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The networking architecture of the EUDOXOS' robotic telescopes is presented. We have studied adopted and tested various software & hardware approaches for developing an observational facility equipped with the very high availability needed to achieve continuous operation, inherent capacity for effective multiuser support, fully robotic unattended operation, fast response to targets of opportunity and accommodation of tele‐operating instruments. Critical practical aspects and considerations of our operating implementation as well as the main points of an ongoing upgrade initiative expected to be of general interest, are discussed. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We describe concepts for small space telescopes that are able to provide significant UV science and can be realized with small (but realistic) budgets. The concepts are based on nano-satellites carrying small optics, with no redundancy, without producing intermediate models prior to flight model, and using COTS (custom off-the-shelf) components. We describe a few concepts of deployable optics that could provide large collecting areas and high angular resolution while packaged in the small volume of a nano-satellite. We point out areas where technological development is still required.  相似文献   

We propose a decay signature for non-thermal small black holes with masses in the TeV range which can be discovered by neutrino observatories. The black holes would result due to the impact between ultra high energy neutrinos with nuclei in water or ice and decay instantaneously. They could be produced if the Planck scale is in the few TeV region and the highly energetic fluxes are large enough. Having masses close to the Planck scale, the typical decay mode for these black holes is into two particles emitted back-to-back. For a certain range of angles between the emitted particles and the center of mass direction of motion, it is possible for the detectors to measure separate muons having specific energies and their trajectories oriented at a large enough angle to prove that they are the result of a back-to-back decay event.  相似文献   

The visible airglow photometer on the Atmosphere Explorer C Satellite has been used to compare the calibrations of a number of ground-based airglow observatories. Discrepancies between different ground stations as large as a factor of six have been revealed. Efforts to account for these discrepancies have resulted in the discovery of differences as large as a factor of 2 in the standard light sources in use at different observatories. The participation of additional observatories in the intercomparison of standard sources is solicited. The project has also led to the discovery of a source of error that can amount to another factor of 2 in the procedure used to calibrate many airglow instruments. In the course of the project detailed maps, based on satellite data, have been made of the galactic and zodiacal light background at a number of wavelengths, and a substantial source of contaminating emission has been discovered in the satellite data; the contamination appears to result from interaction of the spacecraft and the atmosphere at altitudes below 170 km.  相似文献   

The latest version of the Wide-Field Plate Database Catalogue of Wide-Field Plate Archives (April 2008) contains 43 archives stored at some Ukrainian observatories, namely, at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Golosiiv, Kyiv), at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (Nauchnyi and Simeiz), at the Kyiv, L’viv, and Odesa University Observatories, and at the Mykolaiv Observatory. About 126000 plates were obtained from 1898 to 2005 in the framework of the following observing programmes: Solar System Bodies Observations, Observations of Variable Stars, Investigations of the Emission Nebulae and Connected Stars, Spectral Classification of the Stars and Determination of the Stellar Absorption in the Direction of the Emission Nebulae, Photographic Survey of the Northern Sky (FON), Investigation of the Kinematics and Structure of the Main Meridian Section of our Galaxy (MEGA), Observation of Selected Reference Stars, Artificial Satellites Observations and other. At the moment the basic information on 12609 plates from 13 plate archives of the Main Astronomical Observatory and Crimean Astrophysical Observatory is included into the Wide-Field Plate Database Catalogue of Wide-Field Plate Indexes (Sofia, Bulgaria). The plate digitization is just started with flatbed scanners. Some illustrations of the potential of the Ukrainian plate archives for future reusage are given and some compiled plate catalogues are presented on the basis of data from the Wide-Field Plate Database.  相似文献   

Occultation profiles for the nine confirmed Uranian rings obtained from Las Campanas, the European Southern Observatory, and Cerro Tololo on 15–16 August 1980 are compared. The α ring shows a “double-dip” structure; the η ring shows a broad and narrow component (similar to Saturn's F ring); and the ε ring shows six features that appear in the data from all three observatories. Diffraction fringes appear at the edges of several of the occultation profiles.  相似文献   

The understanding of high-energy astrophysical sources often depends on observations over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Yet, extensive multifrequency observing campaigns can consume the resources of a large number of telescopes, including ground-based and satellite facilities, and usually involve large, unwieldy consortia of observers. Because most X-ray sources are variable on a short time-scale, there is an additional need to make the multifrequency observations simultaneous. The logistical difficulties involved in coordinating these observations, coupled with the vagaries of the weather at ground-based observing sites, mean that comparatively few such coordinated campaigns are attempted; of those that have been tried the success rate for achieving simultaneity is low.In the present paper we argue that simultaneous X-ray, optical and ultraviolet observations could be achieved more logically, cheaply, and effectively by mounting a small boresighted optical/UV-telescope alongside future X-ray telescopes. A 12 optical/UV monitor could, for instance, be incorporated into X-ray facilities such as the American AXAF or the European XMM missions with minimal impact on the total cost, weight, size, and telemetry requirements. Such a telescope, equipped with a position sensitive photoncounting detector, could provide two-dimensional photometric imaging of stars as faint asB=23.5 in a 1000 s exposure with a resolution that could easily be matched to that of the X-ray telescope. A series of wide- and narrow-band filters could be used to define spectral bands, while wide-field, low-resolution spectroscopy could be provided by a prism. Such an instrument could monitor not only the multifrequency variability of such active sources as quasars, Seyfert galaxies, BL Lac objects, X-ray binaries, cataclysmic variables, RS CVn stars, and flare stars, but also could provide astrometry, broadband colours, low-resolution spectroscopy, and imaging of constant sources and fortuitously observed field objects. Moreover, the concept of providing multifrequency simultaneous coverage of astrophysical objects in an unbiased way allows new phenomena to be discovered. A review is given of the scientific problems that require such a monitor, and some of the design and performance characteristics of a suitable monitor are discussed.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms of mass loss: galactic wind accompanied by the expulsion of supershell remnants and dust expelling from galaxies are briefly considered. Theoretically estimated parameters of the supershell fragments are similar to those of observed objects in vicinity of the Milky Way: small HI clouds and OIV structures observed with FUSE. Dust expelling brings dust in the IGM, and thus the analysis of intergalactic extinction curve will reveal a nature of the intergalactic dust. Evaporation of circumgalactic dust will change the chemical composition of gaseous galactic coronae. Ultraviolet observatories will have a significant impact on studies of these processes. Some prospects of such observations are outlined.  相似文献   

We present some results from a model of forced oscillations of the magnetosphere. The purpose of this work is to examine the effects and consequences of damping on geomagnetic pulsations as observed on the ground. The aim of the current work is to quantify the amount of damping applicable to geomagnetic pulsation waveforms. Ionospheric conductivities vary with latitude and time of day and this variation will effect the damping of geomagnetic pulsations. The variations in ionospheric conductivities are taken into account to predict the changes in amplitude and phase of geomagnetic pulsations over an extended latitudinal array of ground observatories. Three situations are modelled where the damping factor γ/ωn, which is related to the amplitude loss per cycle, is different: (i) γ/ωn approximately equal to 0.01, this corresponds to the ionospheric Joule damping of Newton et al. (1978); (ii) λ/ωn equal to 0.1, this value is consistent with the empirically determined day-time damping factors from the observed latitude-dependent transient decays of the pulsation single effect events discussed by Siebert (1964). The value of 0.1 as the damping factor is taken as typical of day-time conditions and its effect on amplitude and phase for continuous pulsations is considered; and (iii) λ/ωn is latitude-dependent; three different levels of damping are used appropriate for the night-time conditions associated with the auroral electrojet, plasmatrough and plasmasphere.The results from the model suggest that observationally determined damping factors are greater than those computed from ionospheric Joule damping alone. The model also illustrates the broadening of the latitudinal resonance width with increasing damping and the reducing of the phase change across resonance to less than 180°. The model also successfully reproduces features of pulsation single effect events and Pi2 pulsations.  相似文献   

We present the results of observational campaigns of asteroids performed at Asiago Station of Padova Astronomical Observatory and at M.G. Fracastoro Station of Catania Astrophysical Observatory, as part of the large research programme on Solar System minor bodies undertaken since 1979 at the Physics and Astronomy Department of Catania University. Photometric observations of six Main-Belt asteroids (27 Euterpe, 173 Ino, 182 Elsa, 539 Pamina, 849 Ara, and 984 Gretia), one Hungaria (1727 Mette), and two Near-Earth Objects (3199 Nefertiti and 2004 UE) are reported. The first determination of the synodic rotational period of 2004 UE was obtained. For 182 Elsa and 1727 Mette the derived synodic period of 80.23±0.08 and , respectively, represents a significant improvement on the previously published values. For 182 Elsa the first determination of the H-G magnitude relation is also presented.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of the geomagnetic field (GF) on the Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope technique for two northern (Tenerife and San Pedro Martir) and three southern (Salta, Leoncito and Namibia (the H.E.S.S.-site)) site candidates for Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatories. We use the CORSIKA and sim_telarray programs for Monte Carlo simulations of gamma ray showers, hadronic background and the telescope response. We focus here on gamma ray measurements in the low energy, sub-100 GeV, range. Therefore, we only consider the performance of arrays of several large telescopes. Neglecting the GF effect, we find (in agreement with previous studies) that such arrays have lower energy thresholds, and larger collection areas below 30 GeV, when located at higher altitudes. We point out, however, that in the considered ranges of altitudes and magnetic field intensities, 1800–3600 m a.s.l. and 0–40 μT, respectively, the GF effect has a similar magnitude to this altitude effect. We provide the trigger-level performance parameters of the observatory affected by the GF effect, in particular the collection areas, detection rates and the energy thresholds for all five locations, which information may be useful in the selection of sites for CTA. We also find simple scaling of these parameters with the magnetic field strength, which can be used to assess the magnitude of the GF effect for other sites; in this work we use them to estimate the performance parameters for five sites: South Africa-Beaufort West, USA-Yavapai Ranch, Namibia-Calapanzi, Chile-La Silla and India-Hanle. We roughly investigate the impact of the geophysical conditions on gamma/hadron separation procedures involving image shape and direction cuts. We note that the change of altitude has an opposite effect at the trigger and analysis levels, i.e. gains in triggering efficiency at higher altitudes are partially balanced by losses in the separation efficiency. In turn, a stronger GF spoils both the shape and the direction discrimination of gamma rays, thus its effects at the trigger and analysis levels add up resulting in a significant reduction of the observatory performance. Overall, our results indicate that the local GF strength at a site can be equally important as its altitude for the low-energy performance of CTA.  相似文献   

We present the results of our study of the emission from the transient burster MX 0836-42 using its observations by the INTEGRAL and RXTE X-ray and gamma-ray observatories in the period 2003–2004. The source’s broadband X-ray spectrum in the energy range 3–120 keV has been obtained and investigated for the first time. We have detected 39 X-ray bursts from this source. Their analysis shows that the maximum 3–20-keV flux varies significantly from burst to burst, F ~ (0.5–1.5) × 10?8 erg cm?2 s?1. Using the flux at the maximum of the brightest detected burst, we determined an upper limit for the distance to the source, D ? 8 kpc.  相似文献   

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