相似文献   

In general, H  ii regions do not show clear signs of self-enrichment in products from massive stars  ( M ≥ 8 M)  . In order to explore why I modelled the contamination with Wolf–Rayet star ejecta of metal-poor  ( Z = 0.001)  H  ii regions, ionized either by a  106 M  cluster of coeval stars (cluster 1) or by a cluster resulting from continuous star formation at a rate of  1 M yr−1  (cluster 2). The clusters have   Z = 0.001  and a Salpeter initial mass function from 0.1 to  120 M  . Independent one-dimensional constant density simulations of the emission-line spectra of unenriched H  ii regions were computed at the discrete ages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Myr, with the photoionization code cloudy , using as input, radiative and mechanical stellar feedbacks predicted by the evolutionary synthesis code starburst99 . Each H  ii region was placed at the outer radius of the adiabatically expanding superbubble of Mac Low & McCray. For models with thermal and ionization balance time-scales of less than 1 Myr, and with oxygen emission-line ratios in agreement with observations, the volume of the superbubble and the H  ii region was uniformly and instantaneously polluted with stellar ejecta predicted by starburst99 . I obtained a maximum oxygen abundance enhancement of 0.025 dex, with cluster 1, at 4 Myr. It would be unobservable.  相似文献   

G353.9−2.0 is a likely Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) identified from a visual inspection of the National Radio Astronomy Observations (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA) Sky Survey (NVSS) observations in the Galactic plane. It shows a shell structure, about 13 arcmin in diameter, with a central extended source. VLA observations of G353.9−2.0 at 1.4 GHz, with a resolution of ≈40 arcsec, and a significantly better sensitivity than the NVSS observations, are presented here, together with observations at 327 MHz and observations of the central source at 8.4 GHz. These new observations and existing results from the literature are discussed. G353.9−2.0 is confirmed as a SNR, and the central source as a likely extragalactic double source.  相似文献   

We report on Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the massive star-forming region G305.2+0.2 at 1.2 cm. We detected emission in five molecules towards G305A, confirming its hot core nature. We determined a rotational temperature of 26 K for methanol. A non-local thermodynamic equilibrium excitation calculation suggests a kinematic temperature of the order of 200 K. A time-dependent chemical model is also used to model the gas-phase chemistry of the hot core associated with G305A. A comparison with the observations suggest an age of between  2 × 104  and  1.5 × 105 yr  . We also report on a feature to the south-east of G305A which may show weak Class I methanol maser emission in the line at 24.933 GHz. The more evolved source G305B does not show emission in any of the line tracers, but strong Class I methanol maser emission at 24.933 GHz is found 3 arcsec to the east. Radio continuum emission at 18.496 GHz is detected towards two H  ii regions. The implications of the non-detection of radio continuum emission towards G305A and G305B are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present single-dish Arecibo 21-cm H  i observations, covering a 0675×0625 RA–Dec. grid, of the intermediate-velocity cloud (IVC) centred upon the M15 globular cluster. The velocity and positional structure of the IVC gas at V LSR=70 km s−1 are investigated; it is found to be clumpy and has a peak surface density N H  i ∼8×1019 cm−2. Additionally, we have performed a long H  i integration towards HD 203664, a Galactic halo star some 31 from M15, in which optical IVC absorption has previously been detected. No H  i with a velocity exceeding 60 km s−1 was found to a brightness temperature limit of 0.05 K. However, additional pointings did detect IVC gas approximately mid-way between HD 203664 and M15. Finally, we present both Arecibo H  i pointings and low-resolution spectra in the Ca  ii H and K lines towards 15 field stars in the general field towards M15, in an attempt to obtain the distance to the IVC. Intermediate-velocity H  i is detected towards seven sightlines. Stellar spectral types are derived for 12 of the sample. Assuming that these stars lie on the main sequence, their distances are estimated to lie in the range 150≤ d ≤1350 pc. No Ca  ii absorption is observed, either because the IVC is further away than ∼1350 pc or more likely because the gas along these sightlines is of too low a density to be detected by the current observations.  相似文献   

We present a fully sampled C18O (1–0) map towards the southern giant molecular cloud (GMC) associated with the H  ii region RCW 106, and use it in combination with previous 13CO (1–0) mapping to estimate the gas column density as a function of position and velocity. We find localized regions of significant 13CO optical depth in the northern part of the cloud, with several of the high-opacity clouds in this region likely associated with a limb-brightened shell around the H  ii region G333.6−0.2. Optical depth corrections broaden the distribution of column densities in the cloud, yielding a lognormal distribution as predicted by simulations of turbulence. Decomposing the 13CO and C18O data cubes into clumps, we find relatively weak correlations between size and linewidth, and a more sensitive dependence of luminosity on size than would be predicted by a constant average column density. The clump mass spectrum has a slope near −1.7, consistent with previous studies. The most massive clumps appear to have gravitational binding energies well in excess of virial equilibrium; we discuss possible explanations, which include magnetic support and neglect of time-varying surface terms in the virial theorem. Unlike molecular clouds as a whole, the clumps within the RCW 106 GMC, while elongated, appear to show random orientations with respect to the Galactic plane.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to make high-resolution images of the 6.7-GHz 51 → 60A+ maser transition of methanol towards 33 sources in the Galactic plane. Including the results from 12 methanol sources in the literature, we find that 17 out of 45 sources have curved or linear morphology. Most of the 17 have a velocity gradient along the line, which is consistent with masers lying in an edge-on circumstellar disc surrounding a massive star. We also made simultaneous continuum observations of the sources at 8.6 GHz, in order to image any associated H  ii region. 25 of the sources are associated with an ultracompact H  ii region, with a detection limit of ∼0.5 mJy beam−1. We argue that the methanol sources without an associated H  ii region represent less massive embedded stars, not an earlier stage in the lifetime of the star, as previously suggested.  相似文献   

This is the initial paper in a series presenting the first optical detections and subsequent follow-up spectroscopy of known southern Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) previously discovered in the radio. These new detections come from the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO)/United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope Hα survey of the southern Galactic plane which has opened up fresh opportunities to study Galactic remnants. Here, we present the first optical imaging and follow-up spectra of Galactic SNR G279.0+1.1 where a series of 14 small-scale fragmented groups of Hα filaments have been discovered in a     area centred on G279.0+1.1. Individually they are somewhat inconspicuous but collectively they are completely enclosed within the overall radio contours of this known SNR. Three of these filamentary groupings are particularly prominent and optical spectra have been obtained across two of them. Their morphological structure and spectral characteristics are typical of optically detected SNR filaments. A very strong [S  ii ] emission relative to Hα has been detected with  [S  ii ]/Hα > 0.7  and 1.1, confirming strong, shock-heated emission. This is sufficient to classify these filaments in the likely SNR domain and therefore indicating a direct connection with the radio remnant. Other typical SNR emission lines such as [O  ii ] at 3727 Å, Hβ, [O  iii ] at 4959 and 5007 Å, Hα and [N  ii ] at 6548 and 6584 Å were also detected, lending strong support to an SNR origin of these optical filaments. The value and insights that these optical data can provide for known remnants are discussed along with their relevance to the Galactic nitrogen abundance. A serendipitous discovery of an adjacent H  ii region is also briefly described.  相似文献   

We have observed two fields – Field I     ,     and Field II     ,     – with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 330 MHz. In the first field, we have studied the candidate supernova remnant (SNR) G3.1−0.6 and, based on its observed morphology, spectral index and polarization, confirmed it to be an SNR. We find this supernova to have a double ring appearance with a strip of emission on its western side passing through its centre.
We have discovered two extended curved objects in the second field, which appears to be part of a large shell-like structure. It is possibly the remains of an old supernova in the region. Three suspected SNRs, G356.3−0.3, G356.6+0.1 and G357.1−0.2, detected in the MOST 843-MHz survey of the GC region appear to be located on this shell-like structure. While both G356.3−0.3 and G356.6+0.1 seem to be parts of this shell, G357.1−0.2, which has a steeper spectrum above 1 GHz, could be a background SNR seen through the region. Our H  i absorption observation towards the candidate SNR G357.1−0.2 indicates that it is at a distance of more than 6 kpc from us.  相似文献   

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