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We have performed deep imaging of a diverse sample of 26 low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) in the optical and the near-infrared. Using stellar population synthesis models, we find that it is possible to place constraints on the ratio of young to old stars (which we parametrize in terms of the average age of the galaxy), as well as the metallicity of the galaxy, using optical and near-infrared colours. LSBGs have a wide range of morphologies and stellar populations, ranging from older, high-metallicity earlier types to much younger and lower-metallicity late-type galaxies. Despite this wide range of star formation histories, we find that colour gradients are common in LSBGs. These are most naturally interpreted as gradients in mean stellar age, with the outer regions of LSBGs having lower ages than their inner regions. In an attempt to understand what drives the differences in LSBG stellar populations, we compare LSBG average ages and metallicities with their physical parameters. Strong correlations are seen between an LSBG's star formation history and its K -band surface brightness, K -band absolute magnitude and gas fraction. These correlations are consistent with a scenario in which the star formation history of an LSBG primarily correlates with its surface density and its metallicity correlates with both its mass and its surface density.  相似文献   

It is shown that the giant low surface brightness galaxies (GLSBs), characterized by a large but diffuse disc component, can result from ordinary spiral galaxies through dynamical evolution. Numerical simulations indicate that the formation of a bar in a gravitationally unstable disc with high surface density induces non-circular motions and radial mixing of disc matter, leading to the flattening of the disc density profile. The resulting decrease in the disc central surface brightness is ∼1.5 magnitude, while the disc scalelength is nearly doubled, transforming a typical high surface brightness galaxy to a GSLB. This scenario seems promising especially for the GSLBs possessing a significant bulge, which are difficult to incorporate into the traditional Hubble sequence. Namely, because this disc transmutation can operate even if a moderate bulge component exists, the GSLBs with a bulge are argued to have resulted from the high surface brightness galaxies which had already possessed a bulge. The current picture naturally explains other observed characteristics of the GSLBs as well, including the propensity for having grand-design spiral arms and a bar, a high incidence of active nuclei, and galaxy environments.  相似文献   

We discuss the properties of the galaxies in about 60 rich, nearby clusters, using kinematic data from the ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey, combined with new imaging data. The images were used to classify the galaxies, and to recalibrate the galaxy types derived from the ENACS spectra; this yields galaxy-type estimates for about4800 galaxies. For about 1200 galaxies, a bulge/disk decomposition could be made, which yields sizes and luminosities of bulges and disks. From the projected radial distances and relative l.o.s.-velocities we derived the galaxy ensembles with significantly different phase-space distributions. We find that galaxies in and outside substructure must be distinguished. The morphological composition of the substructures appears to vary with projected radius. Outside substructures, 4 galaxy ensembles must be defined: viz. the brighest Es, the other early-type galaxies, the early spirals(Sa-Sb), and the late spirals (including the emission-line galaxies). We also study the morphology-density relation, and we find that the segregation of the late spirals is driven mostly by global factors, while the segregation of Es, S0s and early spirals is driven mostly by local density. The properties of early spirals and S0ssupport the picture in which early spirals transform into S0s, while the properties of the late spirals do not support such a relation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Research on two-dimensional (2-D) properties of galaxies is a significant component of the study of galaxy formation and evolution. Through the spatial distribution of physical properties (derived from integrated luminosity and spectroscopy) of galaxies, we are allowed to realize the inner environment and evolution history of each individual galaxy and finally answer how galaxies were assembled. In this paper, with reviewing previous work, we present a proposal for study on 2-D properties of nearby galaxies. In our prospective work, we will make use of multi-wavelength data covering a range from ultraviolet to far-infrared to determine the distributions of properties such as age, metallicity and dust-reddening in nearby galaxies, and try to remove the degeneracy among them. Combining with surface photometry and spectroscopy, we will also analyze the distribution of HII regions and star formation properties in galaxies. In our future plan, the World Space Observatory for Ultraviolet (WSO/UV) will be applied to our research and allow detail diagnosis of nearby galaxies at ultraviolet band.  相似文献   

OASIS observations obtained at the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope for the spiral galaxies NGC 4900 and NGC 5430 produce one spectrum for each 0.41″ element of the 11″ × 15″ field of view. This allows for the spatial characterisation of the different stellar populations. From these observations we study the young (10 Myr) and older stellar populations using evolutionary synthesis codes. Based on the gas emission lines, we find that the young populations are located in relatively small regions and dominate the integrated flux. In NGC 4900, the young populations are distributed in a bar-like structure featuring a hole near the position of the galaxy’s centre. The young stellar populations of NGC 5430 form a nuclear ring and two patches at the base of the spiral arms. Based on Mg2 and FeI absorption lines, we find that in both galaxies, the young stars are superimposed on a relatively homogenous population of a few Gyr.  相似文献   

Using the potential-density phase shift approach developed by the present authors in earlier publications, we estimate the magnitude of radial mass accretion/excretion rates across the disks of six nearby spiral galaxies (NGC 628, NGC 3351, NGC 3627, NGC 4321, NGC 4736, and NGC 5194) having a range of Hubble types. Our goal is to examine these rates in the context of bulge building and secular morphological evolution along the Hubble sequence. Stellar surface density maps of the sample galaxies are derived from SINGS 3.6 μm and SDSS i-band images using colors as an indicator of mass-to-light ratios. Corresponding molecular and atomic gas surface densities are derived from published CO (1-0) and HI interferometric observations of the BIMA SONG, THINGS, and VIVA surveys. The mass flow rate calculations utilize a volume-type torque integral to calculate the angular momentum exchange rate between the basic state disk matter and what we assume to be density wave modes in the observed galaxies. This volume-type integral contains the contributions from both the gravitational surface torque couple and the advective surface torque couple at the nonlinear, quasi-steady state of the wave modes, in sharp contrast to its behavior in the linear regime, where it contains only the contribution from the gravitational surface torque couple used by Lynden-Bell & Kalnajs in 1972. The potential-density phase shift approach yields angular momentum transport rates several times higher than those estimated using the Lynden-Bell and Kalnajs approach. And unlike Lynden-Bell and Kalnajs, whose approach predicts zero mass redistribution across the majority of the disk surface (apart from the isolated locations of wave-particle resonances) for quasi-steady waves, the current approach leads to predictions of significant mass redistribution induced by the quasi-steady density wave modes, enough for the morphological types of disks to evolve substantially within its lifetime. This difference with the earlier conclusions of Lynden-Bell and Kalnajs reflects the dominant role played by collisionless shocks in the secular evolution of galaxies containing extremely non-linear, quasi-steady density wave modes, thus enabling significant morphological transformation along the Hubble sequence during a Hubble time. We show for the first time also, using observational data, that stellar mass accretion/excretion is just as important, and oftentimes much more important, than the corresponding accretion/excretion processes in the gaseous component, with the latter being what had been emphasized in most of the previous secular evolution studies.  相似文献   

We study the effect of different star formation regimes on the dynamical and chemical evolution of Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies. To do that, we adopt a 2-D hydrocode coupled with detailed chemical yields originating from SNeII, SNeIa and from intermediate-mass stars. We apply this kind of simulation to a model of galaxy resembling IZw18. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present observations ( B, R, K , Hα and H  i ) of six nearby low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs). They show an astonishing amount of variety; while some systems appear smooth and featureless, others resolve into loose assemblies of gas clouds. We have derived rotation curves, gas surface density profiles and star formation thresholds for three of the galaxies.
The results have been used to test two ideas describing their star formation: one in which star formation depends solely on the H  i gas surface density, and one that depends on differential rotation. We find that a critical H  i surface density criterion in the range  2.6–12.6 × 1020 cm−2 (2.1–10.1 M pc−2)  best describes the star-forming ability of these galaxies on local and global scales. A critical gas surface density based on the rotation of the gas is also able to describe the results on a global scale for two of the three galaxies for which we were able to derive rotation curves.  相似文献   

We study the chemical and spectrophotometric evolution of galactic discs with detailed models calibrated on the Milky Way and using simple scaling relations, based on currently popular semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. We compare our results with a large body of observational data on present-day galactic discs, including disc sizes and central surface brightness, Tully–Fisher relations in various wavelength bands, colour–colour and colour–magnitude relations, gas fractions versus magnitudes and colours and abundances versus local and integrated properties, as well as spectra for different galactic rotational velocities. Despite the extremely simple nature of our models, we find satisfactory agreement with all those observables, provided that the time-scale for star formation in low-mass discs is longer than for more massive ones. This assumption is apparently in contradiction with the standard picture of hierarchical cosmology. We find, however, that it is extremely successful in reproducing major features of present-day discs, like the change in the slope of the Tully–Fisher relation with wavelength, the fact that more massive galaxies are on average 'redder' than low-mass ones (a generic problem of standard hierarchical models) and the metallicity–luminosity relation for spirals. It is concluded that, on a purely empirical basis, this new picture is at least as successful as the standard one. Observations at high redshifts could help to distinguish between the two possibilities.  相似文献   

Summary. Metallicity is a key parameter that controls many aspects in the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. In this review we focus on the metal deficient galaxies, in particular the most metal-poor ones, because they play a crucial r?le in the cosmic scenery. We first set the stage by discussing the difficult problem of defining a global metallicity and how this quantity can be measured for a given galaxy. The mechanisms that control the metallicity in a galaxy are reviewed in detail and involve many aspects of modern astrophysics: galaxy formation and evolution, massive star formation, stellar winds, chemical yields, outflows and inflows etc. Because metallicity roughly scales as the galactic mass, it is among the dwarfs that the most metal-poor galaxies are found. The core of our paper reviews the considerable progress made in our understanding of the properties and the physical processes that are at work in these objects. The question on how they are related and may evolve from one class of objects to another is discussed. While discussing metal-poor galaxies in general, we present a more detailed discussion of a few very metal-poor blue compact dwarf galaxies like IZw18. Although most of what is known relates to our local universe, we show that it pertains to our quest for primeval galaxies and is connected to the question of the origin of structure in the universe. We discuss what do QSO absorption lines and known distant galaxies tell us already? We illustrate the importance of star-forming metal-poor galaxies for the determination of the primordial helium abundance, their use as distance indicator and discuss the possibility to detect nearly metal-free galaxies at high redshift from Ly emission. Received 19 August 1999 / Published online: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

We study the spatial orientation of 5 169 galaxies that have radial velocity 3 000 to 5 000 km s−1. The ‘position angle–inclination’ method is used to find the spin vector and the projections of spin vector of the galaxy rotation axes. The spatial isotropic distribution is assumed to examine the non-random effects. For this, we have performed chi-square, Fourier, and auto-correlation tests. We found a random alignment of spin vectors of total galaxies with respect to the equatorial coordinate system. The spin vector projections of total galaxies is found to be oriented tangentially with respect to the equatorial center. The spiral galaxies show a similar orientation as shown by the total sample. Five subsamples of barred spiral (late-type) galaxies show a preferred alignment. However, early-type barred spirals show a random orientation. A weak morphological dependence is noticed in the subsamples of late type barred spirals. A comparison with the previous works and the possible explanation of the results will be presented.  相似文献   

We present a generalization of the multiphase chemical evolution model (CEM) applied to a wide set of theoretical galaxies with different masses and evolutionary rates. This generalized set of models has been computed using the so-called universal rotation curve from Persic, Salucci & Steel to calculate the radial mass distribution of 44 theoretical protogalaxies. This distribution is a fundamental input which, besides its own effect on the galaxy evolution, defines the characteristic collapse time-scale or gas infall rate on to the disc. We have adopted 10 sets of values, between 0 and 1, for the molecular cloud and star formation efficiencies, as corresponding to their probability nature, for each one of the radial distributions of total mass. Thus, we have constructed a biparametric grid of models, depending on those efficiency sets and on the rotation velocity, whose results are valid in principle for any spiral or irregular galaxy. The model results provide the time-evolution of different regions of the disc and the halo along galactocentric distance, measured by the gas (atomic and molecular) and stellar masses, the star formation rate (SFR) and chemical abundances of 14 elements, for a total of 440 models. This grid may be used to estimate the evolution of a given galaxy for which only present time information, such as radial distributions of elemental abundances, gas densities and/or star formation, which are the usual observational constraints of chemical evolution models (CEMs), is available.  相似文献   

We present the very first results of a new 3D numerical model for the formation and evolution of spiral galaxies along the Hubble sequence. We take into account the hydrodynamical properties of the gas with an SPH method while we use a tree code for the gravitational forces of the dark matter and stars. The chemical evolution is also fully included, with both SNe Ia and SNe II explosions being followed, and this will allows us to predict abundances of various chemical species, abundance ratios and their radial distributions. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present the stellar and gas kinematics of a sample of 18 nearby late-type spiral galaxies (Hubble types ranging from Sb to Sd), observed with the integral-field spectrograph SAURON at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope. SAURON covers the spectral range 4800–5380 Å, allowing us to measure the Hβ, Fe, Mg b absorption features and the emission in the Hβ line and the  [O  iii ]λλ4959, 5007 Å  and  [N  i ]λλ5198, 5200 Å  doublets over a  33 × 41-arcsec2  field of view. The maps cover the nuclear region of these late-type galaxies and in all cases include the entire bulge. In many cases the stellar kinematics suggests the presence of a cold inner region, as visible from a central drop in the stellar velocity dispersion. The ionized gas is almost ubiquitous and behaves in a complicated fashion: the gas velocity fields often display more features than the stellar ones, including wiggles in the zero-velocity lines, irregular distributions, ring-like structures. The line ratio [O  iii ]/Hβ often takes on low values over most of the field, probably indicating a wide-spread star formation.  相似文献   

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